A Bigger Picture Astrological Research

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Sharing and Caring Social Media YouTube Influencers, and Eris in Astrology

When the shiny planet Eris was discovered in 2005, social media came onto the scene. A whole new world of interacting, influencing and being came available.

There are accolades for being your true Self and in Glow-Up. This article is about these people. Overcoming crises through solace, sharing and caring.

I picked a few random examples of social media influencers / content creators, and I briefly summarised their experiences and journey, with the potential of a part two. To illustrate Eris energy and its higher expression. These are people that inspire me, with their bravery to be real, authentic and vulnerable. These are people, who despite being oddballs, shine and inspire others, and magnetically pull subscribers.

Lower expression Eris is the fakeness we see on social media. Recent marketing research showed a list of the top 23 powerful and inspirational female Instagram influencers you supposedly “need to follow”, and I was struck by the focus on materialism, looks, youth and beauty, and the superficiality of them all. Yet nobody can deny that they are influential. I am not saying that the individuals are all superficial in nature or character, because some may have grown beautifully into maturity, authenticity and self-fulfilment. But instead of focussing on materialistic pursuits, that are hyped up and supported by a superficial mainstream media, I want to focus on social media influencers that people RESONATE with on a deep heart connection level, just for the sake of it.

These empires are genuine and often self-sustaining, because they are built off of the Eris influencer’s positive energy.

The importance of doing what sparks joy in the heart, has never been so evident as during CoVid lockdowns, when people’s sense of security and safety were highly challenged.

These Social Media influencers invariably provided nurturing, emotional support and a safe harbour, during a very tough time. Sharing, caring and helping those who may not have known how to soothe their stressed state of being, or solve their own problems themselves. Providing entertainment, relief and emotional support for their online following, because the low vibrational content, and materialistic focus of mainstream media, is no longer palatable. This article is not about those who mainly build brand, even if they do end up going that route, it is about the resonance of the heart. Social media content is a form of joy and entertaining, yet this is unlike anything mankind has ever seen, where the people control the narrative. They can click off, or unsubscribe at any time, yet they don’t… They are invested because it is genuine… and they want to see more…

Eris Lower Expression:









lower self

Bad choices

Sneaky /Calculated

Eris Higher Expression:









Higher Self

Good choices

Benevolence for all

Camping with Steve - 809k Subscribers

An Unconventional Stealth Outdoor Camper

Camping with Steve is a great example of the kind of social media influencer with such magnetic appeal, and in joy about what he does, that you cannot help but admire him, and be in awe of his adventures. Canadian YouTuber Steve Wallis is referred to as a solo urban stealth camper that “hunker down” for the night in the oddest of places, where he is not allowed to… hoping not to be discovered. Sometimes it is next to a railroad, next to a main road, or next to a cemetery. Sometimes he camps in in a storm, or tries out a new hammock, tarp or tool that a subscriber gifted to him. Usually with some bear spray, something tasty to warm up on the gas stove, like chilli, and some grub.

At first, the idea seems really crazy but when a friend had me sit down to watch one of his videos, I recognised that his charm came from his authenticity, and how he felt about what he was doing, in his heart. This is why it resonates with me, and with others. He primarily posts videos on his unconventional camping, and prefers to enjoy the simple pleasures. He doesn’t like overpriced gear or admission fees. According to Wikipedia, Steve's channel has a primary focus on non-traditional styles of camping, such as "boondocking", "urban stealth", gold mining, "bushcraft" and yard camping. Many of his projects are centered on "taking back camping for the people" where he camps in parking lots, starts fires with hand sanitisers and avoids pricey camping equipment. He also enjoys drinking a beer or other appropriate beverage after he has set up camp which he refers to as "Step Two". Since July 2020, he posted weekly videos on Thursdays with structured 15-25 minute videos of "setting up camp, getting the fire ready, preparing his meal, going to bed, waking up, breaking down camp, and heading out". And according to the YouTube statistics, people continue to watch in fascination.

What a character! Watching Steve is oddly, but really satisfying. FYI, I can count the number of times I have camped in a tent on one hand. The video above has over 680k views.

In his 2021 Year In Review video, Steve said that he started 2021 with 435k subscribers, and ended it on 800k+.

Mark Rober - 21M Subscribers

Mark Rober produced incredibly entertaining videos over the CoVid-19 lockdown.

His intricate backyard squirrel Maze project, and the follow up projects, of which one had a staggering 51million views, were extremely enjoyable to watch.

Mark had those in lockdown boredom completely hooked and invested.

His glitter bomb projects were also a sensation. Mark is an extremely charismatic man whose new ideas on science and engineering are fun for people of all ages, and all walks of life. He clearly has a great time putting his projects together with his friends, and then sharing them. What fun!

Dianna in Korea - 133k Subscribers

A Brave Black Woman, part of an Interracial Family, in a Foreign Country of Homogenous Preference

Dianna in Korea randomly popped up in my YouTube feed, and I started to watch some of her videos.

It started with her video on how she and her husband secretly got married without his parent’s approval. South Korea is one of the most homogenous countries of the world, where the dominant culture of the people, are more closed-minded to globalisation, but it is changing. Dianna shares her happiness with her Korean husband Kyungho and twin kids Minji and Jun, through her entertaining and informational videos. She chronicles her kimchi making, the kids’ first Korean birthday, eating street food, their wedding, how they met, their challenges as an interracial couple and family, and being a new mom, are inspiring.

It is clear from one of her latest videos, that Dianna still feels somewhat unaccepted, like an alien, because she is the only African American black woman for miles, in a community and a nation that has a strong preference for ‘sameness’, and conforming to familial and cultural traditions. But she is so brave, strong, content and authentic, and more Koreans are starting to love her for her originality and uniqueness. Dianna is soft-hearted and lovely and it is easy to feel compassion for her, and to be in awe of her journey. And the wisdom and maturity gained from overcoming obstacles, to be with the man she loves. She doesn’t have a perfect life and clearly being a new mom of twins has its set of challenges, and adjustments that to be made. She struggles with losing weight after her recent pregnancy with twins, and the daily chores of caring for a lively household. It is clear that she has to juggle a lot, and re-prioritise her sacred life force. Dianna still has a life worth celebrating,

a loving family, and worth taking pride in. She is human after all… and a beautiful soul.

Dianna is an inspiration to other Koreans who want to break out of the mould (mold?) and live authentic and amazing lives, according to their personal preference. Eris style.

There are many similar mixed race YouTube families like theirs.

The Dream Clairvoyant - 136k Subscribers

A Tarot Reader and Clairvoyant that Teaches on Relationship Dynamics

Dream, as The Dream Clairvoyant calls her self, has inspired me tremendously with her tarot readings during the co-vid lockdowns. She and her readings have been very instrumental for me in understanding relationship dynamics, and what I know call Eris relationship game of chess dynamics. The tarot is a set of playing cards that originate from at least the mid-15th century in various parts of Europe, but I find the YouTube readings a great teachable moment, on the behaviours and games people play in relationships. Dream teaches on how she understand the tarot, and how it helps to explain the immature, ego-driven, reckless, obsessive lower vibrational choices people make. And the cause and effect and karma that is reaped, when one indulge in lower vibrational games like third-party entanglements, gaslighting, narcissism, illusions, facades and emotions like jealousy, envy, spite or vindictiveness, especially during an Eris transit. Dream talks about the wheel of fortune card, and how one is either having fortune, or misfortune, based on the choices made in previous cycles. She talks about those who had learnt valuable lessons in previous cycles, that now reap their harvests and the bountiful new opportunities that may have come after a time of growth, learning and evolving. And also the karma that selfish evildoers reap due to bad choices and bad behaviour, like the strategic sweet-talking, bread-crumbing, or ghosting due to selfishness and self-indulgence, that may now have them stuck in stagnancy, unable to make progress in life. Dream may not know this, but I consider her an expert in Eris relationship matters and dynamics, and learning how to grow good judgement and reach mental clarity after deliberation and a time of purification. She points out the missing piece of the puzzle; which may be that ONE aspect that a person may have been in denial of in a situation, or did not understand in relation, which is highly valuable in helping them grow, become stronger and masterful, and mature in their personal lives.

Those who understand how to use synchronicity to serve them and apply healthy discernment, can gain powerful insights from tarot readings.

Not only on human behaviour in others, but hidden drivers, motivations or unconscious patterns, that with the light of awareness shone on them, may become powerful catalysts and agents of positive change. These are powerful Eris issues.

The Rider–Waite–Smith tarot deck is the most widely used, with 22 major arcana and 56 minor arcana cards. Dream provides a highly valuable guidance service through tarot to her community, and even though not everyone share her beliefs in the Christian faith, there is great value in her readings for overcoming obstacles and gaining positive transformation. She often takes her viewers through a dark night of the soul crisis experience, which proceeds the rising of the Phoenix, where a person rises up in confidence, independence, self-sufficiency and security.

Now having the wisdom and experience to avoid future ‘Tower-moment’ disasters by severing ties with unsupportive, unhealthy situations and connections, and making better choices. Her sharing is a blessing.

It is important to remember that the rise in rank and position in tarot is often seen in terms of increase in status and success, when it is really symbolic of the evolution into different maturity levels, which is more precious that the superficial pursuits or immature states of being.

Overcoming Crises through Compassion and Nurturing.

Sharing and Caring. To elevate.

Helping those who don’t know how to solve their own problems themselves.

Eris energy in astrology is often seen for the warmongering troublemaker, but that is just because she shines a light on the need for change in society and in relationships with others, by provoking our natural reactions, so we can see where and what that leads to.

According to Wikipedia, models of internal heating via radioactive decay suggest that dwarf planet Eris could have an internal ocean of liquid water at the mantle–core boundary. This suggests, that like Ceres and Sedna, Eris too has a watery, emotional, nurturing quality. This is further emphasised by Eris’ sabian symbol...

Sabian Symbol for 20 degrees Aries

The Sabian symbol for Eris in her discovery chart is “a young girl feeding birds in winter”, which is synonymous with the receptive maiden Persephone, who along with her mother, cared for the earth. It’s benevolence, compassion and nourishment, wether physically, emotionally or spiritually, even when times are tough, conditions are cold, or seemingly hopeless. It is being fearless in generosity of spirit, good intentions, and doing for others, despite winter’s harshness, and cruelty. There is also an element of aid for those less fortunate, without an expectation of reward. The girl has the ability to sustain life and hope, and is a blessing to the needy. Her acts of kindness has resonance in her heart, and it is genuine; it is not an act of kindness lacking heart. The birds are denied abundance during a frosted season, but the young girl shares her’s with them to sustain them through the trying time. This is a characteristic of femininity, and emotional maturity. Like the Empress in the tarot, which may be viewed as Eris higher expression energy.

Astrologer Alan Clay explains in this educational presentation, that the girl giving to the birds is widely open to the promptings of love and sympathy, especially to those who don’t know how to solve their problems themselves. Alan said that:

“This symbol shows the ability to help those in need of help, to provide safety, security, nourishment or emotional support, especially to those who may not know how to solve their own problems. There are those that stubbornly resist moving on, or changing their habits, even if it is to their detriment, and providing them with a safe harbour can bring many rewards. This is about sharing and caring.”


Please note that the number of subscribers mentioned, is from the time of compiling this article, and may not reflect what they are at the time readers read this article.

The Eris conjunct Saturn aspect will be a massive influence in the seven year Haumea Yod that will be in the astrological sky from 2022 - 2028, at the reaction point in a Boomerang Yod. The Foundations of Change online course describes the dynamics in detail.

Why do people feel like they are losing their heads since the start of 2020?

Read all about the strange mixed bag of energies we’ve been having since the start of 2020, like the four Yods and three Hammer of Thor aspect patterns, in The Pentagram of Change online course.

Learn more about the bigger picture by going to courses.

See this content in the original post


You will dominate this situation by reaching higher consciousness

The One Who Was Against You Now Sees You As Their Greatest Inspiration. Guilty & Ashamed and Extended

9 of the Biggest Social Media Influencers on Instagram

The Masculine & Karmic Had A Mutual Agreement But When He Met You It Changed Everything!

They like you even more since the karmic female slandered you

They were spiteful! Chose a dark witch.

The world needs your talents

This Imposter Was Pretending To Be The Divine Feminine To Be With Him. The Truth Revealed!

Obsessed with taking on your energy and spiritual gifts…

Fell in their own trap, tried to ruin your character

They Will Reach Out But I believe You Deserve Better. Use Discernment.

You may be hacked, copied and slandered, but the angel of vengeance is out

This spineless clown is about to fall from grace… you tried to save them

There’s a hater amongst you

You Took Back Your Divine Energy And All Who Used It Unrightfully Have Fallen To Defeat!

They’ve been hunting you for years. It’s no fun when the rabbit’s got the gun. It’s time to run.

You were sent to free them from the devil, but they chose to sacrifice you

The Divine Has Made A Fool Of This Narcissist. All Their Plans Against You Backfired!

They hate their own life, so they project.

This Karmic Set You Both Up! Paid Someone To Distract You And Your Person.

OMG The truth is worse than what you thought.

To be or not be petty

Let Go Of What Happened And Fulfill The Divine Purpose That God Has For You.