A Bigger Picture Astrological Research

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Eris, the Dark Night of the Soul and the Phoenix Rising

Eris energy has an understanding of what is right and just, and redemption unlike any other. Not until an individual has gone through a significant dark night of the soul, can they appreciate the bigger picture; the grandiosity of that vision.

A dark night of the soul plunges the individual into dark depths, unlike any other experience in life. It may come through the loss of relationships, an investment, a career, a failure, or something you hold extremely dear. This loss can be so devastating, perhaps making a person feel that there is no light at the end of the tunnel, nothing left to live for, or nothing left to give. It feels just dreadful… a description that is a huge understatement of course…

Fortunately there is a benefit to be had in this, as hard as it may seem during the experience. Some people have multiple dark night of the Soul experiences, and by a miraculous feat they are able to traverse themselves through it, and out at the other end; transformed.

It helps when you understand the process, so you can flow with the agenda. Not fighting it, and avoiding the prolonging of your suffering, which is unnecessary.

I have had a few significant dark night of the soul phases in my life. Even though I may perhaps not be able to call myself an expert on the matter in the eyes of some, experience do lend a certain clout, and I shall own that. I have also done a lot of reading on the issue, in order to understand my experience, and after more than a decade of interest in astrology as well, and more recent an interest in Eris, I am allowing divine inspiration to flow on this matter. In addition, there are plenty of amazing resources on the internet that describe this very personal experience very well.

I experienced multiple losses over 2020, along with humanity as a whole. But after a period of severe stillness and grieving, my

inspiration returned, and I have felt inspired to write about it. To not only facilitate my own healing, but the writings may be of assistance to others. It has been a brutal time of self examination and allowing feeling everything that rise up, and letting it be. The phoenix do rise from the ashes of psychological death. More beautiful, radiant and conscious than before.

I have already produced a significant amount of content on astrological Eris and her many facets, faces and expressions, on this website. So hopefully, I don’t repeat myself too much. Just like Uranus, Eris is also a great awakener. A tower moment so shocking, that it leaves you forever changed. It is catastrophe, discord, unforeseen setbacks, that bring despondency and a period of frustration. Dreams may disintegrate into ashes. One of the significant things that seems to co-inside with such an experience, is the silence that descends. It was felt both individually and collectively. The silence during severe co-vid lockdowns was so palpable. Entire neighbourhoods blanketed in a death-like freeze. A feeling of dangling over an abyss.

What is the Dark Night of the Soul?

Saint John of the Cross, a Spanish Monk, wrote a poem about the journey, and author Caroline Myss wrote about it so beautifully and extensively in her books. The Dark Night of the Soul experience may be felt as a period of hopelessness, depression and melancholy; like a spiritual depravation of sorts. It can be a time of feeling the loss of meaning in life, out-of-touch with the Divine, feeling betrayed or forsaken by Life, and having no solid or stable ground to stand on. While the Dark Night of the Soul isn’t the same as regular depression, it can be thought of as spiritual depression, or existential form of crises that may not be cured with therapy or psychiatry. It is a time when we often withdraw in isolation, and it is the process of looking within for something ‘intangible’, in stillness. During such a time we find a deeper level of emotion, and concerns that may not be apparent on the surface. A dark night of the soul is a kind of initiation, taking us from one phase of life into another.

It may be experienced as a kind of sleep-like trance, a transformative stage, a psychological death and rebirth into a more integrated Self. It describes the fear and pain that may come from spiritual growth, a journey full of risk, where there are no guarantees. Like Humpty-Dumpty that fell from a brick wall, shattering his egg shell. He needed to be put together again, but will never the same again. For how can you fully repair something innately fragile, like a glass, to its original state. You can not. The old form forever destroyed and gone.

I believe the Dark Night of the Soul is the potential for glorious re-integration of human and soul, after a tumultuous time of letting go, shedding the old, and opening to allow change. The answers are within each individual. It is in the human heart, where the wisdom and blessings may be found.

People who go into a Dark Night of the Soul for the first time, may initially struggle greatly. They may try to find a strategy, or bargain, that brings some restoration or relief from the traumatic experience.

And when nothing seems to work, or bring alleviation, they certainly don’t expect that, if they persevere through the experience, and allow the transformation, to be reborn into a beautiful new creature. Those people who deliberately initiated a great loss for another, also, don’t expect that the other person may - ultimately - greatly benefit from the gruelling experience either.

The divine works magic in mysterious ways. By divine rearrangement, ultimately for the benefit of all. When I went into my Dark Night of the Soul in 2020, I understood the anatomy of such an experience, because I understood

the process, and I could see how it was being triggered in my astrological chart. It felt rotten for a very long time. I actually remember describing to an acquaintance; feeling like a pile of leaves, sitting in staleness, rotting, and decomposing, slowly… slowly… dying the metaphorical death. I knew that there would be the birth of a grander, freer version of Self, eventually. But some times we underestimate just how long such a process may take. My partner and pets can attest to the fact that I spent many hours just sitting, just staring. Distraught. Discombobulated. Feeling my loss. It is what it is; a normal human process that happens to everyone at some point in their life, designed to disrupt the dysfunctional foundations of Self, and ultimately usher in a glorious restoration of more authentic Self. Supportive partners, who can just sit with you in compassion, and let you be, are such a blessing.

Feel the Dark Night of the Soul in Astrology

All the outer planets have the potential to ignite a significant Dark Night of the Soul experience: Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Eris and Chiron (an asteroid). Both transits and progressions in the astrological birth chart, can ignite a spiritual crisis, and 2020 was the perfect storm. Many astrologers saw it coming years prior, and speculated on it, yet nothing could prepare for the actual intensity of it.

Since the start of 2020, Pluto in Capricorn had conjunctions to Saturn and Jupiter, and is still making a square to Eris until 2023. These points were triggered by Mars at the second half of 2020, and it was intense. Eris is the 10th planet after Pluto, and astrologers have been slow to talk about her influence, because she is new in our consciousness; we are still learning about her expression.

I believe Eris is intimately connected to the current wave of awakenings and transformations, and the psychological crises that many are having at the moment.

The objective? Growth. Clarity.

This is discussed multiple times in other articles on this website. This website is exclusively dedicated to pioneering views and writings about Eris, but I will briefly describe the outer planets’ influences, as it relates to the kinds of changes they tend to bring:


A dark night of the soul initiated by a Saturn transit may feel restricting, like a path littered with seemingly endless obstacles and limitations. And the rise of fear, that one is not adequate, or don’t have enough. Responsibilities may feel heavy and burdening. In the positive expression, one can work towards building confidence and stability, and to stop fighting the process. Don’t be so hard on your Self. Saturn has some goodies when you work with the energy constructively.


A Uranus transits may involve feelings of being shocked and jolted, to the point where the body’s central nervous systems may feel overloaded with an exhausting electrical current. The function of Uranus is a metaphoric awakening of the individual through a psychological breakthrough, an unexpected event, or a departure from old forms. It represents conscious shock, the ability of the individual to break through to new levels, or realms of understanding or consciousness.


A dark night of the soul initiated by a Neptune transit in the birth chart, dissolves what you knew, and may feel like a period of confusion, withdrawal, and disconnection from the world. There may be no clear path forward for some time, and the challenge is to go with the flow, despite the uncertainty. Fighting what is happening, may bring more discomfort. This time spent alone in surrender, may lead to a sense of oneness or feeling bliss.


Pluto transits tend to focus on the dysfunctional matters in your life, those things that no longer serve you, wiping the slate clean for a new start. Pluto acts by completely overhauling a form – a part of the psyche or an area of life – by destroying it and then recreating it. It signifies the area of life where a person will undergo deep, transformative change, of a lasting kind.


Eris transits often involves taking someone’s good nature as an open invitation to be a complete asshole. Eris transits teaches us that it is a mistake to assume that if something bad happens to you, that it is only bad. Sometimes injustices, may end up - ultimately - being a blessing in disguise, perhaps working in your favour, or bring blessings beyond belief. Justice for Self by divine orchestration is the very best kind (and might not be what you expect!). It does ask you to replace fear with faith, that all may turn out as it should. There is benefit in not taking revenge, when there had been some kind of small-mindedness or f***ery in relationships. Allow change. When Eris energy is at her most intense, people experience feeling mental health problems. Also sensory overload; an experience of too much emotions and sensations, and more information than the brain can process effectively. Being this overwhelmed with stimuli, experiencing that feeling of dangling over an abyss, can result in meltdowns and a person needing timeout.

Eris lower expression entails a mental imbalance. Why?

Eris higher expression people are sweet, heart-felt, caring, abundant, and intuitive, and this is becomes a huge problem at the start of Eris transits. At the heart of the problem is the Eris lower expression, that suddenly turns antagonistic enemy and wants to turn this sweet person upside down, perhaps even knock them out of their position. It’s the Eris polarity of vice versus virtue; getting achievement, status or satisfaction from causing suffering for another. Inverting another person; for a selfish gain. Often out of jealousy or envy.


Chiron is an asteroid, but a powerful player in initiating dark night of the soul experiences. This is the area in our birth charts where we feel wounded, alienated, or left out in the cold. This is a time period in which we learn to ‘attempt to’ heal ourselves through reintegration and healing work.

As you can see, all of these experiences has the potential to initiate a personal crisis. Yet Pluto and Eris are the farthest from planet earth, and very potent in their effects on us psychologically. According to this website:

“Pluto and Eris are both powerful energies that can bring radical change, and the need to make a dramatic transition in our lives. As they are both considered planets of higher consciousness and awakening, their presence can also instigate spiritual awakenings and dark night of the soul type energy.”

Progressed personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) in the chart, in conjunction with outer planets in the natal chart, and transiting outer planets, may also initiate this kind of experience. An experienced western astrologer may be able to help find and identify these triggers in the chart, if that interests the reader. See the Recommendations page.

Eris will be a massive influence in the seven year Haumea Yod that will be in the astrological sky from 2022 - 2028, at the reaction point in a Boomerang Yod. The Foundations of Change online course describes the dynamics in detail.

Why do people feel like they are losing their heads since the start of 2020?

Read all about the strange mixed bag of energies we’ve been having since the start of 2020, like the five pointed star, the four Yods and three Hammer of Thor aspect patterns, in The Pentagram of Change online course.

Learn more about the bigger picture by going to courses.

Eris: Feel Divine Discontentment

Eris transits bring strife, discord and discontentment with emotional matters rising. It often starts with intense anger or righteous rage, but after that wave has passed, the tears follow; showing that underneath the anger is a deep well of personal pain.

This is described in great detail in previous articles. A person may experience a lot of repressed emotions rising to the surface, begging to be looked at and re-experienced. Old insecurities, low self esteem, and vulnerabilities are relived. Many people feel overwhelmed by the emergence of inner feelings suddenly erupting; to be worn like their heart on their sleeves, hanging out for all to see. They feel utter emotional turmoil. They are unhappy and miserable with themselves. Old dreams, aspirations, and childhood pleasures, now gone due to adulthood pressures, are remembered; the loss felt. They may look at the good things another person has, and feel jealous and discontent. These emotional experiences and psychological material may likely have been there for many years, lying seemingly dormant, until this time, when they bubble up to the surface. Uncomfortable. Unwelcome. Unloved. Like a volcano building pressure from the inside, seeking the path of least resistance. Red flag ominous tremors or smoke warnings cannot be held back... Perhaps it will emerge in the form of molten lava? Or perhaps there will be an emotional eruption/disruption of biblical proportions. Who knows, until it happens? This release of repressed emotions may eventually assist in the clearing out of the inner landscape, and perhaps bringing on the emotional calm to make better decisions; that are based on investing in heart happiness, not fleeting ego-mind satisfactions.

Eris transits can be times when the chaos and perceived loss can cause people to hit rock bottom, but if they should look closer at how the energy operates, they may realise that Eris transits may help to crack open the heart, where it had not been open before, to new opportunities.

An Eris initiated dark night of the soul may eventually help a person see a higher perspective based in the human heart. It is a compassionate review of the past, and not being attached to old forms. Setting your Self free.

There may also be a desire to be free from all authority that does not support individual (Eris in Aries) authenticity, expression and freedom. Some find that they don’t want to listen to an outer authority anymore. They may not even want to listen to the ego-mind; telling them they are not worthy, or not good enough.

This is the time to break through the old barriers, that kept them from happiness, abundance, and their true whimsical Selves. Both Eris and Pluto energy brings a significant crisis to the forefront. What will I have to release, or change, so that I can grow into emotional intelligence, and allow my true radiant Self to be present?

The justice is something you bring to Self. It is not your responsibility to nurture and care for everyone else’s emotions, above your own. Eris teaches us to claim and own our feminine flow, to always have your own back, and trust your Self, not caring what the rest of the world may think. Radically accept yourself fiercely and wholly.

Feminine power is beautiful, graceful, nurturing, creative, and warm. There is flow in being. There is grace in silence. Feminine state of being is focused on feelings and sensing, and the light of the soul. Eris brings discord where change is needed.

Defence and Protection Mechanisms of the Human Ego

The ego is not the enemy of the human being. The ego actually goes with the human being into Self mastery. So why is the ego of the mind such a problem?

It acts both as a mechanism to operate in the world, and as a defence mechanism against getting hurt. This is a time of self-awareness, change and toning down how criticism had been assimilated into the ego self in the past. The Co-Vid lockdowns are serving as time off, so that people can come to a stand still, and explore their inner structure. To allow what comes up to be recognised and released. People are allowing, and learning that there is a more authentic Self, hidden behind a lot of clutter.

Other articles on this website talks about psychological hacking and projection, that the egos of people employ; in order to protect themselves. Perhaps indulging in making themselves feel superior, by making another inferior, through things like manipulation, gaslighting, scapegoating, psychological projections etc. Immature people who project these things, have not done the internal work, which is why they project all the time, and refuse to take accountability. There may be bad habits a person is unwilling to outgrow, continually playing with karmic people and third parties, not living a life of integrity, being self-indulgent, not taking good people in their life serious etc. A dark night of the soul challenges the human ego tremendously. The disparity between the haves and the have nots are hugely amplified. The experience causes a person to be triggered by other’s good experiences and growth. They may start to recognise that the ego illusions and the castles that they have built, will have to be let go…

A dark night of the soul may also be about recognising the different forms of criticism. Some criticism is there to elevate one person’s ego self importance, and to break another down. Other criticism may come from someone who had lived through an experience, and benefitted in the form of growth from it, that now looks upon another; as potentially benefitting from their constructive criticism. Some criticism is there to elevate, to help you develop, and further uplift your Self as a human being.

It is important to recognise when someone is criticising with the intent to elevate themselves, and push you down. And when someone is offering expansive, growth-inducing criticism.

This is why a dark night of the soul can be such a blessing in disguise. It is a process of change from one state, into another. It may initially feel like a tremendous torture, to let go of old dysfunctional ways of being, but once you get with the program, it may bring tremendous blessings…

This is a time of stand still, in which people are learning new skills; like going into stillness, and going beyond the ego. Not taking on the criticisms of other people, not falling for their projections, and not being hard on your Self with your own criticisms either…

Eris: Feel The Goddess of Being

Tanaaz of Foreverconsicous.com wrote a beautiful article describing the higher expression of Eris energy. Here is a small portion:

“Along with being known as the Goddess of Discord and Strife, Eris is also known as the Goddess of Being.

This is where we can really start to understand the potentials and energy that this planet can bring.

Eris’ energy is highly erratic, it brings chaos, it stirs things up. She likes to shake things and rattle our cages, but it is through this process that we are forced to see things differently. It is through this process that we are able to find a way to just be.

When life gets tough, when so many things are changing and ebbing and flowing around us, we very often have no other choice than to surrender.

While we are being swept out to sea, the more we fight the waves, the faster we will drown. Being swept out to sea is no fun, but in that moment we learn the truth of surrendering. We learn the art of just being.

It’s in moments of chaos that, the masks we have been wearing melt away, leaving who we really are.

That is what Eris tries to inspire. Its energy inspires us to release the judgments, embrace the chaos of life, and to find the strength to just be ourselves.”

Eris square Pluto - Phoenix Rising first destroys its old Self

There are many stories and myths that describe human progression through the stages of life, like the Hero’s Journey, the Phoenix Rising, the Mythology of Eris, and other Greek tragedies played out as a kind of healing journey towards wholeness.

Eris started her square to Pluto in 2020 and this will be active until 2023, and felt beyond. Eris is the mythological Greek Goddess of discord and strife. The Phoenix also originated in Greek Mythology. It is described as a bird which could live for a long period, and when the time comes for its death, it would burn up and become reborn from the ashes. A more integrated Self is re-born. A similar legend is also found in Ancient Egyptian Mythology.

The fabled bird is said to have a life span of around 500 years.

A full transit of Pluto around the sun is about 248 years.

A full transit of Eris around the Sun is about 556 years!

An interesting give away, isn’t it? Both Pluto and Eris have been associated with the Phoenix Rising experience, however, Eris may be a truer reflection of the full expression of the energy.

Pluto transits are known to be powerful, wiping the slate clean for a fresh start, so to speak. But truth-telling Eris transits may prove to be superior as an agent of total change, meaning the restoration of the authentic Self, Soul Self or Higher Self. Healthy sensing and feeling.

Modern additions to the myth in popular culture say the tears of the phoenix have immense healing powers, and if the phoenix is near, one cannot tell a lie. Truth-telling is another Eris issue. Continually morphing, the phoenix represents the idea that the end is only the beginning.

Ancient civilisations had knowledge of these matters, and built them into their myths, tales, stories, plays and fables to be passed on through the generations, as a gift of knowledge.

In regard to personal or spiritual growth, the “phoenix rising from the ashes” can represent the letting go of old ideas, beliefs, or ways of being - something that must occur for real change to take place in our human experience.

Oftentimes change is painful. When what we’ve known to be “true” is no more, it can feel like a death has occurred. And here we get into the “death /rebirth” metaphor - something must die to make room for the new thing to rise and take its place.

Keeping the phoenix symbol in mind can assist us when we are tempted to judge the end of something as “bad” or “wrong.”

Phoenix represents transformation, strength and renewal; Pluto themes. In other words it represents something new that has been born from something that has been destroyed. The bird symbolises hope, renewal, progress, end of oppression, and eternity. It is no wonder that it has inspired many tales, and legends.

The Phoenix emerges from a catastrophe, stronger, smarter, and more powerful.

This expression symbolises that a person has arisen from flames born anew, beating life challenges, and defeating hard times.

In astrology, Pluto symbolise death and transformation.

But Eris awakening and transcendence promises something similar, yet different, and special to those who will take the time to explore her dimensions.

Like a diamond, Eris has many facets. The goal? Coming out of denial, growth, clarity, and levelling up.

See other articles on this website to learn more about Eris.

The Holy Bible and the Dark Night of the Soul

A dark night of the soul may be felt as a trial, like being tested by fire, to test your resolve and your trust. Heartaches, wickedness and loss may have been encountered, but new opportunities and blessings may be coming to you, to elevate your vibrational status and provide restoration. These experiences may have hurt the heart, but after a time of healing, and allowing the past to be in the past, profound transformation may be a huge blessing. Having gone through these trials, new opportunities may end up offsetting the difficulties of the past. What has not worked out in the past, may in fact be a blessing in disguise, to help elevate you to your emotional mastery. I believe Jesus Christ understood Eris energy very well, for he embodied it.

The Holy Bible has an astonishing amount of Eris issues, themes and stories in it.

It’s about those who had been wronged by people or circumstances, having to forgive and let go, rising and elevating instead. Not indulging in unforgiveness. Experiencing a resurrection of sorts, to be born again, new.

According to Greek poet Homer, the bloodiest battle in history, the Trojan War, went on for ten years. This is about the timeframe that Eris’s strife and conflict energy can stay active in one degree of the zodiac if you consider the following. Eris can stay in one degree of the zodiac for up to 7 years depending, unlike Pluto transits where the energy is active in one degree for up to 2-3 years depending. Pluto has an orbit around the sun of 248 years, where for Eris it is 558 years. When orbs around this one degree of the zodiac are added, one may be able to justify why Eris energy can stay active for up to 10 years… and when the Wheel of Fortune as it pertains to Eris energy is considered, this is quite plausible.

Eris lower expression energy has the potential to be extremely destructive and cause immense suffering and hopelessness, but the higher expression energy holds the potentials for alchemy and benevolent change that breaks that stalemate energy.

Image: One of the astrological glyphs for Eris. There are several, but this one seems to be the most used by the astrological community. More on WikiMedia Commons.

Eris Transits 2020 - 2028

Transit Eris in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn five times causing opportunity for growth and awareness. The key dates are:

  • 26 January 2020

  • 14 June 2020

  • 10 December 2020

  • 27 August 2021

  • 9 October 2021

  • Personal planets will continue to stir the trigger points with conjunctions.

  • In orb October 10 ~ Feb 11 2023

  • In orb April 8 2023 ~ December 26 2023

  • In orb July 27 2024 ~ November 2 2024

  • Leaves November 3 2024.

Starting in 2024 to 2028, Eris and Chiron will be conjunct in Aries. In 2027, Saturn will start its conjunction to Eris, going into 2028. These transits are described in great detail in previous articles on this website.

Other articles on Astrological Eris and Envy:

See this gallery in the original post


The Dark Night of the Soul

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