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Maleficent and Eris as Archetypes, Striving and Envy of Another's Things

The internet has a mouth-full about Eris, Goddess of Strife and Discord in negative expression.

This article shows that Eris too has a more positive expression in astrology, just like the other planets.

Why was Maleficent (from the Grimm’s folk tale Sleeping Beauty) so discontented and acting justified? Why so many parallels between Eris and Disney’s Maleficent, Protector of the Moors? This is also a look at historical Eris through the eyes of astrologer Kesenya Moore, the destruction of ancient civilisations like the Spanish invasion of the Inca; who had a wealth of much coveted gold. Also how this relates to nations striving for things that belongs to another, to elevate their own situation. Begrudging and selfish to the bone, as the patriarchy has been.

This information so beautifully illustrates why awareness and expression of the astrological signature of Eris will continue to grow in our consciousness. More people are turning to the study of astrology and its psychology; to attempt to understand why they are triggered by other people, into having emotional disruptive moments, that are unsettling. Eris lower expression entails a mental health crisis…

Image: Historical Replica Spartan Warrior Helmet

The Eris square Pluto aspect of 2020/2021 remains in orb of influence until 2024 (see details at bottom), and people continue to see the benefits of creating sacred space. There is a growing enjoyment of sitting in one’s own energy, and allowing the transformational experiences that come from peaceful heart contemplation, an antidote to the chaos. Eris’ energy started to become pronounced with the stressful squares between Eris and Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter in 2020, as well as the three conjunctions of Eris and Mars. There was immense social chaos, intensity, exposures of truth, aggression, and fear of the coronavirus, to name a few…

Who is Eris, and why does she name Envy?

The dwarf planet Eris takes around 558 years to complete one orbit around the sun. Eris in myth symbolises the disempowered cry out in anger and pain, and the exposure of those who have used power to abuse others. She is the rage at the unfair balance of power, and the conditions which create unfairness, competition, and enemies.

In Greek Mythology, Eris was the Goddess of chaos, strife and discord, who was not invited to a prominent wedding. She came anyway, threw a golden apple into the wedding crowd, inscribed “For the most beautiful one”. An action that led to the judgement of Paris and indirectly resulted in the Trojan War. Eris was also said to be the sister of Ares, the Greek god of war. In Roman mythology, Ares was named Mars. They are described as brother and sister. In his book On the Cusp: Astrological Reflections from the Threshold, Philip Brown explains that another form of the word strife, is “striving”. Competition creates conditions where individuals or groups of people strive to improve their situations in life.

This website describes the details around Eris; as the bold, brave, and independent feminine archetype. Hers are the cries, that have been muffled, ignored, discounted, and dominated for centuries and millennia by patriarchal structures, battles and power plays. She will no longer be silenced, suppressed, abused, or invisible. She is waking up to the truth and will use her voice to tell it.

Currently, she rips the facades down like never before, both personally and collectively, and there is a tremendous opportunity to transform our relationship to authority (Pluto), and to step into a deeper, more authentic relationship with ourselves and our lives.

To do so, we have have to see through the illusions of limiting beliefs and be more fearless and honest. Eris seeks deep, not superficial discussions, and recognition of the need for structural solutions, that is for the benefit of all involved.

The Eris archetype has been misrepresented as the disruptive and war-mongering woman.

The begrudging (envy) of the patriarchy is projected and scapegoated onto her, but her behaviour is a justified reaction to the abuse of power.

See, the things that Eris was blamed for and silenced for, was the brainchild of Zeus and Themis, to create immense discord in the heart, and strife at the wedding feast of Peleus and Thetis. To lead to the infamous injustice of the Judgement of Paris, as well as the Trojan War and the death of the Age of Heroes… who Zeus feared might overthrow him. All of this was blamed on Eris… and the illusion kept in place by the illusion-maker… Zeus, king of Olympus.

Eris’s intention is not to incite violence, but to raise issues that have been sidelined. She does not bow down to any authority, but her own heart. She in fact respects, loves, and has compassion for all of humanity. Eris values fairness for all. She sees the envy and oppression by the super wealthy. She sees the power mongers who claim superiority and ownership of money and resources, and how they destroy the goodness for everyone else around them. And that is how Eris relates to envy. She sees it, and will name it.

This is why Eris is never welcome at a prominent gathering, for she will say the truthful things, that others don’t want to hear, and don’t want to take accountability for. When envy is named, it must retreat, because it exposes; for all to revolt and riot against, for liberation and truth.

Disney’s Maleficent, the Healing Cure, Frienemies, Envy, Discord and Misplaced Anger

On 28 May 2014, Disney released the film Maleficent starring Angelina Jolie as the dark fairy; the parallels to Eris are very strong. It is a fantastic story of injustice, healing and recovery of Self (Eris in Aries). Watch one of the movie trailers below:

Image: Maleficent cosplay via Wikimedia Commons.

In his book Tenth Planet, Henry Selzer explains that Angelina herself actually has Eris very prominent in her birth chart. Eris, Moon, Mars and Jupiter are conjunct her midheaven, all of them in Aries. Along with Jupiter, her elevated Eris-Moon represents the potential for dealing with the public, leading to success in professional life, and for portraying feminine warrior figures.

An article written by astrologer Demetra George describes the film as the archetypal themes reflecting and evoking a catharsis in the observer.

Arising from Jung’s ‘collective unconscious,’ these motifs speak to the resolutions of the dramas of the human condition. Many Asclepian healing sanctuaries in antiquity contained Theatres of Dionysos, which suggests that viewing the timeless Greek tragedies was part of the healing cure. And so is watching the film. Demetra’s description was touching:

Image: Maleficent via Wikimedia Commons.

“Maleficient, starring Angelina Jolie in a critically acclaimed performance, is “the untold story of Disney’s most iconic villain from the 1959 classic Sleeping Beauty.” A beautiful, pure-hearted young woman with stunning black wings, Maleficent has an idyllic life growing up in a peaceable forest kingdom, until one day when an invading army of humans threatens the harmony of the land. Maleficent rises to be the land’s fiercest protector, but she ultimately suffers a ruthless betrayal – an act that begins to turn her pure heart to stone. Bent on revenge, Maleficent faces an epic battle with the king of the humans and, as a result, places a curse upon his newborn infant Aurora. As the child grows, Maleficent realizes that Aurora holds the key to peace in the kingdom – and to Maleficent’s true happiness as well.”

Both the negative and positive expression of Maleficent, in Demetra’s description, is so beautifully laid out.

At the start of the film, VIRTUOUS Maleficent, Protector of the Moors is open hearted, and heart healthy. She revels in her daily flight over a magical forest realm and its inhabitants. This is what she values and holds dear in her heart, and she finds joy in her sage stewardship of this beauty for it continues to flourish magically. Until it is threatened by the bordering human kingdom, who have always envied its jewels. Those who cannot appreciate this, without spoiling it… Those who are incapable of sharing her vision. Those who are poor of character…

Maleficent thinks in terms of what is for everyone’s benefit, with the application of wisdom.

Preserving the magical life in the moors for its virtuous creatures, while defending it from those who are driven by the ego mind to plunder it.

A brutal invasion of greedy humans gave her the drive to trump power, to protect the moors. However she suffered a ruthless betrayal, through aspiring hero Stephan - the love-talker player - who played the role of the sweetheart, but sought instant gratification for himself at the expense of long-term happiness. Under the guise of romance, he tricked and drugged her, mutilated and stole her magical black wings, to serve his own ambitions and greed. As a result, she was deeply disturbed. Note the position where her wings had been attached; they had been ripped from her back, where they were attached close to her heart. She turned cold and detached at being done dirty. She was bent on revenge, cursing the child princess, the offspring of her enemy, after not being invited to the christening. Over time Maleficent watched Aurora grow from afar, and gradually began to care for her over the years of watching her. Maleficent opened emotionally as the child captured what was left of her heart. She realised that the child held the key to peace in the kingdom, showing that ultimately; harmony and happiness for all is what Maleficent desired. Satisfaction for the heart, not satisfaction for the ego mind. Ultimately, Eris energy seeks fulfilment and benevolence for all, as well as justice for each individual Self to be authentic and free.

Maleficent is an excellent example of the Eris oscillation between the heart-centred feminine, and the hard-heartedness of the woman scorned, who refused to heal and restore balance.

And then being confused in the true character of people, between the love-rat who pretended to love her, and his offspring, who turned out to be authentic, pure and innocent after all. Without her connection to her heart, her energy, her soul magic, her feelings and her senses, Maleficent was perplexed and lost. Who was real and who was the liar? Or are they cut from the same cloth? Out to deceive and harm Maleficent… again?

What is Authentic and Real, and Who is the Slanderous Faker of Virtue?

According to ancient Greek the word “Aurora” means “sunrise” or the dawning of a new day, which is another name for dawn star, which is sweet tempered Venus. In the modern retelling of the story, Maleficent (Eris) herself broke the spell casted on Aurora, symbolising a healing of the split between the dark denied feminine and the positive, loving feminine. Maleficent shedding a tear for her own misgivings, for having held on to low vibrational emotions, instead of healing and shedding them.

The Eris woman herself becoming more loving, just like the person she zoned in on, previously perceived to be the perfect target for her vengeance.

Eventually, Maleficent recognised her misplaced anger, for what it was. Not all that looks good is wholesome, and not all that looks pure, is evil…

Image: A rotten apple via Wikimedia Commons.

The abundant use of the colour emerald green in the film around Maleficent is no surprise; green is the colour of the heart chakra. The plot of the film is also abundant in issues of the heart, both the open-hearted and closed-hearted expression.

In the negative expression, the heart chakra represents jealousy, hatred, grief, loneliness, resentment, betrayal and emotional burdens.

In the positive expression the heart chakra is trust, hope, faith, drive, to love one Self and others, to heal, and see the beauty in all.

Eris’ discovery chart shows how narcissists aim to steal another’s deep emotional nourishment that may come from healthy, reciprocal relationship. They want others to feel how they feel.

This is how the targeted are made to suffer… through devaluation and violation, turning their relationships on them… isolating them in their inner torment…

Self-Expression, Autonomy and Independence Curtailed

Maleficent loved flying with her magical wings, enjoying her world, and freedom of expression in youth. (Ironically, some lore shows that Eris too had black wings.) The clipping of her wings was a huge blow; feeling diminished, reduced, and made out to be something she was not. Feeling weighed heavily, because she has unique qualities no one else has, and she is meant to be who she is. A gross injustice towards such a majestic and powerful being. To deliberately ground her, like a victim of oppression, who then becomes a villain who takes it out on those who are smaller and weaker. Her harshness and havoc rippling towards others who don’t deserve to be at the receiving end, but is made to suffer regardless. Her loss, becoming the torment of others. Strangely, the back story do take some bite out of her villainy…

According to Wikipedia, multiple reviewers and commentators have opined that an early scene in the movie, in which Stefan drugs Maleficent and removes her wings from her unconscious body, is a metaphor for rape. Angelina explained, among other things, that "at the core, it is abuse, and how the abused then have a choice of abusing others, or

overcoming and remaining loving, open people". She was asked: “What could make a woman become so dark and lose all sense of her maternity, her womanhood, and her softness?” and also "What could bring her back?"

Usually during Eris transits a person may be feeling huge waves of anger, which if allowed may naturally be followed by the energy of deep sorrow, that have to be released through weeping

The story shows that ultimately, a woman can release attachments to outcomes, let the dice fall where they may, and leave things to serendipity. Not necessarily giving up, but faith in divine orchestration behind the scenes.

Accepting that if things were not fair, not equal, or there was lack of truth in a situation, there may be opportunity to speak it, redress it, for justice by divine rearrangement. The tale shows that not resisting, but trusting, to have a victory, a celebration, a rebirth, and get what is fair, in whatever new form that comes, can be done. Clarity is the prize at the end of Eris transits, for those who did not give into the temptation, nor the addiction to low vibrational emotions, but allowed their healing and restoration instead.

Learning that she can recover from betrayals of the heart, reclaim her Self-control and magnificent Self-worth, even after brutal exploitation and betrayal. Articles like this, may help some to reclaim themselves through the eyes of astrology and myth. The power of the heart is indeed powerful. This shows that she can put the burdens down, forgive the enemy, love herself again, and allow her Self the joys of life.

Maleficent is called the most evil witch in some versions of the tale, or mistress of evil, but compared to the patriarchy who plunder another nation’s wealth, who is really evil-spirited? Who is the most unethical? Who is the poor of character? Who pretends to be righteous, but is greedy and falsely entitled? Who is truely diabolical? The patriarchy has demonised strong feminine figures for millennia, because of greed, spite, insecurity, malice...

Why was both Maleficent and Eris so acutely bent on protecting, persevering, and seeing justice served? That value and the right to exist, should be assigned where it is due.

Because of the self-serving people who stuff the good things up for everyone else, because of the temptations and instant gratifications of being human; greed, control, selfishness, admiration, attention, jealousy. Because they want the goodness another has, for themselves, and will force that takeover by any means. Winning at all cost. No matter what is hurt. No matter the long term consequences for everyone.

It is important to note that the lower expression Eris person is the admiration-whore (think Snow White’s stepmother who demanded sole admiration from the mirror). In relation to the Eris higher expression individual, the lower expression Eris person wants all the admiration for themselves, even though it is often undeserved… In the Maleficent movie, Maleficent is demonised, yet it is love-rat Stephan who is the true (hidden) Eris lower expression… Stephan wanted influence, admiration, position and status, even when undeserved. Eris energy is all about smoke-screens… and things not being what they seem… It’s the person behind all the fakery and f*****y, who is the one throwing bricks and hiding their hands… projecting onto others, blaming and scapegoating… never taking accountability. It’s always someone else’s fault.

A 500 Year Prophecy Cycling back into our Experience?

Eris conjunct Chiron in Aries 2024 - 2028

Eris conjunct Saturn in Aries 2027-2028

In the video below, Kesenya Moore has a tremendous amount of information to share on why Eris, Chiron and the outer planets will continue to play an astounding role in our lives in the next fives years and more.


The video is about the time of the Spanish invasion of Latin America, and the colonisation, persecution and destruction of native cultures in the millions. A lot of extremism, hostility, intolerance, and evil rose up, due to the hunt for gold. It was a dark time of immense tragedy for those wisdom-keepers, who were taken advantage of in the most brutal ways, that is still remembered and felt generations later. It is not ethical to do these things, is it?

Her video is enjoyable to watch from beginning to end, however, there are some highlights worth mentioning:

At the 31 minute time marker, Kesenya starts with the astrological charts of the 1460s to early 1500s when major Eris and Chiron (in Aries) transits took place, along with Pluto in Libra and other outer planets in Capricorn and Sagittarius.

Now, 500 odd years later, Eris and Pluto has made three exact squares in 2020, and two more will follow in 2021.

At present, both Eris and Chiron are again in Aries, addressing issues of justice and discord (Eris), and healing and wounds (Chiron), in the sign of war and initiation (Aries).

At the 1 hour, 2 minute time marker, Kesenya displays the astrological chart for 2024 when Eris and Chiron makes an exact conjunction, and looks at it in relationship to the 1486 chart. It is the same tense repeating patterns.

Eris is intense emotional upheaval, often felt acutely in the week leading up to an Eris station, a retrograde and direct. It is a great excavator of sorts, for inner chaos.

The emotional disturbances of Eris are meant to take us to higher ground. How willing are we to accept this temporary heart discomfort for the agent of change that it is? And a more authentic embrace of a bigger truth?

It is time to level up from the trauma where we were at the previous 500 year marker. The unravelling of this energy has already begun. Fortunately, the healing of the collective wound has been in place for some years.

We are going to rise up into the justice of Eris and healing of Chiron in this cyclical repeat, if we continue to embrace change and transformation.

Astrologer Anne Ortelee describes in this video, that things tend to be violent and get destroyed under Eris transits, just for the sake of destruction, like a cannibal that just devours. But at this time, we have the option of going through this time period more consciously, perhaps being less blindsided, despite the discontent, violence, and envy that fills the hearts of men.

Image: One of the astrological glyphs or symbols for Eris. There are several but this one seems to be the most used.

End of the Old Injustices, Energy Stealing, and Envy Eye

At the 1 hour 15 minute time marker, Kesenya explores the issues that seems to have been strongly established, and reached a pinnacle in 1468: sexism, racism, pedophilia, dark religious extremism.

These have gradually been unravelled and exposed since Eris has moved into Aries in 1920. The roaring twenties saw the birth of a new woman, coming out of her domestic ‘shell’. We have seen liberation in women’s fashion and the ability to vote, buy property, get a job, get out of their ‘boxes’, earn equal pay, divorce a husband, etc. Women started fun and frivolous activities like the flappers, jazz music, cocktails, etc. and flaunted their disdain for what was then considered acceptable behaviour. There has been liberation from slavery, and issues of race discrimination, child abuse, gender inequality, and controversy in religion are being redressed.

Kesenya describes how we are seeing the return of the wisdom of the shamans; who went into hiding 500 years ago with their valuable knowledge and wisdom.

Astrology, mysticism, herbalism and other natural remedies are returning and becoming valuable healing modalities in society.

These are the things predominantly women were burnt at the stake for in 1486. Eris energy presides over those who are able to move beyond the self -imposed limitations by breaking through egoic defenses, and open up a healthy heart connection, to channel higher consciousness. We are slowly being freed via the justice of Eris for all that were emphasised 500 years ago.

We are hopefully moving towards equality, and for people to enjoy their freedoms, privileges, ethics and basic rights, without another’s Envy Eye seeking to disadvantage them.

According to this website, Eris is the warrior goddess of chaos and spiritual growth. Leading astrologers in Eris’ planetary research reportedly claim that she represents our essential will-to-live, and the innate, burning fire of existence.

“In many ways, Eris reminds me of Shakti, or prana – the mother-like life force energy that flows through everything in existence. She is the balancing, feminine Ida to the masculine Pingala, the night to the day, or the dark to the light. In yoga, as well as many other practices and beliefs, our existence is comprised of opposites – of duality – where each extreme is just as important as the other. As such, Eris is neither positive nor negative, but acts solely in this way of creating a natural justice in our world.”

In 2023-2024, Pluto moves into Aquarius, the sign of equality and social justice. It is sure to be an exciting time. In closing, Kesenya urges viewers to keep the fires of hope burning; for there is much transformation underway, and exciting new beginnings right around the corner.

Visit her website:


To understand the astrological anatomy of envy through Eris’ discovery chart, see this article.

Why do players play, bullies bully, and enviers envy?

It’s all about the good energy of another which they cannot find inside themselves, due to their own bad choices. So they seek to destroy other people and their goodness.

Transit Eris square Pluto five times over 2020-2021, with Eris transits into 2028

Transit Eris in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn five times causing opportunity for growth and awareness. The dates are:

  • 26 January 2020

  • 14 June 2020

  • 10 December 2020

  • 27 August 2021

  • 9 October 2021

  • Personal planets will continue to stir the trigger points with conjunctions.

  • In orb October 10 ~ Feb 11 2023

  • In orb April 8 2023 ~ December 26 2023

  • In orb July 27 2024 ~ November 2 2024

  • Leaves November 3 2024.

Starting in 2024 to 2028, Eris and Chiron will be conjunct in Aries.

In 2027, Saturn will start its conjunction to Eris, going into 2028.

We are going to see this energy for some time to come… Better learn to deal with the energy sooner, rather than later.

Pluto fist enters into Aquarius in 2023, and due to retrogrades for the last time in 2024. Eris will not enter Taurus until 2048.

Eris was discovered by Mike Brown on January 5, 2005, 11:20am, Pasadena, California

At this time, Eris takes 5-8 years to complete an aspect to one degree. Its effects will be felt for a very, very long time to come.

More articles on Astrological Eris and Envy:

See this gallery in the original post


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Disney's Maleficent - Legacy Featurette