Eris: The Judgement of Paris, the Conditions for Competition and Projection

The judgement of Paris is the epic tale of the mythology of Eris, the Greek Goddess of Strife and Discord in western astrology. It describes eloquently the expression of Eris energy when it is activated.

Image: A statue of vanity filled Paris. Wikimedia Commons.

It’s about Paris the Prince of Troy, who had the gift of the gab, talked a big game and had a diplomatic presentation. He pretended to be kind, coy, charming, have values and morals, wanted to be liked, and was obsessed with maintaining his public reputation. Paris presented himself as innocent, pure, unaware, naive, not knowing what is going on in the undercurrents, and that is how he fooled everyone, because he was in fact a highly intelligent plotter behind the scene.

Paris was an eternal affection thief, admiration-whore, and player. Trying to obtain what he thought he lacked; money, creative ideas, affection etc. But he did not have the qualities to obtain those things by natural means, he was severely lacking. Paris had an inability to be self-made because he was unable to be authentic. Selling others fantasies and telling them what they want to hear. Confidence-theft is the goal for Eris lower expression, but at the expense of staying false and inauthentic themselves while pretending virtue.

Paris sought to have in place the perfect facade, to be seen in a certain way; as the good guy, a lover not a fighter, the sweetheart, solid, honest. He hid who he really was; that he was poor in character and integrity. Clever at attaining his ends by subtle sweet-talking, indirect and often deceptive means. He was jealous of successful people, and wanted to be always game playing, controlling others, to be at the top, winning. Paris looked for ways for people to toast to his foolishness, and glorify him. The Don Juan wanted to be seen as a desirable person, when he was in fact a slacker, waiting for an opportunity to finesse. Looking for a good time, disadvantaging others delicately. Seeking out the stars with a plan. Creating fake identities to lure certain people in, to consider him a friend.

Paris was employing the narcissism of the mind, to scheme and plot, and be a coat tail rider and a covert manipulator. A cool saboteur. A risky gambler. Always in secret but foul competition with authentic and successful people. Acting like he was on the same-level playing field and equal, when Paris’ heart was not in the right place. Getting a god-complex from popularity.

The emotionally manipulative gaslighter and love-bomber wanted money and clout, by getting powerful people on his side. Finding favour with authority and then using them to fight his enemies by crying wolf. He presented himself to be sweet, kind, loving, a valuable asset, and vulnerable; to obtain powerful protection, when he in fact was manipulating them to be protective over him, and do his dirty deeds for him. This is how he delicately caused a lot of trouble and destruction in relation. Paris had no power nor will power of his own, so he manipulated those with power to do the work for him. The user put up an innocent act or sob story to get people to help him get what he wanted.

Image: Hector Censuring Helen and Paris, by F. Hendrickx, Dutch, c. 1820, oil on canvas - Princeton University Art Museum, via Wikimedia Commons. Click to enlarge.

Paris thought that by riding the wave with his cunning unnoticed, he would end up with a victory for himself; it often worked, until he got caught for his lies, deception and mockery…. His brother Hector was famous for seeing right through the fuckery and censuring Paris for his poor character.

Hyper sexual Paris hated to be seen and shamed for who he really was… a heartless player.

Due to his past and a deep-rooted woundedness, Paris never developed, nor matured emotionally. Paris enticed people to trust him as a good advisor and judge, but used their trust of him, to destroy his rivals from the inside. Creating illusions and confusions through duplicity. And projecting onto them how he really felt about himself, which were all the insecurities that he attempted to cover up. He was a magician, who on the surface seemed pleasing. Prince charming. Just perfect. Yet he desperately wanted other people’s success, accolades, and the rewards they get from genuine hard work, to stop, because he was constantly being reminded that he was not genuine, and would never really have those rewards, due to his fakery.

No matter what Paris achieved, he still felt dead inside. What good is having a body, when the Soul is being denied?

Paris liked people being blind to the truth; that he was the user and the secret enemy who wanted to slow them down. A hater who wanted to delicately control, enchant, and have others making all the wrong choices. Paris felt good about getting people stuck in their heads, isolated in mental traps. He held back, decreased, regressed and brought misfortune in the lives of those around him, but in such a way that you wouldn’t suspect him. His mere karmic, bad luck presence is a liability. Paris was a player with many tactics, methods and strategies.

Paris was on a journey of smoke and mirrors, beguiling others, finessing them, and got seen for his true character. Eris style. Karmic justice and all.

Paris was a blessing-blocker, disguised as a handsome, serene, innocent young man. Pitting people against each other to defeat them, for this own pleasure, and an ego boost. He did not want to be seen for who he really was, and he didn’t take rejection well… He was triggered, frustrated, and made uncomfortable, by those who saw beyond his superficial facade. And those who did, he grew to hate… and sought to destroy, ghost, breadcrumb, and heap blame on them. Then he played innocent and happy, so that he didn’t have to admit to any wrongdoing, nor clean up the

mess. Paris always wanted to get away with not looking at his own nasty shadow side, so his secrets and bad behaviour could remain intact. So he could remain in his head - the king of his own castle - appearing balanced and stable. In his mind it was always someone else that was unbalanced, needed to change, or apologise. This way, he would never have to talk, or be called out for his dirty past, and remain steady. This was his manipulating energy; to make others crazy, to chase after him, to put more importance and credence on him than he deserves. These are the mind games of an obsessive, manipulative, narcissistic personality who seduced others, much like a pick up artist. Paris liked being aloof and innocent, and for others to want to fix the relation with him, and apologise to him, for what he had done to them. Shady Paris would even play the victim and blame-game, to get people to sympathise with him, get them on his side, to get a group of people to turn against his rival.

Ultimately, Paris was in self-deception and delusion, refused to be accountable for himself, refused to ever change, and was not loyal to anyone but his own agenda. The player played himself, because he didn’t live a truthful life, and he didn’t believe in divine relationships, not even with him Self. Paris’ lack of self-esteem was immense, so how was he ever going to treat other people with genuine respect?

When things didn’t go Paris’ selfish way, he made the other person look bad. Paris was a character, who was looking to disappoint; in other words, he deliberately failed to satisfy people’s hopes or expectations. He was a piece of shit, but wanted other’s to believe that they were the piece of shit instead. He wanted people to think that there was something wrong with them, so they would be drawn to him, fixated and obsessive with him. Paris was really reeling anyone who he saw as fair game in, with his strategies. Mind-fuckery and messing with people in general was a fun, self-indulgent and satisfying game. Insisting on the antagonist/protagonist dynamic, to be seen in a certain light. People like Paris, who pretend to be good and pure, with the hidden intention to be ultimately disruptive and harmful, may always cause a defeat for those around them. They are a hazard and a liability in relation.

Image: A bust of Paris (mythology) via Wikimedia Commons.

Evil-spirited Paris was cunning, with hands stained in wrongdoing. He had major psychological issues, insecurities and unhealed issues that he needed to work on…

Ultimately, he wanted others to feel like he felt through his backbiting… He wanted them to stoop to his level; to bankrupt them emotionally. He wanted to cause others discord of the heart, to go out of character, so he can make them look deranged.

As secret orchestrator of chaos, trying to cause them to self-destruct from the inside out, through psychological warfare.

Some like brother Hector saw through him, and knew he had the potential to destroy an empire, which is exactly what happened.

It was an unravelling, embarrassment and destruction, that Paris engineered for others, that backfired. People who do another wrong may have gotten by with what they did, but they don’t really get away with it. By making the game playing, the fame seeking, and the feeding of his ego his priority, Paris dooms everyone who associates with him.

Eris energy is wearing on those with false masks, and pretences, who act naive and inexperienced when they are highly skilled at scamming, and social engineering. This is a time when faking becomes intolerable, which is why truths are recognised. This article is about Eris in Astrology, and about people’s true colours coming to the surface, and being seen for their real natures. It’s about downfall of empires, and rude awakenings, and matters that need to be addressed. It’s about appalling people, their contradictions, and insecurities, who attempt to disown their bad feelings about themselves, and project it onto others, to deceive or ruin them, cause imbalance, for selfish reasons. Of careless ruses, machinations and stratagem. And how it can cause discord in the heart and strife, when you are aware of the f*****y.

Eris in Astrology 2020 - 2028+

The Eris square Pluto transits started in earnest in January 2020. The five direct hits will end in 2021, but Eris square Pluto energy activations will continue to be felt until 2024. Eris transits will be active beyond 2028.

People have a desire to understand why there is huge division, envy, egotism, artifice, grabs for power etc. Eris is out and about these days, stirring up polarised discord and feisty arguments about everything under the Sun. Have you encountered her yet? No doubt. She shows us what we

would rather not see, preferring denial over truth. Eris actually shows us how to end the discord, if we would only stop the denial. To connect with the integrity and love of our hearts. Knowing that from the heart space, there is truth, clarity and plenty. When reconnected, we can work with the challenges that Eris transits stir. We can move from discord, to facing what makes us angry, address the pain underneath, to allow Self-love again.

The heart of the story is that Paris wanted people to feel a certain way in relation, so he can get a benefit from it…

Eris: Discord, Strife, Resentment, and the Condition of the Heart

Discord, strife, jealousy, envy, resentment, bitterness etc. are the result of Eris energy at play. So what is discord?

According to online dictionaries, discord is

  1. disagreement, difference of opinion, or disharmony between people, like the high-pitched screaming of two kids fighting

  2. lack of harmony between musical notes sounding together, like a single note dissonant with another

  3. a VoIP instant messaging and digital distribution platform where users communicate with voice calls, video calls, text etc.

Astrologer Cayelin K Castell describes in a podcast, that Eris is currently in Aries, which is the sign most connected to taking action. Also, that discord comes from a latin word. (Dis) has to do with a disagreement separating or dividing things. And the latter (cor), means heart. She describes discord, as a lack of harmony that causes a sense of separation from our heart.

Discord is when a singer tries to sing along with a piano, but one party is out of tune, and they are not hitting the same notes.

Discord is intimately connected to relations, and being unable to resonate with a certain person, due to feeling, sensing and seeing beyond the facade, in fright at the lack of integrity, and not trusting of that person. Because the inconsistencies are too large. The words don’t match the actions. The fakery recognised as a fuckery. This is especially disturbing in situations where one party is authentic Self, and the other is wearing a mask. One sees truth about another, that the inauthentic desperately scrambles to cover it up. Utilising psychological projection and blame to scapegoat the other. Worst case utilising violence, threats and conflict; frightening and intimidating the truth-seer into silence. Turning against them as an enemy, with attacks, lies, smear-campaigns, stirring trouble in relations etc. in order to make them conform to the status quo facade.

Reverse Psychology to Achieve a Selfish Outcome

When an inauthentic stratagem, backbiting and pretence is employed, and the truth is felt, sensed and seen, it is felt as a violation.

This is discord at its finest. Inauthenticity and lies causes trust to be broken and shattered. When the truth-seer is attacked, blamed or shamed, and made the casualty, to prevent the truth from coming out, this is felt as an injustice. Discord is the friction in the relation, causing a disjunction, or a jarring bouncing-back from one another. This energy has onlookers running on fear, reacting to something they don’t understand; who is the liar and what is the truth? Discord prevents the heart from hearing its echo, its correspondence; meaning what is in alignment with the heart. Being authentic is being in alignment with the heart, and living with a facade creates discord.

With gaslighting the truth/lies are utilised to create love/hate in relationship, blurring the lines, destroying the trust not only in self, but in relationships in general.

This is an opportunity to make better choices. A chance to gain insight and understanding, thanks to higher expression Eris, who with her growth, wisdom and maturity are able to point out the tomfoolery. With her insight, foresight and forewarning from soul connection, on issues regarding those who make important choices based off of following the ego path.

In his book On the Cusp: Astrological Reflections from the Threshold, Philip Brown explains that another form of the word strife, is “striving”. Competition creates conditions where individuals (and some would

assert, nations) strive to improve their individual lives. Often for self-serving goals, that may disadvantage another, taking advantage of them, causing emotional burdens or imbalances, with far reaching consequences…

During Eris and Pluto transits, the devil energy, gold-digging, and narcissism of those who have been hiding behind masks, are often exposed. Facades ripped off, so people can recognise what has really been going on behind the scenes; the game playing, control, projection, manipulation, winning at all costs, lack of wisdom, ego-feeding, the inauthenticity etc. The revelation of truths about the haters, wolves in sheep’s clothing, and frienemies who climb over others to reach the top, may cause emotional eruptions, or injury to the heart. It may cause a person to become deranged at the injustice and fuckery, but ultimately, it does set people free to see truths about fake people. To see shiny but worthless fools gold for what it is, and make better choices. To choose if they want to move away from ill-fated paths and relationships...

The bigger picture realisation is the insecurity, lack of love, and the narcissism.

When people cannot be authentic, and cannot make important choices based on the wisdom of the heart, good things may fall apart, with far-reaching consequences.

Empires and legacies crumble and fall.

Rulers may lose everything due to fuckery.

Define Smoke and Mirrors
1. Things that are intended to deceive or confuse people;
2. Something intended to disguise or draw attention away from an issue;
3. Intended to make you believe that something is being done, or is true, when it’s not;
4. Obscuring or embellishing the truth of a situation with misleading or irrelevant information.
— Various online resources

Eris Storm Wisdom, Higher Awareness and the Sword of Truth

Eris storms may be experienced as a tornado of hell in relation, but it often involves the eventual revelation of what we had been in denial over - in ourselves, which is the hard-won wisdom gained from higher awareness. What truth had we been running away from in the past? Where had there been a misunderstanding about a situation, person or group of people? Eris storms and judgements are all about what is revealed in relation, as we discriminate, as it pertains to matters of the heart, so we can get out of denial and into clarity. It is the reaching of a DEEP comprehension. To understand what it is like to walk in another’s shoes, and what the motivations behind the fuckery really are. To understand the difference between high vibrational and low vibrational people, and why they don’t co-mingle well. It is about one party who are lacking, feeling empty, without soul, and another who is enjoying high self-esteem and accolades. It is about those those who refuse to allow personal growth, and others who grow into great abundance. It is about those who refill their own cup from soul wisdom and joy, and those who make impulsive, reckless ego choices and can never fill their void.

The meaning of the word ‘judgement’ is somewhat obscure today. It is a decision, criticism or opinion about someone or something that you form after temperance, thinking carefully and even walking a tightrope. It is about the ability to make sensible conclusions. Judgement is a court decision that settles a dispute between two parties by determining the rights and obligations of each party. It is about making good/sound/poor decisions. Judgement is the capacity to assess situations, reasoning or circumstances shrewdly and to draw sound conclusions. Judgement is also another word that describes mental clarity; which is the resolution that is reached at the conclusion of an Eris transit. This is that final judgement call; the best choice to move forward with.

Eris and The Judgement of Paris in Greek Mythology

In March of 2011, Astrologer Cayelin Castell published an audio recording about Eris, and particularly the Judgement of Paris. Listen to it below:

Audio: The audio is streamed from Cayelin Castell’s website.

In Greek mythology, Paris was abandoned as a baby after his father, King Priam, learned of a trusted prophecy that he would cause the downfall of the empire of Troy. Raised as a shepherd by the man ordered to kill him, Paris was considered intelligent, a lover not a fighter, and also exceptionally handsome. Paris's chief distraction (at the time he got noticed by the Greek gods), was to pit Agelaus's bulls against one another. One bull began to win consistently, so Paris began to set it against rival herdsmen's own prize bulls and it defeated them all. Finally, Paris offered a golden crown to any bull that could defeat his champion. Ares responded to this challenge by transforming himself into a bull, easily winning the contest. Paris gave the crown to Ares without hesitation. It was this one apparent honesty in judgment that prompted the gods of Olympus to make Paris a judge soon after…

Image: The Judgement of Paris, click to enlarge.

A famous wedding banquet took place on Mount Olympus. All the gods and goddesses, and everyone else were invited, except for Eris, the Goddess of Discord, who was deliberately excluded.

Eris was made the outsider, who does not fit, who is left out, as if her thoughts, feelings and opinions do not matter.

It was believed she would have made the party unpleasant for everyone. They thought her disagreeable, and had judgements about her. She was seen as the difficult woman with issues, because they don’t want to deal with what she brings up. The Olympian establishment don’t care that they are hurting her, as long as they can keep rushing in their agendas, and keep getting away with grabs for power and other injustices, which raises her ire.

Angered by the snub, Eris showed up at the wedding, bearing a Golden Apple inscribed with the words “For the fairest”. Kallistei, in Greek. Three goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite saw the apple and wanted to claim being the fairest. Starting a squabble and a competition about who is the appropriate recipient… Who is the worthiest?

Zeus was called in to be the adjudicator for the women’s conflicting claims to be thought of as the fairest. However, political savvy Zeus was experienced in complex relationship matters (being a player who fakes the sweetheart role himself, but having a powerful no-nonsense wife [Hera], and many mistresses). He refused to take part in the decision between the three women, knowing that choosing any of them would bring him the hatred of the other two. Paris was asked to be the judge, because had recently shown his exemplary fairness in a bull contest. Paris agreed, but amongst so much beauty and power the shepherd found it hard to keep a level head.

Each of the goddesses paraded, and tried to influence his decision by offering him a bribe, with their talents.

Eris_symbol_variant Blue Super Duper Light.png
  • Kingly Power

    Hera offered a great marriage, that would bring him tremendous wealth, power and position, considered to be highly desirable at the time. Paris was tempted.

  • Military Might

    Athena offered him victory on the battlefield and skill in all his endeavours. Also the glory that comes from great wisdom, strategy and creative intelligence. This was also considered a great gift at the time, and Paris was tempted.

  • The Most Beautiful Woman

    Aphrodite offered him the gift of love and pleasure of lovemaking, in the form of Helen, who was the most beautiful woman of all the mortals.

Attention seeking Paris came in sneakily, and attached himself to the women in a nice, humble, sympathetic, sweet way, but he had a strong motive.

He agreed to be judge, but had an agenda to get something out of them, and he was stringing them along on his ride. Thinking about himself in the situation, and how he can bleed the them dry. Paris knew that these women were each abundant in their own unique way. Goddesses and mortals are not in the same league. Paris was taking advantage of an opportunity to put himself in a better place.

Paris was in a habit of always reaching for that high confidence, success, honour, money, or award, but could not get to it, nor obtain it.

He had a chip on his shoulders and no backbone. So he was scheming in his mind, how he can “shake the apples from the tree”, to get them to fall down on him. He was using the three goddesses’ time and knowledge; to get the information and insight on them, for his benefit and personal gain. And after getting desired results, he was no longer invested, nor interested in the situation, nor the people. Walking away uninterested and unbothered. Not even caring that his deliberate subterfuge and craftiness are noted…

Perhaps he initially acted kind, as if he liked the women with his sweetheart facade. Or pretended that he was invested in their cause, when really he was not. He was a shapeshifting profiteer, unscrupulous liar and cheat.

Paris had desired results of his own. He is a selfish leach. He only cares about what he can nurture for his personal benefit. Paris was going to great lengths to appear impressive and worthy, towards a group of goddesses of higher social standing. He wanted to ascend in ranks. In quest of higher status and privilege. To win the favour of his superiors, perhaps with excessive use of compliments, attentiveness, flattery, praise and the like. Fawning over, kissing ass and sucking up to be liked, because he wanted them to help him get what he wants. Paris is a sycohant. Sweetening them up, being friendly, getting close, and acting submissively for a period, to gain favour and trust. He wanted to be let into their personal space, into their minds and hearts, only to turn bold, viscous and reveal his true colours, after getting a perceived victory over. During Eris transits, people like Paris’ patience wears thin, and facades become too impossible to maintain… they slip off. Paris is very wicked in trying to obtain other’s abundance, and to put them in a controlled and compromised situation, to excerpt influence over their greatness. He wanted them in fragmentation, so that he would get a gain… That smirk evidence, that he thinks he had defeated those who he perceived as “the high and mighty”, that needed to be brought down, destabilised, made crazy, besmirched, or silenced.

Image: The Judgement of Paris, from left Aphrodite, Hera and Athena, from Wikimedia Commons.

Three Worthy Goddesses, Paris’ Choice, Inconsideration, and Injustice

It was said that Paris fell for the latter temptation, and gave the Golden Apple to Aphrodite. She won the contest, but on what merit?

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The three Olympian goddesses at the wedding vied for the Golden Apple, but Paris hastily handed it to Aphrodite, causing disappointment, in more ways than one. He clearly showed disrespect and contemptuous dismissiveness. He did not consider this decision with care, or the potential ramifications. The three powerful women had all the skills to be recognised for the prize. Yet, he failed to even acknowledge them. He did not grant merit or individual excellence to any of them. Paris did not even deliberate the overall situation. He showed no signs of discernment. Was equal give and take applied in the arbitration? Was it fair to pass up two goddesses, without proper consideration or appreciation for them? Was he skipping past the correct procedure, or socially acceptable way to do things?

There was unfairness in the situation, because the judge had a clear favourite; himself. When he should have considered everyone, he thought only of himself and his own fulfilment. Paris took what he wanted, by recklessly handing down a decision to secure his desire.

In artwork, the mythological story is often depicted as a beauty contest of sorts, however, those who understand the astrology of each of the goddesses in greater detail, would know that it rather concerns a choice among the gifts that each goddess embodies.

  • Hera

    (also Juno in astrology), Greek goddess of Marriage and also the wife of Zeus

    Hera is revered in astrology for being a loyal, dutiful and faithful wife. She represents the devotion of marriage, the good woman archetype, and as the wife of Zeus; political power. Also partnerships, devotion and powerful commitments.

  • Athena

    (also called Pallas Athena in astrology), Greek goddess of Wisdom and Strategy

    Athena is revered in astrology for her superior skill and gifts of strategy, knowledge, foresight. And wise decisions in battle that would lead to a great windfall.

  • Aphrodite

    (also associated with the planet Venus), Greek goddess of Love and Beauty

    Aphrodite is revered for appreciation of the finer things in life; grace, sensuality, artistic abilities, procreation and love. She is also associated with fertility of the land, which was vital in agrarian times.

Image: A porcelain of Paris and his entanglement with the women. Wikimedia Commons. Click to enlarge.

Image: A statue of Paris with an apple of temptation, from Wikimedia Commons. Click to enlarge.

Getting an Ego Boost from causing Suffering in Relation:

Conflict of Interest, Vested Interests, Entanglements, and Unfair Practices

People-pleasing Paris spontaneously took the most desirable bribe to give him clout. He chose according to his instant gratification, manipulating the situation, feeling entitled as the prince of Troy. Was it the fair decision he was entrusted to make? What was the merit of the winner? Paris did not display the common sense that had caused him to be made judge of the contest in the first place. He was chosen to judge for his capacity to reflect upon the opposites with unbiased judgement, yet he failed in his charge.

Playful Paris seemed quick to dismiss, or reject, the other goddesses who were rivals for the prize, and let their talents go unrecognised, when he saw what Aphrodite had to offer, which happened to be what he strived for, for his own considerations. Clearly a selfish, and self-serving choice, only serving his own ambitions. Not allowing a level playing field. Not even asking advice or considering alternatives or options. Not even considering the long term consequences…

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The evil-spirited judge had a personal conflict of interest, to game play, backbite, and delicately sabotage the situation in his favour, like a magician. Giving with one hand, and taking away with the other hand.

It didn’t matter to him that he was desecrating relations and creating defeat for everyone else. He was enjoying his under cover collaboration with them, even though he wasn’t honest about who he really was, nor his true intentions or character. Paris’ personal vested interest compromised his judgement. He had competing interests because of loyalties to multiple parties, which he had to juggle with extreme subtlety. Paris loves victory through deceit. Paris doesn’t do equal give and take. He wants fulfilment for himself only, and acts delicately to obtain it.

Paris was playing favourites, in a way that he considered to be; with exceptional diplomatic finesse. He was experienced in indulging in third party entanglements, and contests. Paris wanted clout, but he is too immature to get it on his own, so he has to steal it from others. In youth, Paris had spurned first love Oenone for his birthright in the city, and then forgotten her for Helen. Also, just as Paris once pitted prized bulls off against one another in contest, he was game playing again; with these powerful goddesses. For what he could get out of it. He seemed to have a philosophy that sanctions unfair practices, so long as it is serving his purpose. Perhaps he enjoyed feeling a sense of power over the goddesses, as later became evident in other relationship interactions. Paris loved playing the crafty third party interference role, that inserts himself. He turned a fortunate relationship or situation negatively for people, and got great smug satisfaction from it. To block their fortune and opportunities. He caused damage in connections, so that people would cry over the spilt milk, and walk away in defeat.

Contrivance is the use of skill, to create or bring about something, especially with a consequent effect of artificiality. Causing things to happen in a way that may not be natural or believable. To finesse someone, is slang for the especially subtle contrivance, delicate artifice, whether for good or evil.

Image: The Three Goddesses from left Athena, Hera and Aphrodite. With Paris painfully aware that he doesn’t add up to it, yet he projects his insecurities on others anyway. From Wikimedia Commons.

Creating Discord and a Defeat for Others, to Serve Self

Clout-chasing Paris deliberately planted seeds of Doubt and Chaos, he was the secretive orchestrator…

Paris used stealth to sneak and usher in what he wanted. He is an assassin who wanted to take others out for a political gain. Paris wants to possess other people.

Paris is guilty of wrongdoing in the eyes of the scorned women, who took the contest very serious, as they took a vested interest in the outcome as well. And a very personal slight, at his inability to show fairness, despite the appearances he presented, at being proficient in skilful discrimination of a highly sensitive situation…

Paris had huge uncertainties, which made him unable to come directly at people, instead he always had to plot and scheme on them behind their backs. He has too much insecurities, and is selfish, stingy, and paranoid due to his own traumas. This is why he wants to instil doubt, so he can appear braver and more confident off of it. He wants to instill thinking that others are not worthy, not competent, or don’t know what they are doing. Paris wants people to feel a certain way, first love-bombing and gaslighting them to get them hooked, then switching up on them. It is strategically planned this way; so he can play, defeat, knock down and get people

Image: A painting of The Judgement of Paris on a postage stamp. Click to enlarge. Stock photo.

obsessed with him, so they will come back for more, so he can energy vampire on them. Paris likes it when others make him feel good. He wants to get some supply and steal other’s energy.

Based on the aforementioned, it is easy to see why the hearts of the goddesses might have been filled with rage, anger discord and all sorts of other feelings. With (dis) meaning separate, and (cor) meaning heart; separation of the heart. The goddesses were each very proud of who they were, but had the feeling of not being acknowledged for it, thus the stirring of revengeful feelings.

Their worth was not recognised by the incompetent, egotistical judge, who was not judging with the wisdom of the heart, but with trickery and diplomatic agendas.

The women were left feeling disappointed, on multiple levels. Paris’ projection brought discord. And they knew, that Paris was secretly smiling and smirking due to the conflict he caused. That is why he sneaks, to manoeuvre his way into other’s lives as a third party, to control others.

The three goddesses now knew that womanising Paris relished in creating a defeat for others in relation. This is the crux of the story.

They were angry, because of the injustice of Paris striving to serve himself, when he was charged with a position of responsibility, which included making right choices FOR EVERYONE INVOLVED. The goddesses knew there was no use in complaining about how unfair it all was, that Paris engineered an ego boost for himself; they would have to swallow their pride and acknowledge defeat, for now... Paris could not humble himself enough to say sorry. He had too much pride and arrogance…

Define Conflict of Interest
1. a person has competing interests or loyalties because of their duties to more than one party;
2. a clash between personal (or self-serving) interests and professional duties or responsibilities. Such as vested interests, —like money, status, knowledge, relationships, or reputation—which puts into question whether a person’s actions, judgment, and/or decision-making can be unbiased.
— Various Online Resources

The Lesson of Eris

Know your value and worth in your heart, and trust that.

If others cannot see your value, or they deliberately disrespect you for selfish or political gain, set healthy boundaries.

Trust your knowing of Self, above the smoke and mirrors others may reflect onto you.

Some people are skilled at juggling multiple opportunities, and third party fuckery. Being already established in one, while at the same time collaborating with another. Like a politician and a player, always keeping their options open. Living in two worlds, enjoying the best of both. Yet as multiple situations are going at once, when those worlds come together, they clash. And someone is given the short end of the stick. Disadvantaged. Treated unfairly, by the selfish, disloyal, sneaky man. Perhaps also rejected, abandoned, blamed and scapegoated, so that the other situation may be contrived in his favour. Eris sees these shenanigans and injustices… The disregard for, and disposal of one option, for the other, and she wants to spill the beans… yet she knows the narcissists wants to silence her.

Image: The Judgement of Paris in Palazzo Braschi (Rome) , From Wikimedia Commons. Click to Enlarge.

Contemptuous Dismissiveness

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.
— A proverb
Once someone shows you their true colours, don’t try to repaint them.
— A quote from the internet, appropriate to Eris
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Dr. Ramani’s take on forms of Narcissistic Abuse and Desecration

Dr. Ramani, is a psychologist who is an expert in narcissistic behaviour, explains in this video the link to verbal and emotional narcissistic abuse, through the use of criticism, insults, invalidation, gaslighting, rage-filled words etc. And even non-verbal stuff, like not being heard, being ignored, and not being seen, through the use of contemptuous dismissiveness. This psychological abuse is often written off as not important, and not serious, and those who take these actions, would prefer that the people they disempower, not speak out against the injustice. Words do harm, because they are deliberately employed to hurt or disadvantage another… in an attempt to manipulate and grab power over another.

Just like Eris is left out of the wedding, Paris creates the illusion that the three goddesses thoughts, feelings and opinions, and even their virtues do not matter. He triggers them into anger about the pain that he has caused, but Paris doesn’t want to fess up to his ignorance about not taking people seriously, or his inappropriate rush to grab power and install his own agenda. Since he has already cast his judgement, he expects that this will be the end of it… That nobody will be heard, and nothing will be considered after this injustice…

The playful judge needed to learn to stop playing with people’s feelings and emotions. To stop making reckless, childish decisions, because there are major consequences in doing so.

Eris: Chain of Events and Far Reaching Consequences

Image: Helen of Troy, from Wikimedia Commons. Click to enlarge.

Pleasure seeking Paris may have gotten away with playing the reckless and inappropriate adjudicator, winning his prize, and benefiting from the finality of his judgement, but is he really the victor?

The Wheel of Fortune shows that what comes around, goes around. At some point there will have to be a harvest of the good or bad seeds planted, in a previous season. Karma time, Eris style.

The ensuing repercussions set in motion a series of events with serious unanticipated consequences. At the handover of the golden apple, an eternal animosity was started; Hera and Athena became the enemies of Aphrodite, because they couldn’t let go of the anger and resentment at the deliberate and reckless infliction of injustice and pain. While Greek culture placed a greater emphasis on prowess and power, Paris chose to award the apple to Aphrodite, in order to get Helen, thereby dooming his city of Troy; it was eventually destroyed in the war that ensued when the Spartans demanded the return of their queen. An entire empire fell… See, beautiful Helen was already married to king Menelaus of Sparta. Helen was stolen away from the king by Paris with the help of Aphrodite, which started the Trojan War.


was the Goddess of Battle Strategy and Wisdom. It was she who had offered Paris success in war, but because of the way he handled himself, Athena fought against Paris. With her track record of success, she ultimately won against him.

Paris did not even consider the consequences of making an enemy out of Athena.


Had Paris taken Hera’s bribe, he might have been king of all Eurasia.

Paris might have had the power to have any woman in his domain as his wife. Paris did no such evaluation.


gets the golden apple, and gets to be smitten for having been chosen for it. Yet she knows how this was achieved… Some versions of the mythology describes Aphrodite using her goddess powers to make Helen fall in love via Cupid’s arrow, and willingly go off with hyper sexual Paris. Some describe Helen as being forcefully abducted from her husband.


Helen ends up being just another trophy. Another one of Paris’ victory through deceit’s, and she also knows it… The Iliad details that Helen turned hostile and insulting towards Paris, because of the effects of war, even refusing to be intimate with him. Helen was never really accepted at court either. In another version, even his first love and wife Oenone, who was skilled in the arts of healing, refused to help Paris when he was in great pain, just before he died; because of his abandonment and betrayal. The war lasted ten years and cost the lives of many of the greatest heroes of the age. Many of the gods and goddesses lost mortal children to the epic fighting. The Olympians themselves ended up at war. Nearly all picked sides, based on their allegiances and their feelings about Paris’s judgement, which was blamed on Eris.

The one person who did NOT pick a side in the war was Eris…

Paris’ Character: “A walking contradiction” and a “Self-centred catalyst for war”

Image: Hector blames Paris for the abduction of Helen via Wikimedia Commons. Click to enlarge.

Paris is described by Homer as “the walking contradiction”, “complicated Paris” and “the prince of beauty”. His true nature is truely exposed after he takes up the hedonistic life with his royal family. Paris wanted to be the charismatic man that lays down the rules and regulations, yet it was in being part of palace life, that his incompetence, and denial of his delusion were truely observed. He was trapped amongst people who observed him, and were not blind to his foolery. Paris refused to take responsibility, nor to grow spiritually. Falseness is his preference. He liked to put himself in situations where he could never loose, never alone, protecting himself, and always with someone waiting in the back.

According to this resource, Paris is questioned. Magnificent hero or spoilt child? Outwardly brave, but inwardly full of doubts and fears. Brave, yet also a coward. He is like a stallion that has been pampered too much, a child who is allowed to get everything he wants. The contradictions doesn’t end there. Another contrast in Paris’ character is that he is known as one of the most handsome men in Troy, but looks can be deceiving, as his brother Hector implies when he says, “Paris, appalling Paris!”

Morally corrupt, although on the outside, his surface is pleasing.

A handsome man, but a hedonist. He also described Paris’ action of “strutting”, denouncing this action as “a mockery”, emphasising the extreme shallowness of Paris’ pleasing appearance. Irony is also used to describe Paris.

Paris is mad for women and those who have something good going, yet lures them in and ruins them. He is an unrepentant heartbreaker and womaniser.

Paris employs purposeful miscommunications, omissions, and telling people whatever they want to hear to keep them trapped, stuck and bound in a situation. He created stories, double checked those stories, and made sure they sounded right. He also had another story, to cover the previous. To flip the script, telling carefully construed lies, taunting people to get them to respond out of character. Burning them, for his benefit.

Hector also highlights Paris’ ability to ruin virtually everyone’s future…

Risk-taking Paris is so prideful and disgusting, he refuses to apologise, acknowledge his wrongdoing, nor take accountability. Instead he blames and persecutes his victims. Like a vampire he was always taking, and have nothing to give. He is a bottomless pit, who can never get enough. When it is time to reciprocate… radio silence… Paris is an empty vessel. Nothing can ever fill him up. The blood sucker seem without soul.

This article describes more faults. The writer noted that as they read the poem, it struck them that many of the characters are admirable, and live a life with virtue and morality.

Paris is in no way noble, or heroic, despite being the brother of brave Hector. The Iliad describes Paris as cowardice.

Astrologer Anne Ortelee describes in this video, that things tend to be violent and get destroyed under Eris transits, just for the sake of destruction, like a cannibal that devours.

Anne also describes, that Eris plays on our hubris, smarts and on our sense of not able to be defeated. Or not able to be successfully controlled, nor dealt with (unconquerableness).

Selfishness and self-centredness are prominent in Paris’ character, as well as lustful passions. To add to insult, it was considered “unmanly” to use a bow and arrow in fighting, because a warrior did not have to be in close contact with the enemy. It was Paris who put an arrow in famous warrior Achilles’ heel. Ironically, Achilles is the only epic hero in the Iliad. Despite initial appearances, and the smoke and mirrors, Paris was not a man to be proud of. Why? He wounded who was considered the only true hero. Paris is a cheat.

Define False Prophet

1. a self-righteous person who knows what to say, and how to act to get others to give them their trust and confidence, only so they can mislead them;
2. someone who claims to be more than they are. They act “as if”. They want people to follow them because of their inflated self image, and misrepresented self worth;
3. an outlaw who feels they can get away with the immoral and unlawful things they do, as long as they act like they know better, thinking nobody will ever question or suspect them.
— Various Online Sources

Image: The Story of Helen and Paris was deeply romanticised by those who don’t understand the deeper interpretations. From Wikimedia Commons.

Eris, The Golden Apple, and Psychological Projection

The meaning of the inscription on the apple in english, is also a curiosity. It reveals Eris’ intelligence and intimate knowledge on matters of the heart. She wants others to consider, and dig inside themselves for the illumination; from within. Like all the other planets, Eris can operate from higher or lower vibration, and it is a matter of perception, how she is perceived…

Goddess Eris knows that people don’t want to hear what the truth-seer and truth-teller has to say, so she threw an apple into the wedding banquet instead. Initially nobody got it… yet the inscription worked its magic… in the unravelling of what people don’t want to see inside of themselves…

The apple of discord was both a form of protest, and sabotage, and subtle constructive criticism. Like a monkey wrench being thrown into an equation; to do something that prevents a plan or activity from succeeding. As to redirect and course correct people; away from the ego mind schemes and illusions, to follow the wisdom of their own hearts instead…

“To the fairest,” the apple stated. What virtue determines being the fairest?

Appearance? Wise judgement? Powerful rulership?

These qualities the three goddesses already possessed!

Paris was revealed to have no such outstanding qualities, except for being handsome. But beauty fades in mortals… He was both a one hit wonder, and a fake. Paris was entrusted with authority, had credence given to

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him, that was not deserved, and he mishandled the situation. He took advantage of it, was seen for abusing it, causing his own demise. Paris wanted to have fun while he had others trapped, caught up, and bound to him. He liked to have his cake and eat it too. Casting toxic spells on others. As orchestrator of chaos, he cooked up a mess for others, only to have the slow wheel of cause and effect turn against him and karma feeding him the mess he cooked up for others.

In psychology, projection refers to taking an unacceptable part of yourself, such as your feelings, thoughts, tendencies, and fears, disown it, and place it onto someone else. Projections happen contain our blind spots. Although almost everyone has engaged in projection at some point in their lives, it's often difficult to know when you're doing it.

Projection can cloud your vision and skew your perception of reality. This makes it hard to see a situation for what it is, and instead, morphs a person or situation into something it is not. When you engage in projection, you become susceptible to self-victimisation, and blaming other people for something you need to address within yourself.

Projection does what all defense mechanisms are meant to do: keep discomfort about ourselves at bay and outside our awareness.
— Karen R. Koenig, M.Ed

Projection is a way to avoid the responsibility of dealing with your own emotional clutter and instead, making it someone else's fault.

Projection is a self-defence mechanism, allowing the difficult trait to be addressed, without the individual fully recognising it in themselves. Those who are most prone to doing this, are the people who don’t know themselves very well, because they don’t want to look at their failures or weaknesses. Or the are experts at deceit. Those who are comfortable reflecting on the good, bad, and ugly within — tend not to project. They have no need, as they can tolerate recognising, or experiencing, the negatives about themselves.

‘Eris work’ includes self-reflection, setting healthy boundaries, looking at unresolved issues, and asking yourself why you may be doing this. Unfortunately most people tend to shy away from this introspection, especially narcissists who want to avoid their emotional truths at all cost.

People who feel inferior and have low self-esteem” can also fall into the habit of projecting their own feelings of not being good enough onto others.
— Psychologist Michael Brustein, PsyD

What is the Goal of Paris’ Projection?

Projection is when someone puts their feelings, flaws, and other quirks towards someone else, to win. Someone who projects will shift the blame they may feel, to ignore their own problems, throwing another under the bus instead… to further their own agenda.

Projection is a form of Smear Campaign and Backbiting to make the innocent Guilty or Ashamed. Desecrated.

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Evil-spirited Paris had a bus-load of psychological baggage.

Paris, may have been confronted with the loss of family identity, lack of self-confidence, and lack of being nurtured. Also, the reality of all he had missed out on, after he went to Troy to take his place as a prince, must have hit hard. Suddenly he found himself amongst people he cannot compare to, while all of his insecurities were still in place. Here Paris knew he doesn’t have the accumulated effort of hard work, rank, or accolades that other high-flyers did, and instead he continued with his previous activities, with new groups of people. Paris wanted to be seen in a certain light, and cheated, lied, forced and was unfair, to get it. He made judgements, was disrespectful, and set destructive traps on others, to get the competition out of the way. To spoil what is valued and respected. To win. To get that low vibrational Eris fulfilment.

Why Paris? Why?

  • Paris was intimidated by people who are the full package, or had it all.

  • Paris wanted to control how successful other people are, or are seen as, thus the smear campaign, to make others look bad in their eyes of their peers.

  • Paris wanted to control how others move, to be ten steps ahead, to block them from victory.

  • Paris was invested in believing that he is better than everybody else, and enforcing it. In his mind, he justified everything he put others through.

  • He judged everyone, because in his mind, he thought that others considered, that they were better than him. He knew they were intelligent and more accomplished, but he wanted to confuse them, and make them go crazy, and feel upside down.

  • The abundance, stability, continued growth, and success of others infuriated Paris. He was mad that someone was good at something.

  • Paris didn’t want others to show off their talents, yet he wanted all to buy into the illusions he created in his mind for him Self and everyone else.

  • Even though Paris saw others grow and succeed, he was defiant. He refused to change and refused to grow. Paris did not want to do the work, but he was happy to steal from others. By displacing his feelings onto others. He was put in a position to judge, yet he refused to give recognition to the goddesses, that they were indeed all good enough. But because of his insecurities, hubris, and his ambitions to show them he is smarter, the flipped the script on people, and desecrated them.

Ignoring what Eris transits ask us to look at - the true worth of Self and others - can be detrimental, with far reaching consequences, as the articles on this website highlights. People like Paris just want to win, and it is pointless to deal with them. There is no justice or glory. Paris wants the same benefits that others get, but REFUSE to do the work.

In looking at emotions, taking responsibility for Self, and doing the psychological work, you gift your Self with the opportunity to grow.

From growth emerges emotional maturity, emotional intelligence, and trust of Self, which are great assets.

People who shy away from inner work or dealing with their pain and insecurity, may tend to be superficial, emotionally stunted. They may be vulnerable to lower vibrational emotions, like jealousy, envy, selfishness and acting out. Playing the blame game, forever being the politician that shifts the chess pieces around for personal gain. All because they won’t do healing, nor get out of denial.

Eris Awareness: Dishonesty and Rejection of Truth creates Insecurity and Lack of Trust in Self

Definition of Insecurity
1. uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence
2. the state of being open to danger or threat; lack of protection
— Online dictionary

The story also illustrates what Eris asks us to look at: the truths about our hearts being in discomfort. When we do not embrace our shadow, that have to do with discord and strife in the heart, and the parts that we have disowned or denied, Eris will find a way to get our attention.

Eris encourages us to look at the tension in the chest area of the body, and what has been disconnected or separated, from our awareness. The three goddesses’ insecurities may have been triggered; by being exposed to Paris’ projection surrounding not being good enough to be respected. Perhaps they also felt the pain, knowing, that only one could be claimed as the fairest, when they each had unique qualities to offer, or bring to the table.

Paris made his choice, not based on considering talents, but on his own travesty. He may in fact have been overly aware of the goddesses worth and superiority to him, which was a problem for him. It highlighted his own feelings of inadequacy, his deep-rooted woundedness, critical spirit and investment in toxic, stagnant energy. Which may be why he projected an air of ignorance, untruth and disrespect instead.

Mortals and goddesses are not on the same level, and will never be…

Envy and jealousy in the heart of Paris was inevitable… as he found himself amongst gods, goddesses, kings, warriors and other noble, successful people, who he cannot compare to. Yet he still wanted to be seen as being something he was not. Playing the chess pieces to secure his victory, which in truth, is doomed due to dishonesty and blindspots…

Consider the mammoth nature of Paris’ insecurities… He grew up as a shepherd boy, then discovers he is in fact the rejected, left for dead as a baby prince. Ordered to be killed, after his father the King heard of a prophecy that Paris would ruin Troy completely. The Iliad has other details showing Paris’ ineptitude at being honest as well.

Paris possibly had plenty of time to ponder, perhaps obsessing in resentment over the injustice. His confidence and sense of identity may have been shaken. He may even have experienced some personal crisis. First wife Oenone had foresight, and warned him about leaving for Troy, with good reason... After Paris was accepted into palace life, he saw for himself the disparity between what he had known, and what had been denied him. The beauty, pleasures, riches, and delights… a sense of identity, belonging and foundation.

Paris’ choice may have been entirely based on his low vibrational level, his inability to be honest, noble of heart.

Evil-spirited Paris wanted others to feel how he felt. He wanted them to stoop to his level. He wanted them out of character, so he say that they are deranged…

And his self-doubts, and his inability to cope with the strife and discord within his own heart, caused his demise.

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Paris may have also neglected to do the right thing because he had an opportunity to capitalise, to finesse, even while knowingly causing an injustice and a slight.

Two goddesses were spurned, not because they did not have unique worth; Paris fell for the temptations of being human. Ultimately, he did not even act in his own best interest. He died in battle, lost Helen, and destroyed an empire. A tragedy…

In not considering THE BIGGER PICTURE, Paris wronged everyone.

He did not even apologise, perhaps because he got away with his greedy, narcissistic, all-for-me pursuit, which is what he wanted… Paris’ unaware, dishonest-to-Self life choices had far-reaching consequences. There

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was no sensibility in his decisions. Through his own mockery, he exposed and illuminated himself, and cultured his own demise.

This immature, irresponsible judgement of the contest, led to war, death and destruction, lasting about a decade.

Definitions, as it relates to this situation:

Travesty: a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something. And represent in a false, absurd, or distorted way.

Mockery: teasing and contemptuous language or behaviour directed at a particular person or thing. And an absurd misrepresentation or imitation of something.

Charade: an absurd pretence intended to create a pleasant or respectable appearance.

Parody: an imitation or version of something that falls far short of the real thing; a travesty.

Showman: a person skilled at entertaining, theatrical presentation or performance; a great talker.

There are endless stories and indeed historical examples from Ancient Greece of a lack of wisdom costing a ruler everything.

A Greek tragedy in ancient Greek theatre, is a form of drama based on human suffering. They were plays in which the protagonist, usually a person of importance and outstanding personal qualities, falls to disaster through the combination of a personal failing and circumstances with which he or she cannot deal. Traditionally, the intention of tragedy is to invoke an accompanying catharsis, at the misfortune of the main character.

Psychological Hacking: Beating around the Bush, the Painting of Illusions, and Projection as a Tool to Undermine Another’s Awareness

Just like the devil, Paris wanted others in confusion… not clarity…

The judgement of Paris is the drama of a youth, who found out that he was a prince, rejected by his family at birth. He was later given opportunities, with temptations that led to the activation of insecurities, over-ambition, and abuse of power, and his downfall. Three goddesses had plenty of worth, yet two of them took a very personal slight to the deceptive apparition that Paris cast onto them; to lower their self-esteem, and keep them trapped in emotional turmoil.

Psychological projection and gaslighting have been utilised as forms of psychological warmongering for millennia. Paris could not compete or compare with the noble men of Troy. He was inept in so many areas, but he did seem skilled in one area; to put up a theatrical presentation, have fun and games with multiple people, juggling them, and making them confused, insecure and miserable… He was highly intelligent after all, but used it for evil in disguise.

Paris had the ability to ruin everyone around him.

Paris had become a pathological liar, skilled at deceiving, skilled at stealing trust. Calculating. Finessing. Setting people up for failure.

This is why Paris created illusions, and attempted to make people think he has power over them, when all the chaos and conflict is only an inconvenience; it’s smoke and mirrors. This is the clarity that need to be reached.

Paris presented himself to be trustworthy, as an advisor or counsellor to gain the trust and confidence of people, only to mislead them with strings attached. He knows the right things to say, so that people can confide in him. He is a self-righteous false prophet, with a superiority God complex. Misleading people. Paris wanted people hooked on him, and focussed on him, which is why he gave them just enough hope and breadcrumbs, to keep himself the focus of attention. Paris did not want people to focus on themselves, creating their own happy, successful lives. He wanted control and influence over them at all cost. This he liked…

To Influence, Control Others and Maintain a Stronghold

Paris got people to take his council and opinions seriously. And he destroyed them through their own trust of him, from inside their own self. People let Paris get into their mind-space, and let him influence their choices, behaviours and actions.

Paris also projected and smeared onto them negative emotions and toxicity, trying to tie up their mind, spirit and soul, giving them heaps of problems to deal with. Fighting with them and causing drama, to prevent them seeing the truth. That he is a scammer and a con artist. He gets away with it time after time, because he is skilled and experienced. Projection is just another word for smearing someone else, with the dirt, he is guilty of, to maintain control or a stronghold in a relation. Paris did not want to look bad in comparison to others. He wants to feel superior.

Immature, stifled and unmanly Paris projects his unhappy, petty energy onto other people, by making them feel confused, to keep the focus on him. He doesn’t know how to allow happiness to come into his life, but wants others to feel as incompetent as he does. He doesn’t want people to be their best self, or achieve those special highs in their life. He puts them down emotionally, because he is in such a low place, that he constantly needs a lift. By making others feel bad about themselves (by smearing guilt and shame), he feels better. It is the belittling, projections, false accusations, insults, smear and painting false images of them, in the hope that they will actually believe the illusions.

Paris feels very jealous that other people can do, and be, what he feels he cannot. He sabotages whatever he can get his hands on. He causes people to doubt their dreams and aspirations, perhaps because it was something that he wanted to do, but could not do. He pushed others and their ideas down, and created problems for them, because he wanted that position or spotlight for himself. He brought negative emotions to the table, to infect others, and sabotage them deliberately… to get what he wants. Paris is extremely cunning, yet disguised as a serene, innocent, smiling beautiful man.

Image: A statue of Paris holding an apple of temptation. From Wikimedia Commons.

When people don’t understand the smoke and mirrors game put up by the showman, they may end up buying into the illusion, or worse, even gaslight themselves; setting themselves up for

  1. a life of discord (separation from the heart),

  2. and strife (striving and envying other people’s good experiences),

  3. toxicity and stagnant energy,

  4. unable to manifest good things, nor blessings.

Becoming conscious of this deception may break you free.

It's essential to not take on other people's carefully put forward impressions, or buy into the false appearances.

Why put faith into someone’s mirages? Why buy into their deceptive net of influence, or follow them up on everything they feed you? Don’t make yourself responsible for someone else's concepts. Envious people often don’t have anything good to offer, other than foul secret intentions. Despite wearing a mask and coming across as harmless, envious people wish negative things on those who are doing well. They work against others’ happiness and success, because they are not getting their own. Too stuck in stuck energy machinations of their own making.

There will be times when you encounter manipulation, rage, disrespect, and other boundary violations, that say more about the other person, than they do about you. During these time of intense Eris transits, many people are realising that some in their close inner circle, wear masks to disguise who they really are. During Eris and Pluto transits, envy, manipulation, deception and the shift of blame are seen…

The Happiness Clinic’s website outlines a three step projection exploration to help people with these issues:

  1. Notice if you’re exhibiting the symptoms of projection and how you feel.

  2. Be self-honest about the triggering of emotions and the reactions.

  3. Implement boundaries, reclaim disowned aspects of Self, self-regulate and release other’s projections.

The single most reliable thing I have found in astrology is that everything has a front, and a back. Every symbol has a higher purpose, as well as a dark side.

Vicious competitiveness is the dark side of Eris. She likes to win, but not as much as she likes to see you lose.
— Steven Forrest, astrologer

Those who indulge in the negative energy of psychological warfare on others, may not realise that despite an initial ego win, they are trapped in their own bad energy. They may not be able to manifest a good life, worth living. Paris might have thought that he had struck gold, when presented the opportunity to capitalise. But when you make someone else loose at your expense, you ultimately deprive your Self of good things too. Paris was given rope with the apple of discord event, and he took it to hang himself.

Astrologer Anne Ortelee describes in this video, that things tend to be violent and get destroyed under Eris transits, just for the sake of destruction, like a cannibal that just devours.

It is not certain if Paris ever felt deep shame for disturbing the balance of other people. It is not certain if he ever recognised that the traps he set for others, he fell into, or got disadvantaged by.

Image: The five of swords indicates a person who will do whatever it takes to win. Whatever it takes to get what they want. Saying whatever it takes. It does not matter that he creates losers in the process… Check out that smirk.

Glee at Other’s Defeat, Lack of Success and Misfortune

In this video, Dr. Ramani describes the glee and joy that narcissists experience at someone else’s misfortune, especially when they had become jealous of someone else’s success, and had managed to create a defeat for them.

She explains that jealousy is a universal human emotion, but for those who are far more insecure than the rest of the population, the experience of jealousy is far more deep, destructive and dark. ”The things that makes us jealous, are the things that ping our insecurities, wether that is our appearance, bank account, education, our family of origin…” Dr. Ramani explains that other people’s success, is what triggers and activates the insecurity, shame, inadequacy, of the narcissistic person the most. This jealousy can feel downright poisonous to those around this person, which might explain Hektor’s comments in the Iliad about Paris. Dr. Ramani details some of the red flags when someone is jealous of another’s good experience. Also, how to spot the red flags, and how missing them is not something you want to experience…

In another video titled With Narcissism, hindsight is 2020, Dr. Ramani explains that it is easier to be wiser after the event. Hektor’s comments shows that he was quite aware of the many red flags, and were speaking them openly, that Paris do have the capability to destroy, not only individuals, but all of Troy with his foolishness.

Paris of Troy’s Biggest Character Flaws

Paris was an energy feeder. He got his tactical victories through deceit, defeat and toxicity. He took them on a merry-go-around, and created an illusion to get people to admire and believe in his cultivated public image. A form of identity fraud…

Acting naive and inexperienced, before they realise that he was in fact a superficial gold-digger, chasing success, fame and relishing in his materialistic lifestyle. Self interest prevailing.

Paris didn’t have good energy of his own, so he syphoned it off others.

Paris skimmed the cream off the top.

Hektor saw how Paris manoeuvred to smooth things over with disgruntled people, who were disgusted at their lives being destroyed, by Paris’ stratagem. Saying whatever they want to hear, so that he could get away with something that boosts his ego, and get that self-confidence feed. Perhaps Hektor also saw, that if Paris is this deceptive about some things, what else is he lying about… Crafty Paris used anything he could to manipulate situations; using distractions, third party entanglements, and beating around the bush, to get people to no longer feel a certain way about him, and let things slide, so his ego gets what it wants. People’s behaviour and reactions to Paris, is what made him more inventive; to get them to move past grievances, as if trickery and f*****y never occurred.

Hektor was not blind to the red flags. He wasn’t having the wool pulled over his eyes. Hektor knew that Paris was unhealthy and toxic for those around him. He knew Paris had repressed emotions, negative attachments, and he was avoiding some important things from himself, about himself. This was why Hektor kept pointing them out (Eris truth revelations) and Paris kept putting up the smoke and mirrors deflections. See a previous article for more on the Narcissist (bullshitter)/Empath (truth teller) dynamic.

Keeping people held down in darkness, so he had power over them, without them seeing the truth, is what Paris relished in.

Paris was indeed as Hektor described him: morally corrupt.

Hektor saw Paris’ potential for destruction, but since Hektor was already prince of Troy, he could do little to avoid his and everyone else’s fate… He knew he was caught up in Paris’ web of persuasion, pathological lying, schemes and bad influence.

Paris needed to invest in him Self, instead of investing in his creations to feed his ego. He needed to stop being the magician that casted spells, to get people to buy into his bullshit; to see him in a certain light. But why would he when he was having fun and games? Paris had a track record of being attracted to powerful, effective, and authentic people, perhaps even getting into a codependent situation with them, to try to fill a void in his life. This is not healthy, because he eventually pulled them down to his low vibrational level.

Image: The Seven of Swords in the Tarot. Someone is trying to tip toeing away with deception, stealing swords. He is also trying to get away with some truth. Perhaps by projecting an illusion, or presenting false evidence so that people believe them.

Image: The Seven of Swords in the Tarot. Someone is trying to tip toeing away with deception, stealing swords. He is also trying to get away with some truth. Perhaps by projecting an illusion, or presenting false evidence so that people believe them.

Paris looked good, and sounded good, but there are things that needed to be addressed.

Paris wanted enmeshment and co-dependency, so that other’s shine rubbed off on him, but unfortunately his energy rubbed off, as well…

He projected showmanship, an image that he was self-reliant, and confident within himself. However, in reality he was overly invested in an image; how others see, or feel about him. Despite his status, position, material wealth and birthright as the prince who had returned “from the dead”, Paris’ ambition was to base his sense of self, off of what else he can flounce off others.

Paris was unable to be authentic, and direct with Self and others.

Eris energy requires that people fess up and get real.

What you don’t invite to the party, crashes the party….

Eris shows that if we don’t invite the shadow, and the disowned parts of ourselves in, Eris energy shows up anyway… to turn everything upside down…Eris energy teaches: if you can’t vibrate with your authentic Self, you’ll forever be without the things that really satisfy. Paris is missing out on many good things, because he is emotionally immature, and can’t find the pot of gold inside himself. He has excluded himself from good energy, by indulging in his own folly.

By making the stratagem, backbiting, and the feeding of his ego his priority, he dooms everyone who associates with him and his noxious energy. The subterfuge is deployed not only to hide the gold-digging, his finessing, his inadequacy and lack of abundance, but also his venomous nature.

The very nature of venom, is to paralyse, disadvantage or corrupt the other.

With a slow action, so they are rarely aware of it, until its effects are well established, and it is too late to set your Self free.

Detoxing from such insidious effects may take considerable time, which is why psychologists are such busy people. Toxicity is the degree to which a substance can damage an organism, affect them negatively, or upset their life. The people who are toxic are dealing with their own stresses and traumas as well, which is why they spread negativity, hate on others, have insecurity, self-centred behaviour, and aim to dominate or control. This is why the applications of false masks and emotional games are employed, so that others don’t see beyond the smoke and mirrors. So they don’t realise that Paris initially give people exactly what they desire emotionally, but just enough to get them hooked. Paris is the drug that drugs his victims. Like a snake charmer. This is the pretence that collapses under Eris square Pluto transits, when the truth is seen for what it is. That Paris wants to possess other’s souls.

The discovery chart of Eris, the mythology of Persephone, and the filling in of the missing pieces in Eris’ mythology, shows that Eris’ path is intimately entwined with Pluto. Eris is currently squaring Pluto, which is the most epic transit of 2020/2021.

Image: A Snake Charmer via Wikimedia Commons.

Eris: Evaluation by Wisdom of the Heart vs the Patriarchal System’s Mental Ego Trickery

Image: Eris with the golden apple at the wedding via Wikimedia Commons.

The story of Eris starts with a wedding banquet of an unwilling bride named Thetis, forced by Zeus to get married to a mortal, after a prophecy that she would bear a son greater that Zeus. (Thetis, goddess of Justice, gave birth to Achilles, the great warrior, who was killed by Paris.) And later, Helen of Sparta was abducted/tricked to become Paris’ trophy, stolen from her cuckolded husband.

This story is about the patriarchy who don’t want to deal with the feeling side of life, the feminine, and instead desecrate, and disrespect fair relationships for selfish reasons.

Realising that one-sided relationship, is no relationship worth having…

Eris’ discord and strife came from patriarchy’s inability to abide by the laws of the heart.

Why do people have to be dishonoured or pitted against each other? Why cast doubt or dirt on another’s character, or ruin their good experiences? Why lower another’s confidence? Why blame others?

For some attention-seeking spoilt brat’s entertainment, satisfaction, or amusement? Or to keep in place the God complex, without there being consequences? The joy gained from artifice, stratagem and outwit?

As astrologer Steven Forrest explains in this podcast, the Eris square Pluto is a mixture of justice and corruption. Eris doesn’t like rules or corruption foisted upon her, and that is exactly what Pluto is doing. Steven says that Pluto always brings out the horrid truth, one way or another, either in the form of liberating realisations, or in the form of people acting out.

Some times the acting out of moral corruption, is the trigger for the eventual healing. Some times we need to learn things the hard way…

Even if an entire empire is brought to its knees…

According to this website, the goddesses together symbolise a social judicial order, which was perhaps a precursor to the feudal system. Hera

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Eris brings up topics and raises issues that many won’t talk about, try to ignore, and even believe don’t exist.
— Guru Rattana

is regal political power, Athena is the warrior class, and Aphrodite is fertility of the land, the harvest of the agrarian society. These three women unite different and necessary sociological characteristics of the ancient Greek state. Myth and Greek tragedies often see them doling out some kind of justice. Eris does that as well.

Eris is often portrayed as a malefic war-mongering woman, and scapegoated by the patriarchy as the bad apple, but that is because there are people who pretend, and blame other, and don’t want to take responsibility. Eris might have been instrumental in precipitating the Trojan War, but did she cause it? No.

There’s a sneaky part that is often ignored, which is that Paris was asked to choose. It was Zeus, who foresaw the likely consequences for himself, of choosing amongst three goddesses, who asked Paris to make a choice.

Yet, it was so much easier, and unfair, to scapegoat Eris. Blame should have been more equitably spread amongst all the parties.

What about the reaction of the wedding guests to Eris' Golden Apple? Who is responsible for their egotistical reactions? Were it not for the vying of three goddesses, because of their greed and need for recognition – potentially far greater vices than Eris’ mischief-making – no trouble may have ensued.

The cause of the problem is not chaos, which is a fundamental part of the fabric of existence. The discontentment of the heart is universal, and can't be excluded under any circumstances.

But when a corrupted, vastly over-inflated ego is involved, should it not be named? Can you not understand Eris’ desire to speak and expose truth, and restore some balance in the heart by calling out what people don’t want to look at?

When wisdom of the heart is not applied in matters of importance, that is a clear fail.

Discord, dissonance, and differences of opinion, are not a problem. What creates the problem, is the idea that only one can be "right", and another has to be excluded. This is why Eris and her mischief constantly challenges the perceived need for uniformity of outlook, group consensus, and the tyranny of the ego mind.

Eris does not like to be ostracised for being different, authentic, and honest. She can be (or appear to be) revengeful and confrontational, but this is the interpretation of the threatened status quo.

For when she fights against inequality, injustice, and unfairness, they don’t like it. Eris doesn’t like prejudice, small minded game playing, or if someone is deliberately disadvantaged. Eris invites us to go beyond such superficial concerns to a deeper, more fundamental, more authentic level of reality.

Eris was the one goddess in the Greek world who did more than just start every fight, she was also the last to end one.

Eris transits show that it is time for something emotional, unacknowledged or buried deep, to be brought out into the light. Until you do, there won’t be an end to the personal strife.

The Greeks may not have liked the goddess of strife, but she played a major role in their lives. Every argument, large and small, both began and ended with Eris. Accept Eris as an agent of change, and embrace concepts that will change your view of the world and your life forever.

Eris walks to the beat of her heart, speaking her truth, eloquently described by previous articles on this website… which won’t be repeated here.

Image: The astrological glyph or symbol for Eris. There are several, but this one seems to be most in use.

Image: The astrological glyph or symbol for Eris. There are several, but this one seems to be most in use.

Eris Transits 2020 - 2028

Transit Eris in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn five times causing opportunity for growth and awareness. The key dates are:

  • 26 January 2020

  • 14 June 2020

  • 10 December 2020

  • 27 August 2021

  • 9 October 2021

  • Personal planets will continue to stir the trigger points with conjunctions.

  • In orb October 10 ~ Feb 11 2023

  • In orb April 8 2023 ~ December 26 2023

  • In orb July 27 2024 ~ November 2 2024

  • Leaves November 3 2024.

Starting in 2024 to 2028, Eris and Chiron will be conjunct in Aries.

In 2027, Saturn will start its conjunction to Eris, going into 2028.

We are going to see this energy for some time to come… Better learn to deal with the energy sooner, rather than later.

Find an Eris Ephemeris here.

More Articles on Eris in Astrology:

Image: Film by Free Movies. Legendary heroes, a beautiful woman, impassioned lovers, a vengeful husband, and a war that will ultimately destroy an entire civilization--such is the legend of Troy. Come with us on a fascinating journey of discovery as we uncover the truth and magic behind the myth. When Paris, the Prince of Troy, led by insatiable lust, snatches the beautiful Helen away from her husband, King Menelaus, the stage is set for the most tumultuous battle of all time—a battle for love, honor, and glory—a battle known as the Trojan War. Lasting for over ten years, the Trojan War greatly influenced the culture of Western civilization, inspiring the works of Homer; giving us great heroes like Hector, Paris, and the mighty Achilles; and fascinating us with tales of wooden horses and a face that launched a thousand ships. Join the search for the real story of Troy, and take an unforgettable journey that will not only reveal the magic of Troy, but also bring life to an epic era long past, but never forgotten.


Image: An adaptation of Homer's great epic, the film follows the assault on Troy by the united Greek forces and chronicles the fates of the men involved.