Spiritual Jail vs the Blessing of Fertility - Eris, Haumea and Sedna in Astrology

In the higher expression Eris, Sedna, Varda, and Haumea carry the blessing of fertility. Why?

Blessings and light come from a divine source.

Yet, many articles on this website describe the stark differences between the higher self and the lower self. The divine self and the selfish, greedy, ego mind disguising itself as goodness, fooling everyone into its illusions. The righteous and the unrighteous.

Another article on this website explores the difference between the real divine feminine of growth, and the counterfeit who convinces everyone of her illusions. This is predominantly Eris energy, yet all three stories have this similar vein. It is those who may be guided by the wrong values, lack a moral compass and compassion for others, and use their position as follower to pursue their own goals. Getting their rivals out of good character, so the counterfeit can take their place, and reap the rewards. Yet, there is always the potential that a person who tries to ruin it for another, end up ruining their own life.

When it comes to Eris, Haumea, Varda and Sedna in Astrology, there are great opposites.

Good or illusion disguised as righteousness. Good choices or bad choices. And also cause and effect and eventually judgement time, by a separating of the wheat from the chaff; the higher expression elevating, and the lower expression going to spiritual jail. One group moves on to eventually enjoy a new blessed life, and the other get stuck and stagnant for a season, in spiritual prison. Some getting their rewards, and the others getting their just due. What the lower expression may initially have considered a fun monopoly game, now a source of regret… as the consequences for indulging in low vibrational bullshit wash in with the tide, and they find themselves infertile and unproductive. In spiritual jail, for making those self-serving choices. Having to come to the realisation, that screwing others over isn’t that rewarding after all.


There is always an energetic price for everything in life. If you’re aware of it. These are stark realities. Advancement or impoverishment, and things not being what they seem… Bringing the truth to the surface ultimately brings freedom. So why be in denial?


Greek mythology shows how people like Paris of Troy and Zeus’s emotional fulfilment depended on screwing others over with all sorts of covert tactics, and then getting those far-reaching consequences. I recently came across several videos that talks about spiritual jail. I began to see clearly the dynamics of the consequences of indulging in relationship f*****y, which puts people in spiritual jail, where they are barren, and have plenty of time to stew over the abundant blessings of others, who they had grown to envy, or even hate.

Why? Because they cannot access the goodness inside themselves. They can only pretend to have it. All because of the making of bad choices in previous seasons, for which they refuse to take accountability. Preferring to stay in denial. Instead flipping the script, getting amusement from strife, playing games, and smear-campaigning others. Never taking responsibility.

I was delighted at the synchronicities, to realise that this concept is highly applicable to the assignments to be learnt from Eris, Haumea and Sedna energy, due to the antagonist/protagonist dynamics, and the stark choice between indulging in either low, or higher vibration. What comes around goes around. Indeed.

All three archetypes (Eris, Haumea and Sedna) have a Venus/Mercury/Pluto conjunction in their discovery charts, but they express differently due to house placement and aspects. Varda has these planets in opposition. They show the consequences of foolishness, triangulation and toxicity in relation, and mingling with those who want to drag others out of inner alignment. From these experiences, we have the potential to learn how to ride the decidedly feminine - divinely retributive - energies of the newly discovered dwarf planets, like Eris, Sedna, Varda and Haumea. To restore balance and order. To reconnect human being with Soul Self goodness.

The Greek Mythological Meaning of Hubris

In ancient Greece, hubris had a different definition than it has today. Greek hybris, in ancient Athens, is the intentional use of violence to humiliate or degrade.

The most important discussion of hubris in antiquity is by Aristotle in his Rhetoric: “Hubris consists in doing and saying things that cause shame to the victim…simply for the pleasure of it. Retaliation is not hubris, but revenge.…Young men and the rich are hubristic because they think they are better than other people.” Because the Greek has a word for error (hamartia) but not for sin, some poets—especially Hesiod (7th century BCE) and Aeschylus (5th century BCE)—used hubris to describe wrongful action against the divine order. This usage led to the modern sense of the term and its assertion of lack of reverence. The meaning of hubris is simply exaggerated pride, cockiness or self-confidence. Literary critics today often seek to find in hubris the “tragic flaw” (hamartia) of the heroes of Greek tragedy. The

Eris astrological glyphs

word’s connotation changed over time, and hubris came to be defined as overweening presumption that leads a person to disregard the divinely fixed limits on human action in an ordered cosmos. These are the people incased in pride and ego, punishing and dismissing other people, as part of not seeing their own dangerous character flaws, because they are in denial. Blind to the truth. Delusional. Unstable. Wanting to bring others off their high horse, with pettiness, to feel ego superior. This hubris is an Eris issue in particular.

There are many valuable lessons for the serious astrology wisdom seeker; know your worth, and do right by your Self, and then you will know to do right by others.

Know how to make right choices, and get those blessings with your name on them.


The Machiavellian and Sedna in Taurus

Sedna has already entered the crisis degree of 29 degrees Taurus in July 2021, thus all the negative qualities of Taurus being an Earth sign is pronounced: being security-oriented, opportunistic, acquisitive, possessive, narrow minded, obstinate, rigid, and overly-conservative. To be Machiavellian entails people who are arrogant and consider themselves to be superior to others. Machiavellians are sly,

deceptive, distrusting, and manipulative. They are characterised by cynical beliefs, callous in striving for money, power, and status, and the use of cunning influence tactics. Pluto in Capricorn (an Earth sign) will also enter the crisis degree in February 2023, potentially increasing the negative expression of this energy, also as Sedna trine Pluto. The online course Foundations of Change discusses this in great detail.

Mercury, Venus and Pluto in Sagittarius cluster:

The zodiacal essence of Sagittarius is to seek and explore. The skilful application is wisdom, and the unskilful is delusion.

Below are the links to the three articles that details with the Venus/Mercury/Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius, in Eris, Haumea and Sedna’s discovery charts. These energies are all about wish fulfilment, and how the hubristic look at others to use them, for a selfish gain. The sign Sagittarius is the Teacher of the Zodiac. What they pass

on, they believe will bring about fulfilment that holds philosophical views and beliefs. In the higher expression, Eris, Haumea and Sedna are the goddesses, who had amassed abundance, who now attract the antagonism of the jealous and envious… who want to do the selfish, petty things… As the seven year Yod forming in the astrological sky progress, this will become more apparent…


Being in spiritual jail is a concept that relates to cause and effect. To be put in time-out: to sit, think, consider and learn from. To look at intentions, motivations, and dysfunctional patterns. To get out of denial and be truthful to self. To trust, re-integrate, heal, grow and transform; surrendering to a process which takes a person from one state, into another. It may be uncomfortable, but those who allow the process of going into the underworld, may ace the experience eventually. Learning to be present and joyfully open-hearted.

Unfortunately this process is not equally manageable for everyone. Most people resist, and some refuse to altogether, throwing in the towel at the first sign of a hurdle. Or they simply keep indulging in choices and behaviours that dig such a deep hole for themselves, that climbing out of it, is a seemingly mammoth task. They lack will power, and don’t want to do the work to get the rewards of being set free, to get the blessings. To be fruitful. Instead using all sorts of tactics, to get what is unrightfully theirs. Getting low vibrational and jealous; to block or sabotage those who do the work… to change… and get the rewards…

This is why it is important to understand how to live an energetically healthy and righteous life, to learn to avoid the pitfalls, and get your just dues.

For some, spiritual jail is a lifetime experience… Never elevating, never growing, never glowing. Stuck. This is the real reason why they are mad and sad…

According to this website, spirituality is a personal facet of many people’s lives. It is a path that we try to move through while being fully present in human form. Being “spiritual” is not about religion. It’s about picking from different belief systems, philosophies, or religions and choosing a personal direction. This direction is often a lonely path. It is intimate. And it is meant to take us to great places…

Image: A bust of Paris (mythology) via Wikimedia Commons. Symbolising the women he was self-servingly entangled with that resulted in the Judgement of Paris, which is part of Eris’ story in Greek mythology.

Here are some of the signs of the spiritual imprisonment that force us to re-evaluate investment in karmic relation.

A relationship is karmic when the lesson is never learnt, and the cycle repeats, in every new chapter of life…

In Brief:

  • Being Stuck in Unhealthy Relationship

  • Unforgiveness and Closed-heartedness

  • Not being true to Authentic Self

  • Remaining in a depression for years without help.

  • Obsession with Entertainment and Busy-ness.

  • Not following your Passion and using your Talents

  • Illusion-Making with Mental Magic, Black Magic, Spell work or Psychological Warfare

Being Stuck in Unhealthy, Karmic Relationships

Our spiritual nature requires a passion for life. We are not meant to suffer in eternal hell through another in relation, who orchestrate a gain for themselves through sabotaging others, living the high life off the toil of others.

Image: Sagittarius image via Wikimedia Commons.

According to this website, we learn from these experiences, but if we don’t level-up and move on, it all becomes spiritual stagnation. It can be difficult to end a relationship, even when divine guidance nudges us to move on. But to stay, is an act of self-sabotage; mentally, spiritually and emotionally. It becomes a cancer that slowly eats our insides. As a person evolve spiritually, they begin to notice the toxic nature of certain relationships, and why certain kinds of people will always hold those around them back. By beating around the bush, not making intentions clear. Not having integrity in relation. Being deceptive. Giving another high hopes, so they can put their guard down. These are the relationships in which a person is perhaps given attention, led on, then breadcrumbed… or worse, pulled into competitive third party situations. To be regressed. Controlled. Manipulated. Sabotaged. Used by the magician and mastermind. Trauma-bonded to be put in toxic co-dependence. Handed rose-coloured glasses, and gaslighted into a false narrative. Leached on by ungrateful, undeserving, self-absorbed, self-fulfilling people.

Orchestrators of chaos and drama for fun? It is opportunists creating opportunities by thriving off of other people’s energy…

Being an insincere player in relationships yields a tremendous amount of karma and cause and effect for the player.


This was explored in great detail in this article about Greek god Zeus who was the leader of a social system of control, yet with his position and his life energy, he squandered it; often trying to negatively influence, compromise others, bringing devastation over their lives, also the sins of the fathers visiting the next generation. The article also describes why these people end up not living a fulfilling life. On the outside they may seem to have it all, because they project, wear a mask, put up a fake facade, or make others believe that their rights should come first, but inside they are often empty…

Being fruitful around covert gold-diggers, happiness-haters, and opportunists just doesn’t work.

The story of Haumea shows how you have to create a healthy, sacred space for your blessings and manifestations come in. This includes creating healthy boundaries, healing and isolating in solitude for some time. Away from the noxious energy of low vibrational people, and distractions of hidden enemies who want to be close. Discovering and studying relationship dynamics. Gaining insight and clarity. This is what Persephone did when she was first forcefully taken into the Underworld; having to sit in her frightening visceral experience, feel her way through it, get out of denial and insecurity, and eventually detoxify from it. Transforming into a stronger, more mature version of her Self. Having redeemed her Self, by her own right choices and actions.

Unforgiveness and Closed-Heartedness

According to this website, the lack of forgiveness is one of the biggest imprisonments in spiritual growth. Our memories store everything. We may move through days without knowing what is composting, or being kept alive in cellular memories. When we least expect it we may step on that thorn of the past, triggering the pain, abuse, belittling, and self-worth issues. When we don’t let go, we continue to carry the horrific acts of the pain in every part of our being.

Forgiveness is never for the other person. It is for you to move past the bars of solitary confinement. Open the gate of your prison cell by forgiving your part in that story, and let go of whatever the other person did to you. Get out of the unhealed state.

Not Being in True Authentic Self

Trying to Copy or Steal Another’s Essence, while Ignoring Your Own is Cowardice. This is distortion of truth.

According to this website, we are constantly trying to experience love with others, waiting for another to value us, but it starts with the self. If you don’t see your worth, no one else will ever see it either. In spirituality, it is often difficult to distinguish how and what we feel. What’s right? We live behind the prison bars of self-doubt, because who we are as spiritual beings doesn’t align with what society expects from us. In some cases it’s not about being brave.


It’s about being conscious of your survival. We are spiritual beings having human experiences. This means we have to step into the truth of who we authentically are; this is higher expression Eris, Sedna and Haumea.

Inauthentic people don’t really expand, and tend to be infertile in the energetic sense (not the literal). Why? They rely on the ego mind, mimicking others, or critiquing the competition. Not relying on their divine connection, which they may ignore or neglect. The blessing of real fertility lies in divine connection; which is every human being’s birthright. But if they don’t make good choices - that bring them closer to their own divine nature - they get their lack of rewards accordingly. It entails not being able to produce abundantly, with great fertility, because they are not being honest with Self, perhaps wearing a facade. When you have desires that you want to manifest, they have to be the true authentic desires from the heart, because those are the seeds (divinely inspired ideas) that will take root in fertile soil. Due to the spiritual energy of the true desires of the heart - that are being acted upon - the plant (or project) grows. It is the spiritual energy (or mana as it is called in the Hawaiian language in Haumea’s stories) that has the genuine staying power and divine magic to perpetuate and progress. And to regenerate, into the blessings and wild abundance of what is fertile.

It is authenticity, and being completely honest with Self, that has the quantum life force energy and integrity, to catapult people into great things.

Not putting on a fake friend facade, stealing from, sabotaging or destroying other people, perhaps with lies, slander, projection of inadequacies, control or manipulation. Those who obsess, get jealous or money-hungry, or zone in on another to hinder their growth, or block their blessings, end up harming themselves…

This is how the unrighteous antagonists end up blocking their own blessings, as the slow wheel of fortune turns, as is especially evident in Eris and Sedna transits.

This is why those in spiritual jail get jealous, envious, and rise as the enemy of progress, of the higher expression individuals. They cannot access their own blessings, due to their own bad choices, sitting in spiritual and energetic lockdown… being in denial, projecting, facading, blaming, while failing to see how this situation is of their own making… Perhaps having mindsets about success that confuse their own fragile feelings about what they don’t have, with how they feel about another. Perhaps allowing the external validation seeking, negative opinions or scarcity mindset, to attack another person’s wins. The secret to success of higher expression Eris, Sedna and Haumea… is divine blessing; making those right choices, connecting with and protecting your own inner light and unique glow. Not allowing the external jabber to enter your core, pushing the external away. Being honest and aligned.

Remaining in a Depression for Years Without Help.

According to this website, depression is a form of spiritual imprisonment. We have faith. We ask for spiritual guidance, but we choose not to act on our resources. Spirituality forces us to take a look at the Shadow side of the self. The dark night of the soul is a symptom of higher conscious evolution, to enter into new understanding of our own divinity. During this period there is a total eclipse of sadness and confusion. The world as it was is no longer.

Obsession with being Entertained and Busy-ness

According to this website, spirituality requires quiet time to reflect and meditate. The temptations of television, pornography or social media are over exposing people to low vibrational energies, which create addictions that imprison the yearning to connect with the soul Self. Computers, television or technology are constant, but everything should be done in moderation. It’s difficult to disconnect, to sit in stillness, feel and breathe, after the overstimulation and addiction to the overstimulation. Sluggishness, staleness and feeling bland are often the rewards for dimming your light, and your life force, when over-indulging in these distractions. Discontent and boredom may be another result.

Not following your Passion, nor using Your Talents

A mundane life, full of stress without play, is the kiss of death to the spiritual person. We are meant to live our life’s purpose with passion.

According to this website, spiritual growth requires that we look at our passions and gifts. We must follow them and have them work for us. If you love writing, do something about it. If you enjoy playing an instrument, find a time and place to share it with others. When we align with joy, and our innate abilities, abundance follows. We are meant to live out our dreams and desires.

Haumea’s Hawaiian tales shows the passion and dedication that she applied in becoming the akua wahine (divine feminine), and tend to those in relation whom she loved and committed herself to, who genuinely supported her in turn.

How the magic of the symbolic makalei stick was utilised to create prosperity, abundant food supply, marital bliss, blessed childbirth, and a joyful life worth living. In today’s terms, these are the people who are authentic, true and honest with themselves, finding their way to their true passions and talents easier. Haumea simply prayed to her ancestors for divine assistance, along with all the other work she did to create sacred space (read the Haumea blog for details). As described earlier, those who access this life force energy (mana in the Hawaiian language), may live a miraculously blessed life, filled with fertility, providence, and a bliss-filled existence. This is the energetic compensation, and the reward of making good, honouring choices. Living a humble, peaceful, grounded, stable life is fulfilling.

Illusion-Making with Mental Magic, Black Magic, Spell work or Psychological Warfare

Image: Turning the Wheel via Wikimedia Commons.

Some things invade the fine web of life between people. It is felt as an act of betrayal, and it harms trust. When you catch someone attempting to manipulate energy, that is a sure sign of a desperate person who is in spiritual jail, due to all of the relationship f*****y they had indulged in. They cannot come at people directly, so illusion-making is employed.

These are the social engineers who want to turn the wheel of fate for others, to be in misfortune, at the bottom.

Those who try to put another person in defeat, despair, unable to move forward, or encaged, is a sure sign of someone for whom the natural, wholesome, honest and righteous avenue - to manifest goodness and benevolence for all - is closed off to. These people may have divine judgement on their lives. Why? For doing in-the-dark foul things. Thwarting the aspirations of others for a reason of insecurity or the unhealed state. In spiritual jail, to learn their lessons, but instead they project, flip the script, stay in denial, without ever taking accountability, nor learning their VALUABLE, VALUABLE, VALUABLE lessons.

The take-away from Eris, Haumea and Sedna transits are, that there are consequences for bad choices. It is in the nature of these transits to seperate the wheat from the chaff; which is a bible reference for separating good and bad groups of people, based on their deeds. This distance is necessary, for the good cannot flourish, when there are energetic saboteurs in their midst.

The Court of Spiritual Law:

The victims who experience these in-the-dark-deeds, and violations did not ask for this, nor consent to it.

Like love magic, gaslighting, bread-crumbing, plotting, gang stalking, projection, emotional manipulation, psychological abuse, or scapegoating.

By those personalities who lack empathy, and a moral compass, and who work towards their own selfish interests. Like falsely taking credit, being aggressive, criticising and judging those who don’t boost their ego. Trying to minimise another’s influence, using manipulation to reach goals, scheming for personal benefit without considering consequences. Competing, not co-operating. Taking risks without regard for ethics, bullying and luring others into bad behaviour.

It happens that a disrespected, demonised party experience this psychological warfare. These invisible injustices are not readily dealt with in human or earthly courts, they are dealt with on a spiritual and energetic level.

Eris, Haumea and Sedna all have similar stories, of having to rely on divine judgement, divine retribution and divine recompense, in unfair cases such as these; where the targeted know that revenge will put them in spiritual court along with the abuser. So instead, they may pray for divine justice, and for spiritual court to deal with the situation fairly.

Allowing long transits like Eris or Sedna, to gain clarity, grow discernment, and elevate into maturity, and a mastery of Self. For these transits are all about choices, and making the right choices for your Self.

Not revenging, but trusting in divine order to take care of it.


Image: Lady Justice via Wikimedia Commons.

For divine justice to be served for everyone. For divine balance and fairness to be enforced energetically.

Some, with more experience on these matters, claim that these dirty deeds can have a backfire or boomerang effect, and may even create psychosis, or mental health issues. Perhaps the mental trap, heartbreak, delusion, finessing, or confusion that the perpetrator wanted the targeted to experience, becoming their experience instead. These things are not in the physical realm, they are in the psychological, spiritual, mental, emotional and energetic. The Wheel of Fortune card in the tarot teaches that the wheel do turn; what you sow you reap, and if you habitually put another at an unfair disadvantage, expect a return effect in some form. If you are fragmented, trapped or stuck in sticky molasses and try to cause an imbalance for another, expect some more of your investment in that; that positive manifestations may continue to elude you.

Perhaps being locked up in spiritual jail, over karmic relations; where karmic cycles repeat, and karmic lessons are never learnt. This may be one of the many energetic return on investments for the unhealed… With more jealousy, envy, anger, brattiness and low vibrational emotions growing while in spiritual jail, as a result of seeing another prosper… With more arrogance, pride and refusal to change… Invested in hubris, the dangerous character flaw described by the ancient Greeks.

And the demonised, who chose not to revenge, but to forgive, heal, allow and move on, gets their return as well; they get to elevate and move on into a new life, where they are energetically compensated…

That sounds fair, does it not?

Everyone gets the opportunity to make good or bad choices, and then get a return on their energetic investment.

Getting what they deserve.

Justice. Recompense. Energetic transformation.


Image: Wheel of Fortune via Wikimedia Commons.


As Eris, Haumea and Sedna energy are more understood, more people will start to see the benefit of not falling for illusions, but to discern, make right choices that honours Self, and other people, and get just rewards.

To enjoy the benefits and nourishment of fertile surroundings, sacred space, loyal, open-hearted kindred spirits, warm company, and an encouraging atmosphere. To guard against unwise associates, gambling your blessings, getting in harsh, competitive situations, or a disenchanting experience in general. Knowing your worth, having character, and removing yourself from people, places and situation that are not worthy of you. That’s how you get out of karmic relationships, karmic cycles, and stay out of spiritual prison.

Conclusion - The Blessing of Fertility

Eris, Sedna and Haumea all carry themes of being in relation, knowing your worth, and honouring Self accordingly.

They all show that an individual has the opportunity to learn to do right by themselves, by getting out of avoidance and denial, forgiving others for their indulgence in illusion, so that they can be free.

All three carry the lower expression potentials for when one choose to indulge in the low vibrational, negative or destructive. Haumea’s mythology in particular, carry stories of when a person indulge in black magic, voodoo etc. Polynesians have many stories in their cultures regarding what happens to those who practise this dark magic. Despite the initial thrill they may get from indulging in the low vibrational, it ends up consuming and destroying their lives. This is also described in Haumea’s discovery chart article.

Therefore, it is important to heed the lessons of Eris, Sedna and Haumea, to make the choice to stay clear of the low vibrational, and to love Self instead. For the blessings of the path that honours Self-love, and knowing your worth and value, is rewarding, eternal and truely fulfilling.

Trying to manipulate, hurt another person, bring injustice into their life, or give them karma or consequences, might disadvantage or hurt that person temporarily, but the wheel will turn on the hubristic with ill intent…You mess up your own life, your own energy, and your own destiny when you dishonour others, do them dirty, or wrong them. It creates mental health issues, and instability when you carry bad intentions, for in essence, you do it to yourself.

In an energetic sense, it essentially means that you don’t respect yourself, which is why you don’t respect, nor honour others.

Not attaining karmic completion, nor freedom, by your own dishonouring choices. Throwing hissy fits, yet blessings remain on lockdown… Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Frozen. Going back into a karmic cycle, while another elevate.


Anyone can redeem themselves, at any stage, but how many invested in hubris, ego, pride, tit for tat, and denial really want to do that? There may be too much blind loyalty to the wrong things.


In the higher expression, Eris, Sedna and Haumea carry the frequency of fertility.


Because blessings come from the divine, which is innate in every human being, but disowned by many.


The Eris will be a massive influence in the seven year Haumea Yod that will be in the astrological sky from 2022 - 2028, at the reaction point in a Boomerang Yod. The Foundations of Change online course describes the dynamics in detail.

Why do people feel like they are losing their heads since the start of 2020?

Read all about the strange mixed bag of energies we’ve been having since the start of 2020, like the four Yods and three Hammer of Thor aspect patterns, in The Pentagram of Change online course.

Learn more about the bigger picture by going to courses.


More information on Spiritual Jail:


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