Sedna and Eris: Relation, Self-Esteem and the Lesson of Hurt People Hurt

Sedna, Goddess of the Deep, and the Similarities to Eris, Goddess of Strife and Discord

As regular readers may know, this website was first started to explore Eris, the dwarf planet, the Greek Goddess of Discord and Strife. It has since come to my attention, that there are many interesting similarities in the discovery charts of the two dwarf planets, and how they correspond to the mythology.

Since Sedna’s energy will be highly active in the next few years, she is worth exploring, since outer planets transiting the 29th degree of any zodiac sign, is felt…

Sedna is a symbol of the embodiment of a rich spiritual life and wisdom, after a long journey that included delusions, denial, disappointments and mishaps.

Both these women had to learn a huge lesson through tough visceral experiences; that hurt people hurt. Some individuals are not able to love themselves, nor others. They may hang onto grievances and unforgiveness that hold them stuck. And that Self-worth and value, should not be dependent on being on the receiving end of disrespect, rejection, betrayal or abandonment from these people.

Even if one feels victimised or paralysed, there is choice, and potential for alchemy.

Both Sedna and Eris was discovered by astronomers Mike Brown, Chad Trujillo, and David Rabinowitz. Planet Sedna was first discovered on 19 November 2003. She is beyond Eris, in the outer reaches of our solar system, in what is called the Oort cloud. Where Pluto takes 248 odd years, and Eris about 556 to complete an orbit around the sun, Sedna takes a whopping 11,390 years. Like Eris, Sedna also has an elliptical orbit, but it is extreme (see the image at the bottom). According to Wikipedia, the most common symbol for Sedna is a monogram of the Inuktitut Sanna, the modern pronunciation of the name, and resembles a leaping seal or fish. It is classified as a dwarf planet, just like Eris.

The Inuit are a group of culturally similar indigenous peoples inhabiting the Arctic regions of Greenland, Canada, and Alaska. In Inuit mythology, Sedna is the goddess of the sea and marine animals, also known as the Mother of the sea, or Mistress of the Sea.

The story of Sedna, which is a creation myth, describes how she came to rule over Adlivun, the Inuit underworld.

Both Eris and Sedna achieved authority of the underworld, living in fertile rich Soul connection, by making changes, and embracing a new way, where others could not.

According to Wikipedia, the legend of Sedna has many variations, possibly because the Inuit (Eskimo is seen as an offensive term) are such entertaining story tellers, but their stories do lean towards teaching life lessons, and passing on wisdom to the next generation. Another article on this website, explores Sedna’s discovery chart. Whichever version of the legend you ascribe to, we are interested in the astrological and psychological value… which is quite profound at this time…

Sedna, Inuit Goddess of Sea and Marine Animals

The mythological story of Sedna, is just as challenging as Eris’, if not more…

Both is about chaos, destruction, creation, and large vibrational differences, that can drive chasms between people, as some are able to grow, and allow higher consciousness, and others struggle greatly to let go of the old beliefs, and addictive low vibrational energy state.

It is the sorrow of having to deal with closed minded ignorance, and people who are set in their ways, and cannot embrace new ways of being.

Both entail the presence of a patriarchal social system of control and dominant hyper-masculine male figures, who want to influence and control, with a certain selfish narrative. I am not a feminist by any means. But I do believe in the energies at play. The logical over-thinking father, who is called Anguta in some versions of the legend, wants to maintain the social order, and the feminine’s place in it, in a certain way. And the daughter figure (male or female) desires a different path, but ends on a more authentic path towards becoming one with the divine, the ethereal. In turn, sacrificing her old identity, for a new Self. To provide for her community, who is fearful of lack and famine, as a sea goddess of the underworld.

Astrologer Janet Chui elaborates on this beautifully, as she mentions Sedna’s significance for cultures where there is great expectations to continue with the norm, for daughters to be married, or else continue to live under the parent’s rule, to serve them. She reminds her readers that even today, gender equality, financial equality and independence for women can still be a taboo, but couched in religion, or tradition, or emotional blackmail/enmeshment. Taboos (and control) are unfortunately made more powerful by shame. And it seems no matter which version of the legend a person ascribe to, Sedna is a source of shame for her father, because she won’t go along with his, nor their culture’s enforcement of social control. Janet reminds us, that even as her father eventually severs ties with Sedna, via the loss of her fingers attached to the boat, she is more so, a source of shame, because a woman’s worth, accomplishment and contribution lied in her daily intricate crafting of food and clothing. And in not having fingers, she could not even ‘comb’ her own hair to tend to her appearance.

Had she lost her value to her family? Sedna in astrology seems to have many VALUE and WORTH themes, which is amplified by Taurus.

This suggests that in Inuit culture (as part of humanity) there is also a materialism, prescription, appearances and some inequality, that Sedna could not subscribe to. To be demure, obliging, submissive, and adhere to expectations, was not possible for her intelligent, independent and authentic spirit. And when there is a desire to be respected for individual worth, there is opposition, punitive measures, a power struggle, or domestic violence, in turn. Women, not being able to express their full expression, or their masculine side in a healthy way. Women and daughters feeling punished when male family members lack self-regulation. Feeling like convenient scapegoats and targets when emotionally non-proficient men lose control. And what about men who suppress their feminine side? Who may have repressed emotions of guilt, shame, grief, fear and helplessness, that they had not

been able to manage well? This repression of emotions, also became pronounced during the Eris square Pluto transits, as discombobulating emotions rose to the surface, to be managed…

Some men, perhaps unable to reach that higher emotional, “feminine” intelligence, due to expectation on their gender, to be strong. And in that collective expectation, many men not learning how to productively deal with the storms of emotional overwhelm, which is a common condition, applicable to all humans.

As times change, both men and women, are challenged to balance both their masculine and feminine sides, in each individual.

Hindsight Sedna Emotional Experience

The legend of Sedna describes the visceral experience of a Sedna transit. Anyone who has ever experienced Sedna slowly traversing over personal planets in their chart, may have deep comprehension of her experience, in hindsight.

It is about feeling like the martyr or the sacrificial lamb. Feeling like being suspended in time, with a narcissist in a no-win situation, where nothing can be done to move forward.

And knowing better: that fighting evil with evil does not work. It is the visceral memories of despair, misfortune and shock, and the experience of feeling cut off from family, and old ways of being. Remembering the loss and the ensuing sorrow and bitterness, from feeling loved ones physically, psychically and emotionally disconnecting and separating. And remember keenly, that feeling of having to let go, releasing the fears of the unknown, and allow the sinking below the waves. Giving in and giving up, due to the tossing and throwing of emotional overwhelm. And realising that there is no more safety in the boat, than there is in the water. Slowing sinking, and watching the old way of life, leave. Disconnecting, and accepting the sinking state. In deep emotion. In deep disbelief, yet believing the experience, and watching it as if in extreme slow motion. Taurus is a sign of emotional stability, and with Sedna traversing personal planets in it, there may be a sense of great loss of stability. Things that had seemed rock solid, and providing, dissipating and leaving.

Both Sedna and Eris emotions may run very deep, and turn very disturbing, as the mind kick in to justify what had happened. The emotions take on different stages, depending on resistance and acceptance, and these are discussed elsewhere on this website.

The Trap of Denial and Wishful Thinking

For whatever reason, both these women had to face the facts, and the truth. It is a much needed perspective shift.

They may have hoped for a person to change, or see things their way, and got angry, resentful or bitter, because they did not. But both Eris and Sedna needed to learn to recognise when a person is stuck in stagnancy, ego, pride, controlling behaviour, selfishness, ignorance or toxicity.

Some would say it is wearing rose coloured glasses, but that is not correct. It is the habitual choice and action of being in denial of reality, that needed to be dropped.

Those who are lower vibrational, may never see things from a more enlightened point of view. It is the higher vibrational, who have the insight, foresight and forewarning, not the other way around. Low vibrational people need to heal their hearts, their woundedness, and their psychological baggage, so they can grow and mature. They may have mental health issues, or need counselling. Or may simply be too materialistic, or have no spirituality. Regardless, they need to do some inner work, because they chose their lower self, instead of their higher Self. They may have significant life lessons to learn, and many are not willing to EVER go through that arduous process of change and total transformation. Thus, they may not have that maturity - to see your point of view - any time soon, nor the ability to recognise when someone is a blessing in their life, which they chose to stomp all over instead.

It is the wishful thinking that is a large part of the suffering!

Just because one individual had elevated into a higher consciousness state, it doesn’t mean that others are willing to come with you, or embrace your progressive perspective. The higher the frequency state, the more differences and challenges there may be between people. In the

end, Persephone stayed with Pluto one half of the year, and with mother Demeter (Ceres) the other. But due to the consequences of her shamanic journey, Sedna chose to allow the physical severing from her family, sinking into the ocean, as the differences became too incompatible… which is symbolic of the planet Sedna’s highly elliptical orbit around the sun (see images below).

As both Eris and Sedna had a realisation about what is really going on, they could no longer hide under the umbrella of ignorance.

They can no longer say that they didn’t know, or they do not see, nor that they do not understand… The selfish and insecure, are who they are… they are full of conflict, and they make their own self-serving, devilish, low vibration choices. And the enlightened are required to hold on to what they worked so hard for; their stability, security, balance and abundance. We are all perfectly imperfect, and we live by our choices, that either align us with our divine Self, or not.

People who have a significant Sedna activation in their design will have experienced at least one great disconnect in their lives, where they were forced to let go of one life and embrace another more ‘divine’ aspect of self.
—, Sedna the Collective individual

Image: Sedna and our Solar system, from Wikimedia Commons. Click to enlarge.

Image: Our Solar System showing Eris and Sedna’s orbit in relation to the sun via Wikimedia Commons. Click to enlarge.

Entitlement and Hubris of the God Complex

Selfishly playing God in other’s lives

Sedna’s father Anguta seem to fit the bill for being in hubris, with social license, entitled to his rights as a father, a superiority complex, a sense of omnipotence… and grandiose delusions. He may have had a great challenge in understanding fairness, or simply lived in an unhealed state; having grievances and unforgiveness in his heart. He was certainly greedy, undeserving and disloyal.

In certain myths of the Greenland Inuit, Anguta (also called "His Father," Anigut, or Aguta) is considered the creator god and is the supreme being among the Inuit people. In other myths, Anguta is merely a mortal. He is a god of the dead in some myths, the psychopomp who ferries the souls of the living to the to the underworld, where they must sleep for a year. His name, meaning "man with something to cut", refers to his mutilating of his daughter which ultimately resulted in her godhood, an act he carried out in both myths.

With his obsession to control and determine her destiny. To pass judgement on her life, as if social license as her father gave him the right. Is he ignorant and closed-minded? Or is it the fear of survival and cultural expectation that drive him?

Sedna suffers unspeakable betrayal, was scandalised and sacrificed to her father’s agenda. She knows how it feels to mean nothing to those she depends on for survival.

This article explains that there is a very thin line between plain old arrogance, and a God Complex. Her father was certainly very arrogant. He was regularly scrutinising Sedna’s actions, and labelling them as bad, or not up to the mark. And there seems evidence that he was Playing God, allergic to criticism, unable to open his heart to his daughter’s pleas. Unable to tolerate anything that contradicts his or the communities’ beliefs or ways. He wanted to keep their way of life in place, and was too closed minded and ignorant to let her follow her heart. He was certainly showing a need to influence, “use” and manipulate Sedna, and have a feeling of power and control over her destiny, fortune and happiness. Being so fervently self-assured, that he overestimates his rights, privilege, and his dogmatic entitlement. Wikipedia also calls it the Jehovah complex, which is a related term used in Jungian analysis to describe a neurosis of egotistical self-inflation. It is only after his own life is threatened at the end of the story - in his boat in the raging arctic ocean - that he relinquishes control of his daughter. Sacrificing, betraying and rejecting her, to sink to the bottom of the ocean.

Both Sedna and Eris entails a great struggle due to unbalanced individuals in relation.

Sedna is about over-riding power, ego, domination issues, versus powerlessness.

Sedna hides in the dark of space and the frozen oceans, controlling the supply of sustenance for humanity. Sea creatures came to life from her severed fingers: life-giving nourishment born from the gruesome trauma of the ultimate betrayal. I see Sedna in humankind these past eighteen months: clinging on to the side of the boat, desperate to be saved by those we were told would protect us. Only to have our fingers severed, our hopes dashed, our trust betrayed, our future sacrificed. The ultimate treachery exposed to all with eyes to see.

But then, when it seems like all is lost… life – born of those severed digits. The horror becomes the genesis of something completely new.
— Sarah Varcas, astrologer

Image: Australian fur seals via Wikimedia Commons.

Eris: Two Different Paths in Response to Overbearing Authority and Power Issues

Define God-complex
A god complex is an unshakable belief characterised by consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility. A person with a god complex may refuse to admit the possibility of their error or failure, even in the face of irrefutable evidence, intractable problems or difficult or impossible tasks. The person is also highly dogmatic in their views, meaning the person speaks of their personal opinions as though they were unquestionably correct.
— Wikipedia
  1. In the discovery chart of the dwarf planet Eris, we see in the mythological story of Persephone/Proserpina, her managing to find her independence, emotional maturity and strength, through a perilous journey, of being in relation with Pluto and her mother Demeter.

  2. There is a strong emphasis in the overly masculine lower expression of Eris on the internet, as the fighting, warmongering woman. Yet a close inspection of Eris’ discovery chart, and the associated mythology of Persephone/Proserpina, reveals a deeply in feminine nature, in the face of tremendous turmoil.

The two diverging mythologies (of Eris and Persephone), shows two paths in response to control:

  1. Either the feminine warmonger as she becomes venom filled at the injustice of authoritative plotting, and undermining of the controlling authority figures, and their social systems of control.

  2. Or the path of Persephone, as she sits with her visceral experiences of trauma, shock and fright, waiting for her absolution. Eventually reaching her empowered state of being, after a total transformation. Persephone giving justice to her Self, by reaching deep down to the core of her being, to save her Self. Growing into emotional maturity, autonomy, authentic self-expression and tremendous personal growth. Creating her own victory and salvation, after seemingly overwhelming odds.

Eris: A Brief Reiteration

The Mythology of Persephone/Proserpina in relation with Pluto and Demeter

In the mythology of Persephone, she was overprotected, controlled and co-dependent on her mother Demeter as a maiden, who knew the dangers of the world. A sudden brutal forced abduction, took her into Pluto, the Lord of Underworld’s domain, where she lived in shock, trauma and fright for some time, with that uncomfortable feeling of waiting in limbo, using that time wisely to sit with her Self in inaction. Not acting out in devil energy against the temporary discomfort, or the injustice. Just sitting in her own skin. This is not about figuring it out, but staying in the feeling. Not running away, not defending herself, not engaging.

Due to discovering that she has a loving heart, she eventually overcame the consequences of the frightening visceral emotional experiences, and she transformed to rise like the Phoenix, strong, wise, mature, and independent, as the Queen of the Underworld. Knowing its dark and frightening wisdom, and the depths and great polarities of the human experience, due to both her mother Demeter and Pluto’s powerful controlling influences. Becoming the Empress of both light and dark, as she shared her time between her husband Pluto, and her mother. Outgrowing the old relationship and innocent being through non-action.

Both Persephone, and I believe Eris in youth, had great difficulty finding their own unique, and authentic Self-expression, due to powerful family influences, selfish, hostile situations, toxic dynamics, and complex relationships. To lower self-esteem, and gain control over another. And having to make self-honouring choices to allow for healing, renewal, and total change. Becoming brave, fearless, and redeemed in transforming themselves, to be less influenced by dishonouring and unsupportive environments and people. To be more shielded from their machinations. Realising that you cannot build a solid foundation, a great fortune, nor allow for new potentials, while participating on the destructive battlefield. Instead preferring the healthy, peaceful, productive path instead. A bright future. A positive outcome. Getting justice and divine restitution for Self, in moving on in victory.

In this article, astrologer Sarah Varcas also picks up on the similarities of Persephone and Sedna’s stories, and Ceres, the Roman goddess of the grain who grieved deeply for her daughter Persephone, seemingly lost to her in the underworld.

Like Sedna, Ceres also withholds food to mark her emotional suffering, and together they expose the devastating cost of a one-way descent into the deep freeze of our personal pain.

Both Ceres and Sedna reflect cycles of generous sustenance and bitter withholding, frozen contraction, and expansive release. These cycles are particularly stark at this time and becoming starker! They echo throughout time and space, transporting us from the personal dimension of healing, into the collective realm of awakening. Sarah writes, that as we disentangle from the deceptive web that has brought us here today, we are liberated from all that has bound us, even when we believed ourselves to be free.

Sedna and Eris Discovery Chart Similarities, and those Conjunctions in Sagittarius

Triggering, Lessons in Relation, Potentials for Change, and Catalysts for Alchemy.

These aspects echo strong feminine themes of being taken advantage of, trauma in the rite of passage, and ultimately, beautiful total transformation. The ongoing cycle of life and psychological death, to be born anew.

In the discovery charts of both Eris and Sedna, there is a conjunction of Venus, Mercury and Pluto in Sagittarius. This is a point of great similarity between the two. Eris was discovered in 2005 and Sedna in 2003, therefore there are also similarities like, Chiron in Capricorn, Saturn in Cancer, and Neptune in Aquarius. The luminaries (the sun and moon) are also similarly in Water and Earth signs.

The cluster in Sagittarius was dissected in great detail in Sedna’s discovery chart in particular. This cluster is in the 11th house where Sedna’s father had social license, and felt entitled, to play god in Sedna’s life, to determine her destiny. He had social license to sacrifice Sedna to his agenda, and force her to get married. He overestimated his rights, privilege, and his dogmatic entitlement, generating unspeakable betrayal and grief for Sedna. Venus is about value. It’s about if I know my worth, what is important to me, what is my choice. What is worth committing to, and getting crystal clear on that. Pluto conjunct Venus, is about the psychological issues that get triggered, about our value and worth to other people, and what we want in that relationship. In relation, people test another (Pluto) to see if they understand their value, and if they will put up with bad

behaviour, with boundaries in turn. And then the stratagem (Pluto) of those who want to take from another, perhaps because they see they have plenty, and they want to outwit, them to gain a selfish end. This aspect is about learning discernment, self-evaluation, and appraisal of the people in our lives, and the relation. Are we willing to compromise, or put up with bullshit? Or abuse? With Mercury in the mix, there is a sense of needing to take ownership of what you really want, and then communicating it easily. And learning to live with the envy that comes from knowing your worth. And courage to express being the light to the people around you, who in turn, may have a problem with you living this abundance, effortlessness and authenticity. Learning not to allow others to take advantage of you. Healing your relationship with Self, and others. Knowing that you are not responsible for how others feel about your joy, happiness, wishes, hopes or achievements. You don’t have to sacrifice your Self for anyone… Sagittarius is the sign of forward-thinking, freedom-loving and independence. It resents boundaries.

In Eris’ chart, the cluster is in the 9th house, in its natural house of Sag. It’s about the morality and ethics of employing the the narcissism of the MIND to scheme and plot against another. Is it morally right to control and subdue another?

In the extreme, this conjunction of planets involve the experience of power dynamics, dysfunctional relations, condition-based expectations, and energy stealing. See Eris’ discovery chart here, for more information about how Persephone (and Eris) were able to find their own empowerment, via the harsh conditions and relation with adversity. It is about allowing both parties to grow through the experience, for a mutual benefit of growth and elevation… nor not

Eris Discovery Chart

Sedna Discovery Chart

In Sedna’s chart the focus on the defeat of the narcissistic relationship and community structure (Venus/Mercury/Pluto conjunction in Sag, 11th house) and the overbearing authority figure (Saturn in Cancer at apex of yod), meant abandoning her relationship with herself (Chiron in 12th). This is a one-sided karmic relationship situation in which lessons needed to be learnt, and would keep repeating, until the lesson was learnt.

Sedna had to learn to hold space for all of her emotions.

Sedna had to learn to roll with the flow of life through soul searching.

Sedna had to learn to connect with her feminine, creative side.

This was Sedna’s greatest challenges.

It entails putting a relationship with another person, higher than her relationship with Self, which is self-defeating, self-abandoning, and frustrating to Sedna’s spirit. There needed to be a healthy reprioritising towards self. The Chiron in the 12th house, the house of self-undoing is described in detail in another article and revolves around Sedna needing to grow a sense of self-worth (which is found when Sedna travels to the core of her being in the underworld), instead of growing self-esteem (which comes from outside sources, and what others may think of her, as being her sense of value).

Sedna needed to acknowledge her worth, and treat herself with decency and the attention the Soul Self deserves, because her own energy of soul essence, was trying to give her a cornucopia of EVERYTHING. Providence and abundance galore.

Victimisation and Choice

With Neptune being so prominent in Sedna’s chart, there is always the temptation to fall into victimhood, but ultimately, these conjunctions are about a higher awareness and compassion, of the dynamics behind every relationship.

Those factors that create the push-pull, and people getting activated by others, are about the good experience another has. The people who screw us over, tend to be the ones who end up providing for us the biggest opportunity for growth. Wow… It may sound cliche, but once you understand these dynamics, you may be surprised by the value of these interactions, and how a person can take the most horrid situations that happened to them, and turn them into gold. Alchemy indeed.

It can be a win-win situation. Where people are inspired by the experience to make those positive personal changes, and enjoy elevation. But for many people, it is just easier to hate on others, instead of investigating the situation, or come into self-awareness… Some people want to be and stay in the victim mentality… going through many cycles in their life, never learning the lesson… Never maturing, never finding that fulfilment. It’s a choice. It is always a choice. Many people have horrific things happen to them, and are able to (ultimately) turn it into a blessing. Many autobiographies are testament to this fact. It is about allowing the change, and changing one’s perspective.

Sedna’s severed fingers is a metaphor for abundant new life, after a significant betrayal that may have initially set a person back tremendously.

Eris, Sedna, Haumea and MakeMake were all discovered between 2003 - 2005.

Yet the similarities between Eris and Sedna are surprisingly synchronistic…

Image: Via Wikimedia Commons. Click to enlarge.

Sedna’s Astrology, Psychology and State of the Heart

Astrologer Janet Chui, continues to make excellent statements about Sedna’s culture of origin, which has many similarities to Eris’ own social structure, that confined the feminine to obeying the structures of society, else feel its wrath. But I choose not to focus on that, instead focus in on a bigger picture of what this might mean for human consciousness at this time.

It seems that ultimately, both Eris and Sedna, through the tremendous turmoil of being judged and persecuted, let go of the heavy heart, let go of the ego, and the old identity. Not indulging in unforgiveness.

Forgiving, and become loving, feeling human beings again.

Not cutting off from their feelings, not indulging in distractions, nor numbing themselves from their seemingly harrowing experience.

They learn that they cannot cut off their joyful inner child, nor their vulnerable, insecure Self. And they cannot be in denial of their pain, needing to do the shamanic work of sitting with it in the present moment, soothing it with understanding and compassion. Like when the shaman, the angakok, gently combs out Sedna’s hair upon this visit in trance state.

Self-care involves tending to our emotional, feeling and sensing Self, to become light of heart and accepting of the change-over. Nurturing Self, valuing Self, dedicating time to Self, to become anew.

Sedna is the creator goddess in Inuit culture, and from her body sprung the marine animals, which are valuable food and clothing in a cold climate, where vegetables and fruit will not grow. Like Persephone’s mother Demeter, who withheld her abundant energy when her daughter was stolen from her, and caused the food bowls to become barren, so also, Sedna is thought to withhold the bounty from hunters. Janet put it eloquently:

"This withholding says, “If you do not care for me, I’ll let you starve.””

“This warning fits many different unbalanced relationships (perhaps all of them): Between Man and the environment, “breadwinner” and “homemaker”; between one’s masculine and feminine aspects, maybe even one’s inner authority and creative inner child."

"Hypermasculine, disordered and/or traumatised individuals can display overwhelming anxiety at acknowledging their vulnerability and carrying out emotional work. The fear and determination to avoid discomfort is more destructive than the storm of grief or shame or guilt. Maybe we need reminders that all storms pass."

Image: An Alaskan seal from Wikimedia Commons.

Higher Octaves: Sedna - Ceres - Moon

In a Mountain Astrologer article, astrologer Alan Clay wrote the following on the concept of higher octaves, which is a theory of an inner planet evolving, and getting expressed at a more spiritual level. Alan writes: "...This idea of higher octaves has lost importance as our understanding of the outer planets has developed and matured through empirical study. Much like the entry of the outers, the new dwarf planets represent new aspects of consciousness that are gradually becoming available to us in the years since their discovery. As such, it requires effort to integrate these new aspects into our existing consciousness, which means the dwarf planets manifest differently in each of our lives according to our current level of consciousness. I suggest that we can use the model of higher octaves as a good shorthand way of understanding the significance of the new dwarf planets."

"Dwarf planet Ceres can be seen as a higher octave of the Moon, insofar as the immediate, responsive, survival focus of the Moon is transmuted to a more spiritual, planetary level with Ceres. Thus, we can look at Sedna as the higher octave of Ceres, where the nurturing spiritual, planetary energy of Ceres is transmuted again to the more vast, all-encompassing evolutionary spirituality of Sedna."

Eternal Subjection to Machinations and Manipulations to Enjoy Providence

Cutting ourselves off from our own nourishment? Paying homage to our misfortunes?

The Inuit are legendary and entertaining storytellers, that also teach life lessons, therefore there are many variations of the story of Sedna. But there are common themes…

A Canadian Encyclopedia seems to imply that even after Sedna sinks to the bottom of the ocean, and becomes the important Goddess for the Inuit, she is still subject to a tug of war and manipulation, as she is thought to hold sea animals (a food source) entangled and hostage in her hair, “only to release them when she is appeased by offerings, songs or a visit from an angakok (shaman). Many songs are sung to this powerful goddess and in new seasons, pieces of the liver of the first-killed sea mammal are returned to the waters, imploring Sedna to release her bounty to the hunters so that they might feed their families. The angakok may visit Sedna in a trance, where he hears of the taboos and disrespect inflicted on her by the people, and soothes her by combing her hair with a bone comb."

There is a perception, that Sedna’s hair becomes a tangled mess, as she becomes angry and bitter with the people over their lack of spirituality, over-fishing and hunting. In turn, she refuses to send the animals to them to hunt. She is believed to have control over marine mammals, in turn, controlling the people. Sedna is perceived to become bitter, and cuts everyone off from their source of nourishment when people become greedy or ungrateful. This shows that the effects of the manipulations and emotional blackmail follow her to the underworld. Yet she is the no-nonsense caretaker of nature.

The Legend of Sedna, show that humans are connected to nature. As a punishment, Sedna kept marine animals away from the hunters, which prevented them from finding food.

Life for the Inuit is precarious, if it’s not the cold or famine, it is a sea goddess withholding abundance from the community, which is a scarcity mentality. This also seems to be Sedna’s retaliation for her parents insisting that she marry, follow tradition, and obey them, and being cut off from them as a result of refusing to oblige. Many cultures still have this forced/arranged marriage dynamic. And many cultures still believe in some god, who punishes and withholds goodness, when it is in fact their own belief systems and fears that dictate their experiences. Why? Each human being is the divine in human form, and there have been many spiritual Masters who walked this earth, who taught that the spirit, the Soul is always loving.

It may be challenging to see a Creator Goddess, as both an abundant provider, and someone who causes impoverishment.

Likewise, those who live close to their soul self get to enjoy its abundance, and those who prefer materialism and greed, and listens to the ego mind, may feel that lack or victim mentality, as they cut themselves off from that inner nourishment. These are not easy dynamics.

Finally cut off from her family’s influence and dictates, Sedna was able to enjoy the abundance and independence she sought. The severed fingers that she lost, became the new life, in the form of the sea creatures that, in turn, cared for Sedna and her tribe. The loss of her old life, opened the door to a new life.

The Sedna myth and archetype demonstrate how our personal desires based on selfishness can backfire, the “be careful what you wish for” syndrome. It’s about how cruel life can be as well as not being able to count on others to take care of you. But it’s also about how selfishness and greed hurt everyone. This is undoubtedly one way in which it relates to the environment, a common interpretation of Sedna’s meaning...
—, Exploring the Sedna Archetype article.

Image: Sea lion from Wikimedia Commons.


Realising the Lesson: Hurt People Hurt

This is a great Sedna lesson, but it is also applicable to other feminine archetypes like Eris.

Perhaps this is a universal lesson for those who embody feminine energy; that hurt people hurt. And one sided relationship don’t work.

Both Sedna and Eris suffered injustice and a level of betrayal from those close to them in the family. Family relations and issues are usually the most challenging to deal with, because they hit so close to home, and they affect one’s stability, sense of security, safety and basic needs for survival. These violations are felt deeply as a betrayal.

Both of these women learnt profound lessons after they healed their hearts, and saw new perspectives. It is their willingness to let go, be open-minded, and learn from mistakes, that is their saving grace. Analysing hardships, loss, betrayals and other heartaches, and seeing from other’s perspective, causing a revolution in their own lives, as they recognise truths. Realising that the bridges to the past has burnt down, and that they have

other options to make one’s own life prosperous. Seeing a return of stability, as the bigger picture and clarity set in.

Realising that forgiveness and a releasing of the past may ultimately bring tremendous growth, emotional maturity, and new potentials previously not available.

Realising that hurt people hurt, perhaps because they do not have REAL love, nor self-value inside of themselves. Perhaps they don’t even respect themselves, so how could you have trusted them, when they perhaps don’t trust in their own heart and intuition to make good choices. How could they give real love and respect to others, when they have many other options that seem to be better to them. Like ego and pride…

Seeing the bigger picture; that perhaps these people who hurt them, betrayed themselves. Realising that they perhaps cut their own noses off to spite their face. Coming to the realisation that people who cannot love themselves, or be loyal to themselves, cannot love others. These realisations and understandings may set one free. Not taking it personal anymore. Realising that perhaps betrayals or backstabs, had nothing to do with you at all.

Realising that some people who don’t feel good about themselves, may literally seek out those whose trust they can gain, to try to betray them, to take them through the ringer, for that ego-boost, which do make them feel good.

Perhaps even coming to the realisation, that it is better to separate, and love those hurt people from a distance, and move on with your own life. Realising, that we are each responsible for our own healing, and the protection and preservation of our own energy. Being close with people who don’t love themselves, is a risk when you have a loving, open heart.

Because having this abundance of self-love, may cause those who don’t have it, to grow into jealousy, and eventually envy of mammoth proportions. Which give rise to spite, vindictiveness, revenge… and betrayal…

This is a vicious cycle to be in, and those who don’t learn their lessons, may keep repeating it. There is a large amount of people in society, who get pleasure from hurting or breaking down others… This is why these people want to be part of the lives of successful Eris influencers and those with open hearts. Pretending to be kind and loving. Faking that they want to build something of value, or something lasting with you, when the truth is that there may a different motive, and hidden goal at the end of that road…

Unfortunately, this trickery, fortune-hunting, over-riding greed and bad behaviour may be due to their own brokenness, which in some cases, they don’t intend to heal from. Some who are damaged and hurt, and betray others, prefer it that way… They lack self-love and self-respect. They may be in habitual self-sabotage. They burn bridges with others by being manipulative and controlling, pretending to be trustworthy, when they are not.

Image: One of the astrological glyphs for Sedna, which seems to be the most used.

You cannot save someone, who don’t want to save themselves.

Which is why seeing from a new perspective, with clarity, and moving on to a new beginning, is often the only way forward. Eventually one realise that the reason why this cycle perpetuate, is because people don’t have self-worth, so they try to steal that energy off of others. Perhaps they prefer to sit in the ashes, use people, blame people and cry: poor me!

This is the crux of the matter. Self-worth, self-love and self-value.

Ultimately, both Eris and Sedna learns to burn the wannabe superhero cloak, and save themselves instead.

This is the journey of every human being, to be their own superhero, and save them Self. Self-preservation.

Sedna was brutally cut off in relation, multiple times, in different ways, but was able to turn it into a blessing for Self.

Sedna eventually allowed a surrender and death of an old identity and state of being, so as to move from personal identity into expanded consciousness, and gained epic abundance that comes from within.

Being committed and loyal to Self as the valuable North Star.

Video on Sedna: Guiding us through this Time of Transformation

According to astrologer Heather Ensworth’s beautiful video presentation on Sedna, there are many variations on Sedna, and in the video, she uses a combination to highlight the major themes. It’s a great presentation, and well worth watching! Kudos.

Video: Sedna is the dwarf planet with an orbit of approximately 11,500 years that circles close to our Earth in times of profound transition and transformation. This video explores the meaning of the planet and the Inuit goddess Sedna that the planet is named after as well as how Sedna is a messenger for us, bringing us wisdom and guidance, in this time of turmoil and transformation. Video by Heather Ensworth, posted 4 March 2020.

Significant Sedna Transits

Sedna move extremely slowly. Where Pluto takes 248 odd years, and Eris about 556 to complete an orbit around the sun, Sedna takes a whopping 11,390 odd years with her long, highly elliptical orbit.

Find a Sedna Ephemeris here.

  • Sedna was conjunct fix star Algol at 27 Taurus when Co-Vid took off in January 2020.

  • Sedna started her conjunction with the Pleiades in 2020 until 2028.

  • Sedna moved into the Critical degree of 29 degrees Taurus in July 2021.

  • The North Node starts the conjunction to Sedna in January to March 2022.

  • Mercury enters its retrograde phase conjunct Sedna at 26 Taurus on 26 April until 19 June.

  • Transit Pluto starts its trine to Sedna in January 2023 - December 2025.

  • Transit Saturn in Aquarius goes retrograde, and squares Sedna starting February to December 2023.

  • Uranus starts a wide conjunction with Sedna in September 2024 - July 2026.

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