Eris in Astrology

Keywords, Symbolism, and Brief Explanations:

If we exclude Eris, she will find a way to make her energy felt.
— Louise Edington, Astrologer

Eris is the 10th planet, after Pluto, now considered to be a dwarf planet. It has a 560 year odd transit around the sun, and it shows a bigger picture of our lives, that are challenging for people to look at, because Eris is a catalyst for growth and emotional maturity, and has potential for great alchemy, and therein lies the discomfort. Eris is choices, and cause and effect.

Eris is intimately connected with the duality between the heart-healed, and the closed-hearted, unhealed. During Eris transits, all comes out to show how darkness thrives through low vibrational people. Eris higher expression is the great big blessing in people’s lives, and the lower expression is the covert blessing blocker. One focus and works on themselves and their own blessings, and the other zone in and works on other people’s. Eris is great polarity, competition and opposition.

The Higher Self vs the lower self. Healthy vs unhealthy. Independent vs emotionally co-dependent. The protagonist vs the antagonist. Truth vs dishonesty. The authentic vs the fraudulent. The confident vs the insecure. The unconventional vs the people pleasing. The empathic vs the narcissistic. Awareness vs denial. Self-responsible vs projecting. Self-accountable vs scapegoating. Fulfilment vs lack. The ego mind vs the soul connection.

In essence, it is about growing ‘storm wisdom’ regarding Eris heart/relationship matters, to avoid getting sucked up in the chaos of devil energy. Un-evolved Eris show many signs of psychological growing pains, which is why there may be emotional uprisings and mental imbalances during Eris transits. Eris triggers people into growth, but the unaware don’t like being catalysed into changing themselves. Seeming to have preference for emotional immaturity, so they are vulnerable to low vibrational emotions like envy, spite, vindictiveness etc. It’s the distortion of truth, and the tactics used, expecting others to buy into the illusion.

Eris transits bring strife, discord and discontentment with emotional matters rising. It often starts with intense anger or righteous rage, but after that wave has passed, the tears may follow; showing that underneath the anger may be a deep well of personal pain, and a need for balance. And ultimately, coming out of denial. Answering the wake-up call. Being consciousness.

Where higher expression Eris energy is the limitless potentials, maverick, genius and authenticity. The lower expression is the silent killer of dreams and potentials, and the blame and scapegoating, because someone refuse to take accountability, and grow into emotional maturity, from deep-rooted woundedness and a critical spirit. The higher expression leaves a mark, the lower expression leaves a scar.

The sheer amount of ‘lack of success’ suffered under these Eris square Pluto transits, which happen to co-inside with the carnage of the corona virus, are mind boggling… We really need to learn these lessons; how can be become more conscious and mature, and make better choices. Feminine energy is beautiful, graceful, nurturing, creative,

and warm. There is value in being. There is grace in silence. Feminine energy is focused on feelings and emotions. Blessings and abundance come from an open, receptive heart and a high vibration. Eris brings in discord where change is needed, so we can step up into radical, fierce Self-acceptance and Self-trust. Creating our own self-empowerment, no longer using suffering as an excuse. Eris transits are about debunking deliberately created illusions, and those things we had been in denial over, or perhaps we did not fully understand a dynamic, or other people’s hidden motivations. To usher in truth and clarity.

The real flex is healing yourself without becoming like those who traumatized you.
— A quote from social media

Eris has been in a square aspect with Pluto since the start of 2020, but Eris will be part of our lives beyond 2028. This is an exploration of psychological astrology as it pertains to Eris, in myth the Greek goddess of Discord and Strife. The internet is abundant with articles that describe Eris’ dark side, but fortunately all the planets in astrology enjoy duality, and so does Eris. Please enjoy this summary, and if you find some concepts hard to comprehend, see the blog posts for detailed explanations, and examples, or use the search function. Also look out for the ALCHEMY image in the blog post articles…


2020 hindsight | 2020 vision | abuse of power | accountability| affection-thief | apple of discord | authenticity | anxiety | basket-case | battle | blame| blessings | blindspots | bread-crumbing | bring matters to a head | brilliance | catalyst for growth | character development | choice | clarity | clout-chasing | comparison | competition | conspiracy theories | control | copycat | defensiveness | deflection | denial | discontent | discord | disregard | disruption | divine course correction | divine justice | divine rearrangement | elevation | embarrassment | emotional integrity | envy | evolution | exclusion | existence | exposure | false narratives | feminine warrior | feuds | game playing | gaslighting | ghosting | glow-up | going against the grain of established order | growth | grudges | hacking | haters | heart-centred | hard-hearted | hubris | human justice | identity fraud | individuation | influencers | insecurity | ignorance | jealousy | judgements | lack of recognition | lawlessness | leapfrogging | manipulation| masks | mental struggle | misfortune | narcissism | number 44 | ostracised | origin story | paradigm shifters | perception of misfortune | persecute | players | potentials | pretend | psychological control | ptsd | projection | psychological lies | quantum | receptivity | resentment | resonation | retributive justice | rivalry | schadenfreude | self-awareness | sensory overwhelm | scapegoating | slander | social engineering | social justice | social media | soul purpose | sovereignty | spite | stealth | strife | stuck energy | suffering | synchronicity | tall poppy syndrome | triggering | toxicity | unique vision | unresolved issues | unrequited love | validation seeking | value | villainy | violence | visceral | vulnerability | wheel of fortune | winning at all costs

Discontent, Lack and Un-fulfilment, Comparison, Resentment:

During Eris transits, repressed emotions of disharmony rise from the heart, to the surface, begging to be looked at and re-experienced. Old insecurities, low self esteem, unrealistic expectations, and vulnerabilities are re-experienced. Many people feel overwhelmed by the emergence of these feelings suddenly erupting; to be worn on their sleeves, for all to see. They may feel utter emotional turmoil, unhappy and miserable with themselves. Old dreams, aspirations, or childhood pleasures, are remembered; the loss felt. They may look at the good things another person has, compare and feel lack, envy and discontent. These emotional experiences and psychological material may likely have been there for many years, lying dormant, until this time. They bubble up. Uncomfortable. Unwelcome. Unloved. Eris transits are times when people look at the blessings, fortune and good experiences of other people. They feel resentment, because they want the good things the other has, and they may perceive themselves as being without. Temporary ego victories, loads of money and distractions may not make happy. The biggest problem during an Eris transit is comparison; it is the root of many evils. Instead of looking within for inner joy, they do the opposite… zone in on others more


Eris transits brings up discord. Discord comes from a latin word. (Dis) has to do with separating or dividing things. And the latter (cor), means heart. Feeling disharmony prevents the heart from hearing its echo, its correspondence; meaning what is in alignment with the heart. Discord is intimately connected to relations, and being able unable to resonate with certain people, because the differences are too large, or their hearts are closed off to real heart-level relating. Discord (chord) finds its echo in musical dissonance, or rather when unsuitable notes sounding together simultaneously don’t produce a mutual reinforcement. There is a friction in the relation, causing a disjunction, or a jarring bouncing-back from one another when tune and theme disagree. Discord is also described, as a sense of something in separation from our heart. When important personal emotions, disappointments, and issues had been continually stuffed down and ignored, it can make some people disassociate with their feelings. Eris shows that if we don’t invite the shadow, and the disowned parts of ourselves in, Eris energy shows up anyway… to turn everything upside down… which leads to strife… more


Strife is what follows discord of the heart (see above). Striving is when people see the good stuff of another, and aim and push to make their own situations better. Their own hearts may be full of strife, and if they violate the basic rights of others, in order to amass more for themselves, there is even more strife. Eris is a metaphor for both matters of the heart in relationship with Self, and conscious relationship between people. It is best that all parties deal with their psychological and emotional issues themselves, and timely. So they can enjoy healthy bonds, instead of taking the results of their unresolved issues, out on others. What you don’t invite to the party, crashes the party…. more

Coping with Anxiety:

With Eris energy, you can run, but you can’t hide… But when all sorts of unresolved issues inside of you bubble up for you (and everyone else) to look at, it can make relationships challenging. It is better to fess up and be honest with your Self, when you’re having alone time. Throw a hissy fit if you must, but take responsibility for your Self, so you can benefit from the energy, instead of it working against you. Eris is truth revelation about the unconscious things you’ve been trying to hide from. No matter how unsavoury… make time, sit with your Self in awareness. The world cannot wait for individuals to get wiser, or grow up. Eris energy is taking a stand for change NOW... which is why there is so much chaos collectively in the world. An Eris transit is stressful and confrontational, and people need to find coping strategies, spaces of refuge, healthy distractions, and above all, be kind to your Self and everyone else. Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is very much an Eris issue. more

Mental Struggle/Conspiracy Theories:

Extreme sleeplessness and nervousness are associated with times when Eris stations, and turns direction. These are intensely stressful times when people worry, ponder, they ask why? In the mental struggle they try to justify or rationalise things, that perhaps take people down dangerous rabbit holes or conspiracy theories. People question: what is wrong with me? We need to learn to access the energy and move the energy; but the energy felt during Eris transits is not only mental, it is emotional. When the mind is given free-range, it can go real crazy, but when the emotions are allowed and sat with in silence, it may bring a person to a grounded state, where the emotions can move through the body, and out, instead of staying stuck. Relief from the tension can be found this way.

Sensory Overwhelm:

When Eris energy is at her most intense, people experience feeling sensory overload; an experience of too much sensations, and more information than the brain can process effectively. Being so overwhelmed and overloaded with stimuli, may result in meltdowns, tantrums or flight, and a person needing timeout. Worst case it may be experienced as shutdown or freeze, where the brain stops processing, or become unresponsive, as a protection mechanism to calm down, from the mental and emotional strain. more


The viscera are the heart, stomach and intestines that may feel stressed during peak Eris energy. People are challenged beyond what they think or feel they can handle. Visceral feelings are felt very deeply, they are difficult to control or ignore; they are not the result of thought, nor intellect. They may feel like stark fear of dangling on the edge of an abyss, or being touched by darkness. It’s instinctive, crude gut emotion. It’s intuitive, without rational explanation. Having an understanding of what it feels like when a person has zero care for another. Knowing danger. Petrified. Brutalised. Disillusioned beyond words. Trauma. more


This is the state of being of being made conscious or aware of your experience. This is a quality of focussing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, as a therapeutic technique. This is a great way to manoeuvre through Eris transits, where possible. Trying to move through this time in a gentle, non-judgemental way. Also, learning to rely on different senses that may previously have been ignored. more

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Primevil Disruption:

The word primevil is defined as an emotion or behaviour strongly instinctive and unreasoning. Eris transits can be super scary for those who are habitually unwilling to outgrow bad habits. Those who stay immature, superficial and insincere by choice, or live a self-indulgent, narcissistic kind of life, may find Eris transits quite harsh. It may be experienced as brutal, when the involuntary discharge of emotions interferes with daily routine, to the point where others may look at them as if a lunatic, who cannot practice self-control. Eris energy at work cannot be bargained with, or put on a back-burner, for another more convenient time. The angry emotional eruptions may indeed be untimely, unwanted, and unwelcome. A temporary withdrawal from normal life may be necessary to allow the experience to unravel.

Triggering and Activating of Unresolved Issues:

Astrologer Tom Jacobs say the following: “In the birth chart it [Eris] describes a place within the psyche that represents, by default, a person’s insecurities and how he or she deals with them being triggered by others. The ultimate truth is that each person needs others to catalyse him or her into growth, and with Eris this process can be difficult.” It is the people around you, that trigger certain reactions, that causes the discord, to serve as the impetus to look at the root of the discomfort. If you think that you are going to get away with, or hide from your psychological baggage or buried, unresolved emotional patterns in the next few years… think again! Eris transits are active beyond 2028. Righteous anger is one of the deep surging emotions that Eris excavates. It takes a brave heart to deal with and find healthy outlets so it can be worked with creatively, rather than destructively. After feeling and allowing the waves of anger and defensiveness, there is often the energy of deep sorrow that have to be released through weeping. more

Bringing Matters to a Head:

It’s a time when everything going on in the hearts of men, are exposed and seen. Everything is coming to the surface, to be looked at… so we can decide if we want to continue with these dysfunctions, or not… Eris energy is wearing and disruptive, but also effective. Eris’ dual nature can make one question if she is friend or foe. She may make people feel frail, uncertain, having to proceed in the dark, using intuition and caution, and become self-reliant. Lack of awareness brings chaos. Ultimately, Eris transits help us out of denial and into consciousness. more

Emotional Maturity/Immaturity:

Eris is about stark emotional polarities. Lower expression Eris people may have the emotional depth of a child. These adults may learn to put up a seemingly successful facade in society, however, this is the mask that falls off during Eris transits, because the inauthenticity of the fakery cannot be maintained. These immature people are vulnerable to falling for the low vibrational emotions: the jealousy, envy, spite and vindictiveness. They try to emulate Eris higher vibrational people, to whom they are drawn like a moth to a flame, and they may cause great harm and sorrow in relation. Achieving emotional maturity is something these people don’t understand. more

Opportunistic Organisms:

Be very discerning of the vibration of those you choose to associate with. During Eris transits, it is wise to stay as close to your core authentic Self as possible, to brave the storms as best possible. Try to stay away from what is not vibrationally compatible with you, or throws you off kilter. Get in touch with fear-based beliefs, and replace them with beliefs that suit you. Opportunistic organisms are always around, but during stressful times, the immune system (heart chakra issue) may become compromised. Covid lockdowns are opportunities to withdraw into the centre of your being, so you can create the space to stay within your Self, and not participate in the madness. There are great benefits in staying sequestered, cocooned, within your core being. Grow into being secure in who you really are. more

Growing a Virus and Going Viral:

In the negative expression, these are the judgemental, critical people who plant seeds of half-truths or outright lies, to disadvantage the person who dare speak a truth about them, or goes against them. It is often those who are well-loved or admired in a community, who have these bullies or haters around them, who go around gathering and making enemies, to hurt or take a person out. It’s like planting fungal spores, and hoping it to grow and spread rumours, negativity, pettiness and ignorance all around, so everyone else will also be judgemental and petty. It’s like deliberately replicating a virus that will infect everyone with the same programming, to get everyone else to feel the same negative way they do about the competition. In the positive expression, it is the successful social media influencers, who may put up content that resonates, or strikes such a chord in the hearts of a large community, to the point that the message goes viral. more

Defensiveness, Deflection and Psychological Projection:

Annoying and overwhelming inner turmoil stir during Eris transits. A cold-hearted person may use projection, to heap uncomfortable feelings onto someone else, to avoid recognising and confronting them, in themselves. Projection allows a difficult emotion, trait or issue to be addressed, to be shifted onto someone else, in blame, without actually fixing the problem in themselves. Externalising emotions may give someone temporary reprieve, but the feelings come back stronger, perhaps now laced with guilt or shame. This smoke and mirrors game is played by the ego mind; it’s always someone else’s fault, so someone can avoid owning their own stuff. It is the emotionally immature, who don’t yet realise the tremendous benefits that comes from taking personal responsibility, to face ugly truths, and look at unresolved emotional issues. Eris shows that dealing with the emotions is the only way forward, to end the personal strife. more

Apple of Discord? Or Divine Course Correction? Self-consciousness:

In the mythological story of Eris, she threw an apple of discord into the wedding crowd, as a form of protest, to bring truth forward, to wake people up to the toxic underbelly, or sabotage. Heart-centred Eris can see from a bigger picture, better than mere mortals, as the Judgement of Paris alludes. Like a divine monkey wrench being thrown into an equation; to do something that prevents a plan or activity from succeeding. As to redirect and course correct a person into self-awareness; away from the ego mind schemes and folly, to follow the wisdom of their own heart instead… On the surface Eris appears the warmongering woman to be silenced, as the patriarchy prefers her to be perceived. But Eris is wise and bestows tremendous gifts, visible below the obvious and often in hindsight…

More Articles and Blog Posts on Eris:

Addictive and Addiction

Lower vibrational Eris energy (like jealousy, envy and spite) starts from something small, and if you culture, water or feed it, by making those poor choices, can grow into something of mammoth proportions, like the story of Herakles who hit Eris’ apple. Low vibrational energy is highly addictive. This is why the person behaving badly in the checkout line feel so entitled to bad behaviour, but if left to grow, can turn into a nightmare of a person. If you choose to give in to it, perhaps because someone had hurt you, and you feel entitled to revenge, it will have far-reaching consequences for your life… Even though there may be temporary ego-victories, power-over-others, feel-good emotions, this not a choice that brings ultimate satisfaction, nor fulfilment. You will bear the fruits of those bad choices. Yet it is often from making those super toxic choices, that people learn what they do NOT prefer, and grow in wisdom. Yet it is still better to learn your lessons BEFORE you life goes pear-shaped... more…

Value, Choice and Clarity:

Eris transits are about what strikes a chord, what really resonates with you, or corresponds to something in you. It’s about getting the clarity/truth to distinguish between what is healthy, and what is toxic. What is real and what is pretence? What is the best choice for you, vs what is a bad investment for you. What has real value; the pretence or the true authentic Self? You have free will on wether you want to keep stuck in old stagnant energy, or seperate and move on, taking a chance on something new. The choice has always been yours. So protect your heart, because during Eris transits you’re emotionally involved in both the old and the new. Eris is about applying the necessary self-preservation, while you are being divinely guided to gain clarity, and make changes. Perhaps not willing to deal with the foolishness or BS of low vibrational Eris anymore. No individually is meant to live in toxic relation to other people who don’t value them. We always have a choice to break away, and flow with a higher expression; finding where you do belong and leaping. Accepting that defeat in relation is not what it appears to be. Knowing that if you don’t fit in, perhaps you don’t belong there, and knowing what and who you need to stay away from, because that vibration is out of alignment with who you really are; there is no stability or growth there… more


Insecurity is the lack of confidence, an anxiety or uncertainty that we are not good enough, in some way. This may start early in childhood in interpersonal relationships. Perhaps our personality leans in a particular way, for which there was strong resistance or rejection from a parent, and that affected us. Or perhaps, it it is more sinister. A person who seeked to control you, via psychological hacking, scapegoating, or projection. Or the criticism that came from someone who sees an opportunity to uplift themselves, but putting you down. We have emotional reactions to these violations to our authentic Self. Perhaps stuffing the hurt feelings down, because the objections and protestations to the abuse was unwelcome. Wounded, we perhaps played the victim, told ourselves false narratives, or cultivated false beliefs systems about ourselves. Suppressed, unconscious insecurities may stay hidden in some dark place for many years. That is until a significant Eris transit (or conjunction to a progression) comes along… Eris energy demands that we look at our stuff, instead of projecting it out, being in denial, avoiding it, or sweeping it under the carpet. The shadow we don’t know, we don’t own. It can run us unconsciously, and can actually trip us up. more


Emotions do not make us weak. We are all human beings. We run on emotions, and those that don’t (like narcissists), have a problem… There is an illusion in our society that our emotions and feelings make us weak, and that being emotional, sensitive and vulnerable is something to be pushed away at all cost. Those who close off their hearts, because they are afraid of showing their feelings, may actually be in a pattern of habitually sabotaging the good things in their life. Those who suppress what Eris energy is trying to show them, may be feeling unsettled, like a volcano wanting to explode, and destroy everything around it. Why? Because there is likely to be a large amount of suppressed emotional energy in there. Eris energy ultimately wants us to work towards emotional integrity and maturity, so we may ultimately enjoy emotional intelligence, which is a great prize indeed. more

Origin Story, and Fixation on Blame:

Eris shows that the war of wars can begin with a kindled jealousy. And the root of it all can be so small, that it is easily overlooked. This is why it is so easy to play the blame game and indulge in the dizzy tangle of forgetting and over fixation. We look for a cause, and as we get close, we may realise that it may just be another deflections, with roots hidden elsewhere. The origin illusive, but worth seeking. When the trail is followed back to Eris, it is easy to rest there and scapegoat her. But did Eris really cause it, or is she just the one who named what was already there? Eris shows the importance of the origin story. What is the blow-up actually about? Is it provoking someone’s insecurities, weakness or hubris. What is the actual issue, and do we need to participate in it? These clarifications are needed to calm the situation down, and for self awareness, because during Eris transits, chaos can escalate to such highs and hysterics, that people forget what it is really all about. Without awareness, the unconscious have agency and authority over our life. Eris issues often have their roots in childhood, but only causes unrest because the shadow underneath is not acknowledged, or dealt with. Eris’ role in mythology is to bring to light that which people don’t want to see, but need to look at in order to evolve. Having looked at what is hidden, with awareness and compassion for Self, is very empowering. It can actually set you free from a previous imprisonment. more

Denial, Accountability and Deprivation:

Wise Eris asks us to see all the ways how don’t allow our experience to be felt, and be engaged with. We actually create our own suffering, by trying to separate ourselves from the experience of being in a human body; with all its needs and sensations. By denying, rejecting or isolating certain parts of ourselves, we flee from our own beingness. By not acknowledging the existence of a feeling, we refuse to partake in it. Feeling so empty of goodness, and at the same time being unable to feel fulfilment. In disowning the experience of being hungry, miserable, cold, etc. we stay unaware of it. We are emotional, feeling, sentient beings. Emotions want to flow through the body, not stay stuck in it. We long for love, affection, to be nourished, held etc, but when we’re in denial (of the reality of the experience), life may fall into patterns of resentment, blame, and being closed off. In the extreme, it becomes superiority, pretence, and dreading to admit the desire for goodness, and ultimately, hatred and persecution of the good. Awakening to the truth can be chaotic; that our discontent, envy and scapegoating of others, may ultimately have roots in poor choices of how we deny our human emotion and ‘beingness’. more

Limerance, Blindspots, Spells, Love Magic and Unrequited Love:

This is about not seeing things for what they are. Limerance is an excellent example of the unhealthy, dysfunctional, co-dependent patterns that lead to toxicity that ‘play’ between people. It can occur in both romantic and platonic relationships, but may involve unrequited love and some love-bombing none the less. It has the appearance of infatuation or a “having a crush”, or simply the “loving attachment” and “loving affection” bond that exists between people, that have invested in a relation. But it can be the root of many evils, because it includes obsessive thinking, oversensitivity, longing for reciprocation, and fear of rejection. Processes in the brain can make it feel like real love, when it is not… It’s feels like a love spell. Signs include idealisation of the other person’s characteristics, fear of rejection to the point where there may be thoughts of suicide, a sense of euphoria in response to real or perceived signs of reciprocation, and endlessly analyzing every word and gesture to determine their possible meaning. A lot of mental health problems and societal ills can arise from this blindspot. It can lead to the more severe Eris issues like envy, stalking, ego-justification, revenge, gaslighting, narcissism etc… more

Affection-thief, Friend-thief, Reputation-thief and Wanting To be liked

Eris lower expression are trying to obtain what they think they lack; money, creative ideas, affection, feeling good etc. But they did not work to cultivate the growth, good character, inner strength, temperance, or the qualities to obtain those things by natural means, in healthy, reciprocal relationship with others. Perhaps being closed hearted and selfish instead… which is why the false mask is tightly glued into place and why they are opportunistic; to get what they want, to get what they think they lack. Willing to deceive, fool, lie and steal to get it… This is why bullies bully, and enviers attempt to control. They feel jealous, lacking and wanting others to like them. To get attention, to improve their social status, because they have low self-esteem and insecurities. Perhaps also feeling stress or trauma due to neglect, perhaps by others, as well as Self. This is why confident, successful people, or those who get affection or attention are targeted. To get some energy to feel good… by any means… Seeking to turn all their friends, or even society, against them… Ruining reputations due to being childish, arrogant, haughty, envious, and a bully… Desperate to cover up someone’s integrity, value or beauty, with a lie or smear-campaign. Not realising that all the time invested in studying someone, for ways to bring them down, are addictive, and are likely to give them mental illness issues in the future… more…

Exclusion, Lack of Recognition of Value:

In mythology, everyone would rather shun, disregard and misunderstand Eris, because what she had to say tend to cause chaos. Yet, in the Judgement of Paris she caused trouble because she was not included in the benefits that are afforded to others. Her story shows she has intelligence and agency, and if we exclude her, she finds a way to make her energy felt. If we ignore her, we will regret it. In the lower expression, she starts a fight with no resolution in sight. In the higher expression, Eris energy has merit; she makes a person grow eager to work by showing them the prosperity of their neighbours. Also enabling people to grow into a bold, unapologetic maturity, Self-value and accomplishment. In the bigger picture, Eris still goes unrecognised by society, because her presence, uniqueness, and message may be too inconvenient. Eris did not receive acknowledgement for her being a unique (and valuable?) contribution to society, from the other gods and goddesses of Olympus. They only saw her bad side, perhaps because the patriarchy caused the injustices that raised her ire, in the first place. more

Devaluation Others to Feed off Energy:

Hard-hearted Eris stirs up everybody to win pre-eminence, letting them be persuaded of their own superiority (hubris), or that their rights should come first. Bad Eris is known for delighting in creating another’s unhappiness and misfortune; sowing discord between people to spur them to fighting, competition, jealousy and even waging war, all for their enjoyment. She represents a host of negative emotions and reactions, that most people hope to avoid in life. One person might have dedicated years to a project, only to see the work destroyed in an instant, by another’s pangs of anger/envy, and reckless behaviour. Eris energy can create resentment over someone else’s skills, value or good fortune. In this acting out, there is no regard for wise choices, no recognition for what is destroyed, nor the consequences, or the many years of dedication or sacrifices made. Whenever people argued, bickered, and feuded, bad Eris was right in the middle of it, fuelling the flames of war to feed off it. The hatred and misery of war would always affect both sides equally, which is why bad Eris never chose a side. Bad Eris is tit for tat games, slights, smear-campaign, insults and revenge, devaluing both sides. It is also the antagonist vs the protagonist. The heroes vs villains, and where Eris is concerned, the hero may be the demonised party. more

Empires, Stability, Energy Stealing and Energy Vampires:

Higher expression Eris people have stability, security, and standing and may have created a successful ‘enterprise’ of sorts. They have genuine self-esteem, value and worth and this is the source of contention for the lower vibration Eris people, who may not have self-respect, and have to play mind games to get others in compromised positions. Feeding off of other’s energy by being an energy vampire is very, very real. Why? To get that self-esteem ego boost, and to get that sense of power and stability by winning over another person. To have staged a defeat, cause harm or despair, or worse, having demolished another person, and get that energy high, that they feel they had stolen from another. However, when the abused party heals, take their power back, and rise above what the enemy had done, the abuser becomes the looser. Divine justice. Karma time for the ravaging savages is an Eris issue… Cause and Effect. The scales of justice will be rebalanced in the favour of the disadvantaged. That is the nature of Eris energy and slow moving Eris transits. The Eris higher expression person builds their empire off of their own abundant energy, and the lower expression builds theirs out of sabotaging or stealing from another. more

Influencers, Haters, Social Media and Clout Chasers:

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Social media started around the same time that Eris, the planet, was discovered. Eris is associated with information, ideas, hype, or influence beyond measure ‘going viral’ on social media. It’s also about issues of the heart. It’s about certain causes or movements that are important to large groups of people, spreading at tremendous speed. It is about influencers who glow-up, who operate from the heart, who amass inconceivable influence, admiration and followers. In internet slang an OP is an original poster. And the haters who are jealous of their success and good experiences. Haters hate on these people, because these qualities they don’t possess. They are vindictive because they see others getting what they want, when they don’t. Envy grows and spawns toxicity, blocking creativity. The internet and social media is filled with trolls, nastiness, bitchiness, etc. These emulators try to mimic accomplished influencers, not realising that the abundance comes from individual authenticity, good energy and a healthy heart space. Trying to gain value and self worth through another person…

To thy own Self be true, then the blessings flow. Ultimate goodness don’t come to imposters. Why? Because the energies don’t match. So be your own authentic Self, because that is what benevolence will respond to, not to what you pretend to be… more

Ignorance, God complex, False Prophet, Womaniser,Hubris:

The Holy Bible has countless Eris stories about these Messiah-complex individuals who believe in their superiority, omnipotence, infallibility, privilege and ability. Due to ignorance, they tend to miss all of the blessings they might have had. A person with a god complex may refuse to admit the possibility of their error or failure, even in the face of irrefutable evidence, intractable problems or difficult or impossible tasks. The person is also highly dogmatic in their views, meaning the person speaks of their personal opinions as though they were unquestionably correct. If they had a grandiose delusion, they would not be able to see it. These false prophets have their own agendas, that revolve around personal gain. They may be a self-righteous person who knows what to say, and how to act to get others to give them their trust and confidence, only so they can mislead them. This may be an unconventional outlaw, Playing God, who feels they can get away with the immoral and unlawful things they do, as long as they act like they know better, thinking nobody will ever question or suspect them.

Emotional Integrity vs Narcissism:

There is a growing awareness of narcissism as a massive social problem. In its most basic form, narcissistic behaviour is when people are emotionally immature, lack empathy etc.. Science show that narcissistic personalities desire admiration, validation and social status, and will throw anyone under a bus, when it means getting what they want. Getting these seems to be a way for them to regulate their rage and acting out, especially when they feel shame or vulnerability. It seems to be a kind of tool to regulate self-esteem and emotion. Rivalry is one of the paths to get social status, by putting others down. People put others down and cause instability in their life, so they can feed their own ego, or get a feed through energy stealing, and feel better about themselves. Why? They don’t have genuine self-esteem… so any superficial ego boost will do… Eris transits are times of division, where narcissistic personalities and the emotionally mature have great trouble co-existing. Eris energy is pushing for emotional integrity and truth, which is what those with narcissistic traits want to avoid most. Those who don’t take personal responsibility, blame others, and play victim to hide from their emotions, may have great difficulty during Eris transits. Which is why there must be scapegoats and villains. A scapegoat is a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others. Sometimes it is convenient or practical to blame, or project resentment toward another, despite it possibly being improper or immoral. The avoidance of accountability may go to such an extreme, that a villain has to be created in the eyes of onlookers, so that someone can proclaim themselves a victim. Why? It’s so much easier if someone else is disgraced, embarrassed or projected on to, than facing the music. more

The Accusations of the Narcissist may be their Confessions:

Many people wonder why narcissists (Eris lower expression) lie so comfortably: to influence and convince others to see an authentic person as a bad. It is a simple dynamic. It’s effective. They like to trigger, influence and keep people bound, stuck in stagnancy, like The Devil card in the tarot. It makes them feel powerful. This is why ignoring them (called grey-rocking) works, it shows that they are ineffective. They falsely accuse or insult real people, to rattle or trigger them. A narcissists accusations, may actually be truths about themselves. A narcissists accusations may be confessions about themselves. They may take the truths about what they had done to a person, and flip the script, to make them look, or think they are guilty, of what the narcissist had done. This is why and how the lies flow so effortlessly. Just confess what THEY did, then flip the script, and project it onto another. It may be a truth that THEY did. Eris low vibrational illusionists want influence over people (like the devil), and may use their truths, to make others go crazy in the form of accusatory blame. more…

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Cause and Effect of Habitual Blame and Slander:

Eris might have been instrumental in precipitating the Trojan War, but did she cause it, or is she the convenient scapegoat? Perhaps had been at the habitual receiving end of scapegoating in her family unit, and it infuriated her to the point of the moodiness. There’s a sneaky part that is often ignored, which is; that Paris was asked to choose. It was Zeus, who foresaw the likely consequences of choosing among three goddesses, and the consequences it would have for his as a leader of the social order. Zeus asked Paris to make the choice of who gets the golden apple. This is easily overlooked, because when a group of people have created that scapegoat, or wastebasket for all the bad feelings that they want to shift onto another, they want to maintain that dynamic. Why? To avoid feeling accountable, responsible, or bad, which is why it is so much easier, and unfair, to scapegoat Eris. Blame should have been more equitably spread amongst all the parties involved… more

The Desecrated Basketcase:

To desecrate someone is to treat them with violent disrespect and to spoil their goodness. Blame is both the process that create hard-hearted Eris people, and the abuse that is passed on to other innocent people, due to the unhealed anger and rage, causing people to become mentally unstable and an emotional mess. Eris is all about the mental instability and emotional troubles that may originally have come from dysfunctional family units, where there may have been power-plays, and scapegoats, that were deliberately made the psychological wastebasket for the entire family. Either way, these people struggle to function normally, perhaps due to their overwhelming stress and anxiety, and the injustice of being targeted and victimised in this way, often when they were young, innocent and defenceless. Betrayed by those they trusted most in childhood, they may project that in adulthood and cause sorrow for another, who may unwittingly trigger their insecurities and vulnerability. It’s never fair to pass the harm caused to you, onto others. Unless the abused can forgive their abusers, the chance of them having long-term relationships free from toxicity, may be slim. more

Players and Bullies - Envy and Jealousy of other’s Good Fortune, Gaslighting, Ghosting, Bread-crumbing and Narcissism as a result:

The current Eris square Pluto aspect, exposes the systems of control, the exploitation and the begrudging envy attacks on the joys, liberties and basic rights of others. Eris transits opens the eyes to what is covered by masks and lies, often revealing things shameful, ugly, or simply what is unacceptable behaviour, driven from inflated pride. Eris square Pluto is a perfect time for the exposure of the envier/envied dynamic. The envier, who may suffer insecurities and lack, projects onto the envied in a shocking scheme or attack, in which they may feel justified. The envied, after experiencing such a threatening experience and viciousness, may either feel like a helpless victim, or be faced with the temptation to retaliated and persecute in kind, hoping to expose to everyone how cold, unethical, and grasping the envier is. This is the Eris dynamic; both sides of the fence in anger-filled rage, poison in their hearts. Why do players play, bullies bully, and enviers envy? It’s all about the talents, success, or goodness of another, and the envied being perceived as having something the envier is denied. Those who envy, look through a distorted lens, and sabotage. Enviers may have a void in their life, and try to fill it in unwholesome ways. In the refusal to give Eris dynamics awareness, we conspire with its attempts to humiliate and de-value the good. With gaslighting the truth/lies are utilised to create love/hate in relationship, blurring the lines, destroying the trust not only in self but in relationships in general. Eris fights for equality, narcissistic individuals fight for superiority. more

Psychological Lies and False Narratives:

Having this Eris mirror held up to you produces FEAR. Seeing your own vulnerability and insecurity reflected back at you, creates anxiety and the triggering of an ego protection mechanism. Unaware people go into psychological projection mode, which blames others instead. Overthinking also makes others out to be something they are not. This lack of accountability and denial of the truth about how ‘bad’ they were is how psychological self-deception, and then lies and falsehoods to others, start. The truth can be too hard to face. They may be incapable of going that deep, because it may be too much of a death blow to ego, pride or self-esteem. If they tell themselves lies multiple times, they can start to believe them. They fight anyone who tells them a different version or perspective, because they don’t want to be that bad guy, nor feel bad feelings. Their mind lies to them, and they believe the lie, creating an imaginary world, where they are not wrong. They are not aware, or open to being in reality. It’s a coping mechanism. This is why some people choose to end relationships with them; they are not willing to go along with the argumentative person giving them a pass to live in a self-constructed imaginary world. Eris square Pluto is showing us the value of living in truth, and the bad fruits of denial: that you are doing your Self dirty, when you indulge in untruths. more

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Spite is based on emotions. There is a desire to hurt, annoy, humiliate, or offend someone, because the abuser is experiencing a swirl of emotions, perhaps based on what another had triggered in them. It has its roots in some painful emotion, like jealousy, envy, feeling rejected, having built up a grudge, and now using something, like a child or a shared resource, to cut the other with. To be used as a weapon to punish the other. This makes the abuser feel emotionally satisfied and justified in their malice and the deliberate injury caused. Those who commit such retributive acts see themselves as having been victimised. And they make the chance calculation that while their actions may hurt them, it will hurt the object of their hostility substantially more. It's a needlessly self-destructive over-reaction, and self-defeatist “solution” to a problem. Still the person who is having swirling emotions delights in spite. It's easy to underestimate the repercussions of vindictiveness, while in this state, because of the temptations to give vengeful imaginings their due, in order to provide a some relief from the upset.

Strife Growing:

There are multiple storylines demonstrating that when Eris first appears, she is hardly noticeable and insignificant. But envy or discord in the hearts of men, may morph into a disagreement on a small matter, then a conflict, and the longer it goes, a strife that may be powerful and overwhelming. Like lava, projectiles and ash spewing from a rupturing volcano, so can be the hurling of the bitterness and resentments raining down on people. Many examples through the ages show, that if strife is fed, it can grow to gigantic proportions. What can you do for the hard-hearted, who cannot get out of their stuck energy, who cannot manifest good things into their lives, but wants to thwart or sour other's life in the process? The answer; nothing much… and if you did, you might regret it. A deeper exploration of Eris shows that underneath the mammoth amount of anger and denial, lies deep personal pain, perhaps rooted in childhood. Unless these harmful people can heal that sorrow, there isn’t going to be an end to their internal strife; full stop. Trying to change these people is like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. more

Humiliation, Tall Poppy Syndrome and Schadenfreude:

Stagnant energy is a major Eris theme. This is where resentment, discord, strife and toxicity take root and grow. In some cultures, there is group expectation or sense, of everyone needing to grow at the same pace, and be cut to the same hight. Or at least, nobody must outperform another, else there is social license by the envious majority to cut them down. In such a group setting, there may even be a celebration of the downfall of the person who are considered to be a “cut above the rest”; someone who thinks and acts differently from most, who may also be maliciously branded the eccentric. Similarly, schadenfreude is the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of, or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of another. The three driving forces behind schadenfreude are: aggression, rivalry, and justice. Self-esteem has a lot to do with the frequency and intensity of it, those who have insecurities employ this tactic. These narcissistic abuse styles are meant to cause trauma. These are the very same kinds of trauma that the victim then have to heal from, which is the discombobulating emotions that rise during Eris transits, the stuffed down pain, and the visceral emotions. It’s a cycle of abuse that needs to end, with healing. more

Tyrants/My way or the Highway:

With these over-ambitious players there may be an intentional lack of loyalty, honesty or commitment. Most of the heartless Eris examples show a cold abuser, who may hide behind a facade, but who wrangles relationships. This is the continual struggle for the Upper Hand, and to derail anything and anyone’s mind and senses, for their own pleasure. There may be a brattiness, pettiness, or a smug knowing that they can away with anything, to get whatever they want, perhaps with manipulations, contentions, lies, gossip, slander, rumours, and feeding lines of BS, perhaps even keeping another in the dark, to deliberately drive them to delusion or craziness. Hard-hearted Eris never choose sides on the battlefield, it would always be about getting her way in combat, and what gives her satisfaction, which would be the moaning and suffering of others. Eris screamed a maddening scream and gloated over the battles she instigated. Her blood lust was insatiable, and her wrath relentless. These unfeeling, violent people can cause another tremendous physical or psychological damage, perpetuating the cycle of pain and abuse in the next person, unless the abused can find healing in time.

Eris in Aries

Suffering, Sorrow:

This is the deliberate infliction of mental and emotional suffering and anguish of immense proportions. It is said that hard-hearted Eris rejoices in the pain, and havoc that is created on the battlefield, among the tumult of war and bloodshed. Eris was called the Lady of Sorrow, known to be untrustworthy by the Olympian gods, which is also why they were careful not to provoke her, for the potential of evoking her deadly nature is ever present. A study of Eris’ parents, siblings and children shows a dysfunctional family, and why lower expression Eris’ love of violent retribution may be a coping mechanism, rooted in childhood pain and disempowerment. This is why Eris excavates deeply for those things that she had been hiding away from, and been in denial over for many years. It’s been there since childhood, festering… A study of Eris’ association with the mythology of Persephone/Proserpine further solidifies the need to look into that liberating mirror of Eris.


Eris is the archetype of both the abuser and the abused, and how they can be intimately connected in one person. If is often only the heart-healed, that understand the significance of this. This is why healing is so important, so that the abuse don’t proliferate and spawn into others. Those who have travelled this path know the importance of owning it, and coming out of denial. Do the SES Workshop if you don’t believe me.

Stuck/Blocked Energy, Toxicity and Comparisons:

Stuck energy is a major Eris theme. It’s like a group of people keeping a close eye on the person who might outshine them. There is a desire to block the envied at every turn, see them stuck, unable to receive blessings. There is an intent to see them blocked, kept in check by an authority, or at least moving slow like molasses, unable generate good things at a rapid pace. It’s also the comparison dynamic. If the other person don’t have good things going, then it is going to make the envier get an ego boost, or not make them look bad in comparison. Also called the tall poppy syndrome. That sense of everyone should grow at the same pace, and be cut to the same hight, or at least, nobody must outperform another, else there is social license by the envious majority to cut them down. Yet, when one person do have their blessings come in, everyone wants in on the spoils. more

Witchcraft, Spell-work Practices and the Two-faced:

Spell-work and witchcraft is said to be deployed against another person in relationships, because there is a desire to control, disadvantage or devalue the other, and cut them down. Sometimes the toxicity is known, but at times it is done covertly. Smoke and mirrors game playing is deployed not only to hide people’s inadequacies or shortcomings, but also their toxicity. In the extreme, witchcraft is deployed to make the successful envied appear unhinged amongst a group of people, while the toxic envier gets away with their facade. These tactics may cause severe imbalance for the person who is intentionally disadvantaged, but with Eris transits, there is karma for those who traumatise and cause injustice for others… keep reading… There are multiple articles on this website that shows that the power over others illusions, the stuck and stagnant energy of the unhealed state, is not really worth indulging in…

Masks, Charades, and 2020 Hindsight:

It is during Eris transits that people’s masks fall off, and they show the selfish true colours and intentions. This can be a frightful and disappointing experience for those who had been ignoring the little red flags. Eris brings to light things that had been hidden for some time, but the intuition might have been picking up on. Lies, inconsistencies, quarrellings, or jealousy, are seen for what it is. Hindsight is often 2020 with Eris transits. There can be a lot of regret for wasting effort on toxic relationships, situations and other dead-ends. People may suddenly realise their love, devotion or energy investment are not returned, when deceptive smooth-talkers are at play. There may never be equal give and take. For many, it may be better to cut off what is menacing to mental health. When people show you who they really are, believe them. Letting go of false connections, so that real heart-felt connections may be established instead. There is a need to realise when you are nurturing a dead plant, or when you’re trying to mould something into what you want it to be, wearing rose-coloured glasses, or worst case, being delusional. Eris also represents the active principle of standing up for oneself in the face of exclusion, betrayal, or injustice. Realise that good alchemists cannot change other people, only themselves. more

Villainy - Hacking, Scamming, Con Artist, Identity Theft, Copycat, Social Engineering, and Psychological Control:

Computer hacking, scammers, stalkers, con-artists, frauds, social engineering, identity fraud, spell-work and psychological projection all come into focus during Pluto transits. Villains have always been there, however, Eris highlights the presence of those who want to control others, or use dark psychology to manipulate, to gain some kind of advantage over. With social engineering, people’s innate desire to be helpful, is used against them. It is the exploitation of human nature, wether that applies to a relationship, or a system. It involves the attaining of information, to be utilised against a person or a system, in an attack that violates trust and hurts the heart. It is the person who wears a mask, pretends to be a friend or a fan, fakes care, only to be exposed during Eris transits; as the hidden enemy, the secret envier, or the self-serving frienemy. more

Exposure of Manipulation, Control, and Abuse of Power:

Eris revels in exposure of ego-mind games, sabotage, manipulation, and injustice, for personal gain. She revels in holding up a mirror, through other people, situations and synchronicity, to trigger individuals, into seeing the truth about their moral corruption. She speaks out against both the injustices perpetuated by controlling individuals, and of an elite or ruling class whose power derives from their wealth and influence. Some people may try to break others, to win an argument or prove a point, so that things can go their way, but Eris shows that these manipulative tactics tend to backfire badly when her energy is at play. Some people are a walking tower moment, because they refuse to address their issues. Some narcissistic individuals are so corrupt and depraved, they fear Eris energy, and with reason.

Feminine Warrior for Social Justice:

Eris fights for social justice issues; consider women’s rights, racial equality gender issues etc. She stands up for those whose rights are violated. Eris shines light on dysfunctional Plutonian patterns, and offers gifts that challenge right-action and restitution. She ushers in self-determination and awareness. Most individuals want to live their best life; with a sense of self-worth, and dignity, especially in determining their quality of life and claiming their rights. Eris will not be hushed as she calls out injustice. She requires us to listen to those who have been excluded, marginalised and abused. Eris can be counted on to call out the bullshit, and the human dysfunction.

Sovereignty and Self Government:

Eris energy does not want to be subordinate to the self-righteous power of the patriarchy, that perpetuate inequalities and oppression. She is unafraid to face the wrath of those who prefer the status quo, the denial of those who seek to side-step truths that stare us in the face. Eris is demanding searing integrity and the courage of the individual to stand up and be counted. Eris sparks a revolution of unstoppable and liberating change, perhaps also realising that ultimately, you are the Master Creator of your own life, not the universe, not god, nor anyone else.

Competition, Winning at all costs, Battle, Rivalry, Feuds, Violence, Bullying, Stealth, and Game Playing:

During Eris transits, there is a desire to win at all cost, cutting down all in the way of the ego ambitions. Narcissistic behaviour pop up, and those who were on good terms, separate. Fighting, drama, backstabbing, intrigue, manipulation, deception, chess-board game playing, are done without considering long-term consequences. It’s chaos all around, because those who want power, don’t care. They think in terms of how many people can they ignore, and not take seriously, so they can rush their agenda. Eris is about how one party can take over, often by force, stealth or manipulation; it’s rarely peaceful because the previous order is toppled by the ruthless. A hostile takeover of sorts. Eris lower vibration are the cat and mouse games of cunning manoeuvres to thwart an opponent. more

Poor Judgements:

The making of wise choices fly out the window. To be replaced by self-serving agendas, self-righteousness, or other things that are ‘snuck in’ via stealth. Good things are ruined and destroyed under Eris transits, just for the thrill of the ride, or the sake of acting out in destructive behaviour. People hit rock-bottom due to betrayals or perversion of justice. Eventually shame and guilt may rise, due to the destruction on the battle field, yet victim mentality, and the blame-game, are initiated by those game players who don’t take accountability for bad decisions. A compassionate review is always a productive way to work with Eris energy… especially in cases where there had been injustice, that only a few know about, or forsaken justice. These kinds of situations often had red flags, that were perhaps ignored. No longer denying the truth and real motivations of the morally corrupt… can be some form of equity.

Human Justice and Allowing Vindication:

Sometimes we’re left to find our own balance, between hanging on to our scruples, and our indignation at wrong doing. The one who takes the high road, and leaves a cut-throat situation, do emerge as better off. There is something to be said for a person who takes responsibility for their safety and wellbeing, cuts their losses and the dishonest associates out of their life. Divine justice often come after allowing deep healing, forgiveness, letting go, and starting a new life. Balancing light and dark energies within. Not taking revenge, but trusting in divine rearrangement. Allowing divine justice to vindicate. Many people report that

just as they finally let go, and let god, they see evidence of justice, in the strangest of ways. Sometimes the ultimate betrayal, can lead to maturity and growth, that brings success and victory, in the form of abundant new beginnings. Boom.

Ethics, Retributive Justice, Karma, and Cause and Effect:

With Eris, we have a choice if we want to respond in vengeful acts, that may end up wasting our time, or even prevent our divine restitution. The Wheel of Fortune teaches about moving karmic cycles, of fortune or misfortune, depending on actions in the past. Being swayed by hard-hearted Eris’s retribution, cruel recklessness, spiteful passions, or perversity, can instigate deep regret later. Good Eris is part of the natural system of justice. We can trust in divine providence, to attend to things, without us entering into strife by trying to sort it out ourselves.

Divine Justice:

There are many examples detailing the desire for justice, when there had been unfairness, moral corruption, or underhanded behaviour. With Eris, there is a natural balance in life, not to be underestimated. If you think you can successfully screw another person over, in the long run, with Eris energy at play, think again… Eris guarantees dues for those who operate from ego-mind. Heart-centred integrity and wisdom are rewarded, ultimately... Indulging in self-serving, orchestrated foolishness can set a chain of events set in motion, with far-reaching consequences... and karma for people who made bad choices, who traumatized others. Don’t interfere in other’s karma, let divine justice take care of it for you.

Perceptions of Misfortune and Divine Rearrangement:

When someone does you wrong, there is benefit to leave it, forgive, heal and take back your power. The real flex is healing yourself without becoming like those who traumatised you. It is a mistake to assume that if something very bad happens, that it is only bad. No matter how dark a situation may initially appear to those who are wronged, some benefit may ultimately be extrapolated from it, in the end. Divine justice works in mysterious ways… Still waters run deep with Eris transits. Things tend to be way deeper than what you see on the surface. Just because you don’t see something moving, or happening, it doesn’t mean that it is not there, or there is no substance. This is divine rearrangement and providence behind the scenes. And what is actually cooking below the surface may be surprising… more

Lawless Strife and Accountability:

As a whole, Eris energy is about ethics and karma. And the natural justice that is stirred into serious and purposeful action. Fighting for social justice issues and joining social change movements, may initially provide some people with a sense of control, pride or purpose. This invariably also shows, that there is a personal struggle raging inside a person; that may be draining their life force, and may be counterproductive. Constantly fighting against something, or for something, may cause great discord and strife, and even more anger and rage. From experiencing this imbalance to the max, some may ultimately come to learn, the benefit of focussing on your Self instead, to heal emotional issues and grow; enjoying emotional maturity instead. Wise people know there is a benefit in keeping your own front and backyard in order first, and let the outside world take care of itself. more

Existence and Being Relevant:

Those at the receiving end of envious annihilation, persecution, and similar no-win situations, experience great inner turmoil, but some choose not to be vengeful about it. Instead, finding courage and creative ways to spread into their own evolution. The emotions, like anger and pain, due to the aggravating presence of those who seem unable to allow another a place under the sun, is challenging. There is a need to work constructively with the urge; to fight for the right to exist, and protection from harm. And also heal from internal discord, relating to where they were excluded, uninvited, unloved or ignored. In mastering the issues, allowing the emotions, and acceptance of dark and light nature, some may rise and be magnificent, and be noticed, despite the haters, enviers, the patriarchy or governments, who may dislike them. Eris also relates to the primordial right for the divine to be born into a human body, and have a UNIQUE human experience. more

Leapfrogging into Brilliance and Excellence:

Healthy Envy and Competition? Is there such a thing? Dark Eris is cruel and merciless in battle, and express her volatile energy outward; aimed at others. Mature Eris can look at other’s accomplishments, appreciate the dedication and hard work, and use the inspiration for inward focus; to improve Self. Wether this self-improvement is done via inner work to address self-defeating habits. Or by using the envy of other’s success, to stimulate themselves to do the work, to leapfrog themselves into excellence. Some who have been able to foster Eris energy in the higher expression, have reached incredible highs of personal achievement. Mature Eris recognises the benefits of emotional maturity, and taking responsibility. Instead of going green with envy, or wasting time in toxic energy, higher expression Eris takes the higher road and invests in Self. Recognising, that at times, investing in your own energy is the best investment you’ll ever, ever make. more

Validation Seeking, and Psychological Abuse:

During Eris transits, hidden aspects of where you may be seeking validation from others, or people-pleasing, are highlighted. The lesson of Eris here is: know your value and worth in your heart, and trust that. If others cannot see your merit, or they deliberately disrespect you, set healthy boundaries. Trust your knowing of Self first. Be careful whose council and evaluations you keep in estimation. If your ego seeks approval, praise or being seen from others, know that it may be indiscriminately used against you, in the form of psychological hacking. And if you did allow another’s evaluation of you, and it came back to bite you; recognise that you set your Self up for this failure that trashed your house, or compromised your integrity. Be careful of the terms you agree to, or who you give agency and authority over your life. Watch out for those with expectations that you should validate them, or they you. Eris ultimately knows the advantage of ‘being your own boss’; acting independently and autonomously. Rooting for your Self. Having your own back. Knowing your value.

Authentic Self Expression:

During Eris transits there tends to be chaos and strife, and by divine rearrangement some may get ejected from situations and people they don’t really resonate with. Some may initially mope over their losses, but as they heal and grow, they may discover new purpose. Perhaps they had been playing it small in the previous situation, or had been controlled by non-supportive backstabbers. Co-vid lockdowns were opportunities to see a grander vision, or the birth of passionate new endeavours. And ultimately, cutting out those things that were limiting or unfulfilling. In letting the falseness fall away, letting the denial end, one is freed, to move forward in true expression of Self, wether that is a passion project, or a new career, or finally listening to your heart’s calling; towards a bigger dream. These new heart-centred paths ruffle feathers, but are ultimately highly rewarding for the authentic individual. Eris higher expression is the great big blessing in other people’s lives, and the Eris lower expression is the blessing-blocker. more…

Character Development/ Elevation/Glow Up:

Eris higher expression people attain character development, often through the trials and challenges of dealing with envious, devilish people, who want slander their character more...

Sincere Paradigm shifters:

Eris transits see the rise of the sincere and courageous souls who almost single-handedly change the course of history. They individuate, move out of the collective consciousness, and carve their own way. They are brave and willing to leave antiquated structures of consciousness. They work with Eris energy constructively, and are open to see beyond the limitations of their current perception, they break through the ego mind defences, and step outside the box. In doing so, they redefine and re-organise their world view. They embrace the vaster reality of a higher frequency, which makes them unique and bestows a powerful advantage in life. These trailblazers operate on the drive, passion and devotion of the heart, and may move mountains in terms of change, just by being authentic Self. The world celebrates the valuable gifts these people birth for the collective enjoyment, but these are not born from the status quo, they come from individuals who listen to their own heart, nothing else.

2020 Vision, Motivation, Individuation and To Resonate With:

People with strong Eris energy, are never going to fit into the little boxes others want them to fit into. These visionaries have their own unique view point, tend to walk to the beat of their own drum, and tap into their inner Self for fulfilment. In the higher expression, they are true to their own dreams, wishes and passions, and don’t want to listen to Negative Nancys or Bitter Betties. Eris in Aries is a journey of getting to know your true Self, and boldly realize a life around that which makes the heart sing. These people tend to recognise when a lacklustre situation is not worth investing in, and refuse to make an energy-investment in things that don’t resonate. They go against the grain, because their unique vision is worth following. Another example of resonation, is the things that suddenly go viral on social media; where a large group of people spontaneously support something close to their hearts, so powerfully. As if with one voice, thousands may sing and vibrate in resonance to that one idea. Their hearts one in that moment.

Evolution, Soul Purpose and Commitment to Self:

This is the transformation from one form into another. It is a journey, with stages. Starting with the emotionally immature, having to face the shadow, allow the feelings to rise, and growing psychologically. Like the Phoenix rising, the mythological bird, that rise from the ashes of destruction. By successfully repeating cycles of growth, taking responsibility for Self, allowing benevolent change, one moves towards emotional maturity, and the beauty that lies beyond… There may have been hard times to journey through, but self-confidence can be restored after each learning curve. Myth also say the tears of the phoenix have immense healing powers, and if the phoenix is near one cannot tell a lie. This gives further strength to the idea of letting the tears fall, and be truthful and authentic with your Self during Eris transits, in order to capitalise on her energy. Vulnerability and authentic expression are amazing assets, but only the brave, experienced, and wise get to wield those powerful swords. Higher expression Eris gives an honest representation of Self, and enjoys the rewards.

Feminine Receptivity:

There are many excellent examples of the Eris oscillation between the heart-centred feminine, and the hard-heartedness of the women scorned, who refuse to heal and return to balance. One is the warmonger, who is so emotionally troubled, that she grows stronger as she feeds herself with vengeance or hatred. The other is the heart centred feminine, who through healing, growth and receptivity, is able to tap into unfathomable abundant and creative energies. Eris is able to access ‘hidden’ knowledge and understanding via this feminine receptivity, but may lose this ability when her heart closes off. Every human being, despite their gender, has both a feminine and masculine side, and those who have figured this out, and had come into mutual balance, are amazing human beings.

Unique Unity Consciousness:

Many writings on Eris shows her energy supports unity consciousness, but with each person being a unique expression within the collective. She is the woman who was left out of the party, deliberately, and knows the pain of exclusion. However, Eris knows her value and the huge potential for her highly unique energy and talents, to contribute to society. Higher expression Eris can embrace everyone’s uniqueness, her own, and celebrate equal rights for all. That’s compassion: to allow everyone to be their unique higher Self. While focussing on Self being authentic to Self.

Poised Number 44:

Eris has an extreme orbital inclination of 44°, which is almost twice as long as it is wide. Eris is also the number of self-mastery, or embodied mastery. Eris is in Aries and will not touch the Taurus cusp until June 2044. The owner of this website had been synchronistically seeing the number 44 everywhere, for years before finally starting this website in 2020. I still see the number 44 a large amount of times every day.

The Synchronistic Quantum Self, and Potentials:

By being true authentic Self, we bring in the potentials for Self Mastery, and the Soul to co-express inside one human being. This energy radiates potentials out into the world, that others can choose to act on, or not… This energetic state cause doors to open where they had previously been closed, and things to move where they had been stagnant, freeing oppressive energy by merely being present. more

Catalyst for Growth and Blessings:

Now we get to the rewarding part of Eris transits. This is the worthy prize. This is what all of the above, is all about. This is what the heart wants. The open, healthy heart space is the source of the good things that are envied. This is what all the striving and chaos is about. It is about the haves and the have not. One person looks at another’s good experiences or happy achievements, and they WANT that for themselves. Good energy, joyful experiences, growth, emotional maturity, emotional intelligence, and Self mastery, are prizes worth more than gold. It satisfies to be flourishing, and thriving. People who are moving closer to this experience have magic in their life, abundance, luck, synchronicities, passion, and opportunities fall into their laps. They live close to inner inspirational sources of insight and foresight, with a receptive state of mind that benefits from intuitive revelations. This is what all the envy and strife is about, yet those immature people who refuse to take responsibility mentioned earlier, run away from their emotions and refuse to grow. And because their hearts are closed off, they tend to operate from their ego minds. They don’t realise that these blessings can be had by anyone, if they did the work to get it… Eris energy is more than willing to assist, if you’ll only work with her, not against her. Eris energy and transits will be around for many years to come, so can you get with the program? Can you? Please do.

The articles below will help to explain these concepts in greater detail, and explore many examples.

Eris acts as a benefic if you are willing to grow and learn and integrate the lessons acquired.
— Lynn Koiner, Astrology Researcher

The Unalome Lotus Symbol

The lotus symbol (used above) have sacred, esoteric meaning. In Buddhist and Hindu cultures, the unalome lotus meaning can be briefly described as representing piousness, evolution, and purity of spirit. In the Buddhist religion, the lotus flower holds great symbolic value, as it is believed to represent freedom from materialism, attachment, and physical desire. Although the lotus grows in muddy waters, the flower is seemingly unaffected by its surroundings, maintaining an immaculate purity throughout its petals. Much like the unalome symbol, the lotus works to represent the human journey to enlightenment. In Hindu representation there is a graphical reminiscence of Lord Shiva’s third eye. This symbol also embodies wisdom and a path to excellence.

Unalome lotus symbols are often coming in a fine stroke that looks like a line with knots. The line shows our path, while the knots means what we’ve conquered in life, or can be known as a milestone.

The spiral shows the beginning of the path, without knowledge or a given direction, that leads to discovering the world through inevitable errors (the knots along the line), each being a teaching, and finally becoming a straight line leading to enlightenment, often represented by a dot or a circle (the sun).

More articles and blog posts on Eris in Astrology, Envy, Discord and Strife:

Eris transits 2020 - 2028

Transit Eris in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn five times causing opportunity for growth and awareness. The dates are:

  • 26 January 2020

  • 14 June 2020

  • 10 December 2020

  • 27 August 2021

  • 9 October 2021

  • Personal planets will continue to stir the trigger points with conjunctions in 2022.

  • Pluto will still be in close orb to Eris in 2023.

Starting in 2024 to 2028, Eris and Chiron will be conjunct in Aries.

In 2027, Saturn will start its conjunction to Eris, going into 2028.

We are going to see this energy for some time to come…

Better learn to deal with the energy sooner, rather than later.

Take responsibility for your Self is the antidote.

“This is an amazing time for shadow work.

I am partial to it, and the astrology is ripe for this level of work; turning towards all our stuff, instead of projecting it out, being in denial, avoiding it, sweeping it under the carpet. Because the shadow we don’t know, we don’t own, can run us, and can actually trip us up. But the shadow we turn towards, to work with, becomes a whole other level of operating. It becomes an ally. It becomes empowerment. It becomes information that helps us become more centred into our adult self, so that we are not slipping into these patterns of triggers and reactionary ways of being. So we can catch ourselves, and understand the motive underneath it, the wounding, so that we can choose differently… This is the work that is going to heal and transform the world.”

Astrologer Divine Harmony on in the importance of Eris in the 21st century (source).