Gaslighting, Being Played, Emotional Abuse and Astrological Eris

All adults have all experienced gaslighting/energy stealing/mind-fuckery in some form in our lives. This article looks at the phenomenon from a more advanced astrological perspective.

Astrological Eris is the so-called tenth planet after Pluto, now called a dwarf planet, who created huge controversy with her burst into our consciousness in January 2005, around the same time that social media came onto the scene.

Eris urges us to speak out against human rights violations, crusade for the marginalised, devalued and dispossessed, and to break glass ceilings.

Eris is also squaring Pluto, challenging the power over others behaviour, control and domination, to end.

Eris and Pluto energy are intimately connected in the mythology of Eris and Persephone. One could even go so far as to speculate; that the following is what happened to Eris in childhood… which is what may have made her act out in violence in adulthood… It is the varied and deliberate attempts with a goal in mind; to inflict emotional and mental abuse, to lower a person’s self-esteem… Cruel Intentions. According to Wikipedia, models of internal heating via radioactive decay suggest that dwarf planet Eris could have an internal ocean of liquid water at the mantle–core boundary. This suggests, that like Ceres and Sedna, Eris too has a watery, emotional, nurturing quality. But like the aforementioned planets, can turn negative when abused as well… What happens when one person wants a hold, or a tight toxic grip on another, causing drama and trauma to achieve it. Forceful and deliberate trauma-bonding, to put another in a mental prison. Stuck, confused, blocked. Being in an insecure state of mind, fearful, doubtful, and insecure in general is the goal. An evil-spirited troll and a devil in disguise.

With diabolical gaslighting the truth/lies are utilised to create love/hate in relationship, blurring the lines, destroying the trust not only in self, but in relationships in general. It’s a stealth assassination designed to take another out. It’s the poor of character player, who want to act out under a guise… It’s the mental magic with illusions to get another to think that they had power over them. To manipulate and control another's free will, through backbiting in the parasitic relationship. Confidence-theft is the goal for Eris lower expression, but at the expense of staying false and inauthentic themselves while pretending virtue.

What does the ego mind, the negative entities, Zeus, Paris etc. hate most of all? People who elevated above them into a stable, abundant and joyful life. This is why the character assassins target innocent people they envy. To try to cause them to self-destruct from the inside out, through psychological warfare. People like Paris and Zeus’s emotional fulfilment depended on screwing others over. Hubris is a dangerous character flaw: the intentional use of violence to humiliate or degrade. These are the people incased in pride and ego, punishing and dismissing other people, as part of not seeing their own dangerous character flaws, because they are in denial. Blind to the truth.

If this triggers the reader too much, please read the disclaimer.

The following may not be for everyone…

This article describes that initially a gaslighter may not even know that he/she is doing anything strategic or manipulative, due to lack of self-awareness. It may start early when a person is a student of social learning. “They witness it, feel the effects of it, or stumble upon it and see that it is a potent tool. It’s a cognitive strategy for self-regulation and co-regulation. To be frank, it works.” Unfortunately this bad habit once utilised against another, can become a habitual form of control, or to stop a conflict, in order to feel “in charge” again. It may also be a way to deflect responsibility and tear someone down, while keeping that person hooked in a desperate pattern to please the gaslighter, or to prove that person wrong. It is a form of

abuse that can spiral into dangerous territory of bewilderment and mental despair. Victims are targeted at the core of their being: their sense of identity and self-worth, which is why Eris/Persephone is left to manoeuvre her way out of the visceral relation toxicity, find her way to healing and renewal: into self-empowerment. When left unexamined, gaslighting can have a devastating and long-term impact on our emotional, psychological, and sometimes physical well-being. Even if the emotionally immature gaslighter initially feels righteous in the bad behaviour, or indignation, both parties may end up in some sort of paralysis… Negative energy creates bad outcomes for everyone…

Limerance, Love-Bombing, Blindspots and Unrequited Love

Limerence is characterized by intrusive thinking and pronounced sensitivity to external events that reflect the disposition of the limerent object towards the individual. It can be experienced as intense joy or as extreme despair, depending on whether the feelings are reciprocated. It is the state of being completely carried away by unreasoned passion or love, even to the point of addictive-type behavior. Usually, one is inspired with an intense passion or admiration for someone.
— Wikipedia on Limerance

Other articles on this website eloquently describe that Eris has a strong emphasis on relation, and relationship, and all the unhealthy, dysfunctional, co-dependent, and toxic patterns that ‘play’ between people. The challenge is to become aware of the potentials for destruction, BEFORE you fall into the pits of fantasy, addiction, delusion, distortion of truth, or toxicity.

Wikipedia describes limerence as “a state of mind which results from romantic or non-romantic feelings for another person and typically includes obsessive thoughts and fantasies and a desire to form or maintain a relationship with the object of love and have one's feelings reciprocated. Limerence can also be defined as an involuntary state of intense desire.” Wiki also details that there is a link to attachment theory, which is a psychological, evolutionary and ethological theory concerning relationships between humans. The most important tenet is that young children need to develop a relationship with at least one primary caregiver for normal social and emotional development. On the surface, limerance might have the initial appearance of being ‘in love’, infatuated or a ‘crush’, and it can also be that platonic “loving attachment” and “loving affection” bond that exists between people. The problem is that this emotional experience has the potential to go very, very wrong, as there is usually a vast reservoir of underlying feelings and psychological complications, that may be obsessive and subconscious. Consider, that limerance also includes obsessive thinking, consuming devotion, oversensitivity, longing for reciprocation, and fear of rejection, that may cause people to take a gamble on something that isn’t solid, not based in reality, has no foundations, and that this may be the root of many evils in relation…

A Huffpost article details some of the (troubling red flags) signs of limerance: idealisation of the other person’s characteristics, fear of rejection to the point where there may be thoughts of suicide, a sense of euphoria in response to real or perceived signs of reciprocation, and endlessly analyzing every word and gesture to determine their possible meaning.

Image: A rotten apple via Wikimedia Commons.

Processes in the brain can make it feel like real love, when it is not… It may feel like a love spell or love magic.

Dorothy Tennov coined the term and describes in her book that it is: "an involuntary interpersonal state that involves an acute longing for emotional reciprocation, obsessive-compulsive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and emotional dependence on another person."

It is not hard to see how this can go awry. When this so-called “love” and the investment in the relationship had been going on for a long time, or even a few years, it’s not hard to see how other Eris issues like jealousy, envy, stalking, ego-justification, emotional betrayal, energy vampire/energy feeding, revenge, delusion, and other toxic relational issues, like reading too much in situations, can turn into severe darkness, devilishness and cruelty… Tennov argues that limerence itself is an "unstable state", it’s not the same as real love. A lot of mental health problems and societal ills can arise from this blindspot… see this video, which is why the goal of Eris transits are to gain clarity.

Understanding this may be a catalyst to help people avoid the pitfalls described below.

Both Pluto and Eris issues can consume your life, and cause the deepest cut, if you choose to ignore them.

Boundaries and awareness are essential for self-preservation.

The typical patterns of Gaslighting and Psychological Hacking

Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse where a person or group makes someone question or deny their emotions or reality. Gaslighters send mixed signals, they don’t tell the full story, or just leave others out in the dark. Their words may not match their actions. Their intentions may not be clear. They may have multiple people that they deal with. With many options, they leave some confused on a back burner. They don’t treat people in a balanced, reciprocating manner. People experiencing gaslighting may feel confused, anxious, or second-guessing themselves. Their self-esteem may suffer, even when they have done nothing to justify feelings of guilt or shame.

It is the self-doubt and lack of trust that is so crippling.

Gaslighting is a tactic to gain more power over another. It is a method of deception and psychological manipulation intended to make the victim dependent on the deceiver in some form, stealing their sense of reality. Perhaps even replacing it with a projected fog or smokescreen called psychological projection, which is another Eris tactic explained in other articles on this website. The grooming is meant to make things seem one way, when they are not. It is a common technique used by domestic abusers, tyrants, dictators, cult-leaders and narcissists, employed in both personal and professional relationships. Selling fantasies, and weaving webs of illusions for self-fulfilment. They may project an energy of confidence and capability. There is an illusion of a time and energetic investment. It may seem like there is emotional reciprocity. Or there is a sense of promise… like something may be nurtured and cared for; future-faking it is called. At first they may praise or confide in their target to generate trust and respect, while some love bombing may be employed for the victim to become acquainted, or addicted to their energy. Once faith and the fantasy are established, they may cut a person down; like telling them they are worthless, or other jibe of the sort. If it is a love relationship, that emotional love is used against them, for example: you love me, therefore I can cheat on you, disrespect you, take advantage of you, and treat you badly, as if love is a drug. Keeping them unsteady and off-kilter is the goal. Drama distractions, distortions and diversions may be effective to ‘gain ownership’, so the confused person will consent to a new reality that will be handed to them.

Once anything is named,
we can work with it.
— Astrologer Ann Ortlee on Envy

Gaslighting is one of the most prevalent artillery in a toxic relationship, to flip the script on another person. It’s the cat and mouse games and cunning manoeuvres to thwart an opponent.

It's also the biggest indicator that you're dealing with an unhealthy, unbalanced entity, that you should perhaps avoid… because they have hidden intentions, to trap you, and take you ‘for a ride’. If no action is taken to protect thyself, the situation can become violent, forced or overly competitive. Sometimes walking away is the best option.

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Eris in Aries Eris square Pluto.png

These evil-spirited puppet masters in the extreme can be two faced illusionists who only care about themselves, or their agenda. A credible persona is presented to the prey, or the group the prey is part of, and everyone is fed the same poop. The player may have a pocket full of people they can hit up. Keeping people on their team. Keeping them around as a weapon, until they have an issue with someone, to be utilised if anyone should turn against them. There may be multiple people they speak with, or check in on a regular basis, yet may want a veil of secrecy drawn over their real activities. They may have the appearance of goodness, or a carefully cultivated disguise. Once the illusion is established - sometimes among more than one person that they have taken advantage of - this causes victims to assume that they will not be believed if they speak out.

Who will believe that they have been deceived, manipulated or emotionally abused?

Who will believe that there is an abuse of power? Magicians with the gift of the gab can spin a tale believable.

If you cannot trust yourself, you cannot even trust your mistrust of yourself – so that without this underlying trust in the whole system of nature you are simply paralyzed.
— Alan Watts
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Game-plan, Brainstorming. Why do players gaslight and violate others?

  • To have control over another, and keep them hooked

  • To have a piece of someone else’s ‘pie’ because the greedy miser are not growing or expanding, or cannot manifest on their own

  • To steal someone else’s work, mix it up, put another spin on it, pawn it off as their own, perhaps even sell it to a third party; plagiarism

  • To steal another’s good energy, like an energy vampire, to hide their own sense of not having something that another is perceived to have

  • To manipulate someone into not trusting their cognition, their emotions and their experience

  • To be right, at all cost, to get an ego feed

  • To get attention, or entertainment, as a spoilt brat or a vexatious spirit

  • To eliminate the competition who threatens them - think confusion and misinformation campaigns

  • To install rivalry for the thrill, installing third parties may yields results; play them off against each other

  • To gain information, to sell it for money

  • To utilise another’s gifts, resources, talents, knowledge, awareness or popularity for their own benefit

  • To take away someone’s credibility, ruin their reputation, or to steal their limelight

  • To obtain co-operation for the gaslighter’s agenda

  • To create co-dependency on the abusive person or system

  • To punish and create psychological trauma

  • To discredit, isolate and gang up on someone with a strong, but unwelcome message

  • To confuse one person or a group of people; it weakens them

  • To wear someone down over time

  • To bully someone in order to keep the attention on them

  • To rope someone into a low vibration, unable to manifest blessings, just like the abuser

  • To steal another’s self-esteem, energy, happiness, quality of life, etc.

Cruel Intentions and Bamboozled, or not…

Victims of gaslighting may be deliberately and systematically fed false information that leads them to question what they know to be true, often about themselves. Over time, a gaslighter’s manipulations can grow more complex and potent, making it increasingly difficult for the victim to see the truth. According to this excellent article, gaslighting can be psychologically devastating. It violates trust, upends a person’s view that people are generally good, and can make them suspicious of everyone. Falling victim to a gaslighter also erodes a person’s trust in themselves, and makes them forget what they once valued about themselves. After all, it’s easy to blame self for having been too trusting, vulnerable, or dependent. Some victims may no longer have self-esteem, courage, confidence, or the will power to step outside of the situation, due to the emotional blackmail and installation of fear of not being good enough. Victims may even protect, or defend their abusers; because it preserves a sense of stability, or buffers against another frightful launch into an argument, or other form of attack.

The emotional turmoil and effects of this trauma are not to be underestimated. This can be a dark night of the mind and soul that may require counselling.

Gaslighting can also come as a form of punishment, especially when the target may have been deemed naive, but turned out to be smarter, more illusive prey than originally estimated. This is where the element of envy comes in strong. In this video, astrologer Ann Ortlee describes why being obsessed with and envious of others, like Oprah Winfrey for example, can be problematic. In some cases, it is simply not practical or possible to possess the experience, street-smarts or good fortune that another person has. Exposed gaslighters are known to be extremely intelligent, power-hungry and strategic, but may at times run into a brick wall with certain prey; devastating themselves in turn. They may originally have enjoyed the chase, or game of chess, with the ultimate goal to clip someone’s wings, but the wheel does turn. Clarity and wisdom do emerge eventually. And when an abuser finds themselves at the bottom of the wheel of fate, they shall squeal with regret, because negative energy may create negative outcomes for everyone.

Eris doesn’t create discord, she shows us where discord already exists. She points out what is unacceptable, impractical, discordant. She stands up for those whose rights are violated.
— Astrologer Leah Whitehorse
Image: A Historical Replica Spartan Warrior Helmet.

Image: A Historical Replica Spartan Warrior Helmet.

Image: In the film Sleeping beauty, we see the aspiring hero Stephan stealing Maleficent’s magic winds under the guise of romance. A betrayal that turned her heart stone cold. Maleficent is also Eris. See this article for more.

Image: In the film Sleeping beauty, we see the aspiring hero Stephan stealing Maleficent’s magic winds under the guise of romance. A betrayal that turned her heart stone cold. Maleficent is also Eris. See this article for more.

Gaslighting aims to turn an active confident person, into an uncertain passive person. Taking someone’s good nature as an open invitation to be a complete asshole.

Just like Paris did in the mythological story of Eris.

Non-committal players often have a long history of failed relationships. They may not realise that THEY go around sabotaging connections. Perhaps by trying to control others or steal their energy. They are not loyal to anybody. People eventually reach a point where they are no longer willing to put up with the bullshit, and end the relationship. There comes a point where no amount of temptation from the devil, makes a toxic relationship worthwhile. Awareness can be tremendously helpful, which is why writing articles like this is important. Once these people have had interactions, they tend to lurk in the shadows and watch for opportunity. The good old times are just one of the many ways they will try to reel others back in…

Envy, Jealousy and Gaslighting on a larger scale

Image: Our solar system. Click on image to enlarge.

Astrological Eris speaks out against both the injustices perpetuated by controlling individuals, and of an elite or ruling class whose power (and abuse of power) derives from their wealth and influence. Many social justice issues arise in societies where there is a system of government where the most wealthy possess the authority, thus govern directly or indirectly, affording them the best potentials for wealth accumulation. A Plutocracy is the most sordid and debasing form of political energy, corrupting the institutions which ought to preserve and protect society.

Social justice issues, and freedoms for the socially repressed, have been moving with increasing strength since transit Eris went into Aries in the 1920s, and has made great strides; think women’s liberation, abolishment of slavery, racial equality, gender issues, protections for the vulnerable, etc. Eris is also associated with information, ideas, hype, or influence beyond measure ‘going viral’ on social media.

For these reasons, Eris’ commotion strikes fear in the heart of the Plutocracy, for she exposes the systems of control, the exploitation and the begrudging envy attacks on the joys, liberties and basic rights of others.

In this video, Doctor Ramani who is an expert on narcissistic people, explains why being perceived in a negative light - surprisingly - brings their insecurity to the surface, and shame (and rage), which is the very reason why they are so controlling and rigid of their public image, people and the narrative.

The very presence of those who see what the backbiting puppet master is up to, can be shame-inducing and a shame-activator for them. There comes a time when the gaslighting and manipulation are seen and understood, and there is a loss of power in the ability to dominate, control or confuse.

Eris opens the eyes to what is covered by lies, often revealing things shameful, ugly, or simply what is unacceptable behaviour, driven from inflated pride.

Eris reveals the pathological liar highly skilled in deception.

Often an entire seedy underbelly and system of super-rich capitalists and their retainers; the press, office holders, politicians, corporations, spies and thugs, are in on it. Historically, gaslighting seems to be an effective psychological hacking tool to gain control over those with an opposing view; by criticising how a leader express themselves, in order to divert attention away from their unwelcome message. Trivialising or downplaying abuse of power incidents, and denying that such events took place, are some of the tactics to portrait an individual or group, as irrational, crazy or deluded. Gaslighting has been effective to create economic inequality and the subsistence-level poor, but Eris will keep countering these issues, as she breaks cycles and shatter barriers.

Eris is known to have a tendency to strike anger and jealousy in the hearts of men.
— Astrologer Kesenya Moore

Eris: She who Breaks Cycles and Shatter Barriers

There is limited, conflicting and confusing information on astrological Eris, aside from the myths about her being the uninvited guest, Goddess of Discord, being the mother of strife; who sparked the vanity-fuelled competition among Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite with her controversial Golden Apple, that instigated the Trojan War, etc.

Yet it is not difficult to see why these projections and distortions may have been instigated by those who aim to keep the status quo in place; the patriarchy.

Why was Eris creating discord'? Why was she uninvited? Why was she unacceptable? Why is her message unwelcome? Why was she shamed, by who, and why?

Image: One of the astrological glyphs or symbols for Eris. This one seems to be the most commonly used.

Image: One of the astrological glyphs or symbols for Eris. This one seems to be the most commonly used.

It is because she stands up for those whose rights are violated. Her presence shine light on dysfunctional patterns, and offers gifts that expose and challenge. She ushers in self-determination and awareness. She shows up to highlight the darkness and assist the collective evolution. She is the paradigm shift in action, in good time bestowing benevolence on each individual self in the human collective who are willing to work with her energy.

Most individuals want to live their best life with a sense of self-worth, respect and dignity, becoming stronger and more confident, especially in determining their quality of life and claiming their rights.

They want to make their own choices, live in their own reality, enjoy equal rights to participate, and enjoy safety in doing so. Nobody wants their good energy stolen from them by self-serving people.

Eris/Planet X/Planet 10, in 2020 and beyond

Transit Eris in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn five times causing opportunity for growth and awareness. The exact dates are:

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  • 26 January 2020

  • 14 June 2020

  • 10 December 2020

  • 27 August 2021

  • 9 October 2021

  • Personal planets will continue to stir the two trigger points with conjunctions.

  • In orb October 10 ~ Feb 11 2023

  • In orb April 8 2023 ~ December 26 2023

  • In orb July 27 2024 ~ November 2 2024

  • Leaves November 3 2024.

Starting in 2024 to 2028, Eris and Chiron will be conjunct in Aries.

In 2027, Saturn will start its conjunction to Eris, going into 2028.

Empowerment is an action that enables people “to overcome their sense of powerlessness and lack of influence and to recognise and use their resources”.

“The term empowerment refers to measures designed to increase the degree of autonomy and self-determination in people and in communities in order to enable them to represent their interests in a responsible and self-determined way, acting on their own authority.
— Wikipedia on Empowerment

This is a time of unconscious areas of our psyche becoming more available to our conscious understanding, for every individual on the planet. Both Eris and Chiron in Aries are associated with low frequency terms such as selfish, self-serving, aggressive, and forceful with a narrow perspective. Manipulations, narcissism and gaslight tendencies have been extra highlighted with Mars in Aries in the mix in 2020. Alternatively, this emphasis can also help us discover our courage, strength, our own power, and who we are about to become.

Eris wants to awaken us to the natural way that the human being wants to be, valued, without being controlled, and without the natural desires being diminished by another’s Envy Eye. Pluto helps with that transformation in relation.

Eris’ influence and blessings will be felt for years to come! See this previous article to learn why.

Eris Individuals are Self-Trusting Visionaries that have a Heart

Those who can embrace Eris higher expression, are willing to cut through the comfort zone of their existing sense of reality. They live and act on their own terms.

In the positive expression, Eris people live close to their true selves, easily channelling their higher consciousness, and have an open mind when it comes to adaptation. They individuate, move out of the collective consciousness, and carve their own way. They are brave and willing to leave antiquated structures of consciousness. Those who work with her energy constructively, are opened to see beyond the limitations of their current perception; to break through the egoic and mind defenses. In doing so, they have to redefine and re-organise their world view, embracing a far vaster reality, which makes them unique and bestows a great advantage in life.

According to astrologer Henry Selzer, individuals with a strong Eris will fight for what they believe in; they must follow their own inner compass. Their mission comes from deep inside them, and could be equated with what he calls “soul purpose” — that which, once you are aware of it, you cannot refrain from doing. He has found strong Eris contacts in the natal charts of paradigm shifters - the courageous souls who have almost single-handedly changed the course of history. These people do not like to be controlled or dictated to.

Eris do teach us that being jealous or envious of anyone, or the blessings they have, and looking outside of Self for the solutions, are a waste of time. The light shines from within, from the heart and soul… You cannot fly with someone else’s wings. Find your own way, or live with the dissatisfaction…

The Wheel of Fortune in Tarot and Growth

The tarot speaks about common human experiences. The Wheel of Fortune card in the Tarot in particular speaks about the ups and downs of life, growth and development cycles. The wheel of life - of good fortune and bad fortune - is always turning, and what you sow, you do reap. The spiritual realms do want humans to do well, but if you keep stuck in an immature state, don’t do self-examination, and don’t learn lessons from immaturity, you may stay stuck in a cycle of not manifesting better things for your life. It is always a good idea to do introspective and self-reflective work when things go wrong in life, because tuning into your intuition, allowing change and for synchronicity to guide you, you can move towards better outcomes.

Some individuals look at others climb higher (the Wheel of Fortune) and grow stronger (the Strength tarot card), and feel envious of their growth, yet they are not willing to do what it takes to receive this abundance, good fortune and prosperity. They stay in their egos, that justifies their bad behaviour, which keeps them unhappy and in a dark place. Clinging onto other people’s coat tails, so that their blessing rub off; is not appealing. This is why some choose to end relationships with those who have abused their generosity, or taken them for granted.

This article was written in the days leading up to the Full Super Moon in Scorpio on 27 April 2021, which shed incredible light on these complex matters. It was a perfect opportunity to reflect, grow in clarity and wisdom, so that the wheel can turn. It is not difficult to learn how to grow as a human being, but if you are not willing to learn HOW to do it, don’t get envious of other people who glow-up… Don’t try to get one over on others, when you are not willing to make an assessment of your participation in negative energy, or see the truth about yourself.

People who keep recking up karmic debt in their life, will live with the bad consequences and ‘stuckness’, no matter how much they pretend to be a spiritual or advanced soul.

Some people pretend very convincingly that they have gone through a personal renaissance, but have they really done the work in order to enjoy the benefits? Or are they deceiving themselves, and others?!

Those who have learnt how to spin the wheel of fortune forward, often know that there are dangers in reigniting a relationship with someone from the past where envy, devil energy and toxicity were involved, when that person has not also spun the wheel. For they can pull those around them down to their level. Good fortune may diminish, or disappear, if you choose to tangle with players/manipulators who only look out for number one…

Learn to grow wisdom. Offer yourself forgiveness. Make good decisions. Some people don’t belong in your energy. Get rid of illusionists with the gift of persuasion. Learn to keep energy vampires out. They don’t have anything good to offer, because they are indeed lacking, despite the projections and illusions. Their breadcrumbs are not going to satisfy. They may make promises, but if there wasn’t equal give and take in the past, why should that be any different now? If it was all talk and no action, can you really expect more? They wasted your time, and your energy investment in them.

Why should you help evil-spirited people, who are not willing to help themselves. Your good fortune and the treasures of the soul belongs to you.

Learning the lessons and moving on, is a gift.

You can spare compassion for others and their upsets, just make sure you care for your own wellbeing first.

Learn how to be human in the world, but not of it.

It is a person’s high self-worth, the confidence and joyful self-expression, and what that triggers in people, that may have started this whole Eris battle in the first place.

Coming out of denial, and becoming aware of the Narcissist/Empath dynamic, and how to live with it, is very important.

Why do players play, bullies bully, and enviers envy?

It’s all about the good energy of another which they cannot find inside themselves, due to their own bad choices. So they seek to destroy.

Video: This song reminds of the nightmares of gaslighting. Find the lyrics here.


This author understands that gaslighting is a very serious violation, but it may also start covertly; like a frog slowly being boiled in water. This author also understands that popular culture has highjacked this ‘psychological term’; to include a broader spectrum of toxic behaviour in relationships. Many users, abusers and moochers are commonly accused of gaslighting on social media and other online platforms. This article does not make light of the insidious behaviour and consequences, yet from a certain perspective, it does ‘make light’ for the ultimate good of all…

Eris awareness is ultimately wholesome.

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