Eris, Venus, and Persephone in the Underworld, the Narcissism of the Player and the 9th House

People who are not content with their own life, that indulge in narcissistic behaviour, may project, blame, manipulate and scheme to gain control. Accusing people of the things that the accuser is guilty of.

Why? They have illusions due to social conditioning.

It may be challenging to see things for what they really are. The road to clarity and truth can be painful, but ultimately liberating.

People who are happy with their own life know their inner landscape. Why should they project, when they are in touch with their feeling and sensing nature? They don’t blame, because they take personal accountability and responsibility. They also don’t scheme for control. Why should they when life guides them along and has their back?

Psychological Projection, Meritocracy and Scapegoating

People who project their inadequacies onto others, deflect their blame and shame on others, are not happy with their own lives or situations. They are jealous. This article is a study of the anatomy of narcissism and envy through Eris’ discovery chart.

Why should the empaths they scapegoat, carry for them the blame, shame or unhappiness, be in a stalemate for them, when they can be the opposite state; in gratitude, healthy feeling and sensing, and seeing things for what they really are. Distancing themselves from toxic people. Being in clarity.

There has been a huge interest in understanding narcissism in recent years, as was explained in a previous article, and this article will elaborate on it through the exploration of Eris’ discovery chart, and the focus on that ninth house

WebMD describes narcissism as: "Narcissism is extreme self-involvement to the degree that it makes a person ignore the needs of those around them. While everyone may show occasional narcissistic behavior, true narcissists frequently disregard others or their feelings. They also do not understand the effect that their behavior has on other people."

Eris is the narcissist/empath dynamic.

The lower self/higher self.

The self-esteem/self-worth/virtuous.

The Greek Goddess of Discord and Strife energy will be around for many years to come… therefore this is worth studying.

During Eris transits in particular, discombobulating and stuffed down emotions rise to the surface, and it makes people very discontent, angry, in discord and strife. However, understanding the anatomy of an Eris transit is extremely useful. If more people really understood the benefit of being a good person, and always being honest and truthful with Self, they would have an amazing, magical life. Amanda “Pua” Walsh from has reported a tremendous interest in astrology in recent years. People are saying how much the information is helping them in their personal life, with their mental health, and psychologically.


Please remember that this website is for the more advanced astrological wisdom seeker. Philosophy is defined as the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. Philosophy is the love of wisdom. Part of philosophy is asking questions and getting them answered, even if you might not get a straightforward answer. Philosophy is meant to make you think. The ninth house in western astrology is also there to make you think. There are many concepts in this article a beginner may not understand, but by following the links provided, it may help you to information, and the details, to gain a bigger picture.

Current Affairs: A Visit to the Underworld

Venus/Persephone and Mercury Visits Pluto in the Shadow

Persephone is linked with Eris in mythology, read more about that here. As I write this article on the 29th of December 2021, Venus/Persephone is literally in the underworld, conjunct the lord of the underworld Pluto, conjunct Mercury in Capricorn.

Persephone the once sweet maiden is in the underworld. When she was first snatched, she was picking the narcissus flower that mother Demeter warned her to avoid. The curiosity and intoxicating scent drew her in, when she caught the eye of Pluto, who stole her, and took her to a strange place where she was offered and ate pomegranate seeds, as depicted in the image to the left. Here she was in a state of heightened sensitivity, due to fright, shock, and terror of her surrounds. In visceral feeling. And having to use all her senses to make sense of the frightening place, far away from her happy, carefree existence. Desecrated. Innocence forever gone.

Dumped in shame, now Pluto’s wife, Queen of a a dark place.

Venus is currently in her retrograde phase, in the underworld, and will be in this death/rebirth phase of her life, until she comes out of shadow early March 2022. As she is doing this, both she and Mercury will retrograde over Pluto at 25 - 27 degrees of Capricorn, visiting the underworld. Doing the assessment of her life and her relationships, that is needed… Trying to find her feet, as life takes her on this disorientating, but necessary journey. Not resisting the flow of life, but allowing the experience. Learning to trust, despite the visceral feeling, fear and the monsters. Venus started her decent into the underworld as the evening star, until she disappears into the glare of the sun during sunset, hiding her beauty from humanity.

What is the Underworld?

The Underworld was the kingdom of the dead in Greek mythology, the sunless place where the souls of those who died went after death, where Pluto ruled, ultimately with Persephone as Queen of the Underworld. In Greek mythology, the underworld is a place where the good and the bad are separated, according to their due. The virtuous, ethical and righteous getting a better deal.

The underworld is a place where all truths are seen. They don’t wear blinders like those in the land of the living.

The underworld is where unseen potentials are. When going to the underworld it is a discovery of what is unknown; what is yet to be realised, felt, experienced. There is something in there that can be uncovered, reclaimed, known, understood… By shining the light of your awareness into your own darkness, you find parts of yourself that you had disowned or forgotten about, that if retrieved, may ultimately add immense value to your life… In your own darkness, lies all the potentials of what you could do… They are in a neutral state, but with the light of consciousness, may activate new potentials…

Venus’s to the underworld is a time of re-evaluation regarding relationships, money, financial wealth, values and self-worth, that may lead to a change in self-understanding, or a purification. The Underworld also symbolises both the personal and collective unconscious. It’s the self-analysis and introspection. Looking for answers around self-sabotaging beliefs or patterns, and catalysts for change within.

The journey into the underworld symbolises becoming conscious and aware of what we had been unaware of in ourselves, hidden patterns and drivers.

Image: Roman statue of the goddess Persephone (also known as Proserpina). The restoration of the statue has her holding a theatre mask, like one of the Muses. c. 140-160 CE. (National Archaeological Museum of Naples) via Wikimedia Commons.

What did Venus learn to re-evaluate in the underworld. She learnt the truth about people who say they love her, or claim that they have her best interest at heart, but in reality they may be operating out of their lower expressions - like Pluto/Hades and Demeter/Ceres were when they were fighting a brutal battle over her. Persephone learnt that people wear masks to cover up their negative expressions, and their true motivations and intentions for others they are in a relation with.

Sometimes what breaks our heart will fix our vision moving forward. Coming out of denial.

And prepare us for new beginnings. Gaining clear vision, strength and realising that we are more in control than we realised, when NOT in denial. Those who indulge in narcissism tend to avoid self-reflection in honesty. But during a Venus retrograde conscious and feeling people may feel into themselves, reconnecting with the measure of their self-worth. Healthy, robust self-worth provides unflinching confidence in Self, which is something narcissists pretend to have, envy others for, and want to snatch away from them. They do this via illusions, win-at-all-cost battles, and game-playing. To feel mighty for a while, enjoying a short term gain, that evaporates. So that nobody has goodness, and everyone is equally unfulfilled and miserable in the end. This is at the heart of the problem between the two parties… This particular Venus retrograde is highly unique… and worth exploring.

Discovery Charts of Eris and Sedna

…and that Venus/Mercury/Pluto conjunctions in Sagittarius

Oddly enough, in both Eris and Sedna’s discovery charts, there is also a cluster conjunction of Venus/Mercury/Pluto. At present, both Eris and Sedna’s energy is also highlighted. Eris is in a tight square to the Venus/Mercury/Pluto conjunction, and Sedna is conjunct the North Node. This is indeed a very significant time. Mercury the Roman god (Hermes in Greek mythology), is with Venus the maiden in the underworld. He was responsible for conveying souls to the underworld, which is Pluto’s domain. This article describes both Eris and Sedna’s Mercury/Venus/Pluto clusters in detail. It involves triggering, lessons in relation, catalysts for change and great potentials. These aspects echo strong themes of a feminine’s hearts desires being taken advantage of, trauma in the rite of passage, and ultimately, beautiful total transformation. The ongoing cycle of life and psychological death, to be born anew. Into independence, autonomy and emotional maturity. In the extreme, this conjunction of planets involve the experience of power dynamics, dysfunctional relations, condition-based expectations, energy stealing and narcissistic behaviour, that hurts another’s heart.

Eris Discovery Chart

5 January 2005

Sedna Discovery Chart

14 Nov 2003


Ninth House: Morally Right to Scapegoat, Shame or Control?

Is it morally right to be shifting dirt or toxicity onto another innocent person, for what you don’t want to see in yourself, and don’t want to take accountability for?

In Eris’ discovery chart, the three planet conjunction is in Sagittarius, in its natural house, the ninth house. This is significant.

Both Eris and Sedna energies have significant issues around being in relation, self-worth and value, and ultimately becoming rulers of the Underworld. But only after experiencing significant trials and tribulations in dealings with unbalanced and unhealthy situations, with individuals, like Zeus, Pluto/Hades, and Sedna’s father Anguta. Who dragged them into the hell of the underworld, and tried to keep them captive there with toxicity, enmeshment, narcissism, manipulative tactics, scapegoating, smear-campaigning, fear-mongering, injustice and the like. To keep others stuck and in stagnancy. The toxic tactics are explored in great depth in other articles on this website, but here, we want to look at the ninth house, which is Sagittarius’ natural house, and what that says about this behaviour in western astrology, and where and how it expresses.

The ninth house is described…

…as the house of philosophy, greater wisdom, long journeys, truth, justice, higher mind, higher learning and higher knowledge. These are Eris themes and issues indeed. It also rules intellectual exploration, attitudes and viewpoints on all topics, and the efforts to understand complex issues, including morals and ethics. It rules the expansion and new horizons of the mind, and inspiration and education, and being a student of life. Moral and ethical responsibilities.

The ninth house is about personal growth, personal development, and striving to become a wise person, with more opportunities.

Unfortunately, the lower expression of Eris energy flips the script on all of these issues, for a selfish gain, opportunity, or profit.

They don’t want to learn and grow. They prefer to stay immature, poor of character, and selfish, and may pretend, and put up a false facade in order to interact with others. Changing personas to hide the truth, yet may have a need to project themselves as charismatic. Bold, and rebelling against being stifled. They don’t want to explore other people’s viewpoints, nor how it is immoral to try to control, backbite, subdue or abuse other people for a selfish gain. They may not understand the concept of unfairness, or the cause and effect of making bad choices. Nor how unethical it is to plot and sabotage others; to take a loss, and be in misfortune. To overpower another with their superiority-complex will. The narcissism of the MIND may fool them into doing all sorts of forceful, domineering, immoral things to create a defeat for others, and themselves in the end. The narcissism of the MIND tempts them to demoralise their own-, and well as other’s energy, to be low vibrational. When in a depression, these individuals are vulnerable to low vibrational emotions, like envy, spite, jealousy, vindictiveness and taking revenge. Causing an injustice for another. Or a lack of truth and clarity to keep them stuck.

It’s about stealing another’s self-worth (Venus) and joyful (Sagittarius) self expression (Mercury). Corrupting or scapegoating them (Pluto), and flipping the script on them, due to creating illusions that the abuser is morally right for doing so (ninth house in Sagittarius).

It’s about over-analytical, critical words (Mercury) and wickedness (Pluto) in relation (Venus), and My Way or the Highway dogmatism (Sagittarius), to demoralise another person and block their progress and their growth (9th house). Wanting for everyone to have no goodness without them.

These are the orchestrators of chaos who want to win pre-eminence, devising a plan and letting everyone be persuaded of their superiority; that their rights should come first. Mental magic with illusions to get another to think that they have power over them. Manipulating and controlling people’s free will. Distorting truth. A narcissist is someone who uses others to prop up their own self-importance.

With the Eris square Pluto aspect that will still be active until 2024, this is what is currently being illuminated. Those in positions of authority, who abused their power, for a greedy, materialistic gain, are seen…

Image: Sagittarius image via Wikimedia Commons.

The star sign Sagittarius is the mythological Centaur and represents the polarity between the lower appetites and higher Self, and that cluster being in the ninth house adds insult to it.

Centaurs in mythology were known for indulging in their lower animalistic nature; drinking, fighting, causing trouble, disregarding and hurting others etc. Look at the symbolism in the image.

Also for their wild, reckless behaviour, lust, chaos and disorder.

The star sign Sagittarius is known for its potential for either expressing the lower appetites vs wise higher Self.

Those who choose their lower self, may grow old, wrinkled, with grey hair, never having matured emotionally or psychologically. Immature, selfish, miserable, wearing false masks to hide their true colours, and being extremely dissatisfied with their own lives. Pity partying and playing the victim. Perhaps never having achieved real happiness, success earned via the solo hard work route, or felt genuine fulfilment of the heart. Instead blaming other people for their misfortunes, or punishing people for not letting them take advantage of them. Perhaps taking other’s kindness for weakness, and still scheming for a personal win, or a defeat for the other. It’s a dogmatic game of antagonist / protagonist, which is why they focus almost exclusively on other people, and obsess over what they can steal from them. Neglecting their own personal development and growth, and the satisfaction that can be derived from it.

Higher expression Eris people know to focus on themselves, their own happiness, their personal growth, increasing in wisdom and the fulfilment of their own heart happiness. Being cognisant of Self, in a healthy, feeling way.

Looking within for the wisdom from the Soul Self, and getting their wishes fulfilled. This is why they are the targets for the narcissism of the MIND people, and their scheming, who get triggered and choose the lower vibrational emotions of envy, spite, vindictiveness and ultimately, revenge. Eris low vibrational people are often consumed with a materialistic, selfish gain, and loathe those with natural talent, joy and achievement. This lower vibrational attitude to life gets them in trouble with other people, which is why the facade is employed, to carry on with the temporary satisfaction ego activities and to gain some self-esteem and credibility, or shine in the world…

9th House in Mundane Astrology

Mundane Astrology studies the impact of the planets on the world at large. It’s a wider view of astrology and how it impacts all of us as societies, countries, and collective. The 9th house is about higher education, religion, the churches, law courts, universities, professors, philosophical and scientific institutions, research and publications. Its about the law, judicial system, preachers, and educated “so-called” experts and their influence on the public. It’s is a communication house that relates to morality, progress and development, and corrupt practices that influence others. Many of the aforementioned, especially the culture at universities, tend to groom students with narcissism, so graduates go out in the world with a superiority mindset, of knowing better than the average person, even their own peers… while perpetuating the consolidated views of the establishment. Worst case, this cultivates god-complex in individuals, for everyone to bow down to them and their will. To be the tools for those negative Eris influencers at large, to voice those orthodox “educated” opinions. These are the false prophet devils, disguised yet feeling entitled by social licence, able to lead everyone astray, for the ultimate benefit of the establishment.

The Dogmatism of the South Node in Sagittarius

Define Dogmatic
1. inclination to lay down principles as undeniably true.
2. expressing personal opinions or beliefs as if they are certainly correct and cannot be doubted.
— Various Online Sources

Society has had a foul taste in their mouths for the last 18 months, as the South Node has been in Sagittarius. And all of the negative characteristics of the zodiac sign has been painfully highlighted. This along with Eris square Pluto, and Uranus square Saturn, has been the PERFECT storm to learn about narcissism, which is signified by Venus/Mercy/Pluto in Sagittarius, in the ninth house in Eris’ discovery chart. The forceful “My Way or the Highway”, “I’m Right And You Are Wrong” have been too much to handle for many. It has certainly been a baptism by fire. The South Node will leave Sagittarius in January 2022.

Eris will be a massive influence in the seven year Haumea Yod that will be in the astrological sky from 2022 - 2028, at the reaction point in a Boomerang Yod. The Foundations of Change online course describes the dynamics in detail.

Why do people feel like they are losing their heads since the start of 2020?

Read all about the strange mixed bag of energies we’ve been having since the start of 2020, like the five pointed star, the four Yods and three Hammer of Thor aspect patterns, in The Pentagram of Change online course.

Learn more about the bigger picture by going to courses.

The Anatomy of Envy, Misogyny and Slander through the lens of Eris’ discovery chart

After an exploration of the star sign Sagittarius, the ninth house and narcissism, the understanding of the anatomy of envy becomes easy. There are two camps of people here, who live their lives based on their choices, which shape their outcomes. The My Way or the Highway people, who had listened to their ego and fed their lower selves realise that they may be stuck in stagnancy and relationship shenanigans of their own making. They may look at those who had embraced choices that had taken them to Eris higher expression, and then compare themselves. They get jealous. Those who had made bad choices are in a space of addiction to their toxic ways, and this is the heart of the matter. When you indulge in mind games, slander (Mercury) and relationship f*****y (Venus), it may be fun, but there is cause and effect when you treat others poorly, and live an unaware life (Pluto). During Eris transits, it become glaringly obvious just how addictive it is to feed envy, spite, vindictiveness, grudges and revenge. It is a

highly ADDICTIVE game, and you will pay the price when you make those poor choices - Zeus was a great example. Those who had forgiven others, let go, not indulged in the poor choices, and purified themselves, now find that their energy is free flowing, light and effervescent. Eris higher expression is that high creative flow, joy, and exuberance, which leads to great envy, in those stuck in the stagnant energy, derived from their poor choices and lack of healing…

This is why enviers and happiness-haters want to dump bad energy on Eris higher expression people, blaming them for their bad feelings via psychological projection, or worst case, kill them emotionally via gaslighting or bread-crumbing… It is unbearable for them to see their happiness and ease… Keep reading for some excellent examples…

Zeus, Jupiter and the Social System of Control

In the Judgement of Paris, the mythological story of Eris, she has a troublesome relationship with forceful Zeus, the King of Olympus.

Zeus is the ruler of the social system with headquarters on Mount Olympus, and Goddess Eris is the scapegoat; blamed, smeared and defamed for starting the Trojan War. Yet Eris lives on the fringes of society, and she see the shenanigans, game playing, and illusions of Zeus’ social system of control. She’s not stupid. She knows that it is conveniently overlooked, that it was Zeus who asked Paris the shepherd/Prince of Troy, to make a decision. A judgement on who should be awarded the golden apple; Hera, Aphrodite or Athena. Paris’ choice to cleverly pick Aphrodite over others, for a self-serving gain, and refusing to give credence for the value and worth of the other two goddesses, is what lead to the trojan war. Yet Eris is blamed for bringing a coveted golden apple to a party… and triggering people to see their own envy bullshit, which is what brought them into turmoil and bad choices…

Philandering Zeus did not want his reputation ruined due to bad choices. Hyper sexual Zeus wanted to save face, because he was a flirt and an affection thief. Accusing another of what the accuser was guilty of and being petty. Truth telling Eris was blamed, and made the black sheep, for putting negative attention on the system and its participant’s shenanigans.

Zeus was the King of the Gods and the god of the sky, weather, law, justice, order, destiny and fate, and kingship. He was depicted as a regal, mature man with a sturdy figure and dark beard. The Romans regarded Jupiter as the equivalent of the Greek Zeus. In Eris’ discovery chart, the dwarf planet Eris is opposed to Jupiter, which is squared to the Sun in Capricorn. This illustrates that the pressure is on to illuminate, take accountability and to mature into adulthood, but lower vibrational Eris energy does not want to do that… Stuck stagnant energy is like sludge, it is so much easier to stay there, than work and make right choices…

Zeus had a reputation to uphold as the leader of a tradition, society’s structure and code, yet the mythology shows that he held himself above others. Just like Paris, Hades, and Anguta, self-interest, ego and pride prevailed when it suited Zeus…

Eris was MADE to look like the warmongering, black sheep, ostracised woman, who had issues, who needed to be silenced, and defeated at all cost.

It was widely known that Zeus was abusing his position of authority as a rampant womaniser, dispensing his own justice at his own whims, and punishing those who offended him.

God-complex? What applies to others, don’t seem to apply to Zeus… That is the politics of his illusion.

Define Politics
1. the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy;
2. the activities associated with the governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having power;
2. activities aimed at improving someone’s status or increasing power within an organisation.
— Various Online Resources

Zeus had many mistresses, liaisons, third party entanglements, and resulting offspring. He was a reckless risk-taker, a cheater, a manipulator, a user, and a disregarder of other’s feelings. Constantly playing the field, like an opportunist. He was unfaithful to his wife Hera, and had great trouble managing his personal affairs, love triangles and relationships. He asserted himself, influenced and interacted with all, and wanted to be that “go-to person” to resolve disputes, dispense justice, and to provide (poor) advice, just like Paris, the mini-me and mortal minion. Zeus wanted to have fun while he had others trapped, caught up, and bound to him. He liked to have his cake and eat it too. Casting toxic spells on others. Yet still wanted to save face, enjoy a good reputation and self-esteem in the eyes of others…

Zeus liked it when other people made him feel good about himself, which is why he played, defeated, knocked down others. To get people hooked and obsessed with him, to come back for more, so he can do some energy vampiring. Zeus want to get some supply and steal another’s energy, like love-bombing and gaslighting… to make the victim feel like they are crazy, confused, and the toxicity does not exist… Zeus went to the extreme to get people to fall for him, and trust him, and then he switch up on them. It is all strategically planned, utilising the system of control, so he can feel good about himself.

Evil-spirited brat Zeus might have thought that he had Eris trapped, in this toxic situation, where she was framed and blamed by the establishment, and was “by social consent” made to carry the weight of being the garbage dumpster.

To try to cause Eris to self-destruct from the inside out through psychological warfare.

Zeus did distorted mental magic with his illusions to get her to think that he had power over her.

This is an emotionally abusive relationship. Zeus wanted a diabolical stronghold and a tight toxic grip on her, causing drama and trauma, and forceful trauma-bonding. To put her in a mental prison (Mercury). Stuck, confused, blocked. Being in an insecure state of mind, fearful, doubtful, and insecure in general was the goal. Using Eris in relation, and gaining a sense of power from it, and expecting her to keep silent about the injustice and disrespect. (Venus/Mercury/Pluto in Sagittarius, 9th house.) As leader of the social system of control, Zeus also had many minions and third parties, and it may be safe to assume that he would have used them to fight with his rivals. Perhaps he also used them, to make it known; that Eris was to blame for starting the Trojan war.

Not treating people equally or fairly causes Eris discord in the heart, and some people actually enjoy putting another in this state. Schadenfreude is a state in which pleasure is derived from another's misfortune. This is an Eris issue. What does the ego mind, the negative entities, Zeus, Paris etc. hate most of all? People who are on a trajectory to elevate above them into a stable, abundant and joyful life. This is why the character assassins target innocent people they envy. This is why they create illusions, attempting to make people think they have power over them, when all the chaos and conflict is only an inconvenience; it’s smoke and mirrors. This is what needs to be cleared out.

Eris’ discovery chart shows how orchestrators of chaos aim to steal another’s emotional nourishment in relationship, with both self and others. This is how she is made to suffer… by turning all her relationships on her… isolating her in her own torment…

Wanting her to stoop to their level. Wanting her to be out of character… Hubris is a dangerous character flaw: the intentional use of violence to humiliate or degrade. These are the people incased in pride and ego, punishing and dismissing other people, as part of not seeing their own dangerous character flaws, because they are in denial. Blind to the truth. Delusional. Distorted. Unstable.

Yet Eris was an intelligent, open-minded woman, and she understood the value of truth, and how the slow grinding Wheel of Fortune worked, that old cause and effect and karma from bad choices. Eris may have felt betrayed, victimised, backstabbed, out of control or vulnerable, but she saw beyond the fake facade, and into the hidden drivers of Zeus’ dysfunctional system of orthodox behaviour. Eris saw what is not so obvious to others. Which was why Zeus was consumed with the narcissism of the MIND, to scheme and plot, just like Hades in the mythological story of Persephone. Zeus was consumed with attaining a selfish and materialistic gain for himself, asserted himself over Eris, that the Trojan War was not his fault. Zeus, and his entire following made Eris feel disappointed, hopeless, beaten down, used and abused, out of convenience. Knowing that if they could make Eris go into a low vibration, deranged at the injustice, and experiencing discord in the heart, it would be easier for negativity to infiltrate, for her to make bad choices, and keep her in that scapegoated/wastebasket position. Eris may not have had the power to change their minds, nor the situation, but she was not willing to stay in the toxicity unfairly laid on her. Higher expression Eris understands renewal, detoxification, and purification. Higher expression Eris knows that she has authority over her Self, her mind space, and she makes her own, solitary decisions to defy deliberate injustice…

Who wants to be allotted the psychological wastebasket position, for other people’s bad feelings, poor choices, and denied dirty deeds? Who indeed? Not Eris…

Forceful Antagonist/Protagonist Dynamics

Image: Representation of "Justice" in a stained-glass window designed by Edward Burne-Jones. In Rochdale (Clover Street) Unitarian Church. via Wikimedia Commons.

Heavy Blame, Bondage, Trauma-bonding, To Control in a Parasitic Relationship

Womanising Zeus and his social system of control do indeed have reason to want to keep Eris stuck in stagnancy, bound, wrapped up in toxicity, mute, and not allowing her to express who she really is. Sucking the spirit right out of her. Succubus/Incubus/Jezebel spirits.

Perhaps mentally telling her and gossiping behind her back, that she is no good. Not worthy. Not loveable. Not smart. They are beating her down. Feeding her lines of bullshit and lies about her Self. Justice do eventually come in Eris’ favour as the wheel turn, after having gone through that dark time, of being marginalised and held down by Zeus and his society of control, who are conditioned to think a certain way, and reject an alternative narrative. Fairness, so that Eris can move on, and get unstuck. Leaving a toxic situation, and freeing her Self, is her justice. Vindicated, after being accused, and feeling like she did not have a voice to defend her Self, and having something put on her that was heavy, and unfair indeed. Not having a defence at the overwhelming vitriol, at designating her as the wastebasket for bad feelings and shameful deeds. Beaten, battered and bruised. Yet standing up in strength, focus and great ambition, to improve her situation. Making major strides to get out of the situation. Finding great wealth and success from within…

It is not certain from mythology, but it is possible that Zeus and his social system of control are afraid of lone-wolves like Eris. Perhaps they see that in higher expression, she is highly capable, intelligent and able. Perhaps they do know her worth; that she has great, unlimited potential, which is the truth. They are just adamant to MAKE her believe that she does not have what it takes. Illusions and smoke and mirrors to keep her stuck and stagnant with them, which is exactly where Eris does not want to be.

Playing Possum In the Shadow

Eris do realise, at the end of a dark night of the soul experience perhaps, that she does have the ability, gifts, intelligence, skills, and the wit, to free herself.

This is what Eris digs deep inside her being for, while she in a cycle of inaction, and uses the time to disconnect from Zeus, his social system, and the toxic clutches and tentacles of control. Detaching from unhealthy enmeshment. Becoming sold, stable, secure, like Persephone who rises from her stay in the underworld, Queen of a Dark and Frightful Place. Redeemed. Independent. Autonomous. Authoritative. These people don’t want to see her win, but this situation only APPEARS to have authority over Eris. Starting in her mind. Knowing who she is, and what she brings to the table. This time in the underworld, is Venus/Persephone/Eris’ time to play dead to their captors. Playing possum. To be left alone. To purge. To sit, feel, sense and to grow. Yet while the overbearing illusionists are looking for another victim, the feminine uses the time to figure things out, and build courage. Being patient and staying the course. Connecting the dots. Waiting for things to come together, for things to balance. Applying patience, and allowing new paths to emerge. Allowing new levels of awakening. Feeling more vitalised by the day. Eyes on the goal; to rise again. Looking within for blueprint, vision and inspiration. Healing the heart and restoring balance. Preparing to break free from bondage. To take authority for Self. To stand on her own two feet. To look the oppressor and the tyrant in the eyes. To advance past the people, the mindset and to find new opportunities and potentials. To move with strength, by any means possible. To get out of stuck, stagnant energy… to receive the blessing she knows has her name on it.

The mythology of Persephone describes how she reached a state of Self mastery.

In which she could look at the idiosyncrasies of people, and have compassion for them. Realising that they have their own paths and their own karma… even secretly chuckling at the foolishness and delusion of power mongering in the human experience. Realising that the antagonist / protagonist dynamic is just game, and that she may choose not to participate in the bullshit. Allowing people to figure things out on their own. Not trying to force her will. Not trying to change anyone, nor telling them they are wrong. Not trying to influence others, knowing the wisdom of only changing Self. Sitting back as the observer, and watching the show of life, in her mastery of Self, and hard-won wisdom.

With this philosophy, Persephone brought forth her own justice, redemption and victory. Shining bright, after a really rotten experience of being in the underworld. Thinking about things from a higher level of consciousness. Knowing her worth. Not buying into distortions of truth.

Self-Esteem and Self-Worth are not Equal

This article by Adam Sicinski eloquently describes the difference, and what is at the heart of Eris energy. It describes what is at the heart of the antagonist/protagonist dynamic, and why it is so unfulfilling to be selfish and scheming like Paris, Zeus, Pluto/Hades and Sedna’s father. To force themselves in relation, to get their own way, to be SEEN by other people in a good light… The eternal affection thief who wants to be liked by everyone. Not realising that all the time invested in studying someone, for ways to bring them down and look good, are addictive, and are likely to give them mental illness issues in the future…

Self-esteem is primarily built upon the value derived from doing the things - the actions - that get you your desired outcomes. How you feel about yourself also, is heavily influenced by how you think you’re fairing compared to others. In other words, your self-esteem is derived from what you think others “think” of you based on your results and actions.

Self-Esteem, Adam says, is primarily built upon sources OUTSIDE of yourself that you don’t actually control.

Self-esteem is not something that originates from within, but rather something that comes from outside of ourselves, and subsequently influences how we feel at any given moment.

The emotions we have at any given time, is purely based on our perspective and interpretation. It's not rooted in reality. Think of the moon for example; we all know that during the full moon, people are influenced by it. Why have some outside source feed you lines of illusion, to hide your true nature?

"It’s quite clear to see that self-esteem is very fickle and can shift with changing opinions and circumstances. However, this isn’t true for people who have a high level of self-worth. A high degree of self-worth naturally enhances our self-esteem, thereby providing us with the self-confidence needed to follow through with our chosen decisions and actions."

It is difficult to make a man miserable while he feels worthy of himself.
— Abraham Lincoln

Self-Worth Glow-Up: Look for Treasure Within

Self-Worth is gold, therefore trying to envy and steal it from another, when it is within you, is self-defeating… It’s real stupid.

Adam writes that Self-worth is an internal state of being that comes from self-understanding, self-love, and self-acceptance.

According to this website, self-worth is a state that is somewhat timeless and unchanging because it’s a direct measure of how you value and regard yourself in spite of what others may say or do.

"To have a high level of self-worth means having a favorable opinion or estimate of yourself. It means having unshakable faith in yourself and in your ability to follow through and get things done.”

“Having a high degree of self-worth means feeling worthy of good things. It means feeling deserving of happiness, health, wealth, success, and love — irrespective of the difficulties you face, the disappointments you experience, or of people’s opinions. In a word, it’s unflinching. To have a high level of self-worth means accepting yourself wholeheartedly at all times despite your flaws, weaknesses, and limitations. It’s about recognizing the real value of who you are — right here, right now, at this present moment.”

“To have a high level of self-worth means never allowing yourself to be defined by outside forces, including people’s opinions. It means never allowing outcomes to shake your confidence, faith or resolve."

This is what Eris, Sedna and Persephone finds within, while they are in limbo in the underworld figuring things out, on the verge of breaking out. This gold is the steadfast yet limitless potential. The blessing, the good fortune and the pot at the end of the rainbow. Coveted by many, yet undiscovered and dormant in every single human being. It’s the gifts and blessings of acknowledging the unshakable Soul Self. The goodness within.

Zeus relied on Self-Esteem.

Higher expression Eris relied on self-worth; having discovered it when made to go to the core of her being after facing abuse, trauma and humiliation.

Science and New Research:

On the Narcissistic Pursuit of Admiration, Validation and Status Seeking

Science and research shows data-supported phenomenon that narcissistic personalities are in a constant search for social status, admiration and validation. This video by Psychologist and author Dr. Ramani, illustrates, why some people - after years of affiliation - are quite willing to throw a person under a bus, when they see that they are getting status. Anyone is disposable in the narcissistic world, she explains.

“Narcissistic people are believed to seek social status as a way to regulate self-esteem and emotion. If they have more status, they feel good. It goes beyond just having stuff, it’s about needing something to help them regulate.”

Dr Ramani attempts to explain, that the researchers found two basic avenues, by with these people attempt to find what they are looking for. The first is to self-promote; it’s the preening, bragging, arrogant posturing, and showing off. The second path, is via rivalry; basically getting status by putting other people down. Dr Ramani explains that although the SPIN model is still in the development and testing phase, she found it “elegantly simple”.

“They [the researchers] found that narcissistic folks are more likely to use the antagonistic rivalry model, by putting people down, to get status, when they perceive that they are treated badly. Or they are not getting the treatment to which they feel entitled.”

The Games People in Polite Society Play, that get them Stuck in Stagnant Energy

Image: Statue of a male deity, brought to Louis XIV and restored as a Zeus ca. 1686 by Pierre Granier, who added the arm raising the thunderbolt via Wikimedia Commons.

Zeus the cocky, confident player and womaniser, wanted to seek selfish instant gratification from the established path and social system he was part of, by messing with the people in it, playing them via unhealthy entanglement, just like Paris.

Zeus was self-indulgent, addicted and co-dependent on getting an ego feed from this situation; status, money, materialism.

Getting high on an illusionary sense of power, that is doomed to fail at some point. Driven by adrenaline, fearing exposure. Telling tall tales.

Not applying temperance or self-control, beyond what he can get away with socially. Doing that balancing act. That compulsive behaviour of juggling people. Using them. It’s messy…

Benefiting from the strength of a group, and privilege. Perpetuating hierarchy to maintain the status quo. Adhering to the expectations of the outside world, to behave according to tradition. And use a barometer of sorts to see in the moment how he compared to them in relation, only making adjustments when there were serious complaints, or events that might threaten his position. He is conventional by design, to be acceptable to most. From a certain point of view, he was insecure, to have to impose “his way or the highway”, and do check-ins on self-esteem; on how he was perceived. Most of the leaders of modern society today, invest in that gaining of social approval, validation-seeking and self-esteem from others, that they are OK as they are, and they don’t need check themselves beyond a certain standard. Instead attempting to keep others stuck in stagnancy to the established ways, with toxic behaviour, so that they are on the same level as them. Everyone should be stuck there. Yet the social system’s playing field is never level when most are participating in he narcissism of the MIND, the consequences of bad choices, and when they are indulging in low vibrational emotions like envy, jealousy, spite, vindictiveness and revengeful actions.

There will always be strong Eris individuals, who are the breath of fresh air and knows not to seek approval or validation, and not to compare themselves to others. Yet those in the orthodox system want her to feel trapped, to see her struggle. They want her to stoop down to their level, to have power over her. In the higher expression, Eris has abundance, because that is the natural state of being when the human lives a Soul connected life. Yet this triggers people around her. Initiating a spiritual war, a dark cloud against those who want to shine their individual light and maverick beyond the code. Eris is unconventional. In the higher expression she has the creative spark of the divine. Patient and dedicated to being her unique Soul Self. She knows that society’s problem is in their own over-analysing mental state and mental entrapment. An imprisonment of their own acceptance of social conditioning, and social interaction that lack integrity. She is dedicated to go towards her own happiness, yet the grinches watch her every move, to disarm her, to energy vampire on her, so that she does not elevate in life, and doesn’t gain her confidence, and invest in her ideals. They want to keep her down.

Zeus and his social system of control pretends to have control, yet they lack control.

They set traps for others as they meddle with them, reck up karmic debt in karmic relationships, get women pregnant, gold-dig, yet fall into their own traps that they had sprung for another, keeping them in stagnancy. Zeus’s wife Hera made everyone’s life a living hell, due to Zeus’s selfish relationship shenanigans. Zeus and his minions have no real insight in life, and they don’t have the smarts (from Soul Self) to make really wise choices. They are stressed about their public reputation, and how they look to the world. Zeus and those like him, are invested in stuck energy, with their entanglement and meddling with others. They are stuck in a mindset that focus on others, instead of focussing on Self. They want people to feel bad feelings if they don’t bend to the will of social conditioning. They plot bad things for pioneers and individual mavericks like Eris, anticipating for bad things to happen to her, to control the narrative of her life, for her to be in toxic energy, with lots of exes, and baggage from bad choices and past disasters. They want her invested in lower vibrational Eris energy. Burdened, like them.

And Eris has a choice to make. Will she buy into their shenanigans, illusions and bullshit, or will she say, hell no!

With Eris energy there is always a choice, with far-reaching consequences, for choosing either a lower vibrational, or higher vibrational experience. We really do live by our choices. Cause and Effect. At the end of Eris transits the wheat is separated from the chaff, and your choice becomes your life for the foreseeable future. Karma time, baby. Elevation, or more stagnation? You reap what you sow.

What does the ego mind, Zeus, Paris etc. hate most of all? People who elevated above them, into a stable, abundant and happy life.

A Life Worth Striving For? Really?

Does Zeus and his orthodox social system really have a life worth living?

Zeus became the ruler after a revolt called The Battle of the Titans against his own unjust father Cronos. In this position as king of the gods, he had roles and responsibilities to uphold society’s structure and code, and play mediator when others were fighting. He imposed his ruling on the world, and imposed his will onto gods and mortals alike.

Forceful Zeus had the power to advance, challenge, or to wrong another.

Yet he was not a faithful husband and there were many infidelities and third parties. Adultery is extramarital sex that is considered objectionable on social, religious, moral, or legal grounds. Zeus often judged others for breaking their oaths, yet how is it that the player was not measured by that same stick? And the consequences his selfish using and abusing had on the lives of others?

Zeus certainly has the merit to be considered a narcissist by today’s standards.

Zeus is the man who wanted to win pre-eminence, by devising a plan (the social system of control) and letting everyone be persuaded of his superiority; that his rights should come first. Being forceful is a negative fire element and Sagittarius trait, that stages a defeat for others.

Zeus has extreme self-involvement and desire to be at the top, to the degree that it made him ignore the needs of those around them, frequently disregarding others and their feelings. Yet he dispensed justice on others according to his orthodox social system and its traditions. Zeus did not seem able to grasp the effect that his selfish behaviour had on other people. He just continued forward in his life, in his denial and unawareness, creating destruction and karmic consequences for others… Seeming sensible and judicious, yet he was not. Self-interest prevailed.

According to WebMD: “A common sign of people with narcissism is the belief that they are superior to others and deserve special treatment. They believe that others should be obedient to their wishes and that the rules don’t apply to them. Another common trait of narcissism is manipulative or controlling behavior. A narcissist will at first try to please you and impress you, but eventually, their own needs will always come first. When relating to other people, narcissists will try to keep people at a certain distance in order to maintain control. They may even exploit others to gain something for themselves.”

The lower expression Eris person is also the admiration-whore (think Snow White’s stepmother who demanded the sole admiration from the mirror), and in relation to Eris’s story, Zeus certainly took on that role…

The Sins of the Fathers:

Hercules, The Legendary Journeys, and Xena, The Warrior Princess.

These two 90s television shows carry an astounding amount of Eris stories in them. Hercules is based on the Greek mythology of Herakles. Anyone who has spent their childhood watching Hercules and Xena, would know the larger extent, of the far-reaching consequences, that the entitled gods and goddesses of Olympus had on those who they messed with. The sins of the fathers, and the sorrow they would reap on their mortal children, and those they played. Both Hercules and Xena were often seen in absolute defeat and despair at the shenanigans of the Olympians.

Image: Marblehead of Herakles via Wikimedia Commons.

Zeus was amorous, easily seduced and probably got bored easily. He used other people’s energy, and much of his activities were done without consent, through trickery. Clearly he loved creating illusions and lying, faking the sweetheart role. Love magic? He was opportunistic due to what he could take and benefit from other people. Zeus deceived many of the women he desired, by taking on a false appearance, wearing a mask, having sex, and impregnating them. Cuckolding their husbands or stealing someone’s virginity.

Zeus wooed Hera as a virgin by transforming himself into a distressed little cuckoo, knowing she loved animals, and Hera took the bird in her arms to warm it. At that moment, Zeus turned back into himself and slept with her. Ashamed, Hera agreed to marry him.

Zeus had the audacity to try to murder his own children (infanticide). One failed attempt turned out to be his favourite daughter Athena. Due to his relationship f*****y with many mistresses, his wife Hera made everyone’s life a living hell. For example, Zeus fathered Herakles by deception, after disguising himself as Alcmene’s husband. Zeus was an adulterer and a user.

His son Herakles (Hercules in Roman mythology) was a mortal who possessed superhuman strength. Yet, because he was a reminder of Zeus’s unfaithfulness, Hera made it her passion to make Heracles’ life hell. At one point, she drove him to madness, and Herakles killed his own children. To atone for his sins, he went through his famous “Labors”, one which included an encounter with Eris’ apple. Herakles did succeed, but he still carried the guilt of what he had done. This and the events leading up to the Trojan War, are just a few of the many examples, of the Venus/Mercury/Pluto conjunction in Eris’ birth chart. Signifying the relationship f*****y and attempts to control, that people indulge in, that converts into cause and effect, and consequences.

The sins of the fathers that visits the children. Bad choices in human relations, that create a hellish situation for those who will not employ wisdom in their life…. and the shadow casted on everyone they encounter.

These are the people who do not want to rectify their disrespectful, deceitful, self-serving, orthodox habits. Falling for the temptations and low vibrational emotions that create discord and strife. Avoiding to heal, grow, and mature into the spiritual adulthood of Eris higher expression.

Image: So-called “Zeus of Otricoli”. Marble, Roman copy after a Greek original from the 4th century. via Wikimedia Commons.

Zeus had Many Insecurities

Like his anxiety that one of his children would become more powerful, and supersede him. Getting rid of him, as he got rid of his own father Cronos. Zeus felt intimidated by anything that might become more powerful than him. Is that why Eris was demonised, kept under the boot, and silenced? Because she saw beyond the fakery. Eris saw how Zeus used people like tools, and she did not want to participate in the system of control, that kept Zeus in authority, abusing his position. Perhaps Zeus sensed or knew, that Eris had great potential, blessings and abundance when moving into her higher expression. Could the player Zeus have been secretly jealous?

Zeus was easily angered, aggressive, competitive and had the potential to be very destructive, as he hurled lightening bolts to earth in fury. He fell in love too easily, had many affairs, yet there would be severe punishment for anyone who attempted something inappropriate towards his wife Hera.

Zeus knew right from wrong, and would impose it on others, but clearly chose not to live that way himself.

Homer described Zeus as a man who had a standard of right and wrong that made him more relatable to mankind. Hesiod called Zeus the “the lord of justice” who “brought peace in place of violence”, perhaps because of this, he was reluctant to join a side in the Trojan War, even though it was said he preferred the Trojans, and Hera preferred the Greeks. These are the political potholes that Zeus got himself into, and tried to avoid by socially skirting around the consequences of his poor actions. Zeus’s servants were named Force and Violence, suggesting the tools he employed to keep the social order and conditioning in place, generation after generation. The sins visiting the children of each generation… until emotionally mature adults would rise, who are willing to live in wisdom, not passing the dysfunction on.

Players may seek to destroy other’s goodness, because they cannot find that pot of gold inside themselves.

Why do players play, bullies bully, and enviers envy?

It’s all about the good energy of another.


A new perspective?

With modern society being heavily influenced by Greek mythology, it is today’s society at large, with its social grooming and control over others, that many higher expression Eris people do not want to participate in anymore, and do not want to fit into.

Preferring instead, to operate from the wisdom of the heart and embrace uniqueness. Not coming from the narcissism of the mind, or the low vibrational emotions, nor bad choices.

What a farce?

Zeus wanted Eris to pick up the burden, to manipulate her into carrying the blame for having started the Trojan War. Yet Eris was not going to co-operate with his cruel agenda.

Ultimately, Eris will not be caged, not stay in injustice, not stay in the discord of the heart, nor be in denial.

Today, the Eris square Pluto direct hits have concluded, yet will still be within orb of influence until 2024, and will be triggered by conjunctions from personal planets.

Today we see this energy portrayed in the chain-reaction of people who refuse to go into Co-Vid lockdown and other types of coercion. Instead protesting on the street for what they consider their rights.

Woke to these narcissist/empath dynamics and politics.

The myths of the Greeks have remained unrivalled in the Western world as a source of significance in social order. Yet the assimilation of Pluto, Eris and Sedna energy will slowly grind and obliterate the current structure of society as we know it in years to come. Wether people understand astrology and mythology, or not. The energy of change is here.

Our values in our relationship to all things (people and things) are being transmuted and changed — or we are resisting that change. Pluto and Eris tell us that resistance is futile. If we don’t change, change will be forced upon us.
— Louise Edington, astrologer

According to Greek poet Homer, the bloodiest battle in history, the Trojan War, went on for ten years. This is about the timeframe that Eris’s strife and conflict energy can stay active in one degree of the zodiac if you consider the following. Eris can stay in one degree of the zodiac for up to 7 years depending, unlike Pluto transits where the energy is active in one degree for up to 2-3 years depending. Pluto has an orbit around the sun of 248 years, where for Eris it is 558 years. When orbs around this one degree of the zodiac are added, one may be able to justify why Eris energy can stay active for up to 10 years… and when the Wheel of Fortune as it pertains to Eris energy is considered, this is quite plausible.

Eris lower expression energy has the potential to be extremely destructive and cause immense suffering and hopelessness, but the higher expression energy holds the potentials for alchemy and benevolent change that breaks that stalemate energy.

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