More Surprises at the 25 October 2022 Eclipse pointing at the Haumea Yod

Both the 30 April and 16 May 2022 eclipses were very special, see the charts at the bottom. The April eclipse was near the Venus/Jupiter/Neptune in Pisces conjunction, and it is the Ingress chart of the seven year Yod with Haumea at the apex. Haumea is the Hawaiian Goddess of Sacred Birth, Fertility and Blossoming Abundance, and also the newly discovered dwarf planet/Kuiper Belt Object. The May eclipse was at 25 degrees Scorpio, prominently placed opposed to fixed star Algol and Sedna in the last degrees of Taurus, stirring that leg of the Yod, which will be a hotspot for the next seven years as well. The next eclipse in October 2022 is also going to have some interesting features… that the Yod is so eloquently point at… A Yod is also called the ‘finger of god’ pointing towards a potential destiny to be embraced…


Venus Sun Superior Conjunction 22/23 October 2022 and Loss of Connection with Venus

Just before the 25 October 2022 eclipse, Venus makes an exact superior conjunction to the Sun at 29 degrees of Libra on the 22/23rd (depending where you are in the world). This is another highly auspicious event, as astrologer Jenn Zahrt explained. Venus is the ruler of Libra, and together with the Sun conjunct Haumea.

At the Special Edition Solstice Panel on the 15th of June 2022, astrologer Jenn Zahrt, Director of CAEILi (Celestial Arts Education Library) shared some rather remarkable detailed information about the October eclipse. The panel discussion was led by Amanda ‘Pua’ Walsh from Astrology Hub, and day one of the two day event is about learning about the shifting tides of 2022 from five expert astrologers. At the 38 minute time marker, Jenn was asked to explain the phenomenon.

She explained that Venus and Mercury can have two kinds of conjunctions to the Sun; a superior or an inferior conjunction. She said that the superior conjunction entails that Venus is behind the sun from the

earth’s perspective, thus at its furthest away from the earth, signifies for us a loss of connection with Venus’s energy. Jenn points this out as an ‘easy to overlook’ sensitive spot, saying that relationships may temporarily turn ‘cold’ (ghosting, or disappearing acts, as people need their own space) as this loss of Venus energy effects the temporary feeling of loss of all things Venusian. She councils on the importance of “being aware that this is a time that we may loose connection that we desire, and to maybe not take it so personally, and look at the larger cycles.”

Jenn describes that for the first time since 1771, this conjunction is now taking place in Libra, not Scorpio, and that a superior conjunction of Venus/Sun happens every 8 years. “That [1771] was the beginning in the United Kingdom of the end of slavery… I think there is a larger question of social justice around the Libra component, versus the Scorpionic element, and it is a shift much like the grand conjunction of Saturn/Jupiter [in Aquarius]. Venus and the Sun slipping into Libra out of Scorpio, is also a shift in our attention, that we have not seen in quite some time.”

When asked by Amanda why we would need space from other people, or have than impulse during the superior Venus/Sun conjunction, Jenn replied: “It’s the invisibility of Venus when it is so close to the Sun, that speaks to an underworld journey… What is happening is that Venus is changing phase, from the morning star wanting to get what she wants (consequences be damed) to an evening star, which is understanding. It is a weighing of ‘what does it cost me’ to connect right now, versus do I need to conserve my own personal energy. And really understanding what the true cost of connecting is. Some people need time to be more introverted, interior, rather than being social.”

Venus in the Underworld

This is a highly significant Venus cazimi conjunction, since it is also conjunct Haumea at the apex of a Yod, and also in tight square to Pluto, and inconjunct Sedna.

At the 53 minute time marker, Jenn adds that exactly 2000 years ago on 22 October 22, Venus was also in superior conjunction to the Sun at 29 degrees Libra, which links in to Pluto squaring the nodes started next year in May. This is showing that 29 degrees Libra is important to watch in the next year.

In ancient mythology, as Venus steps into the cazimi (heart of the Sun) she is described as entering into the underworld. This is marks the time period that she cannot be seen in the sky and once she moves out from the Sun’s rays and back into view she is reborn as the evening star. Multiple other articles on this website, have described this cycle of Venus reflected in the stories of Persephone, and also Inanna’s Descent into the Underworld. In this myth Inanna, embarks on a heroine’s journey, where she experiences trial, ordeal and even death before being reborn anew. When you turn inwards for deep insight, you learn more about yourself, especially in relation to love, money and creativity, that are Venus’ themes. Venus is the planet of beauty as well as love. When this is in flow, you often experience a sense of awe and wonder in your own energy. This is experienced as cosmic harmony, and being in tune with the universe. Ancient peoples called Venus the harmoniser, so imagine what an eclipse of this energy may temporarily be experienced as…

It is curious that the discovery chart of MakeMake, also have a superior Venus/Sun conjunction in it, but in Aries. Its shows that access to the feminine principle is missing, and is eclipsed by the fertility of the sun instead. Both Venus and Haumea are extremely feminine energies, and to have them eclipse at this event, will be an interesting, if not frightening experience…

An Underworld visit, and rising from it, entails having detoxified the lower vibrational energies, into vibrant new energy.

Special Edition Solstice Panel

Amanda ‘Pua’ Walsh has five astrologers on her panel with Adam Sommer, Nura Rachelle and Jenn Zahrt for the day one session. The Astrology Hub Solstice Panel video is said to be available for free until the 30th of June, alternatively, to get unrestricted access to it, join the Astrology Hub’s Inner Circle.

In the day two session, astrologer Linda Kubota Byrd said at the 58 minute time marker that the Kuiper Belt Objects bring hope, change, expanded thinking and quantum leaps into our consciousness. That we can change the outcome of what we create, in essence becoming the masters of our own reality, which is who we really are. Halleluja!


Online Course about Seven Year Haumea Yod

As the content creator on the Foundations of Change online course, about the seven year Yod with Haumea at the apex, I was really encouraged by what Adam and Jenn said at the 14 minute time marker about Uranus conjunct the North Node in July, and the potential for new astrological innovation and leaps in astrological practice. There is hope that astrologers may at some point embrace the dwarf planets/Kuiper Belt Objects like Sedna, Haumea, Eris and MakeMake. With a seven year yod in the sky, and multiple synchronicities showing how important it is, how much longer can this be ignored?


There is a new online course about the trans-Neptunian and Kuiper Belt Objects involved in the strange mixed bag of energies we've been having since the start of 2020, with some stretching beyond 2030.

  • The Gonggong Yod is all about the massive chaos caused by floods, too much rain and landslides.

  • The Sedna Yod is about the respect for people, animals and the natural world being violated, and how the natural world can come back to bite. When the WHO announced a global health emergency on 31 January 2020, Haumea in Libra was sextile to Ixion in Sagittarius making a Yod apex on Sedna and malefic fixed star Algol.

  • The Varuna Yod is about sacred law and order, justice and truth in the cosmos that needs to return.

  • The Haumea Yod is about the wild abundance and providence of nature that can be created when appropriate governmental structures support benevolence for all.

  • The MakeMake square Quaoar aspect is about is about the smite that the Hammer of Thor apex makes in Taurus. This Hammer makes an apex in Taurus, smiting all things Taurus into oblivion. Curiously, both this Hammer apex and the Sedna Yod makes apexes in Taurus, which is the sign of the bull. Together they are creating massive upset and change in agriculture, the natural world, earth matters, and with cattle; with the recent threat of foot and mouth disease in Australia a great example of the manifestation of this energy. 

Learn more about the bigger picture by going to courses.

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