Haumea Discovery Chart Goddess of Birth, Creation and Fertility in Hawaiian Mythology.

After having written over 30 articles on Eris, the Goddess of Discord and Strife, and having bravely attempted Sedna, the Goddess of the Deep Sea, having published 8 articles, I find myself now looking at Haumea in Astrology.

Haumea is the goddess of fertility, ancestral knowledge, politics, government, war, and childbirth in Hawaiian mythology. Haumea became the Akua wahine (divine feminine).

She is the mother of many important deities, such as Pele, Kāne Milohai, Kāmohoaliʻi, Nāmaka, Kapo, and Hiʻiaka, among many others. Haumea is said to have given humans the ability to give birth naturally. In a story, she visited Muleiula, the daughter of a chieftain who was experiencing painful childbirth, during which she discovered that humans only gave birth by cutting open the mother. Seeing this, Haumea created a potion out of the Kani-ka-wi tree, which allowed the mother to push out the baby naturally.

The dwarf planet is pronounced How-May-Ah, and has a slightly longer orbit around the sun than Pluto, and is currently at 29 degrees of Libra, the crisis degree…

I never expected to write about any of these newly discovered dwarf planets, but due to the nudge from within, and possibly a good dose of CoVid-19 lockdown boredom, I listened to my spirit. Initially, I could not find the discovery details of Haumea, but this article put me on track. Haumea has many similarities to Eris and Sedna, however that cluster of Mercury/Venus/Pluto drew me in. It is the same cluster in Sagittarius that features in Eris and Sedna’s charts, just in a different house. It’s magical!

Please remember that this article may be more suitable for the more advanced astrology student, as basic concepts are not explained here.

The Discovery Chart of Haumea/Santa

According to Wikipedia, there was a great controversy over the discovery of Haumea. Two teams claim credit for the discovery of Haumea (minor-planet designation 136108 Haumea). I will not be going into this controversy in great depth, because it is a long story, with opposing perspectives and narratives, and it is available online for exploration. But I will mention some interesting tidbits as I feel it relates to understanding her energy, for the astrological perspective and understanding.

According to Wikipedia, the dwarf planet was discovered in 2004 by a team headed by Mike Brown of Caltech at the Palomar Observatory in the United States and disputably also in 2005 by a team headed by José Luis Ortiz Moreno at the Sierra Nevada Observatory in Spain, though the latter claim has been contested. Until it was given a permanent name, the Caltech discovery team used the nickname "Santa" among themselves, because they had discovered Haumea on December 28, 2004, just after Christmas. This discovery was just two days after the Boxing Day tsunami in Indonesia.

Image: Artist's depiction of Haumea TNO showing its rings and its two known moons.1,600 km likely a dwarf planet at 43 AU from the Sun - Elongated shape, rapid rotation, a ring and a surface of crystalline water ice with a dark red spot of organic compounds - The largest member of a collisional family that includes its two known moons (Hiʻiaka and Namaka) and several large TNOs. Image processed and rendered especially for Wikimedia.org by Pablo Carlos Budassi. via Wikimedia Commons.

A team consisting of Mike Brown of Caltech, David Rabinowitz of Yale University and Chad Trujillo of Gemini Observatory in Hawaii, discovered Haumea on December 28, 2004 on images they had taken on May 6, 2004. The name for the Hawaiian matron goddess of the island of Hawaii was considered by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), because her satellites were later discovered at the Keck Observatory in Hawaii in January and June 2005.

On September 17, 2008, the IAU named the fifth known dwarf planet in the Solar System Haumea. The planet's two moons were named after Haumea's daughters: Hiʻiaka, the goddess born from the mouth of Haumea, and Namaka, the water spirit born from Haumea's body.

Haumea “is identified with Papa, the goddess of the earth and wife of Wākea (space), which, at the time, seemed appropriate because Haumea was thought to be composed almost entirely of solid rock, without the thick ice mantle over a small rocky core typical of other known Kuiper belt objects. Lastly, Haumea is the goddess of fertility and childbirth, with many children who sprang from different parts of her body; this corresponds to the swarm of icy bodies thought to have broken off the main body during an ancient collision. The two known moons, also believed to have formed in this manner, are thus named after two of Haumea's daughters, Hiʻiaka and Nāmaka." Haumea even has a ring.

Image: Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, Mauna Kea, Hawaii, at sunset, January 2012 via Wikimedia Commons.

Haumea is the third largest Kuiper Belt object after Eris and Pluto.

Orbits around the Sun:

  • Pluto takes 248 years

  • Haumea takes 283 years

  • Eris takes 556 years

  • Sedna takes 11,390 years.

But Haumea’s orbit is more elliptical so she travels much further from Earth than Pluto does. See the Haumea page for images of its orbit. With a visual magnitude of 17.3, Haumea is the third brightest object in the Kuiper belt after Pluto and Makemake, and easily observable with a large amateur telescope. Yet Haumea displays large fluctuations in brightness over her rotational period of 3.9 hours. On the inside, it's rocky. On the outside, it is covered by a thin film of crystalline water ice.

She is a strange oblong object, shaped like an American football that had been deflated and stepped on, and has an odd shape due its speed that compresses it. Haumea is spinning fast enough to complete a rotation every four hours, the rapid rotation enabling it to maintain a state of equilibrium. Haumea also looks like an egg but without the tapered off the one end bit. According to its discoverer, Mike Brown, Haumea is on an unstable orbit and could possibly become a comet one day in the future, in perhaps a billion years. He reportedly said that if this happens, it will probably be 10,000 times brighter than the spectacular comet Hale-Bopp, making it something like the brightness of the Full Moon and easily visible in the daytime sky. In this article, Mike Brown also shares his unique but torn-at-the-heart experience of having to initially let go of his discovery of Santa due to other responsibilities, and how he got delayed by multiple things, including the birth of his daughter Lilah.

Haumea’s Astrological Glyph or Symbol

According to this website, 136108 Haumea is named after the Hawaiian goddess of childbirth. Hawaiian is written with the Roman alphabet, but since one of Haumea's moons, Hi'iaka, also starts with H I didn't try as hard to include an H in Haumea's symbol. This symbol is a combination and simplification of traditional Hawaiian petroglyphs for "woman" and "childbirth". Symbols for Haumea's moons Hi'iaka and Namaka can be seen here.

Haumea’s Two Moons Hiʻiaka and Namaka.

In Haumea’s mythology, her offspring sprang from different parts of her body. Hi’iaka was born from the mouth of Haumea and carried in egg form by her sister Pele to Hawaii. According to Wikipedia, Hiʻiaka, or the youngest Hiiaka, was the patron goddess of Hawaiʻi, hula dancers, chant, sorcery and medicine. Her common and family name means "carried egg" - "hiʻi", to hold or carry in the arms (as a child), and "aka", meaning embryo - referring to the story of how she was brought to Hawaii by her sister Pele in egg embryo form. Namaka is a water spirit, who was born from the body of Haumea. When Pele sends her burning lava into the sea, Namaka cools the lava to become new land. Namaka is the smaller moon.


There is a new online course about the trans-Neptunian and Kuiper Belt Objects involved in the strange mixed bag of energies we've been having since the start of 2020, with some stretching beyond 2030.

  • The Gonggong Yod is all about the massive chaos caused by floods, too much rain and landslides.

  • The Sedna Yod is about the respect for people, animals and the natural world being violated, and how the natural world can come back to bite. When the WHO announced a global health emergency on 31 January 2020, Haumea in Libra was sextile to Ixion in Sagittarius making a Yod apex on Sedna and malefic fixed star Algol.

  • The Varuna Yod is about sacred law and order, justice and truth in the cosmos that needs to return.

  • The Haumea Yod is about the wild abundance and providence of nature that can be created when appropriate governmental structures support benevolence for all.

  • The MakeMake square Quaoar aspect is about is about the smite that the Hammer of Thor apex makes in Taurus smiting things Taurus, perhaps into oblivion. Curiously, both this Hammer apex and the Sedna Yod makes apexes in Taurus, which is the sign of the bull. Together they are creating massive upset and change in agriculture, the natural world, earth matters, and with cattle; with the recent threat of foot and mouth disease in Australia a great example of the manifestation of this energy. 

Learn more about the bigger picture by going to courses.


Discovery Time for Haumea

I was not able to find a time of discovery anywhere on the internet, and initially, this discouraged me, but as I pulled up the chart for 28 December 2004, I felt drawn to 11pm, which I entered. I felt good about itand the more I looked at the chart, the more it resonated.

The conjunction of Venus/Mercury/Pluto in Sagittarius immediately caught my eye, as it is present in Eris and Sedna’s charts too. Pluto’s position on the IC was another powerful omen, as there is great importance regarding genealogy in her stories, and being the mother of not only other deities, but a nation. Haumea’s mythology too, has strong themes of transformation, renewal, regeneration and restoration (Pluto). Of continual birth, death and rebirth. Being a mother, as well as being able to be youthful and in old age; ageless and ever-renewing. Haumea’s myth puts her squarely as having dominion over nature, which means she could withdraw her energy, leaving people to starve and be bereft of their basic needs when she was angry. Yet she was a kind and nurturing goddess, providing abundant fruits and beautiful flowers. Keep reading for further clarification regarding the casting and use of this chart….

Please note that this particular article will be an exploration of the discovery chart, and how that relates to Haumea’s story.

Two other articles on this website explore Hawaiian historian Dr. Lilikalā Kame’eleihiwa’s perspective, on how Haumea became the Akua wahine of O’ahu.

Image: Original copy of King Kalakaua's book The Legends and Myths of Hawaii. via Wikimedia Commons.

The Hawaiian Mythology of Haumea

Almost everything in Hawaiian literature is written metaphorically.

This is very important to remember in reading the stories by various sources. There are hidden meanings, double meanings, and an inner meanings. The narrative is both simple and sophisticated, depending on the reader’s ability to perceive what is there. There are many levels of meaning, to the simplest of expressions.

Martha Beckwith’s excellent book, Hawaiian Mythology (read it from the Hawaiian Electronic Library), has many stories about Haumea.

Haumea is said to have given birth to “strange noisy creatures.” Sounds like that mercurial cluster in Sagittarius in the third house, doesn’t it?!

Her book details the story of Papa (Haumea) who was the proud mother of many descendants, concerned with the food supply, increasing family stock, and interacting with grand children, and great grandchildren in order to proliferate. Also, the interaction as midwife with a chiefess called Muleiula, to teach her how to give natural birth by pushing the baby through the canal, which had previously been dangerous. And to secure for her a painless childbirth. In gratitude, Haumea receives from in return “the tree of changing leaves” out of which gods are made; the Makalei magical tree. These are all very strong fourth house (IC) issues. Of a deity, a divine ancestress, being reborn, and recreated in another form, in her own decedents as well (Pluto).

Papa (Haumea, Earth Mother) was the wife of Wakea (Sky Father/Orion), who lived as a woman on earth and became mother of island chiefs and ancestress of the Hawaiian people. It is the furthest genealogy linage upstream that everyone (100 generations) can agree on.

Thus it is in her character as destroyer or guardian of wild growth and patroness of childbirth that Haumea becomes, like Laʻilaʻi, the producer or, like Pele, the destroyer of living things. Goddess of the “sacred earth,” she is venerated as the spiritual essence of that ageless womb out of which life is produced in changing forms and which finally, in the body of a woman, bears to Papa, through union with Wakea, the human race, or, more specifically, the Hawaiian people in direct descent from the ancestral gods.
— Martha Beckwith's book Hawaiian Mythology

The imagery of the gifted tree that Haumea planted, and watched if it had taken roots yet, is also very indicative of an emphasis on the IC in the astrological chart. A man chopped the tree down, and a storm took it to sea, after which bits of magical branches would return, washed out from the sea. This is another symbol of the many interesting driftwoods, timbers, seeds and other tibbits, that washed ashore from distant lands, as gifts from Haumea; providence, blessings and benevolence. Strange new gods from the American and Japanese ocean currents, strewn on Hawaiian beaches. There is also stories of a little spring feeding a great fishpond, and the fish-attracting tree Makalei was brought and planted, because it is a tree of never-failing vegetable food supply. This also ended up being the garden where virgins lived, and marriage took place, starting new families.

Not only does Haumea have the capability of bearing offspring from all over her body, but so does the fruitful trees that was eventually scattered all over the islands, that are symbolic of the potential power of producing offspring in the maturing youth or maiden, thus furnishing a fresh branch of never-failing posterity upon the family stock. There is also a patch where the first taro/yam stock were cultivated, producing an unfailing supply. The Hawaiian soil is known to be extremely fertile. Volcanic Pele is a daughter of Haumea, birthing land by pouring forth mineral-rich magma to fertilise and expand the Earth from the inside out. Pele’s creative/destructive duality demonstrates Haumea’s underworld theme.

The Sun and Ascendant in grounded Earth signs and the Leo Moon also resonates with me. Haumea’s mythology and how it relates to astrology is beautiful.

Eris, Sedna, Haumea and MakeMake were all discovered between 2003 - 2005. Therefore they have multiple powerful similarities. My spirit just could not resonate with the July 2005 discovery charts for Spain.

Ethics of Pioneering Work?

I am cognisant of the potential that some astrologers might have a problem with the presumptuousness of assigning a time for a chart to be cast. This is my prerogative. If this does not resonate with you, you can always read this article, and disregard the sections that relates to the house placement. Please also read the Ethics webpage on ABiggerPicture.com.

In addition, I have never been to Hawaii, and I am a novice when it comes to their customs, traditions, ceremonies, festivals and rituals. I have tried to be very respectful and honouring. I do not claim to be an expert at all. However, this is an astrological exploration of how dwarf planet Haumea’s energy may influence those who carry her energy strongly in their charts, either by a natal Haumea conjunction to a personal planet, a Haumea transit conjuncting a natal personal planet, or progressed personal planets conjuncting Haumea in the natal chart. This is an exploration of Haumea’s higher expression and lower expression.

Image: Taro is a Hawaiian staple food and is a highly ornamental plant, see the big leaves. Colocasia esculenta 'Red-Eyed Gecko' Taro Root. It’s a perennial edible plant that produces large corms underground. The corms, leaves and stems can be eaten if cooked. ALL parts of the plants are toxic if eaten uncooked. via Wikimedia Commons.

IC: The Bottom of the Sky and Creating Sacred Space

According to Wikipedia, the Imum Coeli (IC; from Latin for "bottom of the sky") is the point in space where the ecliptic crosses the meridian in the north, exactly opposite the Midheaven. It marks the fourth house cusp in most house systems (this is reversed in the southern hemisphere). The Imum Coeli is said to refer to people's roots and also to the least conscious part of the self. It symbolises foundations, beginnings in life, what may have been experienced through parental inheritance and homeland influences, need for security and relationships with the home and family life. In many cases the IC refers to a parent—traditionally, the mother… or the sacred space in the womb that creates new family… The IC is the most unconscious in the chart, therefore it has great potential… if we set it up right…

In doing research, I found this video about Haumea who is a deity whose important kuleana (responsibility) is to establish sacred space (and boundaries). She provides the tools to recognise that special space is potent for ceremony and ritual. As the pertinent female to any

ceremony, she provides that possibility for understanding and connection between the knowledge we acquire and the wisdom we pass on; ancestral knowledge being valid today. Haumea’s stories show the importance of the heiau, which is the ancient Hawaiian temple for invoking peace, war, health, profitable fishing or farming. Today, this sacred space is still needed… for the exploration of the inner landscape, a stronger connection to Source, and being in right relation (pono) to both self and others. To be able to understand the web of life and live in the true aloha (peace, affection and compassion) of spiritual significance.

In the video, the presenter gives a very visual representation of setting the stage and foundation for potential first, by creating the circle of personal boundary for sacred space, that Hawaiian woman claim in preparation for ritual and ceremony. In her video slides and descriptions, there is a remarkable visual similarity to both the astrological sky, and the astrological chart, with the IC as that grounded space from which the women can grow. I found this synchronicity very beautiful.

The story of how Haumea became the Akua wahine (divine feminine) is also rich with symbology of how the potential created in SACRED SPACE in the heiau (female temple), allowed her to become a master foundation builder.

Image: Egg via Wikimedia Commons.

In the discovery chart, Pluto at 22 degrees Sagittarius is conjunct the IC at 25 degrees Sagittarius. If the IC is that place of our roots, that least conscious part of the self, then what does lord of the underworld Pluto symbolise here? It is in becoming very grounded, in creating sacred space, for sacred ceremony, meditation and ritual, that Hawaiian women may access the knowledge and wisdom from Pluto there at the IC. In addition, Pluto has a wide conjunction to Venus and Mercury. This very same cluster of planets in Sagittarius, features in both Eris and Sedna’s charts, and speaks of that time that Persephone spends in the Underworld, sitting in her situation, allowing the visceral experience by being grounded and allowing the transformation, to be renewed at the other end. Haumea has many similar themes of regeneration that follows destruction. It was in fact, Spanish astronomer José Luis Ortiz Moreno who suggested that the dwarf planet be named Ataecina. She was a goddess believed to have ruled the underworld, and there is a sure association with goddess Proserpina/Persephone, echoing the “reborn” derivation of the name.

The underworld is where unseen potentials are. When going to the underworld it is a discovery of what is unknown; what is yet to be realised, felt, experienced. There is something in there that can be uncovered, reclaimed, known, understood… By shining the light of your awareness into your own darkness, you find parts of yourself that you had disowned or forgotten about, that if retrieved, may ultimately add immense value to your life… In your own darkness, lies all the potentials of what you could do… They are in a neutral state, but with the light of consciousness, may cause a transformation in Self and activate new potentials…

An Underworld visit, and rising from it, entails having detoxified the lower vibrational energies, into vibrant new energy.

As I am writing and publishing this article, Venus/Mercury and Pluto are forming this exact conjunction again (end of January 2021 to start of March 2022) but in a different sign, Capricorn. Both Venus and Mercury retrogrades over the lord of the underworld, Pluto.

Venus retrogrades in particular is about gaining greater clarity around matters of the heart and the doors closing on relationships that no longer servers. Healing occurs with greater ease, new ways forward emerge, and greater love is possible. This is certainly a theme in Haumea’s chart as well, with her wedged in the middle of this cluster.

Haumea, Sedna and Eris are all about the unsupportive environments and people who don't have good intentions in it, who don’t support high vibrational people. And how one’s environment has to be cleared of the clutter, the danger of the low vibrational people, and the toxicity. For one cannot flourish in situations where others are non-committal, reckless, unstable, two-faced, secretly jealous, or looking for opportunities to sabotage, or target you for your blessings. Ultimately, learning to release and surrender unhealthy connections. The justice being; walking away from connections and situations that were not worthy of you. No longer investing.

Ascendant and Sun in Earth Signs - Stability and Integrity?

Astrologer Henry Seltzer writes on his website that "the astrology of Haumea seems to be related to love of the natural world and to the fecundity of natural process. This archetype thus signals profound connection to Nature, connection to Source, and a form of natural charisma. It may well develop that this planetary archetype comes to represent the power of life to triumph over adversity by drawing upon inner reserves of vigor and natural lore, the instinctual urge to survive at any cost. Where she is located in the chart will be a source of inner strength, spiritual connection, and protean flexibility."

In Haumea’s discovery chart, the Ascendant is in Virgo and the Sun in Capricorn. These are typically very grounded, down to earth, mature placements, yet we see the rest of the chart is quite volatile, potentially immature, and there is potential to be triggered quite a bit, challenging that earth element’s desire for stability, solidity and status quo. Also with Chiron in Capricorn, we see that certain practices, discipline, and ways of being, are actually very needed by the archetype; to keep the balance, harmony and equilibrium…

A Fated Life: North Node in Aries / South Node in Libra

The North Node is in the crisis/anarectic degree of 29 Aries, and the South Node in 29 degrees Libra.

In the 29th degree of any zodiac sign, is where we may see the fever pitch of the energy expressed. The issues at play take a desperate expression, to solve the crises at hand. There is this feeling of urgency with 29 degree planets, as if time is running out. To mature. It’s the peak in completing an important phase.

Astrologers call this degree ‘anaretic’, meaning it has an accumulative effect from having almost completed the passing through of one sign. It’s as though we are hastily making sure that we have digested all the qualities of the sign, before leaping into the next. Yet the Nodes move in the oppose direction than the planets in the zodiac. The Nodes in this chart had just moved out of the previous signs Taurus/Scorpio where they had been for 18 months, and into Aries/Libra…

The 29th degree of the zodiac can be very volatile and prone to sudden reversals and crises. That's why the 29th degree is known as a critical degree.

Still, the evolutionary indication is one of progress and moving to the next level, through massive psychological and outer change. Sooner or later the person with the critical planet/point will go through some big reversal or crisis, until they awaken to a higher manifestation of the planet/point. They may see a lot of painful endings, dissolutions and realisations happen in regards to this. Sometimes multiple crises are needed, until the person masters it... Therefore their life might be full of ebbs and flow during initiation, until that fated transition, which breaks them through on another level.

The 29th degree may also be an indication of something a mature individual have already mastered, so they may hear the call from within; to teach or manifest this energy, which may now at its zenith. These skills had been cultivated for a long time, and since Haumea higher expression deals with knowledge of previous incarnations, this may indicate a knowing that this skill may have been honed over multiple past lives, and may now be at a culmination point of sorts. Now finally enjoying the fruits of having gone through a multi-layered initiation. Finally taking the exam, and excelling. Levelling up. Knowing, of a divine mission.

Image: The Earth via Wikimedia Commons.

South Node in Libra

The South Node is in the second house, which deals with value and self-worth, and it is in Libra. Therefore the crisis may have been a learning regarding the individual, in this case Haumea, as it relates to growing self-worth, value and forgiveness in relation to others, and overcoming those negative qualities that this configuration in the chart entails. Like those Libra negative traits for the tendency to be vain, superficial, detached, unemotional, undecisive, unreliable, etc. in relationship. Getting too carried away with outer appearance, neglecting inner beauty. Also ‘conflictilitis’, validation-seeking, being unable to have one’s own mind, being influenced by others, having no backbone.

In ancient astrology, the planet with the highest degree in the birth chart have been considered to be the wisest, the one the soul have mastered the best and had most experiences with in past lives.

This entails an acceptance, that we are not all at the same stage of life, in a particular area; some are healed and have matured magnificently, and others are stuck in ‘young at heart’ state or immaturity kindergarten. There is a recognition that this difference in ‘elevation status’ may entail illusions and relationship dramas, like jealousy, third parties, invalidation and someone getting hurt. And then needing to forgive and heal; elevate.

North Node in Aries

Haumea’s North Node of Fate in the 8th house in Aries, relates to being forced into independence and self-sufficiency, thanks to making right choices to allow being ejected from dysfunctional relation, validation seeking, and self-worth issues (South Node in Libra, second house). Knowing to look within for self-love, not looking at others to provide it. Becoming confident and secure in self (Aries), without the support of others (Libra). And ultimately, becoming that pioneer and innovator in transcendence. By being willing to do the psychological ‘leg work’ to go deep within, to experience the psychological death, to transform and rise like the Phoenix. Seeing the bigger picture, unlocking the potential, and breaking free from the limitations of the previous state. To birth the fresh and new state of being… into higher awareness…

Knowing that relationship can be a catalyst for change in an individual. Many people would never have discovered their spiritual gifts, or gone deep within, if it hadn’t been for someone in relation who cut them deeply, and left them in a vulnerable state. It is this process of being rejected, betrayed or being stomped on, that may drive a person to go to the core of their being, for aid, healing and solace. Finding renewal, faith, and hope. Being showered with gifts of maturity, wisdom and strength of character. Accepting the bad relationship experiences of the past, as a stepping stool into peace, temperance, and magnificence. Knowing inner wholeness, greatness and sacred knowledge, because of the past… That’s true alchemy.

But also in relation, one individual and their energy may be the ultimate trigger for positive change in those around them.

Transit Haumea at 29 degrees Libra

I find it very timely that transit Haumea is currently at 29 degrees Libra, exactly conjunct its natal South Node. Haumea seems to have thrown two separate teams of (male) astronomer’s life in a spin with her discovery in 2004/5. With the resulting bickering and controversy in relation potentially traumatic, but it seems that she is now in a space, where she will allow examination; where self-worth and value in relation have to be reconsidered. Haumea is said to be quite a bright star which is visible with a junior telescope, and it is strange that it took so long for her movements to be watched, and then suddenly two teams wanted to race to claim her. Read about that story here. According to the Haumea Ephemeris, she will leave the crisis degree in September 2023. Transit Sedna also recently entered the 29th degree of Taurus, which she will leave in April 2024. Haumea and Sedna makes an inconjunct aspect.

Sabian Symbol for Haumea in Astrology

The Sabian Symbol for Haumea in her discovery chart at 12 degrees Libra is beautiful and aptly speaks about children: Libra 13, Children blowing soap bubbles.

Blain Bovee explains on his website that - on the lighter spectrum - this may sound like harmless play, merriment and frivolity. Of having fun blowing ever larger and larger soap bubbles, and the delight when they burst. Having fun together in symbiosis, trying to outdo the previous size. Childlike wonder and openness is beautiful and inspiring. It shows that abundance is a natural state of being. Blain also writes that: "the task is to be mature with the right amount of childlike wisdom to take delight should your bubble be burst".

I find this an extremely accurate description of the lower expression and higher expression of Haumea’s energy.

There is a natural, healthy progression with which we can mature, and still be open, and heart healthy. It is also described as a degree of enjoying one’s creative abilities. Children will relish in simplicity and the joys

that can be derived from playfulness, innocence, imagination, poetry and the magic of being. Children will take the time to stop and smell the roses and delight in their scent. It is wholesome for adults to mature into a serendipitous state of joy like this as well… where synchronicity and unexpected magic is the norm, with plenty of opportunities to refresh and rejoice. Finding new possibilities with ease.

According to this website by Lynda Hill: "This Symbol, Children Blowing Soap Bubbles, shows issues to do with play, make believe… and fantasy. It is through simplicity and imagination that “Children” come together and enjoy play that is sometimes meaningless and yet very important to development. There is often a sense of being on the surface, not delving very deeply into life, however, there needs to be a lighthearted attitude and not to always be into the deep and meaningful, for it will be in fleeting moments of pleasurable wonder that you will find pleasure, joy and companionship. There can be a feeling, however, of a lack of depth in relating – like things that are said are like cartoon captions with little substance behind them." Lynda also explains that the trick with this Symbol is that sometimes our words or thoughts are just prattle… they are rather like soap bubbles… they are released in the air, and they go where they will.

Another article eloquently describes the character of Maui in Disney’s movie Moana. Maui is like an overly-intellectual Peter Pan; he has good intentions but is extremely immature. He is constantly in competition with another, to outwit them, or take from them.

Living in his own selfish bubble, he is oblivious of how much of a drama queen/king he can be. Where he goes there is uproar, chaos and some sort of drama. When he has tunnel vision ambition, he can be reckless, impulsive and ruthless, knocking over whatever he can in pursuit of his goal. To win at all cost. But not seeing, nor acknowledging the negative effects this self-centredness have on other people…

Like the Sabian Symbol of Haumea in her own chart, Maui is in his own mercurial bubble of illusion, not in touch with reality, and needed his bubble popped... For some, adults who don’t grow up, can cause tremendous pain to other people, and some times be completely oblivious of it…

Image: Egg via Wikimedia Commons.

Reciprocity and Emotional Nourishment

The value of reciprocity, understanding human nature, and the web of life are strong in Hawaiian culture. There are also elements in Eris, Sedna and Haumea’s discovery chart thats are so similar that they cannot be ignored. These elements regarding the dwarf planet Ceres, and the infamous cluster (Venus/Mercury/Pluto in Sagittarius) are strongly present.

There is a strong element of an antagonist wanting to steal the emotional nourishment away from another. Which may cause them immense suffering, discord of the heart, and a sense of isolation from relationships; because the balanced relation of emotional reciprocity is cut off. Dwarf planet Ceres represents cycles of loss and return, attachment in relationships, and ultimately self-nurturing or self-care. In mythology, Ceres was the Roman goddess of agriculture, grain crops, fertility and motherly relationships. Ceres was Persephone’s mother. The planet Ceres makes tight aspects in Haumea’s discovery chart, squaring the Moon exactly, sextiling the Sun and makes an exact semisquare to Pluto. This entails a struggles in emotional relationship, as Moon in Leo want attention and admiration. We see in another story that Maui wanted the love, respect and admiration that Te Fiti got. But it was her role in life to be the empath, feeling and sensing the needs of OTHERS, and providing abundantly what they need, in relation. In the theft of her heart,Te Fiti was no longer able to function as she should, becoming a destructive lava monster at the injustice… cause by other’s jealousy to have what is rightfully hers… Relationships are complex…

Third House Cluster Psychology: Mercury/Pluto/Venus

This cluster in Sagittarius in the third house symbolises Haumea's many “strange noisy creatures” that she gave birth to.

With a chart like this, there is bound to be some unique mercurial offspring and challenges on small-ish tropical paradise islands…

In the positive expression Venus and Mercury as personal planets in Sagittarius hunger for excitement, adventure and spontaneity. There is a desire for new experiences, but there can be a preference for casual unions, rather that settling. This is free spirit, lust for life energy, who want to

expand the mental horizons into new opportunities, with their sights far into the future. This energy on its own, isn’t interested in the details, it has broad perspective. However, this cluster of planets is in the third house, where the energy wants to be mercurial, changeable, with many options. What is fiercely believed one day, may be radically altered the next.

We need to look at the qualities of Sagittarius in the negative expression. The star sign Sagittarius is the mythological Centaur and represents the polarity between the lower appetites and higher Self. Centaurs in mythology were known for indulging in their lower animalistic nature; drinking, fighting, causing trouble, being noisy and fiery. Also for their wild, reckless behaviour, lust, chaos and disorder. And the tropical weather certainly contributed…

The third house rules your mind and intellect. It reveals how you approach and analyze problems, and how you perceive information. Basically, it drives your overall learning and communicative processes.
— Susan Millar, astrologer

Previous articles on Sedna and Eris, have explored the Venus/Mercury/Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius in great detail. Such detail, that I do not want to repeat it here, instead be more original. But first, I want to reiterate, that there is a major emphasis on relation, and being in relation with another party in all three mythologies.

In the old days, the 8 Hawaiian islands were considered quite intimate, where everyone likely knew another, and they couldn’t easily travel outside of the boundaries of local community, or familiar neighbourhood.

This cluster speaks of the challenges in relationship (Venus) and limited conversation and ideas (Mercury), and the limitations of short distance travels (third house).

Sagittarius is a fire sign known for dogmatic, blunt, selfish, impulsive, risky, argumentative behaviour, and with Mars in there as well, there is the potential for fire pit situations and reactions…

Not only is Mars in a fire sign, it has a robust trine to Saturn. This may be expressed as stubborn, haughty, intimidating people trying to control the narrative and be competitive. By expressing and preaching their opinions as if they were fact (Sagittarius), and yelling their desires (Venus/Mercury in Sagittarius) with this volatile energy repeatedly… Mars is also square Uranus, which can be volatile, arrogant, highly charged, and explosive energy when triggered. The Moon in Leo wants attention, and in the immature state can be a real selfish brat looking for instant gratification, and a fun time, with antics…

This entire combination in the third house screams of diving into intellectual rabbit holes with other people, to play, and the potential to be emotionally under-developed, too changeable, or immature… It’s a battle of wits and a potential for mental entrapment…

There is a need to grow and install healthy boundaries, else suffer the consequences of trouble in paradise… Some people habitually cross the energetic boundaries with others, and this is invasive. They believe they are right (Sagittarius) and therefore they seek to control others, or use emotional invalidation to weaken, or render another void. Emotional invalidation is the act of dismissing or rejecting another’s thoughts, feelings, or behaviours. It says to someone: “Your feelings don’t matter. You are wrong.” It’s a manipulation tool to play down another’s

Image: A fire pit with fire works in the background via Wikimedia Commons.

experience, but it can have very far reaching, toxic consequences. It can cause mental health issues, instability in emotions, relationships problems, self-esteem issues, depression, anxiety and distrust in self. These issues are already recognised as hugely problematic in modern Hawaiian culture, and is observed by psychology… These are Haumea lower expressions…

Eris’ mythology has a huge element regarding truth seeing, and the consequences of that in relation, that also plays out in Sedna and Haumea’s stories. It relates to the heart-centred truth seer who sees the delusions of those in authority who are in denial; this is the very reason why the narcissistic behaviour comes forward, to target and make the truth-seer the black sheep, just for seeing, or for putting negative attention on the inauthentic's shenanigans as a truth teller.

Those who think they are right, do not want to accept an opposing reality, and therein lies the crux of the matter… A great example of this is provided in the story of Haumea calling out Kumuhonua as an oppressive ali’i over kapu bananas growing wild in the mountain forest.

Haumea’s mythology contain many politically oriented ancestral stories that describe the reciprocal relationships between various authorities, the ali’i (ruling class), the kahuna (were responsible for instituting the kapu, and other expertise) and the maka’ainana (common folk who works the land), that has to be in balance. This is described as pono.

In life, pono stands for righteousness and balance in communities. Symbiosis.

It’s that communal well-being, welfare, and shared wealth, and communicating in ways that is of benefit and purpose for all.. but these are only the superficial meanings of pono…

In Hawaiian, if a person is living pono, it means that they have struck the right balance in their relationships with other things, places, and people in their lives. It also means that they are living with a continuous conscious decision to do right by themselves, by others, and by the world in general.

Essentially, pono is a state of existence that is characterized by integrity and a feeling of contentment when everything is good and right. The idea behind this word and this way of life is that moral behavior leads to happiness for the doer and for everyone around them.
— AlohaShirtShop.com

The effect of the practise of Pono entails a hopeful and optimistic outlook on life, which is why the people of Hawaii often have a ready smile and helping hand, and as a whole is one of the happiest, most beautiful and wholesome cultures to learn about.

Yet with light, also comes the dark, more unconscious side. Mercury is in detriment in Sagittarius, which means its expression is weakest when in this sign. And this energy still wants to run its over-intellectual mouth, because Mercury is strong in the third house.

Perhaps some in the community have really great ideas (Mercury), but they get lost, talk excessively, or change things up, due to unclear thinking and pie in the sky ideals (Sagittarius)… Perhaps also due to ‘conflictilitis’ being unable to be productive, decisive or objective. Being so co-dependent in relation (South node in Libra), insecure in self, unable to have and own one’s own mind, that they need each other to feel good about

their individual self. Attaching them self to others that validate, acknowledge and make them feel good or superior. Kissing ass, and going with the flow of other people, in order to fit in or gain respect. Allowing other people to sway decisions for acceptance. Not being true to individual feelings and emotions. Allowing fakeness, inauthenticity and self-deception…

So they struggle to get constructive things going, with this energy, that is over-confident, over-analytical, over-intellectual etc. There is potential for mind games, invalidation or covert bickering (Mercury strong in the third house). Perhaps there is mischief through playing tricks? Or someone who is sneaking away, pulling the wool over other’s eyes in some matter. And perhaps there is confusion due to too many unsolicited opinions (Sagittarius)… Perhaps also being judgemental because people don’t agree; hurting them with thoughtless words or insults to cancel them out…

With this cluster, there is potential for a mental repetitiousness and emotional overload in relation, which doesn’t get anybody anywhere… There may be a struggle to “figure it out” with this kind of tricky energy, so some may get stuck in stagnant energy. Needing to come to some kind of surrender on this behaviour… Needing to recognise, that just because individuals desire something, communicates it, and demands it, it doesn’t mean they know how to execute it while in relation (Venus) with others in the community, because they are collectively going in mental circles, being mentally burnt out and exhausted (Mercury)… Losing their marbles…

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
— A famous internet quote, often attributed to Albert Einstein

Deep down the over-intellectual, mercurial and self-righteous likely knew that there was a key to ‘figuring this out’ instead of ‘grinding it out’…

Perhaps they could not figure out how to let go of their profound idealism (Sagittarius), diverging desires (Venus) and changeable opinions (Mercury). And they could not figure out how to acquire what they wanted. It can be compared to having too many cooks in the kitchen; it’s a messy execution and perhaps nothing gets done the right way, if at all. It’s like the energy of: they want it, they think they can’t have it, they try a million times to get it, in a million different ways, forcing it, and it never comes through…

This energy goes nowhere… It’s too scattered… Another article talks about it as Haumea ‘Conflictilitis’, which is a made up word for being in conflict with self and others.

In this mental spiral, there eventually comes a time when individuals get overly saturated, and they call a stop. Being so sick of it, choosing to walk away. This is the self-defeat, instability and insecurity of this energy. People

finally stop trying to employ an over-reliance on the mercurial mind. They may finally release their attachment to outcomes. Blissful surrender. Unfortunately, this is creative fire energy, and bottling it up may result in more problems and frustrations… and social ills (third house)… Trying to emotionally detach, or shut down the fire energy, can make the situation worse. It’s a hot mess… This energy in the negative expression can result in self-esteem and self-worth issues… and people getting lost in more ways that one…

In the self-analysis of what they may be lacking, some may turn their focus on what they need to correct; in their own lives. Re-evaluating their repeating negative life experiences, and finding that it has to do with how they are functioning (Sagittarius negative qualities) and those values…

Realising that some people are dogmatically committed to misunderstanding others. Why? They believe they are always right.

Consider the following: if people who live on a small island don’t get along, they can’t just uproot themselves easily and relocate to another island, to put distance between them and a troublesome, too mental, or toxic relationship. They had to stay where they were, and find ways to deal with it; a creative, out of the box alternate solution…

Discovery Chart Part 1 and 2:

More on Haumea in Astrology:

More on Sedna in Astrology:

More on Eris in Astrology:


The electronic trail of the discovery of 2003 EL61

Haumea’s Quantum Creativity – Kelley Hunter

Just a Bite: Haumea and Saturn

Haumea in Astrology

The Astrology of Nature Connection: Makemake and Haumea

Polynesian Ancestral Knowledge | Episode 3 - Hawaiʻi Creation: Kumulipo, Papa & Wākea

Lunations by Kristi Melto

Planets in the 29th Degree in the Horoscope. Fated Life

HAUMEA - Establishing Sacred Space, Female Ceremonies and Heiau

Lei Ānuenue, Episode 52: The story of Haumea, our Earth mother, Pt. 1

Lei Ānuenue, Episode 53: The story of Haumea, our Earth mother, Pt. 2

FEAR OF BEING MOCKED! Wanting "YOU" TO Make The First Move 2 Keep "UPPER HAND"!


They’re stuck in poverty watching you/doing everything to get your attention

Her lies are exposed Gossiping bitter 3rd party

Plot Twist! They Did Not Fall For The 3rd Party Schemes & Will Expose Them. Loyalty! and Extended

God Removes To Replace. Ahead Is A Blessing Greater Than What You Asked For

You're an Earth shaker!

They chose everything else over you, but now its only you


An Air Sign Who Was Your Worse Nightmare Wants To Make Amends. They Only Trust You and Extended

Sweet Words Of Encouragement From A Firey New Love. This Is So Beautiful and Extended

While you are healing, this person keeps trying to cross your energetic boundaries.

A tower you predicted that would happen if they didn’t stop playing with your energy

You angels are going to take care of this one for you

Black Magic, Spells & Charms Cannot Force Someone To Love You Nor Tear True Lovers Apart.

They’re going to lose everything and get casted out due to their obsessive revenge towards you.

They put your safety at risk by mixing lies with the truth… they’re coming back.

It’s Judgment Day For The Enemy. Some Want To Take Back What They Did, It’s Too Late

"Do you believe in magic?"