Eris EG.5 New Subvariant of Covid as North Node of Fate conjunct Eris in Astrology

Earlier in August 2023 the World Health Organisation designated COVID variant EG.5 as a variant of interest. It has been dubbed Eris, or EG.5.1 and how timely to have been knick named after Eris, Greek goddess of discord and strife, when the North Node of Fate starts its close conjunction to Eris at 25 degrees Aries.

Eris also happens to be a trans-Neptunian and Kuiper belt object, which is discussed extensively on this website on the Eris blog.

According to this article, this subvariant seems to have been first detected in Asia but is increasingly appearing in COVID-19 cases in the United States and United Kingdom. Symptoms of the subvariant reportedly include a runny nose, headache, fatigue, sneezing and a sore throat. It is reported that is seems to be becoming the dominant subvariant of Omicron in a number of countries. Some experts say that ‘Eris’ appears to have an advantage in terms of transmissibility, which is why it appears to be taking over.

Eris COVID subvariant EG.5

Why is Sedna Most Associated with Covid?

Many astrologers have been speculating about which astrological influence is most associated with the corona virus outbreak that started mass panic at the start of 2020. Eris has been a contender due to the influence of disruption, however, as Eris in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn started their first of five exact hits, they were making a Hammer of Thor apex on trans-Neptunian object Orcus, which is what led to sending everyone packing for the ‘underworld’. See the Orcus blog for more on that. Dates towards the end of this article shows that the Sedna yod, which has been going for about 14 years+, is more associated with the kind of health disasters of interest to organisations like the WHO.

Oort cloud object Sedna has been in Taurus since the 60s, but enters new zodiac sign Gemini for the first time on 15/16 June 2023 to retrograde back into Taurus in November. Sedna finally leaves the 29th degree of Taurus the bull, for her long stay in Gemini from April 2024 to 2067, for four decades.

Sedna permanently moving into Gemini in 2024 may ultimately entail a profound loosening of rigidity as the ice melts from her stay in the last decan of Taurus - that expresses all of the negative qualities - of rigid, greedy, machiavellian Taurus, and the encounter with malefic star Algol. However, Sedna is very slow moving, and we are standing on a precipice…

Sedna has been conjunct malefic fixed star Algol as early as mid 2014… and was in tight conjunction when Covid took off… under the powerful directional energies of Ixion sextile Haumea making Sedna/Algol the yod apex.

The Massive Significance of the Sedna Yod

The Sedna Yod with Ixion and Haumea as legs has been in effect for more than a decade, and it continues beyond 2030, due to Ixion moving out of orb towards the end of 2023, and Varda taking over as leg in the Sedna Yod, in 2024. Therefore, Sedna will be one of the most important trans-Neptunian objects to keep an eye on, for the potentials for the future are massive… despite the dire situation at the moment, as Sedna (under the Sedna Yod apex) traverses the crisis (anarectic) degree of Taurus…

We are in a climate of change… and the Gongong Yod, Varuna Yod, and Haumea Yod, as well as the Hammer of Thor aspect pattern that MakeMake square Quaouar makes on Uranus, each plays a massive role in the change-over.



Sedna Ingress into Gemini

See this article for more details on the astrological ingress of Sedna into Gemini and see another article for more details on how the Sedna Yod is affecting Australia’s birth chart in particular. This is for 15/16 June 2023.

The World Health Organisation declared a global health emergency for the following events, and all of them had the Sedna Yod active within 2 - 3 degrees orb:

Image: Corona Virus via Wikimedia Commons.

  • 24 July 2022 — Monkeypox (Sedna Yod apex at 29 degrees Taurus the crisis degree conjunct the Pleiades and Alcyone)

  • 31 January 2020 — COVID-19 (Sedna Yod apex at 26 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • 1 August 2018-20 — Kivu Ebola (Sedna Yod apex at 27 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • April 2016 — Zika virus (Sedna Yod apex at 24 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • March 2014 — Ebola (Sedna Yod apex at 23 Taurus, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • 5 May 2014 — Polio (Sedna Yod apex at 23 Taurus, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • January 2009 — Swine flu (Sedna Yod at 20 Taurus with Haumea sextile Ixion, Sedna square Chiron)

Trans-Neptunian and Kuiper Belt Objects in Aspect and Relation

The Kuiper Belt objects, and trans-Neptunian dwarf planets bring hope, change, expanded thinking, soul purpose, and quantum leaps into our consciousness. It is up to each individual if they want to embrace this time of great change, and the potentials on offer.

For more on Covid see the other articles on the Sedna blog below.

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