Welcome to my website. This a deep exploration of the symbolic language of astromythological Eris, Haumea, MakeMake, Sedna, Gonggong, Ixion, Orcus, Pluto, Quaoar, Varda and Varuna. Examining the ways in which bad situations can be alchemised, for great big blessings. The Kuiper Belt objects, trans-Neptunian objects, and dwarf planets bring hope, change, expanded thinking, soul purpose, and quantum leaps into our consciousness. The TNOs and KBOs carry a groundbreaking, powerful punch energy that are worth exploring as they are very much behind the massive change we are seeing, for transition into the next phase of human life on earth; finding the abundance within, from allowing soul connection with the human. Consciousness and awareness of the divine in human form, for a short human lifetime.

Greek mythology is known to be the very bedrock of modern civilisation, and it is only fitting then, that many answers to our currently problems, can be found there… We need mythology, story and legend, in order to live our lives coherently.

Allegory is a story that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. It’s the expression of truths or generalisations about human existence by means of symbolic fictional figures and their actions. Allegory is a BIGGER PICTURE in which the characters or events represent particular qualities or ideas that relate to morals, religion, or politics that can help us understand our experiences. As it relates to this website, it is about pulling the shadow side into the light, for the potential of a powerful transformation. It’s about the spiritual underpinnings of the actions we take against other people, that defile divine order.

I am an Astrology Researcher. Helping the world by sharing and teaching through storytelling & myth. This is advanced astrology, highly innovative and pioneering work, and may not be for everyone. If you found the energies of 2020 - 2024 weird and crazy, and you’d like to understand the dynamics at play into the future, then this is it. This information has alchemical value. To learn how to ride the energies of the newly discovered TNOs and KBOs, like Eris, Sedna, Haumea, Varda and Varuna. Utilising the emerging interest in the astromythology, to restore personal balance and order. These newly discovered dwarf planets represent the ushering in or epochal changes, like discovering that the abundance were within all along, not out there somewhere, where people needed to envy or steal it from another. In essence, the archetypes are about learning one’s value and allowing self-mastery. It’s about recognising the unsupportive environments and people in it who don't have good intentions, who don’t support, nor uplift. And how one’s environment has to be cleared of the clutter, the danger of the low vibrational, and the toxicity. For one cannot flourish in situations where others in relation are non-committal, selfish, immature, reckless, secretly jealous, energy feeders, or looking for opportunities to sabotage as the antagonist. The astromythology of the KBOs bring powerful lessons about being ‘in relation’ to opposites, in light and dark dynamics…and having to dwell in the underworld (of unawareness) for illumination of emotional truth and seeking the healing from the soul. There are valuable lessons for the astrology wisdom seeker. How can we use being in relation as a mirror of sorts, to

learn how we can improve our own lives for alchemy, and finding our own luminescence within. Know your worth, be loyal and committed to your Self, and do right by your Self. Be around those of like-vibration, authenticity, and of high character; who can lift you up, and not regress you. Having the wrong associations can lead to ruins. Put boundaries and distance between yourself and foolishness, lack-consciousness, and lack of integrity in general. Cut out the crap, get out of denial, toss the distortions, and gain clarity, because these planetary energies teaches the deeper meaning of the biblical reference, to not give your pearls to the swine. Which means not wasting your time by offering something that is helpful or valuable to someone who do not appreciate or understand it. Most of the TNOs, KBOs and Sedna shows an emphasis on moral values, principles, fair conduct, honesty, fair-mindedness, justice and personal freedom. Doing right by Self first, via sensing and feeling. Being the philosophical healer whose higher intelligence wisdom forms a bridge between Earth and Heaven, ushering in inspired change; not by changing others, but by changing Self. Finding the pearls within. Learn more about the TNOs and KBOs here. Many of the TNOs also have the mutual reception of Uranus in Pisces and Neptune in Uranus, which is about the high creativity originality, and being loving, empathic and industrious with a desire to help mankind by bring forth the light of the soul. The higher expressions are often pioneers, visionaries and future thinker individuals. It’s the KIDS-R-US versus ADULTS-R-US dynamic, leaving the childish blame game, for the spiritual growth spurt into maturity and the wisdom of the soul.

Planet Neptune is about learning self-love and self-acceptance as the divine having a human experience for a short time.

From a certain point of view, Neptune is Christ Consciousness, for which the seeds was planted by Yeshua ben Joseph in the last period of his life on earth, also known as Jesus. We are seeing an astonishing amount of outer planets, and trans-Neptunian objects move into new zodiac signs at this time. This entails a massive shift of energy as these planets and objects move through the crisis or anarectic degree of their respective signs, which entail massive societal changes, because at the end of a zodiac sign, these objects revisit the worse characteristics of the planet/object and signs, and asks for the issues at hand to be dealt with. See the image to the left for a visual glimps into the timeframe / period that these planets/objects traverse the 29th degree of their signs. It’s a beautiful synchronised dance, that entails these objects making potent aspect patterns, like the four yods and multiple hammer of Thor aspect patterns, as well as the visual five pointed star in the astrological sky, see the charts below. Various articles on this website describe these dynamics for free, in great detail, thus this information is not discussed on the home page.

This website is also about the five pointed star in the sky, the four Yods and multiple Hammer of Thor aspect patterns.

  • The Gonggong Yod is all about the massive chaos caused by floods, too much rain and landslides.

  • The Sedna Yod is about the respect for people, animals and the natural world being violated and betrayed, and how the natural world can come back to bite. The Sedna yod was in tight orb whenever the WHO called for a global health emergency, like when the WHO announced a global health emergency on 31 January 2020, Haumea in Libra was sextile to Ixion in Sagittarius making a Yod apex on Sedna and malefic fixed star Algol. When WHO announced a global health emergency for Monkey Pox on 24 July 2022, the Sedna Yod was again active with apex on Sedna at 29 degrees Taurus; the crisis degree.

  • The Varuna Yod is about sacred law and order, justice and emotional truth in the cosmos that is returning as some reconnect to their emotion truth and temperance, and come to their senses regarding social injustices.

  • The Haumea Yod is about being able to birth the new, and wild abundance and providence of nature that can be created when appropriate governmental structures support justice, fairness and benevolence for all.

  • The MakeMake square Quaoar aspect is about the smite that the Hammer of Thor apex makes in Taurus smiting things Taurus. Curiously, both this Hammer apex and the Sedna Yod makes apexes in Taurus, which is the sign of the bull. Together they are creating massive upset and change in agriculture, the natural world, earth matters, and with cattle; with the recent threat of foot and mouth disease in Australia a great example of the manifestation of this energy. This Hammer apex will be on malefic fixed star Algol, Uranus and eventually Sedna.

  • The Eris square Pluto aspect also created a Hammer of Thor apex on Orcus in Virgo, sending everyone packing for the underworld in 202-2021.

Other Astological Highlights:

  • Uranus in Taurus in history has shows a drying effect on the earth, and is associated with large, sudden droughts and the resulting wildfires, and with Uranus under the Hammer of Thor from Quaoar square MakeMake, this entails massive shifts in the zodiac sign of the bull, like financial markets, earthquakes etc.

  • Neptune in its home sign of Pisces entails massive amounts of rain and water events, and coupled with Gonggong events there has been massive watery destruction of infrastructure and housing.

  • Pluto leaving Capricorn has entailed massive financial, religious, government, educational and institutional changes.

  • Sedna in the last degree of Taurus also asks for societal and economic issues like the massive housing un-affordability and rental crisis in Australia to be dealt with, and also the over-investment in building the real-estate market in countries like China where large cities are empty. It’s also about farmers going bankrupt because they are not being paid fairly by supermarket giants.

  • Sedna has been under the Sedna Yod with Haumea sextile Ixion for more than a decade, and concludes in 2023, only for Varda sextile Haumea to restart the Sedna yod in 2024 going beyond 2030. Sedna also leaves for her long stay in Gemini in 2024, entailing massive shifts for AI serving humanity.

  • Eris square Pluto ignited massive awareness of those who are being marginalised for being different from mass consciousness, and Eris conjunct Chiron may escalate the feelings of those who feel disenfranchised because they don’t fit into old societal dictates or ‘norms’.

Four Yods and Hammer of Thor aspect patterns

Below is a gallery of charts around the five pointed star that is formed in the sky by FOUR YODS over many years, and the multiple HAMMER OF THOR aspect patterns formed over many years. This is discussed in great detail in various articles on this website.

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