Varda Trine Eris Similarities, Complementary Energies and The Radiance of Divine Light


Astrological Kuiper belt object Varda is about being receptive, having pure intentions, willing to create for the good of all, and able to remain steadfast in one’s own convictions, while being aware of other’s perceptions as the opponent or antagonist, in the chess game that they want to play. It is the light that exposes the darkness in the Overlord. It is not hard to see why the fictional mythology of Varda has great resonance in today’s world, with The Lord of the Rings being such a huge success.

J.R.R. Tolkien’s books regarding the Valar are about the passion for creation and co-creation, and those who want to control others who carry a light and inspirational quality that they envy. Both Kuiper belt objects Eris and Varda have some very interesting similarities in their mythologies.

Both are about envy’s destructive force, calling judgement on deceptive, toxic situations, and of wish fulfilment created in new solid foundation of light and high vibration. Having to take care of business; attaining discernment and stern boundaries. Eris in Aries and Varda in Sagittarius in fire signs have actually been in trine aspect for a couple of years, and in this trine, the energies have been working together to make a prominent point regarding antagonistic behaviour from bullies, enviers, players and haters.

It’s about how the experience of the antagonist, can result in learning how to alchemise the situation for great big blessings, which is detailed in particular in the online course The Foundations of Change.

The Eris/Varda trine during the time Eris squared Pluto with five exact hits, amplified the chase for light and creative blessing, and those who feel small and uncomfortable when another receives blessings and just due rewards.

Before, and during the Eris square Pluto aspect of 2020-2021, Varda in Sagittarius was trining Eris, expanding on Pluto’s excavation of the tension, bringing in more illumination regarding the empath/narcissist, and the protagonist/antagonist dynamic. Many articles in the Eris free content blog, describes the experiences of many social media influencers being bullied, attacked, controlled and tarnished by trolls, haters, enviers, clout chasers, smear-campaigners, fake friends, etc. due to the light that they carry, that brings them subscribers, lovers and followers. It’s the haters that love to hate targeting the light, along with the Hammer of Thor aspect pattern on Orcus smiting broken allegiances to the degree that many are over and done with, never to be resurrected.

The chart below is an excellent example of Varda energy being highly activated during a 2020 lunar eclipse.

On December 14, 2020, the South Node at 19 degrees Sagittarius, is conjunct Varda at 23 degrees Sagittarius, bringing forth those more negative qualities and unpleasant polarities of the fictional mythology of Varda. The Solar eclipse is directly conjunct Varda at 23 degrees Sagittarius.

Eris at 23 degrees Aries square Pluto at 23 degrees Capricorn and make a Hammer of Thor apex out of Orcus, that had just moved into 13 degrees Virgo. Varda trining Eris is an excellent description of the envier/envied, and blessed/saboteur dynamics that were so extremely amplified for social media influencers, who regularly complained of being targeted, trolled and bullied to get a rise out of, by wicked people. As Varda carrying light, they were experiencing many of the things that antagonist Melkor / Morgoth did out of jealousy, pettiness, and trying to outsmart; seeing the light that they were creating from their own energy, and the enjoying in abundance in relation. Attempting to ruin their solid foundation, as well as new beginning. Find details about the chess game dynamic, light chasing and desire to create to enjoy the benefits of Varda energy in the online course The Pentagram of Change

Varda Being in Her Creator Light, not Wearing a Fake Crown

In Tolkien’s story, we see Varda being in the brilliance of her creator light. She knows she is worthy of her inner light, influence, and the benefits reaped of her creations. She doesn’t shy away from it, due to convoluted antagonist Melkor/Morgoth who wants to throw shade on her luminary creations, and destroy the goodness for everyone. Melkor wanted control and dominion over the light, and for others to submit to his foolishness.

Many people - especially social media influencers - have been greatly challenged by secret enemies, trolls and haters coming to light during the Eris square Pluto aspect that started in January 2020 and made five direct hits into 2021. The energy of this square will still be within orb until 2024. The energies of Eris in Aries and Varda in Sagittarius were enmeshed during this time as the energy flowed freely amongst them in an exact trine. Their mythologies have similarities, and many of the stories shared in the Eris blog, illuminates both dynamics.

He [Melkor] began with the desire of Light, but when he could not possess it for himself alone, he descended through fire and wrath into a great burning, down into Darkness. And darkness he used most in his evil works upon Arda, and filled it with fear for all living things.
— The Silmarillion p. 23

Image: Screenshot of Melkor and Sauron via Wikimedia Commons.

Melkor lusted for the Silmarils, and the very memory of their radiance was a gnawing fire in his heart.
— Silmarillion p. 69

Melkor was said to be created by Eru to be the mightiest of the Ainur, and he actually enjoyed greater knowledge and skills than any of his brethren, yet this was never enough for him, thus he kept searching for the Flame Imperishable. Melkor in greed wanted to have absolute power; for others to loose confidence in themselves, and fear outcomes he is trying to control.

Trying to win by manipulating and warping other’s thoughts, and persuading them of a certain reality in their minds. It is the unhealthy relationship meant to cloud another’s judgement to the truth. Perhaps blackmailing, toying with, or preventing them from moving away from the toxicity and the signs that they are being used and sabotaged. Malicious Melkor wanted others blinded by the light he carried on his head, wearing it over the spiritual eyes, third-eye chakra or crown chakra in some depictions. He pretends to be beautiful and enlightened with his illusions, but it is to draw in, trap others and syphon from them. Messing with other’s creations that had integrity was Melkor’s mission.

In general, Melkor brings fear, terror, anxiety, poverty-mindset, and psychological issues. As antagonist, he and his minions brings hopelessness, helplessness, powerlessness, slavery, persecution, and a feeling of being trapped in a mental entrapment. One only has to read Tolkien’s work to get a grasp of what this entails, regarding people who tries to attach themselves to other’s manifestations; to control the light that they have. In the beginning, Varda turned down Melkor’s advances to become wife to his brother Manwe, who never could understand Melkor’s evil. Melkor was enraged by her rejection, but also in fear of her specialisation above all the others, for he could not understand the mastery of light.

It was Melkor, who in his wrath, envy and in order to spite the Valar, attacked the lamps, destroyed them and thus achieved many things at once. He deprived the land of light, hindered new life, damaged all the original designs of the Valar so that they could never be remade, and forced his brethren to move from Almaren to find a far away home Valinor. Through all the devastation, Varda chose to shine her light, as the innate giver and kindler of light, for the benefit of all. Melkor chose to shine bright with his stolen light to intimidate and corrupt, and grow more dark due to kindling his many insecurities and distortions of truth. He is seen in imagery wearing a bright three light crown

with the Silmarils he stole, due to being unable to find the light in himself, nor attain the light of others like Varda or Arien, or the divine spark of Eru. The gem stones created by elf Fëanor and co-created by Varda contained the light of the two trees that Melkor eventually destroyed. His desire for light and radiance was overwhelming. If he could not have it, he destroyed it, yet what he did obtain caused him agony and pain; his hands were burnt by the jewels, which is why they were set in a heavy - cumbersome to wear - crown. Yet, he never let go of wearing the light bearing crown and kept suffering; being in possession of the three lights a strange fulfilment.

Image: Morgoth the Dark Enemy via Wikimedia Commons.

... and the light of the eyes of Melkor was like a flame that withers with heat and pierces with a deadly cold.
— (Silmarillion, pp. 11-12)

Despite all the good qualities that Eru created Melkor to be, we can clearly see that divine illumination was a big problem for the Dark Lord. He did have his own light of a sort at the start, but by his own mind distortions, bad choices, and indulgence in low vibration, we can see that what he chose to invest in, became his reality, and can be seen in his eyes...

Melkor could not create anything new, but was only capable of corruption and destruction. The light he had in his eyes, was deadly and destructive, hence the comparison with a flame. The eyes are the window of the mind, and Varda saw right through him from the start, which is why he hated her most of all the Valar.

Who is Varda? Creator and Kindler of the Light of the Stars

Varda represents the creative force that was there since the start of creation, and is also present, when darkness overcomes some people’s minds with them turning on what is good in jealousy and envy. Varda also shows the immense need for the kind of light that she represents, to counter distorted thoughts, and the resulting wickedness to control others, to take from them.

Varda is the elf-like and human-like queen of the Valar, creator of the stars, one of most prominent servants of Eru Ilúvatar in J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional mythology. The newly discovered trans-Neptunian planet Varda is named after her. Varda energy is all about the light and inspirational quality that a person carries - who is loved by many - that is envied by the antagonist that had turned toxic by the sight of it, and what it stirred in them.

It’s about the chase for light and creative blessing, and those who feel small and uncomfortable when another receives blessings and just due rewards.

Tolkien wrote the popular material that turned into the movie The Lord of the Rings, about a metaphysical place called Middle Earth, which is based on a clear dualism between the spiritual and material world. It is very much a story of the protagonist creator and his/her creation, and the antagonist who can’t seem to find that same light, divine spark, and inspiration inside

themselves, even though it is there. Considering themselves as being ‘without the spiritual creator force’ to produce creative activity. And in that quest for what the antagonist thinks they lack, destroys what is good.

The lesson that Varda and the Valar learned, was to separate themselves from Melkor and his low vibrational, distorted energy, leaving everything good of Almaren - that he had destroyed - behind, to start fresh in a new destination they named Valinor.

The discovery chart of Varda (as discussed in The Pentagram of Change online course) reveals that Morgoth/Melkor really doesn’t care for the amassed generational wealth of other people, and think nothing of destroying it; he only cares for his own desires. Twice Melkor destroyed the luminaries that was the life giving light, heart, and enjoyment for all of Middle Earth and the Valar; first the lamps, then the two trees. Melkor’s attack was on the very sense of stability and security of everyone else. Here we see how Varda grows, as each time she has to use renewed creative energy to fashion new light. The antagonistic enemy challenged all of life so much, that she had to reach ever deeper for mastery, that the third time she fashioned a sun and moon for all to enjoy, that so intimidated toxic Melkor that he fled from their light.

Eris is the individual who is targeted, scapegoated and muted by overlord Zeus because she sees behind the facade the hidden toxic drivers, so that he can get away with his shenanigans in polite society. Varda as Lady Light was targeted by jealous overlord Melkor for her luminous creations that made her loved by all, resulting in him turning to darkness to create cataclysms of mass proportion to ruin it for everyone, because they won’t submit to his agenda.

Varda’s discovery chart shows that one must remove oneself from toxic people, situations and places that seek to destroy the foundations of success and happiness, and how this process of - again starting from scratch - has the potential to pave the way to mastery.

Astrological Varda energy shows that there are certain things that authentic connection to your inner light can give you, that a Bachelors-, PhD-, or Masters degree cannot.

There are certain life experiences lived in a season, from which great lessons can be learnt, that give people wisdom, insight, development, rapid growth, and blessings far beyond an education.

Tolkien’s writings shows that not even what the ring represents - which is to dominate another’s will - can provide what Varda’s light, love and her creations (the stars that brought hope) brought to the inhabitants of Middle Earth, for they - metaphorically - loved her and what she represented above all else.

The Ring of Control of Another’s Light

To the right, is an image of the inscription of the ring written in Elvish Tengwar, which translated in english says:

“One ring to rule them all,

one ring to find them,

One ring to bring them all

and in the darkness bind them.”

The One Ring (or main controlling ring) was forged by the Dark Lord Sauron during the Second Age to gain dominion over the free peoples of Middle-earth. The Silmarillion describes him as the chief lieutenant of the first Dark Lord, Morgoth. The title of the book 'The Lord of the Rings' refers to the story's main antagonist Sauron, who in an earlier age created the One Ring to rule the other Rings of Power given to Men, Dwarves, and Elves, in his campaign to conquer all of Middle-earth. Sauron was also knows as The Deceiver, The Black Hand, and The Nectromancer.

And herein, we start to get a glimpse of why Eris in Aries trine Varda in Sagittarius, carry so many similarities in their mythologies. Varda’s antagonist Melkor/Morgoth, has the same characteristics as Eris lower expression.

Melkor/Eris lower expression both carry significant insecurities and mind distortions, some of which are described in the Eris blog, and others in The Pentagram of Change online course. Antagonistic Eris is also a major player in the Haumea Yod, as detailed in The Foundations of Change online course. Melkor caused discord in the music of the Ainur, and became jealous and destructive, and here lies the link to Eris lower expression energy.

One cannot go into self-mastery, true creator-ship, full self-responsibility and ultimate freedom, when one carries distortions, illusions, indulge in low vibrational relationship f*****y, or are in denial, which are the very reasons why both Melkor/Eris lower expressions flew into an inner rage whenever they saw the brilliance of divine goodness, that they were disconnected from. They both had a burning love and desire for light, yet envied and hated it, because they could not attain it. A lot has already been written about Eris lower expressions that won’t be repeated here.

Both Eris and Varda energy carry themes of an antagonistic attack on another person in relation’s confidence, security and stability; with Eris entailing more of a psychological loss of confidence that bleeds into the physical, and Varda a physical loss of stability that bleeds into psychological consequences...

An expert of Tolkien wrote on their website: “Melkor’s second attack on the source of light happened in Valinor. That time he, alongside his accomplice Ungoliant, destroyed the Two Trees Laurelin and Telperion. That caused a truly devastating effect:

“The Light failed; but the Darkness that followed was more than loss of light. In that hour was made a Darkness that seemed not lack but a thing with being of its own: for it was indeed made by malice out of Light, and it had power to pierce the eye, and to enter heart and mind, and strangle the very will.” (Silmarillion, p. 80)

“Both these deeds of Melkor’s are gruesome and horrible. By destroying the Lamps and the Trees, he deprived Almaren and Valinor of light and, thus, of something that brought life, growth and enlightenment in many aspects.”

“However, neither the Lamps, nor the Trees were just mere sources of light. They were the hearts and souls of their realms, the very core of them. Thus, with just a couple of blows Melkor also made an attack on the bliss, the good, the divine, the source of life itself. Most importantly, he shook the stability, safety, spirits and the sense of comfort.”

Eris trine Varda: Understanding Antagonism and the Value of Light

When readers get a good grasp of the scale of what is behind antagonistic behaviour - as it relates to the dynamics in Varda’s mythology, and low vibrational Eris - one begins to understand why the inhabitants of Middle Earth loved Varda so. They would sing to her, and call out to her in their deepest hour of need; deprived of light by those who seek dominion over them.

This also shows, why Varda’s light was so much needed. Below is an image of the One Ring shown on a page from J.R.R. Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings, part I The Fellowship of the Ring, with the text of the Elvish song Galadriel's Lament from Namárië, also called Galadriel's Lament: Altariello nainië Lóriendessë (Quenya for "Galadriel's lament in Lórien"). It shows the despair in Middle Earth at the loss of Varda and the light that she brought. It metaphorically represents the divine energy that fills the cup, and the loss of being disconnected from the divine light within. Below is the image of the original in Quenya language, and an English translation:

“Ah! like gold fall the leaves in the wind,

long years numberless as the wings of trees!

The years have passed like swift draughts

of the sweet mead in lofty halls beyond the West,

beneath the blue vaults of Varda

wherein the stars tremble in the song of her voice, holy and queenly.

Who now shall refill the cup for me?

For now the Kindler, Varda, the Queen of the Stars,

from Mount Everwhite has uplifted her hands like clouds,

and all paths are drowned deep in shadow;

and out of a grey country darkness

lies on the foaming waves between us,

and mist covers the jewels of Calacirya for ever.

Now lost, lost to those from the East is Valimar!

Farewell! Maybe thou shalt find Valimar.

Maybe even thou shalt find it. Farewell!”

The Symbolism of Stars and Light

According to various sources on the internet, have multiple meanings, and many of them are explored in Varda’s fictional mythology. Stars are symbolic of divinity. Stars are often seen as referenced as divine light. Stars also represent hope, faith and guidance etc.


Trans-Neptunian and Kuiper Belt Objects in Aspect and Relation

The Kuiper Belt objects, and trans-Neptunian dwarf planets bring hope, change, expanded thinking, soul purpose, and quantum leaps into our consciousness. It is up to each individual if they want to embrace this time of great change, and the potentials on offer.

Eris in Aries and Varda in Sagittarius are currently still in trine to each other at 24/25 degrees respectively, but Eris will take up a prominent role in the Haumea Yod as antagonist soon, and in 2025 Varda will move on to take on a new role in the Sedna Yod.

Initially, Varda in Sagittarius is not part of the pentagram (five pointed star) pictured below, that took off at the ingress of the Haumea Yod in April 2022. Varda is not part of the Yods that create the star, nor the Hammer of Thor aspect patterns, as she is travelling a few degrees behind Quaoar and Ixion in Capricorn. She’s out of orb. However, she becomes a star in the show, carrying the Sedna Yod far into the future. In late 2024 faster moving Ixion moves out of orb away from the Sedna Yod, and this is when Varda moves to continue the Sedna Yod in February 2025, all the way beyond 2030.

Varda in Sagittarius / Capricorn in the Sedna Yod

Sedna energy is one of the most strongest and most prominent astrological energies at play. We see this as the Sedna Yod was activate on 31 January 2020, when the WHO issued a Global Health Emergency.

Haumea at almost 28 degrees Libra was sextile Ixion at 29 degrees Sagittarius, making the Yod apex on Sedna at almost 27 degrees Taurus, conjunct malefic fixed star Algol.

The first support system drivers, Haumea and Ixion, are strange bedfellows, especially with Ixion bringing its reckless, no-care betrayal of others, not heeding the wheel of karma energy into the Sedna Yod. Yet, when Varda takes over as support system driver, along with Haumea, two potentially wise and mature forces take the Sedna Yod beyond 2030.

Together The Foundations of Change, and the The Pentagram of Change courses are designed to decode the dynamics of any of the Yods; the Sedna Yod, the Varuna Yod, the Gonggong Yod, and off course the Haumea Yod. Yods are named according to the apex planet.

Below is a variety of charts created for The Pentagram of Change online course, about one of the pinnacles in the astrological energies of the TNOs and KBOs converging. Varda is actually at 28 degree Sagittarius.


Why do people feel like they are losing their heads/minds since the start of 2020?

Read all about the strange mixed bag of energies we’ve been having since the start of 2020, like the four Yods and three Hammer of Thor aspect patterns.

  • The Gonggong Yod is all about the massive chaos caused by floods, too much rain and landslides.

  • The Sedna Yod is about the respect for people, animals and the natural world being violated and betrayed, and how the natural world can come back to bite. When the WHO announced a global health emergency on 31 January 2020, Haumea in Libra was sextile to Ixion in Sagittarius making a Yod apex on Sedna and malefic fixed star Algol.

  • The Varuna Yod is about sacred law and order, justice and truth in the cosmos that needs to return.

  • The Haumea Yod is about the wild abundance and providence of nature that can be created when appropriate governmental structures support benevolence for all.

  • The MakeMake square Quaoar aspect is about is about the smite that the Hammer of Thor apex makes in Taurus smiting things Taurus, perhaps into oblivion. Curiously, both this Hammer apex and the Sedna Yod makes apexes in Taurus, which is the sign of the bull. Together they are creating massive upset and change in agriculture, the natural world, earth matters, and with cattle; with the recent threat of foot and mouth disease in Australia a great example of the manifestation of this energy. This Hammer apex will also be on malefic fixed star Algol, Uranus and eventually Sedna.

Learn more about the bigger picture by going to courses.