Eris: Cinderella’s Ella, and the Evil Stepmother and Stepsisters Dynamic Series

This 3 part series looks at Cinderella’s Ella, her cruel stepmother and stepsisters who were envious of her and made her life miserable. To understand the stepmother dynamic in Eris’ discovery chart, see this article, which explores the 8th house cluster in Eris’ discovery chart, especially the conjunctions to asteroid Hera. To create chaos around another’s happiness, worth and virtue. Cinderella is an Eris goddess of discord and strife in astrology energy dynamic. In mythology the making trouble Matriarch and queen of the gods was most famous for her JEALOUS and VENGEFUL nature, principally aimed against the lovers of her husband Zeus and his illegitimate, perceived ‘worthless’ offspring. Asteroid Hera is the quintessential jealous, evil stepmother dynamic come to life in Eris’ discovery chart. Social engineering is the term used for a broad range of malicious activities accomplished through human interactions. Social engineering is the art of exploiting human psychology and the tactics like manipulating, influencing, or deceiving a victim in order to gain control, of those with an inner treasure.

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