Varda, Eris, Sedna and Haumea as Light, Value and High Character Worth Preserving Part 1

The energies of the brightest Kuiper belt objects show the potentials for either playing the victim in a particular relationship dynamic, or rising above it; alchemising the adversarial experience for a benefit, due to the interaction with the selfish, lower-expression opponent. Those who take up the role of antagonist or enemy, may not realise that they can be the catalyst to elevate their targets. In effect being the footstool for those they step on, onto their rightful throne. This is the powerful soul purpose message of the Kuiper belt objects; turning bad situations, into glorious opportunity, that in the end may benefit all. For we cannot continue to live in the delusion, that abusing other people - for a selfish gain - is a viable way forward into the future… The reason why

abundant, kind-hearted people living in higher expression are so giving, charitable and loving, is because they see the poverty that pettiness, greed and selfishness creates, and they have compassion for the lost, marginalised and disenfranchised, yet they are also aware that keeping hidden enemies close, is a recipe for disaster...

As people study the newly discovered trans-Neptunian objects and KBOs, they are finding power struggles and self-empowerment, in the most strangest of places (see the video)… The KBO’s show that it is in the relation of opposites, that the higher expression may find their inner luminescence, that has always been there…

Eris Trine Varda - Revealing the Malicious Masters of Lies, Misleaders and Evil Eye

Towards the end of August, Eris in Aries will square Pluto in Capricorn within 2 degree orb again, and we may experience a flashback to the five exact squares that were made in 2020 - 2021, exposing the abuse of power, injustices, imbalance, the marginalised and disenfranchised.

Curiously, Eris in Aries and Varda in Sagittarius have been trining each other for a number of years, but it is in early 2020, that many of the outer planets (like Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter) and the Kuiper belt objects (like Sedna, Varda, Eris, Haumea), were in the same degrees in the astrological sky (24-27), and pitting off against each other very strongly. The October 2023 chart below illustrates the extreme longevity of these aspecting planets deep into the future, due to the slow moving orbits coalescing in remarkable synchronicity. During the compilation of this article, the South Node is also in Scorpio, opposed to the North Node in Taurus conjunct Uranus. It has never been more important to start to formally put into words, what we have been learning from experiences since the start of 2020, when CoVid brutally disrupted our lives and Eris square Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter dredged up plenty of dirt, exposing the dark, hidden intensions to take advantage of another…

Meet the KBO Masters of Lies, Disguises and Falsehood:

  1. Lower expression, war-mongering Eris, as well as Zeus and Paris of Troy were the energy vampire antagonists in Eris’s mythology, as is detailed in the Eris blog.

  2. Melkor/Morgoth is the main antagonist in Varda’s fictional mythology. According to Wikipedia, it was the elves in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings stories that called Melkor Morgoth, which meant “Dark Enemy”, “Black Foe” “Tyrant” or “Oppressor”. The best description is “Master of Lies” for he was amongst his co-creators, when he developed dark ideas to seek dominion over everyone on Arda, but his greatest targets were the creations of Varda of the Valar, for he was most jealous of her ability to kindle light.

Varda of the Valar was one of the initial creator beings created by Eru, and was most beloved by the elves of Middle Earth due to the stars she kindled for them, that brought them hope and joy. Varda had true character, light and radiance.

Varda was the ‘bearer of light’ and inspiration to many, yet it is her creations that Melkor wanted to possess or destroy.

Varda energy contain stories that carry great contrast between light and dark, and experiences of betrayal by those co-creators who are close. The stories also carry multiple elements of having to protect the integrity of the benevolent creations of light, against the opponent who wants to own or destroy it. These are the kinds of poisonous, messy people, who will use everything you give or say to them, and turn it, to be used

Image: Morgoth the Dark Enemy via Wikimedia Commons.

against you. There is no gratitude at all, due to selfish desire being the only priority.

Messing with other’s creations that had integrity had become Melkor’s mission and purpose; creating paranoia and lack of stability for his satisfaction.

Those who have Varda prominent in the chart, may have similar stories along these veins, regarding these utterly selfish individuals, who no matter how much you give, may put the metaphoric knife in your heart, to fulfil themselves. Varda energy is about the betrayal of a co-creating collaborator to serve selfish ends. It is about initially having co-operated towards a mutual goal, and getting severely backstabbed, to the extent that it affects the very foundations of security and stability of a society. And having to re-establish elsewhere after a cataclysmic encounter with the antagonist.

In essence, nasty, dark and low vibrational Melkor did not want anybody to have anything good. He wanted everybody destitute (no home, no finances, no job, no sustenance, nothing). Melkor needed to see others lose EVERYTHING. Everything that remotely ties to abundance, he wanted to see them lose. Any gifts from ‘the creator’ he wanted them NOT TO HAVE. He is vindictive and calculating; to win at all cost, stepping on anyone and everybody to win. He wants others to have: no progress, no growth, no opportunities, no moving-on. Melkor needs others to hurt and be wounded, to make them stay and be stuck to him and his smoke-screens. He is in foolishness, deceit, mind games, and lies, plotting on others.

To stop others from creating, co-creating and being creative.

Also destroying everything that others had built. In malice. Wanting his previous co-creators (the Valar) to be distraught and destitute. To deliberately cause injustice for others. Pretending to be a reformed character, yet the enemy in disguise.

In Tolkien’s stories, Melkor and other dark lords often got others - through lies and distortions - to join them in going against the Valar in battles and chess games. Melkor doesn’t have any good fortune, so he wanted others to believe in poverty mindset, and to not have anything good either… He saw Eru and Varda’s divinity, and wanted to disconnect everybody from their divinity. Wanting the light, but shying away from it at the same time, hating it. Melkor wants to ‘appear’ divine to everyone, yet the high vibrational energy burned him; in Tolkien’s tale the Silmaril jewels that Melkor stole were fashioned into a crown, to prevent them from touching his skin, else they scorched him. The crown and its fake glory was a burden to Melkor to have on his head, yet he was determined to be seen in a certain light, even if it was in truth, falsehood.

Varda was a light being who had to dig ever deeper within herself for the inner resources to fashion new sources of ‘generational wealth’ light. First Melkor destroyed the lamps, and then the trees, and then Varda and the Valar’s third attempt led to the creation of the sun and the moon, which Melkor could not destroy, and was so repelled by their light; that he scurried away and hid from them.

Astrologically, Varda energy is not necessarily negative, however, it is in the relation to malicious Melkor who destroyed the creations that were supposed to bring light to everyone, that she grew as a more beloved light to Arda.

Since the start of 2020, an astonishing amount of bold energies conspired that revealed truths, hidden sinister people’s true colours, and the serious intent to hurt another’s emotions, stability and mental health. The video below studies this:

In a nutshell, Varda energy do carry themes of sudden massive collapse and death of the old way of life, having to walk away from previous associations and betrayals, having to look towards new horizons, and starting fresh new beginnings elsewhere.

The Bullshit in Karmic Relationships

The five Eris square Pluto direct hits of 2020-2021 are over, but the orb of influence will remain until 2024. In July 2024, the first Eris conjunct Chiron conjunction takes place, with three more in May, October 2025 and March 2026. In 2027 and 2028, Eris will conjunct Saturn. This information shows that the conjunctions of these planets in assertive Aries opposes Haumea, and how this adds to the challenge; to keep the waters clean. For the potential for some more low vibrational energies in Aries, may challenge those who seek the alchemy of higher expression to stay in integrity and balanced. Remember, every time an outer planet in Aries opposes Haumea at


the apex of the Haumea Yod, it also creates a t-square apex of tension on Pluto…

Both Haumea and Scorpio carry themes of strong capacity to transform and renew Self, to connect with the like minded, and distance from what degrades integrity. Both are about facing fears head on, uncovering what is hidden, and Self mastery.

As the Eris square Pluto transit kicked off in 2020, many social media influencers remarked on their experiences of bullies, trolls, social engineers, scammers, villains, and jealous copycats who targeted them. This is mentioned in several of the articles in the Eris free content section. The Eris square Pluto energy excavated this energy, and brought it to the forefront potently, yet this energy will remain for the entire seven years of the Haumea Yod, until 2028. It will be very important to draw up healthy boundaries in relation, and keep your Self protected or removed from those people, places or situations that may throw you off kilter, or that you know, does not serve you well, nor have good intentions for you. If you want to avoid the potential of falling into a cesspool of fakery, deception, lack of integrity, or negativity in relation, it is going to be important that you sweep at your own front and back door first.

Relationships become karmic, when we fail to learn the lessons presented to us, in a previous cycle, and it is repeated in the next chapter of our lives, perhaps with different people.

Varda, Eris, and Sedna transits in particular, are all about coming out of denial, taking the rose-coloured glasses off, and taking healthy accountability and responsibility for our lives.

The importance of healthy bowel eliminations, and the gut/brain connection should not be underestimated, as it relates to this time of antagonistic interaction.

Both Eris and Chiron in Aries will be in opposition to Haumea in the Haumea Yod for a long time, and get activated by multiple transiting planets. Many articles in the Eris Blog free content show the toxicity and lack of integrity that lower expression Eris energy brings to the table in relation. Chiron is the toxicity that can grow from emotional wounding, that may feel like it just won’t let up, and Eris is the choice to indulge in low vibrational emotions and actions. Eris/Chiron conjunctions have been associated with an inability to obtain normal sleep and the replenishment gained from rejuvenating sleep. Eris/Chiron opposed to Haumea has the potential to manifest some very dark and deranged situations, which is why it is all the more important for each individual to keep their own garden free of weeds… And with Haumea at the receiving end of most of the antagonism, and in Pluto’s home sign of Scorpio from 2024 onwards, this will be an interesting time…

The zodiac sign of Scorpio entails the expulsion of toxins, excretory waste and the stuck energy held in the bowels.

Image: A view of the viscera via Wikimedia Commons.

The direct hit Eris square Pluto transits were marked with anxiety, mental struggle, conspiracy theories, Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), extreme sleeplessness, sensory overwhelm, and extreme stress in the viscera. The viscera are the large organs inside the body, including the heart, stomach, lungs, and intestines. Having a visceral experience is based on deep feeling emotional reactions, rather than on reason or thought. People are challenged beyond what they think or feel they can handle. This torment may be felt as stress of the heart, tightness in the middle of the chest or the gut, mental overstimulation and struggle; that stark fear of being on the edge of an abyss, or being touched by darkness. This stress affects a change in eating habits and a sensitivity in the gut. People shy away from cooked or ‘heavy’ food, opting for fresh fruit or uncooked salads instead. Visceral experience is instinctive, unreasoning, crude emotion. When something is visceral, you feel it in your guts. A visceral feeling is intuitive, a knowing that you know what is best for you in that moment, without there being rational explanation. Visceral feelings are felt very deeply, they are difficult to control or ignore; they are not the result of thought, nor intellect. Visceral experiences may be unpleasant, but they have been known to be a powerful catalyst for making choices that lead to positive change.

Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio. Haumea will be in Scorpio for most of the seven years that the Haumea Yod is active. Haumea also makes a tight square to Pluto for the entire seven years, and beyond…

Both Pluto and Scorpio deals with the gut, elimination and detoxification. Getting this right is going to be paramount.

Why? Because those who suffer from improper bowel evacuation, feel sluggish, tired, or even toxic, and if they make bad choices to indulge in lower vibrational emotions and actions, it may be a quick spiral into dark states of being, that are better avoided… Remember that transits to the Kuiper belt objects deals with the stark choice between the higher Self and the lower self, and the choices that are made, lead to far-reaching consequences, as many stories on this website shows. What you sow, you shall reap, and if you cause bullshit for another, expect some more of that for yourself.

Pluto, Ruler of Scorpio

The zodiacal essence of Scorpio is being able to transform and managing death and rebirth. The skilful application of the energy entails regeneration, and the unskilful is abuse of power. Scorpio is a Water sign, and the modern ruler is Pluto. Water energy entails being emotional, sensitive, empathic, adaptive, compassionate, psychic and mysterious. In the unskilled application Water is needy, over-emotional, secretive, deceptive, insecure, boundryless, dependent, and lacks ego strength.


Exclusivity, Boundaries and Discernment

It is very important to cultivate foresight, and know when to seperate yourself from situations that are not good for you. To make good decisions.

Image: This table shows the timeframe that these planets stay in the 29th degree of a particular sign, thus aspecting other outer planets and KBOs. This table is discussed in both The Foundations of Change, and The Pentagram of Change online courses.

With Neptune strong in its home sign of Pisces, and it entering the crisis 29th degree in May 2024 to finally leave in January 2026, there is a lot of confusion, illusion, and deception in the air. If a person only rely on their physical sight to make good choices, without taking heed from the spiritual sight of discernment for divine guidance, there are potentials for great disaster. When this many outer planets go into the 29th degree of their signs, the energy is powerfully felt. From July 2021 - 2026 all of the outer planets will be in the 29th crisis degree for some time, aspecting each other: Sedna, Haumea, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus. Many outer planets will be traversing Aries, the sign of war, initiation, attack, and aggression. The Haumea Yod in particular will be affected by antagonism, as is detailed in The Foundations of Change online course.

KBO Varda will start to be a leg in the Sedna Yod in 2025 beyond 2030, infusing the lessons of the energy in relation to the antagonist into the expression of the Sedna Yod. Pay close attention to how you move, what you divulge, and who you partner or collaborate with, for having the wrong associates can ruin your life.

When the grass is greener, or the sun is more sunny on your side, be careful of individuals who just want to take from you, like the desperate greedy opportunists, enviers and clout-chasers. There are plenty in society, and many smile in your face, put up a facade, but they are looking for an opportunity to sabotage or steal. These are the deceptive people, who cheat to win. They are manipulative, messy and they want to be close, because you may have something they want. If you are moving in the direction of higher expression Varda, Haumea, Eris or Sedna, you have blessings, light, opportunities, and abundance energy on the way. These are the shiny things that another may get jealous over, try to steal, or sabotage for you. Perhaps

wanting to ruin your good name, steal your supporters, or your opportunities; getting an energy boost, or an energy feeding. This is why it is important to be selective who you allow in your personal space, for you may not see what lies in the heart of another, before it is too late. Take note of those who just want to feed off your pure energy, and build something for themselves, from you. For they are easily able to recognise the characteristics of divine blessings, and if you don’t know your worth, and you don’t protect your blessings, they will take advantage of that golden opportunity to fleece you. To diminish your confidence, character or knowledge. To put you in a toxic bind. To pull the rug from under you. To get you caught up, with leverage.

You are the Gatekeeper of your Life. You cannot just give anyone access to your personal space.

Look at people’s character, their integrity, their moral compass, emotional availability, and their true nature. For if you are seen shining brightly, fulfilled, or flourishing in the next seven years, the opportunists will recognise opportunity to eat off your plate. Don’t be naive. Guard your blessings. Protect your personal space and your good energy.

Build your confidence, strength and resilience in peace, away from prying eyes. This is not fear mongering for people to dim their light, it is the necessary precautions to avoid a mobbing. If you are a person of high value, or high status, be careful who you allow in your life. If they don’t serve your highest good, or have your best interest at heart, they possibly don’t belong in your energy. In one version of the Hawaiian story, Haumea was fiercely protective of those she loved, and the culturing the collective happiness of a committed, kindred-spirit, and loyal inner circle.

Eris will be stationed in between 24 - 26 degrees Aries for the seven years that the Haumea Yod is active, and in that time all the personal planets will activate her multiple times, and slower moving Jupiter, Chiron and Saturn will all meet up in opposition and retrograde with her in aspect. It is going to be one of the top priorities during this Yod, that you protect your personal space, your energy and your equilibrium. For the nosey Nellies, antagonists, enviers, haters, saboteurs, mean girls, copycats, petty Betties, or social engineers will be out to take a shameful gain. You have to grow strong discernment. You have to listen to that inner voice that tells you when something or someone is “off”. Be ready to defend your tranquility. Be ready to tell people to mind their own business. Make sure you know when to read the signs of jealousy, and act sooner, rather than later…


Strategic Moves: Keep your Business and Investments Private and Protected until you have achieved your Goal

Antagonists can’t ruin what they don’t know about… and with a firm number of astrological energies in Aries for the next seven years, you will need to learn to fight off the nosy, seemingly innocent intruders smiling in your face. This is not to be paranoid, but to be realistic.

The zodiacal essence of Aries is being an individual who is engaged in activity. The skilful application is initiating but the unskilled is over-zealous. Aries is a Fire sign entailing confidence, courage, assertiveness, inspirational, being optimistic. In the unskilful application, the energy is aggressive, pushy domineering, insensitive, manic and obnoxious. Aries is ruled by Mars, and throughout the seven year Haumea Yod, Eris, Jupiter, Chiron and Saturn are all in this sign opposing Haumea for some timeframe. Build your empires in silence, and make sure they are a fortress.

Eris energy in the lower expression want to target someone who has blessings, to either steal, block and take an ego boost, off of destroying something for you. In the lower expression, these people are in the unhealed state, indulging in low vibrational emotions, and if given the opportunity, may betray you, take you out, or steal from your blessed life. If this sounds a little far fetched, do some reading in the free content areas of Eris, Varda and Haumea… Eris energy can be brutal when it is strongly activated, and the visceral trauma and loss these agent of the devil individuals can cause, can be tremendous…

When Eris and Chiron start to conjunct in 2024, and occasionally become a midpoint between the sextile planets in the Haumea Yod, this has potential to become a massive issue. These are the narcissists who want to build their reputation or self-esteem off of destroying others, by plotting a downfall for another. If they get close to you, and they get a sense of the tremendous spiritual blessing that is on your life, be sure that what initially appears as admiration, may turn into secret jealousy, greed, animosity and resentment beneath the surface. If you have not learnt your lesson about envious or greedy people, or those who grow obsessive during the five Eris square Pluto transits of 2020 - 2021, learn it asap.

Keep your plans and your wins close to your heart.

If you are abundant, giving, prosperous, or empathic by nature, keep your life private, else risk being done dirty or setup for failure.

Make good judgement and choices. Set strong, calculated, healthy boundaries for your own sake.

The chart below is an excellent example of Eris that is out of orb from the Haumea Yod, that get influenced by eclipses or the nodes of fate, which are typically awarded a large orb of influence (sometimes up to 10 degrees). Eris may stay in the 24 - 26 degrees Aries range for the entire time the Yod forms in the sky, but due to the movements of other planets, eclipses or points, the energy will be triggered, and felt strongly. Algol and Neptune makes a sextile, and Eris/NNode is at the midpoint/reaction point. (Not all the aspects are shown because the chart would be too messy.)


The Five Pointed Star in the Astrological Sky of Change

All of the Kuiper belt objects mentioned in this article feature in the five pointed star that started in the astrological sky in April 2022, at the ingress of the Haumea Yod and the conjunction of Venus, Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. Varda is a leg in the Sedna Yod that takes over from Ixion in 2025, and Eris at the reaction point in the Haumea Yod. There are two online courses on this website that teaches the details of the aspect patterns, some of which reach beyond 2030.