Cheat Sheet, Origin Energies in Brief, Astromythology and the Sabian Symbols of the Trans-Neptunian and Kuiper Belt Objects

How are the Energies of the Objects Read or Determined from the Discovery Chart?

The energies at play within the trans-Neptunian objects depend on great many things, however in short, one can look at:

  1. the placement of the object within its own discovery chart, to determine some of the dynamics, like for example

    1. the house placement,

    2. the zodiac sign and

    3. aspects made, particularly conjunctions, oppositions and squares with other planets and (prominent) trans-Neptunian objects as well.

    4. other aspect patterns like yods, hammer of thors and clusters play a contributing role, but a less prominent role than the object in its own discovery chart.

  2. The Sabian symbol of the object in its own discovery chart, is taken from the degree following, and this adds significant meaning to the object, in symbolic language.

  3. Also consider the astromythology around the object, as connected to mythology (like Eris), folklore (like Gonggong), a story of cultural significance (like Haumea), or derived from other fictional story (like Varda).

  4. Some of the objects do not have a reliable time of discovery, or they have a questionable time of discovery, thus this has to be given strong consideration, so that factors like the houses and the ascendant are discounted.

  5. Look at events prominent during the date of discovery and compare this in hindsight with other similar events that occurred when the object was activated, like for example when it was at the apex of a Yod or Hammer of Thor apex. Gonggong is one of the most obvious, and a great example (see the Gonggong blog). So is Neptune having been in domicile in Pisces with traditional ruler Jupiter having transited it in 2022, and we saw massive rain events, which is also what happened when Neptune first entered Pisces and it was conjunct Gonggong and Chiron.

  6. The chart as a whole - when there is a reliable time of discovery - reveals tremendous details about the energy of an object. Eris is a great example, and was dissected in great detail in the 11 part Eris Vanity and Clout chasing Series. A time of discovery enables the use of the astrological houses, the four angles etc. Sedna in its own chart is directly conjunct the IC, which is very important.

  7. Look for mutual reception for significant supporting indications in the discovery chart. Eris and Pluto has some highly remarkable synchronicities in this department… which was discussed in the Pluto Blog and part 6 of the Eris Vanity and Clout chasing Series.

  8. Look at the asteroids, and prominent fixed stars that are significantly placed, like in conjunction to the object in its own discovery chart. Varuna is conjunct fixed star Sirius and the North Node of fate in its own chart. This is important.

  9. Look at highly significant aspect patterns, like the powerful directional energies of the Yod and Hammer of Thor aspect pattern that both make bold apexes on Saturn in the 6th house of Sedna’s discovery chart. It’s potent when in tight degree orb, and can take the focus in the chart significantly, due to its funnelling of energy.

  10. Look at prominent tight aspects, like conjunctions, oppositions or squares, of the object to other trans-Neptunian objects as well, they are potent too.

  11. Significant events like eclipses and even a superior conjunction of the Sun and Venus in the discovery chart is important, see the MakeMake blog to understand how this dominates in the discovery chart, despite there being multiple Hammer of Thor apexes and Yods, also injecting powerful directional energies in prominent places.

  12. See the ethics page if you have an issue with this pioneering work. This information is free for the benefit of all, for the ultimate benevolent understanding and upliftment of all.

  13. Learn to do your own research and implement discernment your own. Even astrologers disagree, and practise different kind of astrology.

This website is about the soul purpose messages of the trans-Neptunian and Kuiper belt objects, especially the brightest Kuiper belt objects that have already been named, like Pluto, MakeMake, Eris, Haumea, Orcus, Quaoar, Salacia, Varda, Varuna and Ixion. Sedna is a dwarf planet but is not in the Kuiper belt, and is classified as a detached object. A large Kuiper belt object called Gonggong is also described as it is part of the five pointed star currently seen in the astrology chart where these objects are together.



Eris is the Goddess of Discord and Strife in astrology.

Origin: Greek mythology, 2800 year old poem by Homer called Iliad, information also from Hesiod, Aristotle and others.

Theme: It’s about going into an illusion regarding social superiority over another, trying to ruin their public image, and their self-image… by making someone unique out to be something they are not, humiliating or banishing them… to chill their heart into ice at the injustice… Eris is about choices of massive consequences in situations of competitive battle for spotlight, like an angry, hateful mob coming after someone who is envied with pitchforks. It’s about the ABUSED either becoming just like the ABUSER, creating victims in retaliation like an infected mini-me, due to the pain the heart. Or moving away into their own healing, sovereign, abundant energy, wearing the crown in their own story, redeeming themselves by elevating into their own new beginning ‘born anew’. In clarity and glow up.

Discovery Chart Placement: In the chart, object Eris is in the first house in home sign Aries, which is all about the self, self-image, how we are perceived by others or first impressions. It’s the first zodiac sign and associated with identity, personality traits and behavioural patterns. The first house is naturally ruled by feisty, individualistic, entrepreneurial, energetic, and action-oriented Mars and the first sign of the zodiac, Aries. It’s the desire to exist, trail blaise and thrive, despite another who wants to be the energy drainer for clout.

In the discovery chart, Eris in Aries in 1st house opposes Jupiter in Libra (Greek Zeus is Jupiter in Roman mythology) and they square kingly fixed star Sirius conjunct Varuna in Cancer in 4th house, and also square the Sun in Capricorn in 10th house.

The 11 part Eris Vanity and Clout Chasing Series describe the aspects in the chart in great detail, however in brief, Eris opposed to Jupiter (Zeus) show an opposing power battle, and square to the Sun, it is about how one is seen in the world and perceived by others in public persona, merit and achievement. The other square to Sirius and Varuna is about the great challenge to maintain integrity and emotional honesty in personal foundation or legacy (4th house), in this battle. Why? Varuna is about the need for temperance, social justice and deep emotional truth, and Sirius in astrology can work in the favour of a kingly personality when there is genuine integrity to shine, however, it is the hallmark of kings coming to a fall from grace when there is lack of integrity. Boom.

In mythology, Zeus, in his over-inflated superiority complex, wanted to be on a pedestal (as the most potent, biggest and brightest planet in the night sky, but note that Sirius is the brightest star). Egotist Zeus was the main antagonist in Eris’ story, thinking only he was born to shine, and others had to cower, be forced to hit rock bottom, persecuted, unseen, and isolated, missing out on good fortune that is theirs, because he didn’t want them to evolve (Jupiter opposed to Eris in 1st house in the discovery chart, square to Varuna, Sirius and the Sun). The secret truth was that over-indulgent, over-confident Zeus had planned the Trojan war with Themis; to take protagonist Achilles out. Why? It was to allay his massive insecurities, self-doubts, self-image and self-confidence problems, and fears of a prediction that oracle Themis (with an M) had made, that Thetis (with a T) would bear a son mightier/stronger than his father. Bully Zeus wanted to derail other’s life path, out of fear of his own fortunate

leadership position going off course onto the wrong path. Negative JUPITER in astrology recklessly spreads rumours, lies, cheats, is lazy but brags about so-called extravagant achievements. It’s about excess, fanaticism, enlarging and exacerbating situations; resulting in frustration, resistance, conflict, scandal and misfortune. Negative Jupiter is lack of common sense self-restraint, blind optimism, over-indulgence, egotistic personality, lack of prosperity, bad luck, lack of respectability, self-righteousness, insatiable appetite for accumulation, arrogant, full of themselves, pushy, etc. Non-committal Jupiter charms, love-bombs and discards people. Dogmatic Jupiter rules the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Jupiter here opposed to Eris is being unhappy and jealous of another’s inheritance, wealth, fortune or destiny, and how they are seen as LUMINARY in the world, which is why he didn’t want to give kudos where due; in a tug of war. Zeus wanted to steal other’s pathway forward, perhaps even passing something off as his own after taking it over by force, just like many others did in the Iliad and Odyssey. Eris energy is about WRONG THINKING frivolity to create a disturbance. It’s being gaudy, gluttonous and spiritually barren in taking all the rewards and recognition, to enjoy what is meant for another more deserving with good heart. This massive injustice is what makes it so challenging for the heart of the disenfranchised, who is backstabbed and betrayed in these brutal actions of those without ethics who want to dominate.

The Sabian symbol of Eris in her discovery chart shows that Higher Expression Eris is the self-nurturing pure of heart maiden who has the capacity to care for others (birds) who are hungry, or in need, in the dead of winter. She overcomes crises through compassion and nurturing. Sharing and caring like natural Snow White and Cinderella were, who eventually became fair, SUPERNOVA queens of new kingdoms. Helping those who are less fortunate with generosity of spirit, without expectation of reward, sustaining them through a trying time, with acts of kindness. Read more on the Eris blog.



Sedna is the Inuit Goddess of the Sea and Marine Animals.

Origin: A folktale from Inuit origin from countries like Alaska and others of the northern arctic.

Theme: Sedna is about a massive shift in consciousness stillness. It's about deep in the moment presence and profound silence loaded in knowing; as soul incarnated in human form. It’s the vastness and preciousness of life coming into focus, in the present moment. She represents powerful emotions such as fear, grief, and loneliness, while also being associated with spiritual connection and transformation.

Discovery Chart Placement: In its own discovery chart, Sedna is in the fourth house at 17 degrees Taurus conjunct the North Node of Fate and the IC. Sedna in tight conjunction with the IC relates to the most sensitive inner part of the human psychology connected to inner emotional life, home and family. It’s the inner sense of security, often from one’s domestic roots, legacy, inheritance or one’s savings, like a nest egg, or a stable home to feel safe in, when the storms of life rage, as it pertains to access to resources.

Taurus is an earth sign that is oriented around the physical, grounded, material world. Taurus is about SECURITY, STABILITY, and RESOURCES. The Node of Destiny is in the fourth astrological house and entails aspiring towards SECURING established home, traditions, history, and family wealth. The fourth house is ruled by Cancer, and include ROOTS and INHERITED wealth as PROTECTION for the family to thrive. This house represents all things domestic and what we envision a house to be, like physical shelter, family life, and ancestry. It’s about feeling at home, safe and at peace, where SELF-CARE is practiced and EMOTIONAL NEEDS are met. It is also the NATURAL RESOURCES as GENERATIONAL WEALTH of a community as is reflected in Sedna’ astromythology, and in mundane astrology, its the foundation or core of a city’s resources, even a nation’s natural resources, that keeps on providing for many, even extending for generations as proud LEGACY.

Sedna Sedna’s Sabian symbol is about the opening the windows to change in the metaphorical cleaning of a handbag, airing it out in the refreshing qualities of sun and air, for a brand new lease on life. When someone airs an old but well loved, valuable handbag, it means that she had cleared it of its contents. The most important content of a woman’s handbag is her emotional attachments and what symbolises outworn soul contracts to objects or people; this is what is being cleared. This is about emotional restoration, having taken a series of steps to purify or recondition. The bag may also be symbolic of the value judgements of the ego consciousness versus the human heart, which can interchange. The bag may also represent the musty

mind, and the darkly skewed perceptions on being, which may be aired out through psycho-analysis. To be refilled with new attachments, and renewed investment in Self, after it had been meticulously emptied, cleansed, purified, and hung to freshen for the natural elements of wind and sun to finish the process. Getting rid of crooked thinking, contaminated perceptions, and illusions through a transformation. Knowing that people cannot give you, what the innate divine connection can… Fresh air, a new perspective, and the sanitising rays of the sun may restore life in a multitude of ways… Committed and loyal to Self as the valuable North Star. There is a greater exploration of the discovery chart here. She is the both Goddess of the Deep Abyss, who dwells in the deepest, most inaccessible part of the Arctic Ocean, and far outer reaches of known space as the dwarf planet. She is a mere 50 years from within her closest brush to Earth. Sedna’s watery energies are affecting each of us as individuals, resulting in some mental health crises, extreme tiredness, and icy, stuck emotions. Having to wade through intense psychologically buried emotions of frozen anger, resentment, disappointment etc. that comes up from the depths, due to betrayal, neglect or being swindled out of a good life. Needing to become unstuck; to forgive, heal and find renewal, in her own higher consciousness energy. Being abundant, giving, and more loving than before, but with a firm hand... Sedna’s story is the tale of how a woman restored the meaning of her own life, as well as for others, by allowing the ‘waters to flow again’ by transiting the depth of emotion, to emerge with new life; being able to release sustenance for all. Read more on the Sedna blog.



Haumea is the Hawaiian Goddess of Knowledge, Childbirth, Creation and Fertility.

Origin: Hawaiian folklore later distilled in Joseph Mokuohai Poepoe’s writings.

Theme: In Hawaiian legend, she was the Akua wahine (divine feminine) of Ancestral knowledge, Childbirth, Politics, Strategy and War in O‘ahu. This object represents birth, family connections, and creativity, and creating law and order in society.

Discovery Chart Placement: With the time of discovery uncertain, Haumea in Libra conjunct Jupiter shows a focus on balance and harmony, justice and fairness, and striving for equilibrium in life, especially as it pertains to a gassed up person in close proximity who perhaps want all the limelight seen as a leader in society, but don’t have the wisdom to make wise choices that is in everyone’s best interest, as self-interest prevails. In its discovery chart, Haumea at 12 degress Libra conjunct Jupiter is about the great optimism of living a socially just life, square to fixed star Sirius conjunct object Varuna in Cancer, which is about needing to employ emotional truth (Varuna & Cancer) in situations of leadership (10th house) and how one is seen in a ‘kingly’ position. Haumea’s stories as akua wahine from the1906 book called Mo’olelo o Haumea by Joseph Mokuohai Poepoe, is beautifully reflected of this imagery.

The Sabian symbol for Haumea in her discovery chart is the imagery of children blowing soap bubbles. There is merriment in fun, creative play and frivolity, however when one stays immature, insincere and words don’t carry serious meaning and remains just meaningless prattle, one has to learn that one’s bubble can burst. Children in paradise can enjoy themselves, but there are consequences when one fail to appreciate the benefit of maturing, gaining wisdom, remaining lighthearted and still being able to life through the eyes of a child. Both Haumea’s story, and the story of Disney’s Moana illustrates this beautifully. Haumea’s legend shows that it is from the heart space that an individual can create abundantly, and birth the new with ease, not from the mind… this eloquently shows the difference between higher expression Haumea, and the lower expression… Read more on the Haumea blog.



MakeMake is the Easter Island spirit of Leadership and Divine Connectedness.

Origins: These are from the archaeological research, stories and speculation around what happened on Rapa Nui island that led to social and population decline, as well as environmental devastation.

Theme: It’s about the management of natural resources/mutual social fortune; the wealth of a society. MakeMake is the masculine spirit who drove the sea birds to nest where the victorious warrior of the Birdman competition could find the first egg of the season, for one clan to enjoy nutrient-dense food benefits for a year. This object has a powerful emphasis on values, ideals, and social responsibility when it comes to the shared wealth of natural resources. It pushes us to act on our beliefs and contribute positively to society.

Discovery Chart Placement: MakeMake is in the 10th house Virgo in conjunction to the MC, square Pluto in Sagittarius. MakeMake here is about a person seen in a place of recognition for achievement, reputation and status, but also for excellence, as Virgo is about the diligent work and planning that goes into attaining success. It’s about a dedicated career path, status in society, a life calling or purpose that is very steadfast, perhaps taken to the extreme of exhaustion or physical detriment. The square to Pluto in the first house calls for deep inner reflection and transformation of the self, when it comes to that strong vision that drives one forward.

In it’s discovery chart, MakeMake at 20 degrees Virgo squares Pluto in Sagittarius, which is the imagery of tension to transform. But more importantly, is that MakeMake is part of two Yods. The first is MakeMake sextile Saturn making a yod apex on Neptune within 3 degree orb, and Eris in Aries sextile Neptune making a yod apex on MakeMake. Yods are extremely unpredictable but potent directional energies, and together these yods speak of great illusions (Neptune), and win at all cost battles for control (Eris) and leadership (Saturn), that activate on the apex points.

The Sabian symbol for Makemake relates to receptivity to collective forces, and is much like a birds-eye view, regarding what all the jostling, scuffling and flopping are all about. Putting a team of ‘good eggs’ together is a challenge, because the sport for the first egg of the season is competitive, and everyone will be tempted at some point, to make sure that another don’t succeed; to trip them up… It’s about fierce competition and rivalry, and all manner of ridiculous shenanigans to get and stay in power. These energy dynamics are some of the biggest contributing factors to the decline of Rapa Nui society at the time. Eggs are highly valuable, but when you ‘lay an egg’ in front of an audience every year as the winner who won by trickery, underhanded, forceful means, there is a sourness that grows in the

heart of the losing party, that can escalate into deep bitterness and vengeance, resulting in a ‘rotten egg’. How can you put a ‘nest egg’ away, in a society that is competitively running itself into the ground? Some people are ‘hard eggs’ to crack, they just don’t see the benefit of managing resources/fortune/generational wealth wisely, when there are spoils to be enjoyed. This is how you get a ‘chicken and egg problem’, where nobody knows what caused the problems and what needs to be done to fix them. Where they keep ‘killing the goose that lays the golden egg’ until nobody had anything left to enjoy, resulting in an entire island ‘having egg on their face’… In the articles about MakeMake’s discovery chart, it explains that what happened in Rapa Nui at the time of the birdman tradition has many elements of a recipe for failure, almost right from the beginning. This is perhaps why the fertility of the egg is worshipped, because with an egg, you can get through one more day and feel satisfied… or perhaps allow the bird to grow, to lay more eggs, to cater for a rainy day… MakeMake is the energy of crabs in a bucket that scramble for resources, after apocalyptic scarcity tactics (MakeMake sextile Saturn making a yod apex on Neptune, and Eris/NN square Saturn) had been implemented: realising almost too late what is really relevant as it pertains to sustainability, physical survival and being able to thrive. Read more on the MakeMake blog.



Orcus was a god of the Underworld and punisher of broken promises, agreements or contracts.

Origins: Etruscan, Greek and Roman religion. An Underworld figure much like Pluto, Horkos etc.

Themes: Where Pluto is the destroyer, Orcus is more the psychopomp that takes people into the underworld with a particular potential in mind; rebirth, renewal and transformation by becoming highly aware.

Discovery Chart Placement: Orcus at 24 Leo is opposed to the ruler of Leo, the Sun, conjunct object Gonggong. There seems to be an element of seeing one’s self from a different point of view, like looking in a mirror, perhaps from a detached point of view (Sun in Aquarius) conjunct Gonggong with its elements of disaster preparedness and having to mitigate sudden events, or discoveries that may be shocking (Uranus). Orcus is also in wide conjunction to Mercury the psychopomp of the zodiac, which entails a sojourn through the Underworld, to find wisdom there, and bring it to awareness (Aquarius). In its discovery chart, Orcus at 24 degrees Leo, is opposed to Mercury and Sun in Aquarius, which is about the psychopomp (Mercury) bringing unawareness, truth and clarity to light (sun), and it being very enlightening (Aquarius). The time of discovery is unclear.

The Sabian symbol for Orcus in its own discovery chart is the imagery of a large camel crossing a vast and forbidding desert. It’s the symbol of the human’s capacity to overcome their own unawareness, and the handicaps imposed by the normal limitations of human life, like the 5 senses. Its the feat of being able to bear their load with spine, while being challenged and depraved by illusions on the horizons and a landscape that creates many insecurities; to overcome and arrive at the treasures of truth, rewards and destiny on the other side. In mythology Orcus is an underground figure, much like Pluto lord of the Underworld. Orcus also have an association with Horkos who hunts down those who break their promises, use words wrongfully that harms commitments or solemn pledges of loyalty. Karma. Horkos is one of the children of Eris Goddess of Discord and Strife in Greek mythology.

Pluto is the dark issues that we hide from, that become the monster in the closet. Orcus represents the processes that ‘punishes’ us for repressing and denying the need of the subconscious to bring the truth to light, for your ultimate peace and personal growth. Orcus represents allowing the lessons from the subconscious to do its work, and ultimately enrich your life. Allowing the going into the darkness, to find the truth and the light that have not been revealed to you yet. Astronomers point out the Pluto and Orcus orbits are in a beautiful intertwined vesica pisces pattern. These Underworld figures are like Yin and Yang and highly complementary. They are two peas in a pod, yet different aspects of the same thing. Pluto destroys the old, outworn and outdated by wiping the slate clean, and Orcus is the process in the Underworld of discovering truths, that enables the solid foundation for the rebuilding, elevation and edification. Read more on the Orcus blog.



Gonggong was a Chinese water dragon responsible for the chaos of floods, landslides, and the tilt of the Earth in ancient Chinese legends.

Origins: Chinese folklore about a water dragon and his minister that caused annual destruction when the rain started, causing floods.

Themes: It’s a metaphor for a kind of experience that is synonymous with Gonggong in Pisces as astrological influence, connected to ‘once in a century’ type flood devastation and lack of disaster preparedness. In astrological terms, this mysterious object represents shocks, surprises, and sudden changes. It's like a cosmic wake-up call, urging us to break free from old habits and embrace new beginnings.

Discovery Chart Placement: Gonggong at 0 degree Pisces is conjunct the North Node of Destiny in Pisces, with a wide conjunction to Pisces’ ruler Neptune in Aquarius, which is a powerful watery symbol of confusion, uncertainty and vulnerability. The time of discovery is unclear.

The Sabian symbol of Gonggong in its own discovery chart carries the imagery of a public marketplace, which provides security, values and needs met in a community, generated by their collective discipline. In its discovery chart, Gonggong at 0 degrees Pisces is conjunct the North Node in Pisces opposed to the Moon, Venus and Saturn. Gonggong is the fated severe natural disasters that do happen on occation, that influence and oppose the emotions, relationships and resilience of a community, and how magnanimous solutions can be found, at the oppositional square to object Varda. In astromythology, Gonggong is the water dragon or demon who is famous for knocking planet Earth off kilter and thus causing the seasons, precession of the equinoxes, and devastating floods. According to ancient text, he and a few

others were the mythological rulers of China before the first Xia dynasty. Traditionally they were credited with the foundation of Chinese civilisation and the invention of social, cultural and economic institutions. In Chinese mythology, Gonggong is depicted as having a copper-and-iron, red-haired human head (or sometimes torso) and the body or tail of a serpent. Gonggong was responsible for creating chaos and catastrophe, causing flooding and tilting the Earth, until he was sent into exile. Gonggong is often accompanied by his minister, Xiangliu, a nine-headed poisonous snake monster who was also responsible for causing flooding and destruction, but particularly the disease that would come from the stagnant water, and lack of fresh water, afterwards. Read more on the Gonggong blog.



Ixion was forced into Learning the Lessons of the Karmic Wheel the Hard Way.

Origins: Greek mythology

Themes: Ixion in Greek mythology was the privileged King of Thessaly turned disgraced murderer of his father-in-law, who given a second chance for redemption that he did not deserve, abused the generosity of his benefactor, wasting a perfect opportunity to create a new life for himself.

Discovery Chart Placement: Ixion in the discovery chart directly opposed to restrictive Saturn and widely to Jupiter (Zeus in Greek mythology) amongst other challenging objects as well, illustrates Ixion from the mythological story’s great challenge to be able to fit into the social structure of his time and culture, while being the brash, selfish little shit (Sagittarius in the 11th house) that he had wanted to be socially; in poor sportsmanship. Ixion would never qualify for best and fairest. The time of discovery of object Ixion is unclear.

The Sabian symbol for Ixion in its discovery chart carries rich symbolism as it pertains to a game of cricket, and is better suited for a modern understanding, as opposed to an ancient way of polite society no longer in use. This communal activity (a cricket game) has unspoken rules around code of conduct, good sportsmanship and what constitutes being awarded the man of the match. Ixion in astrology is the treacherous man child being forced by an authority into learning the lessons of the Karmic Wheel the hard way, after refusing to address the ruthless entitlement, rebellion, illusions, seduction or inner corruption, or taking a gain to make another lose unfairly in relation. It’s having to take account, after repeatedly failing to do it voluntarily… In punishment for broken contracts, Zeus bound Ixion to a winged or flaming spinning wheel upon which Ixion was forced to continuously repent: "show gratitude to your benefactor." Read more on the Ixion blog.



Hades is the Lord of the Underworld in Greek mythology.

Origins: Greek and Roman Mythology.

Themes: Pluto is about leaving an atom bomb of destruction in another’s life. Pluto is the first discovered of the trans-Neptunian objects and is about the power and qualities of the tiny atom (like particles, wave forms) and the quantum physics mechanics that changes the nature of reality. Pluto is immense power, the great revealer, transformer, and renewer. It is death and rebirth themes that cause people to face their inner demons, that bring empowerment and evolution, but when it aspects other TNOs and KBOs, its true magic becomes highly apparent.

Discovery Chart Placement: In its own discovery chart, Pluto is conjunct fixed grand star Sirius, yet it is also in tight square to Sedna in Aries, which is about the great polarity of higher expression who is in a good ‘kingly’ space, in a challenge with the lower expression in a very bad place indeed. The movie Oppenheimer is a great Pluto movie, as it illustrates lower and higher expression splendidly. In Oppenheimer’s fear and justification, the first atomic bomb was first thought to be a preventative weapon that could strike fear into the likes of Hitler, and stop the second world war entirely. The making of the bomb was meat to be a pre-emptive action, but this thinking was a naive betrayal, which seem to be a common theme in Oppenheimer’s life. In the forced action of helping or liberating, there was tyranny. After the bombing of Japan, the welfare and the preservation of life came into focus for Oppenheimer, as well as the importance of caring for one’s fellow man, and doing good for the sake of doing good.

This fits in perfectly with the Sabian symbol for Pluto in its discovery chart, as it pertains to the nourishment, upliftment and empowerment of another, and what that means for Pluto higher expression. Read more on the Pluto blog.



Quaoar is the Creator spirit who sang and danced creation into being; healing soul connection.

Origins: Tongva folklore, which is one of the highly prosperous indigenous American tribes with remarkable food culture and trade, who lived where we today know as Los Angeles, California. Quaoar is a Mesoamerican creation deity associated with wind and breath.

Themes: Kwawar (or Quaoar) is the grateful creation force of the universe, singing and dancing deities into existence. Knowing of great abundance and living in natural harmony, and the opposite stark bondage to another’s control agenda, and having had to come to a release in transformation and enlightenment. Quaoar signifies new beginnings, fresh air, and finding inspiration in unexpected places.

Discovery Chart Placement: In the discovery chart, Quaoar in Sagittarius in the 11th house is conjunct and sandwiched between Ixion (betrayal) and Pluto and the South Node. It is opposed to the Sun and Saturn conjunct the North node in Gemini.

The Sabian symbol for Quaoar entails the light of enlightenment left behind for others to learn from. It’s about the extreme challenging experiences of life in social settings, the false righteousness behind forced control, coercion and betrayal,

released and alchemised. In Tongva mythology, Kwawar is the grateful creation force of the universe, singing and dancing deities into existence. Like in most other creation myths, at first there was Chaos, and a person who caused destruction. Then along came Quaoar. He was sorrowed by the emptiness in existence and began to dance, whirl, and twirl all about while he sang the Song of Creation. God of the Sky, Weywot, was first to be formed of the creation melody. Next came Chehooit, who became Goddess of the Earth. These two new deities joined in the dance and created the sun and moon (Tamit and Moar, respectively). Together these five sang and danced everything else into existence: animals, plants, people, and the other gods as well. His work finished, Quaoar faded into obscurity, perhaps returning to wherever it was he came from originally. Read more on the Quaoar blog.



Kindler of the Light of the Star and setting the luminaries Sun and Moon on their cosmic course.

Origins: Varda is the kindler of light, and the elf-like queen of the Valar, creator of the stars, one of most powerful servants of almighty Eru Ilúvatar in J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional mythology, better known as associated with The Lord of the Rings literary saga.

Themes: Astrologically, Varda is creator goddess of the stars and heavenly bodies. She represents a sense of wonder, the bringing of hope, and a rite of passage from one state into another. Varda energy is all about the light and inspirational quality that a person carries - who is loved by many - that is envied by the antagonist that had turned toxic by the sight of it, due to what it stirred in them. It’s about the chase for light and creative blessing, and those who feel small and uncomfortable when another has blessings and just due rewards in good energy.

Discovery Chart Placement: In the discovery chart, Varda is conjunct Ixion (betrayal) in Sagittarius, also conjunct the South Node in Scorpio (more betrayal), squaring Mars, Uranus and Gonggong in tight orb. This is very harsh and challenging energy, in contrast with the mystic rectangle, and Varda’s fictional mythology fits in very well with this. Varda conjunct the North Node in Scorpio is about the great need for getting out of the toxicity and stagnancy (Scorpio) of visions gone sour (9th house), and regenerating to build grand new ones (Varda in Sagittarius), with stability (North Node in Taurus). Varda energy is the loved being of light and inspiration to many, at the receiving end of a win-at-all-cost battle to be controlled and dominated by an overlord. In a nutshell, Varda energy do carry themes of sudden massive collapse and death of the old way, having to walk away from previous associations and betrayals, having to look towards new horizons, and starting fresh elsewhere. Varda

energy carries the poverty versus abundance polarity in the story, just like many of the other TNOs and KBOs. In the fictional mythology (part of the Lord of the Rings saga) Varda grew, each time having to implement renewed creative energy to fashion new light, after the darkness and despair that Melkor’s egoic actions brought. The antagonist challenged all of life to such an extreme, that Varda had to reach ever deeper for mastery; that the third time she fashioned luminaries sun and moon for all to enjoy, it resulted in intimidated Melkor finally fleeing from their light.

The Sabian symbol for Varda entails a game of chess, and progress through adversity. It’s realising the value of protectiveness of one’s own divine energy amongst and challenged by immature but deadly serious adversarial forces that need to be released, in the house that Sagittarius rules, the 9th house of ideals and visions for a life rooted in righteousness. Read more on the Varda blog.



Keeper of Sacred Law and Order, and Justice via Emotional Truth and Emotional Mastery.

Origins: Varuna was an ancient chief Hindu god associated with the oceans and water, and powerful king responsible for natural and moral order in the cosmos, justice and truth, considered the equivalent of Neptune/Poseidon. In Hindu mythology, Varuna was a strict and righteous judge that was called upon to fairly deal with disputes.

Themes: Varuna is the kingly personality living in the remarkable presence of being, purity of heart, advanced skill of tempered compassion and emotional mastery that invariably induce truth in others - and by implication social justice and freedom too - through gentle coercion. It entails inducing spontaneous recognition of truth, extracting spontaneous confessions, and compel obedience to adhere to natural law and order.

Discovery Chart Placement: In the discovery chart, Varuna in Cancer is conjunct kingly fixed star Sirius and the North Node of Fate. Varuna is widely opposed to the Moon/Venus in Capricorn and square to Mars/Haumea in Virgo and Eris in Aries. It is easy to see why Varuna was chosen as name for this object, when the tension (the squares to Varuna from Mars, Haumea and Eris) are considered in a dispute where fairness has to be determined between multiple parties in strong conflict.

The Sabian symbol for Varuna in its discovery chart is about clowning around, perhaps through theatre, taking on the attributes of others to make light of life, or highlight important social issues, but also false impressions and not being real. Varuna is conjunct the North Node in Cancer and fixed star Sirius in the 9th house, which entails reaching for that emotionally intelligent mastery and shining in it as a destiny, with the reaching for that idealistic vision in the future, of living one’s life being right-minded, orderly, and fair-minded, yet light-hearted and emotionally truthful. There is a square to Mars and Haumea, which is about the regenerative qualities of taking action in a way to help people see multiple sides of a situation, for self-correction onto a better path (square to Nodes of Fate). Venus is widely opposed to Varuna and at the South node, which entails that relationships and social interactions rooted in coldness or harshness needs transformation. Ancient art show Varuna holding various pasha, a sword of truth, a snake, which represents the shedding of old skin, transformation and wisdom, and in others lotus flowers, symbolising his sacred purity, strength gained from TEMPERANCE, rebirth, self-realisation and spiritual enlightenment. Beauty indeed. Read more on the Varuna blog.


Image: Trans Neptunian planets from Wikimedia Commons. Click to enlarge.


There is a new online course about the trans-Neptunian and Kuiper Belt Objects involved in the strange mixed bag of energies we've been having since the start of 2020, with some stretching beyond 2030.

It’s about the five pointed star in the sky, the four Yods and three Hammer of Thor aspect patterns.

  • The Gonggong Yod is all about the massive chaos caused by floods, too much rain and landslides.

  • The Sedna Yod is about the respect for people, animals and the natural world being violated and betrayed, and how the natural world can come back to bite. When the WHO announced a global health emergency on 31 January 2020, Haumea in Libra was sextile to Ixion in Sagittarius making a Yod apex on Sedna and malefic fixed star Algol. When WHO announced a global health emergency for Monkey Pox on 24 July 2022, the Sedna Yod was again active with apex on Sedna at 29 degrees Taurus; the crisis degree.

  • The Varuna Yod is about sacred law and order, justice and truth in the cosmos that is returning as some reconnect to their emotions, and come to their senses regarding social injustices.

  • The Haumea Yod is about being able to birth the new, and wild abundance and providence of nature that can be created when appropriate governmental structures support benevolence for all.

  • The MakeMake square Quaoar aspect is about is about the smite that the Hammer of Thor apex makes in Taurus smiting things Taurus, perhaps into oblivion. Curiously, both this Hammer apex and the Sedna Yod makes apexes in Taurus, which is the sign of the bull. Together they are creating massive upset and change in agriculture, the natural world, earth matters, and with cattle; with the recent threat of foot and mouth disease in Australia a great example of the manifestation of this energy. This Hammer apex will also be on malefic fixed star Algol, Uranus and eventually Sedna.

  • The Eris square Pluto aspect also created a Hammer of Thor apex on Orcus in Virgo, sending everyone packing for the underworld.

Learn more about the bigger picture by going to courses.

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