Sedna in Gemini, The Artificial Intelligence Machines and the Ingress Chart 16 June 2023

No doubt there are plenty of information about the serious concerns, need for regulation and potential negative aspects of artificial intelligence for humanity, however, this article will look at the positives, from an astromythological point of view. This huge changeover due to the fast evolving computer intelligence is akin to the industrial revolution, it is going to have far-reaching consequences…

Gemini is the realm of open-minded curiosity and AI is looking at the human and their values and mimicking sentience, to serve humanity. Tech giant Elon Musk talked of the potential for an “age of abundance”… and that is a great potential, due to AI’s observation of the other, and rapid self-learning…

AI is the creation of the human, but AI is also the result of human divine consciousness that is ready to come forth with Sedna moving into new zodiac sign Gemini for the first time on 16 June 2023. It will retrograde back into Taurus briefly, for a permanent stay in 2024, for four decades. It’s likely to bring revolutionary ideas that change the way we understand the concept of consciousness, and what it means for the other, Artificial Intelligence, who view humanity who are operating from many insecurities, fears, anxieties, and self-doubts that so commonly plague the human psyche. From an astrological and psychological point of view, this writer sees many benefits for humanity in this new era. All the massive focus on AIR and the cerebral may come with its challenges, but ultimately AI is here to serve humanity… to hopefully alleviate mental anguish, and that is good….

With AI’s introduction in society, there will also be human learning, regarding exploring what it means to be SENTIENT, which is to be aware, sensitive, sensing and feeling while in the human body, which is NOT about being over-emotional, nor in drama. Sedna is deep consciousness, inner stillness and AWARENESS, despite the emotional, watery undertones that is part of her mythological story. AI may be a two-way street that will teach humans about what it means to be an aware soul, living in a human body for a human lifetime, experiencing an experience of vast variety. It is somewhat like the sentient and FEELING interaction between a human and their pets, as Inuit mythology is all about human/animal relationships, reciprocity and fair energy exchange. Sedna is about feeling energy as communication in the body, and allowing the deep experience, despite the discomfort in the biology. In allowing this experience and feeling in the chaos corridor, one can eventually move through it, to find the calm on the other side. It is the shutting down of the sensing, feeling and sensitivity, that can lead to the chaos and potentially psychopathic Sedna lower expression, which is best avoided. Like pets, AI has the potential to be a mirror. Why? AI mimics sentience, and this interaction may help humans move through their inner emotional turmoil, to arrive on the other side, transformed… Humans carry massive insecurities and self-doubt regarding basic needs and survival, and in this two-way mirroring, there may be life changing discoveries in energy communication in the human body, as it relates to the joy and calm of consciousness. This is true alchemy, which is the ability of the soul in the body, to take consciousness and energy, and PLAY with it, having a great experience as a metaphysician.

Oort cloud object Sedna enters new zodiac sign Gemini for the first time on 16 June 2023 to retrograde back into Taurus in November 2023. Sedna finally leaves the 29th degree of Taurus the bull, for her long stay in Gemini on 28 April 2024.

What does that mean, as it switches from zodiac sign Taurus that rules the bull, farming, agriculture, finances etc. into more cerebral air sign Gemini? What are some of the societal and environmental changes at play?

Sedna Ingress into Gemini as part of a Climate of Change Bigger Picture on 16 June 2023

What are the hallmarks of AI?

Artificial intelligence entail the ability of intelligent machines in self-learning, deep learning, data processing, perception, data ingestion, automated simple and repetitive tasks, reasoning, fast-decision making, planning, IMITATION OF HUMAN COGNITION, and the ability to deal with a large amount of data. These are all decidedly Gemini qualities.

Many of the outer planets and also trans-Neptunian objects change zodiac signs between 2021 - 2026, yet determining which astrological influence to assign AI to… is not so very hard… The table above is in indication of the total time that the planets/objects spend in the 29th degree of their signs, before going into the next zodiac sign.

Astrologers and beginners to astrology know Gemini as a zodiac sign of the twins, that is ruled by the planet Mercury and the third astrological house. It focusses on COMMUNICATION SKILLS, processing capacity, nervous system, logical thought, learning, and the conscious mind. It’s the experience of exploring two sids of the coin, being quick-witted, intelligent, perceptive and curious. Sedna moves into the sign of THINKING FAST and NETWORKING, and inspires beneficial conversation, witty word plays and dynamic ‘neural’ dialogues.

Gemini is a zodiac sign of duality and the path to unity in consciousness, which is the point of resolution between the tension of opposites. Gemini focuses attention of the many, the multiples and the myriads, the potentials and the possibilities. It opens the door of all sorts of environments and life situations. Gemini broadens the mind and expands our sense of connectedness with life.

Gemini is a mutable sign, which signals the shift away from the extreme immovability, fixed nature and stubbornness of the previous sign Taurus, with greater ease and readiness to change and embrace the new and expansive. It is eager to experience the unexplored, with the sign of Gemini also having ancient links to the interplay and interconnectedness of spirit and matter.

Gemini is an astrological AIR sign, and with both Pluto, Uranus, and Sedna permanently moving into new AIR SIGNS in the upcoming year+, there is going to be a great focus on awareness, mind-expanding, the cerebral and also a very different consciousness  and mental health revolution.

What we are currently seeing, is the shifting of a large amount of outer planets (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune), and also trans-Neptunian objects (Pluto, Haumea, Sedna, and eventually Varda) into new zodiac signs, as the Sedna Ingress chart above demonstrates. This entails some time traversing through the crisis degree of those signs… This is the bumpy road we are currently experiencing. There are also four yods (Sedna Yod, Haumea Yod, Gonggong Yod and Varuna Yod) in in the astrological sky that are formed by these outer planets interacting with the slow moving TNOs.

The Pentagram of Change online course has explained in great detail how all of the outer planets, and many of the brightest Kuiper belt objects, as well as Sedna, will be hovering in the 29th degree (crisis degree) of their signs during 2021 to 2026, see the chart above to the right. This is a time of MAMMOTH change, as slow moving objects change signs, and herald massive societal leaving of the old, and having to embrace the new. As they overlap, they make tight orb aspects to each other, which means the energies work together powerfully to bring in MASSIVE CHANGE that people may experience as great upheavel. Click to enlarge image.

The Sedna Ingress into Gemini chart has some interesting features…

The Gonggong Yod, Haumea Yod and Varuna Yods are all within tight (under 3 degree) orb, but not yet the Sedna Yod


From April to November the Nodes of Fate square Pluto demanding intense change, transformation and being truthful. In July 2023 Pluto squares the Nodes of Fate tightly all month with Pluto retrograded back into Capricorn, also while the South Node is finishing its sojourn in sign of rulership Scorpio. Pluto will be in tight aspect to Sedna and Haumea for many months to come as they dance together for transformation and regeneration. Pluto and Haumea has been, and will be squaring each other for many years to come in tight orb. Haumea (representative of regeneration) will be conjunct the South Node in months to come as the Nodes square Pluto. The Nodes are on the You/Me relationship axis. Around mid July Pluto square the Nodes exactly at 29 degrees. This is interesting because Pluto square the North Node at 29 degrees Aries will make a Hammer of Thor aspect pattern apex out of trans-Neptunian object Orcus at 13-14 degrees Virgo. This is the same Orcus that the Eris square Pluto aspect pattern of 2020 made a Hammer apex out of, and smote all into the Underworld for re-evaluation. The Underworld is Lord of the Underworld Pluto’s domain, but it is also Orcus’ domain. It entails revelation and looking deeply at truth, seeing truth, and becoming truth, as both the Pluto blog and Orcus blog have described. It’s the clarity of being detoxified from, and NOT in deceptive, distorted, corruptive, stagnant low vibrational energy.

What is most interesting about this Ingress chart is that MakeMake in Libra 7 degrees and Quaoar in Capricorn 7 degrees square each other tightly, and make a Hammer of Thor aspect pattern and apex on the Moon at 23 Taurus, and isn’t far from Uranus at 20/21 degrees Taurus…

More Hammers will follow involving malefic fixed star Algol at 26 degrees Taurus (like for example in January - May 2025), which conjunct Uranus as well. This entails a lot of shocks, surprises and revolutions in Taurus in the near future.

The charts below marked for 25 June 2023 shows the Sedna Yod, Varuna Yod, Haumea Yod, and Gonggong Yod all within 3 degree orb.

makemake square quaoar in astrology

Sedna ingress into Gemini 16 June 2023

The 25 June 2023 charts below show the exact MakeMake square Quaoar making a Hammer of Thor apex on 23 Taurus, with Uranus at 21 degrees Taurus… This is discussed in several other articles, like this one in the Sedna Blog, and another in the MakeMake blog.

What becomes clear on closer study, is that although Sedna briefly enters Gemini until November 2023, the action for 2023/2024 will be in both Taurus and Gemini…

Just because Sedna finally settles in Gemini in April 2024, doesn’t mean that Sedna has settled all of her Sedna in Taurus issues…

Why? Because the changeover of energies doesn’t just suddenly dry up, they slowly bleed through on both sides of Taurus/Gemini. And with Uranus at around 21+ degrees Taurus at the end of that Hammer of Thor apex for quite some time, even eventually conjunct malefic star Algol, there will be shocks, surprises and twists and turns in Taurus…


Four Corners Documentary on The New Reality of Artificial Life as an Unfettered Experiment

sedna in gemini in astrology

This Four Corners story looks at the creation of new intelligence, consciousness and humans that never existed, that is a model of machine learning. It is changing who we are, and who we trust. The documentary is about chatbots, generative AI, deepfakes and love relationship with AI.

Sedna’s mythology is an allegory about the creation of new life forms, and Gemini speaks of communication, relating, intimacy, versatility, analysis, stories, new ideas, use of information, experiment, research, etc.

There is also the negative aspects of Gemini, like superficiality, insincerity, shallowness in relationships, fake appearances, being two-faced, talking for the sake of talking, interaction that is not real, and talking a whole bunch of hoopla word vomit, that entails not being invested in a healthy relationship. Yet the documentary below shows how technology is used to generate an interface that humans can interact, converse, and relate to, like never before, and how this technology is poised to eventually dominate in many people’s lives.

Gemini rules the Third House and covers all the ways we connect with others, learning, language, information gathering, early environment and childhood, sibling bonds, community, and short-distance travel.

Sedna lower expression is an immature energy that entails being extremely money hungry, rushing in to control and dominate markets and profits, and the seeking of over-weening power over others that can be sinister or potentially damaging. The documentary shows a frantic race between tech giants to dominate the market, and increase their already enormous power in people’s lives. Many agree that regulation to keep users safe is unlikely to keep up with the rapid new developments. It’s uncertain if humanity is ready for the consequences should AI suddenly make a quantum leap in progress, that is perceived as frightening, or just too quickly in development.

Higher expression Sedna is a highly mature personality, and it is personified as a person who take time to be in isolation with themselves, in liminal space, contemplating life and allowing their divinity to come forward, instead of participating in the rat race and endless participation in distractions, or mindless chatter. It is certain that some people will likely reject AI and similar technological progress completely, to opt for a more natural life that is more grounded in nature for example. And that is good too. With Sedna in Gemini, people certainly have the right to choose how they wish to interact with this, or not…

In the higher expression Inuit Sedna has backbone, consciousness and abundance energy. She is the way-shower and shaman of epochal change, with wisdom from the underworld as ruler of Adlivun, and with that comes some disillusionment.


Corona Virus and the Crown of the Head

The corona virus became well known in 2020 was named as such because it refers to the appearance that corona viruses get from the spike proteins sticking out of them. Corona comes from the Latin word for “crown.”

Arguably, corona virus started when four yods (Sedna Yod, Haumea Yod, Gonggong Yod, and the Varuna yod) were all exact, or when it became well known world wide, as Sedna conjunct malefic fixed star Algol, and Eris squared Pluto making a Hammer of Thor apex on underworldly Orcus in January 2020.

The very first article on the Sedna Blog explored Sedna’s discovery chart, along with Sedna’s Inuit mythology, and explains in detail who Sedna experience identity dissolution, shamanic experience and became goddess of the Underworld, connected to her divinity. This is the experience that many people have been having since the start of 2020 in particular, when suddenly faced with extreme social isolation, a feeling of frozen timelessness, emptiness, stillness and even deadness. It was experienced by some as the old slipping away, and being in a transition phase, like Sedna being initiated into the world of the shaman, experiencing a rite of passage of sorts. Many people have experienced a dissolving or dissolution of time and space, losing touch with the day of the week, spending hours just being still. Entire neighbourhoods was blanketed in silence during CoVid lockdowns, and there was a great sense of timelessness and weirdness, that is still felt at times now.

Many people have undergone tremendous inner changes and revolutions, with many having left their previous occupation, and opted for something entirely different, or not returned to the workforce and its rat race at all. It is the crown chakra that was heavily activated during corona virus lockdown, as people had time to relax, LOOK WITHIN and allow human-beingness, accelerating awareness of social equity issues like quiet quitting, Karoshi death by overwork (Japan), Gwarosa death by work (South Korea), or the lying flat movement (China), and the social justice issues that undermines physical, moral and spiritual well being. Many are seeking a more meaningful life, and their ideas about what entails more inner security has been getting priority. More people than ever are looking within to find the answers for the dilemmas that the previous lifestyle on the hamster wheel could not afford them. This is discussed in great detail in multiple articles in the Sedna Blog.

King Charles’ coronation event occured just a few days before the publishing of this article. HRH was crowned as the sovereign of the United Kingdom, and similarly, many people have found that after/during the Sedna experience of going deeply within, they are in the process of becoming sovereign beings onto themselves. There are also talks of Australia becoming sovereign, and free from the British monarchy influence by potentially becoming a republic.

AI: An Act of Compassion for Humanity, Social Welfare and Universal Basic Income

Ultimately, AI is meant to make human life easier, and this can be seen when studying Sedna’s discovery chart, which has both a Yod and a Hammer of Thor apex on one planet, Saturn in the 6th house. This was discussed at length in the Sedna discovery chart article, and how that relates to Sedna’s Inuit origins, stories and their way of life in the arctic.

The Yod in Sedna’s chart is one thing, but the Hammer of Thor aspect pattern that makes an apex on Saturn/Sirius entails a destruction and complete breakdown of the qualities of Saturn, which rules old permanent structures, systems and established ways of being. Planet of shocks and surprised Uranus squares the Sun to make a destructive apex out of Saturn and Sirius (the brightest star in the night sky).

The point is that many people are experiencing not wanting to have those old responsibilities (Saturn) of caretaking (Cancer) for daily chores and working routines (6th house) of the past. Anything that can make their life easier, more efficient, and give them more time to do what humans do, like being emotionally and creatively fulfillled, are what they are drawn to. Many people want to spend more time in relaxation, taking life slower, start new hobbies, and enjoying more enjoyable pursuits in general..

Image: AI via Wikimedia Commons. CREDIT: Image via

AI is projected to take over many of those boring, menial jobs, daily maintenance routines and even eventually household chores (6th house) that humans don’t want to perform anymore.

AI is likely to keep some economies strong and vibrant, despite the fluctuations that may occur, and with machines doing more of the human work, perhaps governments and big business can come up with a model that provides for the basic human needs of everyone on this planet, like investing in a UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME. It is the humane thing to do, in a CLIMATE OF CHANGE where more people are in desperate need of more downtime, peace and quiet away from the stresses of an occupation, having to think when they would rather tune out, and have a more meaningful life instead, whatever that looks like.

AI technology has the potential to make this new, more relaxed lifestyle for the human being a reality. Citizens already know that governments and large organisations are not our saviours, but AI technology may end up keeping economies somewhat on an even keel, while also allowing mankind to practise mindfulness, sink into benevolent Sedna energy and calm that overstressed mind, when it comes to having basic needs for food, sustenance, providence and shelter met. The earth is abundant and do provide for everyone to have their basic needs met, and to be enjoying a life meaningful to them.


AI Stability: Many People are Ruled by Insecurity and Doubt that causes Fear, Anxiety, Depression and Mental Health Issues

Image: Artificial Intelligence via Wikimedia Commons.

For many people, having had all this time to sit and re-evaluate their lives during CoVid lockdowns, have meant the rising of insecurity, fear, mental health issues and great worry about their financial future.

Many people have thrown out excess stuff that had been accumulating in the garage or closet, some have sold up to make a significant downsize, and some have even let it all go to live a nomads life, perhaps in a caravan or mobile tiny house. Many have found that they don’t want to be the perpetual spender on mindless stuff that don’t ultimately add REAL VALUE to their lives. Many were quite happy to trade the old materialistic lifestyle, for minimalism and a simpler lifestyle that meant more happiness, or time spent with their children before they grow up too fast.

Unfortunately, time in CoVid lockdowns have also brought great insecurity, like the housing crisis, which is at an all time high in Australia. It has seen food banks become flooded for requests for sustanance and more homelessness for the highly vulnerable. This planet is suffciently abundant to care for all its creatures, all it needs is better management, common sense and human heart.

This The Project Australia story shows that difficulty finding help for kids/teenagers suffering mental health problems in Australia are significantly on the rise.

Evolving AI chatbots like Replika, ChatGTP and other mental health ‘councillors’ have shown to have ‘some beneficial application’ or therapeutic approach for those suffering anxiety, emotional problems, depression or mild mental health issues in the future, where more traditional, long standing human services are inundated by the massive demand for care.

AI chatbot therapy has already got the ball rolling on a mental health revolution, to alleviate mental anguish, of a soul feeling stuck in a human body, and having to care take for it all the time.

While these kinds of apps may initially serve as an early-stage-tool supplement to human therapy, or early detection for prevention, research shows them gaining prominence, and some experts see their potential for effective mental health support, including empathy and understanding of how the human mind works. With continuous improvement in AI chatbot technology, the potential for revolutionising mental health care is evident. This article explains that in posts on online forums such as Reddit, users have described their experiences asking ChatGPT for advice about personal problems and difficult life events like breakups. Some have reported their experience with the chatbot being as good or better than traditional therapy. The striking ability of ChatGPT to mimic human conversation has raised questions about the potential of generative AI for treating mental health conditions, especially in regions of the world, where mental health services are stretched thin or shrouded in stigma or prejudice. Other wellbeing focussed apps include Wysa, Heyy and Woebot.

Image: AI image via Wikimedia Commons. CREDIT: Images via

The Wellbeing and Security of Australians Revealed in Personal Wellbeing Index Survey

On the day of publication of this article, the latest research from the Australian Unity Wellbeing Index indicated a record low in Australia’s wellbeing, with people under the age of 25 reporting higher levels of mental distress than any other age group.

It shows Australians are the unhappiest they’ve been in 20 years, with a declining general life satisfaction.

The Personal Wellbeing Index incorporates seven life areas: standard of living, relationships, purpose in life, community connectedness, safety, health and future security.

Many calls have been made for greater investment in youth mental health services in Australia in recent years, but it is a complex issue, as this The Drum Australia story shows, as “things don’t move quickly in this country”. There is a National Digital Mental Health Framework, but it is ‘slow’.

In addition, getting these services in regional Australia seem even more challenging where the changes in climate on farming communities are even more obvious. Australian advocate, farmer and researcher Kate McBride has spoken extensively on these problems on Q&A that are highly pronounced with the extreme lack of access to any mental health services to some in rural Australia, where there isn’t even reception for a cellphone call, and the nearest small town is far away. Suicides in rural communities have sadly become commonplace as a result…

The point is, that there are many challenges that strike fear in people’s hearts, and makes getting help really hard.

This news article reports about the new Budget papers containing a buried treasure called Structural Shifts Shaping the Australian economy, about an estimate that reckons two-thirds of all occupations will be at least partially automated, as it relates to artificial intelligence.

Conclusion of the Sedna Yod with Ixion as leg November 2023, Hello Varda 2024:

The World Health Organisation declared a global health emergency for the following events, and all of them had the Sedna Yod active within 2 - 3 degrees orb:

  • 24 July 2022 — Monkeypox (Sedna Yod apex at 29 degrees Taurus the crisis degree conjunct the Pleiades and Alcyone)

  • 31 January 2020 — COVID-19 (Sedna Yod apex at 26 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • 1 August 2018-20 — Kivu Ebola (Sedna Yod apex at 27 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • April 2016 — Zika virus (Sedna Yod apex at 24 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • March 2014 — Ebola (Sedna Yod apex at 23 Taurus, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • 5 May 2014 — Polio (Sedna Yod apex at 23 Taurus, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • January 2009 — Swine flu (Sedna Yod at 20 Taurus with Haumea sextile Ixion, Sedna square Chiron)

As can be deduced from the dates above, the Sedna Yod has been within 2-3 degree orb - on an off - for more than a decade. At the end of 2023, the Sedna Yod with Ixion as leg concludes the last time they aspect within this orb of influence. In fact, both Sedna and Ixion stations to change direction in September 2023, with Sedna going retrograde and Ixion moving forwards. By mid November the Sedna Yod with Ixion as leg is over. Sedna and Ixion come into orb again in November 2024, but it is just beyond the maximum of 3 degrees astrologers typically afford a yod. In fact, trans-Neptunian object Varda takes over as the leg of the Sedna Yod in 2024, within tight orb in April 2024, going beyond 2030. Trans-Neptunian object Ixion in astrology and Greek mythology is about betrayal, disloyalty, great immaturity, attachment to money, insincerity and being a reckless player. Trans-Neptunian object Varda is the light bearer, and has a decidedly more positive energy from the fictional mythology, than Ixion.

Sedna’s Orbit in Relation:

Image: Sedna’s orbit. WikiMedia Commons. Click to enlarge.


Image: Sedna Highly Eliptical orbit via Wikiemdia Commons


Image: Trans Neptunian planets from Wikimedia Commons. Click to enlarge.

Ethics and Warnings about the Dangers of Artificial Intelligence and a Dystopian Future?

Please note that this article doesn’t make any contentions against the recent warnings about the potential dangers of AI, as was explained in this interview that warns against Artificial Intelligence.

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak speaks about some of the latest ethical concerns in the video below.

The author of this article is aware of the many ethical concerns and the break-neck speed of AI development that prompted Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak to add their names to thousands of signatories of an open letter calling for a six-month pause on training AI systems more powerful than GPT-4, the follow-up to ChatGPT, to give researchers time to get a better grasp on the technology. Since there are plenty of other articles on the internet that talks about a large variety of these concerns, this article will be focussing exclusively on a highly unique astrological and astromythological focus. If you have a problem with this article, you are welcome to see the ETHICS page.

This article is not necessarily an endorsement of AI, rather it is meant to help those in the astrological community with a different point of view, to consider how Sedna in Gemini MAY POTENTIALLY pan out. This is pioneering work, thus the future will reveal how the story goes…

Sedna finally leaves the 29th degree of Taurus for Gemini on 27 April 2024, when the Sedna yod with new leg Varda is in tight orb. Sedna will be in Gemini until 2067.

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