Sedna’s Cold Rationale regarding Natural Disasters: Floods, Polar Ice and Makyo

It has taken me some time to start with this article, but a recent article from astrologer Alan Clay got me going. The staggering amount of natural disasters around the world is undeniable. Alan wrote about a concept he has been researching. It’s the concept of lower and higher octaves of planets. As a sort of natural progression, to guide humanity into growth and evolution.

This methodology provides entrance into understanding Sedna’s cold rationale when it comes to natural disasters, which is challenging…

Image: Iceberg floating in the arctic via Wikimedia Commons.

Previous articles explain, that Sedna is the Goddess of Sea and Marine Animals in Inuit legend, and a new dwarf planet discovered in 2003 was named Sedna, after it was decided that the energies corresponds to her mythology.

Her story surrounds issues like cataclysms, shipwrecks, ghost ships, over-riding greed, corporations, epidemics, destruction of natural resources and lives, and dashed hopes and dreams. And rising up in a new experience…

Sedna in astrology is about over-riding power issues, and powerlessness. And a ‘karmic flood’ coming in to dig up, and deal with unresolved power struggles from the past in all humans, but especially pulling on the ego, domination and unresolved power issues of the leaders of the world. Power is a very seductive illusion. It doesn’t like being revealed nor illuminated as such. This is what Sedna higher expression eventually realises, refusing to get sucked into power games, not choosing sides. Having compassion, yet choosing to distance herself. Standing behind a short wall; observing.

Please remember that this website is for the more advanced astrological wisdom seeker. Basic concepts are not described here.

Image: A walrus via Wikimedia Commons.

The planet Sedna is currently is a very precarious area in the astrological sky. It has entered the critical/crisis degree of 29 degrees Taurus, conjunct the Pleiades (the Weeping Sisters/Sever Sisters which is visible in the southern hemisphere night sky in summer). This will also coincide with Jupiter and Neptune meeting, both in the water sign of Neptune where their energy is strong, which is a time period when the earth is experiencing a great deal of WATER issues. This is explored in depth in another article. Sedna is not an easy topic to write about. It is not only highly pioneering work, but it is not an energy everyone may easily understand, unless they have had intimate experience of her energy in their lives, and they sought deliberate self-understanding of their experience.

People who have a significant Sedna activation in relation to their birth chart, will have experienced at least one great disconnect or significant emotional and physical loss in their lives, where they were cut off and forced to let go of one way of being, or an old sense of self, and had to embrace another more ‘divine’ aspect of self.

It’s a unique, cold psychological experience, and is not the same as having a Neptune, Pluto or Eris transit. It’s so much more… It’s life altering, and ultimately, can be life enriching if total change is allowed. The beginning of a blessed, fruitful phase in life, having achieved the creative and transformative power, heights, and knowledge, that otherwise would remain unknown. But before this big changeover happens, these people often first encounter the MAKYO and the mixture of cold emotions, anger, betrayal or having been backstabbed.

Environmental Activism vs Globalisation

Illusions, Delusions, Makyo and Sedna

In preparing to write this article, I had a hesitation about which planetary energy most represents MAKYO, because all of the outer planets has their own ego-swelling, negative expression traps, and delusions. I settled on Sedna, because the polarities seemed the most stark… and there certainly were many examples of this playing out…

Image: Sedna’s chart, click to enrlage.

In Sedna’s discovery chart, we see a cluster of planets Venus/Mercury/Pluto in Sagittarius, at the apex of a t-square from Mars and Jupiter, in the 11th house that points the finger painfully at the heart of the problem. It is the environmental activists (11th house), who sit and wail about the environment, stuck in cold, frozen emotions (crisis degree Virgo Moon) regarding the betrayals. Like Sedna did when she was in seclusion on the barren island, going through her shamanic journey. It’s about being sacrificed to another’s agenda, those who want to make huge amounts of profit, through international trade, and friendly relations (11th house) between third world countries (who may still have some pristine natural resources left to plunder) and first world countries (who consume and spend $$$ to the highest degree).

According to WikiPedia, in Zen, it is a figurative reference to the kind of self-delusion that results from clinging to an experience and making a conceptual "nest" out of it for oneself. Makyō is essentially synonymous with illusion, but especially in reference to experiences that can occur within meditation practice.

According to another website, ""Makyo" refers to an unbalanced mental condition of ego-swelling that results from excessive self-consciousness, into which an ascetic of the Zen Sect of Buddhism tends to fall when halfway awakened. Some people point out that this mental condition is what they call 'spiritual inflation' in Jungian psychology."

Image: Melbourne was part of the global climate strike on March 15 2019, drawing an enormous crowd estimated at 40,000 people, the vast majority school students. After welcome to country and some speeches at the Old Treasury Building the march wound it's way through CBD streets, down Collins Street and up Bourke street, then down to Treasury Gardens. It was a highly energetic march with the roar of chanting calling for coal, don't dig it, and for climate action now. via Wikimedia Commons.

In the two years before Co-vid started, environmental activism increased significantly, and it was evident that they felt a sense of power in blockading a large intersection in major cities, disrupting the natural daily flow of people’s lives. In frozen cold emotion, bearing placards yielding abuse at legislative powers (11th house in mundane astrology) for allowing the destruction of natural resources. They were forcing and taking control of the narrative in large groups of like minded environmentalists (11th house) and forcing their will by disrupting the traffic, and making people look at the abuse and exploitation (Venus/Mercury/Pluto conjunction) of nature.

They were putting the spotlight on the makyo of bringing destruction to the lands and the soil that produce our food and give us sustenance. As well as the legislative powers that enable large corporate financial investments, to cause destruction, under a guise…

It is makyo to think, speculate, or gamble that society can continue in this unsustainable manner…

With the corporate model first started by the pioneering VOC (Dutch East India Company or Vereenigde Oost Indische Compagnie) in 1602, that started as a government direction to consolidate companies, we saw the laying down of the basis for modern corporate governance, corporate finance and global trade.

This is the makyo “nest” that global corporates and politicians were desperately trying to perpetuate, in creating global trade agreements in recent years, because it was so hugely profitable in the past. Yet, we have seen significant misfortune for the global supply chain and international trade, as vessels get caught up in stalemate situations, and the well-oiled profit machine, becomes a costly venture. Think of the Suez canal that got blocked…

Figuratively speaking, the environmental activists also were like Sedna, sitting in their own “nest” of broken twigs on the barren island, as in the legend, wailing about changed circumstances, and a living situation that had no sustenance.

With Sedna’s energy currently highly pronounced, this symbolises the cold emotion that people may fall into when they see the Earth change, and being destroyed, compromising our means of life. They see the pristine natural resources decline, animals loose their natural forest homes, the lungs of the planet being burnt down, and the immoral pollution and corruption of healthy ecosystems in general.

Image: A Dutch East-Indiaman off Hoorn via Wikimedia Commons. Click to enlarge.

Image: Hubbard Glacier is defying the global paradigm of valley or mountain glacier shrinkage and retreat in response to global climate warming. Hubbard Glacier is the largest of eight calving glaciers in Alaska that are currently increasing in total mass and advancing. All of these glaciers calve into the sea, are at the heads of long fiords, have undergone retreats during the last 1,000 years, calve over relatively shallow submarine moraines, and have unusually small ablation areas compared to their accumulation areas. via Wikimedia Commons.

More recently, natural disasters are increasing significantly and there has been tremendous loss of infrastructure and lives.

This can be very scary. Even worse for those whose homes and entire livelihoods are destroyed by floods, hurricanes, fires, etc.

Everything that their sense of security (Sedna in Taurus) was built on, and a way of life to sustain themselves, are snatched away from them… like worst fears materialising. Having to start new, with next to nothing… That is the nature of Sedna energy, when you study it in detail.

Co-vid lockdowns were also time periods when people were forced into staying at home, with increased meditative, self-reflective periods, some in total isolation all-together. The media have reported on significant societal mental health decline, due to these sudden changed circumstances; lack of social interaction and lack of social support. Entire urban neighbourhoods were blanketed in frozen silence and inactivity for long periods of time. And it would seem that this way of being is likely to continue for some time…

Sedna speaks of betrayal, resentment and revenge; of frozen emotion, how we cling on, why we do and what happens when we finally surrender to our ‘fate’.
— Sarah Varcas, Astrologer on Sedna

And people are faced, with a “going within” experience.

That shamanic journey to the core of being, going into introspection, a purification of sorts, gaining clarity, as discussed in previous articles on this website. Many are still facing makyo, grieving the old, or stuck in frozen time. And some are overcoming, delighting in the core of their being, embracing a completely new state…

Conferences on Natural Disasters, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change

Image: ICAPP Conference on Natural Disasters and Environmental Protection held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from May 5-7, 2011. via Wikimedia Commons.

There has been many environmental and so called “climate change” conferences in recent years, both public and private. On closer study of the new legislative proposals as so called “solutions”, they have included some rather delusional ideas and ideals. These are focussed on creating new “green” industries, that big business just happen to be able to capitalise on, that has so-called “benefits” for the climate.

Makyo and mirages being presented and sold to the public, to gain social license.

It has become rather obvious, and established fact in some social groups (11th house) that in some of these deliberations, it is big business and government, who are discussing new opportunities for making money off of people’s fears for the future. Creating new “green” industries that never existed, citing benefits and souping it up, when they are of no real, authentic benefit. And in some cases, create more hidden harm for the environment… More people are seeing beyond the facades and the pretence. Not being deceived, manipulated, nor going along with believing in smoke and mirrors. Not interested in denial, makyo or illusions.


Some see the plan to keep on expanding the materialism, consumerism and capitalism, for what it is. A flipping of the scrip - to get social license - to take a selfish gain or profit.

Perpetuating the pioneering institutional innovations of the VOC, who was also arguably the first historical model of the megacorporation.


Image: via Coin 1 Duit, 1735, Dutch East Indies Company. Minted for the Netherlands East Indies in the province of Holland. Wikimedia Commons. Click to enlarge.


This is the nature of politics. To make choices in groups or other forms of relations, to influence and guide governmental policy, for an organisation or corporation’s financial benefit.

Define: To Desecrate
1. to treat a sacred place or thing with violent disrespect or irreverence;
2. to spoil something which is valued or respected;
3. to deliberately damage or insult something holy;
4. to divest of sacred or hallowed character or office.
— Various Online Sources

Astrological Higher Octaves:

Moon - Ceres - Sedna, and the Feminine Nurturing Principles

This astrological concept is based on the research of astrologer Alan Clay. He describes in this article, the theory of higher octaves, which is the energy of an inner planet, that gets expressed at a more spiritual level, in outer planets. It is the immature, basic energy of the inner planets, that develop and mature, in the expression of outer planets. It is the entry of newly discovered dwarf planets, which represent new aspects of consciousness, that are gradually becoming available to us in the years since their discovery. "...It requires effort to integrate these new aspects into our existing consciousness, which means the dwarf planets manifest differently in each of our lives according to our current level of consciousness. I suggest that we can use the model of higher octaves as a good shorthand way of understanding the significance of the new dwarf planets." Alan continues, that starting with the Moon - and its immediate, responsive, survival focus - the dwarf planet Ceres is the more evolved expression of spiritual nurturing. And that Sedna is the higher octave of Ceres, with an all-encompassing evolutionary spirituality.

My interpretation of Alan’s theory is as follows:


The Moon in astrology represents our basic emotional, feeling, and sensory needs for nurturing, that is of a more emotional nature. It represents pure emotion. It's the part of ourselves that we feel on a deep, instinctual level. The Moon represents how we give affection and demand love from others. Just look at a baby. They embody this energy so purely.


Ceres is a planetary energy that was described in two previous articles (one and two), but at its core, it is the nurturing mother-figure, who with her feminine wisdom, presides over the planting, watering, tending and harvesting of the grain (food), so that the people may enjoy plenty and have their needs for sustenance met. In the mythology of Persephone, Ceres is the mother who first withheld her abundance from the people of the earth, and let them see the potential for starvation, because her daughter had been stolen from her, by Pluto/Hades brutally abducting innocent maiden Persephone.


Sedna is the bruised, and battered feminine, who have seen the god-complex people - who have no heart, no feeling, no spiritual care, no nurturing instinct. Those who are deeply corrupted by greed and theft, at whose hands Sedna experienced vicious betrayal. Being brutally cut off in relation.

Sedna was sacrificed to their narcissistic agenda; to defeat her. And for a time after the betrayal, feeling drained of resources, struggling to stay afloat, and searching for relief. Fighting to keep morale and energy levels up. Sedna experienced the collapse of her values, and a re-evaluation of choosing friends, confidants, and who she relates with (a reference to the Venus retrograde cycle), which leads to the search for spiritual guidance. Facing that temporary hardship. In the legend she was able to overcome her extreme struggle with cold emotion, resentment, bitterness, anger and unforgiveness towards those in relation who had devalued and mistreated her.

To allow a surrender and death of an old identity and state of being, so as to move from personal identity into expanded consciousness, and epic abundance that comes from within.

To become loyal to her Self, and a loving provider, due to her knowing of Soul Self. With her strength of character, she became the no-nonsense caretaker. Sedna is a symbol of Mother Nature’s generosity and renewal. Sedna focusses on goodwill and service in supplying food. Not for a financial reward. From the underworld providing for her people; freely giving of her deep bounty, due to her loyalty to Self.

Sedna reminds that consciousness and the law of reciprocity operates at all times amongst interconnected ecosystems.

Sedna knows of the moral decay, which is why the food from the ocean comes with a catch: strict rules and conditions, and if not adhered to, meant disrespect, which angered Sedna. For it was through the actions of humans, that her animal populations dwindled, and are endangered. It is humans who sinned against nature. Who commit offences to living beings and the natural world.

The energy of Sedna manifesting at the spiritual level, represents the no–nonsense caretaker that provide for humanity. Compassion with a hard edge, if you will, but a hard edge for good reason.

According to legend, she will withhold her bounty, even let the people starve, due to their lack of moral fibre.

Due to the moral decay, corruption, lies, ill-gotten gains, stealing, and immorality of all kinds, she brings storms and restricts access to fish, seals, and polar bears. Sedna was perceived to have command of the ocean’s abundant material resources, and know about the lack of moral fibre eating like a cancer at the people. She is both deeply feared and deeply respected by the Inuit, who see her as a primal force of nature, both creative and destructive. They knew that Sedna could be absolutely brutal in turn… destroying and obliterating the ego-fools if they chose disrespect. Sedna was left out in the cold, and shows that she is quite capable of returning the favour, for those who attempt to stage a defeat for her…

Do you now see Sedna’s cold rationale when it comes to natural disasters?

Sedna is an exceptionally dynamic being. A manifesting queen, loyal, who delights in being of service to humanity. But not if it comes at the cost of being covertly or openly abused, disrespected or desecrated… Then karmic rebalancing will apply… As the Inuit know, the forces of nature can scuttle even the most cunning, cleverly laid plans…

Nature is nature, and she will switch up on humans and renew her Self when necessary. To achieve a state of balance. In the bigger picture, constant renewal and change is actually in the Earth’s nature, but is accelerated at this time with Sedna being so physically close with our planet...

Sedna’s closest approach to earth will be in about 55 years, yet it will still be further away from us than Pluto. Everything is up for total change. Keep reading…

Melting Glaciers, Polar Ice and Soil Microbes:

Macro and Micro Level Rebalancing

Image: Antarctica: The blue ice covering Lake Fryxell, in the Transantarctic Mountains, comes from glacial meltwater from the Canada Glacier and other smaller glaciers. The freshwater stays on top of the lake and freezes, sealing in briny water below. via Wikimedia Commons.

Many people are extremely alarmed by polar ice melting at alarming rates, and the affect this would have on low-lying communities. This is valid.

What is not widely considered, is that the ocean is heavily polluted, and the melting of the ice in the arctic regions, is flooding unadulterated, pure, fresh liquid water… into a “cesspool”.

When something in the environment reaches an extreme, the planet’s self-regulating mechanism adjusts the ecosystem, to attempt to restore equilibrium. This is nature, and the planet’s self-regulating dynamic. You could blame Sedna if you liked, but nature has the upper hand, and can do as she pleases…

Similarly, it is the nature of beneficial microbes to establish a dominance and create healthy micro-level ecosystems, with a quorum of at least 60%, to maintain a healthy environment. When we pollute the earth with antibiotic overuse or misuse in agriculture, we pollute our environment, as it disrupts the healthy microbial levels, and creates antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic-resistance has become a huge health hazard in recent years, killing millions of people. If you think about it, massive flooding in nature may be a great opportunity to restore equilibrium to agricultural environments that have been polluted with antimicrobial abuse, and antibiotic-resistant microbes. In the flooding, it provides a massive mingling of soil microbes. And the potential for beneficial microbes to form a quorum again, to overwhelm the bad microbes, and restore a healthy dominance. In this dominance, they activate a response, and subdue and “control” the harmful microbes. There is a lot of science that proves this… it is not a theory, nor wishful thinking. See the work of Pruex in the UK.

Even though this attempt at healing the imbalance in ecosystems, at macro and micro level, are alarming to mankind, it may be necessary, from a certain point of view.

For Mother Nature, Gaia and Sedna, are feminine principles, and ultimately seek to nurture, heal and remedy the evil results of narcissism and god-complex in humans.

Image: The Earth via Wikimedia Commons.

Image: Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina, taking in 2008 via Wikimedia Commons.

Indigenous Wisdom and Culture of the Aboriginals

Image: Tree ridge in flames during the 2018 Woolsey Fire, California, US, via Wikimedia Commons.

There are many large groups of people who recognise and value indigenous wisdom and practices, yet this is most ignored at the legislative level of many countries (11th house in mundane astrology).

Perhaps due to politicians being enmeshed with corporate-led globalisation ideologies first, and then creating illusions around it, to avoid or pacify angry backlash from the public. But this is changing…

Astrologer Kim Gould from recent wrote in an article and explained that the last time Sedna was this close to the earth, was during the Ice Age, as well as around the time of the agricultural revolution. This saw human shifting from hunting and gathering, to farming and cultivating land.

Australia is a great example of the indigenous wisdom of the Aboriginal people as a collective, who had generational wisdom and experience when it comes to the clever burning of bush at the right time of the year, so that the bush does not become fuel for a raging, destructive inferno, at the wrong time of the year. After the devastating bushfires of January 2020, legislation and mainstream media is finally giving credit where it is due. Watch this video to learn more. Kim wrote:

"I was watching a documentary about Australian bushfires last night, and all the amazing technology that is being developed to stop the kind of devastation we experienced in 2020. I’m all for technological discovery, but it struck me that the Australian First Nations people were able to do all that and more with a few burning sticks and some creative cooperation. We have become so oblivious to what supports us, to what really matters. Which brings me to the big picture shift that Sedna is triggering – restoring indigenous wisdom and practice to it’s proper place. This is not about going back to some hokey idea of the stone age, but recognising the wisdom of humanity, built up by our relationship with nature, our role as a part of nature, for millenium. This is not just about the environment, but about our own shamanic nature as well. So many people can’t find their way in our existing society because it denies a multitude of dimensional experience and knowing, and it requires us to live linear lives where we show up every day regardless of our greater soul needs. It makes us dumber to live this way."

Pandemics? CoVid-19 and Sedna

It is said that as the arctic ice melt, it releases microbes and viruses that had been frozen in time for thousands of years, since the last ice age ended, which seems to be when Sedna was last closest to the earth 11,000+ years ago.

Sedna’s Inuit legend has many different versions, and seems to cross the borders between human, bird-like human/raven/shaman, death and the underworld quite a bit. Some believe that ravens bring messages from the other side.

Image: Corona via WikiMedia Commons.

And with the dangerous virus that had been studied in a lab, reportedly escaping and crossing the border to humans, it is little surprise that there is a strong association. Coronavirus chaos started world-wide in January 2020 when Sedna was conjunct malefic fixed star Algol at 26/27 Taurus. According to an article on the Kepler College astrology website: "For centuries it has been recognized for being the most evil star out there. Algol is associated with pain, suffering, violence, difficult and emotionally intense experiences, beheadings, accidents to the head, losing one’s head (mentally) and has been historically linked with murderous acts, disastrous events, and anything horrific. People are advised to be cautious when personal planets are transiting over Algol, and when natal planets are with in close proximity to her, (conjunction) it is viewed to be an unlucky and troublesome placement."

Sedna’s discovery coincided with a renewed awareness of nature in the news. Global warming began a prominent topic of conversation. The huge tsunami affecting southeast Asia took place occurred this period. The bird flu pandemic also took place during 2003-2004. Both Alan Clay and Jennifer T. Gehl have published a book about Sedna if the reader wishes to explore this topic.

Natural Disasters:

Below is a short list of recent natural disasters. There are currently so many around the world, that I gave up building the list. Follow the links to view the associated videos.

Image: F5 tornado (upgraded from initial estimate of F4) viewed from the southeast as it approached Elie, Manitoba on Friday, June 22nd, 2007, via Wikimedia Commons.


Tsunami’s are highly associated with Sedna, Haumea, Neptune and Uranus. Tsunami’s can be triggered by volcanic eruption, landslide or tectonic plates that shift

Floods and Windstorms:

The streets in Israel flooded and experienced wind gusts of up to 100kmph. Also severe flooding in Selangor, Malaysia with 3000 evacuated.

Snowstorms, Blizzards and other Severe Weather:

Many different areas suffered severe snowstorms that brought people’s lives to a standstill, like Japan, Russia, Turkey and parts of the USA. Even California had some record snow.

Hurricanes, Cyclones, Typhoons and Tornados:

There was a devastating typhoon in Phillipines in December 2021 with wind gusts of up to 149mph and severe flooding, leaving 3 million people in need of assistance. Kentucky, USA experienced a whopping 165 mile path of a tornado’s killer destruction, and a tornado hit the Czech republic with 300kmph winds.

Thunderstorms and Hailstorms:

Egg shaped hail, extreme wind and floods hit Pietermaritzburg, South Africa over Christmas 2021, and severe yet spectacular thunderstorms hit Canberra, Australia.

Volcanos and Lava:

Volcanos are mostly associated with the planet Uranus, and whenever Uranus are highly triggered, earthquakes and volcanic activity, tend to coincide. Uranus has recently made its third and last stressful square aspect to Saturn. Uranus stations to turn direct mid January 2022.

Volcanos are erupting all over the world, with the Las Palma disaster possibly the most famous. There are eruptions in Iceland as well.

Earthquakes and Landslides:

Earthquakes are also associated with Uranus, the planet of shocks and surprises. Alaska had a major earthquake and there was another off the coast of Eureka, California in December, and a smaller one in China.

Sedna’s mythology has large waves in it which threatened to kill both her and her father travelling in a kayak.

Haumea’s mythology has a tidal wave in it that destroyed an island population…

Both are astrological triggers for natural disasters like the earthquakes and volcanic activity that leads to tsunamis.

Image: Flying Fish via Wikimedia Commons.

Sedna Transits 2022 - 2028

Sedna move extremely slowly. Where Pluto takes 248 odd years, and Eris about 556 to complete an orbit around the sun, Sedna takes a whopping 11,390 odd years with her long, highly elliptical orbit.

Sedna’s closest approach to earth will be in about 55 years, yet it will still be further away from us than Pluto.

Find a Sedna Ephemeris here.

  • Sedna was conjunct fix star Algol at 27 Taurus when Co-Vid took off in January 2020.

  • Sedna started her conjunction with the Pleiades in 2020 until 2028.

  • Sedna moved into the Critical degree of 29 degrees Taurus in July 2021 - April 2024.

  • The North Node starts the conjunction to Sedna in January to March 2022.

  • Mercury enters its retrograde phase conjunct Sedna at 26 Taurus on 26 April until 19 June 2022.

  • Transit Pluto starts its trine to Sedna in January 2023 - December 2025.

  • Transit Saturn in Aquarius goes retrograde, and squares Sedna starting February to December 2023.

  • Uranus starts a wide conjunction with Sedna in September 2024 - July 2026.

There is going to be many Sedna themes in the coming years, therefore it will help if individuals come out of their denial, and take that journey within, and make the changes in their life needed, to thrive into the future. Society and the collective at large may still buy in to their makyo, but individuals can transform their lives… creating a magical life worth living.

Sedna shows that you can’t change other people, but you can change you Self.

More Sedna Articles:

More Eris Articles:

More Haumea Articles:


Image: An Inuit woman via Wikimedia Commons.