Haumea, Goddess Pele and the Mauna Loa Volcano Erupting after nearly 40 years

How incredible that the world's largest volcano should erupt after nearly 40 years at this time?

Goddess Pele is Haumea expressing as her offspring, and how timely, with the Haumea Yod currently within close orb, with Haumea newly arrived in a new sign for the first time, at 0 degrees Scorpio, with Jupiter at 29 degrees Pisces and Sedna at 29 degrees Taurus as the legs of the Yod.

Massive Recent Events around Haumea:

  • Venus Sun Superior Conjunction and Solar Eclipse conjunct Haumea

    Between 22 -25 October 2022 there was a lot of activity around 28 degrees Libra and 2 degrees Scorpio, as the Venus Sun superior conjunction first occurred (conjunct Haumea), to be followed by a Solar eclipse conjunct both Venus and Haumea. Venus entered the Underworld for her 50 days invisible and behind the rays of the sun, for a re-evaluation of all things Venusian, like relationships, balance, fairness, beauty etc. A Venus Sun superior conjunction happens every 8 years, but this one entailed the very first ingress into a new sign since 1771, signifying the start of massive societal change, with bigger cycles like this. Read about it these three articles in order of publish date, one, two and three.

  • Haumea’s Very First Ingress into Scorpio

    In mid November 2022, Haumea moved into Scorpio for the first time after a very long sojourn in the sign of the scales Libra, but she will retrograde back in to Scorpio in April 2023. Both the Haumea Yod and the Sedna Yod was active around that shift (but not the Gonggong Yod nor the Varuna Yod), see the chart below.

  • Mauna Loa Erupts on Hawaii Big Island

    On 29 November, just as the Haumea Yod is in very close orb, the “world’s largest active volcano” erupts after a 38 years slumber, also triggering earthquakes with the strongest a magnitude 4.2. The last time it erupted was in March-April 1984. The volcano reportedly takes up more than half of the Hawaiian big island, and is a very isolated, sparsely populated area. There isn’t a lot of ash spewing into the air, just lava spewing from the fissures.

Haumea Glyph

Earthquake Associations in Astrology

In astrology, the occurrence of earth quakes are often associated with Uranus, see this article for the details.

Both Kuiper belt object Haumea and trans-Neptunian object Sedna have also been associated as trigger points. Uranus is currently at 16 degrees Taurus conjunct the North Node at 13 degrees Taurus. Both the Sedna Yod and Haumea yod is within orb, with those two planets at the apexes. Sedna’s legend has a stormy ocean threatening to kill two people in a boat in it, and in one of Haumea’s stories a large wave killed nearly all of an island population. How extraordinary?

Great Mother and Ancestress of Hawaii

Who is Goddess Haumea and Goddess Pele?

In Hawaiian traditional beliefs and stories, Haumea is the mother goddess of fertility and childbirth, having given birth to many of Hawaii’s major deities or akua.

Haumea is also called Papa, La’ila’i and Hau-o-Apua. She is believed to have lived as a woman on earth and became mother of island chiefs and ancestress of the Hawaiian people with her partner Wakea.

Earth and nature goddess Haumea is proud mother to many well known goddesses, like Pele, Hiʻiaka and Namaka, and she is said to be reborn into her children and their children, and to live through them. Haumea is said to have given birth to “strange noisy creatures” which is quite evident in her discovery chart. She has many descendants which whom she interacts to proliferate life on the islands.

Haumea is said to have created the islands of Hawaii; there are 8 of them. In her fire/volcano goddess form she is Pele, who with the volcanoes rise and create new land for next generations to prosper on. Birthing islands by pouring forth mineral-rich magma to fertilise, and expand the Earth from the inside out.

Pele’s creative/destructive duality demonstrates Haumea’s underworld theme.

(Venus, Mercury, Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius in Haumea’s discovery chart.)

This is the destructive powers when lava is sent to burn all in its path. Haumea is said to influence those whose lives were filled with burning anger and unrighteousness against their fellow men. Haumea seems to represent the element of fire that has the ability to destroy but then re-generate, manifested as the spirit of life and rebirth. To Hawaiians, Earth was formed out of fire, and they said that the Islands had risen up as the body of Spirit. That Spirit was Haumea, and they saw the land as the material manifestation of Her fiery spirit.

Childbirth & Midwifery:

Volcanoes birth life with great ease, and so does Haumea. When Haumea first came onto the scene, she realised that humans did not have the ability to naturally give birth, and so her relation to childbirth started she assisted a chieftains daughter Muleiula with the help of herbal administration of a potion, which allowed for her to push the child out naturally, and with greater ease.

Unusual Births and Sacred Birth:

An egg is a traditional symbol of fertility and rebirth. Who came first, the chicken or the egg? Goddess Haumea was so extremely fertile, and as the first people migrated away from mainland and found Hawaii, they were tasked with growing a nation. In her stories Haumea has great pride in genealogy and family. Haumea had many rebirths, appearing on the islands as her own daughter, or grandchild, marrying into the family, and eventually was found out…

Find more stories about Haumea on the Haumea Blog.

Five Pointed Star in The Astrological Sky

The Haumea Yod that first moved into orb at the end of April 2022 during the Venus, Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces conjunction, started the pentagram in the sky, consisting of four Yods, the Sedna Yod, Haumea Yod, Gonggong Yod and Varuna Yod. Learn more about these in the Pentagram of Change online course. For the next decade, rapid change, acceleration and evolution will be the new normal. Yods are no joke… The finger of god points to new potentials and non-negotiable change, so learn to ride with the tide…

Haumea Yod 2022 - 2028

The Haumea Yod started in April 2022 and will continue with Neptune and Sedna as the main support system drivers and legs of the Yod until 2028, learn more about the Haumea Yod in particular in The Foundations of Change online course.


Image: This is an astrological snapshot from a few days after the event showing the position of all the brightest Kuiperbelt /trans-Neptunian objects.