Chiron’s Wounding, Talent Scout Fixed Star Altair, Constellation Aquila the Eagle and Rival Zeus

Part 6 - Why is another reaching their full potential, them taking full advantage of their natural abilities and appreciation for life, or their achieving their highest level of psychological development, such an issue for Zeus /Jupiter? Why was their endurance, big picture perception and reaching self-actualisation, his great dissatisfaction? Why did envious Zeus have to strike down not only his rivals, but also those of beauty, merit, great heart and rapid progression in their personal development or career advancement? 

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Chiron Energy in Astrology and the Merit of Alchemist Asclepius Who Surpassed his Father and Mentor

Par 5 - Asclepius was Zeus’ own grandson, but he could not stand the talent and potential, which threatened the gods of Olympus, as well as ‘the natural order of life and death’. Like the Lord of the Underworld Hades, Zeus too feared that Asclepius’ extraordinary healing abilities would close the eternal gap between gods and mortals. Clearly there had been a selfish vested interest in getting rid of him, and keeping the status quo of Zeus and Hera in place, and the loss of brilliant Aesculapius causing wounding and breaking Chiron’s heart…

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Chiron, Covert Competitive Attacks and Gathering Strength and Inner Resources Through a Transformation

Part 4 - Chiron was first abandoned by his mother and unacknowledged by his father. He was isolated and alone (Chiron conjunct Sedna in Taurus) when his foster father-to-be Apollo took him into his family. Here, from the safety provided in a family unit (4th house), Chiron had the opportunity to learn to invest in himself (Taurus) and builds his own resources based on the knowledge that was willingly shared with him in the family (4th house), by allowing himself to be a teachable student.

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Chiron and the Dysfunctional Family Patterns Revealing Sibling Rivalry and Competing with the Jones’

Part 3 - This article studies the convention where all was about appearances, status, ostentation and wealth of the vain gods of Olympus. It was about achieving and living an opulent lifestyle, at the expense of others. It was a judgemental situation where only few were allowed. The concern with materialism, position in society and rank felt stifling , because the click only cared about how things looked, with a massive competing with the Jones’. This is lifestyle that Zeus and jealous wife Hera tried to maintain.

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Chiron the Wounded Healer and Merit-Making Mentor of Youths and its Discovery Chart

Part 2 - Respectable Chiron shone in the social standing of fair education in the public eye as an upstanding role model, as parents entrusted him with their precious young child’s education, to be guided into maturity, responsible adulthood and potential for wealth, merit or exaltation, in the Heroic age. This article delves deeply into the discovery chart of asteroid Chiron, to see what the wounding is about.

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Chiron’s Discovery Chart Reveals the Depths of Rejection and Wounding and his High Honour Elevation

Part 1 - Master of the healing arts Chiron understood the benefits of wise, gentle education, encouraging reflection and self-understanding and fostering personal growth in his students. Chiron shone in the social standing of fair education and in the public eye, as parents entrusted him with their precious young child’s education, into maturity and responsible adulthood, in the Heroic age.

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