Chiron’s Discovery Chart Reveals the Depths of Rejection and Wounding and his High Honour Elevation

This article is part 1 of the Chiron and the Merit Making of the Wise Mentor’s Discovery Chart Series. In Greek mythology, Chiron's story is one of abandonment, betrayal, pain, and ultimately, growth, transformation and immortalisation as the brightest constellation in the night sky, still seen today as Centaurus. Jupiter (Zeus in Greek mythology) is the fourth brightest planet, and Sirius the dog star the brightest star, all visible in the night sky.

In mythology, Chiron the centaur was a great teacher, mentor, role model and instructor of substance and character, because he could foster the growth, confidence and potential of others, to see them reach and shine at their brightest being spiritually aligned, without trying to f**k them up in the process, to be better than… To end their victories and block their milestones, for their hearts and their voices to be shut down, and made hopeless, for reward without effort or arrogant ego gain.

This article came right off the bat from writing another Eris conjunct Chiron article about how Zeus king of the gods in fear and vengeance, would habitually prevent anyone from superseding him, by tripping them up to fall flat on their face, and be seen as a social f**k-up, which is what he initially intended for both Eris and Achilles to crush their spirit and confidence.

Image: The centaur Chiron teaching Achilles how to play the lyre, Roman fresco from Herculaneum, National Archaeological Museum of Naples. via Wikimedia Commons.

However, Achilles, who was Zeus’ main target with the instigation of the Trojan War, as was detailed in another article, was a long term student of Chiron’s, and when Achilles temporarily withdrew from the battle in the 10th year, Achilles sat down and thought carefully about the motives of those in leadership around him (Agamemnon in particular), and the energy dynamics at play, in the bigger picture. And what he saw, spurred his actions to fulfil the destiny; that he would be remembered for thousands of years, as the only epic hero of the Iliad. Why? Due to who he innately was. Yes, it was due to his superhuman strength and his invulnerability (except for his vulnerable Achilles heel), but more importantly, it was his character, loving energy, beautiful cultured inner qualities, and sense of fair play in life.

Highly innovative Achilles was Chiron’s most notable student, who shone brightly through the ages, due to being a good, honourable man of exceptional merit and fine inner qualities.

It was simple, yet it also highlights how only a limited number of people are willing to take their medicine (aka a good education from the school of life and the astrological lessons of Chiron), to become good people, when they can enjoy the short term fun of being a little piece of shit instead, that hurts other people to be superior for ego gain. In mythology, it was Chiron’s wounding, observation of life experiences, and the learning of the lessons that life’s cycles provide, that would be his greatest teacher, to become a great leader in his own right, nurturing youths.

Both Chiron and Zeus, were sons of Cronus (Saturn), but the half brothers could not be more different…

Chiron was known as a wise, patient mentor who would nurture, educate and empower youths into maturity, and often took on a healthy, even loving paternal role in heroic education of young men. This opposed to Zeus, who was known for having sired many mortal children, only to scheme the Trojan War with Themis, in an attempt to eliminate the competition who he feared would supersede him. Chiron was the personification of the fine, nurturing father figure, having what borders on father-son relationships with his students, that Zeus never had in his own life. This is great contrast to Zeus having grown up in a cave, unseen and unheard by his father, never receiving a cultured education, nor having experienced healthy paternal figures, which is what contributed to the bullying hedonist disempowering and trying to destroy many of the fine heroes of the Heroic age; not seeing their value or merit, being fearful of all those men potentially overthrowing him, as he had violently dethroned his own father Cronus, for power over others that he abused. He wanted all that talent, potential and merit to spiral out of control, into dysfunctional situations and being misaligned, which is what happened as the events of The Iliad spilled into The Odyssey, but some managed to culture their own redemption… by tapping into higher expression Chiron energy…

Zeus seemed to have gotten self-satisfaction from the infliction of pain, diminished returns and destruction he caused for other’s fortune. He lacked empathy and humanity, but Chiron obtained self-satisfaction from being of use in helping others with the skills and good fortune he had been blessed with, because he had empathy, and understood the problems of humanity, especially pain and being disadvantaged.

Bully Zeus had an expectation of another’s treasure to go to him instead, where Chiron expected for another to find their own treasure, thanks to his teachings. One was into merit-making, and the pocket-watching was into merit-breaking… and this is at the heart of Chiron energy.

Image: The Education of Achilles, by James Barry via Wikimedia Commons.

Chiron’s goal was to be the mentor of many heroes in the mastering of their craft, because he had something worthy to give, and teach valuable lessons, fostering growth and wisdom. He was coming from a place of love.

Master of the healing arts Chiron understood the benefits of gentle education, encouraging reflection by looking within for self-understanding, finding stillness within, and fostering personal maturation in his students, for their authentic qualities to be discovered and brought forward, and a healthy lifestyle to be embraced.

Respectable Chiron shone in the social standing of fair education in the public eye as an upstanding role model, as parents entrusted him with their precious young child’s education, to be guided into responsible adulthood and potential for wealth or exaltation, in the Heroic age.

Remember that the Iliad was compiled some 2800 years ago attributed to Greek poet Homer. Wikipedia explains that the Greek Heroic Age, in mythology, is the period between the coming of the Greeks to Thessaly and the Greek warriors' return from Troy. The poet Hesiod (fl. c. 700 BCE) identified this mythological era as one of his five Ages of Man. The period spans roughly six generations; the heroes denoted by the term are superhuman, though not divine, and are celebrated in the literature of Homer and of others, such as Sophocles, Aeschylus and Euripides.

Although the Eris blog describes Eris energy in general, the modern interpretation can be seen as Zeus being in secret competition with Achilles, and in the scheming to take him out, needing to throw a good-time pinata party illusion for society, to take potential whistleblower and truth speaker Eris out as well, by bashing and blaming her for the Trojan War, which was the secret brain child of Zeus himself with Themis. With everyone satisfied that they had a scapegoat, in being furious with anger at Eris, nobody would suspect that he was the secret enemy of both Eris’ truth speaking about his character, and Achilles fulfilling the prophecy of becoming a great man indeed, loved and remembered for thousands of years. Zeus had an envy eye, and he wanted for his gluttonous indulgence to remain a secret, and for others to suffer, for the fulfilment of his satisfaction.

Zeus was the one who wanted to destroy those who helped others… which included all of the heroes of the Age of Heroes, who Chiron had tutored…

Zeus wanted others to be an energetic mismatch to their own blessings by stressing them out and projecting a lot of negative energy, that they would miss out on what is rightfully theirs, yet that is what backfired… The overload of stress to cause another to lose, did not bring a good harvest. You reap what you sow.

Chiron conjunct Eris in Aries in astrology

Glyphs for Chiron and Eris

Eris Conjunct Chiron 2024, 2025 and 2026

This information is important as the first Eris conjunct Chiron starts soon, followed by more hits in 2025 and 2026… see the dates below, which is a rough estimate of when the two energies move into close orb…

In Chiron’s myth, he was wounded twice: once at birth via the rejection of others, and the second time toward the end of his life when he had already gained a reputation for being a fine teacher and healer. In astrology, this represents the fact that Chiron is immortalised in the natal/birth chart in a particular position, and then at around age 50, there is a Chiron return, as asteroid, now considered minor planet Chiron had made one revolution around the zodiac, to return to the same spot that it was in, at birth. This is the sore spot and core wounding that is re-experienced, as Chiron can bring up a flood of emotions around this wound and serve as a time to release what's no longer serving, regarding self-doubt or unresolved pain, so that the floodgates can open for healing.

Note that this article was written in the lead up to the 8 April 2024 solar eclipse conjunct Chiron, which activated Eris conjunct Chiron too, as eclipses tend to have a wide, up to 10 degree orb.

Discovery Chiron in Astronomy and Astromythology

Asteroid, now considered minor planet Chiron number 2060 was discovered on 1 November 1977 at Pasadena California, and many use the time 10am, however, Zane Stein writes on his blog, that in a letter received from astronomer Charles Kowal he stated that he had allegedly discovered his body “a little before 10”.

This astrologer finds this charming synchronicity very curious, as this discovery chart has an astonishingly packed 10th and 11th house, and this alleged “a little before 10” time of discovery puts the North Node of Fate in the 10th house exactly conjunct the MC. According to Wikipedia, at the time of the object’s discovery, Chiron was claimed as the tenth planet by the press, but it was called an asteroid and classified only as a minor planet with designation “2060 Chiron”. This minor planet was named after Chiron, a half-human, half-horse centaur from Greek mythology. Chiron was the wisest and most just of all centaurs, serving as an instructor of the Greek heroes, some of whom died in the Trojan war.

Image: Johannes Hevelius - Centaurus via Wikimedia Commons.

Discovery Chart of Chiron in Astrology and Exploring the Rejection, Wounding and Poison in the Blood

Image: Centaurus constellation map via Wikimedia Commons.

Chiron in its own discovery chart is at 3 degrees Taurus in the fourth house, and conjunct trans-Neptunian object Sedna.

Curiously, both minor planet Chiron, and object Sedna, is in Taurus in the fourth house in their own respective discovery charts.

In Chiron’s chart, this is a symbol of being very DIFFERENT in one’s values, physical appearance or attributes of the body (Taurus), and in heritage, parentage or sense of belonging, feeling safe and at home (4th house).

Chiron was sired by Titan Cronus when he had taken form of a horse and impregnated the nymph Philyra. However, Chiron's lineage was different from other centaurs, who were born from Ixion, who was consigned to a fiery wheel due to boasting that he had defiled Zeus’ eternally faithful wife, Hera. The story goes that Zeus had taken pity on Ixion, a man who was guilty of murdering his father-in-law, by purifying him and bringing him to Olympus. However, Ixion started to lust after Hera. Hera complained about this to her husband, and Zeus decided to test Ixion. Zeus fashioned a cloud that resembles Hera (called Nephele) and laid the cloud-Hera in Ixion's bed. Ixion coupled with Nephele, resulting in the birth of the centaur race. Zeus punished Ixion for lusting after Hera by tying him to a flaming wheel that spins forever, having to repeat: “You shall not disrespect your benefactor.”

However, Chiron was raised by a cultured, intelligent and civilised man named Apollo who was not his birth father, which meant that he was nothing like the centaurs, who were notorious for being wild, lusty, overly indulgent drinkers and carousers, violent when intoxicated, and generally UNCULTURED DELINQUENTS. From a certain point of view, Chiron is a creature both animal and human, combining the deep, natural, instinctive parts with the rational; he was innately unique.

Wound: Parental Rejections and Unrequited Love

Soon after giving birth to Chiron, his mother Philyra rejected and abandoned her awkward half horse-looking child out of shame and disgust of what came out of the brief union with father Cronus who had disguised himself as a horse.

The nature of Cronus (Saturn) was described in a previous article, which details how Cronus was a cold-hearted man, who devoured and swallowed all the potential of his children, out of fear of them overthrowing him.

Image: Philyra and Cronus via Wikimedia Commons.

Chiron’s wounding is around dysfunctional, unworthy, disrespectful, immature parental figures, who had no empathy or consideration for children.

His father wanted to f**k up the present and future of all his children, out of fear of them superseding him. His ocean nymph mother could not cope with the horrors and SHAME of having a ‘monstrous’ child associated with the qualities of a brash piece of shit centaur. It was UNREQUITED LOVE from both mother and father, due to being unable to give nor RECIPROCATE with this UNIQUE child, what it needed to grow, flourish and feel valued.

Without being supported in life, it is a heartbreak!

Sedna conjunct Chiron in Taurus in the 4th house in the discovery chart, is about initially finding great difficulty to care for one’s self in the physical world, being grounded, but learning to eventually… Chiron, effectively orphaned, was later found by the god Apollo, who took him under his wing and taught him the art of music, lyre, archery, medicine and prophecy. Apollo's twin sister, Artemis, trained him in archery and hunting, and Chiron was able to find WORTH in himself (Taurus) due to their taking him into their FAMILY circle (fourth house).

Chiron higher expression is the sweetheart refusing to allow anyone to kill their heart due to their rejection of them, knowing that one can always find like minded friends, when becoming disconnected from situations and people that don’t want to reciprocate, perhaps because they are incapable of it, or in low vibrational energy.

Chiron was condemned as unworthy, pronounced not valuable in relationship, censured with prejudge for his physical appearance, and disapproved of for not being like-minded or in group-consciousness mob mentality… Many had zero empathy for his uniqueness.

Square peg in a round hole

Initially, nobody would be RECEPTIVE nor COMMIT to Chiron for being socially awkward in many ways, but he chose to COMMIT TO HIMSELF when an opportunity came to him to grow and better himself, despite being a square peg that will never fit into a round hole.

Chiron's uniquely peaceful character, kindness, generosity, and intelligence are attributed to the influence and presence of adoptive parental figures Apollo and Artemis in his life.

Chiron in the fourth house is about inheriting a great wealth from those who raised him and gently moulded him into someone beautiful, who has something highly valuable to offer, due to not only his life experiences, but his GROWTH through tribulations. He was GIFTED with a great support network, that enabled him to become a great man, despite his looks that associated him with self-indulgent, petty delinquents.

Resourceful Chiron was also eventually married to an amazingly talented, spiritually aligned wise woman called Chariklo and had fair biological and adopted children; he had acquired wealth and fortune indeed… despite the strange unfolding of his life and moving through multiple rejections and wounding, by those who could not tolerate him.

Chiron was rich in love, spirit, awareness and abundance and had the paternal linage and family resources to facilitate his desire and creative spark for merit-making in others, thus elevating himself into respect as well.

Chiron conjunct Sedna also says a lot about the great mental and emotional INSECURITY and suffering of the Wounded Healer, and eventually having to clean everything on the inside out for a new lease on life, which happened before and after Chiron decided to give up his immortality, due to his suffering from the poisoned arrow.

Wound: Biting the Generous Hand that Nourishes and Tension in Student - Teacher Relationship

Image: Hercules killing the Hydra via Wikimedia Commons.

There are various versions of how Chiron ended up with the hydra’s poison in his body, and in his system. Essentially, it is accepted that Chiron was pierced with an arrow, perhaps belonging to his student Heracles/Herakles that had been treated with the poisoned blood of the Hydra. It was either accidentally dropped on Chiron’s foot/hoof, or mistakenly shot into his thigh or arm from the arrows shot by Hercules. This happened when Pholus, Hercules and Chiron were all having a peaceful meal together, but the centaurs on the outside of the cave suddenly became intoxicated with the vapour/scent of wine that was opened to drink with the meal, and acted rashly, which provoked Hercules to ward off their attack by wildly shooting arrows around. These arrows had the blood of the Hydra on the sharp edges, and this is what caused Chiron great suffering hence forth, because he was immortal as son of Cronus, and could not die. Everyone else pierced with the poisoned arrows died immediately, including Pholus who was also a civilised Centaur like Chiron.

The poison's virulence made the wound incurable, despite Chiron's skill in healing, thus he was doomed to an eternity of agony.

The Lernaean Hydra was a gigantic, nine-headed water-serpent, which haunted the swamps of Lerna. It had poisonous breath and blood so virulent that even its scent was deadly.

This monster of the watery swamps may be seen as a symbol for the stagnation of the lymph in the body. Its the emotional waters getting stuck in an emotional drama, upset or turmoil, unable to function nor flow in a healthy way, as if poisoned from the inside by venom that paralyses.

In the astrology chart, Chiron/Sedna at 3/4 degrees Taurus square asteroid Hercules at 8 degrees Aquarius, asteroid Lilith at 6 degrees Aquarius and Hermes at 8 degrees Aquarius, and Mars at 2 degrees Leo. Clearly, Chiron landed himself in great tension with his student Hercules, because his genius use of the poisoned arrow to take his opponents out, ended up harming and hurting his teacher, who did not deserve it…

Wound: Pain from Societal Prejudice Around Certain People’s Pedigree and thus Worth in Society, and Keeping a Foot on their Necks

Image: Hercules & Lernaean Hydra via Wikimedia Commons. Attribution: © Scotch Mist / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0

At first, Heracles had been sent to destroy the hydra as one of his twelve labours, but for each of her heads that he decapitated, two more sprang forth. So with the help of Iolaus, he applied burning brands to the severed stumps, cauterising the wounds and preventing the regeneration. The hydra was the offspring of Typhon, who faught Zeus for power when he had dethroned Cronus. The hydra is the monster that Zeus’ wife Hera NOURISHED, having raised her with her quenchless grudge against the mighty Heracles to kill him, whom she hated and had pre-conceived ideas and fears about, because he was the illegitimate child of her perpetually unfaithful husband Zeus, who threatened Hera’s perception of the power and status that lied in being legitimised by marriage and its legitimate succession based on linage only.

This VENOM is another metaphor for the great DESTRUCTIVE war between people to GAIN and keep POWER and INFLUENCE because of who was loyal / committed to who, and who fought for power to keep their agenda afloat, that Chiron inadvertently got caught between, and was greatly physically INJURED.

This venom may also be seen for the venomous pre-conceived JUDGEMENTS, VENDETTA and VENGEANCE that Hera had against anyone who was born out of the legitimacy of marriage, and gaining recognition from their half-blood parentage, but still not ‘good enough’ in Hera’s eyes to be part of the position and rank enjoyed at Olympus. The wound is the lack of empathy and bias.

Chiron never publicly aspired to be recognised as Cronus’ son, but perhaps his public acclaim gained as the merit-making great teacher was seen as a threat to the patriarchy and its status quo. Chiron certainly did not do anything to deserve this WOUNDING in any way… and that is the main point…

The arrow is a symbol and a reflection of life's journey, signifying direction, personal growth, and the relentless pursuit of goals.

Chiron generously shared what he had learnt from wise ones before him, for the benefit of the next generation. There were no selfish motives, other than the joy of seeing his pupils thrive through positive life transitions.

However, this inadvertently and ultimately threatened the status quo of what Hera valued and represented in life, who deemed that only her children was born into the legitimacy of marriage, as WORTHY or ‘good enough’ to have GREATNESS or privileges from the paternal line, over others perceived not valuable enough to have their own spot of deserved sunshine. This is a Chiron wound, and it is not based in reality, but based in the EGOIC SOCIETAL PERCEPTION or superficial mass consciousness of those who deemed themselves above others, as better or more deserving than... gods in other words…


The making trouble Matriarch and queen of the gods Hera was most famous for her JEALOUS and VENGEFUL nature, principally aimed against the lovers of her husband Zeus and his illegitimate offspring.

She was feared for her SCORNFUL nature. Hera represents POLITICAL POWER and SACRED MARRIAGE as can be seen in the Judgement of Paris, in which she tried to bribe Paris with power over all of Asia. Hera plays a significant part in the Iliad, because she hated Paris for choosing Aphrodite over her as ‘the most beautiful’. Throughout the epic, Hera made many attempts to thwart the Trojan army. In books 1 and 2, Hera declared that the Trojans must be destroyed, and devised many schemes, even seducing Zeus to get her way.

In Greek mythology, Hera was pleasure-seeking Zeus’ jealous but eternally faithful wife wanting to keep her title and linage EXALTED. Hera was another marginalised woman known for her PLOTS with a treacherous end, dirt-digging, possessiveness and REVENGE that turned toxic due to her husband’s voyeurism and many ‘love’ children, whom she often launched toxic, jealous and calculated attacks on. Hera didn’t want Zeus’ children out of wedlock to overshadow her legitimate children, yet Hera had none of the good qualities of motherhood herself, thus her INSECURITY to maintain her fantasy of some perfection.

In her mind, Hera believed in anti-meritocracy, appearances and position, and that Zeus’ children born outside the CLOUT of marriage, wasn’t an important person, nor worthy of acknowledgement, recognition, social chemistry, or being seen.

Hera sees them worthy of her active snub, for her aggressive preservation of RANK and ELEVATION above them, as somehow more IMPORTANT… Thus the low vibrational egotistical justification for DEMOTION OF STATUS of those who have worthy inner qualities, are attractive, and are good people, like Hercules... Hera was in COMPETITION with Hercules… and ATTACKED… and labeled him as a NOBODY… due to her insecurity/self-esteem issues… Materialistic Hera wanted Hercules to live with the public persona she had assigned to him, and here this represents the Chiron wound in the extended version… via the poison/venom of the hydra hurting Chiron…


In Hera’s mind, Zeus’ love children bastards had to be excluded, bullied, marginalised, hidden and eliminated by the toxic stepmother, because they didn’t fit into matriarch Hera’s ideology regarding HIERARCHY, INHERITANCE, FIT FOR LEADERSHIP, PEDIGREE and KINGDOM in Olympus. To have their status lowered and being ignored. Hera’s fears are not specifically addressed as such in Greek mythology, however, her actions suggest that she feared the loss of her husband and power in being connected to him. These were her INSECURITIES. Hera felt precious about being faithful, but was not loyal herself, as she launched many failed revolutions against husband Zeus, and she wasn’t able to extend faithfulness to extended family, which meant that she was a HYPOCRITE who acted from her insecurities regarding POLITICAL STANDING. She was threatened by those who challenged her AUTHORITY position, while being in a position to help, but self-indulging and abusing her power instead. See this article, and the section on Hera, to understand what Hera and her emotionally stunted toxic loop represents better.

In the discovery chart of Chiron, asteroid Hera is at 18 degrees Libra, in tight conjunction with the cluster on the MC, tightly sandwiched between Pluto and Venus.

This represents Hera’s battles, and the perception behind her haughty manipulations in relationships in the 10th house of public standing and being seen in the world for merit…

Hera in the 10th house of Chiron’s discovery chart and so close to the North Node of Fate, is the vanity-driven HATER OF WORTH AND MERIT in occupation or how one is seen in the world, having to transform the negative behaviour regarding the narcissistic working against another’s status or position, into having to allow what is… to be. This despite perhaps initially foaming or trothing at the mouth, being as stubborn as an ass, and carrying jealousy bad habits, grudges and toxicity about it.

Wound: Diminishing Self-Worth and Optimism as a Result of Great Differences in People’s Values and Character


Arrows have deep symbolism and vital role in history. They represent everything from friendship to war, to a certain aspired to trajectory of one’s life. Why? Because one individual’s elevation causes the insecurity and jealousy of another, who don’t want to lose the benefits that they initially had hoarded at another’s expense, which symbolises another WOUND of Chiron energy, perhaps best represented by Eris conjunct the South Node in Aries. It’s a very deep wound around being DEFAMED and DEVALUED for initially not having the appearance of FUTURE CLOUT, because the IC represents issues that lie very deep in a person’s psyche, which is what Chiron perhaps overcame due to his fine civilised education that does self-reflection and self-inspection, but those unfair power-hungry and desirous of clout around him, could not…

Chiron could calm the ego, where others could not…

Chiron could abstain from hurting others, where others could not resist the temptation to be vile…

Chiron could refuse to abuse his position over others for selfish gain, where others could not…

Chiron could be authentic, where others would rather be false, masking their true character or scheming…

Chiron could enjoy the wealth given to him, where others wanted to be the gold digger stealing fortune belonging to another….

Chiron could enjoy the benefits of change, progression and forward movement, where the greedy wanted to stay stagnant with with their ill gotten gained hoard.

Chiron could give others their freedom, where the pocket-watcher wanted to entrap.

Chiron could allow his spiritual inheritance to come to him because he was worthy of it, where others wanted to take it away from another for a self-indulgent gain.

Chiron could see his own divinity, and how others did not want him to see or have the perception of it, for it being innate in everybody… worthy of it in all ways…

In astrology, Chiron is known as the "wounded healer" and is considered to represent our deepest emotional and spiritual wounds. It is associated with the archetype of the "healer" or "shaman" and represents our ability to transform pain and suffering into healing, growth and elevation.

The Magnificence of the High Honour of Chiron Immortalised

A great healer, astrologer, and respected oracle, Chiron was said to be the first among centaurs and highly revered as a teacher and tutor.

Ironically, Chiron, the teacher who mastered the healing arts and understood real fairness, could not heal himself in later years, and eventually willingly gave up his immortality to find his release from the physical life.

It was up to Heracles to make a bargain with Zeus to make a swap to exchange Chiron's immortality, for the life of Prometheus who had been chained to a rock where an eagle pecked out his regenerating liver for his transgressions for stealing the fire of the gods, and giving it to humans. Chiron willingly sacrificed himself to save Prometheus, in a situation considered ‘what is good for goose, is good for the gander’.

Prometheus was the mythological figure who had stolen fire from the gods for the benefit of humanity. Prometheus was being punished horribly by Zeus, king of the gods for this transgression until Chiron voluntarily took his place. After nine days of suffering — having his liver slowly nibbled by a vulture — Chiron was rescued by Zeus. Due to his suffering, his half-brother Zeus took pity on innocent Chiron, and freed him and thus placed him among the stars in the sky to be honoured, and the honour was a great one indeed… The Greeks identified him as the constellation Centaurus, which is the bright constellation in the southern sky, and one of the largest constellations. According to Wikipedia, this magnificent constellation has many notable stars, which include Alpha Centauri, the nearest star system to the Solar System, its neighbour in the sky Beta Centauri, and V766 Centauri, one of the largest stars yet discovered. The constellation also contains Omega Centauri, the brightest globular cluster as visible from Earth and the largest identified in the Milky Way, possibly a remnant of a dwarf galaxy.

Image: A Hubble Space Telescope (HST) image of the dust disk in front of the nucleus of Centaurus A. Credit: HST/NASA/ESA/STScl. via Wikimedia Commons.

Image: Johann Bayer -- Lupus and Centaurus via Wikimedia Commons.

Centaurus contains several very bright stars. Its alpha and beta stars are used as "pointer stars" to help observers find the constellation Crux.

Centaurus has 281 stars above magnitude 6.5, meaning that they are visible to the unaided eye, the most of any constellation.

Chiron in his own discovery chart squares Mars at 2 degrees Leo. This may be seen as the tension that existed between Chiron and the centaurs. Chiron was a centaur (half man and half horse) by appearance, but who had none of the qualities of the other centaurs, who were known to be brash, bawdy, pretentious, loud and loved to brawl and fight.

Chiron also trines both Saturn at 29 degrees Leo and asteroid Apollo, which are the names of Chiron’s biological father and adoptive father, which may indicate that Chiron put any beef he might have had with his biological father, in the past, unbothered.

Chiron in his own chart is also in tight orb opposition to asteroid Pallas Athena, and trans-Neptunian object Varda in the house of profession (10th house), which may be seen as the task to find wise strategy, to bring LIGHT to social situations that are challenging, like the public acclaim, hard work that brings dividends, of young men in the heroic age, where battling with an opponent was a way of life at the time. As well as being the teacher, instructor and mentor that others come to who seek answers rooted in wisdom, expecting for Chiron to have “the keys” to unlock, in fair exchange of energy.

The 4th house and 10th house axis is about having invested in the long term benefits of a situation.

It’s the way in which role model Chiron lived his life mastering his craft and enjoying his blessings, and that life continued for him, despite being severely wounded.

It’s being able to provide apprenticeship to boys who were wet behind the ears, all the way to growing into honourable, elevated young men - connected to their own divinity - to attain mastery of certain detailed skills, artistry, or being able to perform a task or honest work, that were valuable to ancient Greek society.

It’s also the passing on of generational knowledge (4th house) to the next in line, to eventually shine in rank in the 10th house, perhaps even surpassing or improving on a teaching, for a new one to become a pillar of society. This is good growth for the benefit of all. It’s about the simplicity of putting time and energy into mastering a skill in FAIRNESS and HARMONY (10th house Libra MC cluster), that results in achievement and accolades for genuine MERIT, that may take years to gain. Its obtaining the keys for a life of personal achievement that can grow itself, and benefit society as well.

It’s about applying one’s self to get ahead, not being indulgent trying to f**k others up for unrighteously obtained sunshine, clout, or fake pats on the back (Eris conjunct South Node in Aries, as was discussed in Part 2). It’s about NOT cutting corners, or feeling entitled to step on another’s neck by compromising, scheming, manipulation, devaluation, or falseness. There has to be order, ethics, morals, culpability and overcoming of immaturity, not blaming or criticising others who has work ethic or diligence to attain their goals. It’s about NOT being mean, bigoted, envious, SPITEFUL, unjust, non-committal or causing good people heartbreak, material or reputational ruin. Not having bad intentions for those of deserved merit, like pocket-watching Zeus who wanted to take innovative Achilles out of his divine energy flow, to fall flat on his face in the eyes of society, due to discord in the heart.

Wound: Pain due to Underhanded Behaviour to Ruin A Man of Great Honour and Worth

Chiron is also in a more wide 7 degree opposition to the Sun cluster with Ixion and Uranus, which is the challenge to shine in situations of shocking betrayals, like for example many of the young men under his tutelage, he grew close bonds with, graduating with MERIT, only to fight and some died in the Trojan War, perhaps with their POTENTIALS UNREALISED which may be seen as a massive INJUSTICE, as the age of heroes came to an end due to half-brother Zeus’ rouse to depopulate the earth significantly because it suited him.

There is a Yod apex on Uranus and Ixion in Scorpio, from Eris in Aries sextile Varuna in Gemini. This powerful directional focus of energies makes the Uranus/Ixion conjunction particularly pronounced in Chiron energy, in the form of shocking immaturity and brutal betrayals in society (11th house), as was described in greater detail in Part 2 . Eris in single-minded Aries and Varuna in two-minded Gemini are two very opposing energies in nature, and bearing down on Uranus/Ixion, the result is bound to be nothing but very surprising and utterly selfish and self-indulgent in the 11th house of community…

This scandalous disturbance of other’s peace with drama, chaos and conflict is not upstanding behaviour from those who purport themselves good leaders of society… who instead cheat to get ahead… negotiating with ulterior motives.

Both gold-digger Zeus and his jealous wife Hera (who were on the same evil wave length) felt very entitled to all the accolades for themselves; invested in defeating and trampling on others to attain rewards without effort. Being jealous of whatever opportunities or blessings others had created for themselves via their own effort, or what they might attain based on claiming advantages based on bloodline. What a selfish mess? It was all based in hate and ego, for others NOT to be loved, deemed worthy and celebrated for their potentials, or seen as industrious or confident…

Both adversaries wanted desperately to be better than others - with GREAT INTENSITY - and achieve and maintain those superficial things via a takedown of others. It’s off balanced and sickening… because both wanted to be seen as an innocent party… They both wanted all the public display of love, affection or happiness, to go their way, in cat and mouse battle games.

Image: The Education of Achilles, by James Barry via Wikimedia Commons.

Wound: The Great Disappointment due to those Operating from the Ego to Expand their Business

This wound is about the egotistical LACK OF RESPECT for the things that were important to Chiron, like his valuable time, his energy, his home base, his family, his students, his livelihood and his sincere investment and devotion in nurturing young people into growth and expansion for themselves in a balanced way. Some people did not meet the high standards that Chiron had of them, due to creating imbalances and not understanding alchemy. Chiron did not expect to be thrown under the bus (Chiron conjunct Sedna) for all the kind effort he put in to being generous with others, for the betterment of all. Chiron had a heart of gold, and it was not reciprocated or reflected back to him; they did not show him the love that he deserved.


Chiron had to learn to be very selective for whom he played hero, because there had been a lot of deception, chaos and trickery in Greek polite society.

Scandalous Zeus created a big mess, to which many in his collaboration turned a blind eye to, and Chiron and his students - many of whom were Zeus’ own children - had been thrown under the bus, due to Hera’s poison via the hydra’s venom, and Zeus’ greedy personal ambitions. NARCISSISTIC Zeus wanted to keep his good reputation in society for the expansion of his influence, networking and business, while f**king it up at the same time, being in denial of the injustice as well, sitting on his throne smirking…

Chiron had to discipline his empathy, and allow the age of heroes… to die

Birds of a feather flock together, and Chiron could not achieve more of what he had set out to do, with the UNPRINCIPLED SOCIOPATH king of the gods undoing it all, for his own reckless self-aggrandisement. Zeus wanted to take all the emotional satisfaction and HOPE out of the situation, for his own narcissistic delight and end game in getting Achilles out of the way; to be the only one left standing on his exalted, ‘justified’ pedestal….

There is no point in seeking the truth from deceptive, sabotaging self-serving individuals, or hurting one’s head trying to understand them, because there is only darkness, scandals, and manipulations. Snarky and sneaky Zeus just continually put many people in an emotional and mental maze of confusion, while pretending to be an upstanding, moral pillar of society, who lived in justice and fairness with his systems of rulership. What was presented to society was nothing but a blasphemous illusion; there was no integrity in it.

Perhaps Chiron realised that he needed to get to the next destination of his life, because there was no point exhausting himself anymore with the narcissistic situation, while in physical pain from the Hydra’s poison, which can be seen as a metaphor for the ambitions of other people, that try to destroy, the emotional satisfaction and perception of worth of their own divinity, in others… How else could Chiron help the situation, to see more young men find their divine niche or calling, when he had already guided all his students and watched them fly high into their own victories…


Chiron in Aries Transits of 2024, 2025 and 2026.

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