The Hypocrisy of the Love-Bomber Gaslighter Romancing for Acquisition and Starting a War for Appearances

This is part 10 of a series of articles about Eris Greek Goddess of Discord and Strife in astrology that looks at the attempts to dim another’s light, by slapping down in malice those who are fair, loved, upstanding and respected, to turn the high frequency person upside down, to force them to have self-doubt, lose faith, go into a cage, be small. One’s reality is created by the perceptions of one’s observations, and this is the tool that low vibrational players use to make the surroundings of honourable people appear the complete opposite of the love and divinity that they carry on the inside,

through INVERSION, JUDGEMENTS or ILLUSION. Why? The beauty, sanctity, and devotion on the inside, flows to the outside, and that bright light of genuine inspiration, innocence, purity, joy or empathy triggers and bothers players, who in comparison may be clout chasing, materialistic, egotistical warmongers, as was eloquently illustrated by Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, as in part 1 to 9 in the Eris Vanity and Clout Chasing series. This article looks at the asteroid (763) Cupido in Eris’ discovery chart, and what we can learn about the energy dynamics through this study.

Eris is all about how people interact with others; how they conflict, compete or join harmoniously. It’s especially evident in the cheating to get to the top, because this is where people’s true colours are shown and the virtuous wheat is separated from the chaff.

These are about the controlling, spoilt and entitled who just want the rewards of qualities that another has, or the work that they had put in, in the form of taking rewards without effort, and cares nothing for anything else. It’s about the mirror on the wall repeatedly revealing who is the fairest, and the antagonist repeatedly throwing tantrums, for they prefer the skewed reality based on inversion of truth instead. Still the mirror will not tell lies… so an apple has to be poisoned, in order to get rid of the competition… They think it is not fair that the deserving get the EXALTATION and opportunities they deserve, and the envier has to be without, so instead ajudications were made, and situations manipulated, for those who

didn’t do the work, to be rewarded for what they don’t deserve, nor have the merit to maintain. Somehow in the skewed perception these kinds of injustices are justified to be fair, due to the discombobulated emotions the envier feels in the heart and the mental imbalance that often goes with it to control people, resulting in disaster. Things have to be rearranged against fairness, justice and natural order, so that the lazy and ‘feeling entitled’ feel better, and get what they want.

The unwholesome, maniacle CHAOS AGENT had been pretending to be WHOLESOME and everyone had believed the smoke screen projected deservedness. Why? For the intimidated bothered jealous to exploit the goodness of kind, generous and innocent people, and hand out the short end of the stick to them… to make their way to the top.

The idea behind starting a war causing harm is for the loss of great potential to eat away at others, so that the antagonist can feel that satisfaction from the waste that they had created. The dark situation that was created and the effect that the devastation has on all parties, is the blessing-blocker’s sense of victory.

Why War against Who or What is Beautiful, Attractive, Accomplished, Good, and has Moral Compass?

Image: Helen of Troy via Wikimedia Commons.

The Iliad and Odyssey are about people with beautiful qualities (who allow and are in the flow) and those who envy them, who want to throw a stalemate spanner in the works, to benefit from them, or take them out of their spotlight entirely, because they want the materialistic EXALTATION rewards, or to be seen in that light instead.

In truth, grandness is not about being competitive, better than others, or about comparing oneself to others because it is innate in divinity; it is what it is. Grandness is self-full, because it is the birthright of every human being that takes the effort to ignore the ego, and allow their innate divinity as part of the human experience. By allowing the grandness of divinity, one’s experiences and reality are created by the perception of one’s observations. For anything to materialise in the world, there has to be consciousness, for something to be observed, so that the perception of it becomes so; this is QUANTUM PHYSICS. It’s the divine potentials that lie dormant, for the observer to become aware of them, and makes them their reality, and their story. When you observe life as an independent divine being having a human experience, that is what you’ll get; the potentials turn into reality to live out. Life is based on the perception of the observer and how they perceive it. This is why people should never allow their perception or their story to be dependent on another human being. Being independent, in healthy relationship to others, is key.

Previous articles have described in detail the extreme domination of Pluto, Scorpio and 8th house themes in Eris’ discovery chart.

It’s the corrupting, stalking influence of destroyer Pluto, and trickster energy of Mercury (perception) on Venus (heart’s desires, beauty, purity, healthy sensing and feeling, empathy, and love) in the 9th house Sagittarius of vision and idealism.

This is the corruption that causes the self-doubt and hopelessness that is so rife with Eris energy, and the flipping of the script to make the innocent the guilty scapegaot. It’s also the great potential for Venus conjunct the Galactic centre to rise from the ashes of ruin, purified and born anew…

Eris higher expression is about those who have found their source of spiritual love within, and about the lower expression who wants to steal that spiritual love and try to hoard it for themselves, with the TWISTED UP PERCEPTION that by disadvantaging another, they can fake manufacture what made the envied shine.


But the ego and low vibrational loves to distort truth, tell false stories, cause doubt, put people in bondage to their false narratives and their corrupting energy, and make them feel small in comparison to others. This is about the people like higher expression Eris and Achilles, who don’t want to buy into the ego’s schemes, nor the entanglement and entrapment in low vibrational energy, that come in the form of antagonistic players like Zeus, Paris, Agamemnon, Odysseus etc.

This is about loyal, devoted goddesses and disloyal players and how the differences in qualities, intentions for others, values, level of integrity are too far apart. There is a huge misalignment in values between the two parties, and this values clash makes relationship between them irreconcilable. One person knows their worth and grandness as a divine being having a human experience, bringing superlative experiences into their life, but when one envious party lives from insecurity, staging hopelessness defeats for others, this Eris juxtaposition just isn’t a match for the benevolence and good fortune that can be had when one lives an honest, healthy heart life, that is in harmony with natural law and order. When not operating from the leadership, worth and wisdom of the heart, there is potential for corruption and ego distortion, that create great ripple effects of misfortune, that cause the survivors to go through a dark night of the soul experience, to heal, and hopefully rise again from the ashes of ruin.

It’s about a highly perceptive person, versus another that is false and want to hide their true colours by calling judgements or creating confusion.

This article is about those who are put through a massive trial due to being singled out by players who wanted to finesse and blindside them using DISTORTED PERCEPTION to harm them socially.

And despite great sorrow and personal misfortune, finding their way to healing, recuperation, growing and elevating into their own abundant, grand goddess energy (male or female); having no doubt about their worth and perception of who they are as superlative creator beings. This focus on perception can be seen in multiple places in Eris’ discovery chart, like the mutual reception of Uranus in Pisces in the 12th house and Neptune in Aquarius in the 11th house. Also the cluster around Venus in Sagittarius in the 9th house, and the mutual reception of Venus in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Libra, brings a particular focus on perception of Self versus others in relationship. Find part 1 here.

Eris higher expression people are sweet, compassionate, pure of heart, wise, loving and caring, abundant, and stable, and they live close to their divinity because they have endured, overcome and alchemised a lot to be where they’re at, and this is often becomes a huge problem at the start of Eris transits. At the heart of the problem is the Eris lower expression, that turns antagonistic enemy and wants to degrade this beautiful, wise, intelligent person with illusions or trickery, in shocking and upsetting ways; like losing their spiritual quest.

It’s the Eris polarity of vice versus virtue; getting satisfaction from causing suffering or loss for another. Inverting a confident, self-sufficient person; for a selfish gain, to win a competition for excellence, often out of jealousy or envy, due to denial of emotional truth, and wanting to feel superior. Why? Because one party feels empty on the inside; they don’t give recognition to their own divinity, thus the tarnishing of another and the attempt to disconnect them from the goodness that lives inside every human being, but few truely own up to. It’s jealousy, because players want the rewards that come from perceiving themselves as their own divinity, but they want to live a low vibrational ego-driven life instead…

This article is about why the fairest and the starstruck don’t gel… because one wants what the other has, and may ruin their life to get it and keep the injustice in place.

This is important information to understand, because although Eris square Pluto’s direct five squares are over, they will be in orb until 2024. Eris will also conjunct Chiron, Jupiter and Saturn in the next few years until 2028… The energy of Uranus square Saturn’s old versus new battle will be rapping it up in coming months, but Eris transits will be prominent from 2020 - 2028+.

Please note that this article contains some triggering information and has adult themes, see the disclaimer.

It would be beneficial for investigators, detectives, law enforcers, law experts, etc. to learn about these dynamics, for they are the people who will have to be the adjudicators when these dramatic events, hate crimes, and disputes between people arise, around what is acceptable social behaviour, and who is the real villain.

Eris energy often entail abuse or crimes of passion against the innocent; who did nothing wrong other than be true authentic Self, and that stirring the evil minded devilish in another to put them in bondage, or destroy their life… It’s a situation that involves missing the empathy gene…

It’s the vice and virtue polarity of Eris Greek Goddess of Discord and Strife in Astrology.

Root of the War? Illumination of Authenticity and Truth around the Eris Juxtaposition and Judication on the Disproving Actions called Psychological Projection

The Eris juxtaposition often starts around situations that are clear as day, and people that are highly transparent, truthful, honest and accomplished.

A triggered antagonist with jealousy in the heart, comes up with a challenge in the form of a scheme to cause CONFUSION, by saying that something simple and clear to see, isn’t really what it is.

The antagonist tries to find problems in a situation, that is so transparent, and bring those ‘to light’ instead. It’s also about saying that someone isn’t who they really are, nor what they say they are. Everything is completely transparent, but they want to present the situation in a corrupted

form instead, by projecting onto a person or situation. However, the truth is, that the antagonistic projector is the party who is not transparent, and who is in the habit of discreet deception. What a lark? But in real life, this is not quite so funny when good people get turned upside down by the devil in disguise… It’s corrupt and dishonest, and it starts with someone who wants to contest integrity, often so that good people don’t receive what is rightfully theirs, and that is at the HEART of it. This is done by making situations or people out to be, what they are not…

It’s to confuse, gaslight and manipulate people around the truthful and transparent. And it is to delay good people from their blessings, hoping that they miss out entirely… This may cause immense pain and suffering, but sometimes this works in the favour of good natured people, so that the bitter truth be illuminated, obstacles in the road clear, and healing of the heart take its natural course. It is better to get rid of the false associates in life, because if not given the opportunity to expose themselves, run their mouths, and hang themselves, it can lead to greater pain. Ultimately, the truth redeems. For there to be no more room to be sceptical, doubtful, or questioning.

The problem with making these accusations and building cases against innocent people, is that the more they work to bury another, it exposes to the audience who they really are, what their values and qualities really are. Why? Projections that narcissists make on others, are often truths about themselves.

The claims made by the OPINION SHAPER to disprove, can backfire as confessions about their own character. The false investigator digging for dirt, can end up digging a hole for themselves as a FALSE PERCEPTION INFLUENCER.

Lies may travel fast, but the truth endures.

This is the irony of trying to get a good person out of character. The smear campaign may end up exposing the truth, and the whole ugly truth around psychological projection.

Just because the antagonist put on a big show to get others to see their narrative, doesn’t make it true. The truth always rises to the surface, and this brings HUMILIATION and SHAME for the lies. In cases like these, the truth that had been out in the first place, is recognised as authentic, however, what had been in the dark also comes out. Everything is seen. It is also recognised that this whole exercise to disprove or diminish someone for who they really are, or for their hard work, was for the antagonist to VALIDATE themselves for not having what the envied has. Living in denial of truth, is really not a life worth living. These are HUMANISTIC Eris issues, and good people need to learn not to internalise these projections, that may just be reflections of unaware people about themselves, and how they really perceive and feel about themselves. Discern the truth and speak judication where it is due. This is the paradigm shift that is valuable to turn a bad situation around with alchemy.

Secure people own their authenticity and truth, they don’t project onto others. When you are authentic, you cannot be disproved. This is why inauthentic people with secrets are bothered by the authentic, because they cannot operate in their midst, and might be scared to have truths exposed about themselves.

Yet in choosing to target another in a falsehood gossip, slander or smear campaign, this action entails that the Wheel of Fortune GRANDE DESIGN must spin and bring restitution…

In the Boomerang Yod, it is Neptune/Juno that barrels down with Quaoar onto the apex with both ILLUSIONS and ENLIGHTENMENT on and about the star that shines brightly… for social justice… whats fair is fair…


Psychological Projection War, Confusion Creation, Influencing Opinions and Who is the Fairest Switch-up?

Wikipedia describes psychological projection as a defence mechanism of alterity concerning "inside" content mistaken to be coming from the "outside" It forms the basis of empathy by the projection of personal experiences to understand someone else's subjective world. In its malignant forms, it is a defense mechanism in which the ego defends itself against disowned and highly negative parts of the self by denying their existence in themselves and attributing them to others, breeding misunderstanding and causing untold interpersonal damage. A bully may project their own feelings of vulnerability onto the target. Or a person who is confused may project feelings of confusion and inadequacy onto other people. Projection incorporates blame shifting and can manifest as shame dumping. Projection may help a fragile ego reduce anxiety, but at the cost of a certain dissociation, or even denial of emotional truth.

It’s wanting for another person to think and feel through the same distorted lens. It’s entails the heart and the eyes being closed off to the consequences of taking a victory over another by using projection. A healthy empath has no need for psychological projection. Why would they, when they own their own emotional truth and flaws and if they should experience sudden discombobulated emotions, they are far more likely to own it as a source of an inside reaction to the outer world, rather than blaming or shaming others, for what might be an inside ‘job’. The empath is the fairest, because they don’t go on a destructive rampage aimed at others when triggered. They are far more likely to see the truth of a situation, speak the truth for the betterment of others, or address the truth in some form, which then invariably triggers the in-denial antagonist even more… perhaps into more abusive behaviour.

Definition of Fairest:
1. free from bias, dishonesty and injustice;
2. legitimately sought, done, given etc. under the rules, a fair fight;
3. unblemished, untainted;
4. beautiful and lovely to look at;
5. good and valuable;
6. pleasant or courteous,
7. correct or just;
8. equal shares or treatment.
— Various Online Sources

It’s about not drawing self-confidence, self-worth or payoff money in the bank account, based on what can be stolen from someone else that has value. It’s about not using materialistic values, hoarded wealth, accumulated clout, or superficial things to prop up the ego self-importance, at another’s expense.

Edification, elevation and growth sometimes comes from the experience of this Eris polarity, because distractions, illusions, and faulty foundations need to crumble before people can truely have the solid foundation to be the best version of themselves. Some things have to be identified and allowed to die, or the junk has to be discarded, before the Eris rising from the ashes of ruin can happen that is mentioned in this and the following article.

Eris higher expression people are the catalysts that evoke progress and change in others by default.

Their authenticity and fair qualities triggers a response, about how the players are in comparison that stirs villains and drama that we read about in the Iliad, Odyssey and Eris’ mythology. Eris energy is all about the focus on Self, versus the focus on other people. It’s the entanglement that corrupt, and the independence that enrich.

Eris Romance for Acquisition: Blindside and Sideswipe to Take Over, and ‘Hell has no Fury like a Woman Scorned’

Eris is the deliberate plotting, scheming and causing of chaos in love connections by the shapeshifter. True love EXALTS all parties, but when one party gets greedy or deceptive to win, they disrupt the real love. When faced with what is more important, it’s not looking within at the inner conflict within self, nor working on mutual progress with others, it’s malicious winning-at-all-cost over others instead.

Love-bombing is the action or practice of lavishing someone with attention or affection, especially in order to influence, manipulate or set up for a let down.

The goal to make the recipient feel dependent, loyal and obligated to that person. The chilling tactic to shower ‘love’ is often used by narcissists, abusers, and even con artists; to manipulate energy in a dark way.

What makes love bombing so confusing for the recipient is that at first, it actually feels really good due to all the DOPAMINE and ENDORPHIN boosts obtained from the bomber's lavish attention. They make the target feel special, needed, loved, valuable, and worthy, which are all the components that contribute to and increase a person’s self-esteem. For a while, things seems beyond perfect, with all the validation and affirmation one could want. But later down the line, after the love bomber has gained trust, the conning, manipulation, and abuse begin. Like a switch, this person who once made the target feel like royalty starts to belittle, control, and devalue their target, as the BULLY. This is the ever-adapting, cloaking hater who didn’t want to show their real face. The fake support FEEDING, to get a feeding and SUPPLY of energy in return evaporates… and the chilling BRIBERY horror show and mind games becomes clear… It is recognised that the love bomber had been trying to APPEAR to be the unconditionally loving party, and wanted for the target to be IGNORANT and keep the blindfold on for as longs as possible, for the situation to unfold, for success of the deception that cause mental and emotional turmoil.

It’s the seduction of romantic illusion. It’s the feeding of illusions in relationship, for the ego to feel good (ENERGETIC BRIBERY), that when believed, becomes self-delusion.

To blindside is to launch an evil-minded surprise attack or war, usually with harmful results, that comes from an obstructed or hidden place, often from a fake friend or poser.

Eris’ discovery chart has multiple signatures of the action of blindsiding another person to get the upper hand, who had been lulled into subtle submission to A HIDDEN AGENDA through ROMANCE, CHARMING and FLIRTATION.

It’s to hit someone in courtship who is facing in another direction suddenly and very hard with a surprise shock to cause TRAUMA. In this article we will be exploring CUPIDO and this mythological character’s contribution to Eris energy’s nature. To attack someone from the direction where they cannot see it coming, is typical of the antagonist versus the protagonist dynamics seen in movies, theatres and even computer games; to destroy their DREAMS. The foulest of Eris dynamics often take place in close relationships where there is some built-up level of trust, or MUTUAL EXALTATION for all parties where there is some

agreement collaboration. The Boomerang Yod is just another fine example of the desire for self-obsessed EXALTATION by blindsiding and sideswiping in Eris’ discovery chart, since it is in the nature of a Yod apex to receive energy from the two planets that sextile, in an inconjunct/quincunx aspect, which by its very nature, is BLINDSIDING and SUDDENLY SHAPESHIFTING when activated. This was discussed in great detail in an online course that was designed to understand the dynamics of a Yod. The Yod apex receives energy from two blindspots, deceptively nebulous planet Neptune in Aquarius paired with asteroid Juno (commitment, marriage), and Quaoar in Sagittarius. Both these energies barrel down on the conjunction of asteroid Cupido, Sirius and Varuna, and then shoots off at the SUN. This sudden forceful TAKEOVER energy in the house of public acclaim can cause empires that once had great fortune and stability… to fall from grace or backfire. Why? The energetic integrity is no longer there… as the energy that held it up disperses.


In relationship self-absorbed ROMANCING FOR ACQUISITION emotional cheaters sometimes want to misunderstand another, especially when they can get a benefit out of misunderstanding them, without having to connect to their pain, with the one sidedness. The idea is to DISTRACT and make people feel insecure about their attachments in relationship, manipulating HEART STRINGS or feel inadequate or uncertain so they get paranoid. It’s the narcissistic hypocrite making a MOCKERY out of love, devotion and what has SACREDNESS and GENEROSITY.

In relationship, this warring blindsiding or sideswiping can result in ACUTE PAIN which is innate in Eris energy and this is often underneath all the anger, resulting in a situation where ‘Hell has no fury like a woman scorned’.

This somewhat misquoted phrase from a 1697 English playwright conveys the idea that a scorned woman (who had been betrayed, rejected for her love or simply just romantically rejected) captures the emotions of a queen whose emotions got entangled in a LETHAL LOVE TRIANGLE, where she was replaced with a rival. "Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned" is the full quotation from William Congreve's 'The Mourning Bride' (1697). An earlier play by Colley Cibber ‘Love’s Last Shift’ (1696) we find the lines: “He shall find no Fiend in Hell can match the fury of a disappointed Woman! - Scorned! slighted! dismissed without a parting Pang!”

Eris was conjunct Ixion (betrayal and disloyalty), and Uranian planet Cupido in the year 1695/6 at 6 degrees Libra when this play was so popular; that it stuck and is still referenced today… It’s a bad juju alchemical mix.

In relationship, sometimes one’s flattering lover and one’s blessing-blocker enemy are all rolled into one two faced, clout-hungry bounty hunter looking for a gain.

Don Juans and Femme Fatales play the role of the defiling lover in courtship, even in platonic relationships, as an antic to emotionally manipulate and fool, as the UNAPOLOGETIC con artist SNAKE that leaves scars and tears love apart. The SHAPESHIFTER has a self-serving dream, and to fulfil a self-fulfilling fantasy, that doesn’t include the happiness of others.

It’s obsession and toxicity in trying to steal someone’s romance, appearance, attractiveness, great fortune or love in the eyes of others, to leave them empty, and feel bereft of everything. Playing with love is devilish and it is mean. It is meant to eat away at the betrayed, so that the betrayer can feel that satisfaction from another’s sadness, pining or desperation at the restoration of the fake ‘love’. It’s sick and corrupt and for some this SWEET-TALKING and LOVE-BOMBING becomes a DARK SPIRITUAL PRACTICE with which they purposefully demolish

relationships to the point of no return. What was once wholesome, hopeful and beautiful amongst people, turn into an opportunity for a OPPORTUNISTIC PAYDAY at another’s expense. It’s for self-enrichment that another’s LOVE AND POTENTIAL IN RELATIONSHIP is targeted, and they are put down in the dumps. The mean envier can’t stand the envied’s creativity, light, essence or admiration received, because it shows they lack those qualities to achieve their own EXALTATION based on their own merit pot of gold within, which they don’t bother to look for.

Hypocrisy is the contrivance of a false appearance of virtue or goodness, while concealing real character or inclinations. It’s the joker who really enjoys living this conceited way. It was Carl Jung who attributed hypocrisy to those who are not aware of the repressed dark or shadow-side of their nature.

According to Wikipedia, the word hypocrisy comes from the Greek (hypokrisis), which means "jealous", "play-acting", "acting out", "coward" or "dissembling". The word hypocrite is associated with "judgment" and "critics". It’s also associated with meaning to be under "sifting or deciding". Thus the original meaning implied a deficiency in the ability to discern, especially as the word later developed to be understood as "play-acting", which is the assumption of a counterfeit persona. This persona is taken on with the intent to appear one way, while consciously using a mask to fool others and gain a political benefit in relation.

Hypocritical deception claims loyalty which does not exist, and identity which is not authentically true. It claims consistency that they cannot sustain, and morality that they do not possess. It’s professing to have deep and sincere emotions, when it is all “play-acting” of emotions, projected beliefs, principles, stance or opinions that are false. It’s duplicity and fraud.

Starting a War with Political Manoeuvres for Clout, Esteem and Control: Quintessential Player Stealing Another’s Essence to be a Poser

Define Clout chasing
1. someone who tries to earn undeserved fame or influence;
2. a person who is thought to be desperate in intent on attaining fame, such as leveraging their proximity to famous people or doing things considered foolish, degrading, or dangerous;
3. a person who attempts to gain political or social power and influence;
— Various Online Sources

In Eris’s discovery chart, there are multiple signatures of pairing up or partnerships, and in the Yod below we see Neptune is conjunct asteroid Juno. Juno is the asteroid of marriage and commitment. In Roman and Greek mythology, Juno/Hera was the wife of Jupiter (aka Zeus), and she was hailed for her unbreakable loyalty to her disloyal husband. She's also responsible for the pairing of soulmates, and successful marriages, but conjunct Neptune Juno’s influence is weakened, yet still part of the Yod. There is also an asteroid called Hera in the 8th house, which is discussed in part 11.

In a chart, Cupido is where chemistry, companionship and partnerships are the main component. This has varied implications depending on how the chart is read, from two people, to family, social relations, clubs, organisations or corporations. It’s many different kinds of partnerships, like for example creative or cooperative ventures. In Uranian astrology, there is a hypothetical trans-Neptunian planet called Cupido, and there is also an asteroid (763) called Cupido.

Both CUPIDOS seem to be highly relevant in Eris’ discovery chart, and will be mentioned here since it has been established that VANITY and NARCISSISM is highly involved in Eris lower expression. Like planet Venus, this Cupido is about attraction, magnetism and passion in relationship. Cupido has a different slant than Greek counterpart Eros though.

Image: Eros / Cupido via Wikimedia Commons.

Cupido is the ‘look of love chemistry’, without the actual love; it’s the QUINTESSENTIAL PLAYER whose heart is not involved, yet are starstruck as if standing next to a bright star on the red carpet of an Oscars event (Sirius). It’s basking in another light and beauty, and getting a ‘feel’ for it, that can become something darker; to make themselves more attractive, chasing someone romantically for APPEARANCES. This becomes apparent when the planetary conjunctions are paired with the aspect patterns and bigger picture play… It’s putting up a front of adoration to get reciprocity through the liaison, often with ‘the idea of a person’, to appear as a PRINCE CHARMING ADMIRER. It is hoping for the ‘appearance’ of enchantment and another’s NAIVETY to net the love-bomber rewards. It’s creating a false sense of IDEALISM with the ‘appearance’ of being attracted, devoted or committed, when there is another hidden agenda at play…

It’s the envy of another’s stunning skills or talents that leads to the hustling and speculation to create self-fulfilment.

They see how another’s hard work, esteem or authentic qualities can be capitalised into a superficial materialistic opportunity for them, to be seen in a certain way…

Perhaps to get FAME they didn’t work for, or INFLUENCE they didn’t earn, because they don’t have the authentic CHARACTERISTICS, only the fake air ‘appearance’ of them. And they don’t want to work for their own rewards, thus the desire for one-upmanship; to get an ‘appearance’ of being EXALTED and payday without being worthy of it.

The pretentious and entitled see the esteemed, and they fake a ‘fall in love’ with their qualities and attributes that make them shine. They come pretending they care and they are invested as a lover. The mimic flirt and flatter to make the target addicted to the ‘love bombing’, because the clout-hungry wants the privileged life that the star has…

Image: Cupid via Wikimedia Commons.

Cupido is vain, flighty, boyish infatuation, insincere, immature and lacking spirituality conjunct bright, grand Sirius, which is the brightest star in the night sky and meaning ‘glowing’ or ‘scorching’.

Sirius also portent GOOD FORTUNE and seem to be a signature in the charts of some celebrities, and it is one of the Behenian fixed stars of ancient times. In astrology it is seen as the bringer of HONOUR, RENOWN, WEALTH, FAITHFULNESS, DEVOTION, PASSION etc. Also, reputation, high achievements, honourable qualities, and fame. It makes for INSPIRATIONAL LEADERS and those of SPIRITUAL STRENGTH, but if this is abused in self-absorbed pursuits, a great fall from grace follows. Negative Sirius is synonymous with the resentment, embarrassment and misfortunes of kings and leaders gone awry.

Sirius and the Sun both have great attributes, regarding SHINING brightly, and in the negative they both entail MASSIVE ARROGANCE that can lead to a fall from grace and destruction of POTENTIALS.

And conjunct social justice Varuna it exclaims: what’s fair is fair!!!

In Eris’ discovery chart, the asteroid 763 Cupido is conjunct the brightest star Sirius and trans-Neptunian planet Varuna in the 4th house Cancer. All three are at the apex of a Boomerang Yod, and this signifies the attraction that others have to someone/something, with established roots, history, tradition, family domesticity, safety or solid foundation. In essence, the IC being rooted in it’s home sign of Cancer, is a metaphor for EMOTIONAL TRUTH, which is what gives the solid, grounded foundation (4th house) and balanced energy from which to manifest from, to elevate and shine brightly, like the Sun in the 10th house that is made the reaction point of the Boomerang Yod. The Sun is a prized STATUS SYMBOL person, place or thing in Eris’ chart, which is a prominent theme in Eris astrology. This is some DEEPLY INNATE or established ‘thing’ with harmony, FOUNDATION and alignment in INTEGRITY, that is admired, envied, desired, or even obsessed over with a passion by the envier-lover, as the energy flows in the Boomerang Yod, for it lends prominence and beauty, yet it stirs the GREEN EYED MONSTER and OPPORTUNISM in the SHAPESHIFTER to make their own fantasy to take it over, real. They put up the confident front, only to eventually talk that person down, to take their place, and may do anything to be seen in that light instead (expect a smackdown though)… Their ILL INTENTIONS is to TRIGGER melancholy, depression and emotional stuckness where there had been strong foundation in the 4th house, and also for a loss of public esteem in the 10th house. They want to TRIGGER poverty, sorrow and bad health for them, for them to be down and out, yet…

The energy that runs between Sirius and the Sun is very PURE, LIGHT and LOVING. It’s the life blessing, high uniqueness, estimated worth and peacock nature that those of true BEAUTY has. It’s genuine love, innocence, spirituality and beauty or those who are tapped into their own divine energy. It’s the clarity, steadfastness, and unique purpose of a truely wholesome soul with earned sanctity and emotional truth foundation.

The Sun is all about HAPPINESS, and this JOY, OPTIMISM and LIGHT BEAMING is exactly what the antagonistic hater wants to hurt and snuff out. It’s the despair, feeling stuck and lack of inheritance of DIVINITY that is so very important to the god-complex gambler; who have their own vision of how something should be, to control, which is INVERSION OF REALITY. The enemy doesn’t want hearts to heal from the betrayal and injustice that they create. The mirroring hater wants to be the magician, the designer of reality, instead of for divine providence / quantum potentials to manifest abundance.

And if they cannot have another’s blessings, they will setup a violent emotional/mental attack against them, to traumatise them, to take them down… out of RESENTMENT. That is the destructive power of envy, so that the deserved don’t get to enjoy what is theirs.

The Boomerang Yod is an aspect pattern of powerful directional energy, and these represent the people, places or things that rise to some great importance, being seen for their INNATE MERIT and SANCTITY, like protagonists Achilles, Briseis, Helen etc. Also, the Empire of Troy was envied for its great wealth, centre of attention and prominent position in ancient civilisation. These were all in some way targeted, and even obliterated in the process due to them shining brightly in happiness, as the Hammer of Thor apex on the sun demolished the sun. It was the high degree of admiration from others that made players and saboteurs want to attach themselves to them; for the shine or wealth to rub off, or so they can inherit that by

association. It’s the ARROGANT stealing of time, energy, inheritance, energy investment or money. It’s not only a fortune theft of a position, public persona, praise for merit, political standing, social credit, or legacy (Sun in Capricorn in 10th house), it’s also the emotional theft of stability and foundation (cluster in Cancer 4th house); to leave another in an emotional and profoundly foundational heap of despair and heartbreak, to collapse in on themselves after the psychological warfare.

The self-indulgent antagonist wants to ruin what makes another esteemed, sweet, innocent, kind, magical, attractive, or beautiful. They often want to be them, to have the benefits of their life by trying to replicate their essence, control them into co-dependence, or convince them that the authentic cannot succeed without the copycat.

It’s pretending to help, when underneath the mirroring is motive to use power to control people to strip them of what makes them blessed. It’s trading ethical principles for victory at all cost. It’s starting a war, to get what another has. To gain the privileged life and then treat everyone like shit.

It’s the spirituality of beautiful, esteemed people that have abundance flowing their way, that stirs the desire in the opportunist to be their carbon copy, or take their place entirely, for the social clout benefits, admiration, social chemistry or political status.

It’s doing unholy things to BLOCK LOVE and JOY - like demonising the innocent - to take away from them, for corrupt satisfaction.

A previous article details the story of status symbol Briseis who was used by commander of war Agamemnon to target, break and humiliate Achilles. Briseis was a prisoner of war Greek princess who survived solely because she was extremely beautiful, and empathic Achilles showed her compassion and care. Achilles fell in love with her being his slave girl. He was a much celebrated warrior by occupation and this was where he shined for his beautiful qualities of virtue, heart, wisdom and divine blueprint.

Earnest Achilles lived life by ethics, morals and integrity and it got him far in life, but not UNAPOLOGETIC Agamemnon.

Hubristic Agamemnon used Briseis as leverage to cast the ILLUSION of his ‘SPECIALNESS’ or his holding a special place in society, in a foolish campaign against Achilles that ultimately backfired. Emotional off balance Agamemnon was not the ENERGETIC copy nor match of Achilles, despite puffing his ego in a public display of thievery, taking another’s MERIT on as his own, and feeling ENTITLED to social justice at being deprived of his slave girl Chryseis.

The irony was that both Achilles and Agamemnon came to Troy due to the Oath of Tyndareus that entailed restoring stolen wife Helen back to King Menelaus, yet Agamemnon thought nothing about creating a WAR with Achilles, by stealing his woman Briseis. Agamemnon wanted POWER, STATUS, POSITION, INHERITANCE, SELF-ENRICHMENT and INFLUENCE, which are all superficial things.

He was bothered that things were working out for Achilles, who operated from the heart, had different values, and wisdom learnt from his teacher Chiron. He wanted Achilles to be taken down and stay down, so Agamemnon can INDULGE at Achilles’ expense, being INDIFFERENT to his pain. He wanted to see him beg and not get what he deserved. Full of himself Agamemnon was living a false sense of REALITY; he felt so powerful by his actions, arrogant entitlement and title, that he misjudged Achilles, regretting it deeply later after it had backfired, and he had manifested ‘some dark shit’. Why had he manifested the ‘dark shit’? Because he mistook the discontent and discombobultated Eris emotions that he had felt upon seeing another’s happiness, and wanting what Achilles had as an ‘outside job’ that could be fixed by stealing from Achilles. He had not realised the truth about the ‘inside job’, that his extreme emotions of burning envy, jealousy, discontent and unhappiness were the result of not looking within for his own spiritual riches. He had been ignoring the wealth that the soul is all too willing to bestow the human, yet when the human prefers the ego, he is acutely aware of what he was missing out on, yet he just didn’t know how to get ‘some of his own good shit’.

Greedy Agamemnon’s goal with the scarcity tactics (that there wasn’t enough divine love and dignity) was to get ego EXALTED, yet it was coming from a place of poverty, blocking love out, and wanting to destroy potentials.

Achilles was a highly visionary man who shined in his occupation, and Agamemnon was his commanding officer in war who saw an opportunity to ABUSE HIS POWER. This came about because Agamemnon he was COMPARING himself to what Achilles had. Achilles didn’t do anything to deserve this; he was innocent. The soldier in Agamemnon did the worst, to steal Achilles’ spirit, to turn an ESTEEMED man mean, bad, and bitter.

Eris energy is the causing of chaos, rivalry, drama and a hostile environment in love connections, wether platonic or romantic. It’s about lowering another’s status, self-esteem, attacking their PERSONALITY, and cutting them down from some success that they had achieved. Celebrating their misfortune and feeling happy.

Image: Achilles and Agamemnon with Goddess Athena via Wikimedia Commons.

Agamemnon wanted to SET UP Achilles so that he would never work again in his occupation, skill or expertise due to all the heartache and pain. As if he is unworthy… Why?

Because he was jealous and in competition with Achilles. He purposefully invested in being the most evil version of himself, for a mercenary gain.

This was the perfect opportunity to ‘get ahead’ of the person who he saw as a rival and threat.


Image: Agamemnon and Achilles with Goddess of Wisdom Athena’s intervention via Wikimedia Commons.

Agamemnon was trying to stand on Achilles’ neck, to VICTIMISE him, control everything that he did, thereby preventing him from acting and functioning normally. This tight grip was meant to SUFFOCATE him, making it hard to breathe. It’s psychological warfare.

Agamemnon was holding Achilles back for egotistical reasons in a vicious way; to hinder his life and the performance of his work, to take the competition out, so that his life would go smoother and he can fake flex for APPEARANCES…

To block him, control him, kill his spirit and ruin his career and reputation by weaponising the convention of RANK. To make him a casualty of war, and ruin his joy.

Just like Zeus, hipocrite Agamemnon wanted Achilles weakened so that he would SELF-SABOTAGE, to take a gain from his authentic qualities, ABUNDANCE flowing his way, his REPUTATION, and his political position in society. It’s shameful frivolity and ego to sit on this pedestal of toxic mentality, thinking that they are invincible or untouchable; to fulfil a selfish dream where another is excluded or marginalised. It’s to separate someone from their destiny, so they can put up and keep appearance instead.

It’s CONTRIVED and SELF-ELECTED IMPORTANCE (10th house) that are rooted in PRETENTIOUSNESS. There is no emotional truth foundation (4th house) to it though, for Agamemnon did not have the qualities that Achilles had… which is why he wanted to use him to prop himself up, which is typical narcissistic behaviour. It’s trying to stop the other from getting their reward, via eliminating the competition with violence, to strengthen his own stance.

It’s closed-minded and arrogant of Agamemnon to make himself ‘special’ or elevated when its false, when he was not energetically connected to the something ‘naturally special’ as Achilles was, but desired to wear the fake facade of it none the less, for he tied it to his SELF-WORTH and STATUS. It’s about, who is important, lifestyle, money, power, and appearances so he can feel better about himself. There is no love, ethics, honesty or kindness… for if there had been, self-love would be the source of self-fulfilment, instead of the superficial pursuit of clout, power and vanity. It’s the behaviour of treating valuable people like a GENIE IN A BOTTLE, to get GREEDY, self-fulfilling and superficial rewards from them, undeservedly, without merit. Agamemnon wanted to be hailed as a god, and get to trample on those he considered underneath him.

Image: Achilles and Agamemnon with Athena’s intervention via Wikimedia Commons.

Define Chemistry:
1. the complex emotional and psychological interaction between people;
2. a strong mutual attraction, attachment, or sympathy, like ‘special chemistry’;
3. interaction between people working together, specifically when harmonious or effective;
4. sympathetic understanding or rapport;
5. all of the elements that make up one person or personality, and give them an undeniable attractive presence.
— Various Online Sources

It’s about wholesome, genuinely loyal, empathic people living in magnificent light from their divinity, and about the haughty spiritual hater who just cannot stand that light, yet want the same benefits that comes from being seen for one’s light, god-given talents, or admired for that beauty, authentic star quality, or maverick creativity.

Many of the paintings (see below) that was created depicting Achilles drawing his sword to fight Agamemnon, shows Goddess of Wisdom and Battle Strategy Athena stopping Achilles from being so rash. She urged him not to strike at arrogant fool Agamemnon, for he will have his moment… By not fighting wrong for wrong, Achilles gave himself time for soul searching…

By withdrawing from battle and looking deep within for answers, as his wise teacher Chiron taught him, it served Achilles well to seek wisdom above retribution, about the man who hated the divine in him...

His conclusions was detailed in another article. Agamemnon wanted rulership without restraint and was a dissatisfied man melancholy with his situation, who dragged others down with discredit, and was false.

Image: Achilles’ dispute with Agamemnon via Wikimedia Commons.

Image: Achilles

Achilles had faith in his divinity, genuine social chemistry, and love energy, but it was not a vibrational match with Agamemnon, thus the rift; for the high frequency level that one person allowed into his human experience, as opposed to the other who was only invested in the superficial, that is without divine essence, was not compatible.

Agamemnon (like many other antagonists) wanted to create a RIFT in the sanctity of Achilles SOCIAL CHEMISTRY, in how he was seen in the world (10th house), by targeting the sacredness of the DREAMS for the future that was forming for everlasting love and happiness at home (4th house), in Achilles’ relationship that was growing deep in intimacy, with Briseis.

Jealous Agamemnon didn’t want this growing DEEP HAPPINESS, JOY, PURITY and MUTUAL CHEMISTRY, for he recently had to give up his slave girl Cryseis. The deviant wanted what Achilles had, and was willing to stuff his courtship up, by trying to turn Briseis into his strumpet/prostitute, not counting the emotional distress inflicted on the authentic chemistry between the lovers.

Wicked Agamemnon wanted to fulfil a fantasy to emanate Achilles’ essence, get in his abundant energy, and feed off it; to be on top of the world. For his accolades, position and rewards; to have it and get joy from the distress (schadenfreude).

VIRTUOUS Achilles had the QUALITIES that can be encapsulated as THE GIFT; strength, bravery, military skills, pride, and honour—all qualities that the ancient Greeks of the time in mythology prized as manly virtues. Achilles possessed exceptional strength, stamina, and resistance to injury due to his semi-divine birth. The key to his prowess in battle and honourable, kind demeanour came from having been trained by the wise teacher centaur Chiron since childhood (Chiron in the 10th house in Eris’ discovery chart). Commander and King Agamemnon did not have all these QUALITIES, nor SANCTITUDE.

Angry, PRETENTIOUS Agamemnon was in competition with Achilles for self-satisfaction. He wanted to make himself more important by trying to anchor in this appearance of being ‘deserving’ of self-fulfilment by stealing Briseis, but this deliberate humiliation and devaluation of Achilles was clearly counterproductive, and backfired badly. You get the rewards of the energy you invest in… when it is authentically yours. Impersonator doppelgänger energy doesn’t count when it comes to the ENERGY and SOUL CONNECTION dynamic typical of the trans-Neptunian objects. Only authenticity is real.

The slacker craves, yet has nothing, but the diligent is fully satisfied.
— Proverbs 13:4 Christian Standard Bible

Envy is the desire to have another’s qualities, possessions or life experience. Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper.

Achilles was tapped in to something greater and grander, having worked to cultivate great skill with much effort, and Agamemnon finally realised that he could not tap into another person’s essence or work ethic, trying to force being the doppelganger FALSE REPLICATION / MIRRORING / EMULATING of someone amazing… Trying to pass something original off as your own is really rooted in stupidity. Manufacturing unconditional love when it is rooted in low vibrational energy is a waste of time. One has to LOOK WITHIN for one’s own pot of gold. One has to connect within to find one’s pathway instead on choosing the god complex way that entails ignoring one’s own divinity.

It is the tough journey much like Persephone did when she went unwillingly into the Underworld, to discover what illusions she held, and what needed to be released for her to reach MATURITY, as a sovereign being knowing emotional truth. Together with Pluto, Goddess Persephone eventually sat firmly on her throne knowing no one can take her from her autonomy, ruling with Pluto in the Underworld, and successfully detoxifying as Goddess of Renewal and Spring. This was described in the Pluto Blog. Persephone found her divinity, after being forced to look within… This website has many other examples of those who found themselves in liminal space, having to look deeply, REFLECT and release all UNTRUTH and INAUTHENTICITY (like Achilles, Odysseys, Sedna etc.)

Image: The abduction of Briseis from Achilles’ tent. See the story here. Via Wikimedia Commons.

The story of Agamemnon is a metaphor for Eris lower expression that want to steal from or sabotage another into stalemate and stagnation, because they don’t want to do the SHADOW WORK by going within.

Over-confident Agamemnon wanted the situation to be unfair and for there to be utter hopelessness… for Achilles not to elevate in nobility or relationship status, and for him to hurt in misery at lost potential… Agamemnon was dedicated to keep the injustice in place by keeping Briseis’ love away from Achilles, perhaps even trying to steal her love. To put Achilles at rock bottom, in despair, and out in the cold, as if it was his life purpose to snuff his life force, but the consequences of the folly came home to roost not long after…

Agamemnon would have liked to remain a HYPOCRITE, claim to be adorned with great qualities and crow over Achilles. To have him be servant to his mockery and ego inflation, because it gave a man who doesn’t know his true self, a (false) sense of self, that also gave an ego stroke.

With Achilles below him, he felt really good and better, to display elevated pride and status at another’s expense. Yet he does not have, nor is entitled to his hubris… It’s not rooted in truth… it’s foundations are built on deliberate lies to self at foundational level, in the form of choosing ‘appearances’ over truth. It’s toxic self-entrapment, that is why it needs to be released… It’s greedy to try to hold onto something that is not his to have. You cannot steal or copy someone else’s soul essence, for that folly is deeply rooted in one outcome; SELF-DEFEAT. Authenticity is MAGICAL.

Energetics doesn’t allow people to take on a position or role, that they are not fit for, especially when there is mean motives behind a take over. It is not their blessing, therefore they cannot successfully replace the energetically compatible, with the arrogant, hubristic energetic mismatch with a wicked calculating spirit. People tell lies, but energy doesn’t lie.

Even though Achilles died from Paris’ poisoned arrow, Agamemnon lived to see Achilles’ glow up and rise as the ONLY EPIC HERO, remembered for thousands of years for his authentic qualities. He had the education from wise Chiron, to value wisdom over stupidity.

Being the Blessing Blocker that Tries to Thwart or Intercept Quantum Potentials from those of Good Heart for the ‘Appearances’ Payoff

Trans-Neptunian objects Pluto and Eris in particular is much about the chemistry and alchemy of QUANTUM POTENTIALS. It is how the divine energy of the human interacts with the biology cells, atoms, and in-between spaces called ‘quanta’ creating the physical world.

We are all divine beings having a human experience, but most people live their lives separated from their true Selves, and don’t bother to reconnect with their true essence… then get JEALOUS of those who do make that effort, and that investment, thus the COMPETITIVE BEHAVIOUR… To be better than, or at least be seen in that ‘appearance as superior’. It is the TORTURE of good people who carry divinity and LIGHT, for ego inflation.

It is the esteemed person’s wealth in the form of their CHEMISTRY that can make the envier beyond obsessed to stop them from succeeding in their life’s work, or in the progress of the school of life. To put a spoke in the wheel of the focussed, so that the esteemed who had been on a fast-pace, trip up and fall flat on their face, and be rejected.

This is why the forcing envier wants to knock the succeeding envied off their square. They want to force a hierarchy of RESPECT, for the envied to be not seen in a positive LIGHT that might give them a HIGHER RANK. This they want to stop, so that the envied don’t get to be SMUG, like the envier is while on his high horse. Enviers are afraid of the envied lording it over them or becoming haughty in turn (which is unbearable for the ego), so that the begrudger will have to KISS ASS, push fake smiles again and put up with their discombobulated, bothered emotions all over again; seething underneath with discontent that the envied is appearing in a better light than them amongst other people. This is the reason for the defamation of character amongst those who support or follow the envied, and the sly attempts to turn everyone against them.

The bitter envier doesn’t want to see the blessed exalted with their life blessing and they fear them being conceited; which entails them being too proud of themself, their actions, unique skills, qualifications, abilities or possessions.

Being conceited means to behave in a way that shows one thinks that they are very intelligent, skilful, or attractive (which is exactly what the authentic are and know themselves to be, without the conceited part). It’s a strange way for the envier to operate, yet there is a payoff from thinking this way about another’s passion; to try to get another to be not self-confident. It’s called PSYCHOLOGICAL PROJECTION, in which the envier projects their perception of themselves as NUMBER ONE, most special, or the best at something ‘status’… onto the envied; in fear. The jealous doesn’t want the envied to be ELEVATED or seen as SPECIAL, or above them in QUALITIES or SKILLSETS. Instead they want them psychologically trapped in the web of illusions that they spin. It’s about the broke envier that wants to ADVOCATE for themselves, to be in a better position than the envied, and capitalise on ‘appearances’ to FEEL better about themselves. It’s not real, but at least the false

perceptions about self (Venus, Mercury conjunct Pluto) and it leading to an energy drain from another, (if they can make everyone else also believe in their false perceptions), makes them FEEL better, which is the justification for evil duplicity and the stagnant energy of not living in truth to self... It’s a form of energy stealing that some narcissists find highly satisfying; to lower another’s self-esteem or crush it entirely, for theirs to artificially elevate as the scales of justice tip in the favour of the false (as an INJUSTICE). Why would someone bother this much to harm another; because they have INSECURITIES and SELF-DOUBTS, want to ‘low key’ be them, or they cannot stand a quality they possess, cause it shows the energy vampire lack it. It shows that they are out of touch with reality, and themselves. They may be off their ‘rocker’, because causing another a disservice that set a chain of unfortunate events off in their life, and basking in the glory of having done that unjustly… is a bit loony… It’s mentally and emotionally off…


The Boomerang Yod and Hammer of Thor aspect pattern is the resulting ENVY that makes the malicious antagonist turn happiness-hater, blessing blocker, or copycat, wanting to ‘topple another’s significance’, perhaps to take their value for them self instead when presented the opportunity (self-aggrandisement and narcissism). This Boomerang Yod and the Hammer of Thor aspect pattern in the chart above, was described great detail in the previous article and won’t be repeated here, yet it is one of the many fine examples of how the energies conglomerate due to the big green eyed monster that is stirred.

Why? Because someone virtuous has something ***MAGICAL & AMAZING***, that another wants to benefit from, or take away from them, and the heart is the first to shut down when ENVY, discord or greed stirs, for a take over.

Sinister Satisfaction from Destabilisation, Bad Vibes and gaining Power over People in the 10th house

The habitual taker doesn’t want the envied to reach a certain level of achievement or success (10th house), because the gold-digger doesn’t want them to supercede what the envier had done in their own life. The weasel feel that all the good things has to come to them, and nobody else, thus the stealth hustling. Jealousy entails being unable to see another get good things in their life, when the jealous are not. Why? Because people who are in lack are deprived of blessings, with some being so wicked that they are in spiritual jail where there is no prosperity. They sow seeds and they don’t reap anything from it; everything they lay their stained hands on just falls apart. They are deprived of the spirit that makes the quantum potentials possible.

This is why everything good coming towards good people triggers the cheater into jealousy, which is why the blessed must implement protection and security measures else lose their blessings.

Fortune-hunters are often in spiritual jail because of all the wicked things they keep doing to people to intercept their blessings, and their refusal to reflect and change.

If you cannot clap or celebrate for others, your time may never come, which is why the envier forces destruction… to block the blessings that just keep pouring into the life of the fortunate…

The thinking is that the envied is just too blessed, which is what justifies the evil blessing blocking in the 10th house… The envier just cannot understand how some good people just keep excelling and succeeding in life, and the one’s who do not have a good, genuine heart, don’t… Blocking the blessings of others really gets the blessing blockers nowhere wholesome… They don’t have the magic touch, but they have the cunning to fool.

Those who are inspired by blessed and wise people look at what they do to be so, but jealous people only look at the rewards. Jealousy is a sickness that intoxicates mind, body and soul, and can even make people physically ill, thus the intent to hurt for personal fulfilment.

Hammer of Thor apex Wreaking Ball and Ballistic Missile

It’s sick jealousy, greed, evil-minded and skewed logic that doesn’t make sense, because an antagonist have their own doctrine and self-belief that they follow (Algol); almost as if everything they do is fair and just, because they are the tyrant that gets what they want, but at the expense of another getting ANNIHILATED through EXPLOITATION and the DEGRADATION of their character. It’s the kind of twisted thinking that justifies breaking previous commitments on a whim (Orcus) to make another’s esteem or character suffer (Sun); it’s kind of sociopathic but definitely toxic, abusive, destructive and devilish. This Hammer of Thor aspect pattern with the Sun at the apex is the DEMOLISHING, abuse and conquering of people, to make them weak, and make them submit, and when the job is done, there is a disposal of, or some sort of loss of status. It’s dominionship and possession over another in the 10th house of public acclaim or how one is seen in the world, via FRAGMENTATION and DEMOLISION.

It’s the complete destruction of another’s POTENTIAL, as is typical of narcissistic abuse.

The abuser become cynical as the dark satisfaction, materialistic gain, or destruction of another’s position of status (Capricorn/10th house) take precedence over the gifts that the LOVE in the heart, DEEP FEELING and EMPATHY bestows (Cancer cluster), that may have gotten the envied the authentic happy accomplishments and self-fulfilment benefits in the first place.

Below is a selection of some of the envied Eris higher expression people, who had beautiful INNER/OUTER qualities, or who were in their flow but had been wronged in some way by this very dynamic that the Hammer of Thor aspect pattern apex represents here. Persephone’s link as Eris higher expression is described in this article.

The antagonist wants those who shine a bright light, that they had harmed, to hold a GRUDGE in their heart, so they become just as ugly on the inside as the abusing blessing blocker, and part 11 proves that to be so as well.

Cathartic Eris Truth is Meant to Redeem

As explained previously, this information may be challenging for some people, yet the idea with Eris energy, is for the truth to redeem you. The Pluto/Scorpio/8th house themes has a high potential for corruption, yet Eris’ discovery chart shows massive potential when going within, to seek and allow the soul; to reunite human with the divine.

This article looks at why someone would start a war, conflict, attack, or force their way against another (perhaps upstanding or worthy) person.

At the core it is jealousy, control and obsession with what the envied has or who they are, and the narcissistic opportunities that can be derived from that in the form of status, position or influence.

At the core, one party does high frequency manifestation of potentials for the benefit of all, and the other malice for heedless self-satisfaction.

Eris lower expression is about the deceptive people - who pretend to be kind and caring netting everyone into their web - who like DISCORD and for everything and everyone around them to be eventually fragmented, discombobulated and twisted.

Eris higher expression is the alchemist who love HARMONY, authenticity, sovereignty and the high frequency flow.

Those who are inspired by blessed and wise people look at what they do to be so, but jealous people only look at the rewards. Eris transits are about people who want to be an IMPORTANT PERSON often in business, some social setting or creative ideas, yet if they don’t have the MERIT for it, the TRUTH comes shining though eventually. It’s about superficial people who want to use something to gauge to others how special they are, when what they are flashing for status might have come from the back of another’s hard work or essence. They are insecure about gifted, spiritually connected people of spiritual nobility getting goodness come their way.

Eris higher expression has something very UNIQUE, SPECIAL and OUTSTANDING about them, and that is why the lower expression want to HARM them.

With Eris it is to RUIN someone or something that is beautiful, abundant or loved, for the sake of ruining it and killing its spirit.

Eris bullying is about someone/something that has beautiful qualities, and a bully who want to win at all cost in relation.

It would be beneficial for investigators, detectives, law enforcers, law experts, etc. to learn about these dynamics, for they are the people who will have to be the adjudicators when these dramatic events, hate crimes, and disputes between people arise, around what is acceptable social behaviour, and who is the real maniacal villain. Eris energy often entail abuse or crimes of passion against the innocent; who did nothing wrong other than be true authentic Self, and that stirring the evil-minded devil in another to put them in bondage…

It’s the vice and virtue polarity of Eris Greek Goddess of Discord and Strife in Astrology, and the use of altruism as a perfect disguise for narcissism and control.


The next article is about Helen of Troy and the hypocrite who romanced her for acquisition, starting a war.

Click to read part 11.


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