Wanting What Another Has, Eris in Astrology, Players, Competition, Politics and Deception

This is part 8 of a series of articles about Eris Greek Goddess of Discord and Strife in astrology that looks at the deeper Scorpio/Pluto/8th house issues in Eris’ discovery chart and how that pertains to players, fierce competition, dishonourable behaviour, and relationship toxicity.

It’s about the absurd attempts that those who want to feel superior make in an ego battle, to make a conquest for control: to dim another’s light, because they shine too brightly. It’s about those who look good on the inside and outside, and all that BEAUTY being a problem for the jealous that turns hater, who don’t want to look bad in comparison. It’s about turning those who are loved and respected, even innocent, upside down, refusing to acknowledge them, nor acknowledge the consequences of action taken that harm them. Some people’s standard for doing well, is doing better than another; having deliberately and meticulously planned their demise. It’s having a problem with the genuine and sincere’s independence, and wanting for them to be restrained. This about the careless actions of players to be at the top (Sun at 10th house Capricorn), to alter another’s destiny, and how the Wheel of Fortune end up creating an outcome that ends up fair for all involved. This is about goddesses and players and how neither truly believes in the visions, dreams or ideals of the other, because the gap between qualities, morality, and value systems are too wide.

The idea is to tarnish good people with a dishonourable brush, inside and out. First they cause them discord and strife on the inside, then they also cause them reputational damage in the eyes of others; for total ruin. This was demonstrated in the previous article about warrior Achilles in Homer’s Iliad. Confidence-theft is the goal for Eris lower expression.

Suggestio falsi is the making of false statements as opposed to suppression of the truth.

Eris is about heartless, jealous, false people not giving deserving people just due and fairness in relationship, due to a selfish desire to win over them, feeling entitled to doing the egregious. Wanting to attain unbalanced power dynamics and DOMINION OVER. Eris transits are very long but thorough in bringing about the revelations, change, growth and evolution for everyone. Find part 1 by clicking here.

Eris higher expression people are sweet, compassionate, pure of heart, loving and caring, free spirited and stable, and they live close to their divinity because they have endured, overcome and alchemised a lot to be where they’re at, and this is often becomes a huge problem at the start of Eris transits. At the heart of the problem is the Eris lower expression, that turns antagonistic enemy and wants to turn another person upside down with illusions or trickery, in shocking and upsetting ways.

This is important information to understand, because although Eris square Pluto’s direct five squares are over, they will be in orb until 2024. Then Eris will conjunct Chiron, Jupiter and Saturn in the next few years… This energy isn’t leaving soon…

It would be beneficial for investigators, detectives, law enforcers, law experts, etc. to learn about these dynamics, for they are the people who will have to be the adjudicators when these dramatic events, hate crimes, and disputes between people arise, around what is acceptable social behaviour.

To see through a complex situation into who the real villain is. Eris energy often entail abuse or crimes of passion against a person who has something that another person wants, or feel entitled to.

It’s the vice and virtue polarity of Eris Greek Goddess of Discord and Strife in Astrology.

This article is a more modern interpretation and judiciary on the Eris energy juxtaposition of two extremes following the previous article about Achilles from Homer’s Iliad, which is the story of what led to Eris being blamed for starting the Trojan War. If you feel triggered please read the disclaimer.

It is Eris that is behind the current energy of hopelessness and depletion that is so rife on the planet.

Eris lower expression wants to manipulate REALITY, this is the very definition of darkness and devil energy, see the video below:

The Politics of Showmanship and a Ruse: Pleasure Seekers, Many Personas, Fake Costumes, and Playing Games

This is about unscrupulous groups of people who are at the top of some legal social structure, group membership, business or institution who feel catered to, and then become ARROGANT, careless and feel invincible hotheads, perhaps bashing others out of desire for conformity or formal doctrine, which is why the Wheel of Fortune needs to turn to bring about change. There are traditions and core principles that has been in place for the modern age, but they are not what they seem… The Eris juxtaposition makes the truth be seen about the cutting down…

Image: Statue of a male deity, brought to Louis XIV and restored as a Zeus ca. 1686 by Pierre Granier, who added the arm raising the thunderbolt via Wikimedia Commons.

Lower expression Eris entails a lot of facading, vices, faustian bargains, competition, taking others for a ride, and not being true to authentic Self, which is at the heart of the problem… but many human beings are drawn to these social order and the associated behaviours that are not good for them, for that temporary ego feel good satisfaction.

The Eris lower expression wants to be the high roller, business person, or greedy smoothie. Super stud or femme fatale. Rocking other people’s world with hotness, romanticising, flattery, love-bombing, with a strong aura. Thrilling. Famous. Enigmatic. This can also be the official boss-figure rolling down the highway in their Lamborghini, or the gangster zooming through town in their Maserati. They want charisma, personal power, control and attraction, and they want to pick up the hotties. They look great and seem prosperous. They don’t stay in one place for long (and don’t have much staying power either, as there are alway bigger and better things to chase).

It’s also the cold player who is at the top of polite society, with the publicity, reputation and right PR, ready to receive the attention of the media (or paparazzi). They want to be front page news.

It’s also someone calculating ready to take the centre stage (or spotlight), and be seen. They may do anything for money… and will take the competition down… lie, cheat, steal, manipulate, prostitute… no problem. The cold or mean wants to be centre of attention, and in control of what others think, also distracting people away from inner truth.

It’s also the authoritarian political leader, the think-tanker or business leader. They are all desperate opportunists competing, working and looking for favour, because they want a gain and accolades. They all want handouts and rags to riches, to get to the top, by seeking connections and affiliations with other successful people.

They have certain ideas of how their life should be, and how others should cater to them as an authority figure. They wear personas to get voted into positions of influence, and influence people to side with them. They wear costumes to fit it, and it is all done so they can rise through the ranks of the system, to some kind of prominence in other’s eyes. They want others to believe they are honest, have their best interest at heart, and are loyal, yet this is not always the case… as they tend to have feet of clay…

These people tend to be deeply invested into the material world; they are into material, superficial and financial matters. They care about MONEY too much!

Shapeshifting into Damsel requiring Rescue Disguise

This is about true intentions and behaviour that determine good character, not gaslighting, love bombing, or pretences of virtue

Life is filled with temptations, obstacles, frustrations, inner struggles and dilemmas, and this is what leads to the determination of a person’s character.

Character is defined in how habits, motives, thoughts, etc. relate to morality, particularly as it concerns integrity. Character is defined as “your moral self,” the “crown of a moral life,” and referred to as a “moral structure,” and the inner qualities that are built through virtuous behaviour.

Zeus King of Olympus was considered the pillar of society, solid foundations, stability, permanence and material success by some, but this was an illusion. Zeus were given many epithets describing his many ‘powers’ and vast dominion; he was patron of the Olympic games competition, judge and protector, presiding justice over dishonest merchants, and ensuring honesty and revealing liars, yet many knew him as quite the opposite based on evident behaviour. From the very start of his position of power, Zeus love-bombed and gaslighted an astonishing number of women, and he was also extremely skilled at it. Some of his less famous powers or qualities were the ability to MIMIC anyone's voice, as well as the ability to SHAPE SHIFT and look like any person or animal on earth. This was utilised for the purpose of gently and unsuspectingly ingratiating himself with the subject to INFLUENCE them and making himself CO-DEPENDANT, and was all about furthering his own interests, because he wanted something from others. These are Eris lower expression qualities and behaviours that may seem innocent at first, yet operating in this deception energy is how the evil starts…

Zeus was famous for assuming FORM OTHER THAN HIS TRUE SELF with a very long list of innocent women that he preyed on using means that carries imagery of innocence, virtue and purity.

He did this by coming across as very NICE, SWEET or a DAMSEL in need of a knight to provide for them, perhaps even angelic, but definitely diplomatic based on what he wanted. (These are Eris in astrology issues.) He utilised inappropriate use of sensuality and seduction by romantic illusion. Perhaps his most famous TRANSFORMATION and seduction was beautiful Leda, through the appearance to fool her… as a beautiful, graceful white swan seeking protection and rescue.

Image: Leda and the swan via Wikimedia Commons.

  • It was said that he seduced Leda Queen of Sparta in the disguised form of a seemingly innocent, beautiful SWAN, coming to her seeking protection from an eagle. Despite a parentage dispute, the result of this union was an egg from which the beautiful Helen was born, that became Helen of Sparta, and then Helen of Troy in the Iliad, over whom the Trojan War was fought.

  • Danae was a Greek princess that was seduced in the form of a GOLDEN SHOWER and thus impregnated.

  • Eurymedousa, another princess was seduced by Zeus in the form of an ANT. Their son was Myrmidon ("ant-man") and was the progenitor of the race of warriors that Achilles commanded in The Iliad.

  • Phthia was seduced by Zeus in the guise of a DOVE or PIGEON.

  • Hera was seduced by Zeus - who later forced marriage on her - in the form of a CUCKOO BIRD in distress. Hera felt pity for the bird, and held it to her breast to warm it, which is where Zeus turned into his original form and allegedly raped her.

Poker faced king of the gods was used to getting what he desired for self-fulfilment.

And he wanted a lot of women by sabotaging them, via gaslighting, presenting illusions, and being an immature, non-committal player. Being unfaithful is clearly a preference for this voyeuristic player, for mythology shows that Zeus knew right from wrong very, very well… He knew that those he targeted were good and pure on the inside and outside, and all that BEAUTY was a problem for him…

Based on mythology, Zeus seemed to transform himself (or these women) in order to rape them, seduce them, abduct them, or just be with them, usually with illegitimate offspring as result, some of whom resented him and had feuds with him, like Hercules, due to Zeus’ wife Hera being extremely jealous because of Zeus’ JUGGLING, many affairs, DENIALS OF BEING UNFAITHFUL and deceptions. Another article details Hercules and THE SINS OF THE FATHERS that visit the children, which is an Eris in astrology issue. The previous article shows the lengths Zeus went to ensure the continuation of his position in the 10th house of position and public reputation. It’s about overthrowing his own father Cronus,

and later planning the discord that would lead to the Trojan War, and the utter destruction of the Age of Heroes as the annihilation of potential competition and the allaying of his insecurities. Zeus had an astonishing amount of children, and just like his forefathers Cronus and Uranus, he lived in dread of them superseding, restricting and castrating him. Zeus dug his own ‘graves’ many times with his trickery and disguises to fool and seduce others with artifice, and faithful wife Hera gave him hell for it.

Narcissistic Delight: Servicing Lust, Self-Interest and Self-Fulfilment

  • Zeus just wanted to service his own LUST, not caring about the consequences for others.

  • This is much like The Judgement of Paris, where Paris chose to service his own LUST and SELF-AGGRANDISEMENT by handing the apple to Aphrodite for her bribe, instead of making a wise choice to service the task he had been given as fair adjudicator.

  • It’s also much like commander of the Trojan war Agamemnon servicing his own LUST and PUFFED UP EGO by stealing Briseis from Achilles.

They all wanted to take someone’s importance or innocence away from them and break their heart. It’s the stealing of another’s divine energy to gain wealth and opulence.

It’s all completely immature, insincere, a betrayal, malicious, vindictive, shameful and completely out of place. Women can be these players too…

This gambling is what stirs discord and strife in the heart of honourable people around those who make these narcissistic choices to indulge…

All three these men had a position of power that came with responsibilities to fulfil a role that required making choices for the benefit of everyone. Each had a community of people who had expectations of fairness, order and getting a return on their investment in the relationship. People expected an equitable outcome and noble leadership, and instead they got a f*****y of unprincipled, false people being two-faced, wearing masks and being adaptable. Each one ABUSED THE POWER of that position to serve their own LUST; for the superficial benefit that they can fill themselves

up with in a NARCISSISTIC way, called NARCISSISTIC DELIGHT. Mythology and Homer’s Iliad details that Zeus, Paris and Agamemnon’s selfishness, above choices made with wisdom, resulted in far-reaching consequences of DISCORD and STRIFE that brought tremendous SUFFERING. The story of Hercules in particular, details the tremendous suffering and conflict that Zeus brought over his own children with his selfishness and shameful behaviour. This is the kind of entitlement and brat behaviour that makes for disgruntled people, as well as the marginalised and disenfranchised, because it is SHAMEFUL to treat innocent, respectable and good people like this. There is also a tremendous refusal to take accountability, responsibility and grow up, resulting in more strife by being violent towards whistleblowers and truth tellers who in comparison, shines a light on the Eris in astrology juxtaposition; that the lower expression indulges in evil mindedness and devil energy, and the higher expression in empathy and goodness by allowing the natural state of being; of being a divine being having a human experience.

Previous articles described the astrology behind Zeus, King of Olympus in Greek mythology as the political player who abused his power, and scapegoated and forcibly striked at Eris with blame and shame, when the initiation of the Trojan War was the brainchild of himself and Themis Goddess of Justice and Fairness.

This article explore Eris’s discovery chart for more deep insights on Eris energy in astrology, and how that manifests as Eris lower expression.

Zeus was the Greek god of the gods, and narcissistic player with feet of clay… but he also despised whistleblowers and truth-tellers (like Eris) and those who shone brightly for their honour being seen (Achilles), which is why he targeted them and got rid of them. So he can continue to be haughty, in power, frivolous, and fleece others. To enjoy all the benefits that deception, debauchery, and seduction bring, and keep the farse going… to play the field, and be insincere. DOMINION OVER Pluto/8th house/Scorpio themes are quite prominent in Eris’s discovery chart, Eris energy, and the dynamics shows up again in Persephone’s mythology in relation to Pluto Lord of the Underworld, if one considers that Persephone/Prosperina were forerunners in the naming of the newly discovered planet, that eventually became Eris…

Fiery, quick to anger Zeus had a thunderbolt that he would zap people with - to shut them down completely, or permanently disable them - when they didn’t want to go along with his selfish agendas, rules or regulations… or preserving his ‘perfect’ image in society…

His two faced behaviour had to remain unspoken of at all cost. He wanted great rewards without effort and to NOT be criticised. He wanted to avoid getting knocked off his pedestal by the Wheel of Fortune, keep taking advantage of others, and still keep on taking good people’s innocence away from them (the list is very long). Zeus’s level of integrity, how he walked through life, and how he treated people, was a massive contradiction to how he wanted to “appear” to be in the public eye… Greek mythology has many stories of his poor behaviour in relationship, as it relates to only looking out for himself.

Zeus was prone to WRATH and a DEEP ANGER, RESENTMENT, AND VENGEANCE, to punish someone. He expected for all to obey his authority, and meted out punishment when not. Zeus was be prone to QUICK ANGER, but also to JEALOUSY, LUST, and VANITY. He had the self-righteous mindset of a God-King. His anger was often piqued by anything that hurt his EGO - so then he justified his anger and aimed it, to squash the source of that insult to his ego.

Essentially, Zeus didn’t tolerate anything that threatened his POWER, or his own EGO.

Image: Zeus Via Wikimedia Commons.

Clout Hungry Sickness: The Aegis or Thunderbolt as Method, Weapon, or Punishment To Cut Down

In Greek mythology, the aegis was a device used by both Zeus and his warrior daughter Athena, pictured below holding the shield with the head of gorgon Medusa embedded in it.

The Iliad states that when they would shake it, Mount Ida would be wrapped in clouds, the thunder would roll, and men were struck down with FEAR. It offered protection to the Olympians, as it seemed to produce a sound as from a myriad roaring dragons. In mythology, the thunderbolt is a weapon/armour given to Zeus by the Cyclopes. It was useful to overthrow his father Cronus and become leader in his place. The lightning bolt was used as a mighty weapon of punishment. Not only did it help win the war against the Titans, it was also used to kill others who threatened the gods’ authority. Asclepius, the god of medicine, was crushed by Zeus and killed by a thunderbolt because of his powers to heal humans and raise them from the dead. The rod of Asclepius is synonymous with the CADUCEUS that Hermes/Mercury carried, which is a symbol of HEALING, that is mentioned in part 6. Zeus also killed Salmoneus with a lightning bolt for impersonating him.

To wield lightning is the epitome of supremacy through control, and by hurling this energy at others, Zeus made them lose control of their life, and change their fate with a thunderous ‘death blow’.

Image: Caduceus via Wikimedia Commons.

Image: Athena bearing the aegis via Wikimedia Commons.

The image of Zeus, lightning bolt raised in his right hand, creates the powerful impression of absolute control over gods and men. It was mainly by this weapon of control that he abused, that the thunder god ultimately “mastered the universe”, by preventing HEALING and other’s FREEDOMS in a narcissistic discard. Click on the images to enlarge.

From a certain point of view, the aegis/thunderbolt, what it represented, and the actions that came from using it, can be seen as a weapon or bad alchemical method to keep the status quo, the appearance, and the gaslighting in place.

Zeus was Greek god of the sky/heaven, and he seems to have used multiple items (thunderbolt, breastplate, shield, leather cloak, or animal skin) with these qualities to produce thunderbolts, thunderstorms or as protection against his enemies, and whosoever displeased him. This is the weapon that the clout hungry Zeus used on others though…

Bad Business and Thieving: Networking within the Corrupting Energy that Cut Down to Steal Another’s Blessings for Self-Enrichment

Today, these people don’t have thunderbolts, yet all the qualities of Zeus as part of Eris’s mythology applies as it relates to thunderous projections of energy, accusations as lightening bolts that are meant to permanently disable and forever harm.

Zeus set himself up as a bossy, self-righteous moral authority that must dispense judgements. When these judgements are severe, they seem like thunderbolts hurled at a transgressor.

The ancients thought of Zeus as a weather god, the sky god who controlled storms and lightning. However, in our daily life, his energy can be synonymous with the power of psychic storms that people in conflict hurl at another, that may cause psychological disruptions (as part 5 detailed). Zeus-consciousness has to do with the development of a strong, effectively coping ego, which does not tolerate the thwarting of its will, yet if not careful, all the negative characteristics of an unbalanced ego step forward, that can be summarised as “The Player”. Zeus is very much like high powered politicians and business leaders of today, who sometimes cross the line as if they are above the law, or a law unto themselves. They rationalise, deny, and delude themselves, that the ends justify the means. They act like God-Almighty and often end up destroying good things in the process. Identification of the ego and the powers an ego inflation, entails the ego getting puffed up with air, acting proud, pompous, vain, and presumptuous.

When people get caught in an inflation, the ego tries to take credit for the transcendent qualities of the divine Self. This is when the ego must give up its false pride, which is a major hurdle in the transformation from lower to higher expression Eris.

Higher expression Eris has deep EMPATHY and real compassion for people, and act in ways that genuinely help those who are out in the cold, marginalised, disenfranchised and in need of care. However, we know that most business and political leaders CARE A LOT… but about themselves, the interests closest to them and public image. They tend to value status, materialism and being on top, more, and this is at the heart of the problem. There is a massive misalignment in values, but to cover the ugly truth up, there must be stealth, fakery, and appearances. As can be deduced from all of the above, the Eris lower expression are politics and social groups that entail public opinion, that have a leader of a group, or a committee of sorts. They purposefully MANIPULATE ENERGY and sneak around in stealth (perhaps with fake smiles as well) to take out an adversary, to inflate that ego for self-satisfaction and self-importance.

When a new leader is voted in, they may enter on their perceived positive traits and ability to contribute, influence and be trusted. When they leave, they are often booted out, because they have served a purpose, and others want to oust them out of leadership. Politicians, business, and committee leaders know that they swim in shark tanks, and the minute they are not willing to go along with the agenda, to serve the goal of the majority-

vote; out they go. Authenticity is a scarce commodity, except perhaps for those initial goals that individuals may have had in the beginning, to do good, which is eventually corrupted by the other hubristic, greedy individuals. It’s fake colleagues, haters and jerks. There is no heart, nor healing. There is great detachment from the heart. This is being accustomed to social hierarchy, position and living a life with certain luxuries. Eris lower expression villains, thieves and traitors want to be influential and to feel the victorious high roller, having robbed another of their prestige or career.

They don’t want the bullying, energy stealing, getting spoilt, partying, celebrations, and power imbalance to end within this bad air, due to feeding their vanity, and feeding off the frenzy of the mob mentality, consensus or popular opinion. It’s PEER PRESSURE and seeking validation from others.

It’s ruin and disgrace all around due to energetic bondage in this toxic social lifestyle. They have surrounding them the like-minded, who are also self-indulging, where they all like to mix in, and feast on each other’s energy… that result in STALEMATE SITUATIONS, DECEPTION and ILLUSION that perpetuate. It’s underhanded behaviour and bad business. The temptation to cheat is so huge, and the fall from grace so quick… because they are surrounded by the low vibrational energies, that swamp them, make them complicit with third parties, or corrupt with gambles and vice, to stay in reckless karmic loops that deplete.

They egg each other on in toxic behaviour, and soon they don’t realise that they are all trapped in an insulated bubble that’s absurdly evil.

Eris astrological glyps

These players find it hard to listen to better judgement when it comes to playing with people’s lives. They try to trap, and then get trapped or setup for failure by their colleagues. They are all in a habit of watching threatening behaviour go down. Like for example, sitting back and enjoying gossip, making up stories, staining an original thinker’s name, or seeking validation from others by talking crap. They all enjoy seeing another all played out, hitting rock bottom, and their downfall

being a massive disgrace. They get satisfaction at watching another unable to dodge bullets, or getting slaughtered by evil mindedness. They seem to be in a habit of getting satisfaction from competition and seeing another ramble aimlessly in confusion after they had been purposefully demolished in the RIVALRY. It’s seeing another’s life in shambles, no longer able to manifest as the superlative creator that they once were; who had a gift, talent, or a certain unique expression. They all want to hate on this person, by withholding love and support, yet they often want to COPYCAT their maverick at the same time. It is being debasing, excluding, thieving, and oppressive of another’s talent, worth or contribution in relationship, due to begrudging them, and coveting what’s theirs. It’s threatening those who they feel threatened by.

It’s taking thrill in this sociopathic behaviour and emotional distress caused… unable to understand another’s pain… wanting them disconnected from the divine innate within all human beings.

To control another’s happiness for self-satisfaction, malice and feel on top of the world.

This is how those at the top abuse their position of power and use it as an opportunity to do crazy things - due to not being able to handle the position they were blessed with - instead becoming a TYRANT. It’s going on an abusive ego destruction rampage to deplete resources around them. Each are SELF-ELECTED to be the replacement of another who has more MERIT, SUBSTANCE, SKILLS, AUTHENTICITY etc. than them. They all want to come after someone with HIGH HONOUR who are seen in a good light. The want to create mockery and bad attention for them, because of their jealousy, greed and power inflation. They want for that person’s outer reality to be a complete stark opposite, of the love energy that they carry in their heart, via gaslighting and refusing to acknowledge them.

“Killing me Softly” A Fine Metaphor for the Dynamics of the Cutting Down Draining Betrayal Lunacy

This is about the suspended reality that a person may find them self in, in a group setting, where what is happening seems so impossible, yet it is true. They may know that a foe is smiling in their face as a so-called friend or ally, but is actively working behind the scenes to demolish them. It is the pain of being in a situation where the clandestine cockamamie plot is so ridiculous, that one may be forgiven for wanting to suspend disbelief, due to the paralysis of the vile truth, that seems so fantastical. In Eris’ discovery chart the Moon is in Scorpio in the 7th house. This is the moody emotions deeply invested in another person in partnership or business partnership (7th house), but when non-committal players are doing this, it is with secret motives to use the strong emotional focus to overwhelm and control the other. It’s the powerful aura and intense emotional need that seeks a deep, abiding kinship with those in partnership, and then using this as a tool for emotional manipulation, co-dependency, or even bondage. The idea is to slowly eat away at another person with subversive behaviour… or taking a group down one domino at a time…

Image: The Devil card in the tarot via Wikimedia Commons.

It’s a particular evil-minded trickery to be toxic with a soft approach facade.

This entails begrudging another deeply and feeling threatened, but smiling sweetly pretending to be an ally in camaraderie, while being a devious liar. It entails incapacitating another in the soft illusion that is seemingly supportive, but in truth corrupting and false...

The energy is so soft, yet toxic, therefore you won’t think that it is toxic, which is why it often carries on for a long time, eventually escalating in chaos; with underhanded vile comments, jabs and passive-aggressive behaviour, as Moon in Scorpio are prone to angry mood swings. This is a favourite tactic to cause friction amongst a group of people, with seemingly innocent, soft and loving demeanour. Yet it is still the pulling of wool over other’s eyes regarding the wolf’s true character and intentions, with a favourite persona. It is the masquerade using the energy of the divine feminine. Pretending to be principled, emotionally balanced, empathic, compassionate and fair, when they are not.

It’s really getting clarity around lunacy, and getting out of the illusion by awakening into seeing the bullying of tall poppies for what it is. It’s about stealing from others, depleting them and co-dependency, kept secret and done secretly. It’s about slowly syphoning blessings out of connections that are spiritual in nature, then cutting them off emotionally, fast.

There is no faithfulness, no spirituality, no righteousness, no support, nor moral compass, as these wolves impersonate divine feminine energy in the public eye; smiling sweetly, acting so caring and genuine, and appearing genuinely invested, with a seemingly sunny disposition.

The effect of this slow venom/poison has a paralysing effect on those the pretender are in relation with. It is a metaphor for the corrupting and controlling energy that is brought to the table, that infects everyone and can cause group hysteria at the start and during Eris transits. Moon in Scorpio is highly susceptible to MOOD SWINGS and this is used to stir other’s into a violent contention or HYSTERIA frenzy as well, to influence them, steer them, and control them into doing nefarious things they would otherwise not…

In the song Killing Me Softly, the singer (or lyricist) talks about being overcome with emotion while watching another. Whether that emotion is joy, sorrow, envy, lust, or some combination of moving emotions, is up for interpretation. The phrase has a strange sense of irony, as the word killing is harsh and strong, while softly is the opposite. It has many potential ways regarding interpretation.

One can say that the phrase “killing me softly,” can mean something like “gently destroying my experience,” or “gently causing me a lot of pain”. It’s adversarial playing nice and psychological entrapment.

This entails one or more persons in a group being a soft but toxic, sabotaging influence, creating lack or pain for the other by slowly cutting off their ability to receive emotional nourishment, perhaps ruining their connections and networks. To be without something, or deficient in an ability to take action. To be missing an essential element, or fall short of a quorum, support, confidence, understanding or respect. This is representative of the Moon in Scorpio conjunct Ceres, and was described in another article. This is about emotional nourishment, but in the negative, it’s about being smothered, subtle to vile manipulation, being dominated, experiencing power struggles for control and fear of loss in relation. It’s also the fight for independence and co-dependence at play. It’s such a thrill for players to see another get stuffed up… until they are at the receiving end of the shocking, bad juju switch-up of getting played themselves. Many don’t have the fortitude to take what they dish out at another emotionally…

Eris Avengers: Massive Pluto, Scorpio and 8th House Influences in Eris’ Discovery Chart


The Moon, Mercury and Mars are all involved in Eris energy’s “hitting a raw nerve” with CHAOS, due to them being either in Scorpio’s sign, house or conjunct Pluto, its planet of rulership. Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio, thus also at home in the 8th house.

There is a lot of betrayal, projection and backstabbing behind the scenes; nobody can trust another amongst a group where the vicious, cunning, avenging and aggressive players all individually desire power imbalance, self-interest, and to be influential. They’re all fixated on winning and lusting for control; indoctrinated, in psychosis and possessed, and full of passion that is DESTRUCTIVE for others. It’s highly invested in creating and keeping the status quo in place where there is DOMINANCE over another.

  • Scorpio is WATER SIGN which entails the involvement of deep emotions and strong intuition.

  • Scorpio is also a FIXED SIGN which entails to maintain, uphold and defend positions, goals or desires in situations (being stubborn, set in one’s ways and refusing to budge).

  • Pluto is highly skilled at emotional manipulation, power over dynamic, obsession and draining other’s energy as multiple signatures in Pluto’s discovery chart shows.

Pluto, Scorpio and the 8th house are deeply imbedded in Eris energy as can be seen in the discovery chart, which is why Eris issues are often mistaken for Pluto issues. It is only by studying the two discovery charts, that the difference really becomes quite evident.

Twisted Bad Juju One-Upmanship: Obsession to Stop Another From Winning their Jackpot Using Betrayal as Tool to Harm

The potential for ABUSE OF POWER is evident in the placements of Pluto and Mars in Eris’s discovery chart, as well as the Scorpio and 8th house placements, and still there are multiple other signatures of the very far-reaching potentials and consequences for operating in the lower expression… The Trojan war, which King of Olympus schemed to take Achilles out, and blame Eris for , brought forth immense SUFFERING… and these elements are at the root of it. Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio and the 8th house, and the scorpion is known to stick its stinger into its own body, while trying to attack another. In more practical terms as it relates to Eris energy, some people may happily ruin their own life, if it meant ruin for another’s, because they carry that low vibrational poison, venom or toxicity.

A happiness hater is someone who hates another’s potential, jackpot or originality, because of how it makes them feel…

The following shows just how huge the misalignment in values are, between lower and higher Eris expression… and why successful but innocent people, who are ‘perceived’ to have done something wrong, are often the target for this ANGRY, RIGHTEOUS RAGE, MEAN and REVENGE behaviour.

The astrology behind this fanatical slippery slope BAD JUJU is very clear in Eris’s discovery chart, and a seasoned astrologer may spot the many patterns emerging right away. Mars is the action and vision of aggression and force, with the intention to cause destruction. It is multi-faceted but this at the heart of Eris energy’s particular intense obsessive win-at-all cost battle strategy; to get ahead.

This entails creating a falling from grace, or ‘death’ for another’s CONFIDENCE, APPEAL or MAGNETISM; it’s Mars in the 8th house in fire sign Sagittarius. It’s the obsession with another’s great fortune, wether physical, mental or spiritual.

Image: Statue of a male deity, brought to Louis XIV and restored as a Zeus ca. 1686 by Pierre Granier, who added the arm raising the thunderbolt via Wikimedia Commons.

Mars in a fire sign is associated with hasty aggression, confrontation, impulsiveness, hostility and being extremely competitive. Mars is fiery, antagonistic, confident, and war-like. Mars is strong energy, ambition and drive.

Mars in Sagittarius here entails the drive and ambition of Mars, that fuses with the qualities of Sagittarius which is about personal development, having a vision, expectations, moral character, dogmatism, etc. In the negative, this entails being haughty, arrogant and flipping the script on others with immoral behaviour.

Mars in the eight house is about shared resources, joint financial matters, legacies, material possessions, fortune, abundance, luxuries, and inheritances etc. Mars here is what lends it that mighty impetus in Eris energy to rile a bunch of haters up, to take something away from another, or take over as if it is theirs. It’s feeling like they are entitled to thieve something in battle, oust a person from some structure, or collapse their reality regarding shared resources. It’s also haters hating with strength in numbers. The determined intention is to make someone cave into the pressure and submit with guerilla-like assault or warfare, for victory.

The 2nd astrological house is the domain of building great wealth, innovation or the tangible results from putting in a lot of time, money and energy, due to being unique and thinking outside of the box. It’s planting good seeds, and having a bountiful harvest of great net worth.

The 8th house is the assessing of what another has, getting jealous and growing obsession over their innovative creativity, and the scheming for the sharing, acquisition, or inheritance of it. For self-enrichment.

It entails one party being a gifted and blessed wealth builder through great effort, and the other the opportunistic party waiting for their ships to come in… to be the thief, hoarder, squanderer, or destroyer. It’s denying the presence of divine love energy, strength of spirit, or soul connection that might have brought forth the abundance in the first place.

The eighth house is about a kind of merging, and how one partner’s wealth adds to, or undermines one’s own wealth. It’s also the house of great power struggles with others, that involves facing fears, and getting to the bottom of control issues. It’s the deep probing into the underlying currents that feed a personal demon, and being liberated from it by growing and healing from a toxic situation. It’s a domain that includes issues like dark psychology, crime, bad karma, dirty tricks, revenge, jealousy, and control. It is the house of the shadow's power, and the transformation of that deep complexity at the bedrock of a person’s character.

In essence, Mars here entails the Eris lower vibrational individuals who go through life trying to destroy other’s jackpot, worth, value, creations or innovation, who they feel POWER can be derived from, so they can flash those assets and pretend the clout is their own, as if they had the merit to obtain it.

Due to the nature of the overwhelming Scorpio/Pluto/8th house/fixed energy, this person is not likely to change or let go, for the self-fulfilment feeling of gaining power or status via a loss of value for another, are both addictive and self-corrupting. It’s having gambled and being a saboteur, while dealing with power, position or security, not seeing

the true source of the abundance for who or what it is; instead attributing the wealth and success to themselves in using this power or position for self-aggrandisement; it’s an illusion and a lie… It’s having allowed the blessings and fruits of someone else’s labour to ‘go to their head’, as if it was built on their merit. It’s much like the story of Agamemnon where he was puffing up his own ego self-importance, as if the success of the Trojan war belonged to him exclusively, instead of it being a shared collaboration due to Achilles’ fine qualities, strategy and leadership. Agamemnon created a rift with his deliberate power imbalance, so that he could feel better about his worth and value feeling entitled to this ‘inheritance’ through sharing; this is a 2nd house - 8th house polarity that exposes itself eventually.

With Mars conjunct Kuiper belt objects Ixion/Varda/Quaoar here, it entails those threatening dark desires to stalk another intensely and cause them immense stress, because they want what the other has, or had built. It’s the bending of perception or rules when the Wheel of Fortune is in their favour, to create INEQUITY. It’s to swoop in with ‘clever’ action and deal a ‘death blow’ at just the right moment - like the swift sting of a scorpion. It’s having played games of stealth and deception that had laid the foundation for a take over in the 8th house. The idea is for the adversary to forcefully ‘inherit’ or take control of assets, power or wealth. It’s OBSESSION to create a transfer of ownership of sorts. To HOARD RESOURCES, so that it becomes theirs to manage or indulge in; perhaps to be the withholding gatekeeper in charge of it… or mismanage it entirely. It’s being stingy, and giving with strings attached, because the LUST to win AND BE ON TOP at all cost are so great.

It’s becoming or being the person who is in a POWERFUL POSITION, yet abusing their power over others involved in that joint situation of shared wealth. It’s also not being deserving of this position of caretaking, being a fair CUSTODIAN, or in supervision, for they may not understand the concept of 8th house balance, which involves duties, obligations and just stewardship. The eight house is about money accumulated through one’s partner, spouse, people/organisations with whom there is a joint financial venture, family inheritance, and more generally, other people’s money in the form of joint prosperity. With the KBO’s involved, it’s the distorted thinking, that another being in joy and creative flow makes them conceited, feel challenged and empty. It’s the thinking that if the prominent person goes broke, the antagonist will be happy, satisfied and victorious; because they measure other people’s worth by money (etc.) and if they can take away from them, the envied becomes devalued, and the envier’s worth increases. It is to block the envied’s great potential, manifestation, or windfall, as this is the house of other people’s money. It’s also the house of hidden enemies and adversaries, and JEALOUSY of massive proportions, potentially manifesting through ONE-UPMANSHIP. It’s vindictive and cruel behaviour due to an immature ego and operating without a heart.

The movie Knives Out is a great example of how the character Martha’s innocence and goodness were exploited and her life turned upside down, as she was being secretly setup for failure in a smear-campaign to turn the innocent into the guilty scapegoat, for a ‘forced inheritance’ to be made; Eris style. It was all based on jealousy and wanting the reward of the innovations that another had worked for.

Mars in the 8th house is a strong inner drive that may include being mean, possessive, stubborn, sneaky, instinctive, manipulative and having intense conflict within relationship.

It’s WICKED WIN AT ALL COST GAME PLAYING to win for the sake of winning.

Mars in the 8th house is lustful, indulgent but also greedy, ambitious and materialistic. It’s the fortune hunter, spy and gold digger.

It’s the feeling of satisfaction of having achieved what was desired, yet the efforts of the 8th house entails striving for self-fulfilment via grabbing another’s money, abundance, things, or rewards. It’s like having the golden ticket in one’s life, in the form of the wealth creator, and taking it for granted. It’s the DELIRIUM and arrogance of riding on another’s back, and getting so caught up in the HUBRIS, as if they are ENTITLED to splurge on the abundance. It’s stealing something, coasting on it, or feeling like they will always be able to keep what is not theirs. It’s the AUDACITY to be confused about the ownership of another’s blessing, gifts or energy, thinking that they DESERVE it, and the EXPECTATION that they can control it, which is why KARMA is playing out. It’s mind-blowing that someone can think that there would be no CONSEQUENCES for their mindless indulgence, as if they deserve what is another’s… It’s the jealousy of still wanting what another has long after absconding with their assets, and being a little shit about it… having no remorse, reflection or consideration… trying to figuring out another way to make situations go their way… Still thinking that the wealth creator who gave them something from the heart, is somehow still not deserving of what had been theirs… and making a MOCKERY of it. Having no RESPECT for the genuine, honourable and spiritual, preferring the superficial, fake-flexing and spending time being evil instead…

This cluster entails using cunning and covert manipulation, perhaps actively blocking connections so there will be no shared resources, investments, commitments, inheritances or shared wellbeing for everyone to enjoy, due to being utterly self indulgent, jealous or malicious, creating nightmares.

This is about extremely underhanded bullying and playing dirty, as the story of Achilles in Homer’s Iliad demonstrates. It’s being HAUNTED by another’s destiny potentially playing out in a benevolent way that may entail a fortune, status, or high honour, and going APESHIT about it; to stick a finger in someone else’s pie… and hopefully take control of everything in a power grab.

It’s juvenile thinking, being absurdly evil and delighting in an insulated bubble of DIABOLICAL ACTS to acquire power over others through manipulation. It is with this brutal obsession to obtain a powerful stronghold, that they may want to make another person seem crazy, having lost control, or incapable. These are twisted players so reckless that they may ruin themselves to ruin another. It’s the boss that withholds the value in the form of reciprocity that the employee rightfully deserves. It’s that satisfaction of delaying another’s pay check, knowing that it will cause devastation for another. It’s blocking or ending the work of a talented person, to break their heart with a desire to injure. It’s getting paid to ruin another’s life.

It’s the inner toxicity that ‘justifies’ the action of spreading the toxicity to others. It’s feeling good at having something that was meant for another, after having interjected themselves into a situation. It’s wanting for another to have no solid backing whatsoever… too distraught to function… It’s the lying, cheating and stealing through the 8th house, regarding the wealth and value that another had worked hard for (2nd house), and wanting the valuable in poverty instead, so that the envied’s value is devalued, and the envier’s self-worth increases.

The envier’s materialistic values dictate, that worth is dependent on who can steal value from another, and then through distorted thinking declare themselves king. It’s a mind trip… that eventually takes the envier into poverty.

Mars here on its own, is the skilful ART OF WAR, but conjunct the KBOs, it turns into potential for massive defeat, self-defeat and loss in the form of total ruin. This is not the kind of person or business leaders that one should follow into battle or invest in, because it will be like following the haphazard commander off a cliff.

There may be no return on investment…

The KBOs here entail the loss of control over something, addictions, and over-indulgence that cause a spiralling out of control, and the squandering of another’s accumulated fortune or investment in general.

Remember that the mythology around Eris entails THE FALL OF AN EMPIRE… It’s the burning down of everything that had once had solid foundation and potential to prosper even more, to embers… due to how an ARROGANT antagonist is spending their time. They are competing with the generational wealth builder who has value (2nd house), out of jealousy, desiring to control, or even destroy what is another’s great fortune (8th house). The focus is all off… for the centre of attention shouldn’t be on how to block other’s prosperity by being MEAN, it should be on growing one’s own. Deliberately putting the competition out in the cold or bringing them down, is to disadvantage the self as well. It’s not wholesome, for where attention goes, energy flows… It backfires, because when you put out energy, you create it for yourself. You reap what you sow, as part 9 eloquently proves. Empires that fall tends to result in great loss for everyone…

It’s important to understand that all three of these objects (Varda, Ixion and Quaoar) carry some themes around LACK OF CONSCIENCE BETRAYAL and bottoming out, of mammoth proportions, just like the overwhelming Scorpio/Pluto/8th house presence in Eris’ discovery chart. This FIXED HYPNOTISED INTENTION to stay on this sickly course - for VICTORY and SATISFACTION OF DESIRES - can cause immense strain in the body of the stubborn, manipulative antagonist, and is at the heart of them potentially getting mental health problems, or it potentially manifesting as an illness in the body, like the nerves in the nervous system being overwhelmed, and even the bowels which is a typical Scorpio energy ailment. This cluster is further inflamed by the tight square to Uranus, Manwe, and trine to Orcus (broken oaths); it’s epic.

The utter waste of this DETERMINATION to destroy and self-destruct makes good people extremely upset with Eris DISCORD of the heart, just like Paris’ choice to satisfy his lust, Zeus’ messing with innocent women, and Agamemnon’s arrogance did. When people spend their time in low vibrational frivolity that injures others, it’s a waste of life.

With Ixion here, it is important to bring forward the element of reckless betrayal due to being IMMATURE, INSINCERE, SPOILT, and an UNFAITHFUL THIEF. It’s having a history of not taking accountability and feeling the entitled brat, that Ixion in particular brings to Mars. Ixion entails not being a person of good character or reputation, harming another who is INNOCENT due to being a JUVENILE BULLY without principles. It’s the inner corruption leading to outer faux pas corruption due to materialism and the love of the superficial. It’s the self-justification, that justified the narcissistic discard.

In Greek mythology, Ixion was the King of Thessaly who thought of himself as beyond reproach, able to out-smart karma and act out as he pleased. Shallow and sneaky Ixion was secure in the DELUSION that being in his position of authority over everyone that he was entitled to, he was able to abuse power of authority without consequence. However, he did not escape without notice, nor punishment after he pushed his own father in law into a fireplace, hitting rock bottom twice due to being too haughty to learn his lesson. The second time his punishment was even more severe than the first; it was like an eternal groundhog day, where karmic cycles and bad choices are on hamster wheel automatic repeat, and lessons are never learnt. Ixion was roasted over a flaming wheel of misfortune.

These are the actions of someone who isn’t quite right in the head. There is something that is amiss, because the narcissistic tendencies and switching up of the truth behaviour are quite rampant, and there is a lack of healthy sense of self. Ixion is the bad attitude headspace getting twisted and disconnected from reality in puffed up ego. It entails small thinking, evil mindedness, betrayal in connections that should be honoured. It’s bad behaviour backfiring in a very nasty backdraft effect… Ixion entails reaping a judgement and punishment for evil behaviour in the form of the Wheel of Fortune turning and having to take accountability for the actions taken. In Ixion’s case, it’s a spinning around the karmic wheel, being stuck, but never learning his lesson.

Ixion is the petty BAD JUJU energy brewed and served to another, backfiring.

Stuck fiery energy - due to flipping the script on another - in the 8th house festers… until it becomes something beyond obscene, dangerous, and egregious, as detailed in part 9. Eris’ discovery chart has multiple signatures around irresponsible, reckless behaviour and long term consequences for bad choices, with very far reaching repercussions.

Mars also conjuncts Varda, and upon deep study of Varda it is clear why this “Eris impetus” to win is all mixed up in feeling pain at seeing others who are enjoying tremendous abundance and creativity. In Varda’s ‘myth’, angelic Varda in particular is affected by dark lord Melkor’s deep jealousy upon seeing her light and creation of light (which was her specialty). Also the rapid creativity of the Valar, and how this group of creators’ progressive creativity makes them the masters of their own life. It’s the image of a group of superlative creator beings enjoying their abundant creations and magical life, and how a wayward jealous party schemes to make them lose EVERYTHING. It is the dynamic of a hitman antagonist who wants for them to hit rock bottom despair, and be played out in every possible way. It entails demolishing another’s firm foundation, often for the sole purpose of causing total breakdown and destruction; to dim another’s LIGHT, which is irritating the low vibrational.

It’s very obvious about people operating in Eris lower expression, that they cannot stand that the light-hearted, loving and charitable person they target, do well. Their innocence and honour irks them, which may be why they want them to go crazy with sadness.

Dark lord Melkor didn’t think that Varda would survive the barrage on the very foundations of her life.

It’s sick and surreal; that someone has to be down and out, so that another can feed on their pain and suffering.

It’s a toxic conundrum, because Eris energy involves taking these ACTIONS TO WIN (Mars), that entails that success and thrill are only achieved when another is completely emotionally, spiritually or physically DESTROYED (KBOs). This is the kind of stress that causes severe loss of wellbeing; think weakened immune system, heart issues, hospitalisation etc. It’s thinking that the antagonist can only get their wish-fulfilment, from another’s utter despair, DEPLETION and bottoming out. These reckless, impulsive and selfish actions and false accusations are meant to keep another from living their life, with painful endings; to put them in a mental and emotional crisis and pain, utilising betrayal as a tool to injure the heart, and exhaust completely, for sick satisfaction. To be the recipient of this level of stubborn, fixed antagonism is frightening, which is why this information may be useful for those in the LEGAL FIELD who has to determine level of intention to harm, and also the appropriate punishment for the foul deeds.

Both Varda and Ixion carry some element of MISERY LOVES COMPANY, which means those who are suffering are comforted by the knowledge that another are also unhappy by their design. Both entail not wanting a worthy party to have what is due to them, or what they had worked for. It’s not fair.

Misery loves company is a proverb that addresses a universal truth that is at the core of Eris energy, regarding the asinine waste of time focussing on the low vibrational and superficial in life.

Mars also squares Uranus (it’s more recklessness and dangerous energy, both in water houses that involve secrets and secret enemies), which entails the shock factor that is employed to ambush and shock to the core the emotions of another to disable them. Moon is in moody Scorpio in the 7th house of partnerships, also trine Uranus in the house of SECRET ENEMIES, which supports more of that stealth surprise attack element with a force of intentional, directed energy, from the grudge-holder who wants to control and betray others. It’s the karmic fallout to make them bitter and angry at the losses they have taken. Mars, the Moon and their interactions are about CREATING ENEMIES and PUPPETS in a very toxic manner that are overly focussed on other people in some jealous relationship dynamic.

These interactions in the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th houses are also an illustration of Zeus’ behaviour, regarding seducing women, having sex with them, or worse, doing it in a forceful way that injures them with life long consequences. It’s the manifestations, guilt or shame that becomes the sins of the fathers visited upon the children’s children. It’s the narcissistic acts of one patriarch (or matriarch) which can be seen as a sicking inheritance indeed, that rob multiple generations of a healthy shared legacy.

This cluster is about losing everything that might have been good in the 8th house, due to how an egotistical person spends their time, like a legacy, a business, inheritance, an investment etc. It’s running it into the ground, due to not making wise choices regarding the superficial temptations, competition, abusing power, seeking status, or opportunism gone wrong.

As explained in part 5, NOT FEELING FOOD ENOUGH, and suffering great INSECURITY and PAIN as a result of struggling immensely to succeed in life, is colourfully illustrated by Chiron in the 10th house in Capricorn. The pain, scarcity mentality, and insecurity feeds in, to the behaviour to desire to SABOTAGE in relationship, as the Mercury, Venus, Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius shows… Eris energy is complicated and rooted in extremism, but it’s all there in the discovery chart for readers to read… Every choice people make is a seed, that leads to reaping of what was sown.

It’s “Gangsters Paradise” To Ruthlessly Dishonour Another and Enjoy the Bad Publicity Catastrophe

In the Godfather movies, respect and respectability is everything, yet the main character is often surrounded by those who are the opposite regarding those qualities, and he - in the light of truth - is in the same energy as those he surrounds himself with…

The gung-ho players want glittery jackpots, but often without having worked for it, in this social pressure party-scene illusion loop miasma.

It seems to feel so “good” to be a sketchy gangster in gangster’s paradise. There is both “hive mind” amongst the shadowy characters in bondage, as well as individual ambush, slamming, and stomping behaviour. They all want to create premature endings and deaths for anyone that looks like a tall poppy rearing their head above the rest in comparison, to break glass ceilings into a life of abundance. They are all jealous and insecure about public standing, success in life and accolades (10th house planets), and will cheat, steal, dishonour, lie to get clout, or block another’s pathway from getting their rewards.

Image: the Godfather via Wikimedia Commons.

Each player seem to feel more superior than the other; making bets, bribes, and hustling. It’s a mean and ruthless mob that borders on the Plutonian, but with the false smiles on their lying faces. They indulge in playing games, getting high from offering temptations to corrupt or shame others, defaming, weakening and juggling. It’s draining and toxic. It’s all wobbly… with some loosing control… mentally unstable, perhaps about to blow the top… Nobody is taking the time to re-evaluate what they are investing their energy into… Everyone’s wearing rose-coloured classes and they can’t snap out of the dispensation and moral corruption… They are not thinking for themselves despite a great deal of scheming, also allowing others decide their fate… There is a loss of personal identity and open-mindedness, because everyone is just going along with this “home sweet home” dysfunction. Bending over backwards to make acquisitions and waiting for stroke of luck wealth to shine in that 10th house energy in stolen feathers. Everyone’s looking for their ships to come in, and their payouts… as the hedonists that they are that covet other’s accolades.

Everyone wants to be the charismatic respected leader of society, or have that gaslighting influence in an enterprise of sorts. To be spoiled with benefits and control many puppets.

Everyone wants to be in charge of a legacy, but what kind of legacy? To be able to manage resources, so they can skim off the top or enjoy status, yet each lack morality due to the pool of corruption around them, that influence them in turn.

They are happy to take money, to destroy other’s relationships, reputation, position, career, life path, or physical health, for a personal gain. Each individual wants to stop another from self-actualisation, or becoming a leader over them. Each happy to adorn themselves, parade in, and display the shiny ornaments they obtained from another’s downfall. Gloating about how they ruthlessly took it off the back of another’s hard toil and labour.

Major Tenth House Focus, Clarity, and Illumination of Truth

The previous article about Achilles in the Iliad details the Chiron and the Sun in Capricorn in the 10th house splendidly. In this article, we want to look at this from a different point of view.

Chiron in Greek mythology is the Centaur famous for his wisdom, temperance, and knowledge of medicine and was known to be the “the wisest and justest of all the centaurs”. Chiron was famous for his great teaching ability, thus it is fitting that Chiron should be in the 10th house in Eris’ discovery chart. However, the chart below demonstrates a challenger personified in Saturn in the 4th house. Saturn’s domicile or home is the 10th house, yet it is in the opposite house where it does not function at its best (the 4th). Saturn is representative of those antagonists who rise up to challenge the position of status that unique and wise Chiron occupies.

Chiron is also conjunct asteroid Themis Goddess of Justice and Fairness or Natural Law and Divine Order, which is said to be one of the largest asteroids in the asteroid belt discovered in 1853. Together they make a formidable pair in the 10th house, despite the Grand Cross challenge as it pertains to fate, karma and destiny. When Saturn the challenger comes to oppose Chiron/Themis there is a natural weighing of worth, merit, mettle, moral fibre and integrity, for they are all competing / jostling for the right of that top spot in the 10th house.

In more practical application, this is about extreme envy regarding another’s pathway in life (square the Nodes of Fate) or how they shine in that 10th house, see the role of Chiron the wise teacher in Achilles’ story for a fine example of this. It’s each player desiring to harm another’s public, social or moral standing (as described in part 6) and to alter their life path. It’s competitors indulging in hubris that takes another’s honour away from them, so they will be miserable, weak and nothing work out for them, for that feel good satisfaction from having alienated them socially and in public standing with bad publicity, loss of opportunity, or even defamation.

It’s the alliance of recruited haters where the sole purpose may have been to bully another; to lower their status, rank, or destroy their career or income. To turn the tide on another’s good luck and fate, because there is a lot at stake in climbing towards success to get ahead of another.

This is about not having that moral fibre in the 10th house of public standing, about stopping another’s destiny, and to have them publicly rejected with heartbreak, as some form of perverted ‘justice’.

It’s that Chiron in Capricorn in the 10th house due to a hurt ego, as lack of prestige weakness, wanting reward without effort, to make up for lack, and taking seedy actions that lack integrity. Like for example stealing other’s ideas, and pretending they invented them, because they don’t have their own flow with the wise soul connection within. They don’t know how to be their own divine Self, so they have to be part of the group that takes other out of that top position. It’s that great uphill battle to achieve success, but having to do it through assertion, being a sell-out, and discriminating against another, that may involve pulling a target down for a devaluation; for better position or status. To enjoy life by clawing and clamouring into some situation for clout. Yet it’s that feeling of estrangement,

cruddy and being in pain, as it relates to dishonour and the stagnancy of life, destiny and social standing in the world; feeling really challenged by life. Why? These are soulless pursuits, that are ultimately a soul destroying doldrum. There is no soul left to genuinely enjoy the spoils of competition or war. These kinds of situations are a trap and a guaranteed highway to unhappiness. Ending another’s career entails them losing their income, or potentially starving on the streets because they cannot provide for themselves; it’s unhappiness and bad karma all around. Chiron conjunct Themis opposes Saturn in Cancer, and is square the bendings on the Aries/Libra axis. Click on the image below to enlarge. Despite Chiron being conjunct law and order Themis, it is under the stress in this Grand Cross; it’s the lack of control over one’s own destiny and fate, because there are Saturnian forces or third parties at play, perhaps claiming that they are more skilled for that top spot in the house of public standing… This is the public fall from grace due to some corruption or moral weakness, that is inherent in both Eris and Pluto energy…


It is curious that Chiron is in the10th house in both Eris’s discovery chart, and Pluto’s discovery chart. In Pluto’s chart, Chiron is in Taurus conjunct the North Node, and it speaks of the qualities of this house in terms of finding REDEMPTION IN HEALING as stability, as was detailed in the Pluto blog. In Eris’s chart, HEALING (Chiron) in the 10th house is greatly challenged and limited, but has great potential… as was discussed in part 7.

The 10th house Capricorn is the astrological domain of reputation, status, positions of power, respect, and one’s influence on others (like being an inspiration). It’s also the house of one’s contribution to society, humanity, ambition, wealth, and achievements in a particular field.

Chiron in the tenth house square the Nodes of Fate is where YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW and everything

having LONG TERM consequences based on actions taken and repercussions. It comes back to a person, in one way or another. It’s the total effect of a person's actions and conduct that creates a destiny or fate during the successive phases and cycles of life, as was discussed in part 9.

Chiron in the 10th house is about great insecurity around achievement, or having feelings of inadequacy in professional life. This is where people feel that nothing is working out as they want, and there is an experience of blockage, failure or disappointments. It’s woundedness playing out by being confronted and severely challenged by dominant or authoritative figures, to get off their lazy ass and achieve something. Chiron here can also be a sign of putting too much effort in achieving professional goals or having a successful career, feeling stuck and unappreciated and demotivated no matter how much effort they put into it.

Chiron here is experiencing obstacles in achievement and feeling dissatisfied. It’s also a sign of lack of ambition to do the hard work to achieve success in life...

Chiron laziness to do the hard work feeds into why the Sun in Capricorn in the 10th house at the reaction point of a Boomerang Yod falls under ENVY ATTACK.

This is the person who has the DIVINE VISION and BLUEPRINT to see how all the pieces fit together to SHINE in the 10th house with achievement and recognition.

This is why anyone who shines in an honourable light for their dedicated effort, and has cultivated valuable qualities like endurance and worthy accolades - like the Sun in the 10th house conjunct the MC - falls under the evil eye… The amateurs are jealous because they didn’t put in the work, but they want the rewards. Capricorn Sun in the 10th house people can become a pillar of GOODNESS in their communities in their later years, when the accumulation of their dedicated hard work in the public eye, tend to result in being recognised in their occupation or field of interest. They may have had their heads down working on the inception of something that they are inspired to bring into the world for a long time, not bothering anyone; building, reaching, striving, and being diligent. This is about COMMITMENT to EARNED SUCCESS in business, growing a strong spirit, and those who are worthy of the benefits that come from this striving for excellence. They have skills and talents.

The Sun is opposed by Varuna and Sirius, and squares Jupiter and… Eris, see the chart below.

In the chart, Jupiter can be seen as Zeus challenging those who shine a bright light in the world that stirs in others the resentful and eventually devilish… to be very critical of another’s beauty.

Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky with its name meaning ‘glowing’ or ‘scorching’.

This luminosity conjunct Kuiper belt object Varuna is highly significant. In ancient Greece Sirius as the morning star heralded the hot and dry summer, and with that the suffering of heat and fever hot weather. Many ancient cultures associated it with, or called it the dog star; it’s also seen as one of the dogs in the constellation of Orion. The story of Achilles in the Iliad is a great example of how Sirius is involved and connected to Eris in astrology.

Eris higher expression has a glowing BEAUTY that bothers the jealous and turns them scorching antagonistic hater. It’s the beautiful inside, that reflects on the outside, that captivates and inspires others, bothering some immensely.

Sirius also portent GOOD FORTUNE and seem to be a signature in the charts of some celebrities, and it is one of the Behenian fixed stars of ancient times. In astrology it is seen as the bringer of HONOUR, RENOWN, WEALTH, FAITHFULNESS, DEVOTION, PASSION etc. Also, reputation, high achievements, and fame. It makes for INSPIRATIONAL LEADERS and those of SPIRITUAL STRENGTH, but if this is abused in selfish pursuits, a great fall from grace follows. Sirius is synonymous with the resentment, embarrassment and misfortunes of kings and leaders gone awry.


Timeline Changes, False Realities, and the Wizard of Oz

The Sun is part of a Boomerang yod with Quaoar sextile Neptune making an apex out of Varuna (social justice, natural law and order) and luminous Sirius, making a reaction point out of the Sun. In the positive and AUTHENTIC expression, the Sun is bursting into full aliveness as a conscious creator with fine inner qualities, resourcefulness and independence in this powerful configuration.

In the negative expression, the Sun at the reaction point of the Boomerang Yod is highly karmic and pushes for truth to be released regarding what people don’t want to look at. Eris energy reveals truth about matters that had been there for a long time, but it has just not come to the surface or consciousness yet. This may be in the form of held illusions, deceptions or what people are in denial over; like extreme NARCISSISM DISGUISED AS ALTRUISM and SELF-AGGRANDISEMENT. The Sun here forces bright illumination (and bitter truths) regarding people’s true characters and intentions that no amount of gaslighting can deny. The Sun here is also a major signature for revelations of ABUSE OF POWER, SELFISHNESS and INJUSTICE, because anyone shining with status in this placement, is also under the public scrutiny of this sign and house. Sirius in the forth house might entail fame, however the Yod apex has the Sun at the reaction point, which forces for authenticity or falsehood to be illuminated the in the 10th house.

Image: The Wizard of Oz show via Wikimedia Commons.

The Sun is how people shine in the world, but some people enjoy the trickery that involves a TIMELINE CHANGE, FALSE REALITIES, DISCREDIT and flipping the script on others.

Some simply like to toy with people by altering their reality. They change the fabric of other’s existence to play out whatever scenario they want them to STRUGGLE with. However, the energies innate in Eris allows for this to be gotten away with for some time, until the truth can no longer be hidden, and it is the discovery of this truth, perhaps by one person in a group, that makes the trickster feel POWERLESS to do anything about it. Eris in astrology is that power dynamic between accomplishing that POWER OVER OTHERS dynamic, and then also feeling POWERLESS when someone sees beyond the WHOLE MASQUERADE, much like when Dorothy (and her little dog Toto) pulled the curtains revealing the little man running the show; The Wizard of Oz. This is the reason why the antagonist narcissist tend to be FRUSTRATED by the protagonist empath. The empath’s feeling and knowing may halt them from doing what they want (self-fulfilment), which is the running of a PUPPET SHOW; they are the narcissist’s kryptonite, spilling the beans on their creation of false realities that they had everyone deeply invested in.

The lesson?

Being in this 10th house spotlight doesn’t just make a selfish player think they are the centre of the attention in their false reality, it also holds them responsible in a court of public opinion to act and be of integrity, and if not, embarrassment and shame may be the result…

Narcissism, being inauthentic, and IMPERSONATION naturally entails injuring another party very deliberately for SELF-FULFILMENT AT ANOTHER’S EXPENSE, and as Eris’ mythology shows, this has very long term consequences indeed…

The Sun 10th house has a permanence that puts all the characters on the stage of life, in very different positions, to see each other for who they truely are, and there is poetic justice in this occurring; for clarity and truth.

During Eris transits, the Eris juxtaposition eventually become very obvious. Some people have a track record of habitually ruining the lives of others for their own self-fullfment, and it is only fair that the veil be lifted on the BRAIN-WASHING, and all be illuminated. Why?

For Eris higher expression self-fulfilment is the fulfilment of their hopes and ambitions through PERSONAL GROWTH, but for the lower expression it comes at a high cost regarding another’s loss.

The envier envies another’s mastery, good fortune, and potential for celebration, and wants to have the envied’s deserved sunlight on their back instead; to bask in that glory.

Anyone with their eye on the prize in a serious, committed endeavour, working hard and shining brightly, often has another person watching them locked in some kind of social justice tussle, regarding privileges, opportunities, distribution of wealth, or shared resources, etc.; wanting what the other one has (and had worked for)…

In the Wizard of Oz, the Wicked Witch of the West promises revenge on Dorothy when she first receives the gift of the red slippers. Along the way, Dorothy meets other characters who desire certain qualities; Scarecrow wants a brain, Tin Man wants a heart, and Cowardly Lion wants courage. On their journeys the are challenged by antagonistic Wicked Witch, and eventually The Wizard of Oz operating machinery that projects the ghostly image of his face, who they discover is just an ordinary but pretentious man. He then "grants" the wishes of Dorothy's three friends by giving them tokens that symbolise that they always had the qualities they sought. Eris lower expression are always looking for VALIDATION from others, making the huge mistake of not looking within, for the treasures that’s already there…

Superiority Complex as opposed to the Wise, Authentic and Otherworldly

The Sun here is a great metaphor for the three narcissistic characters who sought to be “better than others”, servicing their lust, self-fulfilment, self-aggrandisement, and puffed up ego; Zeus, Paris and Agamemnon.

People often have exaggerated opinions about themselves believing that their abilities and achievements surpass those of others, but sometimes a superiority complex may be hiding low self-esteem or a sense of inferiority, and this was demonstrated splendidly in the story of Achilles in Homer’s Illiad. In the story, Achilles stopped fighting in the war for a short time, to pause after arrogant and entitled commander of war Agamemnon put up a public display of rivalry and humiliation for Achilles by stealing his slave girl Briseis. Instead of fighting and competing to win the war, Achilles started to focus on himself; finding temperance and wisdom within, as his teacher Chiron had taught him. Seeing through the facades and ill ulterior motives of selfish, greedy, ego-driven people.

In the Iliad Homer used the personification of strife, as a metaphor to show how conflicts can change over time. The idea is that a disagreement that had started as a minor matter, can morph into a massive conflict the longer it goes, changing over time into something perhaps more powerful, and overwhelming. The story of Herakles’ apple also demonstrates how the ego and superficial just gets bigger and bigger with all the fighting, soon becoming like a volcano hurtling lava, projectiles and ash, to have dominion over others. These are all metaphors that relates to that Sun in the 10th house, that wants to be seen, recognised and puffed up as “better than”. It’s all EGO PROBLEMS. Greek poet Hesiod described lower expression Eris energy as:

Slanderous tongued envy, with look of deadly hate. Rejoicing in the misfortunes of others”.

This is why the antagonist deliberately ignores the merit and destiny of those who are deserving of it, because this limelight RECOGNITION FOR TRUE MERIT feels warm and good, and they want that fortune for themselves, thus the narcissistic switch-up, for the original to be pushed to downgrade who they are, and gaslighted about their worth and potential, and go into a cage instead.

To be NOT acknowledged, approved of, nor accepted, through being taken down, ostracised, or withheld from. The dynamics behind this energy harvesting become evident in part 9.

These are the haters, thieves, and blessing-blockers who refuse to give another their flowers; who want to nail the door shut on the potential of the out-of-the-box thinker. The false people don’t want other people to be attracted or magnetised towards someone authentic who shines brightly with big energy, else they look “better than them”. This is at the root of the egotistical and narcissistic behaviour, to cause good people who are WISE AND OTHERWORLDLY to miss out on opportunities. This is why the antagonist want to injure the heart that carries the love energy that brings forth all this genuine abundance that shines, which is the apple that everyone is fighting over.


Below is a chart as it pertains to Eris’ discovery chart and one of the major astrological signatures around clout chasing and spotlight in the 10th house of career and public standing (the Boomerang Yod), however this is detailed in part 7 in the story of Achilles in Homer’s Iliad. Click to enlarge.


Social justice Varuna is the view that every individual matters, deserves opportunities, and access to rights, privileges etc. and Sirius lends fame, fortune and wealth at the apex.

However, with the Sun at the reaction point end, it speaks of the one who is MOST DESERVING of the spotlight, to be at the TOP OF THEIR GAME, who has the authentic qualities, merit and substance for it, and this is a point of contention, because players don’t want another to be respected, nor seen, or get their share…

Why? The Sun is also locked in a grand-cross battle, with jealous Eris on the one side, and Jupiter (Zeus) on the other. This is often the envious vulture stalker secretly watching the diligent worker, who may want to sideswipe them as they near completion; to bottom them out. To take their ACCOLADES, LOVE IN THE HEART and HEART’S DESIRES in a swap. The Sun rules the heart, it’s vitality and how one shines in life, in medical astrology. However, the nature of the Boomerang Yod is about the truth be shone on dishonesty, impersonation, and lack of integrity.

Here it is also important to look at the mutual reception of Venus in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Libra, as it spells out this desire of the planet of relating (Venus) in the house of vision for the future (9th house), and the optimism of the planet of expansion (Jupiter) in the house of relationships and open enemies (7th house). This speaks of a strong desire to be ‘all up’ in someone else’s business as an OPPORTUNIST, and keeping an eye on their PASSIONS, PROGRESS, and PROSPECTS, and how a person can benefit by being in partnership from another… It has the potentials to be very parasitic, unhealthy, unholy, toxic and co-dependant that can lead a complete breakdown of what is good.

The mutual reception is discussed in greater detail in part 6 in the Eris Vanity Series but it is one of multiple signatures on the weird “opportunistic in relationship”, frivolous and ostentatious energy that is Eris, see the other articles in the Eris Vanity and Clout Chasing series below:

Players Play their Puppets, and Get Played by Larger Sharks

Players make others their PUPPETS, but players themselves are all also slaves to this limited mindset that involves controlling relationships as it relates to morality, justice, law and order (Venus, Mercury, Pluto in Sagittarius in the 9th house in Eris’s discovery chart). Players play others, and players also get played by other more skilled sharks.

It’s the corrupting, stalking influence of Pluto, and trickster energy of Mercury (perception, distorted thinking, gaslighting) on Venus (heart’s desires, beauty, purity, healthy sensing and feeling, empathy, and love). This entails being discriminatory and manipulative towards the Venus feminine energy, to start CHAOS, DRAMA, blackmail, or create stalemates to make the receptive feminine party go into a cage voluntarily as a martyr in self pity. It’s the distortions, DEPLETION and negative influence that leads to the loss of innocence, that leads to grief, as they have boundaries put around them, or are punished should they rebel (consider the irritation of the inconjunct/quincunx energy between the Mercury, Venus and Pluto conjunction, to Saturn). It’s that blindspot that one may be vaguely aware of, regarding another who is trying to rob them of their life and HEART’S DESIRES, by trying to dominate them out of their position. To sap them, drain them and empty out another’s divinity or capacity to love. The dynamics behind this energy harvesting become evident in part 9.

Venus in this position is also about using one’s attractiveness and body allure in business dealings, being very seedy, playing around in toxicity, cheating on one’s partner/s, or sleeping around for superficial benefits in general. It’s about ostentation, two-faced flattery, and hustling for money, or some sort of seedy materialistic gain. It’s about the inappropriate use of sensuality and attachment to money and power, like a FEMME FATALE or prostitute.

It’s being a slave to the dispensation that the puppet master, godfather, the institution, the committee, or majority vote, controls, and feel on top of the world. Not wanting to yield to better judgement.

It’s being chained to the sociopathic and diabolical - to stay small, cut down, in conflict, and unoriginal Eris lower expression - as the Devil card in the tarot shows.

To lack empathy, which is the ability to stand in someone else's shoes and understand how they would feel, if someone would force them to submit to distortions or f*****y that leads to Eris discord of the heart.

It’s behaving stupidly and the unhealthy, unbalanced power dynamic not having staying power, as the Wheel of Fortune shows in part 9.

Players Desire the Play and Win, To Control Another’s Life with Lunacy, Not to Stop and Evolve as Eris Energy Ultimately Requires

Players have to move on to healthier situations, and evolve, which is what Eris energy requires, but they WANT TO PLAY, be in toxic situations with the other pleasure-seekers, to catch opportunities, and indulge in other money related fantasies. To win at all cost, compete, have victories, tear someone up, block another’s progress, bring others down, create illusions, bondage, lie, cheat, and enjoy the benefits of power imbalance… Players want to be right and righteous, and enjoy another’s benefits as their own.

The challenge is being too invested in the low vibes, and addicted to “the game” and this is at the heart of the cutting down lunacy problem. Eris lower expression people are very ambitious, opportunistic, reckless and overly focussed on other’s life path; to weaken them and be on top instead.

The problem is that the intentions are not pure.

Sometimes they don’t want to evolve… preferring the shadowy energies to keep people “bound” with that corrupting energetic presence that infects everyone else in a group.

The above is a great general template to understand how lower vibration Eris energy operates.

This happens in the work place, home, the school yard or other places as well. It may start with cliques, that may lead to secret societies (based on hierarchy) formed within in a workplace, institution or business structure, that have a common goal and agenda that may not be the same as the larger group. These bad seeds are the energetic weeds that grow to infect and ruin the whole. They put themselves in institutions, to carry out their own plans; they may using the institution as a way to scout, and gather associations along with them. It becomes a low vibrational playground for the malicious birds that flock together… who bully, humiliate, turn upside down, and ostracise honourable people who will not go along with their agenda.

This is how convention, tradition, religion and responsibility are weaponised to “do the right thing”.

They say that “power corrupts” and results in the loss of ethics and morals.

Yet none of the dispensation is correct, as the whole system get seeped with the mingle and mix nefarious behaviour of the few with narrow views, involved in the aimless indulgence at another’s expense.

This is not “the right thing”. This is lack of responsibility and painting illusion around those who do “the morally right thing”; which is why others are gathered to gang up, so they can all indulge in the low vibes, to block or bully; weaponising IDEAS of the right path, that just leads to more games, sloppiness, disempowerment, and loss… Yet happily indulging in societal pressure to conform to this lifestyle that will never have solid foundation… but this structure of hierarchy may be the only way they know… even thought it is detrimental to their life. It entails keeping the bullying, and expectations to submit to it by kowtowing or kissing butt going, even when it is toxic. Not considering that sometimes the victory is not worth the price in this bad air… There is no meaning in this meaningless low vibrational energy… that is offended by justice…

Eris Higher Expression Understands and Respects The Wheel of Fortune and its Potentials

It’s important to understand why Eris higher expression often want to live in autonomy, on the fringes of society perhaps - happily ensconced in their own energy - away from this fake, phoney superficiality of social orders. Walking to the beat of their own drum instead. Doing their own thing away from the competition. Knowing that treating life, influence and relationships with people like a game, isn’t real smart… it leads to a meaningless life and a dark night of the soul experience… That is the bitter truth of the Eris polarity… that the future-thinkers know is fact, not fiction. It’s the truth of life that is realised on consideration and wisdom of experience.

Knowing, that the slow moving wheel of cause and effect - when it comes to natural law and order - is a cruel mistress indeed… not to be messed with…

It pays to be enlightened, and not in denial of the realities regarding abusing power over another sacred life form; in an Eris transit in particular.

The next article in this series looks at The Wheel of Fortune which is part of Eris energy, and also Venus that is conjunct the Galactic centre in Eris’ discovery chart. This illustrates the Eris juxtaposition beautifully. Why? Because despite lovely Venus’s proximity to the corruptive influcences of both Mercury and Pluto in conjunction, she is also conjunct massive POTENTIAL to the other side… It’s a visual representation of the choice to become either embittered and vengeful after being done dirty or corrupted by influence, or to forgive and become a loving, empathic person, to find new potentials as a divine being having a human experience. It’s about transforming pain and suffering into a greater capacity to love, be compassionate, good and abundant. Read about the Wheel of Fortune in part 9

Cathartic Eris Truth is Meant to Redeem

There has to be potential for redemption, because every human being has the opportunity to create their own reality, and create their own redemption, when they come to understand the Eris juxtaposition.

Part 9 is about reaping the natural consequences of completely irresponsible behaviour, bad alchemy and how the Wheel of Fortune moves all parties accordingly for a fall from grace, rock bottom or elevation… What was built on a faulty foundation of hidden ill intentions, lies, greed, manipulation, psychological entrapment, etc. has to be exposed, for the infatuation with destruction is not sustainable. Eris is all about change and bitter truth that sets hearts free.


Series Eris Vanity and Clout Chasing Articles:

Other Astrology Articles:


Their whole ruse is coming down very quickly and it's all so odd

This unhealed masculine feelings of obsession and coming towards you to shut down your glow??

Masculine on sinking ship built on gruesomeness Anything to be in the spotlight

They see now that they blocked their own passion, blessings and created bad karma for themselves


Projecting their mistakes & losses at you in twisted game just makes it worse for themselves

This aggressive masculine is not listening to their better judgement about this next move

This person is in big trouble for attacking and trying to steal from you

They feel it's a discriminatory, sloppy and manipulative cesspool that's unproductive and corrupt

They are missing you, stuck in illusion with backstabbers, universe will force them to look inwards

This karmic has a manufactured idea of themselves that is very easily threatened

"What the Heck Is Their Problem!"

Karmic unstable, angry & confused that they are not THE princess - Dirty deeds backfiring

Someone is walking away and this distorted feminine energy is worried about good news coming to you

Everything is unraveling and they are struggling with the energy they meant for you

Secret Societies Being Formed In Workplaces, Institutions and Business Structures. (INTRO)

Secret Societies Being Formed In Workplaces, Institutions And Business Structures!

If this karmic doesn’t stop they are going to end up in a delirious mental state that they can’t get

They aren’t feeling very bright about their future

Wow this frenemy who tried to block you has to pay the piper very soon

These people have really lost themselves with this & everyone can see what they're doing

Wow this malicious fake nice guy is so upset things are backfiring and that they couldn't ruin you

They're gaslighting & refusing to acknowledge you so you’ll feel like giving up, won't work

Wow, this expert who secretly helps the "VIPs" is getting very sick from trying you

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