Trans-Neptunian Objects and Kuiper Belt Objects in Metaphysics?

In essence, it’s the KIDS-R-US versus ADULTS-R-US dynamic, leaving the blame game, for the spiritual and emotional growth spurt into maturity and wisdom. It’s the choice to leave the karmic merry go round of spiritual stagnancy and emotional immaturity, for alchemy, consciousness and divine magic. The soul wants to live life and exist in the deepest, most passionate way with the human, and don’t want mediocrity or just surviving.

It’s about discovering Self as a divine being, not a super human.

Image: Quaoar Haumea Makemake orbits 2018 via Wikimedia Commons.

The vast majority of astrologers completely ignore trans-Neptunian dwarf planets and Kuiper belt objects, because they are challenging energies.

The reason for this is complex, but it is important to understand that research and study into the meaning of newly discovered dwarf planets take a considerable amount of time. It is often after considerable observation and reflection, that an astrological researcher can publish their findings, that is if they have the confidence to make it publicly known at all. It takes a special kind of astrologer with the vision to see so far into the future and into the mystery of energy dynamics, where others cannot. It takes courage to reach into the underworld, which is the energy that the KBOs and Sedna carry…

This information is very important at this time, and will be valid far into the future, as some of the aspect patterns discussed in this website (the yods and hammers) run beyond 2030. What does the TNOs entail in terms of metaphysics and soul purpose progression?

In astronomy, the trans-Neptunian objects are called as such due to Neptune being the separation between the other outer planets that run parallel with the ecliptic, and the TNOs and Sedna that don’t.

The side view in the image to the right (click to enlarge) shows the yellow line, which is the ecliptic. All the inner planets, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune orbit (or run full circle) on the ecliptic, except for the eccentric trans-Neptunian objects, which start with Pluto indicated by the pink line…

In metaphysics, Neptune is emblematic of divine potential and cosmic consciousness, the trans-Neptunian objects are what happens beyond having found self-love connected with one’s divinity within… as it relates to energy dynamics and relationship in the outer world, that change as people embrace higher consciousness, and how that clashes with ‘old consciousness’ individuals, especially mass consciousness ideologies. It’s the start of a departure from the limitations of human ego, and this is why the higher and lower expression of the TNOs can be so huge…

A spiritual awakening is a call from the inner Self to come into the light. Yet many who start on that journey find that it often first entails a time of personal confusion, loneliness, cutting ties with the norms of society, a search for transcendence, and often having to come to terms with truths around extremes of dark and light. The dark is simply those thing that are not part of our awareness yet; it is the lack of clarity, illusion, confusion, the blindspot, the stuffed-away emotional sorrow, the the skewed perception of what reveals to be false lovers, the delusion, etc. Some times it is the great losses of life, rude awakening or divine discontent that can be a blessing in disguise eventually. And healing from the heartbreak, can lead to an accelerated motion and fast track to a more meaningful life…

This website is about the soul purpose messages of the trans-Neptunian and Kuiper belt objects, especially the brightest Kuiper belt objects that have already been named, like Pluto, MakeMake, Eris, Haumea, Orcus, Quaoar, Varda, Varuna and Ixion. Sedna is a dwarf planet but is not in the Kuiper belt, and is classified as a detached object. A large Kuiper belt object called Gonggong is also described in great detail, as it plays a pivotal role in the five pointed star we are currently seeing in the astrological sky, as well as the massive amounts of rain and landslides we are currently seeing around the world.

It’s important to remember that Pluto too is a trans-Neptunian object and in the Kuiper belt. In fact, Pluto was the first Kuiper Belt object to be discovered, in 1930.

Outer Planet Dance with Newly Discovered Dwarf Planets ushering in Underworld Themes

From 2021 - 2026 all the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) move through the 29th degree of their respective signs, and together they dance with Sedna, and multiple Kuiper belt objects in a rather remarkable synchronicity, in the same degrees of the zodiac at times, aspecting each other in a climate of change time frame. But around the start of 2020, a series of events set in motion the crisis we now know as Corona virus. See the chart above, showing the timeframe that the planets/objects spend in the 29th degree of their respective signs, before moving into the next zodiac sign.

Object Discovery Date and Progression of the Energies:

Every time new planets are discovered, they bring new experiences, learning, consciousness and clarity to the human collective.

The following will look at the progression of the energies of the planets - in the order of their discovery - and how their introduction into our consciousness have affected us. Here is a brief look at the energies that the planets represents, without going into too much detail. The idea is to gain a bigger picture perspective of how the discovery of some new planets, resonated with synchronicities of the energy, and actual events that transpired as a result of the energy of that planet/object ‘arriving in our consciousness’. Also why hindsight is 20/20 when it comes to the energies these planets represent. This may help readers understand why study and research on the KBO’s have been so slow… It’s not a field of interest for all astrologers. The following is based on date of discovery, and as you can see, we had a sudden influx of new energies since the start of the new millenium...

Now let us look at the dwarf planets in terms of discovery date and what the progression of the energies might mean for the progression in our collective consciousness, as we are catapulted into a new stage, phase or cycle of life:

  • Neptune 23 September 1846

  • Pluto 18 February 1930

  • Varuna 28 November 2000

  • Ixion 22 May 2001

  • Quaoar 4 June 2002

  • Varda 21 June 2003

  • Sedna 19 November 2003

  • Orcus 17 February 2004

  • Haumea 28 December 2004

  • Eris 5 January 2005

  • MakeMake 31 March 2005

Progression of the Energies Overview:

It is from understanding Neptune, that one understands the trans-Neptunian objects and other objects like Sedna. Neptune is the planet of the unseen, subtle, intangible and ethereal. It’s spirituality, inspiration, inner knowing, compassion, empathy, receptivity and divine creativity.

The planet Neptune was discovered by mathematical calculations based on its gravitational pull on the orbit of Uranus in 1846 and was only seen through a telescope later. It has a cloud cover with a vivid blue tint and dark vortices coast through its atmosphere. Like Uranus, Neptune has an off-kilter magnetic field. It has an oval-shaped orbit and every 248 years Pluto moves inside Neptune's orbit for 20 years or so. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are all classified as transpersonal planets, which means that they go beyond the realms of rationality and logical understanding.

Neptune is the realisation of one’s own otherworldly divinity, and this is what causes the problems in relationships expressed as the energies of the trans-Neptunian objects, as one party owns their truth having picked the divine path, and the other are still deeply embedded in mass consciousness; they don’t align…

Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that studies the fundamental nature of reality, including the first principles of: being or existence, identity and change, space and time, cause and effect, necessity, and possibility. The word "metaphysics" derives from the Greek words (metá, "after") and (physiká, "physics"). It has been suggested that the term might have been coined by a first century CE editor who assembled various small selections of Aristotle's works into the treatise we now know by the name Metaphysics. The prefix meta- ("after") indicates that these works come "after" the chapters on physics. Aristotle himself did not call the subject of his books "metaphysics"; he referred to it as "first philosophy”. The editor of Aristotle's works, Andronicus of Rhodes, is thought to have placed the books on first philosophy right after another work, Physics, and called them τὰ μετὰ τὰ φυσικὰ βιβλία (tà metà tà physikà biblía) or "the books [that come] after the [books on] physics".

There is great irony in this philosophy and metaphysics, because Greek mythology is deeply embedded in the trans-Neptunian objects that go beyond the realm of the other planets more visible to the naked eye.

Aristotle is one of the first individuals who understood Eris hubris well, and wrote about this complicated state of being more extensively than most. In addition, the mythologies of Pluto, Eris, Ixion, Orcus are all from Greek mythology. The philosophy of zodiac sign of Sagittarius also play a significant role in many of the TNOs as a strong commonality amongst them.

Metaphysics is the subject which provides the vocabulary and logic with which ‘things and energies unseen’ may be analysed and studied…

Neptune is a very important planet in understanding the trans-Neptunian objects, and especially with Neptune in the last decan of home sign Pisces at the time of these writings.

In metaphysics, Neptune is emblematic of divine potential and cosmic consciousness; the trans-Neptunian objects are what happens beyond having found joyful self-love connected with one’s sovereign divinity within… as it relates to energy dynamics and relationship in the outer world, that change as those with a heart of gold embrace higher consciousness, and how that clashes with ‘old consciousness’ individuals,

especially mass consciousness ideologies and its gravity pull. It’s the start of a departure from the limitations and strong gravitational pull of human ego mind, and this is why the higher and lower expression of the TNOs can be so huge… It’s the rage of an envier and the blindsiding jealousy towards those of honourable character, and also punishment for those who break glass ceilings and leave mass consciousness ideologies, for soul sovereignty, as is witnessed in Eris, Haumea and Sedna energies for example. See the Neptune blog for more on this particular subject.

Neptune: Spirituality, Divinity, Enlightenment, Awareness and Consciousness

23 September 1846

In astrology, Neptune is the sensitive planet of ideals, intuition, spirituality. It is the domain of compassion for all, and of dreams, enchantment, and delusions. Neptune was named after Greek god Neptune, god of the sea. Neptune stays about 14 years in each sign, and is currently in its sign of rulership where its energy is potent. Neptune is in it’s home sign Pisces where it operates the strongest, about to move into Aries in 2024. Neptune's symbol is a trident made of a receptive crescent pointing upward for spiritual receptivity, resting on the cross of matter. This glyph symbolises the soul's yearning to break free from the limitations of matter and earthly existence, and draw from the divine nature as the human.

Some time after Neptune’s discovery, spiritualism and the theosophy movement came into being, particularly through Madame Helena Blavatsky. The term theosophy came from the Greek theos ("god(s)") and sophia ("wisdom"), thus meaning "god-wisdom" or "divine wisdom". It’s the sacred esoteric knowledge from various cultures like Buddism etc. and mystical cosmology, that we know today as widely assimilated spirituality and the New Age, but spiritual seeker and mystic Helena was highly criticised in her day as these were very foreign concepts. In 1849 she embarked on a series of world travels, visiting Europe, the Americas, and India. It is during this period she claimed to have encountered a group of spiritual masters, the "Masters of the Ancient Wisdom", who sent her to Shigatse, Tibet, where they trained her to develop a deeper understanding of the synthesis of religion, philosophy, and science. Both contemporary critics and later biographers have argued that some or all of these foreign visits were fictitious, and that she spent this period in Europe. By the early 1870s, Helena Blavatsky was involved in the Spiritualist movement, relocating to the United States in 1873, where she rose to public attention as a spirit medium, attention that included public accusations of fraudulence. Madame Blavatsky was a controversial figure during her lifetime, championed by supporters as an enlightened Sage and derided as a charlatan by critics. Her Theosophical doctrines influenced the spread of Hindu and Buddhist ideas in the West as well as the development of Western esoteric currents like the New Age Movement.

Helena’s work started the journey of people looking at HIGHLY ENLIGHTENING CONCEPTS via communing with the masters, as it relates to the nature of reality and consciousness; the relationship between mind and matter, between potentiality and actuality. In physics, new metaphysical ideas have arisen in connection with quantum mechanics, which is the interaction of matter with energy on the scale of atomic and subatomic particles… and the metaphysician…

Pluto: Transform and Metamorphosis

18 February 1930

In astrology, Pluto is the planet of intensity, of destruction, transformation and rebirth. It entails releasing, wiping the slate clean, purging, and revealing truth. Pluto is the underbelly of deep emotion, power struggles, and what lies hidden beneath the surface. Pluto was named after Hades in Greek mythology, and although it is a small planet, it packs a powerful punch and is larger than life. Pluto rules Scorpio. After its discovery element plutonium was named after Pluto and atomic bombs were made from what came to be known as the most feared and fearsome substance on the entire periodic table. Only trace amounts exist naturally on Earth. But by smashing atoms and particles together, it achieved nothing less than alchemy, transforming one element into another. With the addition of a proton synthetic plutonium was created in 1940. Boom. After a new planet is discovered, it takes time to discover its qualities, and it is often in hindsight, that we unravel the mysteries.


Guardian of Sacred Law and Order

28 November 2000

Varuna is a chief Vedic god and powerful king responsible for natural and moral order in the cosmos, justice and truth. The was the god of the ocean and water. People with a prominent Varuna in their charts seem to be socially- and emotionally intelligent entertainers and storytellers; in writing, producing and executing the stories that weave the lessons of life through human relation, and life experiences in general. They are the producers or choreographers literally “behind everything” — a potent and ominous force lingering in the background. A Varuna individual may be perceived as the all-knowing entity that exists silently behind the consciousness of their creation, or their involvement in a situation. The energy is about a common human justice that everyone can agree on. Varuna represents a more silent but potent presence that speaks of Universal laws. Those with strong Varuna activated may ultimately bring hope, healing and life force back where there had been stagnancy, ignorance, or complacency; renewing life with their divine ‘waters’.


Heeding the Lessons of the Karmic Wheel

22 May 2001

From Greek mythology, Ixion was the King of Thessaly, who in a calculated betrayal, murdered his father-in-law.

Ixion represents ingratitude and the violation of social norms of conduct. It is causing calculated disrespect or an injustice for someone you should be in gratitude towards. It is offending your benefactor or the person who offers you a chance, that you may not necessarily deserve. Ixion was non-deserving, yet was generously offered a second chance, only to waste it. It is a story of betrayal and murder, and some astrologers say is prominent in the charts of murderers or homicides. Ixion energy entail finding it hard to discern in life; going around the same relationship karmic cycles, regarding the same lessons that are never learnt, repeating the same errors, over and over again. Learning nothing from experience. Not heeding the blessing of a karmic reset button, or second chance to do it right. Needing to be forced into learning the lessons of the karmic wheel the hard way: “you shall not disrespect your benefactor”.


Creator and Kindler of Light

21 June 2003

Varda comes from the fictional mythology of J.R.R Tolkien’s books that revolve around The Lord of the Rings. Varda is a relatively unknown TNO and KBO, but worth mentioning as her importance become evident later, as Varda becomes an important leg in the Sedna Yod. Varda is also trine Eris which means her energy is highly influencial.

The more Varda brought forth light, that the elves on Middle Earth prayed for, and loved her for, the more jealous antagonist Melkor would seek to destroy what is good and beautiful. Melkor wanted dominion, attention and admiration and wanted to have the same kind of creative activity that those had who lived in high vibration. Varda is a story of great contrast, great desire for light, and another desiring to steal that light to abuse it for their own nefarious intent, which is a great segue-way into Sedna energy.


Providence, Reciprocity and the Wisdom of Gratitude

19 November 2003

Sedna is the Inuit goddess of the sea and marine animals.

Sedna is the trans-Neptunian object with an extreme orbit that reaches into the far edges of the social system, making it one of the most distant, coldest space bodies ever identified. With this in mind, scientists decided to name the minor planet Sedna, after the Inuit goddess of the sea who, according to legend, lives in the depths of the Arctic Ocean. A slight controversy arose in the science community when Sedna’s name became public before the International Astronomical Union (IAU) gave it an official number. However, no other names were put forward for consideration, and the IAU made the name official in September of 2004. The Sedna controversy also led to the organisation ruling that, when discoveries of extraordinary interest have been made, a name can be submitted for approval before they have assigned a number to the object.

There are many versions of the story, but Sedna is the feminine who experienced the abandonment and betrayal from her father, and/or her husband who wants to have absolute control and domination over her, having to be suddenly separated. Having to struggle with deep anger, frozen emotion, deep resentment and anguish. Being in a period of isolation where she experiences identity dissolution, and re-identifies herself with her soulful essence. Sedna very much represents the spiritual depression that mankind is currently undergoing as they were forced into corona virus isolation.


The Breaking of Oaths and Broken Commitment

17 February 2004

Orcus has its mythological roots in Greek and Etruscan mythology.

Orcus had many associations with other underworld gods such as Pluto, Hades, Horkos, etc. The name “Orcus” seems to have been given to the malicious and punishing side of the ruler of the underworld, as the god who tormented evildoers in their afterlife. Like the name Hades, “Orcus” could refer both to the underworld itself, as well as its ruling deity. In the charitable interpretation for such a place, it was believed to be an abode for purification of the souls of the deceased.

From Orcus' association with death and the underworld, his name came to be used for demons and other underworld monsters. However, a more modern interpretation can be found in the stories of multiple other underworld gods and goddesses on this website. They described individuals who went deep inside themselves, to root out the distortions of truth that they had held onto. Also, the illusions or delusion they may have held about themselves and others. And also allowing the seeing of the blindspots that had kept them ‘blind’, and in effect, by illuminating the blindspot, eliminating it. Also healing the negative self-image in this process. There is an actual cave, the so-called “Tomb of Orcus”, and although this monument is a misnomer, there seems to have once been such a temple or abode for purification for purification of the souls in the underworld. It is curious that in terms of the date of discovery, the planetary energy falls between Sedna, who goes into the underworld to become a goddess, and Haumea, who is able to regenerate and transform herself with ease, having already been purified… Where Pluto is destruction, Orcus entails underworld and then rebirth. Being in truthfulness, and commitment to Self.


Regeneration and Abundant Fertility

28 December 2004

Haumea is the Hawaiian Goddess of Childbirth, Creation, Fertility and Ancestral knowledge.

Haumea puzzled astronomers exceedingly, because it doesn’t have any of the normal characteristics of a planet. It is ‘rugby-ball’ shaped, it spins very fast, had two moons and even slight rings, like Saturn. It is only in 2022 that astronomers finally declared that they now understand how Haumea came to be what she is. There was a great controversy over who discovered the object, as two teams claimed to have ‘found’ her. But fact is, Haumea is easily observable through an amateur telescope, and should have been discovered a long time ago, but was not, due to it frequently changing in brightness. It takes 3.9 hours for Haumea to make a full rotation, which means it has by far the fastest spin of any planet ever observed.

Every planet has an element of progression from the previous. If Sedna is looking deep within, healing the frozen emotion, resentment, abandonment, and feeling worthless, then Haumea is the goddess who do find the fertility within, and learns to birth new life with great ease, into a new state of consciousness. The Hawaiian culture has so many deeply cultural and traditional examples of this. Of living in a purity and a truely joyful state of being; childlike yet whole and heart-connected. Like Christ consciousness? This is part what we may later recognise as free energy. It is the quantum physics that empty space, isn’t empty at all. There is energy everywhere in all the empty spaces, and we don’t need to steal it from another. Haumea is synonymous with Self-mastery and being an embodied master like Jesus Christ that walked the earth.


Adversity of the Haves and the Have not

5 January 2005

Eris is the Goddess of Discord and Strife in Greek mythology. Her stories include being in relation with Zeus the Greek God, Paris the Prince of Troy and to a smaller extent, Themis.

The discovery of Eris entailed a massive amount of strife in the astronomy community and larger. It basically started with the discovery of a planet astronomer Mike Brown and his team had nicknamed ‘Xena’, who was later named Eris. Mike Brown who wrote a book titled ‘How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming’. Eris was once considered to become the tenth planet of the solar system. That was before the reclassification of Pluto in 2006. This is due to the large size of Eris, which exceeds Pluto’s mass by 28%.

In 2006, the International Astronomical Union reclassified Pluto as a dwarf planet due its size and to all the other Kuiper Belt objects that were discovered in the years prior. This had massive social repercussions that readers can research independently if they choose to.

Eris energy highlights the tremendous chasm between the soul disconnected, and the soul connected. It is the discord of the heart that rise during Eris transits, that accompany jealousy, envy, spite and vindictiveness, when one person sees the joy, blessings or success of another and insecurity is triggered in them. These are the enviers, bullies, haters, or copycats who wants to steal or sabotage. They fail to recognise how the triggering of their insecurities can be used for their own alchemy. This is the energy that causes the shock, or visceral trauma that sets in motion the journey of Persephone into the underworld, having to deal with dark and stark issues, having to detoxify and renew herself, to potentially move into Eris higher expression.

Eris very much represents the jealousy and envy that people experience when they look at the higher vibration energy in others; the wild abundance, the joyfulness, the ease with which people are drawn to their sincerity, innocence, authenticity and truthfulness. Enviers and bullies want the goodness that another has for themselves, then using all manner of psychological warfare to get the same fulfilment, perhaps getting it from sabotaging or trolling. But obtaining temporary fulfilment for the human ego from staging a defeat for another, is not the same as obtaining fulfilment by going within and connecting to soul essence. Thus, the dissatisfaction and deep inner strife perpetuates, until that person is willing to get out of their emotional investment in low vibrational energies, distortions, or delusions.


Connectedness and Right Relationship

31 March 2005

Makemake is the Rapa Nui island story of the spirit MakeMake, who would drive the sea birds to lay their eggs on the three tiny isles, where the warrior who found the first egg of the season, would allow his sponsor to become the Birdman.

MakeMake is another very bright object that should have been discovered a long time ago, yet due its close proximity to the milky way and all its many dazzling stars around 1930 when Pluto was discovered, it was not possible to see against all the competition. Makemake seems to have been the final nail in the coffin that change was needed. The discovery of Makemake, together with that of Eris and Haumea, became a crucial point in redefining the requirements in classifying new planets. This led the International Astronomical Union to come up with the new class of “dwarf planet.” This new group ended the debate on what really constitutes a planet. Why? They are in the Kuiper belt along with Pluto. The newly discovered objects have very similar characteristics to Pluto. If they were to be considered planets, the number of planets that we have will keep on growing. This led astronomers to reclassify Pluto. The radius of Makemake is estimated to be 444 miles. It is 1/9 as large as the Earth’s radius. It is approximately four billion miles from the Sun. MakeMake was named in 2008 after the Polynesian mythology of the Rapa Nui, the native people of Easter Island. Their god, Makemake, was a chief god believed to be the god of fertility and creator of humanity.

The astrology of Makemake is related to bringing exhilarating change. It’s embracing the idea of initiation as a vehicle to newer wisdom and a clear spiritual path. First taking time, actively observing, and then thoughtfully moving forward to deal with any challenges, with methodical movement. It’s understanding the need for preservation of the natural world, a connection to environmental wisdom, and to the activism and leadership associated with defending natural ecosystems. It is the need to understand being in right relationship with nature and other people, and taking right action for the benefit of everyone. It is about being in the natural flow of one’s own divine energy, and the concept of natural law; that each human being need to find integrity, moral compass and connection with the sacred within themselves first, before they can be in leadership of others.

MakeMake symbolically represents when there are privilege to be had, but there is immense competition for it and a scarcity mentality. There is great satisfaction in trumping others as the perpetual winner, making losers out of other parties. Resources are perceived to be running out… about to be depleted. It’s about crabs in a bucket, scrambling… When our ecosystem cannot sustain us, we may succumb as the people of Easter Island did.

A Bigger Picture

Not all the KBOs were elaborated on in the list above, but this will give readers a good understanding of how the discovery date show a progression in the energies.

The discovery of these trans-Neptunian planets/objects had a massive social impact on mankind, and its larger scope cannot be detailed here. In 2006, the International Astronomical Union reclassified Pluto as a dwarf planet, due its size, and due to all the other Kuiper Belt objects that were discovered in the years prior. This had massive social repercussions that readers can research independently online if they choose to. Under the guidelines of the International Astronomical Union's (IAU) naming conventions, objects with a similar size and orbit to that of Pluto are named after underworld deities. Pluto, Ixion and Orcus are some of the most well known Plutinos.

Image: The last planet, to the right, is Gonggong via Wikimedia Commons.

Image: Trans Neptunian planets from Wikimedia Commons. Click to enlarge.

There is a new online course about the trans-Neptunian and Kuiper Belt Objects involved in the strange mixed bag of energies we've been having since the start of 2020, with some stretching beyond 2030.

It’s about the five pointed star in the sky, the four Yods and three Hammer of Thor aspect patterns.

  • The Gonggong Yod is all about the massive chaos caused by floods, too much rain and landslides.

  • The Sedna Yod is about the respect for people, animals and the natural world being violated and betrayed, and how the natural world can come back to bite. When the WHO announced a global health emergency on 31 January 2020, Haumea in Libra was sextile to Ixion in Sagittarius making a Yod apex on Sedna and malefic fixed star Algol. When WHO announced a global health emergency for Monkey Pox on 24 July 2022, the Sedna Yod was again active with apex on Sedna at 29 degrees Taurus; the crisis degree.

  • The Varuna Yod is about sacred law and order, justice and truth in the cosmos that is returning as some reconnect to their emotions, and come to their senses regarding social injustices.

  • The Haumea Yod is about being able to birth the new, and wild abundance and providence of nature that can be created when appropriate governmental structures support benevolence for all.

  • The MakeMake square Quaoar aspect is about is about the smite that the Hammer of Thor apex makes in Taurus smiting things Taurus, perhaps into oblivion. Curiously, both this Hammer apex and the Sedna Yod makes apexes in Taurus, which is the sign of the bull. Together they are creating massive upset and change in agriculture, the natural world, earth matters, and with cattle; with the recent threat of foot and mouth disease in Australia a great example of the manifestation of this energy. This Hammer apex will also be on malefic fixed star Algol, Uranus and eventually Sedna.

  • The Eris square Pluto aspect also created a Hammer of Thor apex on Orcus in Virgo, sending everyone packing for the underworld.

Learn more about the bigger picture by going to courses.

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