Astrology of Sedna Summary

Sedna is the Inuit Goddess of the Sea and Marine Animals.

She is the both Goddess of the Deep Abyss, who dwells in the deepest, most inaccessible part of the Arctic Ocean, and far outer reaches of known space as the dwarf planet. She is a mere 50 years from within her closest brush to Earth. Sedna is about a massive shift in consciousness stillness, rooted in visceral sensing and feeling; it’s the kind of energy that makes entire neighbourhoods feel blanketed in hush, reverence and meaningfulness. It's about deep in the moment presence and profound silence loaded in knowing; as soul incarnated in human form. It’s the vastness and preciousness of life coming into focus, in the present moment.

It’s about how fickle relationships can be when resources are scarce, or when there is greed to hoard, and the disillusionment of being the sacrifice so that another can continue on their way to fulfil their needs for security or continuity.

Also, Sedna didn’t want to be in, nor fit into mass consciousness consensus; she wanted to be in her own sovereign Self awareness, and this was a point of contention for her in the astromythology. Sedna’s watery energies are affecting each of us as individuals, resulting in some mental health crises, extreme tiredness, and icy, stuck emotions. Having to wade through intense psychologically buried emotions of frozen anger, resentment, disappointment etc. that comes up from the depths, due to betrayal, neglect or being swindled out of a good life. Needing to become unstuck; to forgive, heal in isolation, separation and preparation, to find renewal, in her own higher consciousness energy. It is in connecting with the deepest part of spirit being, that one is given the gift of knowledge, wisdom and foresight. It entails learning to make good choices in the spirit, so one can elevate and be fruitful in the human experience. This alignment with Self as the primary caregiver and protector, entails reinforcing divine light, magic and self-love deep into one’s being, becoming abundant, giving, and more loving than before, but with the firm hand of the emotionally secure, -intelligent and -mature...

Sedna energy entails stepping out of the gravity of mass consciousness and time, because that is where the solutions and potentials are, from allowing the natural integration of the divinity and soul magic into this reality… This cannot be forced… Sedna in the sign of the twins Gemini is consciousness and awareness to the maximum.

There is an ancient belief that energy is outside of self and that a human has to try to acquire as much of it as possible, which turned into the concept of power. However power is nothing but an energy grab. Many believe that energy is something outside of self, that they have to beg, borrow, war or steal from another. Sedna higher expression is the compassion of the I am consciousness, knowing that all energy comes from and belongs to the deep inner self that has allowed the soul connection to come into the human experience, which entails the end of unawareness, floundering in mental health crises or being in darkness, and awareness of the I am, I exist instead. The Imum Coeli in the chart have been giving significations of the subconscious, past lives, the soul, and genetic heritage, and the sign of the twins has strong genetic imprints as well… The IC in Taurus is a place that is uniquely Self and contains an intimacy in the casing of the biology and gene expression that no one else will ever know.

In her own discovery chart, Sedna is in the fourth house at 17 degrees Taurus conjunct the North Node of Fate and the IC. Sedna conjunct the IC relates to the most sensitive, secluded inner part of the human psychology connected to the stability and solitude of inner emotional life, home and family.

It’s the inner sense of security, often from one’s domestic roots, legacy, inheritance or one’s savings, like a nest egg, or a stable home to feel safe in, when the storms of life rage, as it pertains to access to resources. When this is threatened, there is an inner crisis… that affects the heart and mind, that need cleansing, before there can be a new beginning…

Taurus is an earth sign that is oriented around the physical, grounded, material world. It’s about the economy, agriculture, food, finances, possessions, money management, and issues around the land and Mother Nature. Taurus is about SECURITY, STURDINESS, STRUCTURE and management of one’s own RESOURCES. The Node of Destiny is in the fourth astrological house and entails aspiring towards securing established foundation of home, traditions, history, and family wealth. The fourth house is ruled by Cancer, and include ROOTS and INHERITED wealth as PROTECTION and SAFETY for the family to thrive. This house represents all things domestic and what we envision ‘a house’ to be, like physical shelter, family life, and ancestry. It’s about feeling at home, safe and at peace, where SELF-CARE is practiced and EMOTIONAL NEEDS are met. It can also be seen as the NATURAL RESOURCES as GENERATIONAL WEALTH of a community as is reflected in Sedna’ astromythology, and can be seen as the foundation or core of a city or region’s resources, even a nation’s natural resources, that keeps on providing for many, even extending for generations as proud LEGACY, fortune and treasure. This astrologer has seen Sedna being called the cruel mistress in articles written about Sedna, but really, who is cruel? The cruelty lies in the greed and selfishness in the heart of the hoarder who disadvantage others in their grab for ASSETS (Taurus) in gluttony and overindulgence, to add to their own LEGACY (fourth house). This planet has become ‘small’ due to GLOBALISATION, so how can one justify being like a cancer on it? The problem is the lack of CONSCIOUSNESS, or perhaps lack of CONSCIENCE when it comes to the management of RESOURCES that are a LEGACY, that can benefit everyone, as the earth is abundant and plentiful.

Oort cloud object Sedna has been in Taurus since the 60s, but enters new zodiac sign Gemini for the first time on 16 June 2023 to retrograde back into Taurus in November. Sedna finally leaves the 29th degree of Taurus the bull, for her long stay in Gemini from April 2024 to 2067, for four decades.

See the various articles below for more on Sedna in Gemini, with Gemini being the sign of those invested in mimicking each other, and just like Artificial Intelligence is Sedna in Gemini, so is lab created cultured meat and dairy food, mimicking the foods of nature to attempt to become the next staple diet.

Sedna is at peace with life eats life in a visceral way, but that it is done with great reverence, respect and gratitude for the life of the animal, and its sacrifice to sustain another, but that does not include life forms feeding on each other’s life energy in disrespect causing an injustice. What does unhealthy give and take entail?

Lower Expression Sedna

Lower expression Sedna is the harbinger of economic, financial, and social disasters, the greedy desecration of nature, and the moral decay of ill-gotten gains and stolen wealth. It’s about karmic floods, global food supply chains, food shortages, labour shortages, rising cost of living, COVID, Long COVID, housing crisis, job insecurity, etc. It is the illusion of power over others, the deep visceral fear of being at a loss, and the betrayal of good sense to take a materialistic gain. Sedna transits involves the experience of some feeling entitled to use and abuse the time, attention, resources or investment of one spiritually abundant, open-hearted person/ cash cow party, sucking them empty of their life force. Draining the energy of the vulnerable, and chucking them under the bus, abandoning and discarding them, when they had become worthless to them, or not willing to go along with the narrative anymore. This is the invisible abuse of power between life forms, wether human to human, or in relation to nature, animals, or something else, that is an unfair and an unequal exchange of energy, for a selfish gain out of greed to hoard. Sedna lower expression people are often found in the top echelon of the business, marketing and the political world, or their area of expertise. These people obliterate all the competition around them, to secure their space in a market or industry, and an open playing field, to make a ‘killing’ of some kind. The Venus, Mercury, Pluto, Quaoar, Vesta conjunction in Sagittarius in the 11th house in Sedna’s discovery chart, reveals the anxiety about loss of wealth and home, getting some enlightenment on dodgy thinking, spiritual bankruptcy, and toxicity in relationships, of top level interest groups towards a particular profiteering goal. As well as them influencing politicians and institutions of government who legislate in the favour of big business, and deliberately install red tape for the small scale business and small-scale farmer with heart, who is seen as competition with scale inappropriate regulations. Ixion, Cupido and Juno conjuncts the cluster but is in the 10th house, which entails a betrayal in so-called committed relationships for social status, romancing those in authority into certain ideas as ideal for society (Sagittarius), in the arena of how the political collaboration is seen in the world, for position of ultimate, overriding authority. The Tenth House governs public image, professional aspirations, and career achievements; it’s not a good look no matter how friendly it is spun by master marketing social engineers… as it wreaks of lack of commitment, fake affection to blind others to true intentions, and the immoral. It is what it is…

It’s seeking total control and domination of markets and being money-hungry for kick back. Taking social license - from political lobbying or position of influence in large industry/business - to disadvantage large groups of people, for a materialistic gain of a particular industry, and the financial interests around it. In agriculture (Taurus) for example, it is the desire for surplus and massive consumption to quell the insecurities and make huge profits. It’s the quantity over quality, neglecting the nutritional value of food, and also cutting off the farming practices that some conscious consumers desire; making it too hard with red tape for small scale farmers to develop a niche (with high value, nutrient-dense cottage-industry food like raw milk, raw milk cheese, a genuine on-farm store, or certain ethical farming practices) that would otherwise see the consumer shop direct from the small-scale farmer and pay them a sustainable, rewarding price instead. It entails making farming communities unstable, unviable with exclusive focus on intensification and large-scale agriculture practices. It’s stealing the wealth of the farmer, and the health of the consumer (in terms of their nourishment of choice) and interfering in their relationship, for big business profit. It’s big cities where people live in disconnection from nature, but entrenched in rampant spending, debt, greed and

materialism (Taurus). Also think of shelter, like city housing being so pricey and cost of living impossible for some due to inflation, increasing chances of homelessness. It’s turning this dense real estate lifestyle into an unsustainable money machine, with landlords making renters and the rental market their opportunity for gain at another’s expense; renters who may never be able to afford a home of their own, or worse, broke because of not having been able to build a sustainable nest egg of their own to rely on in old age. Farming is also not a viable occupation anymore due to massive input cost, prohibitive laws, and not financially viable due to ‘drunk on power’ control over markets via manipulating market forces to stay imbalanced, etc… Sedna (as apex for the Sedna Yod) has been conjunct malefic fixed star Algol as early as mid 2014, which is when political push for industrial agriculture, export, and international trade in Australia took off in earnest. 2014 was also the start of political backing for animal rights activism/environmental activism, with the rise of films like Lucent and later Dominion, that portrait animal agricultural practices that border on exploitation and abuse. Clearly, there has been some god-complex, spiritual poverty and an intoxication with destructive power over others… that has led to some level of great loss for the vulnerable, wether human or animal.

Image: Studio portrait of Eskimo man with mustache and wavy hair in fur parka, Nome, 1905 via Wikimedia Commons.

In mundane astrology, the 11th house cluster is the scheming, devaluation, betrayal and exploitation of the earth’s natural resources, by entitlement, and by taking social license, to expand corporate investments, global economy, international relations and trade. It’s discouraging stable local food economies, farm-to-table relationships and local food security, that would see consumers buying directly from the small-scale farmer. Instead funnelling both city dwellers and country folk to spend their money at the big supermarket instead, where profits often go overseas… It’s the importing of food that can be grown locally, from the other side of the world, that introduces unholy ‘competition’ that destroys local food security. It’s often cheap food of mediocre quality, considering what consumers may get in local food systems where there is a direct farmer-to-consumer relationship, that dictate the dynamics…

There is no genuine investment in the kind of things that feed the soul, like for example the heartfull relationship between the conscious consumer and the small-scale farmer that produces highly valuable foods like safe raw milk and raw milk cheese produced for human consumption. Or being supported on government level to create tiny house villages where those who are not able, or don’t earn a large wage, nor want a mortgage, can happily co-create a healthy social structure that feeds their collective values and needs, perhaps with their own self-sufficient food gardens

During Sedna transits, people seek more alone-time and downtime as conscious beings.

This is why a studio or man cave in the backyard is such a healthy retreat, to get away from the family noise; to attempt to mentally and emotionally recharge. The nervous system (ruled by Gemini) is particularly vulnerable of late, as this astrologer reports. Unfortunately the laws of the land often have many restrictions (read prohibitive laws and regulations) that prevent people from adding these sanctuaries to support their mental health, which may contribute to why the family unit can break up, as one partner just cannot obtain the rejuvenation that leads to some equilibrium, that they need from the situation at home.

It’s the WOKE VIRTUE SIGNALLING and attention to SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE by big business interest groups, that has shown itself to be empty and worthless; seeped in betrayal, rampant selfishness and off their rocker greed.

What we know today as “woke” derived from alert to racial prejudice and discrimination (Eris in astrology), however today it is a much expanded definition to serve big business market campaigns on a global scale. The point of contention is the following: people have different values but when these are deliberately influenced, highjacked or used in a forced market campaign - like the WOKE BANDWAGON - by those who want to improve their already dominant marketshare, it can backfire on mighty brands

Woke or go broke social engineering marketing ploys, that portrait inclusive values ‘ideologies’ in society, may very well end up seen as empty rhetoric by those who have become more conscious since coronavirus lockdowns started…

The meteoric revenue- and reputational tumble, boycott, and damage control of big companies are a direct result of loyal customer bases, disappearing… Consumers are tired of being disrespected, discounted, preached at, or scolded by those who take their money and supposedly serve their interest, instead servicing their politics or corporate ideals of a better society… Those who are not listening to the collective heart, weaponising the term ‘woke’, or who don’t truely serve the conscious consumer, are “cruising for a bruising” with Sedna at the apex of the Sedna Yod, with Ixion (betrayal) as leg in the Finger of god aspect pattern…

Those with overly materialistic values - pandering for support from the next generation of youngsters - have failed to comprehend how many humans have become more sensible, sensing, self-aware and are increasingly sensitive to the senselessness that comes from players who care for MONEY, VALUE, WORTH EXTRACTION from them. When Sedna was discovered she was first dubbed “The Flying Dutchman”, which indicates a link to extreme corporate greed and capitalism. Sedna in Gemini is all about knowing how the other one feels, their struggles and their challenges, and living in mutual harmony, and this the money-hungry Sedna in Taurus may not be able to grasp; they cannot have a light bulb moment, because of their values and priorities, that are not inclusive of others in a healthy way. Their desires and self-reflection don’t include the general wellbeing of those who will no longer hand over their money, their worth, their time, or be screwed over; like for example being left with massive debt, to serve another’s self-indulgent ideology of being rich, or have power, accumulated wealth or fortune, at their expense. This is why the unethical lower expression undervalue and misjudge the higher expression… because each weights the other by their own standards, which is why there is a massive shortfall… and a separation… that ultimately, is wholesome…

This massive difference in values, and those who continually want to artificially increase their brand or ideology to make more money, may very well be part of why many workers are demoralised, burnt out, quiet-quitting the hustle culture, not seeing the use to work hard or innovate, and not wanting to work in toxic work environments anymore, where there is glib talk but unfaithfulness, disloyalty and betrayal (Neptune in the 1st house sextile 11th house cluster with Ixion). It’s the conscious individual versus the interest group ideology, who wants to profit off structured work and moral obligations generated through collaboration in the 6th house, but Saturn is in detriment in Cancer, opposed to Chiron who is in Saturn’s home sign. This hit on hardship, karma and status quo authority - conjunct social justice and emotional truth trans-Neptunian object Varuna - is the individual perhaps finally realising that they had been working and giving all their life force energy in service, to build a strong ‘economy’ for someone else, so that the benefits can be funnelled primarily in one direction. Selling their souls, being sucked dry, and creating personal imbalance, and for what? This results in the taking shape of a mass ideology like quiet quitting, Karoshi death by overwork (Japan), Gwarosa death by work (South Korea), or the lying flat movement (China), due to non-existent/unbalanced social equity that undermines physical, moral and spiritual well being. It’s the loss of market value due to social protest and economic mass boycott. It’s the Yod and Hammer of Thor apexes on Saturn in the 6th house Cancer that are the responsibilities, rules and structures as it pertains to how we nurture and nourish emotions, in the area of daily work, routines, mental health, service to others, and how we feed ourselves, that are obliterated by a hammering from Sun square Uranus/Gonggong on Saturn. The shattering is about the great challenges in being able to work, be of service, and earn one’s way, in an insincere consumerism-driven environment that does not meet the needs for nourishment of the feeling human, and ultimately the release at the Boomerang Yod reaction point (Chiron in the 12th house), surrendering to the soul.

Sedna wants to be with her soul in joy and abundance, not treated as if useless and spent, not disassociated from true Self, working her ass off, suffering hardship that is an aversion to natural law and order…

Sedna lower expression are behind global economic policy, censorship of information, massive wealth acquisition (read stealing and hoarding), and global influence, but also with occasional massive disadvantages for large numbers of people. It’s the massive chasm between having empathy and having none, because one ruthless party wants the $$$ equivalent from other’s life force energy…

Sedna higher expression are often those individuals who had been significantly disadvantaged by the policies that kills other’s spirit, coming out the other end massively transformed by what could have felt like a near-death experience, or at least near-total collapse or loss, but perhaps having gained “everything” in return; for total release of an old life and outworn ego identity in the 12th house… Conscious… Aware… “I am that I am.” “I exist.”

Higher Expression Sedna

Sedna entails self-care as medicine and cleansing out of the heart, mind and limiting beliefs first. The North Node in astrology represents the unique direction that each of us are being called to explore and, ultimately, embody. It may currently be unknown to us, but waiting in that eventual space is fulfilment like nothing else we've experienced. In Sedna’s discovery chart it entails the management of resources wisely (Taurus), so that it can sustain a community (fourth house), for living with greed, immorality and spiritual poverty does not bring in the wealth for all.

In the higher expression socially aware Sedna has backbone, higher consciousness, dignity, synchronicity, divine magic, and abundance energy. She is the way-shower and shaman, with wisdom from the underworld, and with that comes some disillusionment. For we cannot continue to abuse the source of our providence, and think we can get away with it. Sedna higher expression knows her worth and is loving, faithful, generous, ethical and giving; having taken her spiritual upgrade, after a mammoth loss of some kind. Sedna is providence, reciprocity, respect, nourishment, and the wisdom of gratitude; living in right connection to nature and in integrity with all of life. Human and animal relationships are central to many Inuit myths from the arctic region. Higher expression Sedna and her HEART OF GOLD regarding SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY meets the needs and wellbeing of her community, but from a healthy detached distance. Sedna energy is also about withholding the bounty when generosity is abused. When people disrespect or try to destroy those of virtue who in relation are good to them, or abuse the generosity of the empathic as if it is a given, higher expression Sedna

energy will go the distance to make them go without, even starve them of her benevolent energy, if they do not repent, change their self-serving materialistic, fortune-hunting ways, or show gratitude. Sedna energy carries the poverty versus abundance polarity, just like many of the other TNOs. Sedna is soul evolution and regeneration, at the price of cutting something spiritually deprived, unholy or unwholesome off, so that people will seek their spirituality, spiritual growth, conscience and transcendent consciousness. Sedna is the deep inner joy, peace, consciousness and harmony, but what precludes this is the often painfully destructive process that helps people enter into a deep connection with the shamanic journey, to reconnect to soul self; to create new life after releasing the effects of spiritual corruption. Higher expression Sedna is free energy and wealth redistribution through compassion, right living, and shared resources, like social welfare, perhaps in the form of basic universal income, after many individuals/groups of people have been emptied by the immoral hoarding lower expression, that takes and takes and enforces limitations on others for their financial benefit.

Sedna is the quantum ocean of infinite energy, with money-hungry capitalists acting like the hunters sending the shaman in Sedna’s tale, for survival… begging and cajoling Sedna to give life / release energy from quantum potential. Not knowing that the forcing, is not equal to allowing…

With Sedna in air sign Gemini’s ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE introduction into society, there may also be human learning, regarding exploring what it means to be SENTIENT, which is to be acutely aware, sensitive, sensing and feeling while in the human body, which is not about being over-emotional, nor in drama.

Sedna is deep consciousness, inner stillness and AWARENESS, despite the emotional, watery undertones that is part of her mythological story. AI’s self-learning may be a two-way street that will teach humans about what it means to be an aware soul, living in a human body for a human lifetime, experiencing an experience of vast variety. It is somewhat like the sentient, loving, sensing and FEELING interaction between a human and their pets, as Inuit mythology is all about human/animal relationships, reciprocity and fair energy exchange.

Sedna is about the exchange between human and animal, and the doling out of recompense when humans take more from nature that what they need, or indulge in unfair energy exchange between life forms. When the WHO announced a global health emergency on 31 January 2020, Haumea in Libra was sextile to Ixion in Sagittarius making a Yod apex on Sedna and malefic fixed star Algol. When WHO announced a global health emergency for Monkey Pox on 24 July 2022, the Sedna Yod was again active with apex on Sedna at 29 degrees Taurus; the crisis degree. Curiously, the WHO announced seven global health emergencies, and all of them had the Sedna yod within orb:

  • 24 July 2022 — Monkeypox (Sedna Yod at 29 degrees Taurus the crisis degree conjunct the Pleiades and Alcyone)

  • 31 January 2020 — COVID-19 (Sedna Yod apex at 26 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • 1 August 2018-20 — Kivu Ebola (Sedna Yod apex at 27 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • April 2016 — Zika virus (Sedna Yod apex at 24 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • March 2014 — Ebola (Sedna Yod apex at 23 Taurus, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • 5 May 2014 — Polio (Sedna Yod apex at 23 Taurus, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • January 2009 — Swine flu (Sedna Yod at 20 Taurus with Haumea sextile Ixion, Sedna square Chiron)

Ixion concludes as leg in the Sedna yod end of 2023, with Varda taking over as leg, taking the Sedna yod beyond 2030, but don’t underestimate how long the energy of this Yod with Ixion (betrayal) as leg may linger… There will also be a Hammer of Thor apex on Sedna beyond 2030. To learn more about the Sedna Yod, see The Pentagram of Change online course. Click on the images below to enlarge, and note the dates to understand the longevity of the Sedna yod.

Sedna in Astrology Chart Examples:

Slow moving Sedna moves from Taurus into Gemini for the first time on 16 June 2023.

Sedna permanently moving into Gemini in 2024 may ultimately entail a profound loosening of rigidity as the ice melts from her stay in the last decan of Taurus - that expresses all of the negative qualities - of rigid, greedy, machiavellian Taurus, and the encounter with malefic star Algol. However, Sedna is very slow moving, thus we are standing on a precipice that is worth crossing over… Don’t be afraid, as billions of people are going through an inner transformation in the privacy of their own homes, to find the joy within, as Sedna eventually did after a long journey with those who cared nothing for her wellbeing, despite initially pretending that they did… It is better to see the lower expression party for their true colours, selfish intentions regarding stealing resources etc. than to be in denial, which prevents the recovery process into spiritual sovereign self. Sedna is associated with accepting a loss, for a spiritual gain and experiencing a time period of metaphorical psychological death. Sedna transits are times to come back to Self, and sit with Self, and re-evaluate one's life from its very foundation. Sedna’s Sabian symbol is about the opening the windows to change in the metaphorical cleaning of a handbag, airing it out in the refreshing qualities of sun and air, for a brand new lease on life.

Sedna has a hugely long orbital cycle around the sun of 11,408 years, which means that there are times when Sedna spend over a millenium in one zodiac sign, but as it gets closer to the earth, it spends less time in one particular zodiac sign, see the Sedna Orbit page for more on that.

Experience Sedna Energy

One of the best ways to experience the potent energy of Sedna (or any of the other TNOs or KBOs) is in the week leading up to a Sedna station to change direction. At the most recent event, the energy was felt as heavy, thick, and highly conscious, accompanied by bouts of extreme tiredness, and there was a feeling of the entire planet slowing to a crawl; to make people sit and think about what is beyond the human mundane; soul purpose... Feel it, for it

is powerful medicine - full of potential - when the shaman metaphorically comes knocking; to ask Sedna about what the community has to do to rectify their behaviour... to move away from a trajectory towards spiritual starvation and moral depravity... Every time Sedna is involved in a major astrological event - stations to go retrograde in particular - extreme tiredness is observed and palpable amongst people. Check your ephemeris or the Calendar of Events.

See the articles below for more details on Sedna in Astromythology:

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