Long CoVid, Quiet-Quitting, Labour Shortages, and Burn Out in Astrology


Experts are warning that Australia is on a collision course for an explosion in long-COVID cases, as well as COVID infection ‘rebounds’.

As inflation is rising, so are people’s prices going up; no longer wanting to work in toxic work environments or jobs that don’t give back recognition, worth or satisfaction. Employees are increasingly ‘knowing their worth’ and not willing to ‘slave their energy away’ in what is unsustainable. Monkeypox virus has also reportedly been spreading in Melbourne in recent weeks.

This is all very curious. What might this mean in astrology, and for Australia in particular?

Personally, I like to use the following national chart when it pertains to Australian matters, especially since Eris is so prominently placed in the 11th house in the natal chart, and currently conjunct Australia’s Ascendant. Australia and New Zealand are the two countries who have done the most extensive research on the Tall Poppy syndrome in the social sphere of the workplace, in which jealous cutters cut down cuttees who shine too brightly, being a cut above the rest, outshining the co-workers. This strong tendency for jealousy and envy in Australia, represented by dwarf planet Eris, the Goddess of Discord and Strife, makes this chart and excellent choice to use (there are a couple).

Having a country’s South Node on the 29th degree is precarious. Having that South Node on the 29th crisis degree of Taurus in the second house, with transit Uranus and North Node conjunct the natal Moon in Taurus, is highly precarious. This is where transiting Sedna is currently at, and Sedna is also at the apex of a Yod from other KBO’s Haumea in Libra and Ixion in Capricorn. Many articles on the Sedna Blog have already described why detached object Sedna is perhaps the most likely astrological representation of Coronavirus. Also consider the following:

The World Health Organisation declared a global health emergency for the following events, and all of them had the Sedna Yod active within 2 - 3 degrees orb:

Image: Corona Virus via Wikimedia Commons.

  • 24 July 2022 — Monkeypox (Sedna Yod apex at 29 degrees Taurus the crisis degree conjunct the Pleiades and Alcyone)

  • 31 January 2020 — COVID-19 (Sedna Yod apex at 26 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • 1 August 2018-20 — Kivu Ebola (Sedna Yod apex at 27 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • April 2016 — Zika virus (Sedna Yod apex at 24 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • March 2014 — Ebola (Sedna Yod apex at 23 Taurus, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • 5 May 2014 — Polio (Sedna Yod apex at 23 Taurus, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • January 2009 — Swine flu (Sedna Yod at 20 Taurus with Haumea sextile Ixion, Sedna square Chiron)


Severe Impacts of Long Covid in Australia

Image: Girl in a medical mask on the street during the coronavirus epidemic in Russia via Wikimedia Commons Author, www.vperemen.com

According new figures, long Covid is wreaking on Australia's economy, with droves of people forced out of the workplace. A government report found that 31,000 Australians were off work every day with the debilitating condition.

That's about 12 per cent of all Covid-19 related work absenteeism. The same report also showed Australia lost three million working days in the first six months of 2022 due to the illness. Treasurer Jim Chalmers said the figures showed Covid-19 would have a long-term impact on workforce productivity. A recent study of more than a million people from eight different countries revealed the risk of catching long Covid could stretch out for two years or more from a bout of Covid-19. Adult risk of developing seizure disorders, brain fog, dementia and other mental health conditions remain high two years after recovering from Covid-19, the study found.

It is not certain if Australia is more severely impacted by Covid than other countries, however with such a potent yod, as the Sedna Yod on Australia’s South Node ‘comfort zone’ in Taurus, in the second house, it makes sense that the impacts of the Sedna Yod may be quite significant and worth investigating. That value, money, worth, resources, time spent, and investment of time - all second house issues - may be significantly more affected… from an astrological point of view…

As this article was in the process of being compiled, Sedna had just stationed to go retrograde, and the feeling in the air was thick and heavy. It was obvious that many people are having extreme challenge; due to being excessively tired, not being able to concentrate; taking time off work to rest or sleep. The influence of this tiny dwarf planet can slow an entire planet to a crawl, and temporarily put to bed the overly-ambitious drive to grow an economy, that primarily caters for big business growth and benefit. That’s Sedna energy for you…

Australia’s Jobs and Skills Summit

Yet, those who are driven to keep the status quo running, are clearly worried and being swamped by alarmed employers, not able to find willing-to-work employees… Now the Australian government are claiming that there is not enough skilled workers in Australia, and there is talk of opening migration for skilled workers. Tomorrow a summit starts to get discussions going… In this interview, treasurer Jim Chalmers described that the summit will be about Australia grappling to deal with growing the economy, with

the challenges in the labour market and productivity. The Jobs and Skills Summit will bring together Australians, including unions, employers, civil society, and government, to discuss the shared economic challenges and propose both immediate and long-term solutions. The goal of the Summit is to find common ground on how Australia can build a bigger, better trained and more productive workforce; boost real wages and living standards; and create more opportunities for more Australians, but how realistic is this?

Australia’s Taurus Stability and Growth Going Bust?

In July 2022, Australia also nearly had an outbreak of Foot and Mouth disease in a massive scare, that would harm the country’s estimated $80 billion livestock industry. The astrological dynamics potentially behind this was described in this article, and potentials for this to actually happen in the future, will be more amplified in coming months…

There are two astrological signatures that threatens Taurus the bull (and cattle by default):

  1. The Hammer of Thor aspect pattern that forms from MakeMake in Libra that squares Quaoar in Capricorn, making a Hammer apex on Uranus/Algol in Taurus, exactly on Australia’s natal Moon at 20 degrees Taurus.

  2. Then there is the Sedna Yod on Australia’s South Node at 29 degrees Taurus.

Astrologically, Australia may be under a hammering of massive proportions for the next decade… It’s also curious that transit Eris in Aries is conjunct the Ascendant, and transit Pluto in Capricorn conjunct the Midheaven, with Sedna in that sensitive spot… This speaks of the challenges of being a country that is controlled by totalitarian business, politics, power, influence, and financial interests, not only locally-owned but internationally-owned. Questioning how growth will continue into the future, when there are investments that had been made to keep the status quo engine running, when there are changes that are demolishing the status quo landscape, at the same time. The Hammer and Yod apex razing 20 - 30 degrees Taurus, will bring massive


change to the issues described in this article regarding the Sedna Trine Pluto aspect, which is about the Machiavellian individuals who want to control entire markets and business arenas, being absolutely brutal to knock their opponents out, in order to secure their space to be first in line, and have an open playing field for themselves to dominate.

Eris on the Ascendant is about those social engineers and smooth-talkers, who speak of opportunities for everyone, but in truth it is lip service, as by nature lower expression Sedna energy aims to service big business, through influencing government legislation - with entitlement - to take social license to expand corporate investments, international relations and trade. And in doing so, disadvantaging the little guy, in the form of self-sustaining local food economies that may otherwise be enjoying independence and social security, but now locked down with red tape. What does this look like on a practical level. It is local communities not being able to buy directly from the local farmer - in some cases - instead having to frequent the local big supermarket, where the majority of profit goes overseas… Its demoralising, and it is this energy that may be subconsciously feeding into the changes that are occurring; that are intuited as not wholesome…

The hammering of planet Sedna will entail a highlighting of Sedna issues like food supply chain, food shortages, rising cost of living, labour market issues, and unequal exchange of energy between life forms, etc. And the labour force perhaps no longer being able (or wanting) to participate in the self-serving greed, swindling and foolishness, of bleeding local communities dry, for the overseas-owned conglomerates and shareholder’s overwhelming gain.

The Pentagram of Change course details how MakeMake square Quaoar will make a Hammer apex in the last decan of Taurus (20 - 30 degrees) until after 2030, perhaps forever having a demolishing effect on those Taurean issues; like earth matters, agriculture, food production, the natural world, and most important of all… cattle. After 2030, both a Hammer of Thor apex and a Yod will apex on Sedna still conjunct the crisis degree of 29 Taurus, and it may be a hammering to remember… of epic proportions.

It would seem that Australia’s ‘birth chart’ reveals that the country is in store for massive changes, and leadership need to ‘roll with the punches’ and accept that many people are tired of being bled dry, harvested from, and may not want to be work horses for the ambitions of those who influence government, to desire to generate endless amounts of $$$, increased productivity, and growth, at the expense of others in unequal energy exchange.

It’s all good when a labour force have the energy, the drive, and the health to give of themselves, and to co-operate towards the growth of the economy and the coffers of government and multi-national conglomerates, but what happens when the people have been taken from, and are feeling no longer… willing?

Is opening the immigration gates to skilled workers - to pay taxes in Australia and do the work - going to solve the problems? When they too are susceptible to getting tired, needing time off work, and not wanting to feed ‘the system’?

All this pressure on Sedna poses some rather unique challenges, and it is not certain whether think-tanks really understand the dynamics behind the challenges we are collectively facing… And even if they understood, what can be done, when making more profit is - ultimately - the only solution that is desperately sought?

Isn’t that what a South Node, in Taurus, in the second house conjunct the Sedna Yod apex is all about? Going around in circles, looking primarily at only one area; $$$ and value, and where can it be extracted from next?

As MakeMake in Libra squares Quaoar in Capricorn and makes a long term Hammer through 20 - 30 degrees Taurus, so does Pluto in Capricorn/Aquarius square Haumea in Libra/Scorpio making a long term Hammer apex on mid Gemini. In Australia’s ‘birth chart’, Pluto is at 16 degrees Gemini. When you look at Australia’s chart, and the influences that started to become very prominent at the start of 2020 moving beyond 2030, Australia’s chart is certainly highly influenced… and may certainly experience significant changes into the future… With natal Pluto at the receiving end of a Hammer apex, and transit Pluto on the Midheaven, change will be the new normal…

The Quiet Quitting and Great Resignation Phenomenons, Burn Out and Expectations

Quiet quitting is a new phenomenon that started post-pandemic, after people have had time to sit at home, reflect on their lives, and re-evaluate, which suggests that it may be a Sedna issue.

Quiet quitter observer and YouTuber Sakurambo, shared her research on why people are doing it, saying that she saw many examples of people who feel they were ‘wronged’ by their job, like for example them putting in time and working effort into giving their ‘everything’ into a company, only for them to not get recognised, acknowledged, or promoted, perhaps even completely passed-over. “They feel like it is useless to keep working hard… so they feel like the work has ‘wronged them’. They don’t see a point in working hard, because it doesn’t really have any positive outcomes.”

“If you don’t put your heart into it, you kind of protect yourself against feeling disappointed, or other negative emotions, because you are just not invested anymore.”

Sakurambo explains from her personal experience, and in her own observation: “people are using it as a method of self-preservation”. She describes that many are either just so burnt out, have work-life imbalances that are too out of whack, or that people just don’t like their jobs. Perhaps needing to ‘tune out’ or detach their brains, so that they don’t have to suffer mentally, emotionally or physically. It is the investment into work, that people just cannot make anymore, else it is a detriment to their personal health and wellbeing. Quiet quitting is the antidote to the extreme hustle culture - to make lots of money - that many ambitious high-flyers have been participating in, in the workplace. Also, having more time to be conscious and aware - in the present moment, working at home - have shown to help people be more productive in a way.

Being away from the toxic boss also seems to have given people time to re-evaluate the expectations placed on them, that had previously had some feel gaslighted into not feeling good enough, having ‘Imposter syndrome’ or low self-esteem. The great resignation started in the midst of the pandemic, and may have slightly different dynamics behind it.

Adamus on The Big Work Walkout

One of the most insightful sources of information on this phenomenon is without a doubt this USD$25 video. It explains how humans are evolving from slavery to freedom, and how humanity are saying “take this job and shove it”. It explains why it is time for a new kind of productivity, because people don’t want to be part of toxic, unsupportive, uncreative work environments any more.

Sedna’s Discovery Chart Hammer and Yod apex

A TNO or KBO planet’s discovery chart reveals a great deal about the energy of the planet. Sedna’s discovery chart has a Hammer of Thor and Yod aspect pattern in it, both making apexes on Saturn in Cancer… Now if that doesn’t say it all… than nothing will…

Saturn is the work-horse planet of responsibility, and it is in the sixth house of daily work and routine. Saturn is in Cancer, which is the sign of nurturing and taking care of our emotional and basic needs. This is described in detail in The Pentagram of Change online course.

If you study Sedna’s tale, you will understand that it is the story of someone in position of control or power over another, who don’t value them appropriately, or may even take them for granted, abuse them emotionally, reject or abandon them. It’s about the person whose worth had not been recognised, recognising their own worth instead, after having had time to reflect, and choosing to sever the ties and relationship with the past, to elevate into a new way of being. Covid, quiet quitting and long Covid are all part of the Sedna Yod, which had come into full prominence when Sedna conjuncted malefic fixed star Algol at the start of 2020, and EVERYTHING changed…

Calls for Royal Commission into Australia’s Handling of CoVid-19

As the Eris square Pluto aspect are within 2 degrees orb of influence at the moment, there are calls for a Royal Commission or similar inquiry into Australia's COVID-19 pandemic response as the actions made by state leaders have been dubbed callous and questionable. When Eris square Pluto initially kicked off in January 2020, they were making a Hammer of Thor aspect pattern on KBO Orcus at 11 degrees Virgo, which sent the entire planet into the underworld… for re-evaluation of their lives. Curiously, in Australia’s ‘birth chart’, Mars is at 11 degrees Virgo and at the apex of a t-square. Orcus has now moved on to 13 degrees Virgo, however the energy will certainly be re-activated, to a degree…

The Energetic Signature of COVID, Long COVID, and how it Corresponds to the Themes in Sedna’s Tale

The very first article written on Sedna’s energy signature, explains how the energies of COVID, and Long COVID corresponds to the experience where Sedna spent time on the arctic island in isolation and what she experienced there, which entails the loss and sense of time, identity dissolution, going within, complete loss of an old way of being, and eventually connecting to a new identity as soul self; as divine having a human experience for a short time. This won’t be reiterated, nor explored in this article though.

The Tales Eskimos Tell, Selected and Retold by Dorothy Morrison

Learning from dwarf planet Sedna’s energy, that is synonymous with Sedna’s Inuit story.

It is very clear from Inuit (Eskimo is considered a derogatory term today) tales that wisdom was greatly valued and adhered to in their culture and traditions, and stories were retold over many, many generations.

The Inuit knew how to live in harmony with nature, as a force that takes care of them in turn, when the spiritual balance between life forms are maintained.

In Sedna’s tales, the Angakok was a wise man who acts as a priest, prophet, and doctor, also a shaman who connects on a soul level for wisdom seeking; particularly in times of trouble when there is food shortages, due to spiritual starvation and moral depravity in the community, that is causing imbalance in the cycle of life.

To the right is the inside front page of a book with some beautiful tales. It was kindly digitised, archived and made available with funding from the University of Toronto, read the FREE version here.

Please note that Sedna’s tale is not included in this particular, small publication, but readers who know Sedna’s tale, will recognised the underlying themes are very similar.

It’s about appreciating what you have, helping other people who need support, and not taking people for granted. And to guard against the evil of greed, abusing other’s generosity, and moral decay. Read more about this here.

Trans-Neptunian and Kuiper Belt Objects in Aspect and Relation


The Kuiper Belt objects, and trans-Neptunian dwarf planets bring hope, change, expanded thinking, soul purpose, and quantum leaps into our consciousness. It is up to each individual if they want to embrace this time of great change, and the potentials on offer.

Why do people feel like they are losing their heads/minds since the start of 2020?

Read all about the strange mixed bag of energies we’ve been having since the start of 2020, like the four Yods and three Hammer of Thor aspect patterns.

  • The Gonggong Yod is all about the massive chaos caused by floods, too much rain and landslides.

  • The Sedna Yod is about the respect for people, animals and the natural world being violated and betrayed, and how the natural world can come back to bite. When the WHO announced a global health emergency on 31 January 2020, Haumea in Libra was sextile to Ixion in Sagittarius making a Yod apex on Sedna and malefic fixed star Algol. When WHO announced a global health emergency for Monkey Pox on 24 July 2022, the Sedna Yod was again active with apex on Sedna at 29 degrees Taurus; the crisis degree.

  • The Varuna Yod is about sacred law and order, justice and truth in the cosmos that is returning as some reconnect to their emotions, and come to their senses regarding social injustices.

  • The Haumea Yod is about being able to birth the new, and wild abundance and providence of nature that can be created when appropriate governmental structures support benevolence for all.

  • The MakeMake square Quaoar aspect is about is about the smite that the Hammer of Thor apex makes in Taurus smiting things Taurus, perhaps into oblivion. Curiously, both this Hammer apex and the Sedna Yod makes apexes in Taurus, which is the sign of the bull. Together they are creating massive upset and change in agriculture, the natural world, earth matters, and with cattle; with the recent threat of foot and mouth disease in Australia a great example of the potential manifestation of this energy. This Hammer apex will also be on malefic fixed star Algol, Uranus and eventually Sedna.

Learn more about the bigger picture by going to courses.

Below is the ingress chart for the five pointed star in the astrological sky about the astrological energies of the TNOs and KBOs converging:

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