Symbolism of the Lotus Flower, Karma, Selfish Entitlement, and the trans-Neptunian Objects and Kuiper Belt Objects in Astrology?

According to Wikipedia, the lotus symbolically represents karma in many traditions. A blooming lotus flower is one of the few flowers that simultaneously carries seeds inside itself while it blooms. Seed is symbolically seen as cause, the flower effect. Lotus is also considered as a reminder that one can grow, share good karma, and remain unstained even in muddy circumstances. The idea of cause and effect, what you sow you reap, as well as karma, have been developed in various cultures, but especially from ancient literature that explore karma and rebirth. This concept is also very much applicable to the energies of the TNOs and KBOs, but especially

evident in Eris, Sedna and Haumea’s discovery charts, due to the Mercury, Venus, Pluto conjunctions in Sagittarius. Eris’s cluster is in Sagittarius’ 9th house, making these concepts particularly amplified and relevant.

Many of the TNOs also have the mutual reception of Uranus in Pisces and Neptune in Uranus, which is about the high creativity originality, and being loving, empathic and industrious with a desire to help and serve mankind in benevolence. Eris in particular has this mutual reception with the houses corresponding as well… which is quite remarkable… The higher expressions are often pioneers, visionaries, metaphysicians, and future thinker individuals, and it is the jealousy, envy or toxicity around this higher/lower expression polarity, that brings about cause and effect in human interaction…

This website explores newly discovered astrological objects from an astromythological view. These newly discovered trans-Neptunian and Kuiper belt objects are ushering epochal social changes. This website is about the soul purpose messages of the TNOs and KBOs, especially the brightest Kuiper belt objects that have already been named, like Pluto, MakeMake, Eris, Haumea, Orcus, Quaoar, Varda, Varuna and Ixion.

In the astrology of the TNO’s and KBO’s, cause and effect, what you sow you reap, action, and reaction, and karma, are seen in terms of the timeframe in which a particular transit affects a person in relation to the birth chart, and the duration the transit to natal planets are in effect. Also, how an aspect, like Eris square Pluto, affects everyone in relation to the planets, or progressed planets in their birth chart. It is curious how this has similarity to the way various ancient literature interpret karma, and how is believed to play out over a lifetime/s.

Wikipedia explains, that in the Buddhist tradition, karma refers to actions driven by intention, a deed done deliberately through body, speech or mind, leads to future consequences. The karmic effect of a deed is not determined solely by the deed itself, but also by the nature of the person who commits the deed, and by the circumstances in which it is committed. Karma is not a "judgement" enforced by a God, Deity or other supernatural being that controls the affairs of the Cosmos. Rather, karma is the outcome of a natural process of cause and effect. Within Buddhism, the real importance of the doctrine of karma and its fruits lies in the recognition of the urgency to put a stop to the whole process.

In Jainism, karma conveys a different meaning, that karma operates as a self-sustaining mechanism as natural universal law, without any need of an external entity to manage them.

In Sikhism, this life is likened to a field in which our karma is the seed. We harvest exactly what we sow; no less, no more. This infallible law of karma holds everyone responsible for what the person is, or is going to be.

In Falun Gong, karma is an exclusively negative term. The Chinese term for 'virtue', is reserved for what might otherwise be termed 'good karma' in Buddhism. Karma is understood as the source of all suffering – what Buddhism might refer to as 'bad karma'.

Karma is an important concept in Taoism. Every deed is tracked by deities and spirits. Appropriate rewards or retribution follow karma, just like a shadow follows a person. The karma doctrine of Taoism developed in three stages. In the first stage, causality between actions and consequences was adopted, with supernatural beings keeping track of everyone's karma and assigning fate (ming).

Lastly, the concept of karma in Hinduism developed and evolved over centuries; it’s diverse and complicated. Yet the causality and essential elements can be seen recited in folk stories, for example:

“As a man himself sows, so he himself reaps; no man inherits the good or evil act of another man. The fruit is of the same quality as the action.”

— Mahabharata, xii.291.2

According to Wikipedia, karma in Sanskrit means an action, work, or deed, and its effect or consequences. In Indian religions, the term more specifically refers to a principle of cause and effect, often descriptively called the principle of karma, wherein intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect). Good intent and good deeds contribute to good karma and happier rebirths, while bad intent and bad deeds contribute to bad karma and bad rebirths.

Karl Potter (1964) and Harold Coward (1983) suggest that karmic principle can also be understood as a principle of psychology and habit. Karma seeds habits, and habits create the nature of man. Karma also seeds self perception, and perception influences how one experiences life-events. Both habits and self perception affect the course of one's life. Breaking bad habits is not easy: it requires conscious karmic effort. Thus, psyche and habit, according to Potter and Coward, link karma to causality in ancient Indian literature. The idea of karma may be compared to the notion of a person's 'character', as both are an assessment of the person and determined by that person's habitual thinking and acting.

There are various symbols that represent karma, like the Yin-Yang symbol that shows the interaction of phenomena, and the interplay of opposites which creates our world.

The key message is that you reap as you sow. Therefore if we want to achieve positive results, it makes sense to think, speak, and act positively. The Chinese philosophical symbol of Yin and Yang illustrates all things are held in balance. The process of balancing is what we call karma. It's the positive and negative (yin & yang) forces in the universe that balance each other out. They balance due to how karma equalises the energy flow.

This page was compiled after the completion of the second online course titled The Pentagram of Change, therefore this information is another big picture overview of what had been observed and learnt from the astromythological energies of these objects as a whole.

After having studied the bodies mentioned above in great depth, it is easy to see how the energies of these planets bring hope, change, expanded thinking, soul purpose and quantum leaps into our awareness. For we cannot continue to be in ignorance of the powerful messages they carry; considering the many crises the planet are currently facing, that are actually connected to the symbolic language of the objects, the aspects they make, and the aspect patterns they are part of. It is established fact that SELFISHNESS is a great societal problem, and the temptation to indulge in the low vibrational, as well as insecurities and fear, are at the root of the ENTITLEMENT problem. As become evident in The Foundations of Change online course in particular, the Haumea Yod that started in 2022 all the way to 2028, will entail an opposition from many planets that conjunct Eris in Aries during this timeframe, putting a particular emphasis on this massive societal problem, and for understanding and for potentials and solutions to be found.

Identifying the Dynamics of the Selfishness, Being Self-Absorbed and the Entitlement Problem?

Entitlement is a big problem in society - for it is intentional - and for many years this writer has been pondering on which astrological energy is most associated with it?

There are certainly arguments to be made for the Moon or Venus’s emotional manipulations, or Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto’s more overly masculine machinations… Many of the trans-Neptunian objects certainly carry these strong themes, like lower expression Sedna in the form of elitist globalists who want all the legislation of the land to enable their exclusive hoarding of resources and $$$, while pillaging nature, and paying as little tax as possible. Then there is Ixion energy, where the lower expression certainly feels entitled to be a reckless player in relationships, constantly having shits and giggles at another’s expense, stitching others up in relation, never learning the lessons of the wheel of karma, until that one day they screw over the wrong person…

MakeMake is a very strong contender for entitlement energy in astrology, as the astromythological story is about limited resources, and a small island society having to institute the birdman competition, to ensure access to valuable nutrient-dense resources, that represents fertility and physical nourishment. Having to be selfish and entitled for survival, fertility and continuation of life, to avoid starvation. Haumea’s astromythology describes antagonist Kumuhonoa who tried to destroy Haumea’s happiness by killing her partner, and even rising up against her as an enemy with a great army, to stage a defeat for her. Also, why? Because he felt entitled to be selfish, to be in authority over others in his community, and abuse the position of delegation and privilege over others. Why do people do this stupid shit? Clearly it is so extremely endemic within human behaviour, that is currently being massively amplified by the energies of the astrological challenges we are currently seeing, as is described all over this website, as well as in the two online courses.

Social engineering is the term used for a broad range of malicious activities accomplished through human interactions. Social engineering is the art of exploiting human psychology and the tactics like manipulating, influencing, or deceiving a target in order to gain control. All of the trans-Neptunian objects carry strong polarities, that are described on this website as higher and lower expressions.

Eris, Goddess of Discord and Strife: Vice or Virtue

I choose Eris to be the most representative of social engineering and brat behaviour in astrology, because Eris higher expression is perhaps the epitome of a person who has survived the bullying, the envying, the confidence destroying, the entitlement, the intention to deceive, and intense psychological warfare of selfish ego-driven people.

Higher expression Eris is a blessing to the world; having such empathy for those who had been marginalised, disadvantaged and traumatised, as is evidenced in Persephone’s story, as well as reflected in Eris’s discovery chart. By just having elevated and living their life, higher expression Eris people inspires, shine a light of compassion, guides, provides for others in time of their need, struggle and hunger for warmth. They may have grown to be wise, strong and gifted with insight, after many harrowing experiences with those entitled lower expression Eris people, who don’t have good intentions or motivations for them. Getting the genuine emotional fulfilment from having gone through all the growth and elevation, that comes with being challenged by adversaries, antagonists, enviers, spiritual-haters, confidence-destroyers and backbiters. Having learnt how to forgive, make right choices and moving away from foolishness. Finally tapping into higher expression abundance, rewards, success, contentment and fulfilment, that money cannot buy. Having grown the discernment necessary, to be able to recognise and avoid falsehood and fakery, so as to be able to rightfully invest in mutual and beneficial connections. Having compassion for Self, and being committed to Self, which is the healthy expression of Aries energy.

Eris in the Last Decan of Aries

Dwarf planet Eris left Pisces in the mid 1920’s, and kicked off according to this Eris ephemeris in Aries, to usher in the roaring twenties. It was the birth of the librated woman, new women’s fashions, the ability to vote, buy property, get a job, and get out of the domesticated, controlled box. It has led to liberation from slavery, issues of race discrimination being addressed, and child abuse being given the attention is needs. Gender equality and extreme, forced religion also came under the spotlight, to break the glass ceiling of prejudice, being marginalised, and injustice in general. As the reader can see, Eris has a powerful punch for those who study her energy, and learn to use it wisely, to wield the sword of truth, wisdom and clarity with remarkable poise. Eris is currently in the last decan of Aries, traversing between 24 - 26 Aries for the next seven years when it takes up a prominent spot in the Haumea Yod, as a reaction point, creating a Boomerang Yod at times. Eris became prominent in our awareness due to the Eris square Pluto aspect that kicked off at the start of 2020, but Eris transits will continue throughout the entire seven year Haumea Yod until 2028. Chiron will conjunct Eris, amplifying a significant need for healing of Eris issues. After that, Jupiter and Saturn also conjuncts Eris; and it may be experienced as big karma time for those who refuse to grow up… Why? Those who understand the significance of the Sabian symbol that Eris is in, in her discovery chart, will understand that with Eris traversing the last decan of the sign, the need to grow into the mature expression, just grows stronger.


Envy of Other’s Blessings and the Wheel of Fortune

Being envious of other people, entails being challenged by the Wheel of Fortune. Many articles on this website shows that people elevate during astrological transits - Eris transits in particular - based on the good or bad choices that they had made. Those who made the effort to be aware, learn their lessons, forgive and elevate, tend to find themselves at the top of the Wheel of Fortune, yet those who indulge in the low vibrations, and make those bad Eris choices, get envious or jealous, as they see others getting good things. Being entitled, selfish and indulging in brat behaviour are all linked with Eris in astrology, yet envy is definitely an Eris issue. Find an excellent example here of how Eris’s mythology, The Judgement of Paris and the Fall of Troy are all linked to the cause and effect - during Eris transits in particular - that sets in motion the Wheel of Fortune in astrological.

Being a Sovereign Being and Self-Realisation are Healthy Themes of the KBOs and TNOs

There are many indicators in society, that what people most seek is sovereignty; to have a good life, doing what they love every day, and not having to submit to the authority or control of another person, place, situation or thing. People want to do what makes their hearts sing, yet there is a great battle over whether individuals leaning in this direction, can take full responsibility for themselves…

Being a sovereign being, entails being entirely responsible for your own life and choices.

Not blaming other people, not projection your own bullshit onto others, not making other people the reason why you are unhappy. Not being in denial of what is your fault, what is your responsibility, or what you don’t want to own up to. Not being in denial that you need to grow up, and take the steering wheel of your life. Being responsible and accountable for all that you do, to your Self first and foremost.

Cultivating a high frequency state, and a purity of one’s own energy, is your own responsibility, through allowing being purified and transformed. Building towards a highly rewarding life, authenticity, being awakened to new potentials and elevating, comes from taking ownership. How many people can really do that?

This is the great struggle that is perhaps most represented by the trans-Neptunian planets, the Kuiper belt objects, and in particular, Eris in Aries. The Foundations of Change online course explains in great detail the influences of the many outer planets that will conjunct Eris in the next seven years, and influence the Haumea Yod. It is the dance of the TNOs, KBOs and the planets traversing Aries, that will be highlighting the immature qualities of Aries; the selfishness, the narcissism, the brattiness and the entitlement to a maximum.

It is time to grow up and become a true adult.

One that is fully responsible for their own journey on this planet. Not syphoning off of other’s energy. Taking full accountability. Growing in Self-Mastery. Perhaps even recognising that they are a divine being having a human experience, for a short while…

The challenge that will be felt keenly - in the next seven years of the Haumea Yod in particular - is can you REALLY grow up, and embody all of what that may entail?

The wake-up call will be getting louder and louder; to not repeat the same past mistakes rooted in ignorance, pride or ego, but to be honest with Self, and get out of denial.

Astrological Transits of the TNOs and KBOs

These are ice-rock bodies that inhabit the outer solar system in areas commonly known as the Kuiper belt, the Scattered Disc, and the Oort Cloud. Yet, they have astrological teaching value… showing the way…

The old, lower expression energies are a result of the intense desire to return back to Self as a divine being having a human experience, to be whole again, and to have a process of fusion again, with Self.

When this process of fusion begins to take place in earnest, there is no longer a separation in Self, like masculine/feminine, good/bad, or dark/light, or separation of the human from the divine. The illusion goes away. The need to focus in, or zone in on another who has something one is perceived NOT TO HAVE, goes away. This fusion is what leads to a new kind of energy that is expansive; to be free in your own energy, unencumbered by others, which is what the astromythology of Eris, Haumea and Sedna in particular, expresses so perfectly…

Humans have been feeling ‘a long way from home’ while having this human experience; feeling separation, abandonment, while longing to re-connect to their own consciousness and energy.


Image: The last planet, to the right, is Gonggong via Wikimedia Commons.


Image: Trans Neptunian planets from Wikimedia Commons. Click to enlarge.


There is a new online course about the trans-Neptunian and Kuiper Belt Objects involved in the strange mixed bag of energies we've been having since the start of 2020, with some stretching beyond 2030.

It’s about the five pointed star in the sky, the four Yods and three Hammer of Thor aspect patterns.

  • The Gonggong Yod is all about the massive chaos caused by floods, too much rain and landslides.

  • The Sedna Yod is about the respect for people, animals and the natural world being violated and betrayed, and how the natural world can come back to bite. When the WHO announced a global health emergency on 31 January 2020, Haumea in Libra was sextile to Ixion in Sagittarius making a Yod apex on Sedna and malefic fixed star Algol. When WHO announced a global health emergency for Monkey Pox on 24 July 2022, the Sedna Yod was again active with apex on Sedna at 29 degrees Taurus; the crisis degree.

  • The Varuna Yod is about sacred law and order, justice and truth in the cosmos that is returning as some reconnect to their emotions, and come to their senses regarding social injustices.

  • The Haumea Yod is about being able to birth the new, and wild abundance and providence of nature that can be created when appropriate governmental structures support benevolence for all.

  • The MakeMake square Quaoar aspect is about is about the smite that the Hammer of Thor apex makes in Taurus smiting things Taurus, perhaps into oblivion. Curiously, both this Hammer apex and the Sedna Yod makes apexes in Taurus, which is the sign of the bull. Together they are creating massive upset and change in agriculture, the natural world, earth matters, and with cattle; with the recent threat of foot and mouth disease in Australia a great example of the manifestation of this energy. This Hammer apex will also be on malefic fixed star Algol, Uranus and eventually Sedna.

  • The Eris square Pluto aspect also created a Hammer of Thor apex on Orcus in Virgo, sending everyone packing for the underworld.

Learn more about the bigger picture by going to courses.

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