Eris Triggering and Coming Out of Denial is the Spark of a Great Awakening

As I write this on the first day of September, the Sun is at 9 degrees of Virgo and making a powerful Hammer of Thor to Eris square Pluto. Wow, this is potent, illuminating and creative energy. And when you allow the conscious but frightful experience of it - in a grounded, calm, safe manner - a lot can be learnt from it.

Like being comfortable, while feeling uncomfortable. Allowing the deep gut experience, despite the triggers. Despite the bandwidth being exceeded… so that the healing, wisdom, and the enlightenment can be reached.

In October, Eris and Pluto will be making the fifth and final exact square aspect, but will still be in orb of influence until 2024. Eris is the planet of creative destruction and the Goddess of Discord and Strife in ancient Greek Mythology, and her orb of influence will be with us beyond the aspects made up to 2028.

Eris is about relation, and relationships (with Self and others), which are quite stressful for many people at present. How do we navigate this time, because getting triggered and having brief emotional eruptions are not optional?

This week Amanda ‘Pua’ Walsh and Anne Ortelee had a great discussion on Eris (listen from 24 - 37 minute time marker), as together they inch closer to understanding the energy. This is my take away from the Astrology Hub video:

“Finding an unusual way that makes the point, that doesn’t actually stir the pot.”

What is the work that need to be done, they asked? There is the approach, to help people understand why things need to be done, and why

we need to fix things. What is the process, rather than indulging in the anger and fighting in an aggressive way? Can we use the anger of Eris transits in a deliberate way? If it’s the same energy that we are upset about, won’t it just ricochet back, continue and perpetuate? So if we want the energy to change, we may have to find that deeper impulse, that will enable a different outcome. What is that point of difference?

Eris lower expression people create illusions, and attempt to make others think they power over them, when all the chaos and conflict are only an inconvenience; it’s smoke and mirrors. This is the clarity that need to be reached.

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Buckle up sentient beings!

Where can you allowing truth to be a disruptor and a reset button; for your liberation. Eris has something for you to see about Self! You can run, but you can’t hide. It’s naive NOT to be in touch with your Self awareness and self-reflective capabilities.

We’ve got to look at how entitlement to personal indulgence, without any self-analysis or self-correction, need reassessment. When you are not loyal to your Self, how can you be loyal in relation? If someone triggered in you - the ability to suddenly see, what you had been unable to see in your Self - understand that there needs to be an understanding of a problem. And a truth may need to be integrated, ultimately for your own growth and benefit.

If you have a momentary breakdown at a shocking revelation that you did not see coming, understand that the truth may set you free, even as it stings.

Eris transits are about dealing with raw nerves exposed, denial, competition, psychological projection, scapegoating, insecurities, vulnerability, and mental and emotional strain. It’s challenging. Eris is about relation (both with Self and others), and how to deal with those who are having these huge problems for which they may blame another, but may refuse to take accountability for in themselves. Being emotionally unstable and in mental entrapment as a result. Perhaps even causing trauma for others while in this state… Understand, that these challenging issues need to be looked at, with compassion.

Pluto is about the metaphorical tillage of, elimination and radical purification of the old that no longer serves, and helps with this process, despite the friction of the square, that demands change in an uncomfortable way.

The discordant and catalytic nature of Eris means she doesn’t follow any rules, and is unpredictable, just like the Covid-19 virus. Coronavirus erupted suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, and spread like a wildfire, just as Eris square Pluto kicked off its first out of five exact squares in January 2020. The destruction and transformation inflicted by the spread of the virus will create long lasting total change. Extreme lockdowns means people are hunkered down in their homes where their personal lives can undergo re-evaluations, revelations and a transition into a new pattern. This uncomfortable process is beyond our control, but we can attempt to understand the experience, allow change, and let the clarity emerge in good time…

Definition of Hitting a Raw Nerve
1. to evoke a strong emotional reaction such as anger or sadness upon being encountered, heard, read etc.;
2. provoke a reaction by referring to a sensitive topic;
3. upsetting someone by talking about something that they feel strongly about, or are very sensitive about.
— Various Online Dictionaries
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Definition of Triggering
1. An emotional/psychological reaction that causes someone to feel upset, hurt or frightened due to remembering something bad that happened in the past;
2. a term used to describe sensations, images, or experiences that trigger a traumatic memory;
3. what was not healed from the past, affecting the present through an activation or mirror held up by another
4. striking a raw nerve
— Various Online Sources

My Experience

As an astrologer, I have made the understanding and mastery of life’s major challenges a priority. I started to study astrology, just after my first Saturn return, which was a horrendous experience. I realised later, in hindsight, that I had been going about it all wrong, and today I use the positive expression and blessings of taking responsibility for my life (Saturn), in a way that serves be greatly. Can you imagine my surprise, when I first started studying Eris in earnest in 2020, and then found myself with a very different kettle of fish?! Two of the most difficult time periods in my life, was when my progressed Sun and Eris were conjunct. The third was when Eris was aspecting my Saturn Return configuration. What a baptism by fire! Thankfully I am older and wiser, and the exploration and understanding of astrology and spirituality have served me very well indeed. The recent events - of extreme Eris intensity - have also been a great teacher for me.

I have learnt that it is a person’s high self-worth and joyful self-expression that may have started this whole battle in relation between people in the first place. Coming out of denial and becoming aware of the Eris Narcissist/Empath dynamic, and how to live with it, is very important.

As I reflected during the intensity of the Hammer of Thor, on what I had learnt since CoVid lockdowns started, it was reiterated to me that the losses I have experienced, have become the fertile bedrock for bringing to life Thank you to my brother-in-law for the precious gift of this web-domain. With Eris, there is the potential for growth, an elevation and a restoration for those who allow it.

There are blessings in going through a dark time, being transformed by it, and in turn, being in service to others with your gifts of insight.

There are blessings in striving to be a good person and pure of heart. There are blessings in having morals, values and principles. There are blessings in forgiving betrayals, brutal game-playing, envy, and deception.

Not because the perpetrator deserve it, no, Self deserves it. Dysfunctional relationships don’t

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have to be rekindled, but Eris teaches that forgiveness is not an option. Energetically, coming out of denial and forgiveness have to be done for you to be released from the past, and to elevate.

I have experienced these lessons more times than I care to admit, but they were deeply reiterated during this time. See, my own life has been a savage pendulum swing between the extremes of being deeply hurt, traumatised and struggling to heal; as Eris and my Progressed Sun conjoined for some few years. As well as growing into tremendous abundance bordering on pure magic; multiple times. I have often wondered; why am I experiencing and learning this repeatedly? Perhaps it was because I had a lot to learn, or perhaps I was not fully learning the lessons…

Whatever the case, now that I have been studying astrology for more than a decade, and wild 44 synchronicities have led me to Eris, I can honestly say that I am able to connect the dots. I was meant to attempt to understand my experience; both the lower and the higher expression of Eris the dwarf planet beyond Pluto. And all of my life experiences and encounters, have lead up to this. It is still challenging to reach deep for the visceral, but I am finding my way through allowing and synchronicities…

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Smite that Chip Off Your Shoulder

Believing your own Lies, Backbiting, and Illusions to make yourself Feel Good. Anything to Avoid Admitting you are Wrong. Why look at your own crap, when you can Blame another?

Define: A Chip on Your Shoulder

1. a bad attitude based on feeling wronged in the past;
2. a grievance based on a grudge you carry;
3. a sense of inferiority;
4. easily angered because of a perceived injustice;
5. being habitually negative, competitive or hostile, because of a deep resentment.
— Various Online Resources

During Eris square Pluto transits, the chips on people’s shoulders are smoted with such a disastrous effect. People are discovering that the perceived villains and their victim status, may have been their own creations, from their own deep-rooted woundedness, trauma or critical spirit.

Astrologer Anne Ortelee has some great ideas on this concept of smiting, and how it relates to a Hammer of Thor aspect, and how clarity and illumination will be had. Another teacher Adamus Saint Germain, also talks about this being the time when secrets hidden deep beyond the human’s grasp is excavated. It’s the relentless inner challenge to uncover and release every guilt and shame still borne by the human.

A chip on one's shoulder is a deeply held feeling or conviction about something, or a belief that there is always someone out to get you. Thus you always have to be ten steps ahead, and anticipate an attack. This is not a good way to live, but many do. Having a chip on your shoulder, can mean feeling angry because someone once mistreated you, and never having gotten over the trauma. Now holding a grudge, allowing paranoia to corrupt your impression of people or situations. Believing that - if there was just the slightest inkling of someone seemingly wronging you - that it is worthy of foaming at the mouth, and jumping to conclusions. It’s like an automatic self-righteous feeling, that justifies behaving like a saboteur, pulling the sword out impulsively, ripping good things to shreds. With mind-games, manipulation, and being a know-it-all. This is how Eris problems start; with something very small, that grows into a raging war, where nobody wins.

A chip on someone’s shoulder can also describe someone who has a deeply held feeling or conviction, thus if you disagree or counter, they will vehemently challenge you. This is why they are always fighting or being dishonest, because of some hidden unconscious driver in them, that they may not even fully be aware of. Anything the other person does, they just want to compete…

Eris energy excavates the very worst in people; all those things that you may have been in denial of, had stuffed-down, lied to your Self about, or been unable to find healing for, rushes to the forefront. It can be embarrassing…

This is the price we pay, when we don’t live a conscious life, and we don’t value our feelings and senses. To have an angry or unpleasant attitude, or way of behaving, caused by a belief that one has been treated unfairly in the past, now ruining the present. It’s like an inherent bias, or prejudice that blinds you. It’s a preconception, making you misunderstand others or situations, putting your life on an unbalanced trajectory. It’s an arrogant, disrespectful presumption that you know better, when others can clearly see that you need to see a psychologist, because you are in this defence mode,

unable to hear anyone out, unable to allow in any other opinion, but your own skewed preference.

It’s like having your own built in conspiracy theory. When triggered it’s going to take you down endless and fruitless rabbit holes, perhaps ruining years of your life. This is the problem with ignorance, emotional immaturity, or a preference for denial or rose coloured glasses; you will pay for it…

To better understand the mythology of Eris, and why she was so angry at those who are in denial, and scapegoat others, consider the following:

The things that Eris was blamed for and silenced for, was a mastermind scheme and brainchild of Zeus and Themis, to create immense discord in the heart at the wedding feast of Peleus and Thetis. To lead to the infamous injustice of the Judgement of Paris, as well as the Trojan War and the death of the Age of Heroes… who Zeus feared might overthrow him. All of this was blamed on Eris… and the illusion kept in place by the illusion-maker… Zeus, king of Olympus.

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Eris will be a massive influence in the seven year Haumea Yod that will be in the astrological sky from 2022 - 2028, at the reaction point in a Boomerang Yod. The Foundations of Change online course describes the dynamics in detail.

Why do people feel like they are losing their heads since the start of 2020?

Read all about the strange mixed bag of energies we’ve been having since the start of 2020, like the five pointed star, the four Yods and three Hammer of Thor aspect patterns, in The Pentagram of Change online course.

Learn more about the bigger picture by going to courses.

Taking Accountability and Narcissism

The truth teller who sees the bullshit of those who are in denial, is the very reason why the narcissistic behaviour comes forward, to target and make the truth-seer the black sheep, just for seeing, or for putting negative attention on the inauthentic's shenanigans.

Many people wonder why narcissists (Eris lower expression) lie so comfortably, to be the negative influence and convince others to see the authentic influencer (Eris higher expression) as a bad person. It is a simple dynamic. It’s effective.

The counterfeit likes to trigger, influence and keep people bound, stuck in stagnancy, like The Devil card in the tarot. It makes them feel powerful. They falsely accuse or insult the authentic, to rattle or trigger them. A narcissists accusations, may actually be truths about themselves. A narcissists accusations may be confessions about themselves. The counterfeit take the truths about what they had done to the authentic, and flip the script, to make the authentic look, or think they are guilty, of what the faker had done. This is how the lies flow so effortlessly. They just confess what they did, and flip the script, and project it onto another. It may be a truth that they did. The illusionist wants influence over people, and may use their own truths, to make others go crazy in the form of accusatory blame. To make the innocent experience Eris discord of the heart, due to their f*****y.

In this video, Dr Ramani, who is a psychologist and expert on narcism, explains why narcissists are often those people who feel that everyone is out to get them, and that they are entitled to justice. But at the same time they don’t want to take accountability, want to continually blame others and make scapegoats of them and also play the victim. These are the people who will find the most benefit from this information, should they be

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interested in helping themselves, because as Dr. Ramani explains, it is important to grieve the injustices in life, our emotions, our losses and how we feel. In letting the feelings flow, sinking into the heart space, that’s how we get to the other side… not by fighting them, nor indulging in the idea that the world is against you.

Dr Ramani’s 17 minute video is gold when it comes to understanding Eris with the discord in her heart, and the strife in her relations, in the modern world.

Psychological projection is the unconscious discomfort that may lead people to allot unacceptable feelings or impulses to someone else, to avoid confronting them, in themselves. Projection allows the difficult trait to be addressed, without the individual fully recognising it, in themselves. The energy is shifted onto some else, yet the emotions return… The psychological smoke and mirrors, lies, rumours, and gossip doesn’t really work…

Projecting is like dumping clutter into someone else’s living room, and then hating them for being messy. It’s a way to avoid the responsibility of dealing with your own emotional clutter. Instead, making it someone else's fault.

Smearing an innocent party, with your dirty deeds? Accusing another of the things that the accuser is guilty of, and being petty-Betty. That’s called self-deception. Denial. Being an orchestrator of chaos.

Different Eris forms can be: the “Woe is me” deliberate self-victimisation, the silent but stewing envier, the angry activist, the stealthy computer hacker, the social engineering specialist, the vindictive femme fatale. Lower vibrational Eris has many different faces. Narcissists will even punish people, for not letting them take advantage of them. They can be a living nightmare. Those who chose to know their worth, and choose not be abused anymore, walk away from them. One thing an encounter with a narcissist will teach you; is to know your worth… And overcoming difficulties. Narcissists want people stuck in their nonsense, brat-behaviour, and destruction, hoping that people won’t see their own value, and put up with mental agony instead. To block them, to miss out on blessings. It can be a very frightening experience.

Victim playing (also known as playing the victim, victim card, or self-victimization) is the fabrication or exaggeration of victimhood for a variety of reasons such as to justify abuse of others, to manipulate others, a coping strategy, attention seeking or diffusion of responsibility.
— Wikipedia on Victim Playing

Raw Emotions - Feeling the Tension Peak of Eris Energy:

The Visceral and the Tie to Biology

Image: A view of the viscera via Wikimedia Commons.

The viscera are the large organs inside the body, including the heart, stomach, lungs, and intestines. Having a visceral experience is based on deep feeling emotional reactions, rather than on reason or thought.

During the Eris square Pluto transits, those who are not emotionally well versed, experience their lack of being able to deal with their emotions and feelings in a healthy way, as a huge problem. But even in this there may be denial, because others are then blamed for making them feel a certain way, instead of them taking those feelings, and understanding their experience. They may rationalise it as someone else’s fault, or an attack on them. When, instead, visceral emotions are internally generated, perhaps based on denial of something that happened in the past, now being triggered by a present person… Now blaming them for the way you feel. But if something another said, made you extremely stirred up, then this is the way YOU feel in your Self. You have to acknowledge and take responsibility for the way you feel. Eris energy doesn’t give people time to bargain with it, and blaming others is counterproductive… Come rain, hail or sunshine, you are being required to feel this… and face reality… with your Self…

Be kind as you take your blindfolds off, release the scapegoating, stop looking for a saviour, and dump the pity party.

Sometimes when things happen, or you are triggered by another person, you have to let your Self feel your feelings, so you can get to the truth of them... with them…

When I take accountability I flow, and when I don’t...
I hit brick walls.
— Evy Poumpouras, Secret Agent
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During peak Eris energy, such as the days before an Eris station, I have noticed the extreme stress affecting a change in eating habits and a sensitivity in the gut. People shy away from cooked or ‘heavy’ food, opting for fresh fruit or uncooked salads instead.

People are also challenged beyond what they think or feel they can handle.

This torment may be felt as stress of the heart, tightness in the middle of the chest or the gut, mental overstimulation and struggle; that stark fear of being on the edge of an abyss, or being touched by darkness.

One may feel a void in the heart area, like Maleficent might have felt when her wings were brutalised and severed at the back. Or Persephone as she called out to her mother in vain, as she was stolen away by Hades in his chariot, and casted into the darkness of the Underworld. Snatched from her mother’s diligent protection and care, alone and defenceless.

Image: This is the hieroglyphic symbol the Eye of Horus (The Egyptian Eye). The Eye is named after one of the most powerful and influential Egyptian gods that made up the Ennead, Horus. There is also another symbol; the Eye of Ra. Based on a famous myth, the Eye of Horus became a sacred symbol of sacrifice, healing, regeneration, wholeness, and protection in ancient Egypt. It was used as a protective symbol and a guide to the underworld. The underworld is often thought of as death, but since this symbol was also worn by the living, could there have been a link to the Eris experience?

I [Eris] help to bring justice and equality to all, but from the inside. I wake people up by making them realize that none of us are whole until all of us are whole.

I bring discord and chaos, for that is how I communicate my messages. And it is through this, that I am able to inspire change.
— Tanaaz from

Petrified. Brutalised. Disillusioned beyond words.

Understanding what it feels like when people have zero care for another. Perhaps feeling raped, either physically, verbally, psychologically, or whatever violation involving sneakiness, trickery, or being unfairly taken advantage of.

Other pages on this website also describes the wild emotional eruptions, and mind going into overdrive. The going down rabbit holes and chasing after conspiracy theories. Allowing paranoia to corrupt impressions, destroying good things in turn.

The exploration of the word visceral is an excellent addition, to describe what is experienced. It’s instinctive, unreasoning, crude emotion. When something is visceral, you feel it in your guts. A visceral feeling is intuitive, a knowing that you know what is best for you in that moment, without there being rational explanation. Visceral feelings are felt very deeply, they are difficult to control or ignore; they are not the result of thought, nor intellect.

According to the Merriam and Webster online dictionary: “the "viscera" are the internal organs of the body-especially those located in the large cavity of the trunk (e.g., the heart, liver, and intestines). The word viscera comes from Latin, in which it has essentially the same meaning. Something "visceral" has to do with the viscera. In a more figurative sense, something "visceral" is felt "deep down." Even in the early years of its use, "visceral" often referred to things emotional rather than physiological. For example, in 1640, an English bishop named Edward Reynolds wrote, "Love is of all other the inmost and most visceral affection." This figurative use is the most common use of "visceral," but the word continues to be used in medical contexts as well.”

Our experiences are meant to teach us, not to keep us stagnant in stuck energy.

Eris energy at its peak bring out the very worst in people.

However, when this energy is better understood, people may start to realise that it is in allowing the intense personal experience of the emotions and the uncomfortable sensations, that liberation may be found. When you allow the feeling of the experience, the heart swells and becomes more open, receptive, even as it may physically ache during the brief expansion. Thats one way in which we may move the trauma, towards the other end of the experience. In mythology, Persephone becomes the Queen of the Underworld after her harrowing experience, of being casted into a frightening experience, and having to find the resilience to cope. In the Disney film Maleficent, we see Maleficent finding renewal and elevation after unimaginable betrayal, due to allowing the feeling of her experience.

Both women turned their visceral experiences into a powerful catalyst, to change into higher expression Eris.

I do believe that this interview with a secret agent reveals that mankind already knows about, and has the tools, on how to deal with the intensity of Eris energy, and how to utilise it for great benefit.

Envious Frienemies, and Hot/Cold Behaviour

These are the Eris low vibrational cat and mouse games in polite society, the series of cunning manoeuvres designed to thwart an opponent.

Everyone has that one friend around them, whom occasionally reveal - in unguarded moments in relation - their animosity, spite, vindictiveness or stuffed down toxic emotions.

You may be seeing only the tip of a massive iceberg. Heed the reg flags. These people often reveal themselves - eventually - as friendemies. They love you, and they secretly hate you. They can’t stand you, and if you sit and think about it: how many of the problems in your life were created by this person? They are in hiding in dishonesty from their feelings, but they are there. They want to drink jealousy haterade… and hide it from you. Enjoying the benefits of having a relationship with you, watching you closely, while boiling in silence at what you have…

They want to know how you live such a joyous, abundant life. How is it that things magically happen for you, when they view you as an underachiever? How is it that you have such passion, direction, radiant beauty, or the ability to attract so effortlessly? Where does your blessings originate? Is it magic?

These people often don’t want to take responsibility. Not for their emotions, and not for the toxicity they may bring to the table. They may oscillate between hot and cold; perhaps not being able to keep the friendly facade up for extended periods of time. Surprisingly, it takes a great deal of energy to pretend. In addition, it takes even more energy to control whirling negative emotions; the animosity, the fear of inadequacy…

At times, when enviers feel in control of their emotions, and have sufficient energy to put up the usual facade, they reappear in the lives of the envied, having remembered the good things, the good feelings and the happy times, wanting more… Oscillating between their real feelings, their pretence and their happy memories, they often come back to those they watch carefully, to learn more, or worst case, take from. Perhaps they have come to realise, that gossiping, spreading rumours, backbiting, or negative energy doesn’t get them what they want, and a new approach is called for.

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Perhaps more love-bombing, re-assurance of commitment to the relationship, or pretending, so they can live in the envied’s bubble, under their umbrella, where the grass is greener, and the goodness flow.

They also want to enjoy the happy attitude, the good fortune, the prosperity, and the blessings. They want a big, fat piece of it. Why? Because goodness feels so good, which is something they may not be able to achieve, because their stuffed-down toxic emotional energy affects not only them, but those around them. Energy vampires habitually take, take, take…

Evil-spirited enviers are drawn to the ‘overcoming ability’ of a person who embody Eris energy in the higher expression.

They want to know how the envied overcomes great obstacles and adversities in their lives. How they adapt in situations, grow, flourish? Enviers want to be around this energy, observe and learn from it, but they may not admit or own up to it. This is for their benefit. The intent is pure selfish and opportunistic.

They want to learn how to balance the mind, thoughts, anger and being able to laser focus on what needs attention, without having the rising, discombobulating thoughts and feelings that the envier has to juggle.

Higher expression Eris energy do rub off on bystanders, and - to a degree - do tame the beast in lower vibrational people, which is why they want to be around it. It makes them feel good and better. This is why people want to be around the Master, yet in the presence of the Master, insecurities, jealousy and toxic stuffed down emotions eventually rise up to the surface, causing embarrassment in the most inappropriate of moments.

It’s not always safe for the Master to be around these people when they erupt. Look at what happened to Jesus from the Holy Bible. They crucified the Master because of what he stirred in the low vibrational people around him. Even Judas Iscariot, who was one of the 12 disciples, and claimed to love Jesus a great deal, betrayed him due to the temptations of human life; greed, selfishness etc.

Jesus Christ, having attained self mastery, clearly understood Eris energy very well.

It is necessary for the higher expression Eris energy person, to let go of situations and people that pull them down. They may become extremely angry and frustrated with these idiots, who want to be in their presence, for all the wrong reasons. This is why the Masters and others who embody Eris energy, would often rather be alone, or live in their own bubbles, away from the madness that stirs and rises. They understand light and dark human nature, and their words of truth are not meant to hurt people. They are so focussed they don’t have the time to participate in other’s delusions or distortions. They may be brutally honest, no nonsense and not taking crap, because this higher expression and its benefits is their preferred state of being.

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In the birth chart it [Eris] describes a place within the psyche that represents, by default, a person’s insecurities and how he or she deals with them being triggered by others.

The ultimate truth is that each person needs others to catalyze him or her into growth, and with Eris this process can be difficult.
— Tom Jacobs, astrologer

Mean People are Miserable

Why? The evil-spirited backbiters choose to focus on the negative… and Eris energy teaches that we shall live by our choices… Giving into those low vibrational temptations, has consequences…

I have known a lot of people like this, and perhaps from a certain point of view, I had been the miserable mean girl who looked with envy at the blessings of others with beady eyes, when I was young. When you have experienced both states, so intimately, you can have compassion for those who are yet to discover valuable Eris lessons. Yet very few people are willing to look at Eris energy, for it is never easy to get out of denial, allow Self to feel a huge amount of uncomfortable feelings, emotions and bodily sensations, and take intense personal responsibility. Eris triggers and activates the things that are not easy to look at.

Low vibrational energy is addictive; it is a dangerous addition with far-reaching consequences. Mean people are often miserable and lead sad lives.

They may be comparing themselves with others, instead of focussing on how they can evolve. Too focussed on their own lack or suffering, or the addiction to anger and seeing revenge bestowed. This is the haterade some brats may have become accustomed to.

The company you keep can reflect on you, hold you back, and block your potential. The jealousy, envy, bitterness and the energies mean girls operate from, comes from a great inner struggle; to effectively dealing with Eris energy. This may be why they can’t be supportive of others who outshine them, and keep the company of those who drag each other down, and drag others down. They cannot lift each other up. These ulterior motive associations may also be narcissistic in nature, where they feed off each other, and turn on one another.


It’s a hopeless and dark situation when nobody can be true authentic Self, nor reach great highs.

Where there may be gossip, BS, dimming of another’s light, immaturity, hidden motivations or cruel intentions. Opportunists, brats and social climbers stepping on other people’s toes, using them to get where they want to go.

Stabbing people in the back, and disposing of them as they go. This is not conducive to growth. This is not true. This is not healthy.

If you had found your Self amongst situations like this, it is likely that the Eris square Pluto transits since 2020, gave you a rude wake up call, as masks slipped off, and frightening realities were seen for what they are. This time of disillusionment, and the falling away of the past, are the fertile bedrock for new beginnings. It’s the observing of behaviours, seeing kindness being taken for granted, the abuse of generosity, and making a quiet departure for your own sanity. Stepping away from an old path, so the new can be forged.

In these unsupportive connections, people cannot be their true Self, nor grow, which is what Eris square Pluto are now demanding. These deeper truths and realisations about what they had been dealing with, are freeing people to go their own individualistic way, and find greater potential. Every human being has the right to pursue a life of meaning for themselves, allowing the next phase and a levelling up. Overcoming the backbiting.

To Obliterate or Undermine an Adversary

Previous articles have highlighted that Eris in Astrology is about relating, relation and relationship. How one’s actions can have far reaching consequences.

It’s is about one person or a group of people isolating or targeting a common adversary (singular or plural), obliterating, wiping out or eliminating another human being, and the target not being able to do much about the process they have to experience…

It’s like the gruesome scene of the impaled figure in the Ten of Swords of the Tarot, designed to elicit shock. A man is lying face down, apparently dead, with ten swords in his back. He is shown releasing himself from “battle mode”, no longer in conflict or struggle, nor self-inflicted bondage.

There had been a painful yet inevitable ending, deep wounds, betrayal, loss and a crisis. A relationship may have come to an abrupt end, a job may have been lost, or a contract broken. Suddenly, out of the blue, a shocking crossroad had been reached, cutting to the core, and leaving a person feeling as if their wold had shattered. There is a grieving of the pain for the shocking loss, knowing things will never be the same.

There may have been betrayal or deceit. The image of being stabbed in the back is quite literal, and felt visceral. And there is a reeling from someone else’s actions. Previous examples on this website, such as Persephone and Maleficent, show that the pain inflicted runs deep due to many reasons. Someone may have cheated, there may have been nasty rumours, a betrayal of trust, but deep down there is a knowing that this marks the end of the relation as it was.

The person lying face down on the floor has a choice, shall he take the victim role and play the blame game, or hope for pity parties, saviours, rescuers. Either way, there has to be a response, a picking up of Self, and a moving forward.

Eventually there there will also have to be a letting go and acceptance of the circumstances, and a coming to terms with the trauma. No longer resisting the flow of change. Allowing the stages towards renewal.

The Ten of Swords card also details the sun rising on the horizon, showing that there will be a new day with a renewed sense of hope and opportunity. Even as the body lies on the floor, obliterated, there is a solace that the worst is over, and a sense of peace and calm may be found in the aftermath.

The pain and hurt you have endured have not gone without purpose. Within lies the overcoming ability to learn from the pain, and draw wisdom from defeat.

There is the potential for the figure to lay down all burdens, and to surrender to his true nature. Trusting that life has its cycles and their functions. Reconsidering whether he wants to be pinned down by his previous state, and limited thinking, or not. Reconsidering who or what is responsible for his thoughts, perceptions of life, and life outcomes. And perhaps while in this state, juggling with the idea of taking personal responsibility.

Definition of Obliterate

1. destroy utterly; wipe out
2. making invisible, conceal, cover
3. to eliminate to the point where there is no trace left
4. destroy something completely; get rid of memory, thought or feeling
5. to have a great victory or great success over someone or something
5. to destroy competition and gain more from other’s losses
6. annihilate; reduce to nothingness
— Various online sources
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It’s about realising that some situations had the appearance of glittering gold, yet were materialistic, rotten, self-serving to the ego instead (Eris square Pluto). It was about hubris, illusions, confusions, game-playing and foolery. The party performing the smoke and mirrors game playing, may never admit that they dishonour others, and themselves..

Eris is about taking accountability, for both being the person who fools others, and the deception of Self; both travesties. Eris is about owning up to what you don’t want to see; wether that is choosing not to see the red flags about the true character of adversaries, or refusing to see that you are the self-righteous envier, who feel justified in bad behaviour.

Eris is about admitting where you feel lack in relation to another, when you feel jealous because another has something good going, that makes you feel envious, because it may make you feel or appear inadequate. Eris is about fessing up, even if just to your Self: how it makes you feel when you see another’s success, abundance, emotional balance, or mastery, and you want that as well. Feeling that swell of envy. Eris is about the haves and the have nots, and how those who suddenly turn in violent competition on another during Eris transits.

What you don’t own, owns you.

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Illumination, Realisation and Alchemy

The real reason why someone, or some thing is made a target in the first place, is due to an insecurity that is triggered, when that person sees the value and abundance of another, and they are not dealing with what it stirs in them sufficiently, becoming a saboteur instead. Eris square Pluto is illuminating the dark side of everybody, and these are great teachable moments for those who understand the huge opportunity for alchemy, and elevation, that is on the table.

  1. Materialism, blame, psychological projection, hubris and stuck emotional energy are the lower-vibration of Eris energy.

  2. Honesty, authenticity, personal growth and elevation are the higher expression.

We need to learn to see the bigger picture of what options are on the table, so we can start making the right kind of choices, instead of living from the unconscious and instinctive. Because it really is a matter of take your pick, and live with the consequences. Eris is new in our consciousness, and we need to explore this topic, and find the real root of inner conflict.

Forces of Destruction, Terrorist Activities, Missile Strikes and Bomb-shells

In this video, astrologer Robert Cosmar describes the almost 250 years, that Eris (strife and discord) has played a major part in almost all conflicts of the USA. He says that it is definitely a major indicator of our traumatic time, and what to expect. What intrigued me most was his (and other astrologers’) description of the recent Taliban takeover of Kabul, the capital city of Afghanistan, that sent shockwaves through the world. It happened as Eris in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn were making their fourth square aspect (out of five) in August 2021. Eris denotes stress and discord, as well as downtrodden populations who are marginalised and disrespected. We saw stressful and heart-wrenching scenes of Afghanis clinging to departing airplanes take off from the overcrowded airport runway. He also

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talks about Eris and her brutal influence in the USA chart, which is very significant, as it is in the USA chart’s first house, describing the USA’s infamous interference with other countries, and how that had backfired. Eris in the first house, shows the American foolish propensity for wanting to be the superior party, even when it is pretending, and the rest of the world may clearly see the hubris, for what it really is. The takeover of Kabul also shows the Taliban’s determination to be the saboteur, to selfishly get what they want; control, domination and to violate other’s rights to be sovereign. This causes a great deal of trauma for those involved.

The Holy Bible, Jesus and Eris Energy

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The Holy Bible has a surprising amount of information on Eris energy, like counselling against taking it in your own hands to judge other people, to teach them a lesson. The Bible says that it is not our responsibility, or even our right, to role out retribution to others, or try to control them. Or make them feel the same way, that they made us feel. The Bible in fact teaches us to look at how we are listening to our own ego, the devil, and how we need to take accountability and face up to our own shadow. It councils against allowing resentment and hatred to grow. If everyone thought it was their right to dole out karma, to make people pay for what they supposedly had done, or made you feel, the world would be in a sorry state, which it is right now; thanks to movies and the media fuelling the flames of revenge-taking and making others suffer. These negative influencers condone the making of drama, blame, villainy, and revenge, and that it is always someone else’s fault.

The Bible teaches about the greater good, believing that divine justice will be served, and that we should not get our hands dirty with the dispensing of justice, nor enforcement. It teaches us not to remove our emotions from relationships. And more importantly, not to become overly logical, because then we might start telling ourselves things that are not true about the situation, and treating others like we perceive they may have treated us, disrespected, or acted out in past behaviour. That’s a dangerous rabbit hole, for when you start closing your heart, emotions and feelings off… Eris teaches that that is dangerous territory, and you will be sorry you did that.

When you are trying to teach another person a lesson, trying to make them look like the crazy person, wanting others to see their flaws, you may not realise that you are shining a light on your character and the things they can’t see about your Self, and how you are. Once you start indulging in this blame game and scapegoating, you are going to add untruths to the situation, to put your Self in a favourable light, and make things worse for your Self. When you are invested in the pain, grief, despair or infliction that you thought another caused you, the punishment you have for another, is going to consume you. It’s childish and immature.

  1. The Bible advises that we learn from something we’ve done, or experienced in the past, and not continue to repeat it. Bad deeds don’t go unpunished.

  2. Jesus Christ advised in investing in compassion, and that we become like an innocent child again; innocent of evil, but not ignorant of evil. Also that those who are pure of heart will sit by the table with the Master, and enjoy the feast.

  3. Eris demands that we learn to grow up now, and move into emotional maturity. Eris is divine justice, showing that the bad seeds we sow, we reap.

Also see this article about the teaching and parabels of Jesus Christ, and how emotional maturity relates to Eris.

Last Words:

If people don’t learn to do something in a healthy way, it is NOT going to carry over into something good in the future. What we reap, we do sow. Our vibration is important. If you are vibrating in the frequency of fear, guilt, shame, toxicity, or retribution, you may attract things of a similar vibration to support that frequency. Do you really want those bad things?

If you are living in the frequency of joy and abundance, I guess you are going to attract some more of those lovely things, aren’t you? When you come to understand Eris energy, and how to manage it responsibly, you realise what powerful manifestors each of us are. When you forgive others, it sets you free to live a good life, doesn’t it? So start doing what is required, will you!

Eris asks you to make very clear choices about your own empowerment, no longer using suffering as an excuse.

Eris will be a massive influence in the seven year Haumea Yod that will be in the astrological sky from 2022 - 2028, at the reaction point in a Boomerang Yod. The Foundations of Change online course describes the dynamics in detail.

Why do people feel like they are losing their heads since the start of 2020?

Read all about the strange mixed bag of energies we’ve been having since the start of 2020, like the four Yods and three Hammer of Thor aspect patterns, in The Pentagram of Change online course.

Learn more about the bigger picture by going to courses.

Dates for the Exact hits for Eris square Pluto, and Eris transits 2020- 2028

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Transit Eris in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn five times causing opportunity for growth and awareness. The dates are:

  • 26 January 2020

  • 14 June 2020

  • 10 December 2020

  • 27 August 2021

  • 9 October 2021

  • Watch for transits to 9-10 degrees Virgo, which is the Handle for the Hammer of Thor.

  • Personal planets will continue to stir the trigger points with conjunctions.

  • In orb October 10 ~ Feb 11 2023

  • In orb April 8 2023 ~ December 26 2023

  • In orb July 27 2024 ~ November 2 2024

  • Leaves November 3 2024

Starting in 2024 to 2028, Eris and Chiron will be conjunct in Aries.

In 2027, Saturn will start its conjunction to Eris, going into 2028.

May 2028 the Nodal axis will square Eris

We are going to see this energy for years to come…

More Articles on Eris:

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