Eris, Rabbit Holes and Outwit, Outplay, Outlast of the Social Systems of Control

Eris is the Goddess of Discord and Strife in ancient Greek mythology.

She is the dwarf planet beyond Pluto, next month to be making the last of the five Eris square Pluto aspects. Yet this energy will be within orb of influence until 2024. It will be activate for years to come….

Pluto is looking at abuse of power, power struggles and power dynamics, and a psychological integration of the use of power and the distribution of power. In authoritative Capricorn, Pluto breaks down long established structures, demolishes institutions, and transforms systems. But shadow Pluto is brutal and power crazed. It’s the out of control toxic, game-playing patriarchy spinning the world off its axis, not wanting to take accountability.

Eris in battle-ready Aries is about the anger and the elephant in the room conveniently ignored, which are disadvantaging and marginalising individuals and the collective at large. Her shadow side is about sowing discord

and delighting in disruption, so we will confront our fears and make changes. The pressure is acute. Also, how can we let go of fruitless struggles, and restore balance and empowerment instead.

The discovery chart of Eris shows that her and Pluto’s destinies are intertwined, and they happen to be squaring, in friction, now. Unless you have read previous articles extensively, you may not understand some of the radical concepts raised here. However, enjoy it none the less… and take it with a grain of salt if it stretches what you can believe of Eris… She is new in our consciousness, and the exploration of her energy is important.


I recently watched a YouTube clip based on the competition-based American tv series Survivor where the host said the following:

“No matter how the game of Survivor evolves, one thing remains true; it’s only a matter of time, before the finger is pointed at you”.

Eris in Astrology Goddess of Discord and Strife

I laughed at the political humour, but as I laughed, I instantly recognised that this is exactly how Eris might have felt, when she laughed, at the folly of the Olympian social order and political system of her time, that Zeus was leader of. Zeus with his distortion of truth, and the tactics used, expecting others to buy into the illusion.

In the American tv series, the contestants compete in challenges for rewards and immunity from elimination. The contestants are progressively eliminated from the game as they are voted out by their fellow-contestants until only one remains to be awarded the grand prize and named the "Sole Survivor". The ultimate goal is: to avoid elimination

The motto of the tv series is Outwit, Outplay, Outlast, which is the three key factors to ensure victory in the game. "Outwit" is the strategic factor, where a contestant must cleverly make it through the game as unscathed as possible. To "Outplay" is to consider the other contestants and how to assimilate and/or manipulate them. "Outlast" stands for surviving as many days as possible.

Previous articles explains how Eris was perhaps blamed, and scapegoated since childhood by her family, and then in adulthood, for starting the Trojan War. Enraged by the unfairness of being made the psychological wastebasket to carry blame, shame, guilt and other bad emotions, for those who don’t want to look at their shadow side, she became seen as a warmongering woman. Why? For exposing the injustices perpetrated by the patriarchy; the social systems of control.

Ancient Greek myth details that Eris was the first to start an argument, and the very last to leave the raging war that it grew into. Eris higher expression leaves a mark in the world, the lower expression leaves a scar.

Now I understand at a deeper level, why Eris laughed, and delighted in it. Despite Eris being a warmongering woman in lower expression, I believe she does have a higher expression as well, from living on the fringe of society, and a more individualistic kind of life. Eris sees things that others may not, which is why they don’t want her at social gatherings; they get knee-jerk reactions from her insights and her messing with people. Eris is good at seeing people and system’s vulnerabilities. Eris sees, that with their ignorance, the social system craft their own strife and discord, that led to the Trojan War, and blamed her for it. The competition described in The Judgement of Paris, was never going to have any good consequences, and political savvy Zeus knew it. Why? Because it does not give due credit for the individualistic paths, talents, and substance that people grow into when they are being true, authentic Self. Instead, there is group game playing, and beating around the bush, to create a winner, and many losers, and distorted realities.

Naturally, each individual goes through their own spiritual journey, their own evolution, their own phases. And when they are being controlled by someone else’s BS, or what some system is feeding them, that’s not fair, is it?

Good Eris knows that just outside of limited peripheral vision, there is gold that can be found, when viewing from a higher perspective. Heart-centred Eris knows the value of being a unique expression, that desires to be part of an enlightened collective of other unique individuals, each being their own authentic Self, but still being of benefit to the collective, through synchronicity.

Currently the fingers are being pointed at people, challenging us to look at our pain and insecurities, and eliminate old, toxic ways from our lives. Becoming motivated to be the best version of our Self, by being willing to let other people be an Eris mirror for what you don’t see about your Self, and what can be a catalyst of growth for you.

A lesson becomes karmic when we are unwilling to learn that lesson, so the lesson will repeat itself... and people get stuck there because they don’t want to talk about it, or seek help. It’s a karmic behaviour that they need to let go of. This attitude of: “I don’t need anyone, I don’t want to talk to anyone about my problems, I’ll do it by myself...”
Life is a lot harder with this attitude, because most times help comes from other people.
— The Dream Clairvoyant
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Image: This is a good example of what Eris will name, yet those in the social system of control prefer their denial instead.

Discernment During Trying Times: The Real and The Counterfeit

Previous articles have detailed how Eris square Pluto transits exposes those who pretend, that which glitters but is not gold, or come across as something glossy and amazing, that they are not. People are seen for the smoke and mirrors they hold up to fool others. I believe that through all of this chaos, Pluto is also highlighting and bringing forth the true nature of higher expression Eris…

The current astrological climate (Eris square Pluto, and both Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces) is creating a lot of anxiety and anguish. Not only are emotions rising to the surface (Eris), but the structures and systems of our lives are collapsing, and truths are seen (Pluto in Capricorn), and there is fogginess and uncertainty (Neptune in Pisces). Some people are going so deep into rabbit holes, of what others are telling them, that they are not able to think outside of an illusion. The people around them may have given up on trying to help them see a different perspective, because it is not healthy for them to keep trying; they may realise that some are too far gone down rabbit holes of their own making. Or they are too controlled by something, or someone else.

Higher expression Eris chooses her own individualistic (Aries) path, away from the status quo, and this may bestow onto her the gift of seeing past the illusions of group thinking.

Evolved Eris continually grows, and leaves people behind, because she knows she has to go through her own individual transformative journey, in such trying times, and not everyone can come with her. It’s truely a gift and a blessing to be able to see beyond illusions, rabbit holes, and the smoke and mirror game playing. Eris might even utilise her insight as a random act of kindness, but people may not perceive it as such. Seeing Eris throwing

her golden apple of insight into the social system that chose to exclude her, is unwelcome. Why? Because what the apple forced them to look at in themselves, created such violent inner turmoil in each of them, that it resulted in external tumult, that led to the Trojan War.

Higher expression Eris allows her consciousness to expand and grow, frequently examining and reevaluating priorities. And when she is engaging with people or priorities that doesn’t feel right for her, showing care in choosing friends and confidants. She recognises the consequences of ignoring her inner tuition, and the reg flags when others try to lure her in with promises of shiny, but false rewards. She acknowledges honourable behaviour. And aims to avoid the traps of the things that may compromise her integrity. She does not shut her eyes to blatant ethical or moral dilemmas. She reflects on her priorities and values often, and stays true to the inner nudges of her higher Self. Higher expression Eris tempers the desire for superficial things; nothing is worth pursuing if it compromises Self. She understands that what you sow, you do reap, and if you plant good seeds, there will ultimately be a good harvest, even if it is not what was expected. Evolved Eris is receptive and honest about what is not working for her, and implementing change on the go. Staying in personal chaos and discord is never worth it.

Realising that one-sided, parasitic relationship, is no relationship worth having…

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TikTok, Distorted Realities, and the Dark Side of Social Media?

Social media is a great example of how some social media influencers have created their own empires by going ‘viral’, but invariably also exposing, how some individuals or groups, have effectively been muted and marginalised for failing to meet with the glossy perfection standards.

Social media came to the world stage, around the same time that dwarf planet Eris was discovered in 2005, bringing images of prettiness and vanity, and also distorted realities. Eris is a highly shiny planet, reflecting about 96% of the light shone on it.

In the lower expression, shiny Eris reveals those who seek superficial or even fake admiration, or validation. Perhaps even stealing other’s work, or claiming another’s originality as their own.

Eris’ higher expression reveals great substance, depth, worth, wisdom, and offers authentic, worthwhile gifts to the world by being true authentic Self.

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The new generation who currently uses social media apps like TikTok the most, are heavily influenced by Eris energy, therefore it is important to understand and explore the expression.

A recent Four Corners documentary on Tiktok explained how the social media platform amassed more than a billion users scrolling through its endless feeds, thanks to quarantine boredom. The presenter of the documentary explained that TikTok’s business model is built to create a ‘fun, glossy, and glamorous version of the world’. She says that the company has been found to strictly control content that doesn’t fit with that image. “In March [2020], policy documents were leaked showing content moderators were instructed to suppress posts by creators, considered ugly, poor or disabled.”

An influencer also talks about shadow banning, which is another form of being excluded from a social media platform, because a video is not getting views. Also called stealth banning, ghost banning or comment ghosting. It is the practice of blocking or partially blocking a user or their content from an online community so that it will not be readily apparent to the user that they are not being ‘seen’.

Controversial issues also seem to fall under this ghosting, as individuals from movements like Black Lives Matters accused the TikTok platform algorithm for suppressing posts on certain issues and discourse important to marginalised communities, using certain hashtags.

Dr. Bondy Kaye is a digital media researcher with the Queensland University of Technology, and he explained in the story, that “rather than selecting content that you want to watch, like you would on YouTub or Netflix, you primarily access content through one main feed, which is called the For You feed on TikTok, which is essentially just an endless scrolling algorithmically curated feed of videos, that refreshed every time you open the app”.

At the 19 minute time marker David Polgar, Tech Ethicist and TikTok Content Advisory Council member, explained that TikTok had become more reflective “on ‘rabbit holes’ and how that can affect individuals…”

Yet, there are countless examples of people’s voices being promoted or demoted on various social media platforms, due to the potential political nature of their content. There is great anger at the content moderation. The documentary has many elements relating to Eris, and how people invest their time in creating engaging content, but they are then disadvantaged from enjoying the benefits, or a fair chance at a return on investment, when their content is not seen in feeds…

This story was very interesting to watch, and to compare with information already on this website, regarding Eris energy. Watch it here.

The single most reliable principle I have ever found in astrology is that every front has a back. In other words, every symbol has a higher purpose as well as a dark side. Vicious competitiveness is the dark side of Eris. She likes to win, but not as much as she likes to see you lose.

Her bright side lies in the way competition can bring out a person’s excellence.
— Steven Forrest, astrologer

Eris will be a massive influence in the seven year Haumea Yod that will be in the astrological sky from 2022 - 2028, at the reaction point in a Boomerang Yod. The Foundations of Change online course describes the dynamics in detail.

Why do people feel like they are losing their heads since the start of 2020?

Read all about the strange mixed bag of energies we’ve been having since the start of 2020, like the five pointed star, the four Yods and three Hammer of Thor aspect patterns, in The Pentagram of Change online course.

Learn more about the bigger picture by going to courses.

Eris: In Selfishness Getting the Upper Hand over Others

Cat and mouse games, cunning manoeuvres designed to thwart an opponent. These are the evil-spirited people who want to win pre-eminence, devising a plan and letting everyone be persuaded of their superiority; that their rights should come first.

Eris involves relation to, and relationships, and with Pluto currently involved the energy is intensely looking at where there had been relationship imbalance, as it relates to toxic masculinity. Someone may have gained an upper hand, and refused to create a healthy win win situation. This may create resentment, uncomfortableness and eventually destruction, and the realisation that a relation or a situation is not working.

There needs to be an evaluation, and a compromise, but people need to keep their standards in mind, because it is not fair that either party compromise themselves to the point where they are out of integrity with themselves; where they keep giving generously of their time and energy, and it being taken advantage of, wasted, or not being reciprocated. This is why Eris transits may involve the stirring up of deeply buried emotions, for deep healing or unresolved and unowned feelings to take place.

There needs to be a confrontation to resolve this unfair dynamic, to move out of stuck energy, and onward. A bringing to the surface what is so hard to talk about.

Confront the people who want to get the upper hand over others, outwit, and then abuse that power (Eris square Pluto).

Confront that it is difficult to navigate, when the scales are heavily tipped in one party’s favour, and it is not working or serving another.

Speak your truth when there is unfair bias or favouritism, or perhaps even downright selfishness. Know that you are worthy in the equation and need to consider your own needs, and may need to put your Self first when others imply you should stay the silent doormat. Others are not entitled to abuse your generosity, devalue you, or have you walking on eggshells.

The social media users in the Four Corners documentary recognised that they could not cling to the social media platform, while it was being unfair to them, muting their voices and concerns. The same can be said for any kind of relationship, like with a narcissist, for example. There may never be an equal give and take, unless the narcissist heals from the unhealthy self-serving emotional dynamic behind their abuse. There needs to be a ‘come to terms’ with the issues that have not been adequately addressed in relation, that may keep a person stuck emotionally.

Eris is in self-oriented Aries, so in this aspect, she manifests impulsivity and self-centeredness at its peak: we could see this when people rushed in to buy everything from the stores, without thinking of others, led only by their deepest fears and attachments. In a positive sense, this aspect can increase healthy competition and promote progress in finance and business, but it requires us to face our fears and then to reach out, acting not as people at war, but as a global, united community.
— Sorana Cancel,

Eris Healing: Walking on Eggshells not to Tick someone off

During these Eris square Pluto transits, people may be moving around in quiet and silence, as not to push the buttons of those who are still in the raging anger or denial phase of this transit, that started in January 2020.

There is a realisation that every individual is responsible for their own healing from dysfunctional patterns, and that we can’t coddle those who are unable to change, or let go of their lack mentality or suffering. These people at times may not have anything good to offer, because when you can’t heal your emotions, you can’t grow.

How can you heal the anger issues, the vindictiveness, or the spite that rise during Eris square Pluto transits, if you are not willing to heal?

How can you have direction in your life, or enjoy the spoils of abundant inspiration and creative energy, when all of your energy is invested in suppressing the emotions, or putting up a false front? How’s that working for you?

Thus the need for a facade, and other relation illusions, like future faking, bread-crumbing, catfighting and envy. Why? To get attention and to keep a person engaged in a co-dependent relationships, that they may be recognising, is not worth investing in. Unhealed people may deliberately slow down the process, and progress of the emotionally healed around them, because they feel envy at their success.

In the workplace, which is a breeding ground for these unhealthy relationships, the unhealed want to ride on the coat-tails of other’s success and abundance. They may also want to play mind games, sabotage them, or play with projections, in order to divert their success for themselves.

In the birth chart it [Eris] describes a place within the psyche that represents, by default, a person’s insecurities and how he or she deals with them being triggered by others. The ultimate truth is that each person needs others to catalyze him or her into growth, and with Eris this process can be difficult.
— Tom Jacobs, astrologer

Mental health struggles and toxic imbalances seem to be rife during these transits. Which is why many people are ending flighty or non-committal relationships, or those who don’t come with a healthy energy or high vibration.

Those who can’t manoeuvre themselves away from the addiction to lower vibrational Eris energy, like envy, spite, revelling in revenge, or vindictiveness, may not have a clear sense of who they really are? Why? There is suppression of emotions.

Emotions, feeling, sensation, and enjoying a healthy flow, are soooo important! Find a professional who can help you if these issues resonate.

Eris: Addicted to Anger, Rage and Revenge?

This article explains that some symptoms of anger addiction are: self-stimulation, compulsion, obsession, denial, withdrawal and craving syndrome, and unpredictable behaviour. Like alcoholism or substance abuse, anger addiction meets many of the above criteria. There is an increasing awareness, that many addictions are in fact not really mental; they are emotional in nature. And that denial of the real nature of the problem, keeps the addict trapped. Many people are raised in chaotic family units, where there is uncertainty and volatility. We can become so accustomed to chaos, that there is an ignorance and perhaps an inability to self-examine, and find the true root of a problem.

“At the moment, anger feels good because it stimulates the limbic system, the brain center that directly relates to the fight or flight response system.”

“When the limbic system is stimulated, it sends a rush of adrenaline which can become addictive. Anger addiction is the compulsive pursuit of a mood change by repeatedly engaging in episodes of rage despite adverse consequences. Compulsion or loss of control is the inability to stop expressing anger once it is begun.

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Those addicted to anger are frequently obsessed with feelings of resentment and revenge. The irresistible rush of anger is often followed by acting out violently. Obsessing over the “wrongs” done by others often leads to anger or rage, whereby anger then controls our thoughts.

The psychological aspect of anger is often seen in narcissistic personalities where anger is triggered by the underlying feelings of weakness or insecurity. For the narcissistic personality, anger is a way of feeling powerful in a certain moment, creating a sense of control where control is not felt. Anger, as a coping mechanism, reinforces negative consequences and the continuation of insecurity.”

We see here good evidence, that not effectively dealing with anger in all its forms, may be creating a mind-boggling amount of social ills and problems.

The sheer amount of viewers revelling in games and movies where there is plotting, revenge, and harm done to others is worrisome. They may be many more addicts, who don’t even realise that they are addicted and contributing to the collective rage.

Mental Health, Rabbit Holes and Conspiracy Theories?

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Times when Eris stations, and turns direction, are times when her real nature is intimately revealed. People experience extreme anxiety, overthinking and sleeplessness.

These are intensely stressful times when people worry, ponder, they ask why? In the mental struggle, they try to justify or rationalise things, or attempt to build bridges between things, that perhaps take people down potentially dangerous rabbit holes, misinformation or conspiracy theories, that don’t really go anywhere. People question: what is wrong with me, or what is wrong with the world? We need to learn to access the energy and move the energy; but the energy felt during Eris transits is not really mental, it is emotional. When the mind is given free-range, it can go into overdrive, but when the emotions are allowed to be experienced, and sat with in silence, it may bring a person to a grounded state, where the emotions can move through the body, and out, instead of staying stuck. Relief can be found this way.

An Eris transit is stressful and confrontational, and people need to find coping strategies, spaces of refuge, healthy distractions, and above all, be kind to your Self and everyone else. Watch this video for some great advice.

The Eris square Pluto transit that we are currently feeling intensely, is creating the ending of old chapters, and new beginnings; all at once. And we are slowly learning to honour and grieve for what is gone, embracing the energy of change, and the permanence of shifts. Eris is after all a 560 year odd cycle, and is also associated with the total change of the Phoenix Rising experience. Things are never going to be the same again.

People are coming to the realisation, the importance of standing in their own heart space, and centre on what is important to them, instead of getting distracted by other, superficial things or people. Through Co-Vid lockdowns, people finally find the time to look at how they can nurture themselves, and create a life worth living. Hard truths are being examined…

Image: Zeus the god of Olympus via Wikimedia Commons.

Arguably the best quality of warmongering Eris is her insistence that pressure brings out the best in us.
Before Covid struck it seemed humanity was living in a state of collective denial.
With greater wealth disparity than perhaps any time in human history, we remained mired in the unsustainable principle of endless growth that capitalism is founded upon.
— Marcus Dubb,

On Why Socially Outcasted Eris Laughed…

Eris laughed at the avoidance of elimination, fruitless game playing and battles, and the futility of all the competitive bullshit during an Eris transit. Healthy, higher expression Eris demands total change!

Astrologers know that the elimination of old toxic patterns is a planet Pluto attribute. Pluto transits are about 4 years depending, and it is a long process of identifying what no longer works, that situation is falling apart, and then discharging or expelling it from one’s life, wiping the slate clean for a fresh start.

Eris too is in the business of change and transformation, but an Eris transit takes 5 -8 years to complete one aspect to a degree. Thus, Eris transits’ period of influence is very long, ultimately bringing total change.

Higher Expression Eris saw the morality and ethics of employing the the narcissism of the mind to scheme and plot against another.

Is it morally right to control and subdue another? To enforce the antagonist/protagonist dynamic to be seen in a positive light by others, and get a materialistic, selfish gain from it. Eris has experienced those who wanted to force her to be at the bottom of the Wheel of Fortune. Being forced to take a loss, so someone else can take their ill-gotten gain. They wanted to cause her discord of the heart, because they wanted her to stoop to their level. They wanted her to go out of character, so they can say she is crazy…

Image: Paris the shepherd with an apple, Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein, 1815 via Wikimedia Commons.

The Judgement of Paris describes the mythology surrounding the prominent wedding that Eris was not invited to, but everyone else was. Eris went to the wedding banquet anyway, uninvited, bearing a Golden apple, which caused such an emotional ruckus amongst the status quo. It highlighted the evils of those who are in control, who want to force their way. Zeus forced the bride Thetis to marry a mortal, because according to prophesy, she was set to bear a son said to be greater than Zeus, and Zeus felt threatened. It is also about the poor judgement of Paris prince of Troy, and the insecurities that he attempted to project onto three goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite, even though each had their individual worth. Paris selfishly took advantage of the situation for his own gain, with huge ramifications he did not foresee…

Also, the political potholes and struggle to maintain social order and power, that leaders like Zeus were engaged with. Zeus was in a position of authority as the King of Olympus, but was also abusing his power as a rampant womaniser, dispensing his own justice at his own whims, and punishing those who offended him. God complex, Zeus? What applies to others, don’t apply to you?

The fight over who was to get the Golden apple caused a huge fracas, because nobody in the social system of control really took stock of the potential ramifications of ignoring the things that Eris wants us to look at. Those emotions that are unwanted, unwelcome and habitually stuffed down, projected and scapegoated onto others, due to the social systems of control; the media, the movie industry etc. who encourage the status quo discord and strife, that would prevent humanity from healing their toxic emotions, and truely stepping into an individualistic approach to their own happiness.


We’re looking at the social structures of our individual lives, and about what we want to do; to change and make it better for ourselves. Recognising that we can’t really change other people, nor force the social system of control to change.

We can only change our Self. That is the point of power.

That’s why Eris laughed: at the insanity of ignoring very important things, like our feelings, sensations and our inner tuition that tells us when something is off, that we need to look at.

This is the season of overcoming for those who have endured and allowed this transformation to occur, for their own personal victory and accomplishment.

Those who have shifted away from an external locus of control, into an internal locus of control, believe that they are responsible for their own success.

This is Eris coming into her well deserved empowerment and higher expression.

Hello new paradigm. Welcome!

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The truth teller who sees the bullshit of those who are in denial, is the very reason why the narcissistic behaviour comes forward, to target and make the truth-seer the black sheep, just for seeing, or for putting negative attention on the inauthentic's shenanigans.

Every day we see news articles on how the political systems of control are manoeuvring to make the most, and capitalise on a vaccine solution in this competition-based time. The corona-virus seems to be spreading, with more variants at play. Medical professionals and politicians alike, all attempt to cleverly make it through ‘the game’ as unscathed as possible, and those who are in dread of catching the virus, attempt to survive as many days as possible through avoidance, quarantine and lockdown. Surviver games indeed…

There seems to be more at play here. Eris asks us to look at our emotions, vulnerabilities and insecurities that are stirred, and that we not continue to avoid them, but find healthy healing instead. The corona-virus is currently having huge economic ramifications; we can no longer deny that the current social systems need to change. It is not fair to blame people for spreading the virus. It is here, our lives have already changed irrevocably. How can we better adapt to the changes we need to make, and leave denial in the past.

Most people are only dimly aware of Eris, but please remember that this website is not for the beginner. Few people are ready to integrate Eris energy, and it is often only the most studious of seekers, that may make the genuine effort to study this. Many want the rewards, but are they willing to work for it?

With Eris the origin story is everything. People don’t just become materialistic, lacking in empathy, cruel, vindictive, envious and spiteful overnight. This dark state of being is cultured over many years of holding deep anger and resentment, and the triggering of their insecurities and feelings of lack.

Co-vid lockdowns, quarantines, and social isolations are the perfect opportunity for people to get hunkered down in their own homes… to face what they had been avoiding... in themselves. So get rid of denial…

Dates for the Exact hits for Eris square Pluto, and Eris transits 2020- 2028

Transit Eris in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn five times causing opportunity for growth and awareness. The dates are:

  • 26 January 2020

  • 14 June 2020

  • 10 December 2020

  • 27 August 2021

  • 9 October 2021

  • Personal planets will continue to stir the trigger points with conjunctions.

  • In orb October 10 ~ Feb 11 2023

  • In orb April 8 2023 ~ December 26 2023

  • In orb July 27 2024 ~ November 2 2024

  • Leaves November 3 2024

  • Also watch for transits to 9-10 degrees Virgo, which is the Handle for the Hammer of Thor.

Starting in 2024 to 2028, Eris and Chiron will be conjunct in Aries.

In 2027, Saturn will start its conjunction to Eris, going into 2028.

May 2028 the Nodal axis will square Eris

We are going to see this energy for some time to come…

More Articles on Eris: