The Polarities of Eris, Defamation, Wealth Creation, and the Business of Extremes

Eris is the dwarf planet beyond Pluto. The Greek Goddess of Discord and Strife is new in our consciousness, and the exploration of her energy is important. Eris is currently perfecting the last two square aspects with Pluto.

Corona virus, lockdowns and protests are raging, and what had been rising in the hearts of men since the start of 2020, are now in the final stages; where patterns are emerging and being examined. Fortunately, we can make sense of our experience with compassion, when we reflect and attempt to understand the dynamics, the anatomy, the system; of the new paradigms and new ways of being that are being birthed. Eris transits are highly pronounced at this time, and will be until 2028 (details at the bottom).

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A lot of you have been shut down.
 Get over that now.
 It is okay to open up.
— Adamus Saint Germain

Why was Eris, an Olympian Goddess, defamed by the toxic masculine social structure she was part of? And why is there overwhelming evidence of her acting out in low vibration, but not in the higher vibration?

Why are patriarchies of old social systems - out to maintain a certain social order - so afraid of those who leave the status quo, to venture off on their own individualistic paths, finding great riches and empowerment within, and then influencing the world around them, with their new ideas?

Why is the social system afraid of those who see behind the masks, illusions and facades being worn? These are important questions to ponder.

A study of Eris energy polarity reveals a deep, hidden knowledge and understanding of the world that may be a great mystery to some; the selfish, unhealthy and unhealed.

The Narcissist/Empath dynamic is one of the the astrological lower and higher expressions of Eris. The protagonist and the antagonist. The backbiter and the innocent.

Eris higher expression leaves a mark in the world, the lower expression leaves a scar.

The tales of Snow White, Cinderella, Maleficent and Persephone are each excellent examples of the Eris oscillation between the heart-centred feminine, and the cold-heartedness of the woman scorned, who struggle to heal or restore balance. Resistant to total change Eris show many signs of psychological growing pains, in learning to find her way to balance and brilliance.

Eris higher expression people are sweet, heart-felt, caring, abundant, and intuitive, and this is the heart of the problem; the Eris lower expression wants to turn this sweet person upside down, perhaps even knock them out of their position, perhaps so they can try to fill their shoes. It’s the Eris polarity of vice versus virtue; getting achievement, status or satisfaction from causing suffering for another. Inverting another person; for a selfish gain.

Superficial people see the goodness and sparkle that come from the heart-centred - the dwarf planet Eris is after all extremely shiny, sparkly and the surface up to 96% reflective, bouncing back the light that hits it. But the superficial, who like sparkly images, but may not be able to attain it, may not know how to take part in that goodness, in a wholesome way, because their focus may still be on materialistic ways, and how things can be manipulated, to get what they want.

Positive or Negative Influence - Influence isn’t good for Maintaining Status Quo Stronghold

The cold, unhealthy of heart get envious of the genuinely great things others have going, and they want to take from it, for the benefit of the good feeling, the influence, the money, the status, admiration, or the public image. We’ve already explored in other articles, that heart-centred people are the ultimate influencers/social media influencers. We see their miraculous feats on social media, where they amass huge amounts of supporters and influence. Their posts go viral, communities of people are inspired, and the superficial are highly attracted to this light. This influence, in some cases, is so huge, that the status quo mainstream media are affected by it, as new generations loose touch with the old perceptions, beliefs and mind control, that no longer resonates with a large section of society.

Eris square Pluto transits are times when people see through the illusions in their lives, and they may feel loss at their previous investment of time.

Around the start of 2021, this may have been experienced as a period when they tend to dwell what they had spent their valuable time on, that went sour. There may have been breakups of relationships or situations, due to facades revealed, unworthy causes, businesses lost, and there may be a feeling of depression. There may have been a deep sense of distress, feeling crippled by the weight of heartaches, or harsh resolutions. Feeling at a loss as to what can be done to improve a situation.

Perhaps there were futile attempts to revive something past, now recognised as thwarted effort. Perhaps there were unrealistic expectations, or a hanging on, not knowing when it is wise to surrender. Should people be influencing each other, or just be left to live their lives in a joyful manner that they orchestrate for themselves? When is it time to give up being a martyr to an illusion? What is the point of this lesson, please?

If you find this information triggering, please read the disclaimer.

The following may not be for everyone.

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Ultimately, coming out of the denial of the dysfunction is the only way forward. But it may be a slow, precarious journey… Understanding the truth, and the reality of situations may set us free.

People have to juggle emotional eruptions and strife, with multiple other things, like staying Co-Vid safe, while generating an income, and

dealing with household issues and distractions, all at once; without losing control. Harmony and contentment are hard won, with such a disenchanting experience. There are ups and downs in moods and energy. Discontent and isolation. The Eris square Pluto transit that we are currently feeling intensely, is creating the ending of old chapters, and new beginnings; all at once. And we are slowly learning to honour and grieve what is gone, embracing the energy of change, and the permanence of shifts. Eris is after all a 560 odd year cycle, and is also associated with the total change of the Phoenix Rising experience. Things are never going to be the same again.

People are coming to the realisation of the importance of authentically standing in their own heart space, and focus on what is important to them, instead of getting distracted by superficial systems of control, things or people. Through Co-Vid lockdowns, people finally find the time to be honest, nurture themselves, and create a life worth living. What are the polarities being considered during this time? Because hard truths are being examined… but fortunately beauty can be born from darkness. Like the lotus flower….

Defamation of Eris’ Character, and the Illusions of Life Perpetuated by the Antagonistic Mainstream

Eris Mirror

We have already explored in depth, that Eris do indeed have an amazing and beautiful higher expression, with truely infinite potential through effervescent quantum energy. Also, why Eris is intimately connected with relation and relationships.

So why are there cat and mouse games being played? Which are a series of cunning manoeuvres designed to thwart an opponent? Why cut down the tall poppies who are shining so brightly?

Why are there defamers, who want to hold her energy down from reaching this spectacular potential? Why are there so many players with hands reaching out from the status quo darkness, to pull down that one shoot reaching for the warm rays of the sun? Why do some take honours and dignities from others? Some people choose to navigate in a way that would put them in best position to capitalise on another’s blessings or hard work, and break them down in turn, sabotage them or dim their light.

Why was Eris maligned, discredited and desecrated? To cause a loss of self-esteem and confidence for her.

To make her not capitalise on her hard work, or respect the individual value she has to offer. To cause in her the creation of self-doubt and insecurity. To cause her to feel inferior. To make her feel like they feel.

To make her believe in the well chosen words of discredits and backbiters, perhaps because of envy of her potential for accomplishment. Feeling threatened of the power of this energy. To protect themselves and take for themselves, by making Eris look bad. To make her stoop to their level. To get her out of character, so others will see her as crazy…

Evil-spirited defamers may prefer that Eris stew in the misery of gaslighting, being excluded, and feeling bad feelings. These players may not want the stark contrast, nor the spotlight, on the true nature of the person hiding behind the smiling, pretending mask. Keeping Eris stuck in a mental prison, so that the fake can attempt to outshine her. To steal her reputation. Employing the narcissism of the mind to scheme and plot, to control and subdue, and give in to low vibrational emotions to cause harm, like Zeus and Pluto/Hades did who played the roles of the antagonist in mythologies related to Eris.

These are the players who want to win pre-eminence, devising a plan and letting everyone be persuaded of their superiority; that their rights should come first.

When a diabolical orchestrator of chaos wants a hold, or a tight toxic grip on another, sometimes drama and trauma is used to achieve it. Forceful and deliberate trauma-bonding may have far-reaching consequences…

Eris’ discovery chart shows how narcissists or players aim to steal another’s deep emotional nourishment that may come from healthy, reciprocal relationship with both self and others. They are wish-fulfilment thieves. Admiration-whores who want all the rewards of another, for themselves (just like Snow White’s stepmother who wanted the sole admiration of the mirror).

This is how victims are made to suffer… by devaluing them, violating them, turning their relationships on them… isolating them in their inner torment…

See, the things that Eris was blamed for and silenced for, was the brainchild of Zeus and Themis, to create immense discord in the heart at the wedding feast of Peleus and Thetis. To lead to the infamous injustice of the Judgement of Paris, as well as the Trojan War and the death of the Age of Heroes… who Zeus feared might overthrow him. All of this was blamed on Eris… and the illusion kept in place by the illusion-maker… Zeus, king of Olympus.

Defamation is there to diminish Eris’ love of self, confidence in Self, and self estimation. To pull her down with lies, manipulations and blame, to be in servitude to social systems of control instead. This unfair disrepute is to get control over Eris, her thoughts and emotions. The hard-hearted may attempt to prevent illumination of the truth of matters, and the lack of morality, as it pertains to the structures of our lives and those who control it, through power or privilege. These people don’t want to be outshone, to

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feel blame, guilt or shame, or any kind of bad feeling, which is exactly what Eris energy points out, as well as consequences for suppression of emotions.

The superficial player are often jealous of the ease and beauty of higher expression Eris. It is not easy to attain, for it is challenging to first journey through the irrefusable disowned and unwanted emotions, and face principles which are difficult for the ego to metabolise. And once the treasure is found within, it can be a powerful sword to wield. Thus the desire to sabotage Eris. Convincing her that she is bad, useless, worthless, perhaps even evil. Why dim Eris’ light and keep her mute? Nobody wants to look into the mirror Eris holds up, in turn, for others to see truths about themselves, that they don’t want to see. According to Wikipedia, models of internal heating via radioactive decay suggest that dwarf planet Eris could have an internal ocean of liquid water at the mantle–core boundary. This suggests, that like Ceres and Sedna, Eris too has a watery, emotional, nurturing quality. But like the aforementioned planets, can turn negative after being abused or disrespected.


Everyone has reason to be jealous and envious of higher expression Eris energy, but as explored in a previous article, healthy envy can make us grow and flourish.

Eris deals in the business of great polarities, by very deliberate design…

Positive expression Eris desires equality, narcissistic individuals fight for superiority.

Definition of Discredit

1. to injure the good reputation of;
2. to cause someone to lose people’s respect or trust;
3. to doubt the truth of something;
4. to make someone appear to be false or inferior;
5. to cause loss of esteem;
6. to deprive of good repute;
7. to spread unfavourable report;
8. blame, shame, smear, to disgrace, sabotage.
— Various Online Resources
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Eris will be a massive influence in the seven year Haumea Yod that will be in the astrological sky from 2022 - 2028, at the reaction point in a Boomerang Yod. The Foundations of Change online course describes the dynamics in detail.

Why do people feel like they are losing their heads since the start of 2020?

Read all about the strange mixed bag of energies we’ve been having since the start of 2020, like the five pointed star, the four Yods and three Hammer of Thor aspect patterns, in The Pentagram of Change online course.

Learn more about the bigger picture by going to courses.

The Accusations of the Narcissist may be their Confessions

Many people wonder why narcissists (Eris lower expression) lie so comfortably, to influence and convince others to see the authentic as a bad person. It is a simple dynamic. It’s effective. The counterfeit likes to trigger, influence and keep people bound, stuck in stagnancy, like The Devil card in the tarot. It makes them feel powerful. This is why ignoring them (called grey-rocking) works, it shows them that they are weak, powerless, ineffective. They falsely accuse or insult the authentic, to rattle or trigger them. A narcissists accusations, may actually be truths about themselves. A narcissists accusations may be confessions about themselves. The counterfeit take the truths about what they had done to the authentic, and flip the script, to make the authentic look, or think they are guilty, of what the faker had done. This is how the lies flow so effortlessly. They just confess what they did, and flip the script, and project their inadequacies onto another. It may be a truth that they did. The illusionist wants influence over people, and may use their own truths, to make others go crazy in the form of accusatory blame. To make the innocent experience Eris discord of the heart, due to f*****y.

Projection is another word for smear-campaign. To target an innocent party, to be seen by everyone as carrying the blame and smear, for the dirty deeds of the projector.

Accusing another of the things that the accuser is guilty of, and being petty-Betty?

What does the ego mind, the negative entities, Zeus, Paris etc. hate most of all? People who elevated above them into a stable, abundant and joyful life. This is why the assassins target innocent people they envy. Yet, not realising that all the time invested in studying someone, for ways to bring them down, are addictive and low vibrational, and are likely to give them mental illness issues in the future…

The Cause and Effect of Habitual Accusation, Blame, Backbiting, Discredit and Desecration

Define Conflict of Interest
1. a person has competing interests or loyalties because of their duties to more than one party;
2. a clash between personal (or self-serving) interests and professional duties or responsibilities. Such as vested interests, —like money, status, knowledge, relationships, or reputation—which puts into question whether a person’s actions, judgment, and/or decision-making can be unbiased.
— Various Online sources

Goddess Eris might have been instrumental in precipitating the Trojan War, but did she cause it? There’s a sneaky part in the Judgement of Paris that is ignored, which is that Paris was asked to choose. It was Zeus, who understood the political consequences for himself, and the social system he rules, in making this particular choice. In foresight, he knew of the chaos that might ensue, if he should be the one to chose and award only one goddess with the Golden Apple, and injure the vanity and the emotions of two very powerful goddesses. Zeus asked Paris to make the choice instead, because as leader he is always in self-preservation of his position, and the perceptions others have of him. This is easily overlooked, because when things go wrong, a leader with a lack of moral responsibility, may rather shift blame onto a scapegoat, so that it can be ‘business as usual’ for the status quo. This is why one person may get sacrificed for the so-called collective “good”, wether that is in a family or a larger group. Self interest prevails.

This scapegoat, or wastebasket is there by design, for all the blame, guilt, smear, accusations, and bad feelings to be shifted onto, in order to maintain the social system of control dynamic.

Why? To avoid being responsible, accountable, potentially having to make restitution, or feeling bad for a huge f**k-up. The trojan war caused death and destruction for a decade. In worst case, to lie about and blame someone else instead, and hoping the people don’t see through the smoke and mirrors. Eris may have been at the habitual receiving end of family scapegoating, which continued into adulthood, which may have infuriated her, fuelling her foul mood and desire for revenge.

Eris was MADE to look like the warmongering, black sheep, ostracised woman, who had issues, who needed to be silenced, persecuted and defeated at all cost.

It was so much easier, for the social system to scapegoat Eris for starting the Trojan War. However, blame should have been more equitably spread amongst all the parties involved.

This is why Eris, being unfairly excluded and marginalised, specialise in being able to see the hidden parts of systems, and the hidden drivers, and expose them, even for those who don’t want to see the truth. Eris reveals what is rotten in the social system of control: the conflict of interests of those in positions of power. She’s the ghost and the whistleblower.

Image: Paris the shepherd with Eris’ apple. The marble copy after the plaster original made by Boris Orlovsky in 1824, via Wikimedia Commons.

This is why Eris pokes at those evil-spirited individuals in power, and those authoritarian structures. And this becomes their self-undoing, due to the way they go about their business, which in many cases are evil, sneaky, immoral, unethical, or at the very least… questionable…

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Another polarity (and irony) is that social systems and the people in them, revel in it when they can benefit from the blessings reaped by the higher expression Eris person (think Einstein, Newton, Jung). Yet they may also hate on them for shining so brightly and beautifully, because this stirs insecurities, envy and jealousy. It’s never going to be a healthy dynamic, is it? Unless each individual is emotionally healed first.

Mass amounts of people are having an awakening or an epiphany of some sort. There is change in the way they feel about social systems of control, dealing with the emotions that are stirred, and looking within for new potentials… Imagine a world where a large amount of people find their way to clear the emotional blockages, and live a new life filled with unlimited potential, by being true authentic Self. Wow…

Lower Expression Eris - The Antagonist:

The Pretentious, Unwise, Superficial, Foolish, Unhealthy, Player

My Way or the Highway Brattiness / A Struggle for the Upper Hand / Cruelty, Spite, Vindictiveness / An agent of devil energy / Lack of moral responsibility

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Since the start of the Eris square Pluto transit in early 2020, we saw the rise of discontentment, discord and strife growing. We saw amongst people that we use to get along with, the rise of the selfish, self-serving tyrants, who wanted to force their way for success, and control everyone else. Masks fell off and charades were seen. Exposing for everyone to see the social engineering, the brutal psychological control, the abuse of power, the hate, rot, jealousy and envy. No amount of rose-coloured glasses could sugar-coat the greediness, materialism and lack of integrity on display. Opportunists that had been playing in safe in the background, violently popped into view. Those who had previously charmed their way to covertly manipulate situations, may have burst onto the scenes in their attempts for victory, at all cost, even through deceit. There were battles, rivalry, violent game playing, competition,

feuds and vindictiveness. Poor judgements were made, people hit rock bottom due to betrayals, burdens of the heart, or perversion of justice, and good things being destroyed. We saw lawless strife, spite, righteous rage and lack of accountability. Social interest in issues like narcissism and gaslighting went through the roof. And influencers on social media reported surges in trolling, nastiness, and social engineering stealth being employed to take financial advantage. Governments took away freedoms, and there is now exclusion or deprivation for those who won’t go along with the narrative, like vaccine mandates, and isolation.

In personal relationships, this time has been the revealing of the low-vibrational, materialistic people in our lives, who had been wearing facades, now openly seen for thinking in terms of how they can use people; to get what they want, to get on top, and stay there. Some feel entitled, lack empathy, are cold, cutting or emotionally distant. There may be a greediness and self-indulgence, to do things for themselves without considering how it may affect others. There may be a brattiness and a smug knowing that they can get whatever they want, with their manipulations and feeding people lines of BS, perhaps even deliberately creating distortions, illusions or delusions. If telling lies gets them something, that’s what they may do. Lower expression Eris may delight in a deliberate infliction of mental and emotional suffering of immense proportions upon others. There may have been bad behaviour; the taking by force what another has, to plunder their resources or abuse of generosity. There may have been a vindictiveness to steal, and hurt the other, disable them, or make the competition weak. Hiding behind an innocent smiling face, while metaphorically plunging the backstabbing sword in deep…

Eris: Contention, Choices and Justice

Good people get unfairly hurt in this process. Eris square Pluto examine how people who lack principles abuse power, and in the long run, how that affects those who were abused. For example, when there had been deep envy, obsessive competition, wanting to hold the other person back from succeeding, as well as deliberately influencing the envied’s life negatively. But there is a strange kind of benefit when the tender hearted had been undermined, backstabbed, “left for dead”, ignored. Or people underestimate them.

With her slow transit, Eris and Pluto pulverises and outsmarts the most clever and cunning, even those who abuse her energy for their own selfish ends. You can run, but you can’t hide. Those energy vampires who lied and schemed to get a certain self-serving outcome, may now be trapped in their own web of deception. On display, for all who walk by to gawk at. No amount of lies may take players out of the tangled mess, which was created by their own hand. You play others, you end up playing your Self. Hubris, a dangerous character flaw, will be your downfall.

Some say that Saturn rules karma, but you ain’t seen nothing yet until you know the power of Eris energy’s cause and effect

This energy, doles out justice and an opportunity for recompense; for the wheel to turn in favour, despite being disadvantaged, or taken advantage of. When there had been unfairness, moral corruption, or underhanded behaviour, there may also be justice by divine arrangement. With Eris, there is a natural balance in life, not to be underestimated. If unhealthy

people think they can successfully screw another person over, in the long run, with Eris energy at play, think again… Eris guarantees dues for those who operate from greed, and the desire to deliberately pull good people down. Heart-centred integrity and wisdom are rewarded, ultimately.

Good Eris is part of the natural system of justice. We can trust in divine providence, to attend to things, without us entering into strife by trying to sort it out ourselves. The hard-hearted may not understand the ability of the heart-centred to evolve, heal and transform with this energy, grossly underestimating their inner strength, grit and capability for greatness, which everyone has, but few are brave enough to allow... (Previous articles explain this in greater detail.)

This Eris square Pluto time, has put tremendous pressure on many people to make new choices, and create with the energy of chaos. Having to implement stern discernment, and make a choice; what stays and what goes? Some people choose to leave everything behind, to start fresh. Astrologer Anne Ortelee described it well in a recent podcast on Eris, saying that with all this turmoil: “What is right for me?” Making the right choices for your Self in an instant moment, just as Paris chose Aphrodite. Why? Because that was the right choice for him to make in that moment. Many are not putting up with situations that are not worthy of them, or people who disrespect or dishonour them; cutting those off who created relationship trauma. People are learning the benefit of making themselves feel loved and comforted, preserving their dignity, standards and boundaries.

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This is the season for reaping what you had sown.

If you had been presenting your self in a false capacity, plotting for power, wishing ill or undermining other people, perhaps because of your envy or insecurities, then it may not be a good harvest.

If you had been planting the seeds of healing and starting over, because your old life had fallen into ruins, good returns, new beginnings or divine blessings may be expected, eventually, in good time.

Enemies may have taken opportunities to cause distractions, obstacles, discouragement, or hurt someone to break their spirit, but despite the hardships caused, they can’t stop the divine blessings and abundance of the heart-centred, from eventually rolling in anyway thanks to the principles of death and rebirth, causing an elevation.

It is a person’s high self-worth, self-confidence and joyful self-expression that may have started this whole Eris battle in the first place. Coming out of denial and becoming aware of the Narcissist/Empath dynamic, and how to live with it, is very important.

Why do players play, bullies bully, and enviers envy?

It’s all about the good energy of another which they cannot find inside themselves, due to their own bad choices. So they seek to destroy.

Higher Expression Eris - The Protagonist:

The Insightful, Wise, Authentic, Heart-centred and Healthy

To be a good person is to be honest and transparent. Heart-centred people may grow into emotional maturity, stability, and even enjoy the tremendous benefits of emotional intelligence. The soft of heart understand the magic of feeling and sensing, despite living in a society that considers emotions and vulnerability to be signs of weakness. Healthy, because their heart is open.

Feminine energy is beautiful, graceful, nurturing, creative, and warm. There is grace in being. There is equilibrium in silence. ... Feminine energy is focused on feelings and sensing, and the light of your soul. Eris higher expression people are truth-seers, they feel, sense, smell and know bullshit, which is why they are targeted, smeared and demonised.

Eris apple of discord

Through these trying times, the tender of heart is given the opportunity to look at the areas of their lives that need a shake up. Some uncomfortable discord for them to claim and own their feminine power, heal and transform their lives, and those who are wise, capitalise…

Eris brings up what is unresolved, like generational traumas or repeated karmic patterns, so we can learn how to work with the anger, strife and discord, as spiritual lessons. We can learn how to incorporate these into a force that we are in charge of, instead of feeling victimised. It can become a force in our own self that enables us to release aggression, to integrate, and claim all of ourselves, so that we don’t have an ongoing struggle around who we need to be, in order to be loved. Growth, wisdom and the refining of one’s character may come through a perilous passage, thanks to Pluto the great transformer. Eris energy shows

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that obstacles and life challenges, that are worked through on an emotional heart level, may prepare the way for personal growth, into unique, wise individuals. Chaotic Eris energy also shows that perhaps we shouldn’t take the happiness-haters so serious, because the contrast they offer, may create growth opportunities for those who are willing to learn, heal, and expand. The presence of the hard of heart, and the heartless, can be like a springboard, or like a slingshot being pulled back; upon its release the momentum forward into a new life, or higher vibration, may be dynamic and zestful.

The huge contrast and oppositional energy of Eris square Pluto may help us integrate our lessons, and catapult us into knowing who we truely are, our value, and what we truely desire. Woke.

Authentic, heart-centred people may grow through these trials into individuals of substance, abundance, creativity; into many options. They may be hardworking and capable, from a place of joy, and innovative, moving through the process of psychological death, regeneration, creation and manifestation. The heard-centred may possess an inner fulfilment, they are sincere, and may have plenty of unconditional love to give. They may listen to their soul’s wisdom and guidance, and therefore see things magically aligning for them. They create their own opportunities and growth. They are the Star, the Prize.

These people may get hurt from time to time, especially during Eris transits. Astrologer Tom Jacobs expressed himself so beautifully when he wrote: “in the birth chart it [Eris] describes a place within the psyche that represents, by default, a person’s insecurities and how he or she deals with them being triggered by others. The ultimate truth is that each person needs others to catalyse him or her into growth, and with Eris this process can be difficult.”

During Eris transits there is always the opportunity to be presented with challenges and triggers, that may cause a person to grow. Nobody is perfect, we are not here for that. We’re not even here to flex on the haters either. We incarnated for the human experience, which includes a huge range of human emotions, feelings and bodily sensations. The anger, the rage, the pain, the loss, the suffering… as well as the redemption, and the growing of wisdom and emotional intelligence, which are prizes worth attaining in this life.

Everybody are given opportunities to grow and reach great heights, but the wise capitalise during these times. Eris ultimately forces complete change through her long, volatile, powerful and effective transits. This is why some grow exponentially when they work with the energy constructively, allowing the changes, embracing the transformation and the new beginnings. Cutting off the dead wood, and the self-serving associates. Telling the bread-crumbers to feed the pigeons instead. Handling their truth and decisions with grace and clarity. There is great benefits in embracing the winter, letting the old self die, embracing the time of darkness, and understanding that from the darkness beautiful things can grow.

This ability to change, transform and rise to great heights, is why happiness-haters and enviers are their biggest fans. They just don’t understand the benefits of being heart-centred, vulnerable and willing to experience the emotions and feelings of the human experience. They don’t get it, unfortunately. Why? Because their hearts, emotions and the authentic experience may be closed off to them, because of their poor choices. Everyone has struggles during this earthly life, but some make good choices, and others not. Playing the victim, the blame game, making villains, crying wolf, or indulging in FOMO (fear of missing out) are just games, they don’t really get you anywhere worthwhile.

Eris Dysfunctional Issues and the Oscillation between being Hard-hearted or Heart-centred. Healthy vs Unhealthy.

Unhealthy self-centredness, and how this plays out in relation to other people, is under a huge spotlight with these Eris square Pluto aspects. This energy ferrets out lack of integrity like no other, to be grouped into different categories.

Heart-centred individuals are often an inspiration to others, but unfortunately highly materialistic, selfish people may not be able to honour the source - of the gifts from the heart - they are given. When given a chance, they may degrade and may even dishonour the source of goodness. Low vibrational, out-to-win people may not see the effort, or the expense that someone else took to give of themselves, so abundantly. These good things, and the people who give them, are discounted, disregarded and stolen from, by opportunists and the self-serving hard of heart. Some people cannot be satisfied by anything, and these realities are revealed during Eris square Pluto transits. Nothing can make them happy, so they show up, being an asshole, to destroy the good. They may be vindictive and manipulative, causing chaos and fights in other’s lives, because they see how easy it is for them to manifest good things. There may be intense hate, greed and jealousy, because these people can’t manifest the same kind of growth and benevolence.

Yet, still the heart-centred person has high potential to shine brightly with their connection to true authentic, feminine Self (like Eris with her highly reflective surface that sparkles brightly). They may have suffered from the envious attacks, being excluded and lashing out by the enviers, just like Eris in mythology was. There is always a choice for those who were taken advantage of, to revert to bad behaviour, to become brutal, full of wrath, and vindictive, like Eris’s negative expression. Those who allow their soft,

beautiful hearts to turn cold with burdens of the heart, have the option to either go into deep depths of warmongering, and acts of cruelty, or to allow the total transformation potential that Eris square Pluto is providing.

Heart centred people often have a passion to share their abundance with the collective, often freely and unconditionally. Unfortunately once their generosity was horribly abused by a person, or a group, they have to learn to install boundaries, or may choose not to share at all, in self-preservation.

It may be seen as loss when good people have to retreat into isolation, but there is benefit in learning to honour and reciprocate with Self; applying your own abundance to your Self instead. For growth and inner joy during times of collective hardship.

Strangely, this is the gift of co-vid isolation world wide; people have the opportunity to go within, and go through the psychological death that allows for the old Self to disintegrate, and from the compost heap of destruction, a new elevated Self to be born, in order to start fresh.

Unfortunately, there are still people who look for ways to control or exploit the abundance of others, so that the goodness rubs off on them, without them doing the work, or making the required personal changes. These are the copy-cats, free-loaders, and the coat-tail riders.

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Going through the Eris total transformation can be very difficult for those who don’t understand its dynamics; who invest in their carefully cultivated ego, their mask of inauthenticity, their materialistic values, their overinflated pride, and the tucking away of their emotions, instead.

The inauthentic may never live up to their real potential, may never taste true, fulfilling achievement, or skill, and this may make them insecure, even to the point where they feel ashamed of themselves. With even more bad feelings that they don’t want to own up to… So they keep climbing ladders to get to that shiny object, but it is not truthful, nor honest; it’s a waste of time.

Below is a great visual representation of the choice between your lower self and Higher Self. Make your choice… and live with the consequences of your choice:

Fool’s Gold:

Seeing with physical eyes the superficial, sparkly materialistic things (fame, status, admiration), and giving in to jealousy and other low vibrational emotions, and making bad choices accordingly, with far-reaching consequences…

Genuine Gold:

Spiritual Eyes of Discernment relies on inner guidance for wisdom to make good choices, that keeps you in high vibration, and honours others as well. Knowing, that we all have free will, and some exercise that free will for evil, which is their choice.

Image: Macro of Pyrite (Fools Gold). It is about 4 inches in width, Attribution: I, Jonathan Zander via Wikimedia Commons. Gold coin, Aureus, Auguste, Lyon. 7.90 g, via Wikimedia Commons.

Choose Wisely, for you Can’t Maintain Both States of Being

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Eris with her wild 44 degree diversion from the ecliptic, shows us that if you want to truely enjoy the benefits of Eris energy in the higher expression, its her way or the highway. Her extreme wide elliptical orbit around the sun also shows us, that she is particular on extremes, and making that one best choice. You’re either in integrity, or you are out of it.

The title of this article includes the word wealth, but this is not limited to money, this is the measurement of the value of all the assets of worth, and abundance owned by a person, like inner stability, growth, emotional maturity, passion, blessings, listening to inner truth, divine guidance, miracles, inner peace, enjoying providence, and happy success born of following an inner calling.

You’re either out in the cold and unhealthy by your own materialistic choices and design, or you sit by the warm fires of your Soul Self, because of making good choices.

Unhealthy self-centredness is under a huge spotlight with the Eris square Pluto aspect. But as people get to understand the importance of being authentic, there is bound to be a huge conflict. Why? Because some want the best of both worlds.

With some individuals in their life they are willing to be their true vulnerable, sensitive Self, and with others they would rather pretend, to fit into the fake materialistic crowd; to satisfy superficial fulfillments, and to enjoy the spoils of those attachments, and that lifestyle.

Eris square Pluto is going to unravel and show for us in years to come, that it is either one way, or the other. Attempting to straddle both, simply will not yield the desired results. With Eris, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. You have drop the fakeness, the bad habits, the addictions to toxic behaviour, and the lifestyle that in truth dishonours You.

In a previous article, I explore why I consider Jesus Christ or Yeshua Ben Joseph from the Holy Bible, the ultimate master of Eris energy in the higher expression; beautiful Self Mastery.

Two-faced Judas Iscariot is a perfect example of the idiot who thought he could have his cake and eat it too. He was one of the 12 disciples, loved and privileged to sit by the warm fires of the Master. Jesus often warned of the many temptations of human life. In fact, it is written that he warned Judas, that he would betray Jesus, before the rooster crowed three times. But Judas was in such denial. Because of Judas’ sneakiness, self-deception, and lust to gel with the enemies of Jesus, he ended up betraying Jesus; amassing for himself immense sorrow, when he realised what he had done. Karmic retribution, for him Self, by his own hand. A life with Jesus was abundant, but Judas chose the superficial over all of that in one moment, perhaps because he had an attachment; greed. Making the right decision for your Self is everything, and if you fall short of being loyal, generous and loving to you, by being your true Self, you actually end up betraying your Self.

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It speaks volumes of a person’s poor choices and character, when they don’t practise Self love, by at least trying to be a good, honest person, and in turn respecting others, and allowing them to be their true authentic Selves as well. This is Eris energy in the higher expression; being a unique individual, within a collective of other unique individuals. Hello Age of Aquarius.

The ultimate challenge for those in the Eris lower expression is letting go of the addiction to anger, the lust for revenge, the falseness, the pretence and the addiction to dishonourable behaviour, letting the tears fall and opening the heart to feminine energy and goodness.

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Wealth Creation: Being the Bright, Shiny Eris Star

Eris energy is Miracle Energy: Walk your Truth

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With Eris, you are either the bright star that shines with quantum energy, or you are not, like the mediocre. There is no middle ground. Each of us have the potential to reach for that star status through our creative flow, but not by trying to steal from another person, nor by gossiping or making them look bad. No, that is self-defeatist indeed, which is lower expression Eris’ lesson. With Eris in Aries, you become the Star, when you fix your attention on your Self in a healthy way. Becoming the most authentic version of your Self. Speaking your truth, living your real truth, being a person of dignity, solid good character, not doing cheap things to get things to happen for you. Not manipulating situations, but being

very disciplined in knowing what is healthy, and sanitising your life from beliefs, situation or people that are not really honouring of you. Doing some ego-washing, re-assessment and self-reflection when you are out of integrity.

Taking responsibility for your life, accountability for your denial, experiencing your emotions, and all that the human experience offer with as much grace and appreciation as you can muster. By being true to your Self, your real dreams, talents, skillsets etc, accepting that you are what you are; an expression of the divine having a unique human experience for a short time.

Eris is a disrupter, the bringer of chaos, the catalyst who is committed to truth at all costs. Eris catalyses vital changes and quantum leaps in our lives, teaching us to work with fast flowing change. In quanta, energy is fluid and in flow; anything can happen, because potentials are there, for life to speed up at a moment’s notice, thanks to synchronicities, and an embracing of uncertainty. To be dancing in our own flow.

Those who embody higher expression Eris energy are extremely skilled and capable in their area of expertise, and they may also come across as extremely competitive, because of the experiences they have had in life. These change-makers know about harnessing energy, by moving towards growth and expansion into new frontiers, bold and unafraid.

The star doesn’t play small, nor dull its light to make people feel good, so they can be acceptable to connections, opportunities, or partnerships. Higher expression Eris stars are meant to shine brightly. They have earned their stripes.

This confidence, talent and strength may be intimidating or threatening for others, because it may highlight their fears, inadequacies or insecurities.

On the opposite end, the Devil card in the tarot symbolises staying stuck in one toxic energy, like being in a web of entanglement, holding a person in a “stuck” place, unable to move forward, unable to unburden. When a person indulge in unhealthy materialistic focus for some time, their energy may become thick, and slow, like molasses. People can’t manifest good things, while part of this foolishness.

Greedy people want to steal from those beacons who glow-up, because they see the ease with which some manifest goodness in their lives. But when you indulge in a life of pretence, where the fake energies you indulge in, don’t match your true authentic Self, how can you expect to get those good things, other than to go green with envy, try to sabotage, or steal?

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Brutal Battlefields, Bloodshed and Dirty Game Playing of Lower Vibrational Eris

Mythology, like the Iliad written by Homer and Greek poet Hesiod’s work, give us an interesting look at the ancient world. The surviving mythology on Eris paints her, her parents, siblings and children, in ONLY negative terms, which is unfortunate. In astrology we know that each planet has a negative and positive expression…

Lower vibrational Eris energy is highly addictive! If you give in to it, it has far-reaching consequences for your life…

According to this interesting article, the parentage and children of Eris provides more insight into her delight of the tumult of war, and increasing the suffering and moaning of men. The people we are surrounded with, and their character, do say a lot about a person. According to the Greek Poet Hesiod, Eris was a daughter of Nyx (Night), and he describes her as the mother of a variety of allegorical beings, which are the causes or representatives of man's misfortunes.

Image: Goddess of the Night Nyx via Wikimedia Commons. Click to enlarge.


Hesiod, Theogony 211 ff (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C8th or C7th B.C.):

"And Nyx (Night) bare hateful Moros (Doom) and black Ker (Violent Death) and Thanatos (Death), and she bare Hypnos (Sleep) and the tribe of Oneiroi (Dreams). And again the goddess murky Nyx, though she lay with none, bare Momos (Blame) and painful Oizys (Misery), and the Hesperides . . . Also she bare the Moirai (Moirae, Fates) and the ruthless avenging Keres (Death-Fates) . . . Also deadly Nyx bare Nemesis (Envy) to afflict mortal men, and after her, Apate (Deceit) and Philotes (Friendship) and hateful Geras (Old Age) and hard-hearted Eris (Strife)."


Eris was the mother of the Kakodaimones (Cacodaemons), evil spirits which plagued mankind.

Hesiod, Theogony 226 ff (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C8th or C7th B.C.):

"But abhorred Eris (Strife) bare painful Ponos (Toil), and Lethe (Forgetfulness), and Limos (Starvation), and the Algea (Pains), full of weeping, the Hysminai (Hysminae, Fightings) and the Makhai (Machae, Battles), the Phonoi (Murders) and the Androktasiai (Androctasiae, Man-slaughters), the Neikea (Neicea, Quarrels), the Pseudo-Logoi (Lies), the Amphilogiai (Disputes), and Dysnomia (Lawlessness) and Ate (Ruin), who share one another's natures, and Horkos (Horcus, Oath) who does more damage than any other to earthly men, when anyone, of his knowledge, swears to a false oath."


Today, individuals may end up in a court room and/or prison if they indulge in murders, manslaughters, or stealing. Even though there are consequences for wrongdoing, some smoke and mirror games justify some warmongering, while at the same time rendering other types ‘more socially acceptable’. People are still doing these same things, but sanctioned based on public perception, and what they can get away with. This is done via the investing in an inauthentic mask, or a facade, to hide who they really are, the self-serving agendas, and the materialistic desires, deployed to use others to get the satisfactions dark hearts want.

The purpose of battle, after all, is the desire / envy of what the other has, and the manipulation, projection and stealth to take the other’s riches, resources, or to plunder their goodness, or their joyful experience.

Some people are like the devil in disguise. They look so good, they sound so good, and the have all the exterior appearances and superficial attributes, but secretly they carry a bad spirit, which may not be so obvious.

To explore the polarity further, consider the following: a person who acts WITHOUT a hidden agenda, and in intuition, live in a state of innocence, brings order to chaos, even if it is just in themselves.

In exploring the polarities of Eris, we discover the higher expression of Eris, which has also been explored in depth in previous articles.

Eris has a beautiful higher, soul expression that people can work towards if they would only deal with the emotional matter that rise, embrace the emotional human experience, and start to live a life that manoeuvres in the direction of integrity, authenticity and living with an open heart.

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The Significance of Number 5

According to that same website the number five was also ill-fated for the ancient Greeks:

Hesiod, Works and Days 804 ff :

"Beware of all the fifth days [of the month]; for they are harsh and angry; it was on the fifth, they say, that the Erinyes (Furies) assisted at the bearing of Horkos (Horcus, Oath), whom Eris (Strife) bore, to be a plague on those who take false oath."

The number 5 in the tarot speaks of chaos, conflict, struggles, damage, some kind of power struggle, or defeat. The five of swords in particular, speaks of attempting to make winners and losers. This is exactly the kind of thing that happens during Eris transits. Associates and friends turn on another person in brutal ways; in greed or self-indulgence, in order to gain control.

According to this website: “The Five of Swords tarot is the card of cheap victory, winning control but ending up with nothing worth having power over. This card features one central character and two subservient ones. As the haggard man smirks at his enemies dropping their swords, it is painfully apparent that they have not

been defeated, but are rather walking away in disgust.

Perhaps the man did not fight fair; perhaps the fight was not worth the energy. Regardless, the battle is over and the man is overjoyed in collecting the bounty of surrendered swords. But the sad scene indicates that this is a hollow, lonely victory.”

The same website says of the Five of Cups tarot, that it is the card that reminds us that even in the powerlessness of grief, we still have a chance to control our emotions. In the card, a person is pictured as hiding his/her face, perhaps in a sort of shame, indicating that the person receiving the card may have been complicit in a tragedy. The biggest tragedy might just be the guilt factor and the current state of misery.

The number five also has an association with humanity, which according to some biblical commentators has a connection with the five senses, which can bring on greed, seduction, or desire. In numerology, the number 5 can represent change, freedom and expression. Being unconventional, free thinking and multi-talented, which surprisingly, show the higher expression of Eris energy.

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In closing…

As I laid awake after midnight recently - as is often the case during intense Eris transits - I asked myself: what is it about this time that bothers me?

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And the answer that swiftly came to me was: “relationship f****y”. People being extremely selfish and self-serving, showing how they want to emotionally toy, and psychologically screw around with others, to cause them instability. Diabolically disrespecting and sabotaging others, wanting to do what is in their selfish best interest, no matter what deceptive or manipulative avenues taken. There are so many out there attempting to utilise calculated stealth, to steal from another or control another: hackers seeking advantage, fake links sent to compromise phone or computer systems, identity theft, fake news, narcissism, gaslighting, government abuse of power, conspiracy theories, deliberate fear-mongering, social engineering etc.

This is a time when some relationships fall apart, and perhaps it is for our own protection that they do. This is a time when the wheat is separated from the chaff, as the Holy Bible describes it. Eris is in the business of extremes, so choose your values, your vibration and your loyalties, and don’t expect to straddle between the extremes. Pick your side, says Eris. Hard-hearted or heart-centred? Inauthentic two-faced, or truthful authentic Self 100% of the time? Mask wearing, or allowing others to see your real sensitive Self? Materialistic values, or other more emotionally satisfying values.

As explained in previous articles, Eris asks us to look at our emotions, to be honest and vulnerable. Eris will excavate your fears and insecurities. Are you brave enough to comply, and work with her energy constructively?

Many people choose to ignore their emotions, and insecurities. They detach, they shut down, they don’t want to talk. They don’t want to give others the satisfaction of pointing these things out, and being right. Attention-seekers may want people to believe in the bliss of their false presentations instead. They refuse to work on themselves, and they stay stuck in the same illusions, that people around them can clearly see, refuse to ignore, or go along with. This is why relationships fall apart. Some want those truthful and honest higher expression Eris benefits, and they are not willing to spend their valuable time on people who over-invest in their lala-land shadow Self. The masks of pretence might be real pretty, but those who see the truth behind the smoke and mirrors, may feel disgust at the untruths and inauthenticity.

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Dates for the Exact Eris square Pluto Aspects, and Eris transits 2020- 2028

Transit Eris in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn five times causing opportunity for growth and awareness. The dates are:

  • 26 January 2020

  • 14 June 2020

  • 10 December 2020

  • 27 August 2021

  • 9 October 2021

  • Personal planets will continue to stir the trigger points with conjunctions.

  • In orb October 10 ~ Feb 11 2023

  • In orb April 8 2023 ~ December 26 2023

  • In orb July 27 2024 ~ November 2 2024

  • Leaves November 3 2024

Starting in 2024 to 2028, Eris and Chiron will be conjunct in Aries.

In 2027, Saturn will start its conjunction to Eris, going into 2028.

May 2028 the Nodal axis will square Eris

We are going to see this energy for some time to come…