Eris, Pluto, Coronavirus, Conspiracy Theories and Coping with Stress

Eris is the Goddess of Discord and Strife in ancient Greek mythology, and the dwarf planet beyond Pluto, currently making the last of the five Eris square Pluto aspects.Eris in Aries started her intense square to the Capricorn planets (Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter) in January 2020, and for the second half of that year, Mars retrograded in its home sign Aries, and incensed Eris with three trigger conjunctions. This is why June to December of 2020 was so explosive and rage-filled.

There is an intense testing of the integrity and collective agreement surrounding the structures of our lives, which is our systems of law, government, financial, institutional and societal (Capricorn planets). Eris in Aries is highly individualistic, recognising that there are too many laws that prohibit people from enjoying their individual freedoms and pleasures. And unleashing destructive chaos, but with purpose and justice in mind, to right the wrongs, and bring balance. There’s a sense of ‘evolve or die’…

Astrologer Liv Woodford describes in her article, that Eris, offered a Golden Apple as a gift at a wedding party, that made huge ripples in people’s lives, and had far-reaching consequences: "Her gift in 2020 is the virus – an apple with a different label. Perhaps its label reads: for what is most valued. The debate over the value

of a human life, of sustaining life on the planet, of the economy, of science, of human connection…is creating a shit storm. Her gift is perfectly designed to highlight the weaknesses in our modern way of living and instigate a chaos intended to restore a balance by having us recover something that has been lost."

Eris in Astrology and CoVid-19 / Coronavirus

Human society has been given a ‘time out’. The habitual and automatic way of living has been thwarted and there is a space, a spaciousness to listen and be present. In our lifetime, there has never been a greater moment for a collective paradigm shift. As I contemplate planetary dynamics that are to come, I feel this time is a gift for humanity - a time to pause, to rest, to have the quieting of human activity stir awake something deep within. This is a time of preparation for the transformation of human society that is coming.
— Liv Woodford, astrologer

For years people have been yearning for true change within society, and now we are finally here. We’re aware of the elephant in the room, and what had been swept and forgotten underneath the rug.

We already know that Eris transits stir the emotions, which invariably ends up creating mental health problems as well. It is very useful to understand the anatomy of an Eris transit, because this intel may help us deal with this experience, with logic. Eris is feisty, fiery and pushing everyone on the planet to look at how they deal with deep unresolved anger, and those things they had been in denial over. The ability to responsibly manage anger and emotions will be key in the next few years, since we will be having Eris transits on and off from 2020 to beyond 2028. We also know that Eris transits are long and can ultimately be total change, as we face danger and trauma in many areas: physically with the threat of the virus, mentally and emotionally through trauma, uncertainty, fear and lockdown, and financially. There are many things that have the potential to make people weak or sick, yet with the stress and anxiety that the Eris square Pluto transits are stirring, it is important that astrologers monitor the situation; to be able to make more accurate assessments that might help those looking for solutions.

It is curious that Eris transits tend to involve issues relating to, and matters of the heart chakra.

Oscillating wildly between the closed-hearted/unhealed, and the heart-centred/heart-open.

And that CoVid-19 mostly affects the lungs and the heart, both in that same area…. Co-incidence?

Eris square Pluto started in earnest the same month of January 2020… when CoVid did…

Astrologer Christine Rothwell writes that for her, the symbol of the virus has always been Eris. Covid is the golden apple that Eris – the Goddess of Strife and Discord - has thrown us in order to create global chaos, that awaken us to the need for making some big decisions, and becoming more inclusive. She says the shadow side of Eris continues to revel in the current chaos, while her higher energy exposes hidden truths and challenges us to embrace the disenfranchised. Heart centred leadership can bring people together while ego driven leadership will create deeper divides.

We must be willing to get rid of the life we planned, to have the life that is waiting for us.
The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come.
— Joseph Campbell

Astrologer Steven Forrest also wrote an excellent piece, on why the Eris square Pluto aspect describes the coronavirus pandemic. While Pluto brings unconscious, darker tendencies to the surface, Eris triggers conflict. Inner conflict, that extends to outer conflict. This square aspect is one of friction, but friction can be creative and is often highly motivating. Steven says that we will see clearly Eris’s unmistakable fingerprints in the current viral situation. “Eris lies in Aries, which in its darker potentials is the angriest, most violent, and most selfish sign of the zodiac. Here are some good rules of thumb: don’t annoy Eris. Don’t try to tell her what she can do and cannot do. Don’t force rules upon her. And of course that is obviously exactly what Pluto is doing – and doing in ways that reflect a mixture of justice and corruption. How does Eris feel about that? And how is Eris going to react? Pluto always brings out truth one way or another – either in the form of liberating realizations or in the form of people “acting out” their wounds.”

For me, one of the biggest take aways from Steven’s article is that sometimes, the “acting out” is the trigger for the eventual healing.

It ain’t pretty, but it sometimes works. Sometimes we need to learn things the hard way. He says that humanity has manifested this disease as a mirror for a spiritual crisis. "Collectively, we need this virus. Paradoxically, it might turn out to be very good for us," he said. The Plutocracy is in denial of the fruits of self-serving behaviour and materialism, and the awakening collective is in deep anger at the unfairness and injustices. There has to be a swallowing of the pride, ego and shame to move out of the stuck energy, and make wise decisions, because the old social systems won’t work anymore. Read his article here, or listen to the audio.

Eris is in self-oriented Aries, so in this aspect, she manifests impulsivity and self-centeredness at its peak: we could see this when people rushed in to buy everything from the stores, without thinking of others, led only by their deepest fears and attachments. In a positive sense, this aspect can increase healthy competition and promote progress in finance and business, but it requires us to face our fears and then to reach out, acting not as people at war, but as a global, united community.
— Sorana Cancel,

Please remember that dwarf planet Sedna also have strong association with CoVid-19/Coronavirus, due to the Sedna Yod. See this article.

Eris will be a massive influence in the seven year Haumea Yod that will be in the astrological sky from 2022 - 2028, at the reaction point in a Boomerang Yod. The Foundations of Change online course describes the dynamics in detail.

Why do people feel like they are losing their heads since the start of 2020?

Read all about the strange mixed bag of energies we’ve been having since the start of 2020, like the five pointed star, the four Yods and three Hammer of Thor aspect patterns, in The Pentagram of Change online course.

Learn more about the bigger picture by going to courses.

Mental Health, Rabbit Holes and Conspiracy Theories?

At the start of Covid, the mainstream media went to great lengths to scaremonger, instil fear and shock into society, and there may even come a time of reckoning, or a judgement day, for the deliberate trauma inflicted on people. For it is clear that the architects behind mainstream media, understand Eris energy very well, and how to use it to their advantage. And they have used a very stressful energy, to inflict even more… which is why there is such revolt against them.

Times when Eris stations, and turns direction, are times when her real nature is intimately revealed. People experience extreme anxiety, overthinking and sleeplessness. These are intensely stressful times when people worry, ponder, they ask why? In the mental struggle, they try to justify or rationalise things, or attempt to build bridges between things, that perhaps take people down potentially dangerous rabbit holes, misinformation or conspiracy theories, that don’t really go anywhere. People question: what is wrong with me, or what is wrong with the world? We need to learn to access the energy and move the energy; but the energy felt during Eris transits is not only mental, it is emotional. When the mind is given free-range, it can go into overdrive, but when the emotions are allowed to be experienced, and sat with in silence, it may bring a person to a grounded state, where the emotions can move through the body, and out, instead of staying stuck. Relief can be found this way. Watch the video above for some great advice.

An Eris square Pluto transit is stressful and confrontational, and people need to find coping strategies, spaces of refuge, healthy distractions, and above all, be kind to your Self and everyone else.

The Eris square Pluto transit that we are currently feeling intensely, is creating the ending of old chapters, and new beginnings; all at once.

And we are slowly learning to honour and grieve for what is gone, embracing the energy of change, and the permanence of shifts. Eris is after all a 560 year odd cycle, and is also associated with the total change of the Phoenix Rising experience. Things are never going to be the same again.

People are coming to the realisation, the importance of standing in their own heart space, and centre on what is important to them, instead of getting distracted by other, superficial things or people.

Through Co-Vid lockdowns, people finally find the time to look at how they can nurture themselves, and create a life worth living for them Self and their families. Hard truths are being examined… but fortunately beauty can be born from darkness.

Eris, Planet X and Conspiracy Theories?

  1. Many conspiracy theories talk about Planet X and what it might bring to the world. Many different heavenly bodies have been referred to, as Planet X. So has Eris.

  2. According to the stories, Planet X is supposed to appear in the sky, and pass by Earth, triggering volcanoes of apocalyptic proportions.

  3. Its suppose to be a rogue planet, or a world-changing celestial alignment, heralding the End of Days.

  4. There is talk of collective doom. Fears are stirred.

Considering all the research, and all the writings that I have made about Eris the dwarf planet, it really seems to me that all of the above applies to Eris and her intimate relationship with Pluto, from a certain point of view. Yes, during Eris transits we do see the triggering of anger and rage, and other personal, emotional eruptions of apocalyptic proportions. Eris demands that we look at what we’ve been in denial over, and in discovering the truths about how we have been scapegoating, and now having to take responsibility and accountability, this takes on that feeling of a shift of biblical proportions. Which is what it is!

A feeling of apocalyptic proportions, since Eris square Pluto demands the metaphorical death of an old, inauthentic Self, and way of being.

Eris has the nature of a rogue planet. A personality who challenges the status quo, exposes the systems of control, the domination, the injustices and disempowerment of large volumes of people. Eris is highlighting the cries of the unfairly treated, in a world-changing way. From a certain point of view, yes, this is the ‘End of Days’; the end of the old dysfunctional way of being, the dysfunctional self that is both the abuser, and the abused, wether that is on in the family unit, a CEO of a company, or as a government dictator.

The fears of doom are stirred in the micro level of the family, work space and social circle, where certain individuals choose to liberate themselves from the dysfunctional psychological patterns, due to being part of a disempowering unit, breaking boundaries, and perceptions; to become more authentic and truthful.

The fears of doom are also stirred on the macro level, where governments and dictators see some of their investments - that invariably disempower others - either suffer or go bust. Why? Because the energy is asking for fairness and justice, and some people are simply too hard-hearted, materialistic and selfish; they cannot let go of the old ways.

Instead of looking for some other OUT THERE threat that may destroy us, it is the threat of our individual and collective ignorance, heartlessness, and inauthenticity, that may ruin our lives.

It is the dark, psychological garbage that we carry around with us in our hearts every day, that may contribute to our collective and individual undoing…

Clearly many are looking in the wrong place for the source of the perceived threats, that they sense at this Eris square Pluto time. Look within… Come to understand Eris energy.

Arguably the best quality of warmongering Eris is her insistence that pressure brings out the best in us.
Before Covid struck it seemed humanity was living in a state of collective denial.
With greater wealth disparity than perhaps any time in human history, we remained mired in the unsustainable principle of endless growth that capitalism is founded upon.
— Marcus Dubb,

COVID-19 and our Planet: A Time for Healing, Transformation and Moving into New Ways of Being

Astrologer Heather Ensworth, explains why Eris with her 44 degree away from the ecliptic orbit, steps off the beaten track, and do something unconventional; following her own creative path.

Video: This video is a follow up to Heather’s earlier video "Astrology and the Meaning of the Coronavirus" and focuses on the planetary influence of the dwarf planet Eris/Xena which is guiding us in this time of reflection, healing and transformation into new paradigms and new ways of being in our lives individually and collectively. Video by Heather Ensworth

Most people are only vaguely aware of Eris, but please remember that this website is not for the beginner. Few people are willing to look at and integrate Eris energy, and it is often only the most adamant of seekers, that will make the genuine effort to study a website like this one. This article will not be going into much detail, and will in fact be short. If there are concepts you don’t understand, please consult previous articles, or use the search function.

Please note that I do not, and will not make a prediction on when Covid-19 might end.

Significant shifts are underway that will deter us from returning to life as before. Radical change will have to be embraced.

I personally believe it will end, when it has served its purpose for the collective, or the individual pockets where it flares up. If you study the information on this website, you come to realise that Eris transits asks us to look at, and deal with certain issues within ourselves first. Perhaps we should get to it, and create that peace and calm in ourselves first.

Dates for the Exact hits for Eris square Pluto, and Eris transits 2020- 2028

Transit Eris in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn five times causing opportunity for growth and awareness. The dates are:

  • 26 January 2020

  • 14 June 2020

  • 10 December 2020

  • 27 August 2021

  • 9 October 2021

  • Personal planets will continue to stir the trigger points with conjunctions.

  • In orb October 10 ~ Feb 11 2023

  • In orb April 8 2023 ~ December 26 2023

  • In orb July 27 2024 ~ November 2 2024

  • Leaves November 3 2024

Starting in 2024 to 2028, Eris and Chiron will be conjunct in Aries.

In 2027, Saturn will start its conjunction to Eris, going into 2028.

May 2028 the Nodal axis will square Eris

We are going to see this energy for some time to come…

More Articles and Blog posts on Eris in Astrology: