Chiron and The Merit Making of the Wise Mentor’s Discovery Chart Series:

This page looks at the discovery chart of Chiron the great teacher, mentor and instructor who had substance and character, and saw sacred beauty in youths who needed his guidance and teachings to become men of honour, respect, great skill and merit. Zeus was insecure about all these heroes, in particular Achilles who had a profecy over his life, that he would become known as a great man indeed. This is why Zeus schemed the Trojan war with Themis, hoping that Achilles would fall flat on his face due to all the discord stirred in his heart, yet Achilles was the student of wise Chiron, and had remembered his teachings when he took a pause from the war during the last moments of it, which influenced his decision to go ahead and fulfil the profesy over his life and die young, but remembered for thousands of years, as the only epic hero in the Iliad. He was the only epic hero… in a messy situation…

This information is important, as Eris conjunct Chiron in astrology, in 2024, 2025 and 2026, and understanding the dynamics of this transit, will be important to help humanity, especially since both Eris and Chiron seem to have issues around rivalry, jealousy, wounding and brutal competition for the spotlight, as is evident in both their discovery charts, and the reasons for SIBLING RIVALRY in particular, seem to become evident in Chiron’s discovery chart. Eris’ discovery chart was dissected in the Eris Clout Chasing and Vanity 11 Part Series.

Many astrologers understand the Chiron wound from an astrological point of view, but what can be extrapolated on a deeper level from the discovery chart, than what most astrologers had been exploring before when it comes to studying the dynamics from the trans-Neptunian objects stance?

Chiron was the half man, half centaur who rose from difficult circumstances into possibly one of the most respected men of his time, but in imparting his knowledge to make great men out of young boys, he stepped on the god’s toes, and stirred their INSECURITIES massively… In the discovery chart, those who are stirred are some of Chiron’s half-siblings, like Zeus (Jupiter in Roman mythology), and his wife Hera (asteroid Hera/Juno). Chiron had to learn to discern how his family wound influenced his life, and be very selective for whom he played hero, because there had been a lot of undercurrents of chaos and trickery in Greek polite society… Ultimately Chiron had to allow… for the Age of Heroes and the battling… to die… for the release from his wounding.

Like his most notable student Achilles, Chiron is still remembered thousands of years later, immortalised in the brightest constellation in the night sky, called Centaurus.

Greek mythology is known to be the very bedrock of modern civilisation, and it is only fitting then, that many answers about our currently problems, can be found there…

We need mythology, story and legend, in order to live our lives coherently.

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