Varda, Eris, Sedna and Haumea as Light, Value and High Character Worth Preserving Part 2

This is part two, about the energies of the brightest Kuiper belt objects that show the potentials for either playing the victim in a particular relationship dynamic, or rising above it; alchemising the adversarial experience for a benefit, due to the interaction with the selfish opponent. See part one here.

Those who take up the role of antagonist or enemy, may not realise that they can be the catalyst to elevate their targets. In effect being the footstool for those they step on, onto their rightful throne. This is the powerful soul purpose message of the Kuiper belt objects; turning bad situations, into glorious opportunity, that in the end may benefit all. For we cannot continue to live in the delusion, that abusing other people - for a selfish gain - is a viable way forward into the future…

The reason why abundant people living in higher expression are so giving and loving, is because they see the poverty that selfishness creates, and they have compassion for the lost, marginalised and disenfranchised, yet they are also aware that keeping hidden enemies close, is a recipe for disaster...

As people study the newly discovered trans-Neptunian objects and KBOs, they are finding power struggles and self-empowerment, in the most strangest of places in astrology…

Red Flags, Joy Thieves, and the Divinely Blessed; Set Boundaries and Enforce Boundaries

Since the start of 2020, many social media influencers and stars in the public eye have reported being taunted by trolls, scammers, and nasty characters. Being hunted down by obsessed, attached, entitled enviers and bullies who wanted to bring them down, cause endings in their life or diminish their shine.

To drain people of their energy, divinity and vitality.

It is more important than ever to guard against being in relationships that are built on faulty foundations, where people just want to use another for their good nature, or loving heart, perhaps thinking that they would ignore the red flags, and give to unequal relation. Take care to not invest in insincere connections, where there are ill intentions, and unhealthy ulterior motives. Bring the tower down on leaching connections, when you know you are seen as a pot of gold, or a bank to be taken from by energy feeders or users looking for a come-up via others. To syphon off your abundance, reap the rewards of your good karma, or pull you out of character. To cause a disturbance, and a loss.


Cut off the Parasitic Relationships who want to Attach themselves and Trauma-bond

With Eris close to the reaction point in the Haumea Yod, and stirred by Chiron, there is potential for a lot of envy and darkness to be stirred in unfulfilled people who will smile in another’s face, and fake it, when they secretly despise them, or are looking to steal or to sabotage them. Don’t give undeserving people your blessings. Don’t share your spotlight with those who want to be like you - to wear your energy like a skin - for they may make a study of you, and use that information, to get rid of you and take your place; to dethrone you. Use discernment and avoid situations that may end up in a handover of your blessings. Don’t give charity to the selfish, greedy undeserving. You don’t have to be unkind to other people, just don’t be unkind towards your Self. Dodge that bullet.

Calling Your Energy Back

Author and speaker Caroline Myss have written a variety of amazing books about energy management, and the importance of calling all of your energy back; cutting the energetic cords to the things of the past that no longer serves us. Her books are an amazing resource for those who want to explore this particular avenue in great detail.

Utilising the Energy of Eclipses to close old Cycles with Antagonists and False People

In astrology, eclipses are known for being major harbingers of change. They can herald a crisis but they also provide the opportunity to wipe the slate clean and start again. Eclipses tend to function to bring to the surface whatever has been buried, hidden and repressed. Eclipses are times of endings and completion and are also opportunities to let go of whatever

is holding us back in the area of life highlighted in the birth chart. Eclipses end a cycle of experience and move to a new level of awareness and insight. The Foundations of Change online course shows how the eclipses can be utilised during the seven year Haumea Yod to drive the endings with the old and stagnant, that the heart desires.

Carrying, Labour, and Losing a ‘Baby’ Metaphorically

To grow a big dream, or a large, multi-faceted, laborious project, require an immense amount of effort, planning and hard work to see it go to fruition.

At times, it takes years to fully birth something that is mammoth in proportion. It takes time to lay down the groundwork and the solid foundation. Sometimes we carry a creation or a ‘child’, and if all the elements, and the people involved are not supportive, loyal, and committed, it can lead to a creative ‘miscarriage’ of massive proportions.

Depending on the investment, the sorrow of such a devastating event may lead to immense grief, rage, and anger at being sabotaged. If this is not dealt with by the individual in the proper manner of grieving, forgiving and studying what went ‘wrong’ - like perhaps getting caught up with an unsupportive partner who abandoned the relationship - it can lead to becoming just like Kumuhonoa, the antagonist in Haumea’s story. Kumuhonoa is the unhealed, unreasonable, narcissistic, bitter troublemaker, who sought to sabotage those who do carry their creative ‘pregnancies’ into full term, and climb the ladder of success accordingly. Kumuhonoa wanted to maintain the status of position, benefits, and to be in charge of resources, and sought to control the abundance and fertility of others, while abusing power. Having this slippery trickster in your circle, is going to cost you… It may cost you some more miscarriages in the future… if you take the risk of keeping those around, who may secretly be envious of your prosperity…

Being pregnant with potential, or in the process of creation takes effort, care and attention.

If you are in the last vulnerable stages, before you reach your success, do you really want someone like this around? To potentially take negative influence over you, or your loved ones, so they can take over, control your finances, or control your success. To limit you, or potentially get rid of you all-together? To take all the rewards for themselves? If you have experienced a metaphorical ‘stillbirth’ of something that had great potential in your life, it is essential that you learn your lesson well. Essential. For people like this may hit you when you are at your most vulnerable, potentially after they had sown seeds to turn others against you. When you have the gift of abundance, fake friends may turn on you.

Ignore the red flags at your own peril, is what The Foundations of Change online course will teach you. You should know that opportunists will be waiting for you to give them opportunity.

Some who are destined to be seen as the star that they are, often have devils on their back, who may in secret be crazy and obsessed lunatics, who want to put a premature death to your purpose.

Nobody wants to spend the last term of their creative ‘pregnancy’ worried about saboteurs putting endings in their life. Or the potential for great loss due to the consequences of bad choices that may lead to suffering in the future… Those about to give life to their creations, should be able to enjoy the fulfilment and satisfaction from their hard work. Make sure that you comprehend the signs of jealous, envious people, and heed the red flags. They may say that they ‘love’ you, but this admiration, desire to learn from you, and jealous ‘love’ can turn into wickedness when there is darkness in the heart, due to what your prosperity stirs in them.

Once a person goes out of creatorship, stops being creative - expressing - they go into depression.
— Adamus Saint Germain

Haumea, Varda and Eris higher expression people tend to be highly innovative, self-starting and pregnant with manifestation. Protect your ideas, and put processes in place to protect your intellectual property from theft.

A Visual Representation of Being Pregnant with Potential and the Vulnerability of the Experience

Allowing Energetic Transformation

Mankind is currently being bombarded with various new energies that are requiring the allowing of the energies to energetically transform them.

Both the online courses on this website puts a particular emphasis on how to ride these energies, for alchemy.

In this allowing, they may avoid the mental health problems that resistance brings, and they may also experience rapid changes in their life. Changes that require a separation from old energies and old habits that are not conducive to the new. The various energies are creating change at a rapid rate on this planet, and those who allow themselves to ‘ride the wave of change’ may see the benefits sooner rather than later. They may experience a radiance, feeling lighter, buoyant or effervescent. The feeling can be described

as an excitement at life, and a love of existence, and experience. Off course many people are experiencing what is commonly called ‘ascension symptoms’, as the human body adjust to the new energetics, and these can be very uncomfortable, or downright painful. But as one allows the experience of the energetic transformation, there comes a time when there is more purity, joy and perhaps an exuberance of life. Adamus Saint Germain talks about it extensively, and free videos may be found at

Know your Worth and create Sacred Inner Space

Those who have had many enviers, bullies, saboteurs and antagonists in their life, eventually have to learn and accept that they have something of value. Enemies don’t target, bully, or go after nobodies. You may not be wealthy by the usual standards, but some people have such purity, fertility, abundance and divine favour on their lives for being righteous, so don’t play small. If you fail to comprehend the extent of your value, and you don’t actively protect your Self, there is potential to suffer loss. Many of the energies involved in the KBOs described on this website, had to learn this the painful way, like individuals with strong Pisces/Neptune in their astrological make-up, and even Sedna, Medusa and Eris personified. Don’t be in denial of your worth. Don’t let devilish, selfish, entitled people’s projections, tell you that you are worthless.

Invest in your Security and Stability

It is by making right choices, knowing your worth, and moving away from what does not serve you, that you end up creating security and stability for your Self.

When you cut out the distractions, and create that sacred inner space, you end up being able to see truths with great clarity. It is through removing what causes anxiety, that we can reach for that emotional wellbeing, and a state of inner security. Getting on track with your life, on the right path, and becoming highly focussed, so your can attract what is for you. When opportunities come your way, you will be able to recognise them, and be in the right state of mind, to act on them accordingly.

Edification and Renewal - Maintaining Symbolic Purity of Heart and Spirit

Haumea, Sedna, Eris and Varda higher expression people tend to love to serve humanity as a humanitarian. With humility, helping and assisting people, often with no expectation of a reward. They don’t act innocent or angelic to mislead others for a personal gain or a self-esteem boost. They tend to aware of their own emotional truth, and don’t wear foolish, false facades to lie to themselves, or other people, to manipulated them.

Being a sacred, valuable person due to close connection with the divine. Owning up to being divine, as an angelic being having a human experience.

Haumea’s stories show that it is in dealing with the challenging, attacking antagonist that she experiences great character development and gains deeper inner connection. Even if the experience is negative, the interaction, and the polarity between light and dark, is what stirs her into creativity and her own elevation into new levels… Her state of being, and her investment in inner Self mastery, are her rewards for excellence. Haumea is a good leader, guide and a beneficial influencer for her community. She carries divine anointment on her life, and is ordained to help others, because of cultivating her connection with her divinity, thus having divine direction to guide her. It is a state of being that she deserves, and is worthy of. Haumea’s high ranking and energy is almost karmic; you mess with her, you shall get your behind whipped in due course. Haumea may appear innocent, sweet or naive. She may appear youthful, physically young or inexperienced, but herein lies the danger for the adversary who doesn’t have the discernment to determine the spirit that she carries. In underestimating her and judging her based on outer appearance, they may unleash for themselves far-reaching repercussions. For by nature, higher expression Haumea doesn’t reveal to people who she is spiritually. It is only those who are wise and able discern with the spiritual eyes, who know who she really is, and to respect her accordingly. This is demonstrated in the story of how she became known as the akua wahine (divine feminine), as wise and insightful kahuna Kamoawa did when he first met her, recognised who she really was, and called her Hau-o-Apua.

In not being aware of the blessing on Haumea’s life and her divine protection, the ignorant adversary Kumuhonoa realised too late, that he should not have messed with her.

Kumuhonoa should never have tried to cause a disturbance in Haumea’s life by trying to kill her partner Wakea. What goes around, comes

back around. Higher expression Haumea is highly intelligent, logical and discerning, and she speaks with authority. Yet this is not always apparent to the unenlightened, which is their mistake. Why? Value recognises value, and the arrogant don’t have the ability to recognise valuable people’s true worth. Higher expression Haumea is a great big blessing for everyone’s benefit, but the god-complex cannot recognise this, although they are highly bothered by it none the less. Higher expression Haumea is a force to be reckoned with, as those who choose to be a blockage in her life, are dealt with on a higher level. Poke at a bear at your own peril. Remember, that it is Haumea’s divinity that offers her protection, and always being ten steps ahead of those who choose to challenge her, or be her enemy.

Genuine Relationship and Clarity

True, official loving connections involves commitment, providing stability, making another feel secure. It involves devotion, faithfulness and loyalty. It brings contentment. The sign of Scorpio is all about creating emotional intimate unions. Also shared resources, financial, sexual and psychologically healthy interactions that have depth.

Not being false in emotional fulfilment, on and off, flirting, love-bombing, playing mind games, providing emotions and an emotional bond to make another feel good, but no sincere solid commitment.

Getting rid of those who present themselves to be something they are not, when they don’t have their life in order, and they are perhaps in lack consciousness, or incompetent of healthy relation.

Getting rid of those who are a negative magician, who want to put people in their head, and keep them stuck and stagnant with their orchestrations. Getting rid of those who might leave you with burdens, who don’t fulfil their duty, nor obligations. Getting free of those who put others in triangulation or worse, abandoning them in their time of need. Being practical and kind to your Self, and those who truly matter. To be in clarity of thought and in purified energy.

Just like a woman prepares sacred space around her for the arrival of her new baby, we too have the opportunity to create sacred space for a life of Heaven on Earth, if that is your choice…

This is what Haumea and her companions did, after they defeated adversary Kumuhonoa. They established pono, kuleana and genuine aloha in O’ahu for everyone, by installing a new government that was benevolent and abundant for all.

A Deep Desire for Transformation will Come

Scorpio enters Scorpio for a final time around 3 October 2023.

To the right (click to enlarge) is the chart for the 28 October 2023 eclipse that occur soon after Haumea’s last ingress into Scorpio… Haumea in Scorpio is in search of transformation. After the immense focus on stagnation of the previous 18 months as the South Node of Fate traversed in Scorpio, and it also being conjunct Haumea (in the discovery chart) itself, there is likely to be an immense desire for transformation. Although the collective will really want to change, will they let go? The South Node traverses into Libra where it will be, highlighting the negative qualities of Libra that need purging. It is like a switch, as the South Node goes for Libra, and Haumea finally settles on Scorpio. In Scorpio Haumea will be traversing the unconscious depths of Pluto, the Greek lord of the Underworld, with his instinctual drives, emotional attachments, and compulsive-obsessive tendencies. Where the outworn desires, attitudes and concepts and those “hounding ideals” have to be released. The rulers of Scorpio is Pluto and Mars, and both have an intensity that may frighten some. We have already explored in The Foundations of Change online course that there will be many antagonists at the reaction point in Aries, opposing Haumea. Yet Haumea in Scorpio, with Mars as the traditional ruler, may be able to give as good as it gets. The stellium that form at the reaction point in Aries is formidable and a huge focaliser in the chart, at times, yet Haumea in Scorpio is going to challenge us on how we use our power.

Where Libra entailed the relating to others, Scorpio entails the merging with others, transforming through relationship, and if you don’t make the cut, you may be cut off entirely. Haumea in Scorpio may look with piercingly honest eyes at another, and if they don’t measure up, or are not willing to be part of the processing of releasing, eliminating and refining, it may be game over for relation.

Energy feeders and fakers will not be welcome. Ruses for selfish gain will be seen.

Since the Yod formed, there was little opportunity for Haumea in Libra to reach maturity, but Haumea in Scorpio have all the time in the world, to figure out the dynamics of the Yod and find the potentials to thrive.

Varda, Eris, Sedna and Haumea as the Epitome of Light and Elevation

In Varda’s fictional mythology, she is the epitome of light, said to have radiated with the light of the creator, with extreme beauty and benevolence. Yet her mythology, just like the stories of Haumea, Sedna and Eris shows, that when there is a person in higher expression and high vibration, it is a light that attracts those with distortions, jealousy, evil eye and greed. If you are moving in the direction of higher expression, you need to learn to put yourself first, and to keep malicious people out of your life, for it is those who you allow the closest to you, who do the most damage.

Learn the lessons from karmic relationships and learn them well…

The Five Pointed Star in the Astrological Sky of Change

All of the Kuiper belt objects mentioned in this article feature in the five pointed star that started in the astrological sky in April 2022, at the ingress of the Haumea Yod and the conjunction of Venus, Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. Varda is a leg in the Sedna Yod that takes over from Ixion in 2025, and Eris at the reaction point in the Haumea Yod. There are two online courses on this website that teaches the details of the aspect patterns, some of which reach beyond 2030.

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