Eris, Tall Poppy Syndrome, Schadenfreude and the Game Playing of the Mind

Eris is here to shine a light on the shadow,
that is making things so toxic and stagnant,
that it can’t evolve,
it can’t grow.
— Astrologer Divine Harmony

In astrology, Eris is the dwarf planet, the Goddess of Discord and Strife, soon to be making her last square to Pluto on the 9th of October 2021.

Yet the orb of influence of this stressful square aspect will be felt up to 2024, and there will be multiple trigger points along the way. Eris energy will be with us up until 2028, as she conjuncts both Chiron and Saturn in coming years.

This is a great time for astrologers, seekers and tall poppy influencers to understand Eris energy and her dynamics, and bratty behaviour towards the virtuous.

For in the mythology of Eris and the birth chart, her destiny is intimately intertwined with Pluto’s in relation. Both in the brutality and antagonistic abuse of power against her. And in her healing, transformation and Self-empowerment in the relation, resulting in her devotion to Self, emotional maturity, coming into her flow and radiance. Eris higher expression is the system buster that leaves a mark in the world, the lower expression leaves a scar, from a point of deep-rooted woundedness and critical spirit.

Eris square Pluto provides us access and permeability to these mysterious energies, and the psychological situational awareness, to help people understand their motivations, attitudes and ambitions. This also involves growth, and the releasing of old perceptions, breaking barriers of old trauma and dysfunctional family and societal patterns.

These discussions are also useful, to better equip people to cope with the stressors, and to understand the nature or the source of the anxiety, the mental overload, and the visceral sensations.

Higher expression Eris energy operate from the heart and the innate sense of value, and worth of the individual, and how that is pitted against

another self-serving individual, or society’s selfish dictates. It's the patriarchal programming and structures of oppression and imbalance that are tired and maddening, but we have come to rely on, that are falling down.

Ultimately, Higher expression Eris cultivates the redemption for her Self, in enabling the evolution of soul expression, out of the status quo dysfunctions and toxicity, into new potentials for mankind. What a powerful destiny that is…

Striking a Chord and Clarity

Eris transits are about what really resonates with you, or corresponds to something in you. It’s about getting the clarity/truth, to distinguish between what is healthy, and what is toxic. What is real and what is pretence? What is the best choice for you, versus what is a bad investment for you. You have free will on wether you want to keep stuck in previous energy, or seperate your Self and move on, taking a chance on something new. The choice has always been yours. So protect your heart, because at this time you’re straddled between, and emotionally involved in both the old and the new. In transition…

Eris is about applying the necessary self-preservation, while you are being divinely guided to gain clarity, and make changes.

Perhaps not willing to deal with the foolishness, BS, unwise choices, or toxicity anymore, from those who employ the narcissism of the mind to plot and scheme the antagonist/protagonist dynamic. Forcing one party to take a loss, to be at the bottom of the Wheel of Fortune. Is it morally and ethically right to control and subdue another, to take a selfish or materialistic ill-gotten gain?

I have found, that when experiencing mental issues during Eris transits, if I focus on healing heart issues, that the mental stress fade away as the stress in the heart area fades, and a feeling of love and wellbeing flows in. It is one of those great paradoxes, yet a great lesson, for the pit of the problem may seem mental in nature (in the over-thinking), but the origin may not be.

Eris issues are the straight-up, harsh truth about situations, that pierce the heart, hit the target and result in disillusionment. Some things need to be seen and acknowledged.

Those who are not Self-aware or too prideful, may be in resistance to the part that they play in a situation, perhaps not seeing the habitually choice to play the victim; indulging in the illusion that it’s someone else’s fault.

Truth that people don’t want to be called out on, prefer to ignore, shy away from, not admit, not see, not accept. Habits that they prefer to nurture, and not give up, so they get offended, backbiting and defensive instead.

Players get triggered, and seek to blame, instead of how they can use the information for their own growth.

It’s called self-sabotage when you refuse to see what is good for you to acknowledge; about your Self. It’s like being a religious person who prays, and then when your prayers are answered through other

people (Eris relation) bringing you truths that you need to face, you throw a hissy fit. Why? It’s not what you want to hear, and you refuse to open your heart to the truth.

Even though people try to hide from their shadow, the guilt or shame, ultimately they can’t. The Eris examples described on this website, elaborates on her emotional storms; the discord (chord) of the heart, and the strife in relation. Those who don’t heed her wisdom may continue to have emotional eruptions, mental anxiety that plague them, blaming others, the ego stewing over issues, perhaps wanting revenge, and overall, a feeling of being unable to cope with all the stressors. Those who heed her wisdom, don’t escape the aforementioned, but they can work towards reaching for zero point, that may eventually lead to embodying a peaceful calm; while walking on a razor’s edge, being the eye of the storm.

Eris players in the lower expression like to influence and create anxiety for others; to topple their peace, scuttle their carefully cultivated plans, or destroy years of hard work in a tower moment. Why? There must be a reason why some want to act out, sneak around others to sabotage, or dwell in a situation plotting, even when it makes them unhappy.

The experience of the Eris square Pluto transits are stressful, as there seems to be a fanatical need to ally with powerful people; to shift into a position of competition against someone seen as a rival; and a shift in relationship dynamics, as previous associates turn into opposing forces. Why? Because some opportunist had been striving to capitalise, to put themselves in a better position, and in doing so, they have to gang up against another, perhaps to dispose of them, corrupt them, or even destroy them… having a particular outcome at their expense…

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Define Opportunist
1. a person who takes advantage of every chance for success without thinking about the effects on other people;
2. to gain some advantage from a situation, often at the expense of ethics or morals, to gain money or power;
3. a slick, shady person with only one desire: to get through life without a day of labor.
— Various Online Sources

A narcissist is someone who uses others to prop up their own self-importance.

Tall Poppy Syndrome, Stuck Energy, and Blocking the Envied

Stagnant energy is a major Eris theme. This is where resentment, discord, and strife take root and grow. Also toxicity, due to Pluto’s involvement in her mythology. It is about the antagonist(s) who zone in on the virtuous protagonist through backbiting.

It’s like one evil-spirited person, or a jealous group keeping a close eye on the (Eris) person who might outshine them, and the tendency to begrudge, resent or sabotage those of great success, talent or status as an influencer, that trumps the social standing of the status quo (Pluto).

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There is a pettiness and a covert desire to block the envied at every turn, to see them stuck, unable to receive blessings. There may be a mean-spiritedness and an envious intent to see them kept in check, or at least moving slow like molasses, unable to generate good things at their usual rapid pace. It’s the secret and stealth machinations that involves a comparison dynamic. If the other person can be influenced into not having good things going, then it is going to make the envier gain an ego boost, or not make them look bad in comparison, or help them gain control over another. The Tall Poppy Syndrome is also that group expectation or sense, of everyone needing to grow at the same pace, and be cut to the same hight. Or at least, nobody must outperform another, else there is social license by the envious majority to cut them down. In such a group setting, there may even be a celebration of the downfall of the person who are considered to be a “cut above the rest”; someone who thinks and acts differently from most, who may also be maliciously branded the eccentric (Eris). Misplaced anger and aggression indeed!

Rather than receive, envy wants to destroy the giver, pushing for a levelling down so all will be equally miserable.
”If I cannot have something, no one is to have anything, no one is to be anything.
— Cinderella and Her Sisters - The Envied and the Envying, a book by Barry and Ann Ulanov.
Eris Tall Poppy Syndrom Envy Jealousy

Eris Visionaries, Mavericks, Tall Poppies, and their deliberate Bread-crumbing due to Anti-Meritocracy

People with strong Eris energy, are by nature individualistic, desire to walk to the beat of their own drum, and by their own inner compass, or soul purpose. They want to be confident in their individualistic approach, and in self-trust in the great value they bring to the table. They may not ‘fit in’, unless it is a group where individuals are enabled to be their authentic Self, without being shot down like a pigeon by those who feel threatened. But when they do enjoy a collaboration, and get turned against by the jealous, this loss of connection can make Eris individuals unhappy, and even bitter. For they tend to trigger other people with their presence, their forthright truthful speech, their bright ideas, and their otherworldly energy. They can be real mavericks in their field, because they are genuine.

When envy is named, it has to stop... Naming envy is super important.
— Anne Ortelee, astrologer

Yet, when they step into a room, there tends to be a competition response from the antagonist(s), underlying power struggles, being made wrong with barbs, or ostracised all together. There is a grief for the protagonist, that instead of their genius and effort being appreciated, they are not accepted; instead disadvantaged and marked the outsider. The Eris person may attempt to contribute in a helpful or useful way, and instead there is a negative response… or a depreciation of the valuable role they play in the group; to challenge the dysfunctional stuck energy, the unacknowledged shadow, or to name the elephant in the room. System busting Eris individuals provide a vital role in society, despite the vitriol aimed at them for being different, honest, driving change by disruption, and speaking out.

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There is a need not to take it personal, when group thinking are challenged by the individual maverick shining brightly. Still, it is painful to be excluded, vilified or marginalised

There is a need to have compassion, both for the need of the individual to follow an inner calling or destiny, and not get wrapped up in the pain of being misunderstood. And for the desire of group thinking to drive their status quo goals in slow-paced toxic energy, if that is their preference. Disagreements stem from seeing the world in different ways, and it is through the experience of confusion, pain and growth that we can break chains and transform, or not.

There is a general misconception that the Eris individual operate from ego, but as previous articles eloquently describe, that may not be the case at all… For Eris individuals approach with the drive from the heart; for equality, integrity, ruthless honesty, and has a loving and stable heart for the disenfranchised. Knowing intensely, how it feels…

Also remember, that is it the role of the antagonist, to provide obstacles, backbiting and complications and create conflicts that test the protagonist, and revealing the strengths and weaknesses of the protagonist's character. Such is life… Heroes and villains, and where Eris is concerned, the hero may end up being be the demonised party. Why? Because of admiration-whores who want all the rewards of another, for themselves (just like Snow White’s stepmother who wanted the sole admiration of the mirror, and was willing to kill to keep it).

Saturn/Capricorn is actually highly prominent in Eris’s discovery chart. Chiron is in the 10th house in Capricorn opposing Saturn, square the bendings (on the Self/Other axis of Aries/Libra) etc. This is the energy of those feel blocked off and who struggle immensely to work for, and enjoy their own rewards on their life path, instead feeling pain when seeing others succeed; feeling the immense insecurity, being challenged by another’s success, and a sense of being a failure, or not good enough, that the configuration illustrates. It’s feeling greatly tested and challenged in life to overcome obstacles, learn life’s lessons and excel. It’s the insecurity issues that is so prominent in Eris energy.

The Sun is also in Capricorn in the 10th house, square Eris and Jupiter. The Sun is here entails shining brightly in the house of public reputation, and public acclaim, for having done the hard work for accolades, gaining the endurance and excellence the right way. It’s also the jealousy of the dilletantes, who want the benefits, but without having done the work. Sun in this house is the birth right to shine in the world. The tenth house is under attack in Eris’s discovery chart, as those who rise as a tall poppy by working honestly, get cut down by the envious evil eye of those who see them as competitors for top spot. There are more themes in the chart that explore Eris energy, that won’t be explored in this article.

Eris Bad Business Practices and Struggling with Envy and Competition in Australia/New Zealand

With the Tall Poppy Syndrome, there is a tendency to criticise or attack those who stand out with high creativity, clout, originality or unique talent. To be judged over minor details, discredited, or socially excluded, to see the downplaying of their achievements, and jealousy manifested in snide remarks or gossip. To see them stuck in mental stress and hopelessness. To set a cruel, inhumane mob on them. Like a pack of rabid dogs stirred up by a ringleader, into brutality or chaos, attacking from all angles. Also the dread of sharing work, else it be stolen.

The Tall Poppy Syndrome also involves opportunists recognising the genius of a person, and then manipulating the situation so that their maverick is employed to benefit the opportunist instead. Perhaps employing smoke and mirrors, putting their hopes up high, or outright illusion. As a trophy of sorts, and what that person can be for them; an opportunity to boost their own situation, perhaps taking it to the extreme of trapping them, bleeding them dry, or sucking the life right out of them in a co-dependent relation. There may be no equality in a situation like this… It’s unhealthy. It’s unwanted energy exchange to treat another person like a hamburger to be fed off.

The Tall Poppy Syndrome also describes a draw towards mediocrity, laziness and conformity, which would

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bore an Eris individual to tears, because they may not want to go with the program. Yet this individualistic approach may not be relevant - according to the expectation of the status quo group - nor well received.

According to Wiki, commonly in Australia and New Zealand, "Cutting down the tall poppy" is used to describe those who deliberately put down another for their success and achievements, due to one’s own insecurities.

“Australia has scientifically studied TPS more than any other country, kept the definition very narrow, and is accessible in their dictionaries which also includes the definition of a TP. Most of their studies centre on the behaviors of the individual cutter and cuttee. The cutter often has low self-esteem and envy of the TP and cuts the TP down to their size which gives their self-image a boost. If a TP's behaviour is deemed egregious for any variety of reasons, the cutter feels justified in cutting the TP down. They also linked Schadenfreude (joy from someone's pain) to the cutter's envy which drives both phenomena.”

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How can such a toxic, greedy and materialistic social phenomenon be socially acceptable? How can such parasitic relationships be tolerated?

It’s a scarcity mentality, as if there is only so much goodness or virue to go around.

If someone has secured a slice of the pie, then there is less pie to go around. So players resort to cutting others down to protect their slice of success, harming the potential growth of those around them.

It’s a mixture of envy, low self-esteem, fear and resentment. Perhaps also being consumed with a materialistic, selfish gain.

There is a desire to be somebody, needing more, to show off. There is a detachment from what really matters, what is genuine, and false conception of what will bring happiness. In this state, people can’t grow, nor mature. Good things can’t come. These people may not want to be catalysed into making changes, for them to feel embarrassed about what they feel insecure about, nor have that raw nerve exposed publicly, resulting in being vulnerable, yet there it is… for all to see anyway… So why hide the truth from your Self?

Eris lower expression are all about obtaining what a bratty player feel they lack; money, affection, creative ideas etc.

This is why bullies bully, and enviers attempt to control. They feel jealous, lacking and wanting others to like them. To get attention, to improve their social status, because they have low self-esteem and insecurities. Perhaps also feeling stress or trauma due to neglect, perhaps by others, as well as Self. This is why confident people, or those who get affection or attention are targeted. To get some… by any means… Not realising that all the time invested in studying someone, for ways to bring them down, are addictive and low vibrational, and are likely to give them mental illness issues in the future… In this video, astrologer Tom Jacobs explains that with Eris, we need to understand the direct correlation that the triggering of insecurity, and the experience of pain, has on the expression of anger.


The Tall Poppy / Envied and Career Destroying

If the Tall Poppy Syndrome and the joy derived from causing harm to the Tall Poppy describes Shadow Eris, what is the opposite?

Define Schadenfreude
the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of another.
— Wikipedia

Previous articles have described that highly successful social media influencers by nature are content creators, and Eris in the positive expression. How do they generate their valuable work, seemingly out of thin air the cutter/envier may wonder? The answer is surprisingly simple. The authentic Self channels it from a higher source, thanks to their open hearts that operate in partnership with a Higher Self. Call it the angels, their guides, the universe, benevolence, their soul, spirit, their own sovereign energy, Self mastery, whatever…

You’re never going to experience higher expression Eris energy if you don’t have a healed state and an open heart, nor while you are drinking haterade, or hating on others. The very nature of jealousy means that a person’s obsessive over-focus on another, is preventing from having their own abundance.

It’s the honest, authentic, and true to Self, that enjoy the light of the soul, that shines from within. Eris will teach you to have your own back, value and trust your Self above what anyone else thinks. So if you find yourself in a state of jealousy, incessantly focussing on another, and how their blessings bother you, and how you desire to cut them... Focus on your Self, heal your heart, and create your own magic instead. That is wisdom. That is where the magic is. Make a series of right choices, and it will take you there.

Insecurity and Lack of Confidence of the Mimicking Copycat

This is the evil-spirited party that seeks fulfilment, but can only find it in fleeting little satisfactions, backbiting and ego victories.

Eric Patterson from wrote an excellent article recently detailing the nature of insecurity. Insecurity is what plagues people incessantly during Eris transits as they feel the rise of the discombobulating emotions and feel their visceral emotions, envy and dissatisfaction. It is because of these feelings that some may look at the value or success of another and attempt to copycat, and mimic them; going to beyond-acceptable extremes to get the recognition, admiration or a self-esteem boost. This energy inevitably lets the cat out of the bag about people’s true character, and how they feel about Self. This is where, ironically, victimisers ultimately become the victim of their own stealth attacks.

Eric writes that generally, insecurity presents as a lack of confidence, anxiety, and uncertainty.

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By working to accurately identify and address insecurity, a person can minimise its unwanted impact, find renewed security, stability, and a sense of worth that propels them towards happiness and improved well-being. It pertains to an overall sense of uncertainty or anxiety about your worth, abilities, skills, and value as a person, conveying the message that you’re at risk or in danger of something or someone. That negative impact of insecurity could be physical, mental, or emotional. Without security, you can’t accomplish full trust or function to your fullest potential.

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Symptoms of insecurity include:

  • An overriding feeling of inadequacy

  • A lack of self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth

  • Like they are unable or ill-equipped to cope with stressors

  • Generally uncertain about the world

  • Anxious about their relationships with others

Insecurities can have significant impacts on our life, relationships, and sense of self, and cause people to pretend and put up false facades. Most people don’t realise the terrible high price that they would have to pay in presenting themselves as something other than who they really are. Also, when we’re not aware, what we are in denial of generate anxiety and stress.

Eris allows hubris to actually create the conflict and chaos. All she does is toss down a golden apple with an ambiguous message. The other players do all the work in making the bad outcome. It isn’t really Eris who causes the problems. All she does is provide the framework through which the other characters reveal their egos, greed, avarice and smallness. Time and again, this is the transforming quality of Eris, much like Pluto, as both revealer and judge. There is a lesson to be learned in this. It isn’t that Eris causes problems, but that she provides the situations by which our own shortcomings are revealed through actions and outcomes.
— Astro Gallus

The ancient wise knew: know thyself. Not some fake pretending counterfeit version…

Moving into the higher expression of Eris do involve maturing; detaching from having others like you, validate you, acknowledge you, agree with you etc. Accept that some people don’t like you. Some may be too triggered, challenged or agitated by you; by what you reflect to them about themselves, that causes them acute discomfort. Accept that some prefer their current state, and that they can’t deal with you, or your truth. They may see your honesty as a problem. Your mere presence may be shining a strobe-light on their inadequacies, or the Self-torment they are in. Eris teaches us to accept that you are an individual Self that you need to trust, and if people don’t appreciate you, it is best to stay true to your Self. Always trust Self first, no matter what smoke and mirrors others reflect back to you, to make you insecure in turn.

To understand the anatomy of envy through Eris’ discovery chart, and why the “My Way or the Highway” people want to dump their bad feelings through psychological projection and scapegoating, to cause harm to Eris higher expression people, see this article. Realising that one sided relationships, are relationship not worth having…

Schadenfreude: Delighting in Another’s Misfortune

According to Wikipedia, Schadenfreude (German; lit. 'harm-joy') is the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of another.

Researchers have found that there are three driving forces behind schadenfreude: aggression, rivalry, and justice. And that self-esteem has a lot to do with the frequency and intensity of these harmful acts. And since Eris transits trigger these value and Self issues, it is wise to explore how one person’s success may make another feel so bad about themselves in comparison, that they may act in such an atrocious way in response.

Wiki says that it is hypothesised that this inverse relationship (with self-esteem) is mediated through the human psychological inclination to define and protect their self- and in-group- identity or self-conception.

“Specifically, for someone with high self-esteem, seeing another person fail may still bring them a small (but effectively negligible) surge of confidence because the observer's high self-esteem significantly lowers the threat they believe the visibly-failing human poses to their status or identity. Since this confident individual perceives that, regardless of circumstances, the successes and failures of the other person will have little impact on their own status or well-being, they have very little emotional investment in how the other person fares, be it positive or negative. Conversely, for someone with low self-esteem, someone who is more successful poses a threat to their sense of self, and seeing this "mighty" person fall can be a source of comfort because they perceive a relative improvement in their internal or in-group standing.

Wikipedia also lists and details the three different groups:

  1. Aggression-based schadenfreude primarily involves group identity. The joy of observing the suffering of others comes from the observer's feeling that the other's failure represents an improvement or validation of their own group's status in relation to external groups (see In-group and out-group). This is, essentially, schadenfreude based on group versus group status.

  2. Rivalry-based schadenfreude is individualistic and related to interpersonal competition. It arises from a desire to stand out from and out-perform one's peers. This is schadenfreude based on another person's misfortune eliciting pleasure, because the observer now feels better about their personal identity and self-worth, instead of their group identity.

  3. Justice-based schadenfreude comes from seeing that behaviour seen as immoral or "bad" is punished. It is the pleasure associated with seeing a "bad" person being harmed or receiving retribution. Schadenfreude is experienced here because it makes people feel that fairness has been restored for a previously un-punished wrong.

Schadenfreude has a few equivalents, and the Tall Poppy Syndrome is one of them; if someone were to feel joy by the victim’s fall from grace, they would be experiencing schadenfreude.

"Gloating" is an English word of similar meaning, where "gloat" means "to observe or think about something with triumphant and often malicious satisfaction, gratification, or delight".

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Motivation Set of Factors

With Eris, we learn to understand the other person’s origin story, their point of view, or the circumstances that led to actions or choices... The motivating set of factors.

These are the reasons behind behaviours, perceptions, beliefs, morality, opinions, denial, avoidance, comments etc.. The driving force, in other words. A discovery of truth. A revelation of what might set us free, to avoid getting trapped in lower vibrational Eris energy, where it is toxic and dangerous if you choose to indulge, because it can be addictive…

Bread-crumbing is a toxic relation tactic employed to give some, so you can gain some. The end game is to get someone interested, to chase, or become attached. Smoke and mirrors game playing is deployed not only to hide people’s inadequacies or shortcomings, but also their violent emotions, obsession, or toxicity. In the extreme, mind-games or even witchcraft may be deployed to cause the envied to appear unhinged amongst a group of people, while the toxic envier gets away with maintaining their facade. Some hold another hostage in a negative emotional state because they revel in it. Others revel in being freedom seeking and -loving, and prefer to separate themselves from people and situations that want to outsmart or seek dominion over them. Seeing beyond the facades, the orchestration of chaos, and the negative shadow people are trying to cast. Like seeing that behind the seeking of justice, may hide vindictiveness and a desire to harm instead. Eris transits show us clearly the disappointments in connections, as other’s motivations become vivid.

Those who want a healthier experience need to make different choices regarding who they share their energy with. It is important to sift amongst the smoke and mirror distortions, between what is healthy Eris issues, and what is not; because we have a choice if we want to partake, enmesh or feed into unhealthy energy, pettiness, or foolishness.

Be discerning of the vibration of those you choose to associate or align with. As individuals, we each have to make our own best decisions that will serve us, that are true to our core, and our hearts.

Third party entanglements generate toxic energy, which equals stagnancy and lack of success, so it is wise to seperate from it. It’s not worth hanging on to… nor engaging with.

There is value in understanding where others come from. To have compassion, forgive Self, and all involved, so that you can be free to enjoy the good fortune of Eris energy in the higher expression (as detailed in previous articles). And not bound to a life of frustration, or resentment, that doesn’t give you real, tasty fulfilment.

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Lower vibrational Eris energy (like jealousy, envy and spite) starts from something small and can grow into something of mammoth proportions, like the story of Herakles who hit Eris’ apple.

Low vibrational energy is highly addictive! If you give in to it, it has far-reaching consequences for your life… Even though there may be temporary ego-victories, this not a life that brings ultimate satisfaction, nor fulfilment.

Why do players play, bullies bully, and enviers envy?

It’s all about the good energy of another which they cannot find inside themselves, due to their own bad choices, so they seek to destroy the goodness.

Understanding Narcissism and Deliberate Humiliation

Agents of the devil making others small

Narcissistic individuals fight for superiority. A diabolical assassin to take another out.

What happens when one person wants a hold, or a tight toxic grip on another, causing drama and trauma to achieve it. Forceful and deliberate trauma-bonding may have far-reaching consequences, designed to keep the abused stuck on the abuser… To put another in a mental prison. Stuck, confused, blocked. Being in an insecure state of mind, fearful, doubtful, and insecure in general is the goal. A troll and a devil in disguise. A forceful demon who just want to block others, under a guise. This is psychological and emotional abuse.

Define Brutalised
1. to treat (someone) in a savage and violent way;
2. to make someone lose their ability to experience normal feelings, by treating them in a cruel and violent way;
3. make (someone) cruel, violent, or insensitive to the pain of others by repeated exposure to violence.
— Various online sources

Some people like narcissists use humiliation, and take delight to culture others downfall, especially when there is greed and lust for power, fanatical zeal, and overweening ambition. They may feel like pecking order give them license to ignore and shut off their emotions, and lower other people, so they can feel better at another’s expense.

In this video, Dr. Les Carter explains how these people use these tactics to compensate, to build their status at other’s expense, by harming them or shovelling dirt on other’s dignity and self-respect. The goal is to create a feeling of powerlessness in the other.

He explains that the goalpost is to dominate another; perhaps by offering rudeness or insults, ignoring reasonable means, or refusal to acknowledge the other, or withhold courtesy. They may mock, demean the targeted, or deliberately show favouritism towards another. They may demand loyalty, and if they feel it is not sufficiently given, they may then withhold favours. They may go into a rage, shun, provide sarcastic remarks, promise rewards and then not deliver. The list is very long… Narcissism is definitely an Eris issue.

Multiple narcissism experts have seen a tremendous climb in interest in this topic since Eris square Pluto started.

Narcissistic abuse is meant to cause inhuman trauma, and a visceral memory of being brutalised, on purpose…

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This is the very same trauma that the victim then have to heal from, which is the discombobulating emotions that rise during Eris transits, the stuffed down pain, and the visceral emotions. Dr. Les Carter explains that narcissists aim to cause trauma, because this keeps the victim in a “beneath kind of situation”. He says that the onlookers of such a humiliating incident, may not know how to deal with the violence either, which leads to ostracisation and breakdown of relationships all together. The aim is to give the impression that the victim’s character is rotten. Devalued. Worthless. The targeted is sacrificed and forsaken; in disenchantment. Left out in the cold, expected to submit to the so-called punishment, perhaps feeling not good enough. All due to another’s selfishness, disconnect from their emotions, or toxicity.

Dr. Les also explains that there is great dignity, self-respect, sense of decency, and civility in rising up after such visceral trauma, and share the life lessons learnt. We all deserve peace.

The Trap or Prison of the Cold-hearted and Unhealed

Self-serving narcissists may know that they don’t have authentic emotional value to offer, and that those who are emotionally open tend to have an abundance that may bring them heart-felt fulfilment. Which is why they may want to play these mind games to toy with them. During Eris transits, it becomes apparent how these people are out to take a major gain with their pretence and love-bombing, yet it also becomes clear that they either close their hearts off at will, or close them off entirely. They may be immature, emotionally unstable, resist commitment, and nothing ever truly fulfils them. They may be greedy and always want more; being emotionally manipulative or abusive in the process. Why? Because they are unhappy within themselves. They may have no stability within themselves, so how can they be in a healthy, reciprocal relationship? This is why the heavy pretence is often employed, to attempt to hide the truth of the condition of the heart and what is in their energy, which becomes unhid-able during Eris transits… These are the conditions that may cause abusers to create pain,

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stress or trauma for another… A trap of the enemy, so the abused get stuck and bound to hardship, unable to gain access to the heart of love, and the abundance of a deep connection to spirit, the higher self, the soul self… the true Self.

Some are used to bullying and manipulating others, and there being no consequences for getting away with their words hurting people’s feelings, because some of the abused lack courage or the ability to stand up after such an incident. Seeing someone who do stand up for themselves - with truth - after having this viciousness aimed to maim them, may trigger them. This exposure might cause a response of more pettiness, or to the extreme, a vendetta against the abused; because abusers don’t like people standing up for themselves.

The Eris square Pluto transits are meant to expose shocking and painful truths to both individuals and to the collective. To awaken and enlighten people, to gain a deeper understanding and insight into the mechanics of energy stealing. The world is full of people who want to take another’s joy away.

The Dead Zone: A Visceral experience of Trauma (PTSD)

This article brilliantly describes that the overall effect of trauma can be described as a “loss in the feeling of aliveness, motivation, excitement, and purpose.”

From 18 brain scans of chronic PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) patients, researchers concluded that “in response to their trauma, and in coping with the dread that persisted long afterward, these patients had learned to shut down the brain areas that transmit the visceral feelings and emotions that accompany and define terror.” The article also describes that those very same areas are also responsible for registering the entire range of emotions and sensations that form the foundation of our self-awareness. It says that traumatised people often lose their sense of purpose and direction, because they cannot check in with themselves about what they truly want, as defined by the most basic sensations in their bodies, which are the basis of emotions like desire and passion.

This shut down deadened their capacity to fully feel alive… which

ironically is the opposite of what Eris in the higher expression seeks. To shine, to be fully vibrant and alive. It now becomes clear how abusers seek to disadvantage their target, by deliberately causing them trauma, in order to dim their light, and make themselves feel better. This is toxic.

There is a wisdom that can be learnt from experiencing this disillusionment. There is Eris truth waiting to be revealed. Perhaps an understanding that some individuals are never going to let you outshine them, and they will fight to keep you under that boot. There may also be lessons that can be learnt in the trauma state, so don’t be in denial of the profound wisdom that may be attained. Like Persephone, who brought the frightful wisdom of Pluto’s underworld with her, so she could rule over it with poise. To view the abuser through a clear and truthful lens, not a distorted, perhaps rose-tinted lens…

The article also describes how suppressing one’s core feelings (and the toxicity) takes a tremendous amount of energy…

“Allow things to change, shift and transform. We are in the midst of a radical evolutionary process on our planet. One piece, that a lot of astrologers are not talking about, is Eris. Eris is the Goddess of Discord and Chaos. She’s not horrible. She has a light side, and a shadow side, just like everything does. And her light side is that Eris is an activist and a warrior goddess. And she is here to shine a light on the shadow, that is making things so toxic and stagnant, that it can’t evolve, it can’t grow. She erupts things into the collective. She fronts us with what we don’t want to look at. This may sound intense and traumatic, but that is what is going to break up the foundations that are stuck, stagnant and toxic; that is holding us back from our personal, as well as our collective evolution.”
— Astrologer Divine Harmony, on why Eris is important in the 21st century
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I recently sat in contemplation, and I pondered on what my latest envier is unhinged about, and I vividly saw a symbol of the meteorological Eye of the Storm. I think this is a good representation of what enviers/cutters lack; they lack inner peace due to the emotions that rise to the surface during Eris transits. All those emotions that they had been stuffing down for years, comes back to haunt them during the Eris square Pluto transits. This may be the root of some insecurity, the root of the lack of confidence, or the root of vulnerability.

The emotional volatility of an unhealed state may make them vulnerable, because people can sense that they are troubled, and trying to keep a lid on it, and they may act out, so stand back…

The violent emotions, like the little barbs of spite or vindictiveness, are the little red flags that are picked up on, and bystanders may know that growing a relationship with such a person may likely be turbulent. The emotional flare-ups may also cause a lack of confidence in relation. People sense the presence of an emotional melting pot brewing below the surface, and that keeping a lid on it, and pretending that everything’s fine, may not be successful.

The nature of lava brewing inside a volcano, is that it seeks the path of least resistance; it wants out…

It wants healing, but looking at their emotions are the very last thing narcissistic personalities are willing to do. Yet that is exactly what is required… We can have compassion for these people and their troubles, but if they continue to resist healing their state, their emotional uprisings and toxic manifestations may persist.

Not Worthy of Love?

Broken people typically engage in validation seeking from others, and trying to get love from outside of themselves. They may carry an inner belief that they are not worthy of love, and in the intensely painful struggle with this state, they may want to make others feel the same way, by hurting in turn when the validation seeking is unsuccessful.

Ironically, this state of not feeling worthy of love, may have come about due to feeling broken by the narcissism, the intense selfishness of another. Trauma, that they may have experienced previously, that they never healed from.

It is often in adulthood, that the memory is then triggered by another narcissistic, self-serving situation; in which they are similarly disadvantaged. And back floods the extraordinary visceral experience of the shock, flashback, and the feelings of being brutalised, helpless, disaster and psychological distress, that shatter the sense of security. Since Eris square Pluto started, we’ve seen plenty of visceral emotional trauma, and the closing of the heart, as people are stressed and challenged.

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It is quite common to then zone in on the present situation, attempting to mentally understand what went wrong. This is why Eris transits then tend to see the mind jumping all over the place, to understand the experience, going down fruitless pursuits like rabbit holes or conspiracy theories. Ultimately, the key lies in understanding the anatomy of an Eris transit, especially how Eris energy work together with Pluto. This is also explored in great detail in other articles on this website. This is why Eris transits seem to be mental in nature, when they really are something different… They are a catalyst for change. Stuck energy must transform.

Doubt and the Game Playing of the Mind

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What is doubt? It is lack of self-confidence, uncertainty, being unsettled, and an apprehension or fear. It’s a hesitation, being sceptical or inclined to disbelief. Doubt is also distrust, anxiety, nervousness, self-doubt, insecurity and vulnerability. And a feeling of not being fixed or safe. Unfulfilled. Unsatisfied.

Previous articles explained, that during Eris stations or times when the dwarf planet is intensely aspected, it is a time when the nature of Eris energy is intimately revealed. There is mental and emotional stress and upheaval. Intense anger and other deeply visceral emotions rise to the surface, and there may even be a sense of dread, like that of dangling over an abyss. These are times of intense mental health challenges, going down rabbit holes, indulging in conspiracy theories, and even mentally jumping bridges, to come to strange conclusions.

According to Adamus Saint Germain in the Merlin I Am Series 9, doubt is a game that gets you nowhere, and it’s a mind game humans have used to regulate and manage ourselves. He says it is time to go beyond doubt, that has prevented us from soaring. This doubt is a lack of Self-trust.

What is the Eye of the Storm, and its Calm?

If you say that someone or something is at the eye of the storm, it means they are the main subject of a public disagreement. Also, the place of calm in the centre of a hurricane or cyclone, is also the "eye", the centre of a storm, which rotates around a central point. Eris issues revolve around the human heart, human relationships, and feminine power, and the social media influencer can be broken-hearted when they discover that in their community, a whole group of people, were working against them, as their haters, or enemies of their success.

I have been prominent on social media for many years, and since the start of Eris square Pluto, there has been this huge new experience of nasty trolls, scammers, happiness-haters, slanderers and narcissists popping up all over the place, no longer able to hide what had been lurking in their hearts, perhaps for years. Many influencers in the public eye had reported their fright at the sight of the darkness pouring from the human heart, and the devil seemingly flying into people. They reported drowning in their emotions, having emotional burdens, the carrying of a heavy weight, ruminating on their problems, and having to be protective of themselves. Yet it is what it is; when you understand human nature, astrology and its psychology. With the light and shadow side of Eris, especially with Pluto aiding in the exposure, it’s going to get ugly. Eris brings to the surface things that had been there for a long time… festering, smouldering, churning… now no longer able to be hidden.

Eris issues are those obscure problems looming. Those foreboding issues that are worth putting under the magnifying glass. Accumulated, brewing problems can erupt into a crises that requires observation, treatment and self-awareness.

The eye of the storm is the human heart, and when it is healed and transformed, there is calm, stability and strength. Like a lake that is perfectly still and serene, the slightest movement of an insect perceptible.

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Feminine power is beautiful, graceful, nurturing, creative, and warm. There is value in being. There is grace in silence. Feminine flow is focused on feelings and emotions. Blessings and abundance come from an open, receptive heart and a high frequency. Eris brings in discord where change is needed, so we can step up into radical, fierce Self-acceptance. Sacred reverence.

The cyclone derives its power from a calm centre.
So does a person.
— Norman Vincent Peale

We should not be expecting people to compromise their integrity, individuality, or give up their allegiance to Self, entrap them, or put them in toxic third party situations, nor anything that slows down, or diminishes their energy.

We should allow people to be celebrated, admired, valued and praised for being their true Self and having healthy self-esteem. We should allow them to be the visionaries and manifestors of their own lives. Why? They deserve it. This is the work of the brave and the lion-hearted; to be authentic.

It is a person’s high self-worth, confidence and joyful self-expression, and what that triggers in people, that may have started this whole Eris battle in the first place. Coming out of denial, and becoming aware of the Narcissist/Empath dynamic, and how to live with it, is very important.

Abundance Skool

In coming to terms with the healthy, healed state of Eris and its deep feminine feeling and inclusive state, we should allow all people to follow their heart, live in Self honesty and embody their true authentic Self. And encourage self-healing and living in grace. Then there may be less resentment, discord of the heart or strife.

One of my biggest lessons in life is and continues to be; that trying to be like someone else, is a huge waste of time. Focussing on realising who I really am, my true talents, and who I really am in my heart, that’s where the magic resides. That is where joy and quantum energy are accessed. With limitless potentials…

Another great lesson is the following: individually, we are not meant to live in toxicity, nor amongst toxicity of other people. We always have a choice to break away, and flow with a higher expression. Accepting that defeat in relation is not what it appears to be. Knowing where you belong, and what and who you need to stay away from, because it is out of alignment with who you really are.

Another great lesson is to be humble and grateful for having acquired this grace under fire wisdom.


There is value in chaos before order. A re-sorting of all the elements. So be present in the eye of the chaos, as destruction are driving a plot-change.

Stop trying to mimic others, stop trying to follow in their footsteps, because the chance of you getting the same success, replicating another’s achievements, or getting the same spotlight may be grim.

To get out of envious, lower vibrational Eris energy, you are going to have to get your attention OFF OF OTHER PEOPLE, and the addictions to this low vibrational energy, and do the work to embody your True Self. Envy is a toxic emotion when you use it inappropriately, but it can be utilised in a way for benefit, when you’re willing to do the work, and get out of denial. So get willing to work on your emotional state, forgive who needs forgiving, having compassion for your Self and heal. The value lies in true Self, not pretence.

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During Eris transits it has been observed, that the hole you dig for someone else, may be the very same that is your own demise. The abused can either decide to take revenge, or they can let divine justice/divine rearrangement take care of it, and yes, the last mentioned is the very best kind…

The goodness you seek, will respond to your genuine energy, not to some pretence, copycat, mimic, shifty masked figure, or fake persona, nor to someone who indulges in revenge and other lower vibrations energies. Shine your true light, and be comfortable in your own skin. When things start shifting internally, the life starts to unfold externally, for your benefit.

We have the choice to be the agents of change, and facilitate our own healing. And enjoy the benefits.

Heart Chakra Issues:

  • Anger

  • Hatred

  • Grief

  • Resentment

  • Emotional Burdens

  • Forgiveness

  • Detoxification

  • Jealousy/envy

  • Bitterness

  • Shock

  • Depression

  • Heartbreak

  • Stress/overwhelm

  • Trauma

  • Betrayal/non-commital

  • Anxiety

  • Doubt

  • Fear of rejection

  • Coldness

  • Deception/Illusion

  • Feeling unworthy of love and kindness

  • Fear of showing true Self

  • Difficulty accepting Self

  • Co-dependency on others

  • A sense of detachment

  • Disbelief that you will ever have a happy relationship

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  • Love

  • Value

  • Forgiveness

  • Healing the heart

  • Self-feelings

  • Hope

  • Joy

  • Trust

  • Beauty

  • Compassion

  • Dedication

  • Connection

  • Self-esteem

  • Self-worth

  • Self-love

  • Emotional power

  • Acceptance

  • Healthy boundaries

  • Self-care

  • Ability to give and receive love

  • Commitment

Just as lower vibrational Eris issues are the envy, toxicity, the unforgiveness, resentment, emotional burdens, righteous rage, anger etc.

So positive expression Eris is the ability to heal and transform Self, to love Self and others again, to see the beauty in life, and to trust and open the heart despite trauma. To realise your true value. The colour green is

often used to illustrate envy and jealousy, it's also the colour of the heart chakra. These are the two polarities of Eris energy.

And is my gift to the world. Free advice, for those who are brave to facilitate their own healing with the use of astrology, and thrive.

Video: The closing song played at the magical, epic and reality-shifting Time of the Merlin event. Although the event is complete, you can still experience the magic! and Special thanks to Yoham and friends for the beautiful musical contributions.

Eris transits up until 2028

Transit Eris in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn five times causing opportunity for growth and awareness. The dates are:

  • 26 January 2020

  • 14 June 2020

  • 10 December 2020

  • 27 August 2021

  • 9 October 2021

  • Personal planets will continue to stir the trigger points with conjunctions.

  • In orb October 10 ~ Feb 11 2023

  • In orb April 8 2023 ~ December 26 2023

  • In orb July 27 2024 ~ November 2 2024

  • Leaves November 3 2024

Starting in 2024 to 2028, Eris and Chiron will be conjunct in Aries.

In 2027, Saturn will start its conjunction to Eris, going into 2028.

May 2028 the Nodal axis will square Eris

We are going to feel this energy for some time to come… So get acquainted and get comfortable in your own skin.

More Articles on Eris in Astrology:

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