The Judgement of Paris was the Scheming of Zeus and Themis to Scapegoat Eris

A previous article has already described the Judgement of Paris in great detail, but with Paris/Alexandros, Prince of Troy as the main character. Eris energy is a relationship dynamic.

This article looks at other players, without reiterating the larger story; therefore this article may be more suitable for those who already know the storyline of the Judgement of Paris.

This article is for a deeper understanding of Eris energy in Western astrology. Many articles on this website have already described how Eris, Greek Goddess of Discord and Strife was conveniently made the scapegoat, and blamed for having started the Trojan War. Yet there are other characters who had hidden motivations, who plotted, and influenced a third party - who may, or may not have known the full story - to do their dirty work for them.

In a previous article on the Judgement of Paris, there is a deep exploration of Paris Prince of Troy, his poor choices, bad character, and player conduct in particular.

There are many other players in the Judgement of Paris, and one can easily overlook important cues, while distracted by the Eris violent competition, fighting, bickering, slandering and arguing; all over an apple and who was perceived to be fairest…

Image: Artgate Fondazione Cariplo - Canova Antonio, Allegoria della Giustizia via Wikimedia Commons.

Official Narrative versus Influencing a Third Party and Truth

Those who know the story of the Judgement of Paris, know that the official narrative is, that Eris started the bloody and brutal Trojan War, when she threw a golden apple ironically inscribed with the words “for the fairest” amongst the guests at a wedding banquet. It was the forced wedding of Thetis (Thetis wit a T) and Peleus, and goddess Eris was the only one who was not invited to the party, but came anyway, to symbolise that what you don’t own, owns you... Other articles on this website also illustrate

how Zeus maintained the social perception of Eris’ guilt, where Eris would be the woman who needed to be watched, kept in check, and ostracised. What is not spoken of previously, is that Zeus, the Greek god of Olympus, leader of the social system of control, had a counsellor called Themis (Themis with an M), and there was more at play... Images of her is posted all over this website as lady liberty blindfolded, holding up the scales of justice, and the sword of truth and clarity. This is the very first time that her crucial role and input are explored on this website… She’s a crucial player…

Image: Lady Justice - allegory of Justice - statue at court building in at třída Svobody street Olomouc (Czech Republic). via Wikimedia Commons.

According to this trusted Greek resource: Themis (Divine Law) was the counsellor of Zeus who sat enthroned beside him, advising him on the conduct of men, reporting on those who breached the primal laws laid down by the gods. She was assisted by her daughter Dike (Justice).

“Stasinus of Cyprus or Hegesias of Aegina, Cypria Fragment 1 (from Proclus, Chretomathy 1) (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th or C6th B.C.) :

"The epic called Cypria is current is eleven books. Its contents are as follows. Zeus plans with Themis (Divine Law) to bring about the Trojan war. Eris (Strife) arrives while the gods are feasting at the marriage of Peleus and starts a dispute between Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite as to which of them is fairest."

On this website, there is an image of an ancient Greek vase showing Hermes, Themis, Zeus, Athena and an Athenian red-figure pelike from the State Hermitage Museum. In the Athenian vase painting, Themis is depicted alongside Eris as she casts the Golden Apple of Discord amongst the goddesses at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, and also beside Eris watching the subsequent Judgment of Paris.

Plato, Republic 379e - 380a (trans. Shorey) (Greek philosopher C4th B.C.) :

"We will not approve, nor that the strife and contention of the gods was the doing of Themis and Zeus."

[N.B. Plato is referring to the casting of the golden apple at the wedding of Thetis which led to the Trojan War. In the story Eris (Strife) was prompted by Themis.]

Herein lies plenty of evidence of those who scheme, influence, throw bricks and hide their hands, who will not take accountability because they are gods, and above everyone else, even to the point where they will be in denial and do projection.


Image: The Judgement of Paris in Palazzo Braschi (Rome) , From Wikimedia Commons. Click to Enlarge.

Also consider Themis - who had the gift of prophecy - who was eventually portrayed as bearing a cloth to cover her eyes, holding out a scale and a sword… As if to show for all to see, that there are consequences if you don’t keep your mouth shut over what you see, or know to be true, that is politically incorrect… and can anger those who wield influence and power.

How can fair judgement and justice be blind? How can seeing with clarity what is really going on, be a liability? How can seeing beyond the facade into the real order of things, land you in trouble with the law or the leaders of the social system of control?

Why did Zeus confer and make plans with Themis to bring about the Trojan War?

Why would Themis prompt Eris to cast that golden apple, to create the disturbance and discord of the heart? Clearly they had a conversation…

Why else would an ancient vase, as pictured on this website, show Eris and Themis at the Judgement of Paris face to face, with heads lowered, seemingly conspiring together? This thesis page 86 explains that Themis leaned her right hand on Eris’ left shoulder. This is a symbol of being influenced… Was Eris being induced to start strife between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite?

It certainly points to an alternate origin of the quarrel amongst the goddesses…

Was Themis conditioning or influencing Eris in a way that would lead to the dispute and quarrelling that would arise from the three goddesses? Was there premonition and premeditation about the discord that would rise in the hearts of the two losers, at the unfairness of the setup, to award the apple to only one goddess, when they all had outstanding qualities? Clearly, things are not what they seem… AND THIS IS THE POINT. Whatever the truth is, this manoeuvring is why things fell apart soon thereafter…

Multiple people seem to have tried to get one over on another, for a selfish gain, with disastrous consequences… chiefly blamed on Eris off course…

It’s no wonder that at the end, Eris also suffered from the Eris discord of the heart, due to all the fuckery… just like the goddesses Hera and Athena who were not given credit by Paris’ poor judgement, for their individual value and worth as powerful goddesses, with valuable talents, and swindled out of a fair judgement.

Like Hera and Athena, Eris also started to feel factious and antagonistic towards the antagonists.

The bible’s definition of sowing discord, is to say and do things which causes distrust amongst people, resulting in arguments and fights. Usually the sower is acting as if they are not trying to cause arguments. They act innocent, when they are the villain.

Eris was blamed and shamed by Zeus, who made everyone else believe in Eris’ guilt as well… Was Eris tempted into doing the dirty work schemed by Zeus and Themis, under a guise of something different? And then kept in check by Zeus to keep quiet, labelled the warmongering woman who wants to fight for some injustice…

Image: So-called “Zeus of Otricoli”. Marble, Roman copy after a Greek original from the 4th century. via Wikimedia Commons.

Population Control Conspiracy and Transfer of Strife

In a book excerpt by John R. Wilson titled Greece and Rome he writes that the earliest and most famous narrative of events leading up to the war is the Cypria attributed to Stasinus. This epic traces the cause of the war all the way back to a plan by Zeus and Themis for the relief of an overpopulated earth. How curious that Eris energy is also heavily associated with conspiracy theories, rabbit holes, fears of government plots etc.? These mythological stories were the way for the ancient Greeks to make sense of their human experience… after all…

“After some discussion Themis advises a large-scale war and Zeus begins by sending Eris to join the other gods and goddesses at the wedding feast of Peleus and Thetis. In later versions, and perhaps in the Cypria too, she starts a beauty contest between the goddesses Aphrodite, Hera and Athena by throwing an apple among the guests inscribed ‘to the most beautiful’. Once strife is internalised within the three goddesses, the role of Eris as a mythological figure is over. The next step for Zeus is to have Hermes escort the competing goddesses to the slopes of Mt. Ida for a judgement (krisis) by the princely shepherd Paris-Alexander. The goddesses compete through bribes, each promising a different reward if Paris grants her the victory. Aphrodite wins by promising the possession of Helen, a sure way of transferring strife from gods to men. Zeus’s purpose of relieving Earth of a large portion of humanity is now all but achieved.”

Another article suggests that: ”In some versions of the tale of the Trojan War, it was Zeus and Themis who planned the whole war to bring an end to the Age of Heroes, a plan that started with Eris throwing the Golden Apple, to the Sacking of Troy.”

This Wikipedia page is the final nail in the coffin, detailing that the origins of the war, was a Plan of Zeus, who believed there were too many people on earth, and also due to his insecurity regarding being overthrown, as his father Cronus had been…

The Forced Wedding of Thetis to Quell Zeus’s Fear, Paranoia and Insecurity

It is important to mention that the wedding of Thetis (with a T) and Peleus was a forced wedding.

Image: Eris bearing a golden apple at the wedding via Wikimedia Commons.

Orchestrating and strategic Zeus forced the wedding, after his insecurities were stirred in response to a prophecy made by Themis (with an M), in which Thetis would bear a son more stronger/mightier/powerful/greater than Zeus.

Zeus wanted Thetis for himself, but she rejected him. The prophecy made him fearful and he decided to force her to marry a mortal instead, thinking that this would fix his problem, so he can avoid his INSECURITY manifesting. Zeus had overthrown his own father, the Titan Cronus, and lived in fear of being similarly superseded. This paranoia made him act out in other ways as well…

This shows that what Zeus did not confront in himself, or worked to overcome, nor own… owned him; which may be the most authentic reason why all this bullshit went down, that led to the bloody Trojan War in the first place…

Thetis eventually gave birth to Achilles the great warrior, revealing in time that the scheming and fuckery, with massively far-reaching consequences, was a massive waste of time… All because the player did not confront his own demons, and lived in denial of the consequences of his actions; all taken due to his state of unawareness. Confidence-theft is the goal for Eris lower expression, but at the expense of staying false and inauthentic themselves while pretending virtue.

Themis Greek Goddess of Divine Law and Goddess of Prophecies

Image: Lady Justice via Wikimedia Commons.

Themis was a key element in starting the Trojan War that was supposedly planned by Zeus and Themis. Why?

In Greek religion, Titan goddess Themis is the personification of justice, goddess of wisdom, clairvoyance, order, fairness and good counsel, and the interpreter of the gods' will.

She was also a giver of oracles; an Oracle of Delphi was a high priestess who served at the Temple of Apollo at the ancient site of Delphi. The revered priestess was able to foretell divine prophecies. Also to predict the future, and prepare for it accordingly.

Themis was easily one of the most respected Titans, Themis was worshipped at shrines and temples across the Greek world. She was often seen as the people’s goddess—one who succoured the impoverished and defended the meek. She was adopted by the Romans as Justitia, or Justice, and has survived in popular iconography as "Lady Justice," a robed, scale-toting defender of righteousness.

This righteousness ideology fits in with the Mercury/Venus/Pluto in Sagittarius in the ninth house symbology in Eris’ discovery chart.

Themis is way more important in Eris’ mythology than previously recognised…

According to this website, Themis (with an M) was the goddess of divine law and order; the traditional rules of conduct first established by the gods. As a prophetic goddess, she was the divine voice who first instructed mankind in the primal laws of justice and morality, such as the precepts of piety, the rules of hospitality, good governance, conduct of assembly, and pious offerings to the gods. In Greek, the word themis referred to divine law, those rules of conduct long established by custom.

Bearing the scales of justice, Lady Justice weighed the deeds of humans and dispensed justice based upon the contemplation of facts and evidence. Her blindfold, often present in modern depictions, was not a characteristic that earlier Themis possessed. As the embodiment of fairness, Lady Justice is a powerful symbol of western legal systems—including the American judiciary—and is often featured as the subject of statues and courthouse decor.

Themis was an early bride of Zeus (his second wife) and his first counsellor. She was often represented seated beside his throne advising him on the guidelines of divine law, and the rules of fate. Advising him on the conduct of men, reporting on those who breached the primal laws laid down by the gods.

Themis was often represented as a woman of sober appearance carrying a pair of scales. Early on, Themis was not associated with a blindfold over the eyes, but as the centuries progressed, artwork depicted certain themes slightly differently. Astrologically Eris energy is all about judgement, poor judgement and right choices, also action and inaction. Even though Themis was all seeing, what transpired during the Judgement of Paris was the origin of many ills, in the form of the brutal Trojan War, in which massive losses were taken on all sides. Themis especially, could not, NOT see the consequences of her own choices… The scheming that started between Zeus and Themis even caused immense strife amongst the gods, who lost many mortal children during the Trojan War. You can run but you can’t hide from the consequences of poor Eris choices.

The blindfold is supposed to indicate that justice should be impartial.

But from a certain point of view, this is a double edged sword, for what applies to the general public, clearly does not apply to those who appoint themselves as gods.

Poets like Hesiod and Aeschylus used the word hubris to describe transgressions against the gods, and a common way that hubris was committed in ancient Greece, was when a mortal claimed to be better that a god in a particular skills or attribute. It would suggest that Themis’s duplicity may have been known by the public, yet not spoken of.

Themis was known for her ability to cut through hearsay and lies, and was revered for always keeping a level head, balanced and fair. She was concerned with the pursuit of truth and impartiality, which justice demands. It was due to Themis that Olympian Zeus rose to power to defeat the Titans, who Themis betrayed. As the embodiment of fairness, she was praised for always sticking to facts and considering all the pieces of evidence presented before deciding who’s in the right and who is in the wrong. But no amount of blindfold could hide the true nature of those around her. Themis saw the truth that Zeus did not want to confront in himself, and had to keep quiet about it too. Themis and Zeus’s wife Hera remained in each other’s good graces, both being understanding of Zeus’s stubborn and arrogant spirit.

Themis’s blindfold also entail blind loyalty, to a person or system that is in truth screwing it up for everyone, with distortions of truth.

In Eris’s discovery chart, the asteroid number 24 Themis is at 24 degrees Capricorn, and Chiron is at 25 degrees Capricorn… This cluster is in opposition to Saturn at 24 degrees Cancer, and square the bendings at 28 degrees Aries/Libra. Curious synchronicity is it not? It’s the wounding and pain about being required to keep quiet, about the sorrow and destruction caused by the establishment with authority and institution of government (Capricorn).

The zodiacal essence of Capricorn is to utilise, and authoritative command (demand?). The skilful application is accomplishment, and the unskilful is opportunism.

Below are two charts as it pertains to Eris’ discovery chart and some of the astrological signatures around clout chasing for spotlight and destroying another’s career to leave them in sorrow, however these are detailed in part 7 in the story of Achilles in Homer’s Iliad. Click to enlarge them.


Eris Energy is all about Energy Exchange in Relation, Triggering and being made to Suffer the Sins of Others.

The exploration of the energy dynamics in relation between Zeus, Themis and Eris is extremely helpful in understanding Eris energy in astrology. Eris is also highly associated with Libra energy, which also entails the holding up of the scales, to find balance and fairness.

Many people wear blindfolds, lie to themselves or are in denial, and then project their bad feelings, bad behaviour and bad choices on others in order to avoid the truth about themselves (like Zeus and Paris did), but even in being portrayed as wearing a blindfold later on, Themis could not escape the truth and clarity on situations and people, as she was not afforded that…

Corrupt Zeus made everyone bow down to his will with his anger issues, directing his lightning rod at those who displeased him, and would even make them toast to his foolishness through trauma-bonding.

If it was not for his councillors and their wise guidance, he would be making many bad choices indeed… for there are many examples that he could not keep himself, nor his own affairs in order… Feet of clay indeed…

Previous articles have already shown how both Zeus and Paris are manifestation/blessing blockers. Good things don’t really come to them magically… so they sneak around to make them happen…

The energy exchange between Zeus and Themis shows how he is utilising her innate stability, pragmatism, and her skill to see into the future, but due to his own low vibrational energy, mingling with hers, it turns into a great big fuckery that harmed everyone… Eris energy is all about energy exchange in relation between self and another. This is the kind of energy exchange that is unhealthy, corrupting, toxic, addictive and devil energy. This is why Eris transits bring in the sudden revelations and truth about situations and people, so that individuals can make course corrections. For one cannot manifest good things, while you have energy harvesters, secret enemies, or people of poor character, or bad intentions around you; to sabotage you.

Image: Bernard d'Agesci, Thémis ou La Justice, huile sur toile, 1794 via Wikimedia Commons.

Zeus Greek God of Olympus / Jupiter in Roman Mythology

Zeus was the Greek god, the leader of the social system of control, scheming and being a selfish player. Indulging and loving his virtual reality games; playing mind games and putting illusions on others. Talking big, but it was all an act.

There are many examples showing his true nature and character; being a player and a rampant womaniser. Hyper sexual Zeus had many mistresses, liaisons, third party entanglements, and resulting offspring. He was a reckless risk-taker, a cheater, a manipulator, a user, and a disregarder of other’s feelings. Constantly playing the field, like an opportunist. Zeus was unfaithful to his wife Hera, and had great trouble managing his personal affairs, love triangles and relationships. Temperamental and prone to anger Zeus asserted himself, influenced and interacted with all, and wanted to be that “go-to person” to resolve disputes, dispense justice, and to provide (poor) advice. Zeus too wanted to have fun while he had others trapped, caught up, and bound to him. Did he have innate wisdom? Zeus liked to have his cake and eat it too. Yet still wanted to save face, enjoy a good reputation, a certain facade, and self-esteem in the eyes of others… Zeus liked it when other people made him feel good about himself, which is why he played, defeated, and knocked down others; to secure his place at the top.

Zeus needed others to run his government, and also submit to his rulership and its rules, which is why archetypes like him make others feel that they are needed, to help him. And some people actually feel good to be put to good use, for what has the appearance of goodness, in implementing and running the government.

Hyper sexual Zeus also went to great extremes to get women hooked, in admiration, and obsessed with him, with his love-bombing, delicate deception, gaslighting, and energy stealing. Zeus thought he had Eris trapped in this toxic situation of psychological projection, where she was framed and blamed by him and his establishment… This is an abusive relationship. Not treating people equally or fairly causes Eris discord in the heart, and some people actually enjoy putting another in this state. Schadenfreude is a state in which pleasure is derived from another's misfortune. This is an Eris issue.

For Zeus, image and facade is everything. And what has to be preserved most in life, is the status quo to keep the illusion in place…But the masks slip off during Eris transits; people’s true

colours, motivations, lack of honesty, poor character and mind games are revealed…

In understanding Zeus’s motivation to start the Trojan War, and then pinning it on Eris, gives some indication of the massive blame, shame, humiliation and being made a punching bag, that was placed on Eris, deliberately… and why that stirs discord in her heart…

I [Eris] help to bring justice and equality to all, but from the inside. I wake people up by making them realize that none of us are whole until all of us are whole.

I bring discord and chaos, for that is how I communicate my messages. And it is through this, that I am able to inspire change.
— Tanaaz from

Zeus’s Thunderous Punishment of those Who Challenge, Trigger, or Reveal Truth

Zeus was known to have a MASSIVE anger problem - which was rooted in denial, some unacknowledged sore spot, and lack of honesty with self - along with other Eris lower expression examples like

Image: Statue of a male deity, brought to Louis XIV and restored as a Zeus ca. 1686 by Pierre Granier, who added the arm raising the thunderbolt via Wikimedia Commons.

Zeus was easy to anger when challenged. He was in a position of authority as the King of Olympus, but was also abusing his power as a rampant womaniser, indulging in immoral behaviour, yet dispensing his own justice at his own whims, and punishing those who offended him. What applies to others, don’t apply to Zeus. Zeus was a non-committal man with feet of clay, yet those around him were kept in check with his anger, and had to tip toe around the truth of the narcissism and denial of it, and not speak it; in effect putting a blindfold on (as Themis was later portrayed) and participating in the facade, just like everyone who had to pretend, that the naked Emperor indeed had clothes on. What a farce!

The Lightening Bold / Thunderbolt was both a signature weapon and symbol of power for the Olympian god of thunder.

It symbolises the use of anger and sudden shock to cause trauma, pain and endings, as a weapon to keep his selfishness and toxicity in place. To keep everyone in their proper place, while he continued with the status quo, business as usual, and its abuse of power.

Zeus will ZAP people into oblivion if they trigger him, expose his untruth, insecurity or projection. Yet he thinks nothing of allowing his insecurities to lead to the scheming of the Trojan War, that led to immense destruction, and then blaming it on Eris…

The thunderbolt was said to be feared due to its overwhelming power; it’s the ability to end someone's existence, or banish them to another realm, or wipe them out completely. Zeus certainly went on full offence to wipe Eris out; to keep her mouth shut over the massive abuse of power, denial, and injustice… Yet when Eris is forced to sit and stew over what happened to her, it can result in having to choose between two paths:

  1. in her bestowing forgiveness, release and allowing her elevation,

  2. or it can grow to massive toxic and angry proportions in turn…

Greek great Homer mentioned, how one aspect of Eris energy, is the ability to grow into massive proportions. This brilliant article lays out, that when Eris first appeared in a location, she was very small. She was even smaller than human children, and hardly noticeable. Homer used the personification of strife, as a metaphor to show how conflicts could change over time. The idea is that a disagreement that may have started as a minor matter, morphed into a conflict, and a strife the longer it went, changing over time into something perhaps more powerful, and overwhelming. The longer an Eris issue was present, the larger she would become, until she was so large that her head would brush against the heavens, or she towered over the entire earth… Hurling out the bitterness of resentments, conflicts, and strife upon people. Like lava, projectiles and ash spewing from a rupturing volcano.

Eris done dirty always have two choices in how she responds; going low vibrational, or going high vibrational. Making bad or right choices is an Eris issue.

Both choices have massive far-reaching consequences; one may provide the initial ego win, the win-at-all-cost actions that result in the feeling of brief victory fulfilment, but only one path is truely fulfilling… the one resulting in the elevation and bestowment of divine blessings, which no man can snatch away…


The Eris and Jupiter (Zeus) will be a massive influence in the seven year Haumea Yod that will be in the astrological sky from 2022 - 2028, at the reaction point in a Boomerang Yod. The Foundations of Change online course describes the dynamics in detail.

Why do people feel like they are losing their heads since the start of 2020?

Read all about the strange mixed bag of energies we’ve been having since the start of 2020, like the four Yods and three Hammer of Thor aspect patterns, in The Pentagram of Change online course.

Learn more about the bigger picture by going to courses.


Eris, Greek Goddess of Discord and Strife, and the Discord of the Heart

The application of Eris energy relates to the mythological story of Eris, the characters in it, and how they made Eris feel and re-act in relation.

Dwarf planet Eris is very much a feeling planet, just like Sedna and Ceres. According to Wikipedia, models of internal heating via radioactive decay suggest that Eris could have an internal ocean of liquid water at the mantle–core boundary. This suggests, that like Ceres and Sedna, Eris too has a watery, emotional, nurturing quality.

Also remember that there is a higher expression Eris and lower expression Eris, and the polarities can be quite stark, as Eris energy energy deals with good and evil. There is nothing mediocre about the energy.

During Eris transits, many people experience a sudden significant disruption in their heart chakra, as masks fall off, truths are revealed and a person may suddenly find themselves behind enemy lines; being unexpectedly attacked or violated in some form.

Suddenly finding, that new judication need to be applied to situations or relation to others, and course correction need to be made to protect self.

Perhaps suddenly realising certain truths, due to a person getting too close, wanting to throw you off, or wanting to be in your energy to cause some kind of disruption. And the intuitive nudges and alarm bells going off; warning about the sensing of the desire to manipulate, control, or influence negatively. Perhaps suddenly realising the truth about illusions, bubbles getting burst, deliberately made to feel stressed, and seeing the dishonour, and unfairness in situations. Perhaps realising certain truths about a person who is trying to get you to be invested, emotionally attached, or some kind of enticement; to entrap or lock in.

Perhaps to buy or steal your soul. Like the devil collecting souls. Or an agent of the devil trying to capture control of a soul. A recruit of some evil force; to hand influence over to them.

Seeing the truth and having this epiphany often stirs great discord, sorrow or disappointment in the heart. Vulnerability is realised and felt deeply, as the newly revealed antagonist suddenly moves fast to secure a gain for themselves. Suddenly feeling the onset of pressure and early mental manipulation. Smelling the bullshit. Suddenly having acute foresight about the long term consequences should the fuckery be indulged in… and having to make RIGHT CHOICES, to manoeuvre to avoid the snare of the hidden enemy, now out in the open. Putting the pieces together in an instant.

Clarity… on a user, a manipulator or ill intention. No longer ignoring the red flags and intuition. Understanding the dynamics of deliberate trauma-bonding as a selfish weapon…

An Opportunity for Growth, Maturity and Blessings

Other articles on this website describe the visceral fear that is felt when one is not so lucky as to avert the snare of the agent of the devil in time. Perhaps one had been snatched away into the Underworld of Pluto, like Persephone was, who in a weak moment picked the narcissus flower (daffodil), that her mother warned her to never touch. For when she picked it, and sniffed its alluring scent, Pluto rose from a crack in the earth, and snatched her away…

Or when one had allowed a stranger to become attached or gain a hold too quickly, and finding out too late that they were untrustworthy. When one had been vulnerable with someone, and getting your bubble burst; due to denial or inexperience. The illusion suddenly shattering, crushing the heart, the expectations, the fantasy or the dreams. Realising that a relationship never had solid foundation, nor potential to flourish, due to hidden motivations and cruel intentions…

In the work place, this may entail finally realising that someone had been studying you, syphoning up your energy, setting something up against you, for their gain. And having to learn to put up boundaries, perhaps even learning independence and working alone. Coming to the realisation of the power and grace that you have inside yourself, to be able to accomplish goals, not depending on people. Being self-sufficient.

No longer being co-dependent is a massive Eris lesson, as well as learning not to get too attached too quickly to people who come with emotions, but who really want to make the target dependent on them, so they can control emotions and thoughts, or the situation. Why? For a selfish gain.

The discovery chart of Eris shows a Mercury/Venus/Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius in the ninth house, and other explorations on this website show, what potentially happens to people like Eris when they suddenly find themselves behind enemy lines. Staring in the face of a narcissistic antagonist, who had potentially drummed up support for your persecution. Wanting Eris to get caught up in the devil’s plan. Player Zeus was never going to take the fall for having started the Trojan War; so someone else had to be setup to be the scapegoat carrying the blame for the schemes of another.

Some times the disillusionment can be great when someone flips the script on you, and the heart needs time to heal and recover. Eris transits is a great opportunity for personal growth, as one has to go through the challenging stages of coming to terms with the burden or deception. Having to forgive self and others. Letting it go. Not revenging, but allowing divine retribution and recompense. Allowing the wheel of Fortune to spin in your favour. Overcoming the obstacles and elevating.

Choosing not to be distracted by the ulterior motives that you feel are coming off of other people.

This article describes that after Persephone overcame her frightful ordeal in the Underworld, she realised that she is pure of heart, a loving heart, and a sensual caring nature. And she reached a state of mastery in which she could look at the idiosyncrasies of people, and have compassion that they have their own paths… even secretly chuckling at the foolishness ,and delusion of power in the human life. Recognising that the antagonist / protagonist dynamic is just game, that she may choose not to participate in. Allowing people to figure things out on their own. Not trying to change anyone, nor telling them they are wrong. Not trying to influence other people, but knowing the profound wisdom of only changing Self. Sitting back as the observer, and watching the show of life, in her mastery of Self.

With this method, Persephone brought forth her own justice, and victory.

Zeus’s Frequent Experience of Rejection. Why?

Player Zeus was constantly trying to get some woman to fall in love with him, diving in to disrupt their lives, to control their mind. Confusing them, making them feel stressed out, or stupid while they are waiting for him to return. Being burdened while he strings them along. Being a bread-crumbing manipulator.

A lot of women rejected Zeus, because they would not go along with his agenda, for participating in the bullshit did not serve them. In the mythology, there is often stories of Zeus’s glory as the king of Olympus, but on a closer look he was such a fragmented mess…

Image: Lady Justice via Wikimedia Commons.

This is the kind of character (male or female) that people learn about when they are having a significant Eris transit; who suddenly reveal their hand. A narcissistic agenda and hidden motives to finesse, to cause disruption of the heart, with their disruptive, chaotic energy, backbiting when people refuse to go along for their prescribed ride.

Zeus’s energy has falsehood, dark intentions, smokescreens, and things not being what they seem, written all over him, which the women sensed and saw… despite Zeus trying to blindfold and deceive them. This is the mental magic and mind games with illusions; to get another to think that he has power over them, so they will self-destruct from the inside out.

Zeus loves unbalanced, triangulated, competitive situations. He uses abuse tactics to drain people of their energy. Zeus is an energy vampire and likes others in vulnerable positions. It is easy to see why he would be prone to deep envy and resentment; resulting in the immense anger. Zeus targets confident, stable and genuine people; something he can never be, because he is is spiritual jail. Which is why he manipulates and tries to control everyone’s free will.

Zeus’s emotional fulfilment depended on screwing others over with distortions of truth. He was in hubris, the intentional use of violence to humiliate or degrade. A dangerous character flaw that made him delusional and unstable.

The lower expression Eris person is the admiration-whore (think Snow White’s stepmother who demanded sole admiration from the mirror). In relation to Eris, Zeus certainly took on the role of the admiration- and attention-whore.

These people often spend years to cultivate a facade, smoke and mirrors, and portrait an illusion that looks pleasing to the eye (Paris of Troy being an excellent example). It is a situation that repeatedly goes nowhere, and does not change. Always remember to be thankful for Eris transits to rip off the mask of the Player, Villain or the Monster; so you can see the evil magic, the projecting of energy or casting of spells. The disruption to the heart may be immense, but at least you can learn to discern better, to avoid these situations all together in the future.


The Execution of Zeus’s Plan - Events in Brief:

  • Themis makes a prophecy about Thetis’s son.

  • Zeus’s fear of being superseded is stirred.

  • He plans a war that would end the Age of Heroes.

  • Zeus plots to transfer strife to start the Trojan War.

  • Eris is influenced and induced to stir trouble.

  • Zeus blames and causes discord in the heart for Eris; to do more dirty work.

  • The Trojan War wipes out all the competition (potential superceders)

  • Zeus’s fears and insecurities are allayed.

  • Zeus does not want to look at the dark truth about himself.

  • Zeus’s selfish gain is attained, without him having to confront his dysfunction.

  • Zeus had great fun playing, despite creating massive destruction for everyone else.

  • Zeus’s selfish will and narcissism holds no bounds.


This thesis shows that there is evidence to suggest that Zeus and Themis had planned the Trojan War, and that Zeus himself appointed Paris as judge of the three goddesses.

Yet Eris was made the convenient punching bag with deliberate smear-campaign, defamation of character and desecration of worth and value.

During Eris transits, there are many people and demonic energies who are looking for susceptible, vulnerable souls who they can harvest energy from, or use to their advantage.

Therefore it is important to have experienced the opportunity to learn profound Eris lessons, to get out of denial, and gain clarity and awareness, so you will recognise the antagonist sooner, have reinforcement, and decline the energy exchange quick-smart. People have to be mindful and take action to protect their energy from those with poor character, negative entities, and avoid the conflict and bullshit all together in the future.

According to Greek poet Homer, the bloodiest battle in history, the Trojan War, went on for ten years. This is about the timeframe that Eris’s strife and conflict energy can stay active in one degree of the zodiac if you consider the following. Eris can stay in one degree of the zodiac for up to 7 years depending, unlike Pluto transits where the energy is active in one degree for up to 2-3 years depending. Pluto has an orbit around the sun of 248 years, where for Eris it is 558 years. When orbs around this one degree of the zodiac are added, one may be able to justify why Eris energy can stay active for up to 10 years… and when the Wheel of Fortune as it pertains to Eris energy is considered, this is quite plausible.

Eris lower expression energy has the potential to be extremely destructive and cause immense suffering and hopelessness, but the higher expression energy holds the potentials for alchemy and benevolent change that breaks that stalemate energy.