Posts tagged examples of Eris individuals
Eris conjunct Chiron: Healing Vengeance by Examining the Pain behind the Anger of Zeus King of the Gods

This article briefly look at how Zeus destroyed Achilles’s life, for Achilles to become what Zeus feared most anyway; the only epic hero of the Iliad, remembered, loved and respected for thousands of years. Zeus blamed Eris for starting the Trojan War, but he silenced the whistleblower for the scheme of his and Themis’ making; to scapegoat someone else for his inner anguish with himself. This article looks at the naked man in the mirror whose pain, in the form of anger, he passed on to everyone around him.

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The Judgement of Paris was the Scheming of Zeus and Themis to Scapegoat Eris

This article is for a deeper understanding of Eris energy and how she was made the scapegoat for having started the Trojan War. The forced wedding of Thetis was to quell Zeus’ fear, paranoia and insecurity in response to a prophecy made by Themis; in which Thetis would bear a son stronger/more powerful than Zeus. This created the scheming, to transfer discord to the goddesses. Many tried to get one over on another, for a selfish gain, with disastrous consequences; chiefly blamed on Eris of course.

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Eris, Venus, and Persephone in the Underworld, the Narcissism of the Player and the 9th House

Eris is the Narcissist/Empath dynamic. The self-esteem vs self-worth dynamic. The Greek Goddess of Discord and Strife energy will be around for many years to come, so a study of this energy is highly valuable. Today, the Eris square Pluto direct hits have concluded, yet will still be within orb of influence until 2024, and will be triggered by conjunctions from personal planets. Today we see this energy portrayed in the people who refuse to go into coercion.

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Astrology & Psychology, EnvyWebsite Administratorenvy jealousy, envy, Emotional Mastery, jealousy envy bullying at work in astrology, antagonist protagonist dynamic in astrology eris, psychological projection, project shame, mythology of eris energy, zeus greek god of olympus mythology, loss of self esteem, haters and self-sabotage, self-esteem in astrology, dogmatism in astrology eris, Eris Ceres Demeter Persephone Proserpine Pluto, scapegoating in astrology eris, blame shame in astrology eris, ninth house in astrology sagittarius, narcissists and eris in astrology, the narcissist empath dynamic in astrology, eris demeter pluto persephone proserpine, venus in the underworld eris persephone, flip the script in astrology eris, Zeus Jupiter in Greek mythology, antagonist protagonist dynamic in astrology, self-worth in astrology eris, eris in astrology, Eris in Aries, eris, lying lies illusions in astrology eris, love magic love potion in astrology eris, love rat in astrology eris, lie detector lies in astrology, players in astrology eris, womaniser in astrology, the anatomy of narcissism in astrology, slander and mind games in astrology eris, Venus Mercury Pluto conjunct 2021 - 2022, examples of Eris individuals, tag VMP, misogyny in astrology eris, misogynist women abusers in astrology, jezebel spirit jealous envy eris, tag for 9th house narcissism, psychological abuse in astrology, eris psychological abuse, love of limelight in astrology eris, the thin line between love and hate in astrology eris, don juan trickster love rat in astrology eris, character assassination in astrology Eris, character assassination in astrology, subliminal tactics in astrology eris discord and strife, swindling deceit deception to deprive someone of money or possessions in astrology eris discord, ego pride and philandering in astrology eris, getting under another's skin in astrology eris, career destroyer in astrology eris
Eris in Astrology Higher and Positive Expression: Shine Your Light

People are discovering Eris’ higher, light and positive expression, and shining so brightly. Quantum energy is providing the opportunity, despite chaos, to look with new eyes. The universe grows and evolves through Eris square Pluto’s destructive, chaotic ruckus. It’s monumental. Epic. Eris higher expression energy people are going to turn heads, and those on the opposite end are going to have a reaction.

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Eris in Mythology, Empowerment after Trauma, and Dysfunctional Family Patterns

Eris square Pluto are making their last two exact square aspects to each other in August and October 2021. If you were the person who hurt another, and you want to heal a broken relationship and ask for forgiveness; you better be ready to forgive those people who screwed you over in the first place, otherwise you will keep repeating the pattern, bestowing what is in your dark heart, onto those who don’t deserve it. Ready to look in the Eris mirror, are you?

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Eris square Pluto, Cinderella, and Quantum Energy Part 1

The sisters’ envy wants to destroy Cinderella’s goodness, and make her as miserable as they are. Cinderella owns nothing but her work and the attitude with which she approaches it. But her sisters envy her even that. Owning much but doing nothing, they envy her way of being and going about things. They aim to take it our of her, do disembowel her spiritually, so to speak. Seated in her ashes, going cheerfully about her duties, dressed in rags, the suffering servant has an unmistakable allure about her that the envious sisters clearly lack.

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Eris, Jesus Christ, and the Stirring of Emotional Issues

Through astrology, myth and new understandings of human psychology, we may finally be able to feel a deeper understanding of the potential influence of Eris transits, and all that she excavates from deep within the human being. Eris energy can shape both masters like Jesus, and the reckless, like Judas. Eris takes us within to view those aspects that sabotage our vibrancy, confidence and ability to thrive.

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Eris, Snow White, the Witch, her Mirror, and Envy

What is it with astrological Eris, witches, apples and mirrors? And envy, discord and ultimately justice? Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall. Who is the fairest of them all? This is what the evil witch in the Snow White folk tale asked her mirror every day. The lessons? Not everything that has the appearance of goodness, presented to you by a seemingly innocent old lady, is for your benefit. Behind the veil, there may be a self-serving envier at play.

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Eris in Astrology, Envy and a Movie Review: Good Will Hunting

This movie review is based on concepts explained in previous articles on this website, relating to Astrological Eris and Envy. The story of Good Will Hunting is a great example of the Eris individual who has grown into a maverick, yet childish and immature, troubled by childhood abuse he has endured, and been traumatised by.

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Maleficent and Eris as Archetypes, Striving and Envy of Another's Things

This is a look at Eris via the eyes of an astrologer, the destruction of ancient civilisations and how this relates to envy. Eris is the Goddess of Chaos and Discord, that have been muffled, discounted, and dominated for millennia by patriarchal structures and power plays. She will no longer be silenced, suppressed, or invisible. She is waking up the truth and will use her voice to tell it.

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