Eris in Astrology Summary

Eris the Greek Goddess of Discord and Strife in astrology, and the Hidden Root of Insecurity behind the Takeover Narrative, Blame, Scapegoating, Slander and Cockamamie Chaos.

The Eris square Pluto aspect ushered in massive change, with five direct hits from 2020-2021, ending the orb of influence in 2024, which is when Eris conjunct Chiron starts in July 2024, ending its orb of influence in April 2027. In the discovery chart of both trans-Neptunian object Eris and asteroid Chiron, Mars is in the 8th house and the Sun at its zenith in the 10th, signifying COVERT COMPETITIVE ATTACKS to steal from or create an ending for another person in the social scene. Why? For Eris, it’s about domestic violence, judgements and confusion regarding who an exceptional person really is, shifting blame to make them into a villain.

It’s about psychological abuse for social prominence and a superiority gain, and garnering the strength within to overcome.

Just like all the other planets and trans-Neptunian objects, Eris energy too has a higher and a lower expression and is about chaos, rebellion, and transformation. It’s about the grande illusions of superiority of the clout-hungry, who desperately needed to be seen and maintained as the good guy, but who also needed a target to be made the scapegoat, via UNDERHANDED BEHAVIOUR. It’s about speaking about someone in a spitefully critical manner, maligning their character, for the BIGOT to take a gain from it.

It’s about going into an illusion regarding social superiority over another, trying to ruin their public image, and their self-image… by making someone unique or loving out to be something they are not, humiliating or banishing them… To chill their heart into ice at the injustice of the loveless and clout-hungry taking over the narrative regarding their persona…

The Eris polarity is about good versus ill intentions, and how ultimately the rotten BIGOTRY or agenda you have for others, you do unto yourself. Culturing bad design for others is a sign of lack of self-love, which is in essence self-harm; there is no integrity, no honour nor principle in it, for it takes one in a downward spiral into low vibrational ego justification, for making judgements on others and evil wrongdoing in general. Preying on another’s social downfall, and have them crawl through the sewers of your making, might just create your own downfall…

Eris in mythology is generally seen as the hot mess antagonist who caused chaos and destruction, but who is really to blame? One need to understand the ‘astrological parties’ in the discovery chart, the motivation, the place of lack, the pain, the secret competitor and the insecurity, to understand Eris energy, with the lower expression the chaos, confusion, the art of war and hate, and the higher expression clarity, peace, self-acceptance, exceptionality, and self-love. Its about the root of a cockamamie disaster, which is like following a bread crumb trail, to what first caused the fall of an empire, the smear-campaign that silenced a potential whistleblower / truth-speaker, and what led to the discord in the heart of a good man who was setup up to fall flat on his face, defamed, but eventually was seen as the only epic hero in a messy situation. It’s the CLARITY that slowly rises to the top, perhaps after many years, and the seeing and questioning of the GREED, JEALOUSY and ABUSE OF POWER, for what it really was. The characters at the start of Homer’s Iliad provides lessons and commentary on human behaviour, especially what motivates people to do things for STATUS or FAME, to extend/accept a bribe for a selfish gain, like Hera’s offered influence in political power, Athena’s pride in wise victory, Aphrodite’s desire for beauty, and Paris’ lust for social clout elevation in having the most beautiful woman in the world used as an object for his social climbing triumph.

Eris energy in astrology, however, forces the observer to search for motivation from a more obscure point of view, from HINDSIGHT, because the bigger picture TRUTH had been obfuscated with a violent confusion and smear campaign, by the secret competitor, who had other’s believe her exclusion, and the snub of her, was a noble sacrifice. Why? Both Zeus and wife Hera was jealous of the LIGHT OF DIVINITY coursing through an increasing number of gods/mortals on earth like Hercules, innovative warrior Achilles and master alchemist Asclepius,. This is the same LIGHT which teacher Chiron found inside of himself, which paired with IMAGINATION brought forth profound potentials, which is what Chiron taught his own students to access as well, as everyone has the potential to access it within, not only those who proclaim themselves gods. This BEAUTY, LIGHT and DIVINE LOVE is the root of the cockamamie of the Trojan War, because there was jealousy, envy and toxic behaviour because of some ‘perceived’ to have it, and others not.

In the discovery chart of Eris only Zeus (Jupiter in Roman mythology) is prominent in a grand cross, and Eris trines asteroid Achilles and Pluto. Eris in the first house in wide conjunction with the North Node of Fate in Aries, is about one’s right to exist, pioneer and progress in life. This is the house of how the individual/object’s characteristics or sense of expression appears to others, first impressions about them, and how they are seen by others. Eris is in a tight orb GRAND CROSS with Jupiter conjunct Haumea in Libra. At first it may appear as if the other party, Zeus, is in fairness and balance, however both Eris and Jupiter receives a square from trans-Neptunian object Varuna conjunct kingly fixed star Sirius in the fourth house, and the Sun in the 10th house Capricorn. This is the grand cross tug of war, between who is really fair, energetically noble and in social justice order, and who really deserves to shine brightly in the public eye. So what is the root of this very particular

tug of war regarding being dishonourable, cunning and untruthful, when it comes to forcefully discrediting or disproving someone in the eyes of society, having a problem with their existence, due to not wanting the beans to be spilled regarding the truth about their lack of character and secret bad intentions for another? Note how the growth and destiny of the North Node in Aries is on Eris’ side… and Jupiter (Zeus) is at the South Node, where the negative qualities of the planet and sign of Libra expresses…

In practical terms, it’s about the ego becoming discombobulated and wanting persecution or counterattack. It’s about being mad at another for seeing a profound truth about hidden motivations and intentions, with the aim, injustice.

It’s the heartless wanting of another person’s life, respect, their wealth or what comes natural to them, because they tap into their own abundant energy, bringing forth beauty, exceptionality and abundance, but then love-bombing / hating on them at the same time, and not tapping into their own potentials or divinity. It’s a senseless double edged sword situation.

Also, the Sabian symbol for Eris in her discovery chart speaks of an empathic, gracious nurturer with heart. Also, why did Hesiod speak of two different goddesses named Eris? He said of the positive force Eris, who fostered PRODUCTIVE COMPETITION, that ‘a man would praise when he came to understand her’, and that she would stir even the laziest into GOOD STRIFE to work towards their desire for wealth or status, and the envious to work on their own ambition for rewards. BAD STRIFE he said brought blame, burdens, violence, rebellion, war and great pain. While Eris was typically shown as ugly by some ancient artists, some gave her an ordinary or even attractive appearance. She often sported wings and/or winged sandals, which is a symbol for the aspiration of the soul to transcend the human condition and its limitations, which is also a hallmark of trans-Neptunian objects. Eris was often a figure in vase paintings depicting the Judgment of Paris, but in astrological meaning, the characters involved in the tug of war are more narrowed down. There were many JEALOUS SOCIAL CLIMBERS and GOLD DIGGERS in Homer’s Iliad, yet Zeus king of the gods was the biggest, and sleuthest of them all. It was his upbringing of not being heard or seen, and his selfish actions later in life to turn his fortune around, that would lead to him instigating the massive DISCORD IN THE HEART of others, that fed the fire of war, battle and win at all cost mind games to get ahead. This is at the very core of the Eris in astrology conundrum, and helps those in confusion, who are out of touch, get to the root of it all. The apple was just a decoy… to attach blame to the goddess who stood independent and somewhat removed from society due to seeing the hidden drivers behind people’s motivations, but was an easy target for a public persona switch up, via Zeus pointing fingers and CONDEMNING her, deliberately muddling the perception of society, that Eris was the root source of the cockamamie of the Trojan War… not Paris stealing Helen… Yet Zeus was the one who wanted to destroy those who helped others, as well as saw the truth…

Zeus wanted her isolated, without recourse, so that nobody would listen to her side of the story. This is what stirs the Eris discontent, to bring matters to a head, perhaps wearing and disruptive, but determined, intelligent and single-minded. To dispense the truth serum, despite it being highly unwelcome...

Eris in astrology is about trying to control/disconnect the flow of another’s divine energy, because one party allows the flow of their own energy in service for the good of all, and another who does not, gets ENVIOUS or INSECURE. The root cause of the Trojan War in Homer’s Iliad is king of the gods Zeus who wanted to sabotage the divine symphony of Achilles’ life, and goddess Eris saw through his god-complex, but was silenced from WHISTLEBLOWING with a SLANDER against her character, blamed for having started the trojan war with her apple of discord, when it was Zeus who threw bricks but hid his hands, who schemed the war with Themis in secret, to take Achilles out of his divine flow. Why? To allay his insecurities, be on top, and win control over everyone in a social situation. It was gassed up, social climber Zeus in vengeance (Jupiter in Roman mythology) who started the cockamamie, who wanted elevation and be seen as just, fair and in charge, but was in player behaviour, steeped in immaturity and the gaslighting of others. Attention-seeking, egotist Zeus wanted to block the BLESSINGS connected to the BRIGHT LIGHT of the others, for them to not be seen, heard, nor get recognition for their honour, for the luminous qualities within. Zeus frequently eliminated competition to keep his leadership position, which he abused. Wholesome Achilles was empathic to the plight of humanity oppressed by injustice, and famously said that the gods were jealous, which also include that one was jealous of his PUBLIC PERSONA and how he was loved by all of ancient Greece for his fine inner qualities. There was his super

strength birthright, but more importantly his heart, generosity, temperance and sense of fairness due to his fine education from wise teacher Chiron, see the Chiron blog. In the movie Troy, Brad Pitt as Achilles said that he was convinced that the gods were ENVIOUS of mortals. Was he speaking of empathic people with open hearts, who live their lives to the fullest and get public recognition, which then spurs the god complex’s jealousy to dethrone them from their legacy, from who they uniquely and innately are, with stealth projection of bad energy regarding their CHARACTER, to be better than? Stalker king of the gods Zeus wanted conformity to the law and rules of his society, with him as ruler and protector, but with that he undermined the legitimacy of the justice system. With his stealth he worked against both Eris and Achilles, to devalue, twist and destroy their public persona, for them to loose their ability to be defended with logic, or have justification for their actions, yet in the end Achilles was given SOCIAL VALIDITY, despite his special attributes used against him to steal his life. Both Zeus and his insiders wanted those who Zeus felt threatened by, to be rejected and sacrificed due to BIGOTRY, trying to cheat fate and create karmic completion on someone’s fortunate life.

It’s obsession with trying to block someone’s light and success, making their environment unsafe with criticism turned into gang stalking. It’s about taking away their quality of being reasonable, acceptable and respectable. It’s pronouncing the innocent to be guilty or wrong, sentencing them to punishment; condemned to wear the unfavourable judgement, as if the prejudice is deserved…

Eris energy in astrology carries a lesson about having loving energy, sweetness, goodness, lightness of being, and good fortune, and the fruits of embracing devil energy upon seeing another’s substance or opulence, that consumes the envier to the point of losing spiritual inheritance due to being an energy draining snake in the grass. It’s about pointing the finger in the wrong direction - projecting violent energy at another - because the self-indulgent energy vampire won’t take accountability for their demons. Someone has a jackpot and another who perceives themselves as legitimate wants it, so there has to be BULLYING and a putting down of another’s character, or a schemed theft of a resource… to get ahead. Achilles employed his innate divine talents for the benefit of mankind, but Zeus didn’t want him to be recognised as the hero that he was, in fear of him being more powerful in shining brightly, which is why Zeus sabotaged him in every way, for his life to go off the rails, yet in the end Achilles was recognised as ‘the only epic hero’ of the Iliad, for thousands of years afterwards. And so it is with Eris energy; the truth eventually rises to the surface, about who is the fairest in a messy situation, their honour, and people’s true colours and hidden intentions, who move in stealth to start a drama, to soil another’s name so that others don’t want them around. They say just the right things to create DOUBT and CONFUSION, and take it to the point where they stress another out to the point of overload, to create a stalemate, so they can’t think straight, nor make their mind up. It’s acting like it’s not a drama, as if they are not trying to trap someone with social pressure, and ‘what everyone thinks’… They don’t want justice and fairness, which is where reverse psychology comes in, to lull another into a false sense of reality.

It’s about the route taken in pursuit of happiness, security, feeling full and confident. It’s the two paths or stances to achieve ‘it’, in order to try to have agency over one’s own life, and be master of one’s own fate and happiness, as a CREATOR BEING. It’s about CREATING either from the strength of the inner calibre of own’s own divine energy, or from a frivolous state lacking INTEGRITY and PRINCIPLE that is full of arrogance and haughtiness. Eris energy is about the deliberate act of INVERSION in the form of inventing stories and appearances for others to believe; the projection that appears to be right is wrong, and what appears to be wrong in finger-pointing with judgements, is right. It’s also about creating a false PERCEPTION of another who may be innocent, divine and sincere with PROJECTIONS, and people going along with the wrong ideas and BRIBERY to gang stalk, to justify in their mind doing someone of merit DIRTY. It’s about the watchful envy eye in a fake allegiance monitoring the rising for any level of success, so they can take it, indulge in the win, or take all the credit for it. It’s about FOUL PLAY, CONSPIRING, enticing and MISLEADING to take what is another’s, and lie on their character.

It’s about the GREAT FORTUNE of one’s own innate abundant energy, ARGUMENTS, opposing views, and regarding having the authentic heart intentions in the right place, or not.

It’s about the unseen true intentions that lies hidden from view. It’s about those creators who are able to create a foundation of GREAT WEALTH or a LEGACY OF EMOTIONAL FULFILMENT (physical or intangible) through their creative genius, passion, unconditional love or overflowing abundance - who have talent, skill, gift, social attention or merit - and those who covet this picture of joyful wish fulfilment, to steal, CONTROL or destroy it, with stealth games to get ahead, for social status and to socially be given handouts.

It’s the wisdom that come at a high price for those of honour and healthy aspiration (example), due to an arrogant, demanding USER who don’t want their know-it-all narrative challenged, nor their dogmatic feedback loop. It’s recognising the difficulty for a narrow-minded, PRETENTIOUS authoritarian, to acknowledge a creator of great potential for their luminescent beauty, due to what this stirs inside; blindsiding JEALOUSY and GREEDThe competitive envier want the glorious results of the envied’s efforts or state of being in a betrayal wearing a mask, to fulfil their own personal dreams and ambitions, without actually having done the work, charming others to get ahead… There is an attachment to gain, wealth, money, power or high rank, that turns off the heart energy and people into the worst version of themselves, with COERCIVE CONTROL leading to EMOTIONAL ABUSE for the envied. The sneaky want the recognition, opportunity, business, clout or public persona, but they may not have the innovation, perseverance, vision, luck, virtue or heart, which is why a delusional, malicious win at all costs war starts within, that eventually expresses as a raging volcano, with ‘justification’ to cause pain, battle, and demise for the UNDERDOG with a treasure. It entails a stealth hunter preying on those of good heart’s hopes, dreams or good nature, to bind them, distort them, or get them stuck to them; to open the doorway to hell in their life… for devastation…

It’s about destroying another’s life, to take CONTROL over them, and their happy life, by turning everyone prejudiced against them. It’s wanting another to feel weighed down by a loss, to keep them wounded, psychologically stuck, in a STRUGGLE; to kill their spirit.

It’s to attempt to confine another to a false character assessment via slander. It’s about one person who wants to put another in a cage, and with this stranglehold cause the LIGHT of their SOUL to not SHINE. It’s called creating the illusion of energy stealing.

It’s about INSECURITY, feeling intimidated and in distress due to seeing a creator who is joyfully tapped-in succeed over them (example). It’s being in terror of having their concept of ego persona, status quo, or fancy lifestyle messed up by truth revealed, after they had put up a dignified facade and gotten away with smoke and mirrors socially for a time. People who initially wore a PIOUS MARKETING MASK and then later get exposed for their true colours, can be judged by their actions; the bad seeds sown that produced deformed or rotten fruit.

These people want those prospering and shining for it around them to be down and out. They want to sabotage and stuff the more successful, stable or wealthy than them up real good, perhaps while smiling in their face pretending goodness, sincerity or friendship. They’re going to cut the tall poppy down to their size, because they allowed envy to grow and make them devilish.

Eris is about a take down, break down, burn down and take over of another’s joie de vivre.

Eris is about trying to steal another’s unique light-hearted spirit attributes, vibrancy and loving energy, or make them doubt their virtue or worth… due to an in denial, mentally stuck perceiver’s own misjudgements or faulty thinking. It’s running their mouth, talking down another’s worth, trying to steal their life.

It’s about wanting to appear friendly, but having too much discombobulated emotions or hubristic ego for self-correction, while secretly feeling not good enough. AWARENESS in philosophy and psychology is a concept about knowing, perceiving and being cognisant of something, as it really is. It’s the lens of clarity that experience and wisdom brings. Eris energy in the lower expression is about manipulating perception, for a situation to be seen only one way, which is a political posture, hoping for the inversion to be believed as the only possible reality. In the extreme, its about the petty switching and swapping of characteristics, worth, merit and reputation, and how the truth sets free, and outlives the lies. Only honesty bring lasting success, and tolerating a bad situation does not. Waiting for the rewards of the efforts put into a toxic situation, is a waste of time. Chaos and fragmentation is the opposite of being in the flow, which is being ‘in law and order’ with Self, having evolved.

It’s about the COUNTERFEIT coming across the AUTHENTIC; the lacklustre shammer meeting the real. The authentic outshine the role player, so much that others may see the them as untrue, and they won’t be able to get away with erroneous projections anymore. Why? The presence of the real, makes the slacker or flatterer seen for lack, which is why they are a SHAMER. People who are inauthentic are uncomfortable around those who are their original self, because next to them, they get OUTSHINED. Light illuminates fraudulent projections of words and public image, and perhaps also what fakery they had been up to, which is why the malicious BULLY rushes to tackle the other to the ground with fists, backbiting criticism or an attack of words… It’s a knee-jerk reaction out of fear of being seen in the light of truth, as a PRETENDER or moral fraud; it’s to protect what they had been hiding, and to preserve the state of unawareness of the truth. It’s a coping mechanism of the ego to hide a lack.

Eris is about the choices we make; the GOLD-DIGGER cheating their way to the top, ‘who is the fairest?’ with true intent, the right or wrong path to fortune, and far-reaching consequences. Eris issues start with being disconnected from empathy, the heart and its wisdom, and from this small matter, massive towering crises grow and empires fall. It’s about SELF-ABSORPTION versus SELF-AWARENESS in social dynamics. People who don’t have the self-awareness, nor expansive energy fields, are limited in their ability able to grasp how their actions that invades another’s rights impact, disadvantages or injure them. In the extreme, Eris is about SPEAKING UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTH regarding the PERCEPTION of the CHARACTER of those who are

willing to UNDERCUT everyone to be at the top; to be the plundering, conquering EMPEROR. It’s about forcing a choice in LOVE, about who and/or what option to prioritise, then harassment, DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER, and getting isolated for the losing party. It’s about the person who needed to feel the victorious highroller, having robbed another of their innocence, halo or MORAL RIGHT to have, without taking accountability. It’s resorting to BULLYING or violence in the name of a cause, as an AVENGER. It’s about a classist who sought payback for a PERCEIVED WRONG with bad vibes, harsh judgements and forcing court of public opinion, whose perceived squeaky clean character eventually comes into question. It’s an unholy ENERGY VAMPIRE looking to extract SATISFACTION WISH FULFILMENT from another party, the motivating set of factors and what is DRIVING them. It’s about prideful ignorance, bigotry, and self-delegated self-importance to CONSPIRE against and/or PERSECUTE; to be able to laugh all the way to the bank after taking someone down. Unfortunately what starts as a tiny itch of an obsession with another’s accolades or ABUNDANCE, can grow to the point where it drives an adversary “mad for power and domination” in GREED, perhaps beyond reason, to satiate themselves via a robbery or heist. Perhaps even to the point of becoming like a cartoon villain going off the rails: to ruin the protagonist with whatever weapon of mass chaos or distrust, like gossip, lack of transparency, harassment, commotion etc, perhaps after having experienced rejection due to their lack of integrity, or not wanting to be exposed for grandiose abuse of power. Zeus succumbed to temporary pleasures and third party rewards easily, wanting to accumulate friendships and loyalty to war against his enemies..

It’s about wanting control over another’s emotions, happiness, what they get, what they give or what they are given. It’s deliberately and strategically keeping something from someone else, in order to look powerful. It’s a deceitful, planned loss to make another dependent on the abuser. It’s throwing bricks and hiding their hands. It’s diabolical devastation. A drunk on power plot to affect another’s future. Why? It’s the punishment for those who break glass ceilings and leave mass consciousness ideologies and gravity, for soul sovereignty. It’s the cut-throat mania to break another’s heart.

It’s about wanting ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, LEADERSHIP and POWER-OVER, as better, smarter or stronger than. It’s wanting reward without effort, often without being worthy of the notoriety, opulence, resources, land, power or self-satisfaction, as secretively oppressive warmonger Zeus with his thunderbolt did, who was the main belligerent antagonist in Eris’ mythology from the Iliad, who wanted to hand a poisoned apple to those he deemed competition, as the wolf in sheep’s clothing FOE. Zeus had ULTERIOR MOTIVES, SCANDALOUS DESIRES and many SEDUCTIVE distractions that involved using POWER for self-aggrandisement; to be centre of attention, having fancy lifestyle and feel invincible. The adversary wanted to entice society to be invested in loyalty to him in alliance - the power-monger who started the heavy POLARISATION under the insidious cover of darkness - with everyone collaborating in CAMARADERIE to exclude and persecute individuals who stirred his insecurities about remaining TOP DOG, like Eris and Achilles. Mind games for divide and conquer, and massive war and destruction, for VICTORY. The hypocrite was willing to COMPROMISE the right thing to do - to JUGGLE, EXPLOIT and TRAP others in a cage of his making - in order to get what he wanted in vested interest, and seem innocent of evil in appearance. Even play multiple parties, being disloyal, judgemental, critical and two-faced. Possessed Zeus’ strategised goal was to make everyone mad as hell at the wrong people... to have society attack the singled out in a horrific way; to cower and kow tow… It was sardonic Zeus and his TOXIC HABITS who incited the riot, anger and violence; it was the king of the gods who emotionally manipulated, BRIBED and led others - and his minions - the wrong way. Chameleon Zeus played the duplicitous role of both friend and foe, lover and adversary, dispenser of justice and criminal, peacemaker and warrior attacker, provider of opportunities and opportunist, and this is how he got to do people

dirty; to be a vanity-driven wealthy man, via siphoning from others, being perceived as of moral standing. Ostentatious flirt Zeus was pretending helpfulness, changing his persona according to whatever his personal agenda was, since he didn’t actually have the skills of a good leader (his council had work ethics). His witty, in cahoots membership politics ‘looked’ sincere, but he wanted to judge others, to have them in bondage and ritualistic servitude to him in his invented hierarchy. Discriminatory Zeus asserted his superiority projecting on others as less than him, and was seeped in his official boxed-in convention, used to oust those who didn’t participate in his bribery and ‘ego maintenance’, else he feel insecure, ego bruised, humiliated, deflated or less of a man. And many insiders in the networking and in solidarity remained ignorant of this fact; not doing their fact checking or due diligence when he cut someone down or rendered them inconsequential for daring to leap ahead or supersede him. Enablers turned a blind eye to ATROCITIES, and made concessions due to enjoying nepotism benefits, except for those who were victimised with JARRING SNEAK ATTACKS, for seeing the truth of an INJUSTICE (both Eris and Achilles saw the fallacies of god complex clearly). Vain political assassin Zeus wanted to be seen as an accepted upstanding hero in society by pulling on many allies’ energy in behind-the-scenes command and control, but created imbalance, mess, mockery, scandal, stalemate, fog, culpability and nightmare for others. He was the main liability for everyone, with other’s hardships, his clout and victory over them. It’s hubris and ego that made gods and mortals BLIND in the Iliad. It’s being chained to unawareness, clout hungry obsession, kingly privileges, to the inverted devil within, a snub to humiliate in order to feel ‘good’, and smug pride before the fall. It’s about recognising the amount of wasted energy that goes into giving to a sanctimonious individual and their conventional system of control; who wants reward without effort.

Eris strife in astrology

Eris energy is about having multiple options being a calculated, unprincipled, cynical player professing to be a samaritan or benevolent leader, versus real loving, faithful commitment. One is unstable and another stable. Eris in astrology is about what is set off inside a triggered party, about the shitstorm saga of having created noise and distraction, that ripples for many years, that put someone in a dark night of the soul experience.

It’s about how a person, place or thing can be a CATALYST FOR MASSIVE CHANGE, PREPARATION and SPIRITUAL GROWTH.

Eris is about CHOICES of MASSIVE CONSEQUENCE. It’s about the ABUSED either becoming just as berserk or abusive as the ABUSER, creating victims in retaliation like an infected mini-me, due to pain the heart. Or moving away into their own healing, sovereign, abundant energy, wearing the crown in their own story, redeeming themselves by ELEVATING into their new beginning, like the phoenix rising.

Eris in 1st house opposed to Jupiter (Zeus) and hypothetical Uranian object Zeus conjunct Athena in the discovery chart, is about the tug of war over personality and reputation of good heart, integrity, esteem, merit, and discipline (Sun in 10th house Capricorn). It’s the square of challenge regarding emotional truth, temperance, justice, ethics and fairness (Varuna) and pure character, true inner beauty that shines, spiritual prosperity, high honour, faithfulness and inspirational leaders with legacy (Sirius) in 4th house Cancer.

The opposition is about how seeing these divine qualities in another personality can lead to a massive temptation for a salty saboteur; to disgrace, dishonour or discredit. Zeus (Jupiter in Roman mythology), from his discriminatory institutional convention and faustian bargain, wanted to inflate himself into exaltation via others, by controlling how others PERCEIVED the WORTHINESS or CORNUCOPIA of those who were different, like Eris and Achilles, yet in Achilles’ case, counting his MERIT out sure backfired publicly. It’s all about networking and who you know, to utilise as pawns to battle another; to put people in their heads or in hardship. It’s the fortune-seeking grave-digger casting shadows on innocent people, misguiding and misleading many to be in hype fight or flight mode… and everyone’s true characters eventually getting exposed in divine timing. The Eris juxtaposition separates the wheat from the chaff; the truth is meant to redeem above all odds, even in situations of massive strife and secret inner CORRUPTION. In the discovery chart, trans-Neptunian object Eris trines asteroid Achilles conjunct Pluto, Mercury and Venus…

Eris energy is all about the condescending horseshit employed by the ‘respectable’ but tricky HYPOCRITE to feel high ranking in everyone’s eyes, but more importantly, it’s about what they are trying to deliberately FORCE their target to be in DENIAL of; their own value. It’s about the PREJUDICED bully wanting to coddle a dark aspect of themselves, while they cut another worthy, with something valuable to offer down, to render them unappreciated, unseen and USELESS. They PROJECT their superiority, and DEFLECT the big picture caution. The need to win takes precedence. At first, the astounding ARROGANCE in the judgement of another - who has significance - is a fountain of gleeful pride, however the reckless choice to make others BLIND TO REASON, to keep ego supremacy ‘appearances’ in place, can have very far reaching consequences…

It’s to keep others on a need to know basis, after having gathered information about them, so they don’t see the full picture and come to right conclusions. It is to DEPRIVE the target and onlookers of UNDERSTANDING, JUDGEMENT or ability to be MINDFUL; not being able to see clearly. It’s forcing others to go into a cage, becoming lacking in awareness, or have clouded perception due to a FLIPPING OF THE SCRIPT. Being ‘visually impaired’ or uncomprehending works at people’s peril, as BLINDSPOTS trip unheeding, sightless fools up, which is what Zeus wanted. Divide and conquer: the entire Iliad is about the mess of Zeus’ making.

Zeus didn’t want people to LOOK WITHIN, because within could be more information that implicated him as the distractor and competitive drama starter that he was. When a creator tells lies to others, they are also creating ASPECTS of that, which affect them and can take them into bad mental spaces and other false realities.

Everyone has value and worth, especially Eris higher expression… and this is the ruthless hypocrite’s big problem… because it is a natural feeling to desire to participate in life, be seen, given a pat on the back or recognised for accomplishments one deserves.

Ostentatious Zeus wanted to assert himself by sucking all the energy in for his own pleasure, even if unworthy of it in the 10th and 4th houses and what they represent, which is being seen as reputable authority managing resources, and enjoying a luxurious lifestyle from firm legacy that provides for decades to come. Official person Zeus didn’t actually contribute much virtue to society, but the THIEF wanted to be seen a dignified, privileged man for the benefits of other’s fortune, generosity and what value they had to offer, without actually giving credit where its due. Zeus wanted to be PERCEIVED in high regard and awareness, celebrated from position seen as PRINCIPLED, by blocking others from shining brightly, which is UNPRINCIPLED. The ill-willed and intolerant swindler orchestrated CREDENTIAL STUFFING and staged public humiliation for his competition; his insecurity around others being ‘more esteemed’ than him, is what he feared most. The ego identity could not take it. That’s why there was a flipping of reputations, to make good people seem bad, and make himself seem VIRTUOUS. He wanted to be SEEN consciously as everyone’s righteous friend, but in the unconscious screamed the truth: he was nobody’s friend. His betrayal of others were always justified and mostly believed. Having a lot of TRUST from people stroked his ego, which is why he brainwashed them into a bad gamble. What a cock-up?

Eris energy is about blocking any empathy, friendship, love or support for another. That was Zeus’ goal for both whistleblower goddess Eris and Achilles. It bothered pocket-watching Zeus that people responded positively to Achilles’ loving energy, or that anyone would listen to Eris’ truth telling.

Eris energy is particularly about SELF ABSORPTION / SELF INDULGENCE in KARMIC RELATIONSHIPS (partnership or group status) and TOXIC ENTANGLEMENT, where there is a MALICIOUS putting down of another via aspects like fake support, relationship stealing, essence stealing, financial/livelihood destruction, or tripping up someone who may be very kind, giving or industrious, which is why the tarot is such a useful tool (example1 and example2) to understand Eris energy. It’s about those of GOOD HEART who do the work and shine in a situation, but experience THEFT, get underpaid, undervalued or screwed over; put in a mental maze of another’s making. It’s about the attention seeking shifty warmonger - who is a hot mess on the inside - who didn’t do the work nor reciprocated, taking credit, kindness for weakness, wanting appearances and free handouts, and a selfish upgrade out of SPITE. It entails hiding true feelings, mean detailed effort, frustrated action, mirroring, projection, or attempts at psychological entrapment to cause wounding by making another small. Or in the extreme, it can involve significant mental and emotional imbalance, megalomania, CRAZINESS in the mind, or even lunacy. Why? An emotional vampire needed to feel SATISFIED that they had ruined another’s PROSPECTS, after having strategised to put themselves in a better position over them. It’s joyful, pure intention, self-esteemed, self-aware Cinderella versus the miserable stepmother and stepsisters wanting to win relationships over her, DOWNPLAYING and instilling doubt about her light. It’s angelic and lovely Snow White versus the unhinged stepmother obsessed with winning over her beauty in the eyes of others. This is the journey

with shadowy, shallow characters that fashions excellent leaders, versus those in leadership who take opportunity for ACQUISITION or to rule via oppression, dictatorship, tyranny or toxicity over others (example). Remember that both Cinderella and Snow White eventually became upstanding rulers of kingdoms - who LIBERATED others - after their period of spiritual preparation, after experiencing salty sabotage by those who wanted them to be their MARTYR. Other Eris examples include Helen of Troy, Achilles, Odysseus, Maleficent, Good Will Hunting, Elphaba from Wicked, Selena, Albert Einstein, as well as OSTENTATIOUS players Paris of Troy, Zeus, Hera, Themis etc. In the tarot, it’s the journey that made the Empress who she is, having overcome PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE and SABOTAGE of all kind, having comprehension of human nature, nurturing herself, building her empire and sitting firmly on her throne, despite UNREQUITED LOVE. It’s the love of one’s own innate divinity, or the love of over-indulgence at another’s expense, materialism and false ego identity. It’s wanting for another not to recognise or know their worth, so that they will continue to allow bullying, efforts at domination or control over, scarcity tactics, gaslighting into a false version of reality, or even narcissistic abuse (example). It’s utilising people who enable, as pawns (flying monkeys) to gang stalk an innocent party (Zeus utilised his flying monkeys on Achilles, Eris and LOVE-BOMBED many vulnerable women via stealth). It’s about the heartless ”LOVE-HOARDER” creating a consensus, over who gets loved and supported, and who has their wings clipped, be booted out, or replaced. It’s to be made both the villain and victim; ostracised.

Un-evolved, DESTRUCTIVE Eris in relationship has many faces that entail a dogmatic battle, evil eye, shapeshifting, BAD HABITS and trying to get ahead by stomping on another or standing on their neck to push them down. The PRETENTIOUS fake good person find great value in taking something fortunate from someone else, which may come with wearing a mask, pretending while negotiating a loss for another, often via making falseness or GLAMOUR (example) appear to be legitimate, due to DENIAL OF EMOTIONAL TRUTH (example).

The seeds of Eris energy start with a major dissatisfaction in life, simmering hostility and growing malice that is hard to overcome for the cold-hearted. This may involve insecurity, self-doubt, lack, comparison and then a strong desire to remedy this internal problem, with an external solution.

It’s also about being bothered by another’s SOCIAL STATUS in relation, and how they are loved, admired, respected and in joy, looking for a come-up.

Eris acts as a benefic if you are willing to learn, grow and and integrate the wisdom acquired.

It’s about being jealous of another’s blessings and the NASTY, obstinant and HAUGHTY instigator wanting to play god over them being deserving, via staging a brutal take-over and a redistribution of opportunities. With drama, chaos and deliberate MISUNDERSTANDINGS, they try to get control over other people; to cause SUFFERING and lack of closure. They find their status or worth in wether or not another party is down; in having their foot on another, emotionally shut down, in a popularity contest of sorts. Eris energy is about the lustful silent competitor hiding under a congenial and polished exterior, perhaps as a perceived wonderful pillar of society with great interpersonal skills, who want to feel MORALLY AND SOCIALLY SUPERIOR. It’s about leaving charming impressions and appearances, hoping for them to be believed as reality. Its about superficially trying to replicate an original heart-felt person as a brand, and then accuse them of not being who they truely are, to push them off their throne and take their spotlight (example). However, the impersonator fox doesn’t have the heart or mind to lead and inspire others, or change their lives for better… It’s the stuff of EPIC SOAP OPERAS, because mechanistic thinking and only relying on logic, and not being able to think holistically, or intuitively, will result in misfortune.

Eris is about the PRETENTIOUS trying to forcefully step into another’s shoes, or even be them.

The overly masculine envier doesn’t understand that the envied operate from healthy, receptive feminine energy, which is why others help them, love them and support their good intentions, due to feeling into their truthful essence. This is why there is the employment of pretence with a love-bombing mask, and the switching up of character, merit, worth etc. to fool any helpful people on their side, or those who may come to their aid in the future, so the envier can win the entirely of their support system, followers or enablers instead. However, the glass slipper fits only one foot… the Cinderella with the heart of gold, of true good character, purpose and beauty. The farcical envier is left feeling frustrated, as they did not take the trouble, nor do the work to cultivate those inner qualities in themselves. They are lazy AF… Eris is about those lacking empathy trying to scheme to obtain something from another who is physically wealthy or rich in spirit, to over-indulge and engorge themselves.

Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey from 2800 years ago, seems to be the only in-tact surviving poems, from several potential later ones, but based on the trajectory, it’s not hard to see that Zeus too built his faulty foundations based on hubris and arrogant ego, and that his empire too would not last… like those of his forefathers which did not…

What Zeus feared most, would eventually come to a head, as all energy seeks resolution.

Zeus wanted others to be and energetic mismatch to their own blessings by stressing them out and projecting a lot of negative energy, that they would miss out on what is rightfully theirs, yet that is what backfired… The overload of stress to cause another to lose, to tire them out, did not bring a good harvest.

To understand Zeus’ angry actions towards Achilles and then Eris, one has to understand that anger comes from pain, and the threat of experiencing more pain, with anger coming up as a defensive mechanism. Zeus’ pain lied rooted in being swallowed up by his father Cronos (Saturn) who was holding all his children back out of fear of being superseded by them, and them shining brightly in his position of leadership. In the discovery chart, the Sun conjunct Chiron in Capricorn 10th house is directly opposed to Saturn in Cancer which is where Saturn expresses the weakest. The lesson? Unhealed wounds spill over to spoil other’s lives… which is why Zeus wanted to f**k Achilles up so bad out of VENGEANCE, not understanding how to deal with the pain that lied beneath the anger, nor how to heal it. Zeus wanted others to take his pain seriously, and by making ripples in other’s lives, making others feel the utter devastation what he felt, he got some validation feedback from the world. Through his attacks and insults on others, he put a smokescreen on his own insecurities, to try to hide from them.

The emotionally discombobulated, over-thinker shapeshifting into playing damsel persona want power and authority, perhaps to trap another psychologically, perhaps using third wheel entanglements, or getting in between close relationships where there is a deep trust. It’s about the insecure seeing those of authentic confidence, riches, vitality, innocence, divinity, abundance or beauty, and then grow to deeply envy another’s good time, fortune, qualities, skills, merit, essence etc., wanting to flip the narrative to use that for themselves, to prop themselves up; to FEEL BETTER. The objective? To gain respect, appearances of virtue, social status, and joy at another’s expense. How does it work? It’s about a smooth-operator wanting something that another has and fighting them for it via social networking, social engineering, influencing and canoodling behind their back; to have it by any dirty, underhanded behaviour. There is value to this object, SOCIAL CHEMISTRY or relationship that belongs to someone else, and in taking it

away from them, throwing them under the bus, this gives the exploiting envier what they lack; CONFIDENCE, ego-pride feel good vitality and fake self-worth. The energy-stealing makes the KILLJOY feel that they now have something important, that once had great value to another. The envier doesn’t know how to find value by their own merit, or do the work for it, thus the envy becomes TOXIC. In taking social chemistry, an object or relationship away from another, this gives them STATURE, CLOUT and APPEARANCE (even if it is just a puff of smoke). It’s one-upmanship and social-climbing, because they took another person’s thing, value or relationship away from them; which can come in many forms, like stealing their life savings or creative project, destroying their marriage or career, ending their prospects in an industry, or stealing their connections, contracts and relationships, or even to ruin their life in general. It’s about smirking, feeling on top of the world, and smug with what they had done, due to the disturbed emotions within, which is their sick ‘justification’.

It’s about poking holes in another’s boat, because they don’t want to see them thrive. It’s about the humiliation of taking cheap shots at the unsuspecting who may be pure of heart, pure-spirited, innocent and sweet, which is cowardice, blasphemous and monstrous, and not wanting to face reality; that they didn’t deserve it, no matter what storyline the harasser had been living by inside their mind. Why? The COATTAIL-RIDER were so desperate for ATTENTION and CLOUT, that someone else had to be made bad with gossip, discredit and slander. It’s about situations where there is fortune and prosperity, but also appearances, to toss the love for money instead.

Eris is about PERCEPTION and dimming another’s true character and light in the eyes of others. It’s trying to bully someone out of a blessing, love, destiny, life path, or fortune, and trying to block their way. It’s about seducing others into a grand illusion, born from spite and immaturity. It’s about the hateful removing of another’s dignity and worth, having a problem with their very existence, as if they are a bad guy, having no remorse.

It entails luring the innocent into a matrix of illusions; to trap. It includes not wanting the envied to have love, support, milestones, a roof over their head, or a job. The one way competition for SOCIAL NOTORIETY, to strip a good person of their value or worth, or ruin their SOCIAL CHEMISTRY or PUBLIC PERSONA for them by ousting them, is meant to make them bitter…

Think Snow White and Cinderella and the BRUTAL happiness-hater antagonists in their lives who were overly superficial, hedonistic and materialistic, who didn’t want to grow nor change, and didn’t have something that fed their soul… wanting to keep punishing another and hustling instead for meaningless clout

The clout-hungry ENERGY-DRAINER spends their time doing these toxic/sadistic things, because the bruiser may not have anything that makes them truely happy, joyful and fulfilled, and has to rely on the superficial, artificial and fake instead… The GRUDGE-HOLDER is impassioned about stealing and having victory over another - perhaps highly loving, kind-hearted, empathic, pioneering and visionary person - to turn someone of merit, honour, deserving of respect, having cornucopia, into a worthless nobody… They don’t care about reaping the whirlwind of obsessive bad juju or backfire, due to webs spun, with the design to cause deep grief by manipulating justice, perhaps with subliminal egging or verbal lashing abuse, because the heart is disconnected… they want their ego vitality and pride stroked.

It’s having an obsessive emotional tie, and being extremely invested in another’s downfall, to cockblock, because the envied’s light stirs their demons, and they don’t want to look within (example). It’s the cartoon villain hateful bully, throwing bricks and hiding their hands, creeping, watching, and if they see the envied getting attention, there is some kind of reckless lashing out. It’s the dysphoria or mental fog after having gone down an illusionary rabbit hole, hocus-pocus, or conspiracy theory radicalisation that goes nowhere wholesome, the emotional violence leaving them haunted.

You can’t fill yourself up with another’s light, divine spark or blessing, by tapping into the dark.

Eris energy is about anti-meritocracy, justifying laziness and forcefully making deserving, esteemed people loose out, because their authenticity, happiness or character (ethos) stirs something in an envier in comparison. It’s about the desire to destroy another’s good time, by turning love, social and business relationship into a battlefield. It’s the ego-based hatred of a spoilt envier, who perhaps had been gaslit about their superiority and entitlement since childhood, then feeling their entire being threatened by the another who challenges their self-beliefs. It’s about the deeply focussed STALKER attempts to dim another’s light, by attacking or cutting them painfully off from society, making false statements, gossiping, or slandering, which is what happened to Eris; to isolate her, cause her FALL FROM GRACE THROUGH IMMENSE HEARTBREAK AND BETRAYAL. Transit Eris briefly activated is about people becoming insecure, argumentative, wanting to win at all cost, or stage a take over like a warrior or street fighter. To create chaos around another’s happiness. At the core of responsive Eris energy, is the PAIN in the HEART of being disconnected from something that one loved dearly. Eris transits are also famous for suddenly revealing what had been there in relationship, but hidden for a long time, often about the discombobulated emotional distress of the envier who wants the FORTUNE the envied, esteemed or spiritually abundant has. It’s the darkness in the heart that had been nurtured, to deliberately trigger in the esteemed/envied EMOTIONAL TURMOIL in turn - with corruption - by taking something valuable from them, lording it over them with bullying, or enjoying a spite-driven theft-gain at their expense. Eris energy looks at the projections of the envier, to blame and shame the innocent and tear down the competition, instead of being DIVINELY INSPIRED to work on perfecting their own unique craft, or solving their own internal problem regarding lack or self-doubt.

It’s the discombobulated, snobby bully who want bloodshed; because they are jealous of the empathic and how they are seen in the world. The merciless opponent can’t work with another ethically because they want to manipulate things to go their way, plucking another’s nerves via misuse of power. It’s an abomination.

At the core, one party can be in high frequency manifestation of potentials, CREATOR OF BEAUTY and integrity, perhaps for the benefit of all. And the other the SECRET SABOTEUR, CREATOR OF CHAOS and destruction, in malice for the selfish satisfaction that power imbalance to defeat, or opportunity for tyranny brings. It’s about the blood thirsty getting in another’s energy, observing them, and matching their vibration, to be seemingly ‘like-minded’, only to use this to destroy the other person, from the inside out. Argumentative Eris is about those who allow their ARROGANT shadow side - full of assumptions - to go rampant to cause immense emotional distress and a nightmare, and those in the more healed state of high honour who don’t. Why? Because the higher expression know what it feels like to be discriminated against, marginalised and disenfranchised by those who abuse their power, and they don’t want for others to have to suffer that INJUSTICE. Eris and Pluto energy share many similarities, which is why astrologers are often confused about the difference.

Greek poet Homer’s 2800 year old poem the Iliad tells the epic story that include Eris, but things are not what they APPEAR, for the appearance was put on to fool. SUGGESTIO FALSI is about making false statements (FAKE NEWS), as opposed to suppressing the truth. It’s about a misrepresentation of the truth brought about by implying a falsehood to be true.

It was PRIDEFUL Zeus (Jupiter in Roman mythology) that scapegoated and blamed Eris for having started the Trojan War by the throwing of her apple that stirred discord in the three self-absorbed women (Hera, Aphrodite, Athena). It’s about wanting ACKNOWLEDGMENT, RESPECT and RECOGNITION.

Zeus, in his over-inflated superiority complex wanting to be on a pedestal (also as the most potent, biggest and brightest star in the night sky), was the main antagonist in Eris’ story (Jupiter opposed to Eris in the discovery chart, square to Varuna, Sirius and the Sun). The secret truth was that over-indulgent, over-confident Zeus had planned the Trojan war with Themis; to take protagonist Achilles out. Why? It was to allay his massive INSECURITIES, self-doubts, self-image and self-confidence problems, and fears of a prediction that oracle Themis (with an M) had made, that Thetis (with a T) would bear a son mightier than his father. Zeus didn’t like Achilles’ public persona; that he was well loved. Zeus felt ENTITLED to derail other’s life path, out of fear of his own FORTUNATE leadership position going off course onto the wrong path. Negative JUPITER in astrology recklessly spreads hot air, rumours, lies, cheats, is lazy but brags about so-called extravagant achievements. It’s about excess, fanaticism, enlarging and exacerbating situations; resulting in frustration, resistance, conflict, SCANDAL and misfortune. Negative Jupiter is lack of common sense self-restraint, blind optimism, over-indulgence, egotistic personality, lack of prosperity, bad luck, lack of respectability, self-righteousness, insatiable appetite for accumulation, yet shoddy workmanship, etc. Jupiter rules the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Jupiter here opposed to Eris is being unhappy and jealous of another’s SPIRITUAL INHERITANCE, wealth, fortune, LEGACY or destiny, and how they are seen as LUMINARY in the world, which is why he didn’t want to give KUDOS where due; in a tug of war. Zeus wanted to be ‘THE ONE’. Show-off but lacklustre Zeus wanted to steal other’s pathway forward, perhaps even passing something off as his own after taking it over by force, leaving others in POVERTY, just like many others also did in the Iliad and Odyssey. Eris energy is about feeling ENTITLED, WRONG THINKING frivolity, warped IDEALISM, and gambling situations, that don’t want correction, that end in disaster. It’s the player - who seem to have manners - who wants 3rd party entanglement, and to play the field, to feed on emotional energy as a source. This energy cannot CREATE on its own, which is why there has to be a stealing of another’s wealth, for EXTRAVAGANT LIVING. It’s seeking VALIDATION from others socially.

It’s being gaudy, GLUTTONOUS and SPIRITUALLY BARREN, in taking all the rewards and recognition, to enjoy what is meant for another more deserving with good heart. It’s the feeling of having power over another person. This massive injustice is what makes it so challenging for the heart of the disenfranchised, who is backstabbed and betrayed in these actions of those without ETHICS who want to DOMINATE.

Jealous power-mongers wanted the GREAT WEALTH of the ancient city of Troy, however, in the bigger picture, the Trojan War was Zeus’ rouse with the goal to end the age of heroes (to eliminate competition) and to make sure that Achilles disgrace himself in self-defeat and be hated by everyone. It was the deliberate creation of PETTY bullshit, hubris, injustice, MISFORTUNE and betrayal in Achille’s relationships, that stirred discord in Achilles’ heart, that took an honourable man of GREAT ESTEEM out of character. Ultimately and fortunately, the Greeks knew esteemed Achilles’ true character and motivations, and how a set of overwhelming circumstances contributed - first to his demise, then to his elevation as the ONLY EPIC HERO of the Iliad. King of the gods Zeus wanted to silence Eris who saw through his falsehood, by running a massive hate-speech smear campaign with blame on her name to discredit the potential whistleblower and truth speaker, so that no one would believe accusations made at pious Zeus’ hypocrisy; targeting and marginalising Eris, and Achilles, for political benefit in society, to stay in POWER. The point is: although Eris was eliminated with the scapegoating CONFUSION CAMPAIGN meant to create massive reputational damage and ruin, CLARITY rose to the surface anyway, and this is the moral of the story. Eris energy eventually reveals the true colours of hypocrites, defamers, backstabbers, politicians and narcissistic mask bearers who don’t own emotional truth, and then are all played out, as TRUTH is TRUTH. Eris transits are long, and although it may take years for what goes around to come back around, TRUTH prevails regarding character, merit, and true intentions. Who is the fairest? always become apparent, even if long after the carnage on the battlefield, and hubristic, MONEY HUNGRY victors took their ego-pride inflation feel good satisfaction kick-back, on the SOCIAL LADDER.

In the extreme, Eris energy is about the delusional taking over another person’s life with mind games, vilifying and stealing all their relationship dynamics, deliberately, to devastate and destroy them knowing they are suffering immensely as a result of it.

A narcissist sometimes attach themselves to successful people, to prop themselves up through them, then dethrone them at a pivotal moment for an ego vitality gain, via another’s pain (example). The “grave digger” don’t want others to be the best version of themselves separate from them. This is why EMPIRES FALL, because the ego gain is the goal, not the happiness of thousands who are part of the empire and depend on its success. In essence, both the Iliad and Odyssey are about multiple characters that experienced a FALL FROM GRACE in some form, and how their true characters, integrity, merit, ability to empathise, and inner strength - or lack of it - shined through. It’s agitated agitators wanting instant success, fame and being loved by the crowds, versus understanding the value of putting in time and energy for longer-term rewards and having cultivated genuine merit.

The Eris polarity is emotional immaturity versus emotional growth and elevation into maturity. It’s the senselessness versus the sensible. It’s the morally incorrect rogue versus the saintly.

It’s about what led to the massive suffering that the Trojan war brought. Eris was scapegoated for having started the massive emotional loss with her throwing of the apple that questioned who was the fairest amongst those who believed themselves gods (who had god-complex), yet unscrupulous Zeus (believing himself untouchable and entitled to his appetites) was the hidden brainchild of all of it, who refused to take ownership, nor face up to emotional truth. Antagonistic Eris energy is about those PREJUDICED creators of chaos who love to stir conflict and strife and project their bullshit onto innocent parties, being unable to EMPATHISE with the pain caused. Eris has a clear stark duality.

Eris energy is having the appearance of goodness, and wanting materialistic benefits and opportunities over others more deserving. It’s the envied/envier, clarity/confusion, wisdom/immaturity, sanity/instability, confidence/insecurity, honour/dishonour, vice/virtue, hope/hopelessness, in grace/disgraced, etc. and typical of those of opposing character, inner qualities and merit. It’s about who is the fairest? in a messy situation. It is an esteemed person’s chemistry, fortune, position or status that can make the bigoted envier beyond obsessed with their energy, potentially leading to ruin in relationship. Eris is about those competitive, hubristic antagonists with discombobulated emotions who want to create a reversal of fortune for the envied, for anguish and despair, so that they can take a self-worth ego boost from it. Eris is the battle between our lower self and our Higher Self, true inner heart-connected beauty and those who have to fake inner beauty because its all an ego vitality facade deliberately presented for social acceptance.

One party balances the scales of justice with their genuine compassion and light of presence, and the revengeful or delirious fights to keep justice out of balance so their self-serving agenda can flourish instead; to cause emotional distress and trauma for those they envy who has something good going. It’s putting love aside, to control who loves who in the PUBLIC EYE.

It is one party with a haughty, judgemental or warped sense of reality, or unrealistic expectations, trying to steal another’s happiness, to make them feel depressed, turn them mean or bitter. Eris has many faces, like the boss who uses their position/situation only to prop up their own ego - for admiration, self-importance, and privilege - not for anyone or anything else’s benefit. Or the intentional master manipulator who wants to maintain the ‘good guy’ or ‘romantic lover’ facade to get under another’s skin, so they can irritate, provoke or blow out another’s flame via REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY or CHARACTER ASSASSINATION. No conscience. Jealous of another’s life and GROOVE.

Eris is chaos, hubris, delusion, the tall poppy syndrome, character assassination, the evil stepmother dynamic, fall from grace, going down rabbit holes, bullying, and other stark polarities; it’s those with SWEET-TALKER narcissist behaviour creeping up in stealth on the empath, and the empath getting clarity to dodge that bullet! A narcissist sometimes uses others to prop up their own ego self-importance, like using BACKHANDED COMPLIMENTS to make themselves feel better, while energetically kicking others as they are down, as by design. This ENERGY STEALING is not for the faint of heart because it can entail ACTING INNOCENT, simpering, employing ‘baby talk’ or having crocodile tears, while the intention is to harm, damage and fragment those who are balanced (example). It is the MALICIOUS TORTURE of good people of purity and light. Why? Because the lower expression competitor carry bad habits, addictive behaviours, unawareness, inner darkness or spiritual poverty, which is why they create hopelessness; to block TRUE LOVE and loving relationships.

Yet Eris packs a powerful punch for those who can learn how to use her energy wisely, to break toxic cycles, glass ceilings and shatter barriers that hold people back, and reach for those divine blessings that is the birthright of every human being, who take the time to allow soul connectedness and flow.

Poet Hesiod is one of few ancients who affirmed Eris’ worth and praise. It’s about admiration and healthy envy upon seeing another’s achievements, wealth or industry, that stir a person into action to achieve their own BREAKTHROUGHS and SUCCESS. Eris made a person eager to work by showing them the prosperity of their neighbour, yet he cautioned that Eris who delights in mischief is involved in VENGEFUL acts of envy and dishonesty that waste our time and prevent success. Homer used the personification of strife as a metaphor to show how conflicts could change over time. The idea is that a disagreement that had started as a minor matter, morphed into a conflict, and a strife the longer it went, changing over time into something perhaps more powerful, and overwhelming. The longer Eris was present, the larger she would become, until she was so large that her head would brush against the heavens, or she towered over the entire earth. Hurling out the bitterness of resentments, conflicts, and strife upon people. Like lava, projectiles and ash spewing from a rupturing volcano. Eris energy is also mentioned in Aesop’s fables, similarly about an apple of Eris, that would stay small if left alone, but if it was fought, then it would keep expanding, just as strife does. These stories show that in responding to anger or heartbreak with the same, you just perpetuate cycles of anger and heartbreak; it doesn’t heal the deep pain that is underneath. DISCORD is intimately connected to relations, and not being able to resonate with certain others anymore, because hearts had become closed off. Feeling discord prevents the heart from hearing its echo, its correspondence; meaning what is in alignment with the heart. Eris shows that the WAR OF WARS can begin with a KINDLED JEALOUSY. And the root of it all can be so small, that it is easily overlooked. This is why it is so easy to play the BLAME GAME and indulge in the dizzy tangle of forgetting and OVER-FIXATION. Eris is here, showing what had been there all along, but had not been named; the UGLY TRUTH.

There is no rule that says the naive need to stay attached to those who never appreciated or valued them, or refused to be honest and transparent. That’s not a life well lived.

Eris Lower Expression

Eris is about the unintegrated, unloved, disowned ASPECTS of a person, that come to the forefront to be acknowledged, owned and given respect and compassion by the conscious self.

The emotionally shut down warmonger lower expression is about those in spiritual darkness or those connected to it, which are things kept in darkness, or in the shadows, like lies, deceit, trickery, corruption, exploitation, manipulation, criminal behaviour, criminal activity, black magic, cults, secret societies, TROJAN HORSE malware, etc. It’s the immoral, unholy, unprincipled, unrighteous, and unfair. It lacks values, beliefs and integrity. If the lower expression who live in wickedness despise the truth-sayer, what does this say about the inverted, who want to take marionettes, prisoners and slaves for power over them, to be ‘somebody’, have a squeaky clean reputation, or be seen as innocent of evil? Yet soulless and vacant? Mentally unwell? Unstable? Or unhealed, unintegrated and in faulty thinking? In energy-kickback fog (example)?

These nihilistic people with BAD HABITS - wanting STRONGHOLD to make others KOWTOW - don’t want to look at their inner demons, and want rewards without effort, perhaps by sending an angry mob with pitchforks after one person. One of the most convenient blindfolds worn, and denial that the lower expression DEMONISER is in, is about worth/merit/humanity of the higher expression who had worked for what they have, having cultivated something diligently, with endurance, over a long period of time. This refusal to see this truth, and being in an alternative version of reality, is what gives the vain and cruel competitor the justification to envy what another has, and to scheme to take it for themselves, by force, stealth, secrets, lies, manipulation etc.(example) even in a MILITARY-LIKE fashion. Eris lower expression make bad choices being the rival bliss-blocker, that brainwashes, implodes and spiritually downgrades them… It’s called having poor character, yet wanting to be EXALTED, creating chaos with the narrative of being extra special or larger than life, perhaps for intellectual prowess, yet there is the strange irony… as the smoke and mirrors hiding POWER HUNGER eventually looks clownish after the wheel of fortune had spun… The infighting and MAD SCRAMBLE to keep another STUCK and STAGNANT eventually unravels in betrayals, as the 8th and 9th house clusters in the discovery chart reveals. It’s about causing sudden destruction, leaving things so open ended and unresolved that they fester, which is why the innocent and abused, can turn into the abuser if they are not careful…

It’s about having a FALSE PERSONA that is very dark, snarky and conceited, yet perhaps wanting others to PERCEIVE them as a fluffy, warm, supportive teddybear (example).

Eris lower expression is the vanity-driven unoriginal copycat, scammer, thief, informant, gambler, bitch, brat, femme fatale or don Juan. It’s the con artist, the social engineer, the psychological projector, the energy zapper, and the admiration-whore (think Snow White’s stepmother who wanted the sole admiration of the mirror and was willing to kill to keep it). It’s insincerity and emotionally immaturity, and the silent killer of dreams and potentials. It’s the villain, dream-seller, and gaslighter who wants to flip the script on empathic people, by putting them in a toxic, TRAUMA-BONDED relationship. Being immature, blaming, and never taking accountability or facing a RECKONING; it’s always someone else’s fault. It’s the energy feeder, the blessing-blocker, and the leacher who is CO-DEPENDENT in relation; always needing other people in relation, to collaborate with, to gain a boost from, to put up a facade and be the fake friend. Perhaps smiling in your face, but who wants to steal, sabotage or destroy. Not having integrity, PROJECTING insecurities onto others, and being false under a believable guise, while making accusations, judgements and criticism on those who are in integrity, in positions of public recognition. To poke and prod. To bring down the good, so that the devilish illusion can take its place, with the appearance of good, or respectability. It’s the DISTORTION OF TRUTH, and the TACTICS used, expecting others to buy into the illusion and be prejudiced; to turn on innocent, respected people, so the self-serving illusionist can take their place, and block rewards from coming to the deserving. Sinking other people’s ships, and taking the benefits for themselves, is the opportunist’s goal (example). These snakish people seem to be often stuck and stagnant in low vibrational energy due to bad choices made in previous cycles of life, unable to manifest good things, which

is why they become enraged, envious and manipulative when they see others move on and succeed. Afraid and intimidated by those who have ‘star-power’, wanting to influence others in relation to hate on the authentic, instead of loving them. To expose the authentic as some kind of fraud, perhaps with lies, chaos or obstacles, so they can control and block them with disrepute and smear-campaigning, and be a devilish negative Eris influence in their life. It’s the WIN-AT-ALL-COST BATTLES, due to jealousy, feeling intimidated, having many insecurities. Being in denial of their own inner workings, unhealed heart, and shortcomings, and projecting it onto others in a covert attack. It is trying to showcase to others the envied’s shortcomings, flaws, weaknesses and insecurities, to avoid their own from being under the microscope. The heart of the matter, is that the Eris lower expression wants to keep their FALSE MASK tightly in place, denying even themselves from seeing what they are in denial over, thus perpetuating their own stagnancy; never growing and never really glowing. Perpetuating the stuck state of being, that hold them in lack consciousness, continuing to envy others who reap the benefits of psychological growth, learning lessons, and elevation, that comes from being truthful to self at all times. Consider the following; empaths don’t project onto others, because they know their own inner landscape, they take responsibility and accountability for their feelings, flaws and shortcomings. They don’t blame others, or hide from uncomfortable truths about themselves. This is the heart of inadequacy of the lower expression; they may not know their own emotional truth through empathic, peaceful nature, so how can they be truthfully admired for being authentic? Confidence-theft is the goal for Eris lower expression, but at the cost of staying false and inauthentic themselves, for ego self-gratification.

Eris Higher Expression

Eris higher expression is what happens to a person long after the experience of being ostracised. It’s the state long after having to look within to find the individual, vibrant, sacred Self, having COMPASSION for DARK ASPECTS that reside in every human being. In the discovery chart, object Eris is in the first house in home sign Aries, which is all about the self, self-image, how we are perceived by others or first impressions. It’s the first zodiac sign and associated with IDENTITY, personality traits and behavioural patterns. The first house is naturally ruled by feisty, individualistic, entrepreneurial, energetic, and action-oriented Mars and the first sign of the zodiac, Aries. It’s about a force of nature, the right and the desire to exist, to trail blaze and thrive, and not go into the cage of the hateful perception distorter. Eris is about ASSERTION, no longer bowing down to those who want to shut down and stop another’s smile, to self-actualise, and live their best life. Eris energy in astrology is about where peace and joy comes from due to alignment with the soul, which has a nobility to give or dole out to those who need it, that is often mistaken or misjudged as happiness, having accolades or clout, by those who don’t understand allowing mastery of their own energy.

WHOLESOME, EARNEST Eris is about wisdom and trust that came at a high price, and the joy found within - in one’s own energy - from soul connection, versus the joy found in superficial or materialistic things, which is not wrong, but if they were taken away, can a person still be joyful or have morale from within? If Eris is about being made the sacrificial lamb so that a tyrannical narcissist (Eris lower expression) can claim a good reputation, SOCIAL CHEMISTRY, or take BIRTHRIGHT belonging another, with the evil ego desire to destroy the dignified’s good time, by turning love and relationship into a battlefield, what is the opposite? What does SELF-AWARENESS in joyful fulfilment look like, after going though the growing pains?

In essence, it’s the everlasting joy, integrity, acceptance and love in emotional abundance, that attracts physical or financial abundance, support and blessings as well. It’s the mastery of ethereal self-love, the very thing the lower expression is so sceptical, cynical and contemptuous of, which is the reason for their insult and cruddy behaviour towards it. It’s the divine manifesting perfect energies, a divine alchemy that play, that brings joy in human life (example), which is meant for one person in good energy.

Eris higher expression people are often highly creative, original, loving, joyful, trail-blazing and industrious to help mankind (the remarkable mutual reception of Uranus and Neptune in Eris’ discovery chart). They have what people see as a GIFT, a natural ability, work ethic, enthusiasm or a talent, no longer bound by human ego. They have a lot to offer. Why? They think outside of the box, and are ahead of their time, because mass consciousness don’t hold them hostage. They are BEAUTIFUL pioneers, visionaries, future thinkers and leaders of moral fibre, studied, mimicked, gang-stalked and bullied, to get them NOT to shine their divine light. There is a jealousy of their GREAT FORTUNE, imagination and the flow of the soul/true self JACKPOT. They are the inspirational maverick, brilliance and creative genius, shining brightly, living in true authentic Self, but they may have a target on their back. This is the peace-filled, playful, emotionally stable, dependable, caring and empathic person who has an essence, good energy, confidence, high status, and high vibration that is extremely envied by the selfish saboteur, who gets their wish fulfilment out of being their SALTY HIDDEN ENEMY, plotting to bring them down with chaos and instability.

If boundaries are not installed, it’s the cutter putting the TALL POPPY cuttee in a toxic bind, fear, confusion, lack of conviction, or mental prison. To mistreat and hack the BOUNTIFUL into thinking that the gaslighter has their best interest at heart; to have them feel stressed out in unsafe environments, experiencing PTSD, not following intuition, missing out on opportunities, doubting their abilities, and seeing their dreams killed off. To be too off kilter to grow, and to be easily manipulated into stagnancy with carefully planted seeds of distrust. Getting into the higher expression entails disconnecting from the fear-response, and the mental overstimulation that is often implemented as protective stress relief (that has the opposite effect), and finding more natural ways to calm down into self-awareness, find examples of both states here. When ‘others’ refuse to see the value of sweet-natured people, or want to trample their worth, the only logical option left is that the sensitive and feeling has to love themselves. When ‘others’ are not open, transparent or reciprocate the love given, it creates a feeling of being unsafe, unsupported and insecure, which is at the heart of Eris energy.

These LOVELY EMPATHIC people have seen some of the worst of human behaviour, which is why they have looked deep within, faced their own demons, move through the fire, brought forth KARMIC COMPLETION and became the overcomer who redeemed themselves, into a higher state of SELF-ESTEEM, purity and elevation, which is sanctuary and justice for DIVINE self. It’s having become strong in inner mettle, being right-minded and lighthearted. It’s getting back up again, after being knocked down or out. Emanating light once again. Emotionally fulfilled. In joyful glow-up. Unapologetic. Beautiful. Bringing unconsciousness to light. A lighthouse. Divine exceptionality.


The higher expression emotionally-intelligent embodies grace under fire, having earned their stripes, often through a perilous journey of alchemising psychological and spiritual warfare. Choosing not to fight, revenge nor be a martyr, but to be conscious and heal; letting go, walking away and becoming unencumbered by the bullshit, getting consolation and restoration from within. Being cleansed after releasing burdens, pain in the heart, trauma and demons to the soul, receiving the wisdom from the soul instead. Having becoming detoxified, emotionally pure, and in harmony, in the exchange… Loyal to and supportive of Self.

These are patient, faith-full people with great inner strength, having recovered from having had a deliberate disturbance of their peace, or an attempt to cause emotional damage, by those in competition with them.

They keep their self-assurance, SELF-RESPECT, faith and hope for a better tomorrow. Embracing the earned wisdom, allowing, receiving their essence and light; reconnecting with Soul Self, to be joyful, shining a light of potential to others. Being SELF-MADE, by their own right choices and investment in loving, caring for self, and elevating themselves above the bullshit. Knowing their values, MORALS, standards and who they are. Higher expression Eris do not like injustice, untruth, nor imbalance, and has a HEART OF GOLD for the disenfranchised and marginalised, knowing how it feels to be put at a disadvantage, bullied for someone else’s selfish ego vitality gain. It’s about the lessons that are learnt in the school of the hard knocks of life, that are valuable; gained after being in liminal space, deep reflection and allowing deep inner change. Self-aware Eris higher expression tempers their empathy, because they recognise that GOLD DIGGERS disguise themselves, as a helper, needy, a victim, a delicate damsel, or in need of a hand-out, waiting for rescue, who are a brutal trickster or bully. The higher expression INSPIRES others, where the lower expression negatively INFLUENCES… Eris entails the deep pain that lies beneath the anger over injustice and manipulation, done to put someone at unfair disadvantage. In the end, honour and respect tend to find those worthy of it… even if years after the betrayal or smear-campaign on their name… Why? Because they had let go of the bonds that no longer made them feel loved, valued or worthy. They climbed off the fence and decided not to settle for less than what they deserved. They elevated by listening to the song of the heart, which meant the end of discord, finding their harmonious centre within, which entails having an easy, no drama MORAL COMPASS as well. Courage under fire. A generational curse breaker.

Eris moral compass in astrology

The ultimate lesson for Eris higher expression is continuous, eternal self-love, independence and healthy lifestyle, walking to the beat of their own drum, enjoying their uniqueness and creativity, and all the benefits, for themselves. They are not compromising their wellbeing or overextending themselves; they are principled in not putting other’s above their own divine self. They understand the unequally yolked energy exchange, that never works out…

Their main priority is self-care, giving to themselves by allowing innate light, joy, grace, abundance and divinity; BIRTHRIGHT. It’s being transparent with and trustful of Self. Having conscience.

These are the KARMIC LESSONS that may keep repeating until we learn them, often years later recognised as blessings in disguise… Patience is a virtue. Having learnt endurance, perseverance, and the skills necessary for a brand new, highly fortunate life. Worthy of a trophy, as the victor, after having released fear for faith, in divine truth and clarity. It’s having become the CHAMPION, without having paid wrong for wrong. It is to be aligned internally to nurture and love their innate ANGELIC SELVES, above over-giving or over-nurturing others, who may be entirely unworthy of their time, energy or investment. Having clear boundaries, being a confident and outspoken survivor. It’s knowing that unhealthy relationships blocks blessings.

Image: Kore, Persehopne, Proserpina holding a mask and a stick, via Wikimedia Commons.

The Sabian symbol of Eris in her discovery chart shows that Higher Expression Eris is the nurturing pure of heart maiden who has the NOBILITY and capacity to care for others (birds) who are hungry, or in need, in the dead of winter. She overcomes crises through CHARITY, compassion and nurturing. Sharing and caring like Snow White and Cinderella were. Helping those who are less fortunate with her GENEROSITY OF SPIRIT, without expectation of reward, sustaining them through a trying time, with her acts of KINDNESS. Being a GUIDING LIGHT to others. Balanced in giving to those who really need it, (and perhaps eventually withholding from fair-weather friends and spiritual-haters who come with fake smiles or shenanigans; the bad actors looking to benefit from their goodwill). When someone wants to compete in life because they don’t compare with another’s true beauty, and it stirs their inner demons, it entails that they don’t have true love for their own divine luminescent self… True love for sovereign self is the joy and blessing in the present moment. It’s learning to protect and secure one’s blessed life, by methods like discretion, withholding information, privacy and GREY ROCKING.

Eris energy has a strong correlation to Persephone/Kore/Proserpina from Greek mythology. The once maiden and sweetheart snatched into a frightful experience, had become Goddess of Spring and Renewal after time spent in the Underworld. The story is depicted on ancient amphoras of Persephone and husband Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, eventually reigning together, shining flaming torches into the darkness and unawareness around them. Persephone didn’t take a loss, she took lessons and an upgrade from her harrowing ordeal. Persephone had birthed a new beginning for herself while in the Underworld - when no one came to her rescue - seeing truth, about what had been in the dark; the hidden intentions and motivations of those who claimed to love her, and have her best interest at heart, but to selfishly bind her. Afterwards, radiating the true beauty of a Queen; mature, in clarity and in wisdom. The statue of her to the right holds a stick, with which she will give inauthentic mask bearers a whipping. Eris also has a correlation to Xena princess warrior who fought for the underdog in a ‘heroic way’, yet it’s a way that perpetuated the discord of the heart, as fighting doesn’t solve Eris issues, but speaking truth does…

Lower expression Eris seek love, attention, celebration, limelight, worship, status or validation from others, and the higher expression find fulfilment in their own self-love soul fragrance and their own abundant cup pouring over. One has something to give from being filled with their own SUPERNOVA light, and the other may admit to feeling empty, which is why they want to inflate or fatten themselves up at another’s heartbreak expense, for them to be vacant, seemingly soulless, in poverty and cold…

Ultimately, its about breaking the illusion that others, or something outside of self sustains us, when what supports, provides security and stability, is being abundant in one’s own divine energy. It is the crisis experienced regarding loss, pain or theft - of a job, reputation, home, person, place or thing - that eventually reveals what had sustained all along, as a solid anchor. And it is not how a person is seen in the world by ‘others’… When in a state of depending on the PERCEPTION of assistance from ‘others’, particularly during an Eris transit, loyalties shifting can leave one unsupported and feeling bereft by ‘others’, however, when depending on one’s own divine light and sovereign Self, it is a source of unlimited COMFORT and assistance in having the human experience, unwavering. What had seemed like a ‘fall from grace’ due to another’s denial of truth or jealousy, revealed the beauty of the grace bestowed by the soul, so that the divine may express and experience the human form and all its facets. Good and bad. Aware and unaware.


In understanding Eris higher expression, one come to appreciate why the one polarity is SELF-ABSORPTION in their own illusions, feeling of emptiness and suffering, and the other SELF-AWARENESS in their true essence. Initially one forces a gain, for another to loose in the physical, yet ultimately one takes a regression and the other a progression energetically. The choices made leads to different, stark outcomes.

Surprisingly, Eris energy in the extreme is about the HEART being either closed off, which leads to exploiting others via pretending to be upstanding and caring, or the heart is open after having forgiven and released being exploited for one’s GOOD HEART.

Eris is about the triggered pain in the heart from brutal attempts at being made unworthy, like lowering SELF-ESTEEM, citing lack of value, and vilification. It’s also the journey to realisation, that: “I am that I am”. WORTHY of who and what I am, as the divine having a human experience, Finding inner peace is about allowing accepting of self, in peace and grace.

One cannot be soul-full and evil-minded at the same time, which is why the lower expression is imbued in pretence, wanting to appear of good character and upstanding in the PERCEPTION of others. There an obsessive investment in the addictive benefits of energy harvesting for self-satisfaction, even when it doesn’t last, because it is not real. It’s a game of denial and an illusion, that keeps the heart closed off, and even this is realised at some point... perhaps during sickness, mental health episode or deathbed, which is often when the self-absorbed are finally forced to REFLECT… Always be grateful for Eris transits, to reveal truth and CHARACTER, especially of those around you, for if you had stayed in ignorance, those drama-starters with capacity for great destruction, may have gotten you into great sorrow in the future. Eris threw her apple into the wedding crowd, labelled ‘for the fairest’ at the start of the Iliad, which shows insight into the dynamics of Eris energy… It’s the seeing of those who don’t want to face their inner demons… who cling to fabricated falsehoods, denial or conditioning in their minds, because it serves them to have faulty thinking.


Truth bomb warning!

Eris was the goddess who wasn’t validated for trying to speak the truth about the narcissist who had everyone in their pocket believing horseshit. She learnt to keep her peace while everyone wore the blindfolds they were so attached to, and staying out of the drama.

Full stop.


Eris Transits:

Eris energy is highly pronounced between 2020 - 2028 when Eris is at the reaction point of the Boomerang Yod with Haumea at the apex, triggered by the conjunction of Jupiter, Chiron and then Saturn to Eris. The Foundations of Change is all about the Haumea yod and teaching the dynamics of a yod as is applicable to any transit and natal yod. Eris transits are very long, which is why something that may have appeared to be a complete defeat, may end up being just that for the adversarial battler. No matter if a person is the abused or the abuser, nothing justifies retaliating in revenge plots, or harming people. What goes around comes back around. Do to others as you would have them do to you.

Experience Eris Energy:

One of the best ways to experience the potent energy of Eris (or any of the other KBOs) is in the week before object Eris turns direction, like when it stations to turn retrograde or direct. Check your ephemeris or the Calendar of Events. Click on the charts below to enlarge, and note the dates. Eris is a major player in the Haumea Yod.

Eris in Astrology Chart Examples:


See the articles below for more details on Eris in Astromythology:

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