Eris, Snow White, the Witch, her Mirror, and Envy

This most perfect fairy tale contains both a virtuous higher expression Eris person, and a lower expression Eris person pretending to have virtue…

Jealousy, envy and greed makes the lower expression want the good fortune of the higher expression, instead of focussing on Self in a healthy way, and finding their own blessings instead… Trying to obtain what they think they lack; money, creative ideas, affection etc. But they did not work to cultivate the growth, good character, inner strength, temperance, or the qualities to obtain those things by natural means. Perhaps being closed hearted instead…

Some may look at other’s joyful experience, and think they can scheme and plot to get it, but as we all know, the witch wasn’t able to steal Snow White’s substance, luck, nor destiny. And so it still is today; some get green with envy and greed when they obtain a reading on another’s fortune. Or when they see another moving in the direction of living a life of prosperity, and they make the mistake to think they can steal it. Or manipulate the situation to be an associate, get a rival out of the way, so they can dive in on the share of abundance. They may cause their target, or a hindrance to their ambition immense heartbreak, trauma or injustice, but if you are not a vibrational match for those blessings… it’s not likely to bring genuine fulfilment… It might not happen at all for nobody can steal another’s blessings. No amount of energy manipulation is going to fool the divine… It is best that every human being focus on themselves, and find their own blessings, by being Eris true authentic self… Fakers, imitators and blessing-blockers cannot have what is a potential, or destiny for another….

A deep study of Eris energy on this website shows this to be true… what a waste of time to be obsessing over another’s happiness, waste your precious life energy plotting on them… Creating a karmic mess… by trying to cause another to self-destruct from the inside out, through psychological warfare. Hubris is a dangerous character flaw: the intentional use of violence to humiliate or degrade. The lower expression Eris person is the admiration-whore (think Snow White’s stepmother who demanded sole admiration from the mirror). In relation to Eris higher expression people, the lower expression Eris person mired in anti-meritocracy wants all the admiration for themselves, even though it is often undeserved…


What is it with astrological Eris, witches, apples and mirrors? And envy, discord and ultimately justice? Eris energy will be highly pronounced and with us from 2020 until 2028.

“Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall. Who is the fairest one of all?”

This is what the Evil Queen in the Snow White fairy tale asked her magical mirror every morning.

For some time, the witch was the fairest. Why? Perhaps she possessed great physically beautiful, at the time at least...

That was until Snow White turned seven years old… We all know that the news about a new rival, who may only grow more beautiful with time, into a more worthy competitor, churned deeeep emotions in the stepmother, that led to far reaching consequences for Snow White involving a bright red apple…

The lessons? Not everything that has the appearance of goodness, presented to you by a seemingly innocent old lady, is for your benefit. Behind the veil, there may be a self-serving envier, or orchestrator of chaos at play, brilliantly disguised, to take you out of the picture… for good…

Fortunately, Eris’ astrological character is also the energy of justice by divine rearrangement, and ultimately, the return of order after discord of the heart, and strife.

Eris shows there is a natural balance in life, not to be underestimated. If schemers think they can get away with plotting against another, and ultimately getting away with it, with this energy at play, think again… Synchronicities, mirrors in the form of other people, and emotional triggers will find you…

You SHALL face the music and be seen for any falseness. Eris demonstrates this eloquently. You can run, but you can’t hide…

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Eris is the so-called 10th planet after Pluto. In mythology she is the Goddess of Strife and Discord. In astrology, those who are affected by her transit in the birth chart, show certain signs of emotional disruption during that time. Currently, Eris energy is at play in the collective as well; transit Eris square Pluto is active, and transiting Eris will be at play at least until 2028. Eris lower expression entails a mental health crisis.

So we better learn to live with this energy… and get into that emotional integrity asap.

Look for anything in your Self, or anyone in your life, that is bringing the element of discontentment or disruption to your world. This is Eris the female Awakener and Great Disrupter at work, generating the unrest of an inner earthquake or volcanic eruption that makes us inwardly uncomfortable. Other people certainly don’t want to be around those heavily affected by Eris energy either, for it is jolting and unsettling… It is a natural repellent. Very effective too. This may also be why some individuals in society prefer to sequester themselves in safe bubbles at this time. And get away, and shut out, those who they don’t resonate with.

Even astrologers are visibly reluctant to publicly talk or write about Eris energy.

Intimidating, isn’t it?



Eris, Snow White, the Witch’s Raging Torrent of Emotions, and Envy, Spite and Jealousy

Never underestimate the depth of the hate and jealousy someone may feel, because you stir their insecurities and vulnerabilities.

For some, the acting out of their grievances through spite is simply irresistible due to the narcissism of the mind. They may see it as their righteous behaviour, justifying what you ‘supposedly’ did to them. These are the people who want to win pre-eminence, devising a plan and letting everyone be persuaded of their superiority; that their rights should come first.

Definition of begrudge
1. envy (someone) the possession or enjoyment of (something).
2. give reluctantly or resentfully.
— Online dictionary

The Witch’s anger and pain regarding her situation had been brewing since Snow White was seven years old. In this video on Eris, astrologer Tom Jacobs explains that with Eris, we need to understand the direct correlation that the triggering of insecurity, and the experience of pain, has on the expression of Eris anger. Behind the anger, lies unhealed pain.

The stepmother’s vengeful imaginings had plenty of time to stew, and according to the tale she took her spiteful acts out on others less fortunate in the kingdom, perhaps to soothe her vehement emotions, and dysphoric state of mind, about the distressing situation. Unfortunately, we know thanks to psychology that spiteful acts can become addictive, and once the fires are fed and burning, they can be mood-altering, and cause a deeper spiral towards a lower vibration. Even though these impulsive actions can be tension-reducing, or emotionally gratifying, or even make a person feel in control over another mentally or emotionally, it is ultimately self-defeating.

Unfortunately, she could only express the anger, happiness-hating and the spite, and not get down to the painful feelings underneath it, which might have brought her real relief and healing, had she been willing to face it.

The raging toxic emotions regarding Snow White was so turbulent, that Snow White had to flee to a far off forest, and ended up living with seven dwarves. They doted on her, and often warned her about her life being in danger. Perhaps they understood the potential for darkness in the human nature, and the appetites with no conscience, better than she did. One look at Snow White, who seemed innocent and inexperienced, made them protective of her. Snow White was careful, however, not careful enough. The witch came to her disguised as a seemingly harmless old woman, sharing her bounty of apples.

One of the alleged magical apples was poisoned… on purpose of course.

To fool and get rid of the competition, who give rise to insecurities in the envier and happiness-hater.

How quaint?

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Feel Eris, and other Unresolved, Stuffed-down Emotions…

Feel what you don’t want to feel… Mwah-ha-ha.

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The tale of Snow White makes people uncomfortable.

The innocence, vulnerability and inexperience of beautiful Snow White, in the face of such emotional intensity and physical danger at the hand of a vexatious sprit, is frightening. The lengths that the Evil Queen will go to, to eliminate the person giving rise to her insecurity, who stands in the way of her vanity and ambition, is also frightening. And so is Eris transits.

According to this website,

“Eris' energy crackles with intensity. It is overwhelmingly disruptive, making us inwardly uncomfortable. Discontentment comes over the soul, and depending on how willing we are to accept discomfort for the agent of change that it is, we will experience anything from inner rumblings to a full blown earthquake that unsettles us or unearths us completely, to, at the most conscious level, an all-out volcanic eruption that blows our stack and causes us to emit the hot lava that has been building up inside us, sometimes for centuries. She can be considered a great excavator of sorts.”

The energetic discomfort of Eris energy becomes particularly palpable at certain times. It is the feeling of a loud alarm clock, that may imminently disrupt a peaceful slumber, with the potential of jolting the energetic body like a lightening bolt. Fortunately, for those who are ready in anticipation, willing and able to wake up easily, this is no big deal.

People automatically feel that it may be best to retreat into their own little seclusions during Eris storms. Sequestering themselves away from the feeling of being on the edge of an intimidating emotional abyss.

Feel Eris’ Storms: Station, Retrograde and Direct

Eris transits are decidedly emotional and emotionally eruptive by nature, especially if you have buried ones. Eris transits are long and the energy may be less ‘palpable’ for newcomers.

However, there are times when Eris energy plays out vigorously, and is felt acutely; the week leading up to a station. Eris stations, retrogrades or direct are great opportunities to feel the energy at play.

The website has a few great articles on Eris energy. Below is a quote from one article that speaks on this brilliantly:

“When Eris stations, either retrograde or direct, it can feel like an intense emotional upheaval. It doesn't have to be out of control, but it can definitely feel that way on the inside. Sometimes, we are so stuck in our old emotional habits that it is nearly impossible to get unstuck. The emotional disturbances of Eris are meant to take us to higher ground.”

“When we are in Eris' storm period, (which lasts about a week before her station) don't be surprised to find emotional disturbances everywhere you turn. Keep to your Self, as other people's issues are none of your business, even when they try to make them so.”

“Stay as centered as you can, keep breathing, deeply, and let those storms rage. They are clearing the field for each and every soul and soon we will have brand new territory to play in.”

“Eris' energy crackles with intensity. It is overwhelmingly disruptive, making us inwardly uncomfortable. Discontentment comes over the soul, and depending on how willing we are to accept discomfort for the agent of change that it is, we will experience anything from inner rumblings to a full blown earthquake that unsettles us or unearths us completely, to, at the most conscious level, an all-out volcanic eruption that blows our stack and causes us to emit the hot lava that has been building up inside us, sometimes for centuries. She can be considered a great excavator of sorts.”

“It gives new meaning to the truth that there is a blessing in every circumstance. We are beginning to get the hang of allowing our discomforts to just Be what they are, and we are learning that by doing so, we get to see the real reasons why they arise. It is now possible to redefine her highly judged tendency to be quick tempered and perceive it for what it really is: a passionate devotion to raising consciousness; the mastery that does not allow for too much sleeping or laziness, and the capacity to create the upheaval that is essential to clearing away the old and preparing for the new.”

“Eris is the female AWAKENER, and her purpose in causing us so much unrest is just that... Self-realization. Uranus awakens us with a lightning bolt, Eris awakens us with an inner event. She is not content to jolt us, or hit us with something that will disrupt the outer life... she aims with great precision at the core of our being, at our lower three chakras, and aims to get us to clear them all out. Uranus' revelations occur at the mental level, and Eris' occur within, at the core, in the heart.”

In the birth chart it [Eris] describes a place within the psyche that represents, by default, a person’s insecurities and how he or she deals with them being triggered by others.

The ultimate truth is that each person needs others to catalyze him or her into growth, and with Eris this process can be difficult.
— Tom Jacobs, Astrologer
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Eris’ discovery chart shows how selfish narcissists aim to steal the virtuous’ happy emotional nourishment in relationship. They want to syphon all of that good energy that the empath might have received in reciprocal relationships, towards themselves.

This is how the targeted are made to suffer… by turning all their relationships on them… isolating them in their inner torment… to stir discord of the heart in them…


Eris will be a massive influence in the seven year Haumea Yod that will be in the astrological sky from 2022 - 2028, at the reaction point in a Boomerang Yod. The Foundations of Change online course describes the dynamics in detail.

Why do people feel like they are losing their heads since the start of 2020?

Read all about the strange mixed bag of energies we’ve been having since the start of 2020, like the five pointed star, the four Yods and three Hammer of Thor aspect patterns, in The Pentagram of Change online course.

Learn more about the bigger picture by going to courses.


Eris: Storms of the Heart and Emotional Integrity

Keywords and Symbols:

Snow White is an excellent example of the Eris oscillation between the heart-centred woman, and the hard-heartedness of the woman scorned, who refuse to heal and return to balance. Eris has been discussed at length in other articles on this website, therefore many concepts won’t be repeated here, because they are already detailed elsewhere. However, below is a list of symbols, and briefly, their meaning.

The Magic Mirror

This mirror never lies. At first, the mirror mirrors the Evil Queen’s preferred narrative of Self; that gives her admiration and self-esteem validation. When the mirror suddenly tells a different story, it becomes obvious that the witch’s ego mind violently prefers one narrative, above any other.

The witch stubbornly holds on to this, at all cost, even to the point of projecting her psychological baggage onto Snow White.

The mirror here is a symbol for the witch suddenly and shockingly being confronted inconvenient truths about Self, setting off an explosion of emotional reactions. This is typical of Eris transits. The Evil Queen is asked, from a psychological point of view, to look at her own vulnerabilities and insecurities, do some emotional healing from previously repressed emotions, in order to start a clear, healthy emotional ‘slate’. Unfortunately she is extremely stubborn, to their own detriment…

Image: Evil Witch from "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs" via Wikimedia Commons.

Some may react decidedly violently when a spotlight is shone on a trigger point. This is the reason why narcissists scapegoat the empaths around them. They see an opportunity for someone else to carry, or process, those uncomfortable feelings, that they cannot cope with, and they cannot come to terms with. But this becomes a huge problem during Eris transits, because denial is no longer an option… Mirrors don’t lie because you want them to. Each person must do their own healing. The witch may zone in on Snow White as the origin of her discomfort, even attempt to kill her to be rid of it, but Snow White is not the source of the problem… With Eris transits, happiness-haters often don’t understand why they hate on other person, they just do. They are THAT unenlightened about what is going on within... Taking someone’s good nature as an open invitation to be a complete asshole.

The mirror is also a symbol for synchronicity, bringing to your attention, through a variety of avenues (people’s words, a song on the radio, a book that falls off the shelf and falls open to a certain message etc.) things that you may refuse to look at… but must…

Astrologer Anne Ortelee describes, that Eris plays on our hubris, on our sense of incomparableness. Or was that unconquerableness? The evil queen stubbornly holds onto the idea that she is matchless, and of having features that can not be compared. She refuses to shed her false sense of Self, perhaps because she has witchcraft magic to artificially make her SEEM a certain way, despite being given ample chances to change. Anne also describes in the video, that things tend to be violent and get destroyed under Eris transits, just for the sake of destruction, like a cannibal that just devours.

The Witch/Evil Queen

Unbalanced. In denial. Eris lower expression.

Cold and detached. Employing the narcissism of the mind to scheme and plot against another, to control, subdue and assassinate. She wants affection, but she is the person who does not address her emotions or belief systems, but instead cause harm for another, with them. Emotionally immature, vain, superficial and materialistic she may stay, by preference it seems. Only thinking of what she can gain from the situation. That is until Eris energy visits her and makes her feel intensely miserable and unhappy with herself, which is why the witch takes it out on others around her. She finds fault with others, by looking through the eyes of judgement, jealousy and blame, instead of taking ownership. The witch makes the mistake of thinking that another is to blame for her intense emotions, not realising the truth: Snow White is triggering what she refuses to look at, and refuses to take accountability for, in herself. Normally during Eris transits a person may be feeling huge waves of anger, followed by the energy of deep sorrow that have to be released through weeping. The evil queen does not allow herself to go beyond the anger; deliberately… It’s her choice. To remain cold and detached. Unfeeling and self-righteous.

The evil-spirited Queen was tripped up and distorted by what she refused to look at within. Blind at the real source of their self-destruction. Blaming the innocent for her low self-esteem.

When you try to mess with other’s blessings, you will miss out on your own… what a waste of time…

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Snow White and the Right to Exist

Balanced. Going with her flow. Eris higher expression.

Worthy of goodness, and happiness. She is loveliness and tender heartedness personified. Some may look at her and envy her her beauty. Yet she plays her role in life, just like others an archetype. Even in knowing her stepmother is bent on killing her, her heart can still continue appreciating the joy of life. Despite her sorrow at such a betrayal, she knows she has choices; she puts her heart into making good decisions for herself, and follows through. Sensing, feeling and knowing that it is not safe. Not staying around to play the victim, not fighting back, and not staying for another attempt on her life. She is not falling for the illusion that she should be treated poorly. Forgiving the abuser instead. Letting the tears fall about the disappointing situation, and letting it go, so that it doesn’t ruin her life. Not indulging in unforgiveness.

From a certain point of view, Snow White looks at the f*****y around her and realises a truth: not my circus, not my monkeys.

When the poor of character disregard her, or act out their insecurities or distortions of truth, she knows, it is not hers to own.

Perhaps she recognises and accepts that unaware people are fallible, and prone to disappointing those around them, especially those who cannot or refuse to heal their hearts. That those with anger and pain repression buried so deep, cannot be helped by her. And that she needed to install boundaries against the person who blamed her for making their life harder, and don’t take her existence, and her right to be happy, seriously. Realising that one-sided relationship, is no relationship worth having…

The Intuitive Rejection of Unresolved Issues in the form of Projections /Misplaced Anger

Snow White seems to understand Freud’s concept of projection. Unconscious discomfort can lead people to attribute their unacceptable feelings or impulses, onto someone else; to avoid confronting them. Projection allows the difficult trait to be addressed, without the individual fully recognising it in themselves. Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, or object. A harmful consequence of continual projection, is when the trait becomes incorporated into one’s identity.

Snow White seems to know that to internalise the injustice, would be unfair to her. She seems to see right through the smoke and mirrors, knowing it is an act. An illusion to get Snow White to believe that she is the root of the problem.

Snow White values her freedom, which is why she fled, so she can continue being her best Self. Finding those who do have

the emotional capacity to reciprocate. She did not want to be oppressed, or hold back her shine, or her truth, because some cannot tolerate it. She knew she had to leave the past and its bad energy, because they could not come with her, into her future.

The lesson? Virtuous Snow White takes responsibility for her happiness, and doesn’t take emotional baggage with her.

Snow White seems to replace fear with faith; that justice and fairness will prevail. She remains non-reactive and patient with the situation, as she walks away. She enjoys a new sense of stability and joy with her new companions. Even though there may be an underlying sense of deception or trickery in the air, she doesn’t worry. She hopes for a peaceful resolution, even when there are multiple disguised attempts to kill her. Four attempts in total.

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The Tempting Apple

Mythological Eris’ apple is the golden Apple of Discord. In the tale of Snow White, the apple symbolises a tempting offer, seemingly innocent, and seemingly good, that turns out to be a huge mistake, with consequences potentially dire. For Snow White, there was the offer of silky laced bodices, laced so tightly it nearly killed her. Then a comb laced with poison, from which she is revived when the dwarves too; remove it just in time. The third offer was the poisoned apple that put her in a coma, appearing to be dead. The lesson? Life has many temptations. And people who employ cunning manoeuvres designed to thwart an opponent. Cat and mouse games. The person who do not use their intuition, or listen to their heart for that intuitive communication, may suffer a big loss at the hand of an opportunist, or hidden enemy, who may be superficial and self-serving to the bone, and don’t care who gets harmed, or killed.

Human Justice vs Divine Justice

Justice by divine rearrangement is a common thread for Eris transit. She exposes the systems of control, the exploitation and the envious attacks on the joys, liberties and basic rights of others. Astrological Eris speaks out against both the injustices perpetuated by controlling, self-serving individuals, and of an elite or ruling class whose power (and abuse of power) derives from their wealth and influence. Eris shows that any situation, wether good or bad, can ultimately work out in your favour, in a highly positive and beneficial way, when you allow it to unfold without resistance.

Eris shows that it is a mistake to assume that something very negative that happens to you, is ONLY bad. It may eventually surprise you with a blessing-in-disguise, or even lead you to great rewards, or abundance in the end.

In some situations there is a lot of bullshit, with no potential restitution in sight. Human justice and earthly courts may seem unable to bring justice. But do understand that if you remain in faith and emotional mastery, standing your ground against small-mindedness and foolishness, you may ultimately be the victor, by being the bigger person, who sees the bigger picture.

There is another kind of justice at play here. Snow White learns it is not her responsibility to nurture and care for everyone else’s emotions. It is not her duty. It is not her responsibility. It is not for her to look after other people’s needs first, before her own.

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The Seven Dwarves and the forest animals

Snow White might have become bitter, unbalanced, or chose to fight back. Instead she left, knowing there will never be mutual, equal give and take. Starting new, she finds plenty of positive exchange with those who can love and appreciate her, and support her in her journey. In rising up courage to leave everything she has known, move far away from the toxicity, she finds those she can resonate with, and enjoy a life worth living.

Snow White may seem innocent and naive in some of the stories, however, she is actually quite wise in listening to her intuition, and following her pure heart, that is unencumbered by emotional baggage.

Beauty? What exactly is begrudged?

In the tale, the very beautiful Evil Queen is married to the king, but she is not the virtue she portraits herself to be. The Witch looks in a mirror every day, which may also symbolise her appreciation, opinions and perceptions of her Self. At some point, the mirror - who always tells the truth - says that Snow White is more beautiful (and virtuous). Why would she explode? It could be that her insecurity was kept at bay by the mirror’s validation. The witch is said to be always pleased in hearing the response from the mirror; she got her feel good ego-boost, and self-esteem validation. When Snow White turned seven years old, and was said to be more beautiful (and balanced, joyful and pure hearted), it took some instant gratification, away from the witch. All she could do, was look back on the old glory days, and perhaps suffer low self-esteem as a result. Perhaps this is what started the tempestuous rivalry with only one end in sight; death.

The Pursuit of Admiration, Validation and Status?

“As long as the narcissist feel that they are on top of the hierarchy, then everything is fine, then otherwise, watch out…”

Science and research shows data-supported phenomenon that narcissistic personalities are in a constant search for social status, admiration and validation. This video by Psychologist and author Dr. Ramani, shows, why some people, after years of affiliation, are quite willing to throw a person under a bus, when they see that you are getting status. Or they will get status, by getting rid of you, when it means they get what they want.

Anyone is disposable in the narcissistic world, Dr Ramani explains.

A group of researchers, has produced a model, to more systematically address this issue. The researchers argue, that the pursuit of social status, helps narcissists ‘regulate’ themselves. She explains that these people have a lot of very strong emotions, like rage, acting out, passive aggressive rage, so they need something to regulate this, especially when they feel shamed or vulnerable.

“The pursuit of admiration, validation and social status, they are all ways of regulating those emotions, especially those vulnerable ones, as they come up. But these authors are arguing… is that narcissistic personalities are always on the hunt for social status…”

“Narcissistic people are believed to seek social status as a way to regulate self-esteem and emotion. If they have more status, they feel good. It goes beyond just having stuff, it’s about needing something to help them regulate.”

Dr Ramani attempts to explain, that the researchers found two basic avenues, by with these people attempt to find what they are looking for. The first is to self-promote; it’s the preening, bragging, arrogant posturing, and showing off. The second path, is via rivalry; basically getting status by putting other people down.

“Because narcissistic people are always monitoring the situation around them, they want to make sure that no-one else has more status than them. They are either going to self-promote, or put other people down, depending on how they assess a given situation, and what technique will work better, in any given place.”

Dr Ramani explains that although the SPIN model is still in the development and testing phase, she found it “elegantly simple”.

“They [the researchers] found that narcissistic folks are more likely to use the antagonistic rivalry model, by putting people down, to get status, when they perceive that they are treated badly. Or they are not getting the treatment to which they feel entitled.”

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If the research that Dr Ramani explained, show that social status, validation and admiration are the things narcissistic personalities desire, so they can regulate their volatile emotions and feel good, how does that reflect on Eris in Aries? The zodiac sign of Aries is preoccupied with things like being admired, entitlement, and wanting to be seen for their self-esteem and confidence. Can you see the link?

  1. Eris in Aries is a great example of the journey to Self mastery, manoeuvring through the negative aspects of (Aries) selfishness, being controlling, stubborn, arrogant, attention-seeking, impulsive, too impulsive etc.

  2. Into the positive aspects of passionate, confident, courageous, faithful, motivated, inventive, focussed, driven, vibrant, enthusiastic, healthy Self focus etc.

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Snow White, her Stepmother, and A Bigger Picture

Snow White is the epitome of a balanced empath who was taken advantage of by an assassin. Perhaps she wanted to help her stepmother, but it may have backfired in her face. She may initially have tried to nurture the relationship, but learnt instead, that she needed to take care of her Self, else get taken out.

There is a repeating behaviour here, a pattern, where the stepmother does something wrong, that she does not take accountability for. Perhaps Snow White tried to step in, or intervene, or take on her burdens for some time. The stepmother is careless, reckless, selfish, lack empathy, and she doesn’t care for other people. And as an empath, Snow White may have tried to help, or compensate for her shortcomings. But instead, Snow White learnt that she needed to protect herself, from someone like this. Life is about learning, and perhaps this experience prepared her, for the life that awaited her as she found her prince, and became the queen of another empire, reaching her full potential and enlightenment.

Her evil-spirited stepmother was bent on having it her way or the highway, but so was Snow White… The story shows that some people are worth more than what others want from them, or for them. Visionaries have an idea and expectation for their life, and when someone else is trying to mould it to their own, it is better to listen to your own heart, and follow your own joy.

Many other articles on this website illustrates why it is so very important not to ignore your unresolved issues. It is beneficial NOT TO STUFF DOWN your feelings, but grow emotionally, in order to enjoy the tremendous benefits of emotional maturity, balance, stability and integrity.

If you feel envious of another’s goodness, blessings or riches, remember that it is better to fix your Self and your tumultuous emotions, rather than to indulge in toxic behaviour and devil energy, because another person has something you desire. Is forcing your way on another, for instant gratification worth it? No. If you don’t fix your repressed emotions, you may continue to have reactions that may make you feel shame. Eris energy is going to be around for a good while. If you don’t fix your emotions that rise up during this time, there may be consequences and future ramifications for you, that you won’t like…

Eris was the one goddess in the Greek world who did more than just start every fight, she was also the last to end one. Eris transits show that it is time for something emotional, unacknowledged or buried deep, to be brought out into the light. Until you do, there won’t be an end to the strife.

Better learn to work with Eris energy, and be rewarded for your efforts, rather than work against what Eris energy is trying to teach us. Apply wisdom, forget instant gratification.

Eris energy rewards the heart-centred, and guarantees dues for the ego-minded.

Every experience, no matter how bad it seems, holds within it a blessing of some kind. The goal is to find it.
— The Buddha
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Video: Ultimately, Eris energy seeks fulfilment and happiness for all. This is something Snow White seem to understand… Even in her seeming naivety, knowing her stepmother is bent on killer her, her heart can find joy in life. From a certain point of view, Snow White looks at the fuckery around her and realises a truth: not my circus, not my monkeys. When others act out their own insecurities around her, she knows, it is not of her doing, it is not her fault, and really not her business. She seems to remain in truth and faith that justice will prevail. And ultimately it does, with great blessings in tow…


What does the ego mind, the negative entities, Zeus, Paris etc. hate most of all?

People who elevated above them into a stable, abundant and joyful life. This is why the character assassins target innocent people they envy. To understand the anatomy of ENVY through Eris’ discovery chart, and why the “My Way or the Highway” people want to dump their bad feelings through psychological projection and scapegoating, to cause harm to Eris higher expression people, see this article.

Eris Transits 2020 - 2028

Transit Eris in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn five times causing opportunity for growth and awareness. The key dates are:

  • 26 January 2020

  • 14 June 2020

  • 10 December 2020

  • 27 August 2021

  • 9 October 2021

  • Personal planets will continue to stir the trigger points with conjunctions.

  • In orb October 10 ~ Feb 11 2023

  • In orb April 8 2023 ~ December 26 2023

  • In orb July 27 2024 ~ November 2 2024

  • Leaves November 3 2024.

Starting in 2024 to 2028, Eris and Chiron will be conjunct in Aries. In 2027, Saturn will start its conjunction to Eris, going into 2028. We are going to see this energy for some time to come… Better learn to deal with the energy sooner, rather than later.

Pluto first enters into Aquarius in 2023.

Eris was discovered by Mike Brown on January 5, 2005, 11:20am, Pasadena, California

At this time, Eris takes 5-8 years to complete an aspect to one degree. Its effects will be felt for a very, very long time to come.

Eris retrogrades lasts about 25 weeks.

Disney’s Snow White with Rachel Zegler

It has just been announced that Rachel is set to star as Snow White in Disney’s live-action adaptation of the film. The original Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs cartoon, based on the Brothers Grimm fairytale, was released in 1938.


More articles on Astrological Eris:


Video: This Evil Queen in Disneyland is absolutely killing it.