Eris square Pluto, Cinderella, and Quantum Energy Part 3

Eris, The Goddess of Discord and Strife has a duel nature, just like all the other planets that revolve around our sun.

Hard-hearted Eris is a warmonger that feel elation in the chaos and tumult of the battlefield, even rejoicing in the mayhem after the other gods have withdrawn. How can such an archetype possibly be a hero, or restore order to a world in turmoil?

Heart-centred Eris is synchronistic, Self-mastery energy in its higher Soul expression. In order to be effective, she has to be strong, heart-centred, and authentic, to catapult us. Info heart-felt fulfilment.

Eris inspires us to become the VIRTUOUS best version of ourselves, by embracing our truthful Self, our own quantum energy, the synchronicities and the abundance…Eris higher expression leaves a mark in the world, the lower expression leaves a scar.

Pluto is the planet of destruction and transformation.

Eris seem to represent taking a stand for yourself, going against the grain, coming up with something that only you can see, and come up with.
So you are quite a spokesperson for your own way of seeing things.
— Henry Seltzer,

Soon, in August and September 2021, Eris will aspect Pluto in a stressful square for the last two of five times. However, the period of influence of such a long astrological transit extends well beyond these direct hits. Eris will still be in close orb to Pluto in 2023. The years of the aftermath is usually the most important phase of such a transit, in which people realise and recognise that things had in fact changed, and magical transformations were afoot…

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This article quite deliberately explores and expresses great polarities, to demonstrate there is nothing mediocre about them. There are things to look at, and lessons to be learnt…

This is part three of a story, mostly about Eris the Goddess of Discord and Strife, who by nature is powerful and forceful, but those who learn to work with Eris energy wisely, can wield a powerful sword, absolute masterfully. During Eris square Pluto transits, people may get knocked down or experience significant losses, but there is great benefit in understanding the anatomy of this aspect, and the total change, that tends to bring great blessings, when we are willing to work with the energy constructively. These understandings and knowledge, are very, very valuable… and its for free on this website…

The Movie: You’ve Got Mail

A Great Example of the Process of Gracefully Embracing the Eris Total Change

The 1998 movie You’ve Got Mail is a great example of the journey some may have to take, as they are ejected out of old situations, old relationships, or old ways of being.

The movie features Meg Ryan as Kathleen Kelley who runs her small independently-owned bookstore, and Tom Hanks as Joe Fox as the successor of the Fox family, who owns the new superstore, bent on putting everyone else (the competition) out of business. As Joe Fox gets ready to reveal to the New York city neighbourhood the new superstore, he visits Kathleen’s charming children’s bookstore named the Shop Around the Corner. This is where Joe “Eff-Oh-Ex” realises that Kathleen is not only the business rival he despises, but she is enchanting and loving, and he will be putting her out of business. Things escalate from here, as Joe repeatedly and systematically lies to Kathleen, takes advantage of her, mocks her, uses information against her, sometimes quite cruelly. Kathleen is gracious, compassionate, emotionally mature, and tolerant of people, perhaps also because she works with children and mothers. The movie makes it clear that Joe commits several petty acts of being a jerk, and belittles her with his demeaning words, which Kathleen points out.

This movie highlights the skewed power dynamics and the extremes in their natures and situations; Joe’s casually cruel ways, his manipulation of Kathleen, his capitalist point of view, as opposed to Kathleen’s kindness, faith in humanity, and her humble bookstore, inherited from her mother, intended to be passed on to her daughter. The film implies that Joe, needs help with his own issues due to being triggered by Kathleen, as NY152 asks Shopgirl:

“Do you ever feel like you’ve become the worst possible version of yourself?”

“That a Pandora’s box of all the secret, hateful parts—your arrogance, your spite, your condescension—has sprung open?”

In the end, Kathleen loses her shop, and her inheritance, and her livelihood. She is manipulated by the man who contributed to the loss. There is nothing left of the family legacy to pass on. A tragedy.

It’s a story of near total destruction for the virtuous.

However, through this whole process, emotionally honest Kathleen is given the opportunity, by the universe if you must call it that, to face her anger and defensiveness at the changes imposed on her, and allow herself to feel her pain and weep at her losses. She holds her principles and purity in high esteem, and she clearly wants to operate with integrity. She’s not going to sell herself out or short, or do something that is not in alignment with her truth. That is not a path she is willing to go down.

In this process, she is in her flow, rediscovers her Self, by looking within, finding new hope. Such is the kind of experience one is likely to have under an Eris square Pluto transit. As discussed in a previous article, Pluto transits can wipe the slate clean for a fresh start, and can be very transformational.

Eris transits tend to be total change, if one is willing to go along with the experience, instead of fighting it.

Eris square Pluto transits are the beautiful release, and letting go, and enduring the purification by fire, of the psychological death.

This all encompassing change prepares the foundation for new beginning, as the phoenix do rise from the ashes, reborn, and totally new; able to embrace, that which one previously could not even fathom.

Readers may find the worldview of the 1998 released movie, different and jarring compared to today, especially considering the end. But if you focus on the personal journey that Shopgirl Kathleen endures and her emotionally mature attitude to it, it is evident that this total reorientation of one’s life, can be done, and it can be ultimately… good. Her life and her lifestyle was inherited from her mother, and perhaps she would never have considered that she

indeed may have other, bigger dreams, had this monumental change not happened…

This journey of total annihilation of an old Self is the same that many others have taken, like Jesus, Cinderella, Snow White, Maleficent etc. (See the examples to the right) In allowing the loss, they make a passionate invitation for a higher power to take over, and bring in a new plan for one’s life, instead of the ego’s. The stories to the right eloquently demonstrates that through a loss, sometimes surprising, unique and abundant gains can be made…

This understanding, about the nature of Eris square Pluto transits, is what I am trying to demonstrate through these articles. Everyone has their own unique experiences, but there is a common thread, that we can all come to terms with, and have compassion for.


Synchronicity, Energy Harmony, and Being on the Same Wavelength

Eris energy is teaching us to become the best versions of ourselves: Authentic Soul Self. We are learning to make choices that align us with those who are vibrationally compatible. And also the most true version of who we really are at our core being.

Synchronicity is Eris energy in its higher expression. We’ll be having more of it, as we align with our soul/higher self.

It is about being in harmony with your own energy, so that things naturally line up for you in a benevolent way. Like being at the right place, at the right time. Or the right message finding itself to you, just as you need it.

Eris is about how synchronicity is increasing in our daily lives, and that anything can be a mirror held up for us, in which we can have an opportunity to look; in order to gain some kind of personal growth benefit. Relationship/relating is a big Eris mirror, and a valuable teachable moment.

But it can also feel like raw nerves being exposed as we have to come to terms with truths, which is partly why so many people would rather retreat into their own private spaces during Eris square Pluto transits, than socialise.

Science is making great strides in the field of Quantum Physics, and channels like Bashar and Adamus Saint Germain are teaching us how this applies to the changes in our consciousness, and our understanding of a changing world. We have billions of cells in our bodies, and in those cells there are atoms, and on an even smaller level, science is now moving in the direction of exploring quanta. Everything is energy; billions of vibrating, dancing, malleable spaces or vortexes of frequency. If we feel into it, we can sense our own energy… and potentials.

It’s very exciting to come into feeling the graceful harmony with Self, and the natural flow of our own energy; with the relation with Self being the most important relationship of all.

Being on the same wavelength as another person may be a joyful aspect of our lives. We seem to more easily occillate towards those who make our hearts sing, and repelled by those where there is a dissonance. We’re becoming more sensitive (possibly also thanks to Neptune now in the third decan of Pisces), feeling more like a tuning fork. Tuning forks, when struck, vibrates, and we can feel the vibration seeking resonance in our bodies; we’re in our flow. I don’t want to become technical, nor go into detail. I am trying to illustrate that we are becoming sensitive vibrational beings, that seek an energetic connection of same, or like, frequency. In the very basics, a tone is activated, and it spontaneously seeks in its surrounding environment; feedback.

Imagine the tuning fork as a conscious being, from its point of view, releasing a vibration into its surroundings, and getting a vibration in return… We’re in the process of discerning that some vibrations are a disturbance to our own, and there isn’t sufficient truth or integrity, and this is what we are currently attempting to navigate.

The inauthentic masks that people have been wearing are falling off. And the truth is being felt and seen, because energy does not lie…

Inauthenticity, denial, and lack of sincerity are known, like never before.

Adamus Saint Germain on Quanta:

Beside the variables of the elements of matter that create life on our planet, there is also effervescent quantum energy. In this perspective, Adamus says in Shoud 11 at the 56 minute timer marker, that quanta is about million times smaller that the atomic structure, even though it is not yet observable to humans, our scientists are aware of it. He is observing that humanity is currently undergoing tremendous evolution and change. He says that it is a matter of allowing, not thinking into it much, but feeling it and experiencing it. He says that every answer is within, because of our evolution, we are now beginning to access both our past and the future Self, in the present.

Authenticity, Fulfilment and Commitment to Self as Creator Beings

Eris seem to represent taking a stand for yourself, going against the grain, coming up with something that only you can see, and come up with.
So you are quite a spokesperson for your own way of seeing things.
— Henry Seltzer,

So, if many people are not being their authentic Self, and they are not yet following their bliss, and they are not yet committed to the things that are really meant for them, what does this say about those with strong Eris in the chart, or those who have periods where Eris stirs personal planets in their charts?

In his book, The Tenth Planet, Henry Seltzer explains that Eris features prominently in the astrology charts of strong feminist leaders, paradigm shifters, and modern quantum physicists, think Angelina Jolie, Copernicus, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Karl Heisenberg and Carl Jung. Henry explains that the same year that Eris retrograded over Albert Einstein’s natal sun, was when he had his “miracle year” (1905) when he published his five papers that completely changed the world, as far as physics was concerned. This is a book well worth acquiring if you want to explore these examples.

Eris tend to feature strongly in the charts of mavericks, change-makers and others with a strong, individual stand who pursue their own thinking, that may bring great gifts and blessings to the world. These are the people who make those leaps of faith, venturing off on their own path, not being limited by previous experience, or other’s opinions. They enjoy their own natural flow. They choose a unique path that excites them, that may appear foolish to others. They open up to a higher dimension, attaining a broader view and comprehension on some great mystery in life. Their crowning achievement being the bringing of their epiphany and progression, into a format that others can benefit from as well.

Eris will be a massive influence in the seven year Haumea Yod that will be in the astrological sky from 2022 - 2028, at the reaction point in a Boomerang Yod. The Foundations of Change online course describes the dynamics in detail.

Why do people feel like they are losing their heads since the start of 2020?

Read all about the strange mixed bag of energies we’ve been having since the start of 2020, like the five pointed star, the four Yods and three Hammer of Thor aspect patterns, in The Pentagram of Change online course. We are in a time of massive, rapid change.

Learn more about the bigger picture by going to courses.

The Synchronistic Quantum Self, and Stuck Energy:

Busting through stuck energy is the mission, that is achieved by being the REAL authentic Self that serves the world; when the Soul, Self Mastery and the human co-express. This authentic energy can have an influence on the environment, activating an energetic resonance while just being in another’s presence, like having an activating effect on stuck energy in others. The purpose is often to just be the activator of new potentials, that had not been previously available or visible, in whatever form that takes. This divinity causes doors to open where it had previously been closed, and things to move where they had been stagnant, freeing oppressive energy. The effects of this alignment with this alchemising soul calling may not alway be visible to the person, but it may be in hindsight. It’s your energy that is creating a window of opportunity for others to act on and utilise, or not. It’s their choice. This energy shines a bright light into places, where there is stuck toxic energy, where there is no emotional fulfilment. Think bureaucracy, red tape, paperwork, unfulfilling 9-5 jobs, that keeps enslaved prisoners. This energy is shaking it up, and giving an option, where there had never been any before. The energy is showing a whole new way of doing something, a higher, greater good that people can choose to participate in; to bring cosmic balance.

This is the energy that shines and illuminates potentials for mankind. That also has the potential to knock down the old way of being, eliminating what is no longer going to work in the new energy.

This is the principle of burning down or scorching a patch of forest that is overgrown and unhealthy, and from the fertile ashes, rises the conditions for new seeds to sprout that had otherwise lain dormant, waiting for the right set of circumstances to grow. The seeds had been waiting for their activation, letting them know that all of the redundancy, the dead wood and dead weight, had been cleared. Suddenly they burst forth with new ideas, growth and lush healthy abundance.

This authentic energy invariably ends up ruffling feathers, because it may lead to the calling out of bullshit, devil energy and all things astronomically unhealthy, that needs to change. Deep emotions are also triggered in the process, in situations where there had been complacency and automated ways of being. Getting emotions to flow again, where people had been operating in mechanistic patterns, where the emotional

consequences were ignored. Leading to the creation of new systems where there can be emotional fulfilment, which is the true quest of the human experience, that is explored. Emotions are also an indicator if we’re on the right path in life, or not. And if there is no human emotions in the creations we create 9-5 every weekday, what is the point?

This quantum energy is providing the opportunity, through chaos, to look with new eyes, that eventually brings harmony. The universe grows and evolves through this destructive, chaotic ruckus. It’s monumental. Epic.

The Magic of Cinderella

This is the quantum energy that Cinderella manoeuvred into, over some period of time of emotional healing, feeling and allowing of her experience; of striving for a better life. Imagine a young girl who works as a maid all day, and sits by the cinders of the fireplace, in her flow, moving into an energetic position, or state of being, where she walks through a doorway, and she not only catches the eye of the prince, but is visibly the belle of the ball… That is magical.

Also, she does marry the prince, and steps into a whole new world as an influencer on a large stage.

Why? Because she’s ready for new emotional experiences and potentials.

Cinderella overcomes a disadvantaged start in life to reach a position of influence and satisfaction. It’s not about the material success which may accompany her rise, it is the achievement that contributes to quality of life, and a life well lived. Cinderella has succeeded due to her own intelligence and determination, and her willingness to learn and grow, despite the reasons people have given her to be resentful. Cinderella knows that she has choice in life, and benefits from her right choices.

And this potential is here now thanks to the destructive and creative forces of Eris and Pluto, and the Self mastery and realization of some very brave trailblazing souls.

Her story shows that abundance come in many different guises, and that by merely focussing on material acquisition, there is a rich dimension of life that a person may be missing out on. Cinderella’s story is about the determination and courage to overcome great - seemingly impossible to overcome - obstacles. She finds her inner strength to persevere, withstanding mighty naysayers, enviers and judgments of others. She faces her fears, is true to her Self, and is not deterred. Cinderella harnesses energies that may have threatened to overwhelm her, but tamed the inner beasts with compassion and the will to overcome. She cultures the ability to endure failures, losses, and disappointment, and yet keep the faith.

Cinderella is a true Erisian of her time.

Disney’s Cinderella

This is a very beautiful film that eloquently illustrates why Ella’s kindness and strength saw her through life, reaching incredible highs, due to her energy, her state of being. Kudos to Disney for capturing her magic so beautifully! I can highly, highly recommend this movie! We see in the end, Ella showing her truth and authentic self to the prince, for him to judge or reject as he chooses. How brave and kind she is to her Self, to allow herself to be so vulnerable, yet true?

According to Wiki, the 2015 film is based on the folk tale and is a live action adaptation of Walt Disney's 1950 animated film of the same name.

It features Lily James as the title character, alongside Cate Blanchett, Richard Madden, Stellan Skarsgård, Holliday Grainger, Derek Jacobi, and Helena Bonham Carter.

Cinderella an Amazon Original Movie

This movie will be released in September 2021. Right in the middle of the last two Eris square Pluto direct aspects. How timely?

According to Wiki, Cinderella is an upcoming American romantic musical comedy film written and directed by Kay Cannon. Based on the fairy tale by Charles Perrault, it stars singer Camila Cabello as the titular character in her acting debut, with Idina Menzel, Minnie Driver, Nicholas Galitzine, Billy Porter, and Pierce Brosnan in featured roles. It’s a musically-driven bold new take on the traditional story you grew up with.

Heroine (Cabello) is an ambitious young woman whose dreams are bigger than the world will allow, but with the help of her Fab G (Billy Porter), she is able to persevere and make her dreams come true.

Eris square Pluto dates, and Eris transits 2020 - 2028

Transit Eris in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn five times causing opportunity for growth and awareness. The dates are:

  • 26 January 2020

  • 14 June 2020

  • 10 December 2020

  • 27 August 2021

  • 9 October 2021

  • Personal planets will continue to stir the trigger points with conjunctions.

  • In orb October 10 ~ Feb 11 2023

  • In orb April 8 2023 ~ December 26 2023

  • In orb July 27 2024 ~ November 2 2024

  • Leaves November 3 2024.

Starting in 2024 to 2028, Eris and Chiron will be conjunct in Aries.

In 2027, Saturn will start its conjunction to Eris, going into 2028.

We are going to see this energy for some time to come…

Better learn to deal with the energy sooner, rather than later.

Take responsibility for your Self is the antidote.


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