The Foundations of Change

New Potentials and Alchemy Course

Information Page:

There is a seven year Yod that will be in the astrological sky from April 2022 - 2028, along with several Kuiper belt objects aspecting each other potently through four Yod aspect patterns in total, ushering in a climate of change, that is worth exploring…

A Yod is a rare aspect pattern, and to have one active in the sky for seven years…? It is also known as the ‘finger of god’ or finger of fate, as the energy inside a Yod focus strongly on the apex planet. Imagine, the very first Yod kicks off on the rare 30 April 2022 conjunction of Neptune, Jupiter and Venus in Pisces with a Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Taurus conjunct Uranus… Magical…

The Neptune/Jupiter/Venus in Pisces conjunction is a highly feminine force, and Sedna conjunct the Pleiades as well. Together these two clusters form a sextile, to make a Yod with Haumea at the apex for seven years! Wow! It is heralding the potential for the return of the divine feminine. Haumea is the Hawaiian goddess of creation, fertility and birth, and the dwarf planet in western astrology.

Haumea will be in Scorpio for the majority of the time. The zodiacal essence of Scorpio is being able to transform and manage death and rebirth. The skilful application entails regeneration. Scorpio is a Water sign, and the modern ruler is Pluto. Haumea will be square to Pluto, in its sign of rulership, for seven years… 15 Eclipses and the nodal axis

directly influence the Yod aspect pattern, and Boomerang Yods form with Eris, Jupiter, Chiron and Saturn. During this time, there are many who want to perpetuate negativity - like the competitive, jealous antagonists - and this course will show students how to alchemise the experience, for their own benefit. Yods carry great potential for mastery. This course will show students just how epic this time really is, and what huge potentials are in store for those who choose to be aware and be energetically transformed…


Imagine a Yod in the sky for seven years? Divine guidance? Synchronicity?

This course is about the outer planets that move into the 29th degrees of their signs, aspect each other strongly, and the powerful main Yod that forms between Sedna, Neptune and Haumea. Also about the new potentials for change and benevolent transformation.

Yods are potentials and superhighways towards a new destiny in the unknown and the greatness that may follow if one is willing to go along. But not everyone cash in on the opportunities afforded them by a Yod. This is why this course is mainly for the serious astrological knowledge and wisdom-seeker.

It is fair is it not? That we live by the good or bad choices that we - as individuals - make. We really do have the opportunity to bring forth our own divine greatness, by not being victims, and taking responsibility for Self. This is the ultimate freedom of Haumea energy as the Yod apex planet in this course. Haumea, Sedna and Eris in the higher expression are all alchemists; knowing how to turn bad situations into gold.

There is a staggering amount of free information on this website regarding these energies, but if you wish to understand the bigger picture dynamics of the Yods of 2022 to 2028, to unlock alchemy for your Self, then this course is it.

This deep dive into the anatomy of this Yod is actually a great teaching course on how to understand a Yod in general. Why? Over seven years, the Haumea Yod encounters the many different scenarios and influences that one could have with a Yod.

It is a great template for anyone who wishes to understand the dynamics, wether it is a Yod in their birth chart, or a transiting Yod apex that is activating a personal planet in their natal chart.

The Yod with Haumea at the apex ends in 2028, but there is also a Yod with Sedna at the apex at play, that only ends in 2033. This course teaches the energy dynamics of a Yod, and with this highly detailed information, students can gain the toolkit they need to piece together the dynamics of any Yod… Why? Because since the start of 2020 there have been three potent Yods at play, joined by the fourth, the Haumea Yod in April 2022. If any of these Yod apex hotspots land on a personal planet in your chart, you’re going to want the relevant, detailed information on how to decipher the energy… for alchemy…

Course Outline:

  • What is a Yod?

    Learn about the energy dynamics of a Yod, in the bigger picture.

  • Meet the Main Yod Characters

    Learn the bigger picture perspective about Sedna, Neptune and the apex planet Haumea. Visual representations may help beginners and the more advanced better understand this complex aspect and its configuration.

  • 29th degree planets 2021 - 2026

    The dance of the outer planets come into incredible synchronicity to stretch the Yod into a seven year Yod. The effects will be quite profound for humanity, for planets in the crisis or anarectic degree, have a distinct agenda: rapid change.

  • Main Yod of 2024 - 2028

    The main Yod will be driving the most change. The energy dynamics of the main three points, and their potential expression are explored.

  • The 2022 Yods

    The Yods are powerfully activated by eclipses and remarkable synchronicities. The main events are laid out in both astrological charts and description.

  • The 2023 Boomerang Yod

    This page explores why the 2022-2023 Yods are immature, and why there is a challenge to alchemise the energies.

  • Dynamics of the Finger of Fate

    This is an in depth exploration of the different strategies of the Yod, as they change signs, and build the energy. The 2024 Yods have remarkable similarities, something that is highly irregular for a Yod. Elements, Modalities, Polarities and Orientations are broken down. Charts and tables provide visual representation of the information. The different strategies and the bigger picture are dissected, along with a metaphysical discussion of how the energies may be alchemised, when a Yod is a configuration that don’t collaborate easily, and has blindspots.

  • Support System Drivers

    The Yod has many support system drivers over its seven year activation. Some stay in position for a long time, and others come briefly to support and contribute valuable information. The practical expression of this energy for the human collective is also explored.

  • Support System Driver Strategies

    This is a deeper study of two distinct driver strategies, and their flow, interplay and dance strategies. The 2024 Yod’s remarkable, but highly irregular similarities are further explored, as well as the great differences that play for the regular Yod strategy.

  • Focal Planet Haumea

    Haumea - having left Libra and the immature expression there - in Scorpio has great potential. Explore the potentials of Haumea’s Hawaiian stories, as the dwarf planet receives the energies of the support system drivers, and their strategies, to alchemise benevolent change.

  • Flow of Energy in a Yod and Boomerang Yod

    The energies inside a Yod and a Boomerang Yod are surprisingly diverse. Learn how the antagonistic planets and the midpoints provide essential information for Haumea, on how to alchemise. Also, how antagonists become opposers to Haumea’s agenda personified.

  • Reaction Points: Eris, Jupiter, Chiron & Saturn

    This is a deep exploration of the information that the trauma-bonding antagonistic planets, that oppose Haumea, may bring to the table, and how that may express.

  • Aspect Energy Dynamics of the Yod

    Aspect patterns are explored as a significant amount of outer planets traverse the 29th degree of their signs, and aspect each other via conjunction, inconjunct/quincunx, trine, sextile, opposition, and square.

  • A General Roadmap

    The general roadmap is another big picture perspective and overview pitstop.

  • Metaphysics and Final Take Away

    Haumea in Scorpio and her Hawaiian stories are explored, in relation to all the energies that will bombard her, as apex planet for seven years.

  • Eclipses Influencing the Yod

    Around 15 eclipses directly influence the Yod in a very significant way. Tables and eclipse charts explore the dynamics of solar and lunar eclipses that have a profound effect on the Yod. This is perhaps the highlight and pinnacle of this course, as it all comes together in spectacular visual representation.

  • North Node of Fate Activations

    This is a list of the conjunctions and square aspects that the North Node of Fate makes to outer planets significant to activation of the Yod energies.

  • Interpreting the Placement of the Apex

  • Birth Chart Planets conjunct an Apex

  • Angles and Sensitive Points

  • House Placement of an Apex

  • Last Information & Feedback Form

    Submit feedback regarding the course, a testimonial, suggestions, etc. via online forms.

What you need to know before you PURCHASE this online course:

  • This course is for those who know how to read an astrology chart and transits, cast an astrology chart with either personal or free online services (like, and use an ephemeris. This is for those who can use the information in this course, to make their own interpretations, as it relates to how the transiting dwarf planets, aspect their personal and progressed planets. Those who don’t know how to read an astrological chart and do their own interpretations, will struggle with this course, but may find the energies and stories of the dwarf planets interesting. Those who have little astrological understanding, may have to do their own research and learn independently, if they wish to verify the validity of what is presented. Being able to discern for yourself is important.

  • Even though many easy to read charts, tables and other visual representations are in the course to make the information easier to assimilate, I do not teach any basic astrological concepts. It is expected that the student already have those skills.

  • This course may be a particular blessing for those with personal planets or points between 26 - 29 degrees Libra and 0 - 7 degrees Scorpio in their birth chart, where the focal point planet Haumea will be.

  • An orb of 2 degrees is used for the Yod aspect pattern and the inconjunct/cuincunx aspects in this course.

  • Haumea is pronounced How-may-yah.

  • Discounts on the course may be announced on social media.

  • There is a staggering amount of free articles and information on this website regarding Haumea and the other dwarf planet’s mythologies. Some of this information cannot be included in this online course, for it cannot be monetised, or may violate copyright. It is in the nature of pioneering work - on newly discovered dwarf planets - that astrologers mention the work of others, for the sake of understanding Haumea, Eris and Sedna’s energies, and how the aboriginal knowledge, applies to astrology; for the benefit of all. I can only include in this online course, what can be monetised, for this website to pay for itself. (This is a rather expensive platform, and the stock images, audio and video are costly.)

  • Please do not copy or distribute the information behind the paywall.

  • Please know that this online course is a big picture overview of the Yod and its detailed dynamics. There are details about Haumea, Eria and Sedna that have been well researched, but presented in great detail in the free content section. If you don’t understand a concept mentioned in the course, do some more reading in the free content areas.

  • You can revisit this course by using your Email address and Password that you created. This course will be accessible anytime until the Yod concludes in 2028.

  • The course will be updated with new information, or previously missed information, free of charge, so check back in the future…

  • This course may initially put some in their head. There are bigger picture concepts that may take time to contemplate and assimilate. This is a course for those who want to delve deep into complex astrological exploration for potential personal benefit. Expect to sit with this information for some time... Both the bigger picture, and the details are important.

  • Remember to take responsibility for your own emotional reactions, and NOT come revenging on the course creator, due to being triggered into looking into your blindspots. Your decisions will have to be based on what is in alignment with you, and ultimately, what will be right for you. In taking this course, it is with the expectation that you take responsibility for your own life, and your own choices (see the disclaimer).

  • If you are a practising astrologer, you may be interested in reading the Ethics around Pioneering Work Page first.

  • This course does not predict the future, because nothing is set in stone, but due to the nature of astrological work, and the collective knowledge built on the evidence from the past, this course do show strong potentials…

  • This course is for adults, because the psychology pertains to a more mature and ‘life experienced’ audience.

  • Enjoy!

Metaphysics of the Yods and the Bigger Picture:

Please note that this course is not about scaremongering at all. You will find it to be so when you have completed it. But this course do explore the insecurity that many people are currently facing, for what you don’t own, owns you… The ingress of the Haumea Yod synchronistically started the pentagram configuration illustrated below.

The Pentagram of Change course is about the trans-Neptunian and Kuiper Belt Objects involved in the strange mixed bag of energies we've been having since the start of 2020, with some stretching beyond 2030. Go to the courses page for more info.

Together The Foundations of Change, and the The Pentagram of Change courses are designed to decode the dynamics of any of the Yods; the Sedna Yod, the Varuna Yod, the Gonggong Yod, and of course the Haumea Yod. This course is also a great template to learn how to decode any Yod.

Most astrology wisdom seekers will agree that the psychological, evolutionary and astrological insight that they have gained, from being students, have been highly beneficial for them.

This course is intended for those who are open-minded, and have the desire to investigate the information pertaining to a divine potential that is pointed out in the astrological sky. Those who can utilise their inner sight to observe, take the time for contemplation, or perhaps even do their own investigation into the validity of the information, may find this life enriching. This information need to be felt and intuited in order to be understood, and for it to be used in the process of your own alchemy. Give it time. This is not a shallow

exploration of superficial topics. This is a deep dive to the bare bones of this Yod, and what it means to gain the lessons, wisdom and the level of enlightenment, that certain cycles in life presents us with. It takes a lot of strength and perseverance to gain the wisdom, from all that we have experienced in a certain phase of life. Some experiences, or people, are in our lives for a season, providing us with an opportunity to get out of a particular denial, forgive, remove the blinders, and level up into new awareness and consciousness. We know that this victory is achieved, when our perspective change, the blessings from the experience of redeeming Self is unlocked, and we finally comprehend a bigger picture from a higher perspective. If this is your cup of tea, enjoy!


Foundations of Change

New Potentials and Alchemy Course:

This course is currently not available.


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