The Pentagram of Change: A Trans-Neptunian and Kuiper Belt Objects Online Course

Four Yods, and Three Hammer of Thor Aspect Patterns

Information Page:

The new course is all about the strange mixed bag of energies we’ve been having since the start of 2020 and how some of it will be with us beyond 2030. In this course, it’s the mythological stories that teaches us the narrative and general experience that the energy brings, that is so valuable.

Why do people feel like they are losing their heads since the start of 2020? Hindsight is often 20/20, and astrological insight helps people to make sense of their experiences. This course shines some astromythological light on the astrological events that have occurred since the start of 2020, some of which stretches beyond 2030.

Below is the ingress chart for the seven year Haumea Yod that started at the 30 April 2022 eclipse, when Venus, Jupiter and Neptune conjuncted in Pisces. Spectacular, isn’t it? Since the start of 2020, we’ve had three Yods and three Hammer of Thor aspect patterns at play, joined by the Haumea Yod in April 2022. One Yod and one Hammer extends beyond 2030 and they all involve these newly discovered TNOs, KBOs and Sedna…

This is a look at the bigger picture. Since the start of 2020 there has been many changes. This looks at the various TNO and KBO players on the stage, as well as the Yod and the Hammer of Thor aspect patterns they make (with Haumea, Varuna, Ixion, Quaoar, Orcus, MakeMake and Varda etc.) (Sedna is not a KBO but a detached object). If any of these Yod or Hammer apex hotspots land on a personal planet, or progressed planet in your natal/birth chart, you may want to invest in this online course, or the Foundations of Change course.

Some of the KBOs and Sedna continue to make Yods and Hammer of Thor aspects beyond 2030… that’s how important this information is… because both Yods and Hammer of Thor aspect patterns dole out highly challenging energy at their apexes, and if you are affected by this, it may be helpful if you understood the astrological meaning of the energy, instead of raging

against it. There is potential for alchemy in dealing with the challenges with conscious awareness, instead of losing your head (yes, you read that right, Algol is involved)… The zodiac sign of Taurus will get special attention, because despite the potent direction of energy towards the four Yod apexes, the third and last decan of Taurus will be under a massive hammering from a very long-standing Hammer of Thor apex… and in understanding what is at play, we may reduce the stress we feel at the loss of stability, security, and what once were solid; now shifting and changing, bringing both loss, stress, and gain in an astrological ‘mixed bag’ of energies… Many people may be experiencing some mental imbalance in the next decade… and although this course is not a substitute for the appropriate professional support, it may help the ardent astrological wisdom seeker in understanding the energy dynamics at play (see the disclaimer).

According to Wikipedia, the first TNO to be discovered was Pluto in 1930. It became the namesake of a larger group of resonant objects called plutinos. It took more than 60 years to discover a second TNO, Albion (provisionally known as 1992 QB1), in 1992. The largest known trans-Neptunian objects are Pluto and Eris, followed by Haumea and Makemake, all of them being officially recognised as dwarf planets by the IAU. There are also several dwarf planet candidates such as Gonggong, Quaoar, Sedna, and Orcus.

Below is a list of the Kuiper belt objects / dwarf planets (that had already been named) in the order of being the most brightest as viewed from Earth. We all know that Pluto may be small, but he packs a powerful punch, and the same can be said for the others:

  • Pluto

  • MakeMake

  • Haumea

  • Orcus

  • Quaoar

  • Varda

  • Varuna

  • Ixion

Imagine the slow orbital period of Pluto. When Pluto transits one degree of the zodiac, it is in effect for a couple of years. Now imagine the even longer orbital period of the TNOs and KBOs and what that might entail when in synchronicity, as they aspect each other in multiple Yod and Hammer of Thor aspect patterns… Astrology can be an immensely helpful tool to make sense of the human experience.

Practical Application of the Four Yods, and Three Thor’s Hammers?

What does the five pointed star in the astrological sky, and the other configurations mean on a practical level?

  • Gonggong in early Pisces was named after the ancient Chinese water dragon god responsible for the chaos that lead to floods, too much rain and landslides. Millions of people are currently being displaced by flooding, and many may like to explore the astrological significance of this. In the astrological chart Gonggong is the apex of a Yod.

  • Sedna In Taurus/Gemini is at the apex of a Yod that initiated in 2019 that stretches all the way to 2033; Sedna has a strong astrological association with mental health crises, needing to become balanced in emotion, and the need to go within for soul connection. Many variations on Sedna’s story show how the bounty is withheld, when generosity is abused amongst animals and humans. When the WHO announced a global health emergency on 31 January 2020, Haumea in Libra was sextile to Ixion in Sagittarius making a Yod apex on Sedna and malefic fixed star Algol.

  • Haumea in Libra/Scorpio is the Haumea Yod, and the challenge to create sacred space to bring regeneration, blossoming abundance, basic needs met for all, and fair governmental structure.

  • Varuna in Leo is the Varuna Yod, and represents the challenge to bring sacred law and order and moral fibre with compassion for the human experience back into our lives. Varuna is about emotional- and social intelligence, bringing life force energy back where there had been social stagnancy, ignorance and complacency.

  • Eris in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn created a Hammer of Thor apex on plutino and KBO Orcus at the start of 2020, sending everyone into the underworld for re-evaluation of their lives, their truth, and the broken oaths that they had with others and themselves. Where had they been in denial or perhaps kept truth hidden from themselves?

  • MakeMake in Libra squares Quaoar/Ixion in Capricorn and makes a Hammer of Thor apex out of Algol, Jupiter, Uranus, Pleiades, and Sedna, showing the need to guard against losing your mind in times of extreme challenge and trauma.

Together The Foundations of Change, and the The Pentagram of Change courses are designed to decode the dynamics of any of the Yods; the Sedna Yod, the Varuna Yod, the Gonggong Yod, and of course the Haumea Yod. The Foundations of Change course on its own is a great template to learn how to decode any Yod.

Course Outline:

  • A Bigger Picture - Trans-Neptunian Object & Kuiper Belt Object Introduction

  • Progression of the Energies and their Astromythology

  • Yod Aspect Pattern

  • Hammer of Thor Aspect Pattern

  • Hammer of Thor Aspect Pattern: Eris square Pluto smite Orcus

  • Sedna at Yod Apex

  • Gonggong at Yod Apex

  • Haumea at Yod Apex

  • Varuna at Yod Apex

  • Hammer of Thor Aspect Pattern: MakeMake square Quaoar smite Algol, Uranus and Sedna

  • Fixed Star Algol

  • Fixed Stars Pleiades Cluster & Alcyone

  • Hammer of Thor Aspect Pattern: Haumea square Pluto and other variations

  • MakeMake

  • Ixion

  • Quaoar

  • Varda

  • Outer planets in 29th degree

  • Interpreting the Placement of the Apex planets

  • Birth Chart Planets conjunct an Apex

  • Angles and Sensitive Points

  • House Placements of an Apex

  • Last Information and Feedback Form

What are laid out in The Pentagram of Change Online Course?

  • The astromythology and the discovery charts of the trans-Neptunian and Kuiper belt objects are dissected.

  • The course has many charts that highlight important evens, such as particular eclipses of importance, and dates where the energy of the Yods and Thor’s Hammers become highly pronounced and activated.

  • Multiple Hammer of Thor aspect patterns are dissected, as well as the apex planets.

  • There is a large section in this course about the metaphysics of a Yod, and the importance of heeding the message in the sky, and ‘the writing on the wall’. There is a brief introduction into understanding a Yod, yet the astrological mechanics behind a Yod aspect pattern are quite complicated and is dissected in the previous online course titled The Foundations of Change.

  • Big picture world events are mentioned, such as the many floods and landslides, earth changes, food production and farming revolutions, artificial intelligence, laboratory produced food, etc. but not in depth.

  • The course puts a particular focus on the last decan of Taurus, as this is where the most action and change is occurring…

What you need to know before you PURCHASE this online course:

  • This course is for those who know how to read an astrology chart, transits, cast an astrology chart with either personal or free online services (like, and are able to use an online ephemeris. This is for those who can use the information in this course, to make their own interpretations, as it relates to how the transiting dwarf planets, aspect their personal and progressed planets. Those who don’t know how to read an astrological chart, nor do their own interpretations, may struggle with this course, but may find the energies and stories of the dwarf planets interesting. Those who have little astrological understanding, may have to do their own research, if they wish to verify the validity of what is presented. Being able to discern for yourself is important.

  • Even though many easy to read charts, tables, videos, images, and other visual representations are in the course to make the information easier to assimilate, I do not teach basic astrological concepts. It is expected that the student already have those skills.

  • An orb of 2 degrees is used for the Yod and Hammer of Thor aspect pattern and the inconjunct/cuincunx aspects in this course, 3 degrees at the very most as specified.

  • Hammer of Thor aspect pattern orbs are also very tight (usually exact), but due to the slow movement of the dwarf planets, an exact day and time is not always provided, as it won’t always be accurate. Instead, there is reference to a Hammer aspect pattern taking off ‘mid January’, for example, to keep in consideration that the faster moving planets will trigger the energy of the three points frequently, even when in slightly wider orb.

  • There is a staggering amount of free articles and information on this website regarding the dwarf planets and their mythologies. Some of this information cannot be included in this online course, for it cannot be monetised, or may violate copyright. It is in the nature of pioneering work - on newly discovered dwarf planets - that astrologers mention the work of others, for the sake of understanding Haumea, Eris, Orcus, MakeMake, Sedna’s etc. energies, and how the aboriginal knowledge, applies to astrology; for the benefit of all. I can only include in this online course, what can be monetised, for this website to pay for itself. (This is a rather expensive platform, and the stock images, audio and video are costly.)

  • Please do not copy or distribute the information behind the paywall.

  • Please know that this online course is a big picture overview of the Yods, Hammer and their dynamics. There are details about the KBOs and Sedna that have been well researched, but presented in great detail in the free content section as well. If you don’t understand a big picture concept mentioned in the course, do some more reading in the free content areas.

  • You can revisit this course by using your email address that you created your account with. Use the forgot password function if you have lost your password.

  • The course will be updated with new information, or previously missed information, free of charge, so check back in the future…

  • This course may initially put some in their head, but better in your head, than losing your head (Algol activations). There are bigger picture concepts that may take time to contemplate and assimilate. This is a course for those who want to delve deep into complex astrological exploration for potential personal benefit. Expect to sit with this information for some time... Both the bigger picture, and the details are important.

  • Remember to take responsibility for your own emotional reactions, for your decisions will have to be based on what is in alignment with you, and ultimately, what will be right for you. In taking this course, it is with the expectation that you take responsibility for your own life, and your own choices (see the disclaimer).

  • If you are a practising astrologer, you may be interested in reading the Ethics around Pioneering Work Page first.

  • This course does not predict the future, because nothing is set in stone, but due to the nature of astrological work, and the collective knowledge built on the evidence from the past, this course do show strong potentials…

  • This course is for adults, because the psychology pertains to a more mature and ‘life experienced’ audience.

  • Enjoy!


The Pentagram of Change: A Trans-Neptunian and Kuiper Belt Objects Online Course

Four Yods, and Three Hammer of Thor Aspect Patterns Online Course:


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