Varda Square Neptune with a Hammer of Thor Apex on Varuna, and Varda trine Eris

Trans-Neptunian objects Varda in Sagittarius and Eris in Aries has been in trine for some time, but this transit became prominent to this astrologer when Varda in Sagittarius made an exact conjunction to the Galactic Centre at 26 Sagittarius early in 2023. In April, Neptune in Pisces also joined in tight aspect at 26 degrees Neptune. Together Varda, Eris and Neptune in the same degrees of the zodiac create an interesting dynamic, between what is illusion, what is the light of truth for those in darkness, and what is suggestio falsi?

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Varda, Eris, Sedna and Haumea as Light, Value and High Character Worth Preserving Part 2

It is more important than ever to guard against being in relationships that are built on faulty foundations, where people just want to use another for their good nature, or loving heart. Take care to not invest in insincere connections, where there are ill intentions, and unhealthy ulterior motives. Bring the tower down on leaching connections, when you know you are seen as a pot of gold, or a bank to be taken from by energy feeders or users looking for a come-up via others.

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Varda, Eris, Sedna and Haumea as Light, Value and High Character Worth Preserving Part 1

As people study the newly discovered trans-Neptunian objects and KBOs, they are finding power struggles and self-empowerment, in the most strangest of places. The energies of the brightest Kuiper belt objects show the potentials for either playing the victim in a particular relationship dynamic, or rising above it; alchemising the adversarial experience for a benefit, due to the interaction with the selfish opponent. Those who take up the role of antagonist or enemy, may not realise that they can be the catalyst to elevate their targets.

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Varda of the Valar, Creator Beings and The Lord of the Rings in Astrological Meaning

This article looks at the characters connected to Varda the Queen of the Valar, kindler and creator of stars, in order to better understand the astrological significance of Varda, the newly discovered Kuiper belt object. Many people have never watched a single movie made based on Tolkien’s work, and Varda is not a featuring character in the movies anyway. Those with Varda prominent in the birth chart, or by transit, or conjunct a progressed personal planet, may find this useful.

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Varda Trine Eris Similarities, Complementary Energies and The Radiance of Divine Light

In Tolkien’s story, we see Varda being in the brilliance of her creator light. She knows she is worthy of her inner light, influence, and the benefits reaped of her creations. She doesn’t shy away from it, due to convoluted antagonist Melkor/Morgoth who wants to throw shade on her creations, and destroy the goodness for everyone. Melkor wanted control and dominion over the light, and for others to submit to his foolishness.

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Varda and Haumea partake in the Yod with Sedna at the Apex from 2019 - 2033

Varda is part of the Yod with Sedna at the apex. It partakes in the dynamics of the trans-Neptunian planets and Kuiper belt objects that contribute to the spectacular configuration in the astrological sky, at the ingress of the Haumea Yod seen below. The Yod with Sedna at the apex started just before coronavirus changed the entire course of everyone’s lives, and the Sedna Yod runs all the way to 2033…

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