Posts tagged Eru Ilúvatar
Varda of the Valar, Creator Beings and The Lord of the Rings in Astrological Meaning

This article looks at the characters connected to Varda the Queen of the Valar, kindler and creator of stars, in order to better understand the astrological significance of Varda, the newly discovered Kuiper belt object. Many people have never watched a single movie made based on Tolkien’s work, and Varda is not a featuring character in the movies anyway. Those with Varda prominent in the birth chart, or by transit, or conjunct a progressed personal planet, may find this useful.

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Varda and Haumea partake in the Yod with Sedna at the Apex from 2019 - 2033

Varda is part of the Yod with Sedna at the apex. It partakes in the dynamics of the trans-Neptunian planets and Kuiper belt objects that contribute to the spectacular configuration in the astrological sky, at the ingress of the Haumea Yod seen below. The Yod with Sedna at the apex started just before coronavirus changed the entire course of everyone’s lives, and the Sedna Yod runs all the way to 2033…

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