Varda Square Neptune with a Hammer of Thor Apex on Varuna, and Varda trine Eris

The astrological sky has been extraordinarily busy since 2020 with the effects of the Sedna Yod, Haumea Yod, Gonggong Yod, Varuna Yod (click on the image to the right) and more recently the Hammer of Thor aspect pattern that MakeMake square Quaoar makes on Uranus in Taurus. Pluto and Sedna has just moved into new AIR zodiac signs, and Pluto is at the bendings, with the South Node in its home sign of Scorpio. The astrology is monumental already, thus it is easy to ignore other less powerful aspects, but don’t fool yourself…

Trans-Neptunian objects Varda in Sagittarius and Eris in Aries has been in trine for some time, but this transit became prominent to this astrologer when Varda in Sagittarius made an exact conjunction to the Galactic Centre at 26 Sagittarius early in 2023. In April, Neptune in Pisces also joined in tight aspect, which has actually been in tight orb from 2021 onwards.

Together Varda, Eris and Neptune in the same degrees of the zodiac create an interesting dynamic, between what is illusion, what is the light of truth for those in darkness, and what is suggestio falsi?

Neptune is about wearing rose-coloured glasses, veils being lifted, being confronted with the truth, and deceits getting exposed. Neptune in home sign Pisces is needing to look with a healthy dose of reality, at illusions. Many astrologers already know that negative expression Neptune is fraught with lack of clarity, delusions, and confusion, and in home sign Pisces, it can turn into societal suffering, massive bewilderment, stalemate and great uncertainty (sound familiar?)

Suggestio falsi is a misrepresentation of the truth, brought about by implying a falsehood to be true. It's a is Latin term that means a false representation or misleading suggestion. It refers to a claim or statement of something that is untrue. It’s about trying influence and get another party to see something in a certain light: it’s appearances bullshit…

This is the energy of Eris, goddess of discord and strife, which entails the scapegoating of Eris in mythology, her being ousted, ostracised and lied on, because antagonist Zeus felt threatened by her, and wanted to take a selfish gain by making a Suggestio Falsi on her name. Zeus wasn’t going to come clean with the truth that he had been the instigator of the biggest war in history, no, instead he used false statements against Eris as opposed to the oppression of the truth. Why? To silently eliminate and discredit the competition by suggesting of untruth, that Eris was to blame. Instead of suppressing the truth - that Zeus was to blame - he invested in a lie of implication, which was the giving of Greek society just enough information so that their conlusion drawn, would implicate Eris. It’s also called delicate gaslighting, through innuendo, suggestion and hinting at entanglement; to draw Eris into his web of deceit, so delicately. Synonyms for suggestion falsi include half-truth, exaggeration, little white lie and slight stretch and well-intentioned untruth. It is only the honest enquirer that would discovery the truth, because the prejudice deliberately created against Eris was so violent, that people were so angry, and not in the least interested in asking about her version of the story. Zeus was trying to stay in power, while plotting on and sabotaging everyone who might pose as competition to him in the future, which was the stirring of his insecurities, since oracle Themis (with an M) made a prediction that Thetis (with a T) would have a son more powerful than his father. Zeus wanted to remain in top position as king of the gods, enjoying clout, privilege and power, not get dethroned by the competition. Zeus used suggestio falsi via the making of a statement from which, though it was not actually false, the natural and intended inference is a false one; an indirect lie. Why? To create stalemate, or best, complete defeat and annihilation for his competition.

Eris was very prominent in 2020 - 2021 due to Eris square Pluto’s five direct hits, and it will be activated again in 2024 as Eris conjunct Chiron. But before that happens, Varuna moves out of orb of the Varuna Yod, to be at the receiving end of a Hammer of Thor apex, between Varda square Neptune. See the charts dated 2023 and 2024 below:


Varda in Sagittarius and Eris in Aries was already in tight trine by the time this website came into being towards the end of December 2020, but this is worth reposting. Why?

Varda trine Eris in tight orb again, and it is often only towards the middle or end of a powerful aspect like this that the wisdom of interaction between the trans-Neptunian objects are realised.

Varda brings light and hope to those in darkness who are at a critical point in their awakening regarding the truth of their reality, into a new paradigm.

Eris is about experiencing the pain of the defeat from the lower expression superficial, materialistic and false, in order to realise and elevate into a new paradigm; that valuable people must protect themselves against opportunism. A narcissist attach themselves to successful people, to prop themselves up through them, then dethroning them at a pivotal moment for an ego gain, via another’s pain.

This is why empires fall in Eris astrology, because the ego gain is the goal, not the happiness of thousands of people who are part of an empire and depend on its success.

Eris higher expression people are visionary, brilliant-minded and unique, and the materialistic, envious, false lower expression wants to steal, defame, or block their bright light. In malice.


Since 2020 and CoVid lockdowns started, many people have been trapped psychologically by the overload of misinformation, some of which was deliberately designed to trap others in their heads, causing them significant self-doubt and imbalance, yet there is a hammering coming for the irresponsibility of the party-scene and toxicity.


Neptune in Pisces square Varda in Sagittarius makes a Hammer of Thor apex on Varuna, which deals with the ambush of social justice.

Together Varda, Eris and Neptune in the same degrees of the zodiac create an interesting dynamic, between what is illusion, what is the light of truth for those in darkness, and discernment on suggestio falsi.


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