Scams to Steal Accolades, Dogmatic Defamation, Vendetta and Hate Crimes in Astrology

This is part 4 in a series of articles about Eris Greek Goddess of Discord and Strife in astrology and its superficial, narcissistic and grandiose abuse of power over others behaviours, that attempt to make those of valuable qualities or skill sets seem valueless or worthless in the eyes of others… being so dogmatic in their opinions, mocking another’s uniqueness, idealism, or originality.

It’s about turning people who are loved and respected upside down.

Also refusing to see other’s fine qualities, talents, star-power, or accolades, due to a denial blindspot, or wearing a blindfold or mask… It entails the killjoy player using superiority, being cruel and ruthless to break another’s heart by downplaying or bread-crumbing them, because they shine too brightly… Wanting to dim their light or spoil their sweetness and enjoyment by exerting power over them…

This article is about goddesses and players, and how neither truly believes in the dreams or ideals of the other, because the gap between qualities, and values are too wide; one is closed-minded in a sense, and the other is open-hearted and aware. The misalignment of values are too irreconcilable. This article looks at The Judgement of Paris in Eris’s mythology, because Eris lower expression involves the exploitation of the feminine nature and female form; to make goddesses pawns to be subservient. Note that this is not a battle between male and female, as females can easily operate in the energy of the player or goddess, and visa versa.

Gaslighting is psychological manipulation. It’s when one person tries to gain control over another person by distorting reality, and forcing the other person to question their own judgement and intuition. Gaslighting is also when people are presented with false information about themselves, or another person, and they choose to buy into it… as if it is fact…

Many people are not able to see through these dynamics for what they really are, thus it can lead to retaliation, revenge and hate crimes, which is why this study is so important. Eris lower expression people are overly focussed on other’s life paths and interrupting it violently... while the higher expression wants to help and be of assistance in a broken world. In supportive relationships, people lift each other up, but this is the kind of scenario in which individuals have to dig deep inside themselves, for those valuable inner resources to avert disaster… Bad things can happen when we don’t listen to that inner voice that warns us that a situation or person isn’t being authentic in relation, or may want to harm us. Find part 1 by clicking here.

Eris higher expression goddesses are sweet, heart-felt, caring, abundant, and kind. They feel loved with the sun on their backs and embraced; they live close to their divinity because they have endured, overcome and alchemised a lot to be where they’re at, and this is often becomes a huge problem at the start of Eris transits. At the heart of the problem is the Eris lower expression players, that turns antagonistic enemy and wants to turn a mature, wise, intelligent person upside down with illusions, in shocking and upsetting ways, because they feel threatened. It’s the Eris polarity of vice versus virtue; getting satisfaction from causing a loss or suffering for another, with illusions. Inverting another person; for a selfish gain, to win, often out of jealousy or envy, due to denial of emotional truth, obsessed with feeling superior, thankless. This is important information to understand, because although Eris square Pluto’s direct five squares are over, they will be in orb until 2024. Then Eris will conjunct Chiron, Jupiter and Saturn in the next few years with direct hits up to 2028… This energy isn’t leaving soon… and with Eris conjunct Chiron commencing in 2024, this information is vital; for many are likely to experience pain, and not able to understand the dynamics behind it…

It would be beneficial for investigators, detectives, law enforcers, legal experts, etc. to learn about these, for they are the adjudicators when these dramatic domestic abuse disputes, hate crimes, and violent events between people arise. Or when institutional tradition or conservative approach are weaponised against another, obfuscating justice.

To decide what is acceptable social behaviour when the human ego flares up, and who is the real villain. Eris energy often entail crimes of passion against the innocent; who may have done nothing wrong other than be prolific true authentic Self, and that stirring the devilish ego in another…

This may help some understand where Eris vendettas and hate crimes originate… from an astrological point of view.

It’s the vice and virtue polarity of Eris Greek Goddess of Discord and Strife in Astrology.

It involves those people who like to appear principled, and upstanding members of the community, but with their identity enmeshed in those greedy overtures and fake principles based in societal traditions. They gaslight, keep those engaged with them in a toxic loop with grandiose ideas or even lies, and attempt to take from others; deeply invested, perhaps like generations before them. This lust for status, the ‘proper society’ way of life, and the resulting tension, is not sustainable as this six part series show; its destructive and implodes in on itself… The life of the lower expression Eris player and forcer goes nowhere wholesome fast…

This article looks at Paris of Troy in Eris’s mythology, who is a habitual criminal who scouted accomplished people to go along with his schemes for superiority and status. It’s about the desire to destroy another’s good time, by turning love and relationship into a battlefield.

Stirring Eris Discord of the Heart with Psychological Warfare, Dogmatism and Scamming to Control and Win

Vanity is the excessive belief in one’s own abilities or attractiveness to others, to a detriment, due to distortion…

Vanity is also something that is vain, empty, or valueless, which is why the golden apple that Eris threw into the wedding crowd had many different interpretations, depending on the values of who laid their eyes on it (some of whom were highly materialistic). The inscription on the apple said “for the fairest”. Three goddesses in Greek mythology each believed that they were the fairest… but in that quarrel, they didn’t get to resolve the dispute. The winner of the competition had obtained the apple unrighteously…

Above are the faces of more ancient Greek mythology clout chasers who tried to control a situation, for a selfish gain famously called The Judgement of Paris. Hera, Athena and Aphrodite were the contenders in the vanity-fuelled dispute over “who was the fairest” in the competition that Zeus made hapless Paris adjudicator of. The three Olympian goddesses each tempted Paris with unimaginable riches that would be bestowed on the mortal man - if he awarded the apple to them - but scheming Paris had his own favourite in Aphrodite, based on satisfying his own selfish desires. Paris lusted after Helen, Menelaus King of Sparta’s wife, and Aphrodite could “give” him Helen’s love. It would feed his vanity immensely to have the most beautiful woman in the world (Helen) find him so irresistible, that she would leave her home, husband, and children behind, to run away with Paris.

Paris was expected to be a fair judge in the competition, instead the two-faced hedonist followed his own greed, and habit of employing mind control; using delicate deception to play with people called gaslighting. Paris wanted to claim credit over the goddesses success, but had to make them accomodating to him first.

Paris wanted to win-at-all-cost, to be seen in a certain way, but had some strange beliefs: that whoever had the control over the accolades, or the “appearance” of exaltation, is the party who wins.

Emotionally manipulating people with “appearances” was the avenue to get those rewards, by making others cooperate and compliant first…

Pious Paris initially pretended to be sincerely invested in their cause as the adjudicator of the dispute, with seeming good intention, to establish who is the fairest. But he had other weird ideas, and wanted them to submit, with his flattery, love-bombing and fog; to weaken them and make them his marionettes.

By deceiving them into believing his ambiguous facade of trustworthiness, the non-committal, insincere player tricked them; with their own trust of him, taking a selfish gain for himself instead. He attempted to make the highly prestigious goddesses feel slighted, embarrassed, depressed, subdued and less than who they really are. Being dismissive and condescending of them and their gifts.

Paris treated the goddesses like they were options, and not worth consideration or respect. Yet the goddesses each embodied extraordinary beautiful qualities and skills that Paris did not have, nor understood. They each had more of the fine things that snobbish Paris lacked…

Image: via Wikimedia Commons.

The self-satisfying Don Juan used the power of romantic attraction for private agendas; he had a desire to undermine others from the start.

Paris was only coming across like he was helping. All Paris was focussed on, was building his glory… while confusing, sabotaging and tearing down others.

There was no real love, companionship, nor friendship. It’s all empty and vain. Ego.

Paris acted all congenial, warm and fuzzy, and principled when he needed an exorcist. Coming across as warm and loveable, yet lacking the sympathy gene. Paris was pretending to be an amicable fair judge, when he’s been corrupt. The impetus? Utter selfishness. Disloyalty. Hedonism. No spirituality. Only a smirk in obtaining a victory for himself, expecting others to chase after, bow down to him, or be blind to his schemes… The irony…

Dogmatism is a way of thinking that is arrogant and narrow-minded, often because of prejudice or bigotry. It's expressing personal opinions or beliefs as if they are undoubtedly correct, or are established fact…

The desecration and defamation of their characters after the adjudication, and Paris’s vindictive spirit, led to Hera and Athena becoming life long enemies of both Paris and Aphrodite. During the Trojan War, Athena who is Goddess of Battle Strategy (personifying wisdom and righteousness) deliberately took sides against Paris. Athena won, as she was known to never loose a battle… It was a poor choice on Paris’s side to make an enemy out of Athena and Hera. Had he conducted the Judgement of Paris fairly, treated everyone with consideration, and not play people into compliance and then persecution, the dominoes that led to the Trojan war, would certainly NOT have fallen. Why? It was the stirring of the massive (Eris) discord in the heart, that triggered the pain and insecurity, that fuelled the anger and righteous rage…

Social engineer Paris was hated with a passion after the confusion and dogmatic scam he had staged, which was unrighteous, shortsighted, unwise, and reckless…

Had Paris given thought to what he was doing, he would certainly have realised that he was walking headfirst into his own trap…

The red flags were quite obvious - as discussed in The Judgement of Paris article - but the hyper sexual Paris just chose to live an unaware, selfish life, in cognitive dissonance. Not investing in valuable self-reflection, taking accountability for his emotional truth, gaining wisdom, nor self-healing. Not investing in challenging times and an opportunity to grow and evolve. Instead investing in low vibing, manipulative, controlling, and immature behaviour… Bad choices…

Biased Paris refused to give three goddesses the fairness and deserving adjudication that he was tasked by Zeus, to give them; refusing to acknowledge their reputation for their fine qualities. He was an opportunist, who saw them as an opportunity…

When hedonist Paris saw what Aphrodite had to offer (the love of Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world), he became overwhelmed with greed and lust, and just handed the apple to her - without Aphrodite having appropriate merit to win - to have his selfish gain… Paris’s level of integrity, how he walks through life, and how he treats people, was not what he purported it to be…

Image: The Judgement of Paris via Wikimedia Commons.

The Judgement of Paris shows that as Paris hastily handed the apple to Aphrodite, he showed his true intentions, and colours, and gave others a peek into his soul.

Paris had no appreciation for the fine qualities or skill sets of the goddesses, due to a prejudice and a blindspot, which is why he took the gamble and wanted prestigious women to voluntarily go into a cage; his cage.

Paris’s reckless judgement, allowed the goddesses to make the correct judgement on his character, morals and integrity. His vision was tyrannical ego self-satisfaction from the domination, abuse, maltreatment, and exploitation of others…

False Judgements, and Flipping the Script on those with Worth, Dignity, Wealth, Beauty, Skill Sets and Fine Qualities

Utopian Paris wanted to make these prestigious goddesses yielding, consenting and dependent on him, so that he can control them, with his (false) judgement of them; to be disempowered by a false appearance of lowered position, influence, or worth in society.

The audacity of a mere immature mortal inflicting these injustices on those of mature, tested by time attributes, and higher social rank, infuriated the goddesses…

Image: Fool’s gold (left) is virtually worthless, but real gold (right) is valuable. Macro of Pyrite (Fools Gold). It is about 4 inches in width, Attribution: I, Jonathan Zander via Wikimedia Commons. Gold coin, Aureus, Auguste, Lyon. 7.90 g, via Wikimedia Commons.

Scamming to ruin or disgrace is an Eris issue. Paris wanted others to oblige and invest in his position of being an adjudicator, or in his brief appointment of position of power over them; for them to invest in his false version of who has value, and who can be devalued, treated unfairly or poorly. Scamming others out of what is fair and just, or rightly theirs, into an unbalanced power dynamic. To make them think that they need the villain, or that the taker is valuable in their life, when Paris is the clout chasing mortal… It’s the flipping of the script of the vanity-driven out to charm, hoping for some (fake) self-esteem and acclaim in the eyes of others.

It’s the inauthentic desperate to fool those who have authentic qualities, so he can manage their sacred resources and dignity, as if it belonged to him in a swap or energy transfer. It’s an attempted swapping of his fools gold, against their real gold, like a trickster. He tried to make them unprotesting to his plan to demean and reverse his lack of fortune, onto goddesses who had greatness indeed; it’s called psychological projection, or reverse psychology. It’s the abomination of the spiritually corrupted to try to put another in poverty…

It’s a karmic situation in which valuable lessons need to be learnt and integrated; about a leeching energy vampire’s depredations, and the true worth those with merit and fine qualities. Paris’s hasty judgement entailed not giving them the fair adjudication he was tasked with, and he didn’t settle the dispute. Paris is representative of lying devil energy, that doesn’t have anything good to give, will never actually give back, and just wants to take away from others, by making them susceptible and submissive.


Stealing Accolades, the Rightful Owners of the Blessings, and the Lazy Narcissist’s Blind Spot

An accolade is an award or privilege granted as a special honour, or as an acknowledgement of merit. It is a strong praise, award, expression of commendation or approval, and in this case it involves people’s matured qualities, skill sets, and work ethics that they had worked hard to cultivate. It is given in recognition in a formal ceremonial way, or like a pat on the shoulder for a job well done, or a few words of admiration.

This is the reason why the discord in the heart is stirred so greatly, because one person wants to steal the rewards of what another had laboured so diligently for. It’s not fair, and that’s why it is so hard… because the undeserving isn’t WORTHY of an accolade, as the one who earned it.

An accolade is a praise for someone who is greatly admired, or a prize given to them for their excellence, due to the time, investment, and focus put into some effort. When this is awarded to the UNWORTHY or if someone else obtains this via deception, it stirs excruciating pain and discord in the heart.

Accolades are the product of someone’s hopes, dreams, vision and prayers to the divine for assistance. It’s a serious committed investment of time, money, energy, effort, focus, etc. These are very expensive commodities. If someone steals years from another’s life, this cannot be recuperated, which is why there are earthly courts, judges and jail time, and also spiritual jail where the stuck and stagnant are. Stealing a month from another’s time is mean and evil, imagine the obsessed stealing years from another’s life journey, and then desiring to stitch them up some more afterwards… Perhaps trying to steer a ship or empire, where they lack the skill set, and don’t have the depth and meaning to do so. Wanting to be a victor with accolades, but not having the desire to be of service to humanity with their natural talents, instead wanting to climb into another’s “skin”… and be the fake version of a successful goddess… Having had the option to support and empower, but having decided to destroy relationship instead with sabotage.

The goddesses were anguished by Paris’s betrayal and desire to dim their light, because they each had achievements, skills, inner strengths, and traits that were widely admired by everyone.

They were highly conscious of their dignity, and qualities. They were prestigious and had great strength and endurance. They exuded confidence in their energy, and were highly optimistic, energetic and the victor of their own life. The goddesses sat firmly on the throne of the truth of who they were, and they kept on winning, progressing, prospering, and succeeding in their individual lives, because they had the life experience and preparation to operate in that high frequency energy; being thriving master manifestors. They had wisdom, knowledge and acknowledgement, of how to become a person worthy of respect. They are goddesses worthy of honour, it is just that the player refused to acknowledge them, because he could not reach that place of being respectable himself.

The goddesses’s authenticity, would intimidate anyone who isn’t comfortable with themselves, and trigger them.

The lines between PRIDE and VANITY were blurred during the Judgement of Paris because both the ego, and wounding of the ego were greatly stirred, but in studying how the goddesses truely felt about themselves, and how Paris truely thought of himself; things become clear.

  • Pride is a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements. It is a consciousness of one’s own dignity, like having healthy self-esteem, self-respect, self-worth, self-identity, self-regard, etc. The goddesses had great reason to have fixed, stable, strong confidence and high self-esteem. They were brilliant over-achievers and true super stars, as goddesses of the Greek patheon, which meant that few could compare to their magnificent.

  • Vanity is more of a negative feeling, as an excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements, like; narcissism, self-absorption, self-admiration, self-obsession, etc. Paris had little to be confident about… other than illusions that he made up in his head of how things should be, or gaslighting others into believing his fabrications.

Paris had a chip on his shoulder, which is an Eris issue. The goddesses’ confidence brought out Paris’s insecurity and made him feel highly intimidated and agitated in comparison; this is the Eris mirroring effect. The fact that Paris felt Eris discord in the heart, was not about the goddesses, but what he did not want to face about himself. It was Paris’s insecurity and denial that was causing the inner disturbance, turmoil, and irritation.

Hubristic Paris was mad at the goddesses excelling in life, getting recognition, admiration, love, support etc. … Paris wanted to dethrone and defame them… to dim their bright light and have them grovelling at his feet for his favour.

Paris was jealous about their security, stability, and work ethic, and their accumulated wealth. Envious Paris was only looking at what they had; their physical achievements and superficial/materialistic rewards, but not looking at the diligent time and effort that went into it. This blindspot and

reckless participation in denial, is what tripped Paris up; to indulge in the low vibrational deep envy and greed that took his life down the wrong path… Paris was in disbelief, refusing to recognise, nor acknowledge that the goddesses’ rewards, were due to all their EARNED hard work, elbow grease, deep focus, and effort; being grounded, stable, dedicated and committed to all the people, places, and things that they love. They worked for their privileges; they are self-made. Their effort actually prepared and qualified them for the honourable life they are living; this is why some copycat cannot just steal and live another’s sacred path… Vision is in the eye of the beholder, not the eye of the faker.

Paris had the option to admire them for their excellence, look at the ACTIONS that they took to acquire accolades, and utilise that to propel his own life forward, but instead the player invested in being blind to certain aspects regarding them, getting jealous and greed-filled because of what they had, and he did not. Paris did not want to look at the naked man in the mirror, and see what he needed to change about himself, instead projecting onto others and manipulating them.

Denial of truth, and refusing to take accountability, backfired on Paris… as it always does… In being dogmatic, the player was so convinced that he was in the right… yet he carried the blindspot, blindfold, and mask that prevented him from seeing the truth… Blind as a bat… A real fool…

Paris wanted to mock the goddesses for their uniqueness, originality, idealism and unorthodox visionary innovation, but only because he could not connect with how they got their accolades in the first place…

Paris couldn’t stand their creativity, nor the out of the box thinking, because it showed that he lacked it; this is why he attacked them and tried to distort how others viewed them and their fine gifts to humanity, through divine guidance.

Spiritual hater Paris was a great actor who put on a show all rooted in brainstorming with the ego to confuse people with lies and chaos, which happen to be the exact opposite of being connected to authentic, divine Self as a superlative creator…

When a person knows who they are, no one can take advantage of them being rooted in their truth, but deeply envious and insecure Paris felt defeated in HIS (blind as a bat) comparison to them.

His self-esteem issues were immense, which is why he invested in obsessing over other’s success and downplaying them, not investing in himself and taking an honest look at his own unhealed pain; ruining all his relationships from a place of seeing everyone as an adversary. Refusing to look within for the root of the problem, harming himself due to always focussing on the outside of himself instead

Envy entails not wanting others to have, what they have… but envy always backfires, because it entails a blindspot that the envier refuses to look at.

(When a person doesn’t want another to have something they deserve, the envier is the one who ends up taking the loss.) And so adversarial Paris was trying to convince the goddesses and all the illustrious onlookers, that the goddesses didn’t have the skills and qualities, that they did possess… which is why they supposedly “needed” him to “manage” them. Paris wanted to appear the pillar of society, but it was only mockery and an illusion…

Paris tried to convince the charismatic, abundant goddesses that they were in lack, or inadequate, so that he can oust them and take their worth from them, amidst the scarcity havoc he was creating…

In a moment, the player forcefully wanted them to surrender and be subservient to him; to kiss ass, kowtow, submit to bullying, and take a loss, to be controlled, or caged, for the insatiable thrill of the pleasure-seeker.

Paris wanted to flip the script on them… to passionately take them down… to weaponise who belongs, and who is not acceptable. He wanted them trapped in bad PR, to turn what is positive into a negative for them. He wanted those who are balanced, to be unbalanced and sabotaging themselves… perhaps even to be self-abasing. Paris wanted goddesses under his thumb, docile, obedient and cowering to his “appearance” of rule over them.

This is the work of the narcissist, trying to make others second guess themselves, that they are not good enough, or not in the right place. Paris wanted the golden girls biddable to give up the accolades that were meant for them, so that he could “have it”, or manage their talents. This is a man who doesn’t want to work for his own rewards, but want to take it from others; manipulating them into handing it to him, yielding. Paris doesn’t have any work ethic, he is lazy, insolent and self-indulgent. Paris wanted to skip over the steps that others take to get an achievement, feeling entitled to instant rewards. His brother Hektor often rebuked and shamed him immensely for his sloth, lust, corruption, entitlement and hedonism. Paris also loved to take other people’s opportunities away from them… having no idea about karma… and that Eris Wheel of Fortune that turns, as is described in part 8.


The goddesses saw false Paris’s vendetta of malevolence against successful people, and how he tried to weaponise hierarchy, tradition, system and convention, abusing his position in a self-appointed manner that is baseless.

Paris tried for the goddesses to humbly fit into his box, “othering” them as if they are worthless and don’t belong in the Greek pantheon, entitling himself with his decision to this idealism of superiority with this showoff. Yet, the irony is that he didn’t have a leg to stand on, as he tried to knock goddesses off their square… with his sloppy illusion, and unattractive “appearances” bullshit…

The goddesses saw his judgemental closed-minded discrimination against them and his mistake of trying to crush them with his idealism based on lies, trickery, and the corruption of acting as if he is superior.

This is the Venus, Mercury, Pluto in Sagittarius conjunction in 9th house in Eris discovery chart.

The goddesses saw Paris’s blindspot, and plotted their own revenge… against a man who did not have the skills, talents, gifts etc. that they had… Paris thought that he was real smart, and smirked about his ruse, but history showed that he was severely lacking in what he needed to protect himself from disaster… which is good sense (described in part 3). In trying to knock two goddesses from the pantheon off their path, his own was going to go awry… The goddesses were blessings in the lives of those who were fortunate to be their ally, but their enemies would be sorry indeed… for this baseless fakery regarding superiority, and trying to get a gain from them…

Paris’s false reality was based in his lack, poverty consciousness, faulty foundation, and needing to stage a loss for others via gaslighting and shaming to gain something…

Paris made a bad choice and gamble indeed, in refusing to be generous to goddesses who were worthy of their accolades and admiration.


Acquiring Accolades with a Scam the Narcissistic/Selfish Way, with all the Emotions behind a cultured Vendetta, and a Need for Defamation to lead to Self-Aggrandisement Superiority

Paris needed to do the work, and in that journey acquire skills, growth, and maturity to help him get what he desired - including his own accolades - but the haughty player didn’t want to do that… wanting to bluff and win in a dishonourable / blind as a bat to certain truths way, instead… Paris wanted to take over other’s great potentials and manifestations…

Paris wasn’t deserving of other’s accolades, yet the drama starter went around making violent accusations, projections and gaslighting people, triggering them into thinking that others were unworthy of their own rewards, and that he was the rightful owner. Or perhaps that there was some underhanded plot going on, to prevent him from getting what he deemed he deserved. Paris was in severe mental agony at the prospect of taking a loss, because the crybaby/spoilt brat wanted his preferred reality, over the actual reality. He had been trying to convince himself that he was entitled to what his violent emotions desired… while wearing a blindfold to the truth. Paris could not stand the fact that there were many who were far greater than him, and more deserving. In his projection, he was accusing others of being the monster that he was… Selfish people are often guilty of the accusations they make against others.

Self-absorbed Paris misunderstood others deliberately, to make his pride and ego feel better, through an Eris issue called self-aggrandisement. It’s a method for an ego feed and prop up that entails causing loss, injustice, or pain for another, via sitting on a high horse…

This is an exaggerated aggressive action intended to enhance or draw attention to one's perceived power, wealth, position, lifestyle, or reputation.

This is being boastful often in disregard of the truth. It’s a pattern of pompous behaviour, boasting, narcissism or competitiveness designed to create an appearance of superiority. In practical terms, it is a person who engages in false accusations, smear campaigns, distortion campaigns, character assassination attempts and malicious gossip. It is more of that hubris discussed earlier, obtained via sabotaging, backstabbing, shaming and stealing another’s honour.

Scandalous Paris wanted to be victorious in a court of public opinion where he had his boot on the neck of the downtrodden, yet there is no honour, nor victory parade, when people see the truth and motivation behind the scam of the self-aggrandiser, who embedded himself in his own downfall.

Hapless Paris just wanted to be celebrated, obsessed with attempting to invert justice, the grand scheme of things, the bigger picture, and natural law for others, and doubling down on the abomination; forcing things go in his favour by making others subservient to him, so he can take victory over them.

There is a lot of irony: Paris’s faux pas had roots in his trying to ruin other’s credibility, in order to appear glossy himself, yet this is how he ruined himself. The player used the goddesses as pawns, leading to the fall of his own reign, fortune and Troy.

Being a non-committal forceful player, in stable situations that have foundation, has the potential to bring massive destruction, even cause entire empires to fall from grace, as what happened to the empire of Troy in Eris’s Greek mythology…

A False Constructed Happy Place called Ego Mind Control

Image: via Wikimedia Commons.

Here it is important to realise that Paris (and many other Eris lower expression people) have a manufactured idea of themselves that is very easily threatened.

Paris didn’t have a self-image that was rooted in healthy self-esteem, instead it was based in all sorts of self-constructed smoke and mirrors of the ego, which is very, very fragile indeed.

This is a self-designed psychological trap that brings forth fear and the need for control.

There was no divine spark, which is why this person is bent on dulling other’s light; who do have that solid self-esteem. Everyone else had to suffer, so Paris could feel stable… he created chaos, manipulation and nightmares for others, so that everyone else had to go through a dark night of the soul, and he can avoid that psychological ego death… So that he didn’t have to transform spiritually, but for everyone else to remain stuck as well; reaping karmic cycles repeatedly, getting the same dull outcome for all involved, never learning anything. Yet his life was full of boredom and lack of inspiration, which is why he would rather take someone else’s inspiration or vision for his own. It’s the control that Paris had established, by this constructed personality that makes him feel better than everyone else, that made him feel safe, not wanting change; yet he was stealing, abusive, lying, misleading others, ruining other’s lives, and in lack… it’s an evil weakness called cowardice.

Paris was so frightened to look within, which is why this fabricated reality was employed to make him “happy” and cause suffering for everyone else.

It entailed love-bombing others with false regard, to steal their sovereignty, keep them back from their potential or joyful life path, and stopping their transformation. Spoilt Paris wanted to change the natural order of things. He didn’t want this fragile bubble (that is easily popped by truth and clarity) to be threatened; he was fighting to keep his illusion in place, knowing that once Humpty Dumpty falls and breaks, he would never be the same again… Ego death is demanded, especially towards the end of Eris transits…

However, impersonator and hustler Paris was determined to resist, and felt justified to have his way and fight all of this… obsessively wanting the benefits of control, high-society lifestyle, and fake esteem…

Anything that threatens his manufactured idea of self, is what needed to be destroyed… to prevent others from finding their empowerment, feeling real joy and finding meaning in their lives. Holding others down, and guiding everyone in the wrong direction, due to hidden motives… It’s the anti-truth, pro confusion of devil energy. Lunacy indeed…

It was due to Paris’s investment in the lower expression superiority and false ego esteem, that he was unable to accept goddess energy. This juxtaposition entails incompatibility, which Paris's ego could not metabolise.

Here it is important to pause and to evaluate, how Eris higher expression elevates in the healthy way by learning lessons from experience, forgiveness, detoxification, self-love, self-respect, healing, and elevating in frequency by becoming more soul connected. There is harmony and alignment in this pathway, and keeping distance from the opposite energies that want to operate in ego-battle mode, which is self-defeating.

Eris lower expression want to feed and magnify the ego; to glorify, enthrone, to canonise the self-importance with divide and conquer winning over other people to make the ego superior, which leads to feeling empty and sad, because in the end there is no victory, hope, nor self-esteem in this pathway. It’s the strife and drama that arises from vanity, that stays in a loop; a karmic loop in which lessons are never learnt. This is the path that leads to fall from grace as part 5 proves. What goes up must come down. As people climb social or corporate ladders, there’s less room at the top, and more competition for it. This path is a guaranteed recipe for more Eris conflict and strife.


The Quest and Obsession for Power, Fortune and Accolades for the Player, albeit a False Sense of Power, Causing Deliberate Pain for a Gain

Immature, jealous Paris habitually sought out those who were successful, mature and qualified in their field, so he can present them with his false facade, and try to take what is theirs via manipulation, deflecting, and gaslighting them into his false version of reality. Today we also understand Eris lower expression people, who want to steal other’s accolades as:

  • scammers

  • thieves

  • hackers

  • social engineers

  • gaslighters

  • swindlers

  • blessing blockers

  • con artists

  • Don Juans

  • clout chasers

These are the modern day selfish people who don’t want to do the work for their own accolades, who attempt to manipulate others, to hand over theirs to them instead. Yet in relationships, it can also be a great betrayal when another want what you have, and forcefully take it. It’s being disloyal in relationship, when you strive to withhold, make another loose out, or take away something valuable from them, that they had produced. It is the entitled feeling entitled to having something, that they did not put the work in for… so they can rub the salt in the other’s wounds… for their satisfaction… inflaming the discord… Why? Because the scandalous thief had perhaps intended for the one they disadvantaged, to become a different version of themselves, due to their loss… It is the act of the envier finding fulfilment in becoming dark in devil energy, to do this to another…

Can you now understand why being shot down like this by a mere immature mortal, stirred the discord in the goddesses hearts for revenge… and why they succumbed to the strife…

Pious Paris did this in a way to deliberately inflict pain. Using this inflicted sorrow/loss as power over others for self-aggrandisement; to assure himself of, and promote his own self-importance, and power over others.

For the killjoy player to feel satisfaction or some kind of “justice” play out for himself, regarding his “view of himself as superior”. Being dogmatic, entails Paris believing that he is right and that others are wrong in his power play…

In doing this, Paris’s vendetta, sabotage and spite, was giving others incentive to indulge in low vibrational energies - that may take them down the wrong path - as well; towards self-sabotage or self-destruction.

That is why this is so insidious. It’s an opportunity to allow delusional repoor with the divine in a moment, and compromising integrity to allow an addictive pattern authority over the inner spirit…

Image: Paris and Athena Goddess of Battle Strategy who became great enemies after the unfair Judgement of Paris. Athena had qualities and attributes far surpassing Paris, and not treating her fairly, led to his own demise.

A Brief Opportunity for Awakening into Understanding via an Eye Opening Experience, to avert MASSIVE Disaster…

According to Wikipedia, Aphrodite helped Paris to carry Helen off with him to Troy. Helen was the most beautiful woman on earth, cuckolding her husband Menelaus King of Sparta. This is yet another domino, in the form of another’s pride being wounded because their accolade was stolen (Helen), that led to a vendetta and the Trojan War, as Menelaus raised many to war against the empire of Troy. Figuratively, the phrase, "The Judgment of Paris," can mean the ultimate origin of a war or other event…

Similarly, this is the kind of injustice and atrocity that can lead to hate crimes, or crimes of passion… that has a certain root cause…

When an envier has a vendetta against successful people who worked hard for their accolades, and steal other’s blessings causing deliberate pain, this causes immense anger. Realising that enviers are happy when they make another immensely sad.

Victims who don’t take the time to reflect and study the lessons of this Eris experience, are at great risk to act in ways that has repercussions, and bad outcomes for themselves…

True strength and resilience comes from a balanced ego, endurance, being graceful, and a receptive energy to tame the beast within… If a victim of this hate crime chooses not to explore this exploding anger inside of themselves, and what lessons can be learnt from the experience, it can lead to great suffering. But when one chooses to forgive, goes through the dark night of the soul experience, it allows the spiritual maturation process, moving on and elevating; knowing your own worth.

It is accepting the obvious: that there are opportunistic players who want valuable people who carry goddess energy - as pawns - to believe that they are worthless, or have no rights, when they are the treasure that the envious wants to bury.

Eris lower expression prowlers don’t target nobodies… because nobodies don’t have the accolades of high self-esteem, confidence, wealth, accomplishments, pride, beautiful qualities, etc. Being devalued, stolen from, or humiliated by the lower expression in a manipulative cesspool, is often a projection of how they feel about themselves… People are jealous of others, and the flipping of the script is their way of not dealing with their own doubts, and insecurities in a healthy sensing and feeling way, making it another’s problem instead, by triggering discord…

Unfortunately too few people are willing to forgive, heal themselves and release the past, which is why they succumb to committing retaliation or revenge.



Plotting Revenge due to Suffering Eris Mental and Emotional Imbalance, due to lack of Self-Reflection

The lower expression is often energetically indebted to the higher expression from whom they tried to take a benefit, yet Eris lower expression energy often entails denial, jumping to conclusions, making reckless choices, and an inability to see a situation as it really is… due to being blocked off from good sense, instead operating in low vibrational fog…

Think of super villain, the Evil Queen in the tale of beautiful Snow White, who would not stop with her attacks and reign of terror, due to her own internal chaos; unable to get a reality check, not learning her lessons, nor able to find ways to deal with the shadow side. Unable to take the blinders off… and see that the internal landscape of a certain person - due to holding superficial values and beliefs (cognitive dissonance), and not seeing things correctly through the distorted lens - is the real problem… The fact that innocent Snow White was taking away the Evil Queen’s “shine”, was not her fault… it was the mistake of the person who will not get out of denial, grow, and glow on their own merit, instead feeling justified to take the competition out…

The immature, mean power-monger creates the suffering and emotional discord in the heart, not only for them self by being in denial, but on a victim as well…

It’s skewed beliefs, fog, and messed-up thinking, that results in skewed actions… that looks like the revenge of a deliberately malicious spirit that’s in a haze. Poisoned and in a toxic situation.

Building tactical cases, and trying to dispense justice on another to trap or dominate them… while in truth blindfolded and blind as a bat by wrath. From trying to control, to out of control… From trying to reverse fortune, to reversing their own. Having no sound judgement and losing themselves fast…

Authentic Clarity, Maturity and Joyful Manifestations:

The authentic higher expression has vision, clarity, glory, vitality, staying power, and massive potential for growth and success. They are often a brilliant, honest hard worker, who has accomplished happiness, or great things through their own independent effort. It is authenticity, being truthful, and being true to Self that reaps those good rewards after all. Leading with the heart, enjoying their life, and being admired for that, because people resonate with that joyous authenticity and good intentions. They may be tapped into their own flow, being highly creative, inspired, generous, and following their bliss, like Snow White. She is the antithesis of Eris higher expression emotional and psychological well-being. Snow White represents equilibrium and achieving a state of balance, peace, and contentment after a long ordeal with a merciless enemy (Evil queen).

Bounty comes from patience and ingenuity, the fair and just treatment of others, and reaping what one had sowed; the natural way. Not from turning good people upside down - from a position of an unhealed, cold heart, or living an unaware life - to take from another’s bounty. Natural law has cycles and rhythms, to regulate our behaviours, keeping balance and order. If oppression, starvation, or cruelty disrupt this order, then abhorrent, chaotic, self-destructive behaviour can ensue.

Inauthenticity. Immaturity. Distorted or Deformed Manifestations:

The immature… well, their head may be in the clouds or there may be a big fog or confusion. Perhaps also a lack of glory that is rightfully theirs, healthy vitality in the form of genuine enthusiasm, nor staying power from NOT having learnt to patiently work for what is theirs. Perhaps caught lying, stealing, being reckless, or causing injustice and feeling the shame of it, thus a diminishing

effect on potential for growth and happiness, like the Evil Queen. Perhaps feeling entitled and expecting for things to be handed to them; not willing to do the inner exploration of authentic emotional self, to obtain the similar or even greater benefits on their own merit.

There may be unclear thinking, delusions in relationship (Venus, Mercury, Pluto in Sagittarius in 9th house conjunction in Eris discovery chart), deformed manifestations, wrong choices, self-imposed prisons, unresolved resentments, grudges, sloth, and obstinance.

There may be the psychological feeling of being stuck and stagnant; allowing the shadow side to rule, digging their heels in due to wanting to hang onto illusions, grudges and bad feelings. (It’s always someone else’s fault.) This is the anger that often fuels the already emptiness of the Eris discord of the heart experience. And when the Eris lower expression person is in denial of the truth of the situation, this means that they may mistake their own insecurity, triggering, anger and pain, as a direct result of seeing another person who is successful or happy. This can be the impetus that results in lashing out in revenge, thinking that the other is deserving of pain, retaliation or suffering. This is what can lead to loss of legacies, empires falling, or complete instability.


This is how creepers who harm, kill or murder others in a crime of passion get where they are. They actually think that their violent emotions, thoughts or actions are justice, or justified. Or that they are god, that is going to give someone back “what they deserve”.

This is Eris mental imbalance and suffering, that can result in destructive impulse, or acts of vengeance…

… and potentially jail time… Wether physical jail or spiritual jail, there are consequences…

One has to be forced to sit and think of the corruption on the inside.

Eris Denial, and Aggressive, Righteous Rage is Dangerous Territory…

It’s the hubris that one has the right to disregard the divinely fixed limits on human action, in an ordered cosmos; to the intentionally use violence to humiliate or degrade an authentic person, for the gratification of the abuser. So they can feel better about the inner turmoil they experience, without actually dealing with the true source of their inner discordStaying on the fence, and not dealing with the root of their inner turmoil, means they can feed their aggressive, righteous rage at the person who stirs their insecurities - who is holding up a mirror for them - that they want to control, disadvantage, and gain satisfaction from instead. This is not healthy… Avoidance and downright denial are slippery slopes into dangerous territory, as the Eris examples show. Paris Prince of Troy, the Evil Queen in Snow White, Cinderella’s stepmother, Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus, and the woman who allegedly killed Selena, all had terrible endings…

Law Enforcement, Understanding Eris Hate Crimes, Misdirected Vengeance, and Finding Redemption

There is a movie titled Good Will Hunting that describes how a seasoned psychology professor was able to recognise that his patient’s aggressive righteous rage, had at the root of it; (Eris) pain that had been denied. Through therapy, Will was able to find his healing, stop being the boasting of his conquests aggressor, and culture his own redemption. Will needed to face the pain that he had been unable to look at, forgive and move on. After this emotional release of his deeply repressed sorrow and blame of his abuser, he had renewed energy to start a new life, with a clean slate. The moral of the story is as follows: just because you have an emotional problem that is self-destructive, it doesn’t make it right to take the spite out on innocent people, so you can feel better.

This information is important to understand for investigators, detectives, law enforcers, adjudicators, law experts, etc.

Eris will be prominent in the human experience from 2020 - 2028+, and it will be important to discern, who is faking that they are a victim of a merciless power-monger bully, and who is the real victim who is suffering in an unfair power balance or a precarious karmic situation. Why?

Those who prosecute innocent people, will feel the energetic effect of committing an injustice in one way or another. It is the nature of the cosmos to balance unfairness and injustice. So get to understand Eris dynamics, to make an accurate assessment of these situations - the first time! To better discern and see through the guises of the villain’s projections, bad intentions masked by kindness, pity parties, martyrdom or victim playing.

Clarity, speaking truth, and being highly perceptive are the ultimate goals of Eris transits.

Temptation and Lust for the Low Vibrational, and the Overindulgence in Greed and Bad Choices, in Frivolity

Eris lower expression people tend to seduce others with appearances of opulence or illusions of grandeur, this is how they may enforce their influential will. It’s the vision and dream - to enjoy public acclaim, wealth, or status - but it’s fake and two-faced…

Dangling carrots in front of people or making promises, to get some kind of perceived influence, credibility, get people to do things for them, enjoy perks, is not healthy… Entertaining or love-bombing people with pies in the sky or lofty dreams. Using social hierarchy, position or connections to influence others. Selling fake fantasies in exchange for prominence in the eyes of others. Ruthless, to keep the ruse with low vibrations and position of power and prestige going (like Zeus and Paris did for their own selfish gain).


It’s not healthy to magnetise people with the ideals of what the dream can be… when it’s not real, nor built on solid foundation.

If it’s not real, its a lie…

Something built on a false foundation, gives people a false sense of security, and false impressions.

Low vibes, lack of values and morals, and fake principles… are not solid foundation for something wholesome (!!!).

There is no nobility in this lifestyle; in doing egregious things for superficial gain, thinking that it is going to satisfy for the long term.

Why the Need to Control, Creating False Version of Reality and Addiction to Energy?

With Eris energy, you’re either an energetic match for certain good things to proliferate, or you are not…

Cognitive dissonance is not going to get you anywhere… other than more denial and far-reaching consequences…

Paris of Troy had designed in his head, a delusion about how the narrative will go, regarding who has value and ranking, and who can be discounted and treated unfairly. With his blindfold to certain truths in place, and getting the self-aggrandizing reinforcement that he is superior from taking power and prestige over others; he allowed for his own downfall. Those like Paris who want to dominate, plot and manipulate on others, are only aware of the internal perspective; a manufactured reality where they are superior, or on top, that may not be based in reality. It’s the construction of a false self that is very fragile but fractured, and the truth is the threat that will pop that bubble. This is why there is so much desire to control and dominate; in self-preservation of keeping the self-deceit going, as if it is protection. Some don’t want to go within and look at the psychology or pain behind this behaviour… full stop…. yet they know that other people want to elevate into a better, truthful, more mature life where their dreams will be fulfilled. The immature know they will be left behind, not being able to feed off of another’s good energy anymore. This is the reason for the plotting, illusions, and control; they don’t want those elevating to get the rewards and blessings from moving on, that they know they themselves will not get… It’s selfish.

Cathartic Eris Truth is Meant to Redeem

As explained previously, this information may be challenging for some people, yet the idea with Eris energy, is for the truth to redeem you.


Learn why leader of society Zeus wanted to gaslight both society and Eris, from his convention box position, from which he attacked other’s stability; to keep everyone in a maze, to stay stuck in bondage by presenting illusions. It’s the narcissism disguised as altruism, with ulterior motives and hidden drivers. His anger was often piqued by anything that hurt his ego - so then he justified his anger and aimed it, to squash the source of that insult to his ego.

Click here to read part 5.


Series Eris Vanity and Clout Chasing Articles:

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