Sedna in Astrology and Viruses Transmitted between Animals and Humans


Sedna Yod is Active

Last week reports emerged again about the newly discovered Langya virus, and again, the Sedna Yod is active. Apex Sedna is in the 29th crisis degree Taurus, and Ixion is at 0 degrees Capricorn sextile Haumea at 29 degrees Libra. Sedna is the Inuit goddess of sea and marine animals in astrology, and the dwarf planet that is currently making its closest approach to the sun in the next 50 years.

The astrological energies have been HEAVY and THICK for the last few days. I knew that it was most likely Sedna 'doing something' and low and behold when I checked, this week Sedna is stationing to go retrograde on the crisis degree (29 Taurus conjunct the Pleiades, Alcyone and Mars). This is happening as the Sedna yod is active as well. This is potent! You just gotta love how some of the trans-Neptunian and Kuiper belt objects are able to slow an entire planet to a crawl... and make people sit and think about what is beyond the human mundane; soul purpose... Feel it, for it is powerful medicine - full of potential - when the shaman metaphorically comes knocking; to ask Sedna about what the community has to do to rectify their behaviour... to move away from a trajectory towards spiritual starvation or moral depravity... (see Sedna’s astromythological story for more on that…)

Intermingling with animals due to zoonotic virus?

According to this article, three-quarters of emerging viruses in the 21st century have jumped from animals, mostly from wildlife - among them HIV/AIDS, Ebola, SARS, MERS and now SARS-CoV-2. The rate at which these diseases emerge is also increasing decade by decade.

In this video, health expert and GP Dr Brad McKay suggests that the rise of these viruses are due to deforestation, wet-markets, etc. and that we should start to reconsider our intermingling with animals. These viruses reportedly are transferable between animals and humans, and we certainly have a history of this; see the list of the global health emergencies that the WHO has declared below.

When asked what can be done to mitigate these risks, Dr McKay suggested limiting contact with animals. Another article states that: "the virus, dubbed Langya henipavirus, infected nearly three dozen farmers and other residents [in China], according to a team of scientists who believe it may have spread directly or indirectly to people from shrews -- small mole-like mammals found in a wide variety of habitats. The pathogen did not cause any reported deaths, but was detected in 35 unrelated fever patients in hospitals in Shandong and Henan provinces between 2018 and 2021…"

Astromythological Point of View?

Yet from an astromythological point of view, these Sedna issues arise when there is unequal exchange between life forms. Like for example, when animals are not allowed to live a good life, living in their natural environments, eating a traditional diet native to the species, and in their native social circumstances raising their own young.

Astrologically, Sedna teaches that there is nothing wrong with eating the meat and drinking the milk of animals in the circle of life; when there is a fair energy exchange between life forms, a state of being in gratitude, and not taking more from nature that what one needs, or is sustainable. But when humans become greedy, hubristic and they disrespect other humans, or animals, that is an abuse of power and another’s generosity, that has consequences, for we cannot continue to abuse the source of our providence, and think that we can get away with it. Human populations simply cannot keep multiplying at a rate that is unsustainable for our natural environments, making way for more deforestation, destruction of native grasslands, and even more large-scale farming operations, like feedlots, that are just not sustainable. Cattle for example, are not meant to eat copious amounts of monocultures of genetically modified grain or ryegrass.

It is curious that in the Sedna Yod, there are two trans-Neptunian objects that has storylines around disrespect, betrayal and punishment in treating another unfairly in relation. It is detached object Sedna and Kuiper belt object and plutino Ixion that both have underworld themes, around the punishment that is doled out when one continues to be an immature, reckless idiot, who refuse to learn life lessons. Going around the karmic wheel with others in relation, never learning anything… Continuing with the same kind of karmic situations, or karmic partners, perhaps abusing others for shits and giggles, tremendous financial gain, or just preferring ignorance all around…

Varda becomes a leg in the Sedna Yod in 2025 taking it beyond 2030. Varda too has issues around a massive betrayal. In a nutshell, Varda energy is about a sudden massive collapse and death of the old way due to a betrayal, having to walk away from previous associations, having to look towards new horizons, and starting fresh elsewhere.

Global Health Crises?

The World Health Organisation declared a global health emergency for the following events, and all of them had the Sedna Yod active within 2 - 3 degrees orb:

Image: Corona Virus via Wikimedia Commons.

  • 24 July 2022 — Monkeypox (Sedna Yod apex at 29 degrees Taurus the crisis degree conjunct the Pleiades and Alcyone)

  • 31 January 2020 — COVID-19 (Sedna Yod apex at 26 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • 1 August 2018-20 — Kivu Ebola (Sedna Yod apex at 27 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • April 2016 — Zika virus (Sedna Yod apex at 24 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • March 2014 — Ebola (Sedna Yod apex at 23 Taurus, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • 5 May 2014 — Polio (Sedna Yod apex at 23 Taurus, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • January 2009 — Swine flu (Sedna Yod at 20 Taurus with Haumea sextile Ixion, Sedna square Chiron)

With both Ixion and Sedna energies entailing ‘punishment’ for treating another unfairly in relation, can mankind continue to ignore what the Sedna Yod is ‘astrologically’ trying to teach us.

It seems… that ignorance continues to be bliss… and taking accountability and this level of self-responsibility, too challenging…

Yet, Kuiper belt objects MakeMake in Libra and Quaoar in Capricorn continues to make an ongoing square beyond 2030, that results in a destructive Hammer of Thor apex that is traversing the last decan of Taurus (20 - 30 degrees Taurus), in effect demolishing the sense of security that we have been having around issues concerning Taurus the bull, like agriculture, food

production, natural environments and of course, cattle. And the big food industries are standing ready with ever increasing research and development into food produced in laboratories… Some meat and dairy processors have already invested in meat and dairy grown in a laboratory… Another article has explored what might happen when the Thor’s Hammer becomes exact, and should Foot and Mouth disease or even Lumpy skin disease in cattle come to Australia, destroying the country’s estimated 80 billlion dollar livestock, meat and dairy export industry. Perhaps then, we can return to sustainable, small-scale farming where consumer preference, and farm-to-consumer relationships gets respected, instead of being disadvantaged by government policies and red tape… so that big business, can make big money… and continue unequal energy exchange with other life forms…

In the astrological community, very few are willing to heed the lessons from the TNOs and KBOs… for they are not fluffy, not pacifying… nor for the faint at heart…

Yet we cannot continue to ignore the fact that life will never be the same again… due to the energies and consciousness the TNOs and KBOs bring… and the five pointed star in the astrological sky.


Tales the Eskimo Tell, Selected and Retold by Dorothy Morrison

It is very clear from Inuit (Eskimo is considered a derogatory term today) tales that wisdom was greatly valued and adhered to, and were retold over many, many generations.

The Inuit people knew how to live in harmony with nature, as a force that takes care of them in turn, when the spiritual balance between life forms are maintained.

In Sedna’s tales, the Angakok was a wise man who acts as a priest, prophet, and doctor, also a shaman who connects on a soul level for wisdom seeking; particularly in times of trouble when there is food shortages, due to spiritual starvation and moral depravity in the community, that is causing imbalance in the cycle of life.

To the right is the inside front page of a book with some beautiful tales. It was kindly digitised, archived and made available with funding from the University of Toronto, read the FREE version here.

Please note that Sedna’s tale is not included in this particular, small publication, but readers who know Sedna’s tale, will recognised the underlying themes are very similar. It’s about appreciating what you have, helping other people who need support, and not taking people for granted. And to guard against the evil of greed, abusing other’s generosity, bringing shame over yourself and moral decay.

Image: Four carved ivory amulets, Eskimo.

Four carved walrus ivory amulets, Eskimo, Aleutian Islands. A seated walrus, decorated with incised lines, circles and dots, a slender small fox or wolf, a basking seal perforated below the belly for suspension and a basking seal used by medicine man and hunter.

via Wikimedia Commons.


Ironically, Sedna’s discovery chart has both a Yod and a Hammer of Thor aspect pattern in it, and at the same time, dwarf planet Sedna will be at the receiving end of a Yod for the next decade, and after 2030, a potent Hammer of Thor apex from KBO Haumea in Scorpio sextile KBO Varda in Capricorn.

Change will be the new normal.


Below is an image of Inuit women eating maktaaq (bowhead whale blubber) a traditional nutrient-dense food.

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