Sedna Trine Pluto - The Dog, Fidelity, Loyalty, Support, Commitment and Integrity

Sedna is the Inuit goddess of sea and marine animals in astrology, and the dwarf planet that is currently making its closest approach to the sun in the next 50 years.

A previous ABiggerPicture article examined Sedna trine Pluto in terms of digging up and looking at the rot, and finding the value and abundance within, based off of doing that.

This article looks at the higher expressions of what the current Sedna trine Pluto aspect is uncovering and bringing to light in our collective consciousness.

When new words are coined in the human collective pay attention. Quiet-quitting and The Great Resignation are excellent examples of humanity going within, due to having to sit at home and in quiet solitude, coming to re-evaluate what they had been investing their energy into. What and who had they been loyal to?

Sedna in Taurus in the 29th degree had just gone retrograde as this article was in the process of being compiled, and the energy was heavy, thick and highly conscious. The week before an outer planet - as well as the trans-Neptunian- and Kuiper belt objects - station to go retrograde, is an excellent time to feel into the energy of it, for illumination and truth. Quiet quitting is an informal term for the practice of reducing the amount of effort one devotes - in relation - to one’s job, that went viral on social media in 2022. Quiet quitting doesn’t actually refer to quitting a day job. The practice is often based on a rejection of the pressure or expectation to “go above and beyond” in one’s role as the norm, especially when not being fairly compensated for such tasks and responsibilities.

Sedna Trine Pluto Aspect


The Sedna in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn trine aspect started in earnest early in 2022 and it brought forth a karmic flood, that had people face their controlling and selfish behaviours, especially their unresolved power issues; the desire to have power over another, as well as being powerless when someone ‘lords it over' another. This was described in the previous article. This article looks at another version of Sedna’s tale, that involves a dog, and what that tells us about Sedna higher expression energy in particular.

Remember that Pluto is the excavator of truths, rot, and looking at the bare bones of a dynamic and its foundation. When Eris squared Pluto with five direct hits in 2020 and 2021, it excavated Eris in Aries issues, as well as Pluto in Capricorn issues, and the tension that exist in the relation.

Now that Pluto is trine Sedna, the excavation of Pluto in Capricorn issues continue, yet Sedna in Taurus issues are also brought to light. Both dwarf planets are in Earth signs, and in trine, which means the energy is free flowing and beneficial. Both are in Earth signs known for stubborn,

controlling behaviour and resistance to change, yet both the energies of the two planets demands total change and a massive demolition of the old and outworn; for a new life. It’s potent!


It’s important to remember that Pluto too is a trans-Neptunian object and in the Kuiper belt. In fact, Pluto was the first Kuiper Belt object to be discovered, in 1930.

In 2006 at a meeting in Prague, the International Astronomers' Union declared that Pluto is no longer a planet. The group came up with new guidelines that downsize the solar system from nine planets to eight. Pluto was relegated to a new category labeled "dwarf planets."

Strangely, Sedna and Pluto do have commonalities. Pluto’s sign of rulership is Scorpio, and together Pluto/Scorpio they entail the merging with others in deep connection, genuine commitment in relationship, transforming through relationship, and if someone doesn’t have what it takes, or the relation is not healthy, they may be cut off entirely…

Both Pluto, and the story of Sedna and her father, symbolise the attachment versus rejection duality that is often found in family and close relationships. Having to accept the fate of rejection or abandonment, or to make the stark choice to become independent, because co-dependence became toxic. Perhaps needing to release, separate from, or sacrifice a relationship, because there is no genuine support, care or loyalty, instead, only ulterior motives… to make a ‘killing’ of some kind… (think money, profiteering, materialism etc.)

The zodiacal essence of Scorpio (Pluto’s ruling sign) is being able to manage a death and rebirth experience. The skilful application of the energy entails wiping the slate clean for a fresh, healthy start, and evolution. The unskilful is abuse of power. Both Sedna and Pluto have issues with power dynamics in relation, which have been quite evident since the start of 2022… think the war in Ukraine…

See the image above to get a grasp and comparison of how extremely wide Sedna’s elliptical orbit around the sun really is. Sedna (red), Jupiter (orange), Saturn (yellow), Uranus (green), Neptune (blue), and Pluto (purple). Sedna is a trans-Neptunian object, but considered a detached object or sednoid. Pluto takes 248 years to orbit the sun, where Sedna takes 11,390 years.

Sedna’s Various Versions of the Legend, Fidelity, Value System and Sovereign Self

There are many variations in Sedna’s tale, yet strong commonalities as well. In the version that had been described previously, her father wanted to control and direct every aspect of her life, using her as a resource to get what he wanted. Manipulation, coercion and tactics were utilised to get her to be submissive, to make herself be controlled, and if not, there were punishment for ‘disobedience’. Sedna energy contain stark, cold relationship dynamics that can cause a deep rift and dark, deranged feelings between

people, that can become real toxic. It is important to understand that the trans-Neptunian objects and Kuiper belt objects (TNOs and KBOs) all carry a strong ‘in-relation’ duality. The energies are not singular, and are always as a result of a catalyst, or unfair dynamic in relation. Both Sedna’s discovery chart and the Sedna Blog explains a lot about the relationship dynamics between her and her father, and this had already been described in multiple previous articles, as is reiterated in the Sedna trine Pluto video below.

The heart of the matter is; Sedna was in strong faithfulness to her own spirit and would not allow for her relationship to sovereign Self to be compromised, even when she was severely, and deliberately disadvantaged or punished. Being held at ransom, was an action to get her to stop her ‘stubbornness’, let go of her refusal to do as told, and instead submit to control, blackmail and taking orders. To consent to being compromised and made unhappy. She would not bow down to other people’s threats, entitlement or overstepping of boundaries with her, even when they had social license as a parent, or husband. They were seen in the light of what they were really doing, which is being selfish, and self-serving to the bone, without any genuine care for Sedna’s wellbeing in the situation. Sedna saw that her wishes were not listened to, considered, and deliberately disrespected. She was discounted, as if she had no right, worth, or value to have an input when it came to the trajectory of her life, or her destiny. Some storytellers and astrologers see Sedna as an immature, spoilt young woman, but Sedna’s discovery chart reveals this not to be the case. Sedna was a highly mature, strong-willed young woman with a destiny larger that that of the expectations placed on young women in Inuit culture of the time; to marry, have children, cook etc. Some people in Sedna’s life might have recognised that she was no ordinary person - she had a higher calling and a higher service - but instead they did not want to take her for who she really was, perhaps because they have no value system. They underestimated her, instead, assigning to her and preferring to see only a materialistic

value in her; to take a potential materialistic gain from her… Never giving her the acknowledgement, honour and the respect that she deserved, regarding what she truely brings to the table.

They wanted to abuse the relationship with her, to dominate, control and manipulate her for their own ends, and keep her smaller. They had access to her mind, spirit and heart, and they abused it.

Perhaps even trying to divert this higher purpose path away from her; to divert her along the normal expectations of life that the other young women lived by. Poverty consciousness relates to heightened awareness of the value we attach to a human being in relation to others, within the socio-cultural and political dynamics of that world. Sedna was perceived to be just a commodity or possession to be used in commerce for the things the Inuit valued, like furs, food, clothing etc. This article looks at a different aspect of Sedna energy.

In the version that will be described in this article, Sedna is the still the protagonist, and her father Anguta the antagonist, but Sedna has an ally…

Definition of Fidelity
1. faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support.
2. faithful devotion to duty or to one’s obligations or vows.
3. strict observance of promises, duties, allegiance.
3. be as good as your word.
4. demonstrated by continued steadfastness, obliging, and homage.
— Various Online Resources

Symbolic Language and the Meaning of the Sedna and the Dog Tale, and Poverty Consciousness

Astromythology is all about the symbols in the legends, myths, folktales and folklore as it pertains to the TNOs and KBOs.

The symbolic language in these myths is a potent way to communicate universal concepts and their deeper meaning, to the shared experiences that we have, as a human collective. Symbolic language transcends cultures and social groups, and although the meanings and acceptances of symbolic language do vary, there is an ubiquitousness about them. Symbolic language

conveys everything inherent to what the human being feels, his expressions and sensations expressed. Mythology provides insight and revelation, and has to be coloured with many meanings if people are to universally understand it. The reason why many generations of people support these stories, and retell them, is because they are beautiful tales that have supernal meaning to the storytellers and the listeners. They are the accumulated accounts that have grown from the life experience of many travellers, because the best myths do not belong to just one person alone. It is the consolidation of a common lived human experience, told over and over again, to the point where it just resonates deeply with the listener, on a higher level. The Inuit are excellent storytellers.

In the dog version of Sedna’s tale, Sedna lived with her father in an Inuit village. Anguta wanted her to marry the suitors he brought home, but she refused; not wanting to bow down to the expectation that she marries just any man, and settle for and accept just anyone. There was a great tug of war of the strong willed, because Anguta kept bringing the men of his choice, and Sedna kept refusing, which became an embarrassment for her father in society. He would try to force her, demean her, or punish her, according to various versions, it was showing that there were bad feelings, ill intentions, and great resistance, that just escalated over time…

Sedna took a dog for a spouse because she was disgusted by the lack of quality potential partners in her father’s territory.

Some say her intention behind her dog marriage was to spite her oppressive father; to have a family with the dog, to further humiliate him in the eyes of society. Perhaps showing that Anguta couldn’t keep his household or daughter in order, or that he was ‘weak’. In some other versions, the marriage to the dog is actually her father’s punishment for Sedna, for disobedience, but it ends up being a happy marriage for Sedna. By being happy in this marriage to a dog, Sedna undermines her father’s abuse of power and authority - that he had been trying to project over her life - by being happy

in her unusual marriage. Dogs in many cultures (including Inuit) are known as affectionate and loyal. These qualities can be held up in opposition to the punitive and faithless behaviour of Sedna’s father, who had none such qualities.

Sedna wasn’t going to be an enabler of other people’s bad choices for her, and the consequences that the bondage would have for her happiness, yet she was in the muck of the low vibrational energies, and it did affect her. Sedna didn’t want to sell her soul to those around her who were in poverty consciousness, who lacked moral values and character, and were so psychologically intelligent, yet using it in a negative way.

In ancient times the Inuit were nomadic people, and they lived in skin tents for some parts of the year, to move after food sources more readily. Members of the community were in each other’s business all the time. And some who were vexed by another’s spirit, could do little to escape their dark animosity. When relationships became toxic, abusive or downright dangerous to a person’s wellbeing, there were a lot of struggles. Many versions of the tale contain elements of vengeance, retribution, etc. showing that relationships could turn quite sour, when one party tries to inflict their ranking, social status or societal pressure, unfairly on another’s sovereignty. In Sedna’s tales, it is easy to deduct why the qualities of the dog was so revered, in times of an oppressive systematic way of living, and materialism, hoarding, and greed were rife…

Define Poverty Consciousness
1. the belief that there isn’t enough of anything to go around (not enough money, time, planning, resources etc.)
2. a consciousness that is dominated by the belief that there isn’t enough of what you need or want in life.
3. a belief that there is only a finite amount of resources.
4. a subconscious feeling of worthlessness due to growing up hearing a person are not good enough.
5. a set of attitudes, beliefs, feelings or values associated with a fear of material lack.
6. a heightened awareness of the value we attach to a human being in relation to others.
7. personal value being assigned according to the socio-cultural and political dynamics of our world.
— Various online sources

Mental Fortitude, Emotional Stability, Strength and Soul

The community lived in close quarters and had to share limited space, especially during the height of the winter months when they were highly co-dependent on each other, not only for physical survival, but emotional and mental endurance, especially when they were challenged by food scarcity, extreme cold or hunger.

Some people were not able control themselves under these trying circumstances, so they tried to control others - to keep them stuck in poverty consciousness - by playing in their energy. This is bad business.

Perhaps allowing their depressed emotions to become putrid, their overthinking thoughts to dwell on distortions or denial, and it then spilling over into morally corrupt behaviour, like spite, retribution, or grudges, challenging others around them. Being a deliberate drain, in an obvious or covert way… to mess with other’s mental space… creating burdens for others…

When people could not get along, due to friction, mental health problems, or feeling hurt by another in relation, there was a great temptation to be hurtful, bitter, spiteful etc. Or to get rid of the perceived

problem, instead of being compassionate, supportive, and in faithfulness to that person. Despite being greatly challenged on many levels, in all versions of Sedna’s tale, she had the strength to overcome and survive, and do soul searching for wisdom. Realising that some people are just more resilient and have more mental fortitude, than to indulge in this kind of toxic behaviour. With or without the loyalty of an ally. With or without the security ‘of a roof over her head’, she eventually accepted her independence, rejecting co-dependence. In right relationship with her Self - in self-accountability - is how she chose to be.

Exposing The Farce: Trying to Make the Deserving think they are not Deserving, Valuable or Worthy

Sedna knew that sacred reverence for authentic sovereign Self, is more important than anything else in life…

Even a dog who gets kicked or abused by a human, won’t allow itself to be harmed for long, bearing its teeth at its abuser, ready to bite in turn if the warning isn’t heeded… so why should Sedna put up with it?

In Sedna’s discovery chart, the conjunction of Venus, Pluto and Mercury in Sagittarius has trans-Neptunian object Quaoar sandwiched in between, and Ixion conjunct Mercury, in the 11th house of the common goals of a community, and “following the masses”. With Sedna energy there is an eventual realisation that comes from this toxic social dynamic; that each person is responsible for their own energy and their own enlightenment. If you have a heart’s desire or destiny to elevate, you can’t stay amongst low vibrational, betraying freeloaders, or take them with you. People who hold the intention to break your heart, by forcing you to comply, and be like everyone else… will have to be dropped…

Sedna finally realising that she is free in her own energy, detached from users, abusers and opportunists. Safe in self-love and in allegiance to her Self and her Soul first and foremost.

In faithfulness and devotion to Self. Not settling. Having made right investment. In integrity. Vindicated. Justice by non-forceful actions. Loyal, committed, and wise to rely on her inner tuition and what she knew; to avoid disaster. Respect.

Ultimately the immense pressure of both the Yod and Hammer of Thor on Saturn in Cancer in Sedna’s discovery chart, demanded that she take full responsibility for her life, that she create her own law and order within her Self. Doing the homework and controlling her Self, and being fully accountable; to sit down with her Self, to allow soul maturity. Bringing balance to her feminine and masculine energies, and bringing end to karmic cycles, by learning the lessons, forgiving and moving up and on. In the higher expression, Sedna energy is about teaching others how to respect what is due respect.


Symbolism and Meaning of the Dog

The wild dog is a majestic, independent creature, but many were domesticated by the Inuit. Animals and humans lived in symbiosis and for mutual benefit, by mutual consent.

The dog is a symbol for unconditional love, faithfulness, perseverance, companionship, patience and devotion. They are stable, reliable, trustworthy animals that value relationship, and affection. They have a value system. They have foresight and tap into a deep vein of wisdom inside themselves.

The dog is a faithful companion and reliable protector of themselves and others. They are a symbol of loyalty, honesty, and companionship. Dogs are often symbolic of love, friendship, constancy, and domesticity. Dog symbolism reminds us that kindness will often get you a lot further than criticism. Fidelity is a valuable quality. Mental and emotional stability, especially at a time of crisis, are valuable assets. Being able to control yourself and soul connected, priceless.

Dogs don’t attempt to oppress, manipulate or control others in a methodical way.

Dogs don’t put others in a mental, physical or spiritual cage.

Dogs don’t want an economic, financial or status gain.

Dogs don’t love-bomb with dark ulterior motives. They are not cold-hearted, nor selfish takers.

Why is this important for Higher Expression Elevation?

As can be deduced from the information below, the Sedna Yod has been active since before 2009, being a catalyst for all sorts of viruses that came into prominence in our awareness. Things really started to shift in 2020 when the Sedna apex was conjunct malefic star Algol and it led to coronavirus lockdowns, and our lives forever changed. Currently, apex Sedna is in the 29th crisis degree Taurus, and Ixion is at 0 degrees Capricorn sextile Haumea at 29 degrees Libra. Ixion ceases to be a leg in the Sedna Yod at the end of 2024, but is soon replaced by Varda as leg, taking the Sedna Yod beyond 2030…

We’re likely to be experiencing this energy, or similar energy, for a long time to come…

Do we really want to be in ignorance and not embrace the higher expression?

Sedna will conjunct malefic fixed star Algol again in February 2023. Algol is at 26 degrees Taurus, and according to the ephemeris, Sedna will be at 28 degrees 49 Taurus on 5 February 2023. Pluto will be at 28 degrees 49 Capricorn. The Sedna Yod will be active, with Varda at 26 degrees 47 Sagittarius and Haumea at 1 degrees Scorpio. This is going to be a powerful synchronicity in time… to watch out for… and make sure you don’t loose your head… Yes, Algol is involved…

Viruses and Global Health Crises?

Also consider other articles on this website, that explains Sedna’s clear connection to recent viruses and public health crises. In astrology, Pluto too has been associated with viruses, plagues, infections, death and the like. The World Health Organisation declared a global health emergency for the following events, and all of them had the Sedna Yod active within 2 - 3 degrees orb:

  • 24 July 2022 — Monkeypox (Sedna Yod apex at 29 degrees Taurus the crisis degree conjunct the Pleiades and Alcyone)

  • 31 January 2020 — COVID-19 (Sedna Yod apex at 26 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • 1 August 2018-20 — Kivu Ebola (Sedna Yod apex at 27 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • April 2016 — Zika virus (Sedna Yod apex at 24 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • March 2014 — Ebola (Sedna Yod apex at 23 Taurus, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • 5 May 2014 — Polio (Sedna Yod apex at 23 Taurus, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • January 2009 — Swine flu (Sedna Yod at 20 Taurus with Haumea sextile Ixion, Sedna square Chiron)

The Energetic Signature of COVID, Long COVID, and how it Corresponds to the Themes in Sedna’s Tale

The very first article written on Sedna’s energy signature, explains how the energies of COVID, and Long COVID corresponds to the experience where Sedna spent time on the arctic island in isolation and what she experienced there, which entails the loss and sense of time, identity dissolution, going within, complete loss of an old way of being, and eventually connecting to a new identity as soul self; as divine having a human experience for a short time. This won’t be reiterated, nor explored in this article though.

Tales the Eskimo Tell, Selected and Retold by Dorothy Morrison

It is very clear from Inuit (Eskimo is considered a derogatory term today) tales that wisdom was greatly valued and adhered to, and were retold over many, many generations, as this little book published in 1900 shows.

The Inuit people knew how to live in harmony with nature, as a force that takes care of them in turn, when the spiritual balance between life forms are maintained.

In Sedna’s tales, the Angakok was a wise man who acts as a priest, prophet, and doctor, also a shaman who connects on a soul level for wisdom seeking; particularly in times of trouble when there is food shortages, due to the spiritual starvation and moral depravity in the community, that is causing imbalance in the cycle of life.

To the right is the inside front page of a book with some beautiful tales. It was kindly digitised, archived and made available with funding from the University of Toronto, read the FREE version here.

Please note that Sedna’s tale is not included in this particular, small publication, but readers who know Sedna’s tale, will recognised the underlying themes are very similar. It’s about appreciating what you have, helping other people who need support, and not taking people for granted. And to guard against the evil of greed, envy, abusing other’s generosity, bringing shame over yourself and moral decay. For more on Inuit stories see this article.

Five Pointed Star Pentagram

History shows us that powerful organisations - who value power and domination - have been drawn to use the pentagram, or five pointed star in their business logos.

Since April 2022, there has been a potent five pointed star in the astrological sky. The Pentagram of Change online course makes a deep dive into these energies.

It is often in the week leading up to a Sedna station to go retrograde, that conscious people are able to tap into the energy of the trans-Neptunian and Kuiper belt objects with remarkable clarity. The energy can be described as heavy, thick and highly conscious. It is powerful medicine - full of potential - when the shaman metaphorically comes knocking; to ask Sedna about what the community has to do, to recitfy their behaviour… to move away, from the trajectory; towards spiritual starvation or moral depravity…

More Astrological Sedna Articles: