Sedna Trine Pluto - The Digging up of the Rot, to Find Value and Abundance Within

Sedna is the Inuit Goddess of the Sea and Marine Animals in Astrology.

She is the both Goddess of the Deep Abyss, who dwells in the deepest, most inaccessible part of the Arctic Ocean, and far outer reaches of known space as the dwarf planet. She is a mere 50 years from within her closest brush to Earth. Sedna’s watery energies are affecting each of us as individuals, resulting in some mental health crises, and icy, stuck emotions. Having to wade through intense psychologically buried emotions of frozen anger, resentment, disappointment etc. that comes up from the depths, due to betrayal and neglect. Needing to become unstuck; to forgive, heal and find renewal, in your own energy. Being abundant, giving, and more loving than before.

The Sedna blog is packed with stories about how Sedna higher expression came into being. It becomes clear from her Inuit legend, that her’s is the hero’s journey, yet every planetary energy has a higher expression and lower expression…

Lower expression Sedna is the harbinger of economic, financial, ecological, and social disasters, the greedy desecration of nature, and the moral decay of ill-gotten gains and stolen wealth. It’s about karmic floods, global food supply chains, food shortages, labour shortages, rising cost of living, CoVid etc. It is the illusion of power over others, the deep visceral fear of being at a loss, and the betrayal of good sense to take a materialistic gain. Sedna transits involves the experience of some feeling entitled to use and abuse the time, attention, resources or investment of one person, sucking them empty of their life force. Draining their energy, and chucking them under the bus, abandoning them, when they had become worthless to them, or not willing to go along with the narrative anymore.

This is the invisible abuse of power between life forms, wether human to human, or in relation to nature, animals, or something else, that is an unfair and an unequal exchange of energy, for a selfish gain.

Swindling Corporate Interests and Institutional Leadership

This article explores the Venus/Mercury/Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius in the 11th house in Sedna’s discovery chart, which reveals the ideals of social groups towards a particular goal. As well as institutions of government who legislate in the favour of big business, and deliberately install red tape for the small scale business, who is seen as competition. Money hungry. Total control and domination of markets and status driven. Power crazed. Perhaps even mentally off the rocker, due to soul disconnect. Taking social license - from political position - to disadvantage large groups of people, for a materialistic gain of a particular industry, and the financial interests around it. In mundane astrology, the 11th house cluster is the scheming, devaluation and exploitation of the earth’s natural resources, by social consent, entitlement, and by taking social license, to expand corporate investments, international relations and trade.

Sedna lower expression people are often the controlling individuals found in the top echelon of the business or political world or their area of expertise, due to their ability to be absolutely brutal, twisting the words of their opponent around in a trap, solidifying lies about them; to knock out the opponent in business arena and win.

These people are character killers, because by obliterating all the competition around them, they push to secure their space to be first in line, and have an open playing field for themselves.

Both Sedna, and Kuiper belt object Eris, Goddess of Discord and Strife, are about tarnishing the character of another person, through clever talking, and stealth manoeuvring, yet different dynamics and motivations are involved. For Sedna lower expression, it is the desire to have that open playing field, to be greedy and self-serving in business opportunities. And for Eris lower expression, it involves more of the element of wanting all the admiration of people on themselves, which is why there has to be a tarnishing of the other person, who is in a respected role or position.

Lower expression Sedna is the Machiavellian swindler; manipulating, calculating and scheming for a win that buries, devalues or obliterates another party. Thinking they are entitled to kill the humanity of those who may be quiet, stable or may not be able to resist a sudden brutal, mutilating attack on them.

To force situations, or coerce to get what they want.

Savage in their attack strategies, out of greed or envy.

Thinking that they can do and say whatever they want.

There is no loyalty or commitment, when it comes to overriding ambition.

Greed. Nothing is sacred.

Not even family or one’s own offspring.

The lower expression in Sedna’s Inuit tale are different people, depending on which version of tale, and is either Sedna’s father Anguta or her husband. These are the selfish individuals who held positions of power in society, and betrayed Sedna over material things that are valuable to the Inuit, like furs, clothing, food, shelter etc. Sedna was shown no appreciation, devalued and degraded by the individuals in her life, who

valued materialism, power-over and greed, above all else. Giving her either the bare minimum, or worse, gaslighting or bread-crumbing her, because she would not go along with their agendas. Perhaps they were even putting her out in the cold - as a strategy to get her to come back crawling - so she can be controlled, manipulated and treated badly some more… Perhaps reasoning that the neglect and lack of support might make her submissive to the control, teach her a lesson, or be the justice or karma for ‘disobedience’… These are the mind distortions that people with unresolved power issues have… keep reading…

Image: Copper Inuk man backpacking near Bernard Harbour, Northwest Territories (Nunavut) via Wikimedia Commons.

Sedna’s Energetic Detachment, Boundaries and Discernment

When Sedna was forced to pull back her energy, after disrespect, abuse and even physical mutilation, she learnt the valuable lessons of valuing herself. Realising that there is something fundamentally dysfunctional with greedy, materialistic individuals like her father, and that she needed to put distance between herself, and their poverty-mindset; in self-preservation of the self-love and self-truth she had cultivated, while isolated, abandoned and rejected. Sedna went MIA from the people’s lives who tried to use her as a stepping stone for their own growth, who refused to give her what she was owed in relation. To stay in her divinity and high vibrational state instead. To cherish real abundance, true loyalty and genuine commitment, but to Self, because the selfish and greedy, could not appreciate the value of what they had, when they had it. This is the polarity of Sedna energy, as is reflected in Sedna’s legend, and described in other articles in the Sedna blog. It is the massive polarity between immature people who are not yet ‘life experienced’ to invest

Image: Studio portrait of Eskimo man with mustache and wavy hair in fur parka, Nome, 1905 via Wikimedia Commons.

in right relation, versus those who are mature, wise and sage beyond their years, and how the chasm between the two can become so wide, that an energetic snap and severing eventually occurs, Sedna choosing her happiness, above allowing herself to be further humiliated, degraded or devalued. Genuine emotional fulfilment and authentic love should not be so difficult to obtain, and can be enjoyed from soul connectedness instead. Stability, reciprocity and a sense of security are to be found with relationship and an honouring of Self first, before it can be shared with another. And some people are simply running on empty too much of the time, to be able to reciprocate, in healthy, equal give and take relation. It can become an immense burden and even toxic; to mother or father another person, who are simply too immature to develop and grow on their own. New beginnings ended up being the only way forward for Sedna, despite having regrets about giving her ‘everything’ to nurture and be supportive of vain, self-centred people. Giving chances to people who just do not want to grow up, nor change their ways… betraying her and breaking her heart. It is finding new perspective, that leads to discovering the pearls within… choosing to prosper in a new supportive and fertile environment, with new friends and new surroundings... Sedna discovered that she had a pure heart, and needed to keep her energy away from others with ill intentions for her.

Astrologically, Sedna energy is about growing the foresight to remove yourself from foolishness, emotional manipulation and control in relationship; to foresee the problems, before it involves you.

To cut your losses and take the high road instead, well ahead of disaster. Transit Sedna is associated with time seemingly slowing down, or a feeling of a time freeze… allowing for soul searching… It is a time of reprieve, withdrawal and silence, and life taking on a surreal feeling, as if one is in a seemingly sleep/death-like phase in life. Sedna will also be conjunct the Pleiades (the Weeping Sisters) until 2026, which entail the return of needing to allow the feminine principles, like healthy feeling, sensing, emotions and intuition, and tapping into connection with Soul Self; as a divine being having a human experience.

Two other articles on this website describes why energetic detachment, strong boundaries and discernment are common threads in Sedna, Haumea, Eris and Varda’s astromythologies. Sedna energy is particular, is about learning who you really are; a new identity rooted in soul wisdom.

SEDNA TRINE PLUTO - Digging for Gold, but what kind of Gold?

Sedna trine Pluto is also about over-riding power issues vs powerlessness. As well as power-trips, entitlement, wanting to control the narrative, or stay on top.

Sedna trine Pluto is a ‘karmic flood’ coming in to dig up, and deal with unresolved power struggles from the past in all humans, but especially pulling on the ego and power issues of the leaders of the world. There has been a tremendous fear of losing power and control in recent months… Yet power over others is an illusion, because it does not address the insecurity… If you cannot control your self, controlling others is just a reflection of an unresolved issue…

At the core of all power is fear – fear of losing power, fear of having others have power over you.
— Adamus Saint Germain

This is what Sedna higher expression eventually realises; refusing to get sucked into power games, not choosing sides. Being very discerning of what and who she allows in her personal space and energy, who she shares her time and dreams with. Having compassion, yet choosing to distance herself. Understanding the balance between light and dark, and the true integration of light and dark, feminine and masculine, into completion, wholeness and new energy. Allowing the abundance and the light of her own divine energy, that comes from Soul connection instead, to bring true fulfilment, sustenance, and substance.

Sedna energy is about the relationship dynamics that breaks your heart, but fixes your vision. Painful, but when you heed the lessons, freeing.

SEDNA TRINE PLUTO - Tremendous Potential or Tremendous Disaster

There has never been such an important time to explore lower expression Sedna, because Sedna in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn, and have some remarkable similarities in energy.

Both are in Earth signs, known for stubborn, controlling behaviour and resistance to change, yet both the energies of the two planets demands change and a massive demolition of the old and outworn. It’s potent!

The trine aspect is causing a free-flowing of energy between the two, and the potentials for not only exposure of the rot, and the revelation of truth, but also a recognition of the problem, and an opportunity for psychological death, transformation and rebirth into a higher expression.

A trine is beneficial and benevolent aspect. Transit Pluto is in trine to Sedna early 2022 - December 2025 (depending on orb of influence). In this trine aspect, there is potential for society to find new ways, by allowing soul searching, or time in meditation, cultivating awareness. And also for some individuals to look within for great abundance, like Sedna did when she did the shamanic journey to the core of her being.

Sedna in Taurus, in the last critical degree, entails extreme greed, materialism and ruthless behaviour to make a profit, or a killing. It is extreme gold-digging, deliberate stealing, betrayal of principles or values, alienation, and delusion. It is bull-headedness and refusal to give way - in Earth sign Taurus - yet Sedna energy demands demolition and death of the old.

Pluto is the planet of wiping the slate clean for a fresh start, change and transformation. Also of coercion, power, destruction, death and obsession.

Pluto in Capricorn probes deeply into Capricorn issues of corruption, greed, tyranny and depravity of those in respected positions of power. It’s currently in the very last degrees of Capricorn, bringing to light the abuse of power, swindling, scandals, skeletons in the closet, to purge what is rotten inside and exorcise demons. This has been going on since Pluto first move into Capricorn, but is ramped up at present due to all the outer planets moving towards or in the 29th degree of their signs, and also some of the Kuiper belt objects (Haumea, Ixion, Sedna and Varda), also being in or around the 29th degree of their signs.

Pluto first enters the 29th degree of Capricorn on February 2023 (for one month), then due to retrograde on June 2023 (one month) and December 2023 (one month), September 2024 (2.5 months). This may be challenging, as more of the heaviness of the evils in established institutions - and its leaders - are revealed, that until recently had been trusted, respected and obeyed, to maintain order and provide protection and well-being in society. When a planet is at the final degree of a zodiac sign, it’s called an anarectic-, crucial-, critical degree, or “degree of fate”. The issues at play take a desperate expression to solve the crises at hand. There is this feeling of urgency with 29 degree planets, as if time is running out. To mature. To make it. It’s the peak in completing an important phase in the human collective, before switching to the next sign...

From July 2021 - 2026 all of the outer planets will be in the 29th degree for some time, and aspecting each other around the same time, which is rare…

Sedna trine Pluto brings up the extreme coldness, selfishness, pride, devilishness, and the desperate measures that individuals may take to have power, and to avoid the fear they have around being powerless. Sedna trine Pluto exposes what people have done to sell their soul to the devil, perhaps to get something they had initially thought would be a gain.

Sedna at 29 degrees Taurus stationed to go retrograde during the writing of this article, and it is timely for the the tapping into the brutal lower expression energy of Sedna, which is palpable. This happened while Mars was conjunct Sedna as well. And Sedna in the crisis degree of 29 Taurus is activated at the apex of a Yod between Haumea in Libra and Ixion on Capricorn.

A Trine aspect pattern astrological glyph

It is often in the week leading up to a Sedna station to go retrograde, that conscious people are able to tap into the energy of the trans-Neptunian and Kuiper belt objects with remarkable clarity. The energy can be described as heavy, thick and highly conscious. It is powerful medicine - full of potential - when the shaman metaphorically comes knocking; to ask Sedna about what the community has to do, to recitfy their behaviour… to move away, from the trajectory; towards spiritual starvation or moral depravity…

Sedna will conjunct malefic fixed star Algol again in February 2023. Algol is at 26 degrees Taurus, and according to the ephemeris, Sedna will be at 28 degrees 49 Taurus on 5 February 2023. Pluto will be at 28 degrees 49 Capricorn. The Sedna Yod will be active, with Varda at 26 degrees 47 Sagittarius and Haumea at 1 degrees Scorpio.

This is going to be a powerful synchronicity in time… to watch out for… and make sure you don’t loose your head…


Global Health Crises?

Also consider other articles on this website, that explains Sedna’s clear connection to recent viruses and public health crises. In astrology, Pluto too has been associated with viruses, plagues, infections, death and the like.

The World Health Organisation declared a global health emergency for the following events, and all of them had the Sedna Yod active within 2 - 3 degrees orb:

Image: Corona Virus via Wikimedia Commons.

  • 24 July 2022 — Monkeypox (Sedna Yod apex at 29 degrees Taurus the crisis degree conjunct the Pleiades and Alcyone)

  • 31 January 2020 — COVID-19 (Sedna Yod apex at 26 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • 1 August 2018-20 — Kivu Ebola (Sedna Yod apex at 27 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • April 2016 — Zika virus (Sedna Yod apex at 24 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • March 2014 — Ebola (Sedna Yod apex at 23 Taurus, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • 5 May 2014 — Polio (Sedna Yod apex at 23 Taurus, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • January 2009 — Swine flu (Sedna Yod at 20 Taurus with Haumea sextile Ixion, Sedna square Chiron)

Sedna’s Yod and Hammer of Thor in the Discovery Chart

Sedna energy is potent and very, very powerful, and this is reflected in the Yod and Hammer apex on Saturn in the sixth house in her discovery chart.

The Pentagram of Change online course talks about the potent destructive energy that is innate in Sedna energy, and other articles in the free content section discusses the Venus, Mercury, Pluto in Sagittarius in the 11th house cluster in details. Therefore these issues will be mentioned here, but not reiterated.

The Pentagram of Change course details how MakeMake in Libra square Quaoar in Capricorn will make a Hammer apex in the last decan of Taurus (20 - 30 degrees) until 2030, perhaps forever having a demolishing effect on those Taurean issues; like earth matters, agriculture, food production, the natural world, assets, and most important of all… cattle. After 2030, both a Hammer of Thor apex and a Yod will form on transiting Sedna still widely conjunct the crisis degree of 29 Taurus, and it will be a hammering to remember… of epic proportions. It’s going to be a strange dejavu echo of the Yod and Hammer apex in the discovery chart…


See the image below to get a grasp and comparison of how extremely wide Sedna’s elliptical orbit around the sun really is. Sedna (red), Jupiter (orange), Saturn (yellow), Uranus (green), Neptune (blue), and Pluto (purple). Sedna is a trans-Neptunian object, but considered a detached object or sednoid. Pluto takes 248 years to orbit the sun, where Sedna takes 11,390 years.


Five Pointed Star Pentagram

History shows us that powerful organisations - who value power and domination - have been drawn to use the pentagram, or five pointed star in their business logos.

Since April 2022, there has been a potent five pointed star in the astrological sky. The Pentagram of Change online course makes a deep dive into these energies.

More Sedna Astrology Articles: