Posts tagged extreme consumerism and materialism in astrology sedna
Transit Sedna Through Gemini, Taurus, Aries and Pisces and now as the Sedna Yod Concludes, it is Born again.

This was profound news to this astrologer, as I have often wondered about the astrological significance of speaking of Artificial Intelligence as a Sedna in Gemini shift, at the same time that Pluto moves into technology and innovation oriented Aquarius, and many other trans-personal planets, and trans-Neptunian objects also make a shift into a new zodiac sign. It’s quite profound.

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Sedna Trine Pluto - The Digging up of the Rot, to Find Value and Abundance Within

There has never been such an important time to explore lower expression Sedna, because Sedna in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn, and have some remarkable similarities in energy. Both are in Earth signs, known for stubborn behaviour and resistance to change, yet both the energies of the two planets demands change and a massive demolition of the old and outworn. It’s potent!

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Sedna, Inanna, the Underworld, the Great Potential for Alchemy and the 11th House

Nobody can deny that in the last two years we have seen extreme forms of narcissism and god-complex, with a mixture of Sagittarius North Node, Eris square Pluto, Uranus square Saturn, Sedna conjunct fixed star Algol, and Sedna now conjunct the Pleiades, the North Node. There is also hope for Venus/Jupiter/Neptune in Pisces. So it is no wonder that the option is now there to go into the metaphorical underworld, and loose those attachments to illusions and makyo… The element of chaos, do also present a potential for great alchemy.

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Sedna, The Flying Dutchman, Corporate Entities, Capitalism and Dashed Hopes

Sedna is seen as a harbinger of disaster, but that is only from a certain point of view, for she has abundance and backbone, despite the appearance of none. Sedna’s watery energies are affecting each of us as individuals, resulting in some mental health crises, and icy, stuck emotions. Psychologically, she is the way-shower and shaman, and with that comes some disillusionment, mental health crises, and stuck frozen emotions. Sedna is a mere 50 years from within her closest brush to Earth.

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